Harmonizes, formats, and locks a selected place
/* global I18n */ /* global OpenLayers */ /* global $ */ /* global W */ /* global GM_info */ /* global require */ /* global performance */ /* global OL */ /* global _ */ // ==UserScript== // @name Place Harmonizer // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/19426-bmtg // @version 1.1.27 // @description Harmonizes, formats, and locks a selected place // @author WMEPH development group // @include https://editor-beta.waze.com/*editor/* // @include https://www.waze.com/*editor/* // @exclude https://www.waze.com/*user/editor/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { // item = W.selectionManager.selectedItems[0].model alert('You are running a version of WME Place Harmonizer that is from 2016 and is no longer supported. Please uninstall any version 1.1.x that you have, and visit the WME forums to install the new version. https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=819&t=215657'); })();