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IsThereAnyDeal.com Collection Importer

Adds buttons to various sites to export your game lists to ITAD

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1
/* IsThereAnyDeal.com Collection Importer
// ==UserScript==
// @name IsThereAnyDeal.com Collection Importer
// @version 0.1b18
// @namespace http://isthereanydeal.com/
// @description Adds buttons to various sites to export your game lists to ITAD
// @icon http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/itad/images/banners/50x50.gif
// @license MIT
// @supportURL https://github.com/ssokolow/itad_importer/issues
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js
// @match *://fireflowergames.com/my-account*
// @match *://fireflowergames.com/my-lists/*
// @match *://flyingbundle.com/users/account*
// @match *://www.flyingbundle.com/users/account*
// @match *://www.gog.com/account*
// @match *://www.gog.com/order/status/*
// @match *://groupees.com/purchases*
// @match *://groupees.com/users/*
// @match *://www.humblebundle.com/home*
// @match *://www.humblebundle.com/downloads?key=*
// @match *://www.humblebundle.com/s?key=*
// ==/UserScript==
Any patches to this script should be made against the original
CoffeeScript source file available (and documented) at:
Copyright ©2014-2018 Stephan Sokolow
License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
- Add a `@downloadURL` for the script
var BUTTON_LABEL, ITAD_12X12, ITAD_14X14_GRAY, attr, gog_prepare_title, humble_make_button, humble_parse, scrapeGames, scrapers;
BUTTON_LABEL = "Export to ITAD";
ITAD_12X12 = "data:image/png;base64,\niVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAwAAAAMCAMAAABhq6zVAAAAZlBMVEUEbrIEbrIJcbQLcrQefboo\ng70rhb4thr8vh78zicA6jcNCksVLl8hWnctZn8xdoc1ipM9ipc9kptB5stZ6staCt9mHutqJu9ud\nxuGozeSrz+W72OrA2+zJ4O7U5vLX6PPn8fj3+vyC0mvkAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAFdJREFUCB0F\nwYkCgUAABcA3CpElRyRH6/9/0kwCQALtZSwNglN9Pt5LR+jqGuelEaYbeBXh04P7KMwDeF6E8l1h\nW1vh8PsO/bWeiGPdl/kzdYjdBkACQP5LygQ7CM8T6wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==";
ITAD_14X14_GRAY = "data:image/png;base64,\niVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA4AAAAOCAMAAAAolt3jAAAAdVBMVEUEbrKTlaCTlZ+TlZ+UlqCY\nmaSYmqWcnqednqieoKmfoaugoqulprCvsLivsbiwsrmztLuztby2uL7BwsjDxcrExcvIyc7V1trW\n1trX2Nvn5+rp6evx8vP19fb39/j4+Pn5+fr7+/v7+/z8/Pz8/P39/f3///8J+FboAAAAJHRSTlMA\ny+rw8PHx8fHx8vLy9PT09PT19vf39/n5+fz8/f3+/v7+/v695LIzAAAAcUlEQVQIHQXBhwGCQAAE\nsHui2FHsBeyy/4gmSQGgJKWCeTNFVQJNN9yH2xJB+z3WZuf3kjDuD+B8I6wfIzAbpsLuCrg3QtsD\n9TAXJq8tOHYEl9+W0eHbEPaf06u/PvoWsXmuTNrdegwp1QJAVZICQMkf1qQG7Yh+Z60AAAAASUVO\nRK5CYII=";
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
attr = function(node, name) {
return node.getAttribute(name);
gog_prepare_title = function(elem) {
var dom;
dom = $('.product-title', elem).clone();
$('._product-flag', dom).remove();
return dom.text();
humble_make_button = function() {
var a, button, label;
label = $('<span class="label"></span>').html(BUTTON_LABEL);
a = $('<a class="a" href="#"></span>').html(BUTTON_LABEL).css('padding-left', '9px');
return button = $('<div class="flexbtn active noicon"></div>').append('<div class="right"></div>').append(label).append(a);
humble_parse = function() {
var x;
return {
version: "02",
data: (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $('div.row').has(' .downloads.windows .download, .downloads.linux .download, .downloads.mac .download, .downloads.android .download').find('div.title');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: x.textContent.trim(),
copies: [
type: 'humblestore'
return _r###lts;
scrapers = {
'fireflowergames.com': {
'^https://fireflowergames\\.com/my-account/?': {
'source_id': 'fireflower',
'game_list': function() {
var r###lts, title, titles, uniques, x;
r###lts = $('ul.digital-downloads li a');
titles = [
(function() {
var _i, _len, _r###lts;
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = r###lts.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = r###lts[_i];
_r###lts.push($(x).text().split(" – ")[0].trim());
return _r###lts;
uniques = titles.filter(function(title, pos) {
return titles.indexOf(title) === pos;
return {
version: "02",
data: (function() {
var _i, _len, _r###lts;
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = uniques.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
title = uniques[_i];
title: title,
copies: [
type: 'fireflower',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
return $('<a class="button"></a>').html(BUTTON_LABEL).css({
verticalAlign: '20%',
marginLeft: '1em'
'^http://fireflowergames\\.com/my-lists/(edit-my|view-a)-list/\\?.+': {
'source_id': 'fireflower',
'game_list': function() {
var r###lts, x;
r###lts = $('table.wl-table tbody td.check-column input:checked').parents('tr').find('td.product-name a');
if (!r###lts.length) {
r###lts = $('table.wl-table td.product-name a');
return {
version: "02",
data: (function() {
var _i, _len, _r###lts;
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = r###lts.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = r###lts[_i];
title: $(x).text().trim()
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
return $('<a class="button"></a>').html(BUTTON_LABEL).wrap('<td></td>').appendTo($('table.wl-actions-table tbody:first').find('tr:last'));
'is_wishlist': true
'flyingbundle.com': {
'https?://(www\\.)?flyingbundle\\.com/users/account#?': {
'source_id': 'flying_bundle',
'game_list': function() {
var x;
return {
version: "02",
data: (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $(".div_btn_download[href^='/users/sources']").parents('li').find(':first');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: $(x).text(),
copies: [
type: 'Flying Bundle',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1,
source: {
type: "s",
id: "other"
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
var li;
li = $("<li></li>").appendTo('.legenda_points ul');
return $('<a href="#">' + BUTTON_LABEL + ' <img src="' + ITAD_14X14_GRAY + '" /></a>').css('text-transform', 'uppercase').wrap("<li></li>").appendTo(li);
'www.gog.com': {
'^https://www\\.gog\\.com/order/status/.+': {
'source_id': 'gog',
'game_list': function() {
var x;
console.debug("game_list called for GOG order status page");
return {
"version": "02",
"data": (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $('.order + .container .product-row');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: gog_prepare_title(x),
copies: [
type: 'gog',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
console.debug("insert_button called for GOG order status page");
$(".order-article__btn-pointer-wrapper .order-article__btn-pointer").css({
marginTop: -4,
zIndex: 20
$('.order-article__dropdown-items').css('z-index', 10);
return $("<a class='_dropdown__item ng-scope'></a>").html("On ITAD").prependTo($('.order-message__actions ._dropdown__items').filter(':first'));
'^https?://www\\.gog\\.com/account(/games(/(shelf|list))?)?/?(\\?|$)': {
'source_id': 'gog',
'game_list': function() {
var x;
console.debug("game_list called for GOG collection page");
return {
"version": "02",
"data": (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $('.product-row');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: gog_prepare_title(x),
copies: [
type: 'gog',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
console.debug("insert_button called for GOG collection page");
return $("<span></span>").css({
float: 'right',
cursor: 'pointer',
position: 'relative',
marginBottom: '-2em',
zIndex: 1
}).html(BUTTON_LABEL + " (This Page)").prependTo($('.collection-header').filter(':first'));
'groupees.com': {
'https?://(www\\.)?groupees\\.com/(purchases|users/\\d+)': {
'source_id': 'other',
'game_list': function() {
var x;
return {
"version": "02",
"data": (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $('.product ul.dropdown-menu').parents('.details').find('h3');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: x.textContent.trim(),
copies: [
type: 'Groupees.com',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1,
source: {
type: "s",
id: "other"
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
return $("<button></button>").css({
float: 'right'
}).addClass('button btn btn-sm btn-primary').html(BUTTON_LABEL + " (Selected Bundle)").insertBefore("input[name='search']");
'www.humblebundle.com': {
'https://www\\.humblebundle\\.com/home/library/?': {
'source_id': 'humblestore',
'game_list': function() {
var x;
return {
"version": "02",
"data": (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
_ref = $('.subproduct-selector h2');
_r###lts = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
x = _ref[_i];
title: x.textContent.trim(),
copies: [
type: 'humblestore',
status: 'redeemed',
owned: 1
return _r###lts;
'insert_button': function() {
var button, config, found_early, observer;
config = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
button = $('<button class="download-button"></button>').html(BUTTON_LABEL).css({
display: 'inline',
border: '1px solid #CCC',
background: '#F1F3F6',
padding: '5px 10px 5px 10px',
marginLeft: '10px'
found_early = $(".top-controls");
if (found_early.length > 0) {
console.log("Inserting button immediately.");
} else {
console.log("Using MutationObserver for deferred button insertion.");
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
return mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var found, tnode_cls;
tnode_cls = mutation.target.getAttribute("class");
found = $(".top-controls", mutation.target);
if (found.length > 0) {
return button.appendTo(found);
observer.observe(document.querySelector('.js-library-holder'), config);
return button;
'https://www\\.humblebundle\\.com/home/?': {
'source_id': 'humblestore',
'game_list': humble_parse,
'insert_button': function() {
return humble_make_button().css({
float: 'right',
fontSize: '14px',
fontWeight: 'normal'
}).prependTo('.base-main-wrapper h1');
'https://www\\.humblebundle\\.com/(download)?s\\?key=.+': {
'source_id': 'humblestore',
'game_list': humble_parse,
'insert_button': function() {
var parent;
parent = $('.js-gamelist-holder').parents('.whitebox');
return humble_make_button().css({
position: 'absolute',
top: 11,
right: 17
scrapers['www.flyingbundle.com'] = scrapers['flyingbundle.com'];
scrapers['www.groupees.com'] = scrapers['groupees.com'];
scrapeGames = function(scraper_obj) {
var form, params, url;
params = {
file: btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(scraper_obj.game_list())))),
upload: 'x'
url = scraper_obj.is_wishlist != null ? 'https://isthereanydeal.com/waitlist/import/' : 'https://isthereanydeal.com/collection/import/';
form = $("<form id='itad_submitter' method='POST' />").attr('action', url);
params['returnTo'] = location.href;
display: 'none'
$.each(params, function(key, value) {
return $("<input type='hidden' />").attr("name", key).attr("value", value).appendTo(form);
return form.submit();
$(function() {
var e, profile, profile_matched, regex, scraper, _fn, _i, _len, _ref, _r###lts;
console.log("Loading ITAD importer...");
if (scrapers[location.host]) {
console.log("Matched domain: " + location.host);
_ref = scrapers[location.host];
_r###lts = [];
for (regex in _ref) {
profile = _ref[regex];
try {
profile_matched = location.href.match(regex);
} catch (_error) {
e = _error;
console.error("Bad regex: " + regex);
if (profile_matched) {
console.log("Matched profile: " + regex);
$('.itad_btn, #itad_dlg, .itad_close').remove();
if (!Array.isArray(profile)) {
profile = [profile];
_fn = function(scraper) {
console.log("Inserting ITAD button for source ID: " + scraper.source_id);
return typeof scraper.insert_button === "function" ? scraper.insert_button().addClass('itad_btn').click(function() {
console.log("ITAD button clicked");
return scrapeGames(scraper);
}) : void 0;
for (_i = 0, _len = profile.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
scraper = profile[_i];
} else {
_r###lts.push(void 0);
return _r###lts;