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Coursera EXT - Native Chrome FullScreen

Coursera Extension -- Use native chromeless fullscreen in chrome

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// ==UserScript==
// @name            Coursera EXT - Native Chrome FullScreen
// @description     Coursera Extension -- Use native chromeless fullscreen in chrome
// @namespace       http://sepczuk.com/
// @version         0.11
// @include         https://*.coursera.org/*/lecture/*
// @match           https://*.coursera.org/*/lecture/*
// @copyright       2012, Damian Sepczuk
// ==/UserScript==
function mainWrapper(){
function main(){
if (window.QL_player === undefined) {
setTimeout(main, 300);
var appendCallback = function(original, toAppend){ // from coursera src
return function(){
var that = this;
var returnVal = original.call(that, arguments);
toAppend.call(that, arguments);
return returnVal;
var prependCallback = function(original, toPrepend){
return function(){
var that = this;
toPrepend.apply(that, arguments);
return original.apply(that, arguments);
QL_player.mediaelement_handle.enterFullScreen = prependCallback(QL_player.mediaelement_handle.enterFullScreen, function(){
console.log("Trying to go chromeless fullscreen...");
QL_player.mediaelement_handle.exitFullScreen = appendCallback(QL_player.mediaelement_handle.exitFullScreen, function(){
console.log("Trying to exit chromeless fullscreen...");
if (!document.xmlVersion) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ mainWrapper +')();'));