// ==UserScript== // @name ZenzaWatch // @namespace https://github.com/segabito/ // @description ニコニコ動画の速くて軽い動画プレイヤー // @match *://www.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://ext.nicovideo.jp/ // @match *://ext.nicovideo.jp/#* // @match *://blog.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://ch.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://com.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://commons.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://dic.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://ex.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://info.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://search.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://uad.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://api.search.nicovideo.jp/* // @match *://*.nicovideo.jp/smile* // @match *://site.nicovideo.jp/* // @exclude *://ads.nicovideo.jp/* // @exclude *://www.upload.nicovideo.jp/* // @exclude *://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/*?edit=* // @exclude *://ch.nicovideo.jp/tool/* // @exclude *://flapi.nicovideo.jp/* // @exclude *://dic.nicovideo.jp/p/* // @grant none // @author segabito macmoto // @license public domain // @version 1.15.10 // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.5/lodash.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fetch/2.0.1/fetch.js // ==/UserScript== (function(window) { const PRODUCT = 'ZenzaWatch'; // 公式プレイヤーがurlを書き換えてしまうので読み込んでおく const START_PAGE_QUERY = (location.search ? location.search.substring(1) : ''); const monkey = function(PRODUCT, START_PAGE_QUERY) { var console = window.console; var $ = window.ZenzaJQuery || window.jQuery, _ = window._; var TOKEN = 'r:' + (Math.random()); START_PAGE_QUERY = unescape(START_PAGE_QUERY); var VER = '1.15.7'; console.log(`%c${PRODUCT} v${VER}`, 'font-size: 200%;'); console.log('%cjQuery v%s, lodash v%s', 'font-size: 200%;', $.fn.jquery, _ && _.VERSION); var ZenzaWatch = { version: VER, debug: {}, api: {}, init: {}, lib: { $: $, _: _ }, external: {}, util: { hereDoc: function(func) { // えせヒアドキュメント return func.toString().match(/[^]*\/\*([^]*)\*\/\}$/)[1].replace(/\{\*/g, '/*').replace(/\*\}/g, '*/').trim(); }, callAsync: function(func, self, delay) { delay = delay || 0; if (self) { func = func.bind(self); } window.setTimeout(func, delay); }, callOnIdle: function(func, self) { if (self) { func = func.bind(self); } if (window.requestIdleCallback) { window.requestIdleCallback(func); } else { window.setTimeout(func, 0); } } } }; if (location.host.match(/\.nicovideo\.jp$/)) { window.ZenzaWatch = ZenzaWatch; } else { window.ZenzaWatch = {}; } const util = ZenzaWatch.util; const CONSTANT = { BASE_Z_INDEX: 100000, CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT: 40, SIDE_PLAYER_WIDTH: 400, SIDE_PLAYER_HEIGHT: 225, BIG_PLAYER_WIDTH: 896, BIG_PLAYER_HEIGHT: 480, RIGHT_PANEL_WIDTH: 320, BOTTOM_PANEL_HEIGHT: 240, // video.src クリア用。 // 空文字だとbase hrefと連結されて http://www.nicovideo.jp が参照されるという残念な理由で // を指定している BLANK_VIDEO_URL : '//', BLANK_PNG: '###lCwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==', MEDIA_ERROR: { MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED: 1, MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK: 2, MEDIA_ERR_DECODE: 3, MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED: 4 } }; var AsyncEmitter = (function() { function AsyncEmitter() { } AsyncEmitter.prototype.on = function(name, callback) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } //if (typeof callback !== 'function') { debugger; } name = name.toLowerCase(); if (!this._events[name]) { this._events[name] = []; } this._events[name].push(callback); }; AsyncEmitter.prototype.off = function(name, func) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } if (!func) { this._events[name] = []; return; } if (!this._events[name]) { this._events[name] = []; } _.pull(this._events[name], func); }; AsyncEmitter.prototype.clear = function(name) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } if (name) { this._events[name] = []; } else { this._events = {}; } }; AsyncEmitter.prototype.emit = function(name) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } name = name.toLowerCase(); if (!this._events.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } var e = this._events[name]; var arg = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); for (var i =0, len = e.length; i < len; i++) { // TODO: debug=trueの時だけcatch //try { e[i].apply(null, arg); //Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); //} catch (ex) { // console.log('%c' + name, 'background:red; color: white;', i, e[i], ex); // debugger; //// throw ex; //} } }; AsyncEmitter.prototype.emitAsync = function(...args) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } window.setTimeout(() => { this.emit(...args); }, 0); }; AsyncEmitter.prototype.emitPromise = function(name) { if (!this._events) { this._events = {}; } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var self = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var e = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; args.unshift(e); args.unshift(name); self.emit.apply(self, args); }); }; return AsyncEmitter; })(); ZenzaWatch.lib.AsyncEmitter = AsyncEmitter; window.ZenzaWatch.emitter = ZenzaWatch.emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); var FullScreen = { now: function() { if (document.fullScreenElement || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen) { return true; } return false; }, request: function(target) { this._handleEvents(); var elm = typeof target === 'string' ? document.getElementById(target) : target; if (!elm) { return; } if (elm.requestFullScreen) { elm.requestFullScreen(); } else if (elm.webkitRequestFullScreen) { elm.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else if (elm.mozRequestFullScreen) { elm.mozRequestFullScreen(); } //$('body').addClass('fullScreen'); }, cancel: function() { if (!this.now()) { return; } if (document.cancelFullScreen) { document.cancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } //$('body').removeClass('fullScreen'); }, _handleEvents: function() { this._handleEvnets = _.noop; var self = this; var handle = function() { var isFullScreen = self.now(); if (isFullScreen) { document.body.classList.add('fullScreen'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('fullScreen'); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('fullScreenStatusChange', isFullScreen); }; document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', handle, false); document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', handle, false); document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', handle, false); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', handle, false); } }; ZenzaWatch.util.fullScreen = FullScreen; var Config = (function() { var prefix = 'ZenzaWatch_'; var emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); // 参考: https://github.com/mozilla/jschannel/pull/18 // マイページなど古いprototype.jsが使われているせいで、 // 標準のJSON.stringifyがバグってる。 // 勘弁して欲しい…。 if (window.Prototype && Array.prototype.toJSON) { var _json_stringify = JSON.stringify; JSON.stringify = function(value) { var toj = Array.prototype.toJSON; delete Array.prototype.toJSON; var r = _json_stringify(value); Array.prototype.toJSON = toj; return r; }; } // 直接変更する時はコンソールで // ZenzaWatch.config.setValue('hogehoge' fugafuga); var defaultConfig = { debug: false, volume: 0.3, forceEnable: false, showComment: true, autoPlay: true, 'autoPlay:ginza': true, loop: false, mute: false, screenMode: 'normal', 'screenMode:ginza': 'normal', autoFullScreen: false, autoCloseFullScreen: true, // 再生終了時に自動でフルスクリーン解除するかどうか continueNextPage: false, // 動画再生中にリロードやページ切り替えしたら続きから開き直す backComment: false, // コメントの裏流し autoPauseCommentInput: true, // コメント入力時に自動停止する sharedNgLevel: 'MID', // NG共有の強度 NONE, LOW, MID, HIGH, MAX enablePushState: true, // ブラウザの履歴に乗せる enableHeatMap: true, enableCommentPreview: false, enableAutoMylistComment: !true, // マイリストコメントに投稿者を入れる menuScale: 1.0, enableTogglePlayOnClick: false, // 画面クリック時に再生/一時停止するかどうか enableDblclickClose: true, // enableFullScreenOnDoubleClick: true, enableStoryboard: true, // シークバーサムネイル関連 enableStoryboardBar: false, // シーンサーチ videoInfoPanelTab: 'videoInfoTab', forceEconomy: false, // NG設定 enableFilter: true, wordFilter: '', wordRegFilter: '', wordRegFilterFlags: 'i', userIdFilter: '', commandFilter: '', videoTagFilter: '', videoOwnerFilter: '', enableCommentPanel: true, enableCommentPanelAutoScroll: true, playlistLoop: false, commentLanguage: 'ja_JP', baseFontFamily: '', baseChatScale: 1.0, baseFontBolder: true, allowOtherDomain: false, // 外部サイトでも実行するかどうか overrideWatchLink: false, // すべての動画リンクをZenzaWatchで開く speakLark: false, // 一発ネタのコメント読み上げ機能. 飽きたら消す speakLarkVolume: 1.0, // 一発ネタのコメント読み上げ機能. 飽きたら消す enableCommentLayoutWorker: true, // コメントの配置計算を一部マルチスレッド化(テスト中) enableSingleton: false, // 無料期間の過ぎた動画と同じのがdアニメにあったら、 // コメントはそのままに映像だけ持ってくる (当然ながらdアニメ加入は必要) loadLinkedChannelVideo: false, commentLayerOpacity: 1.0, // 'commentLayer.textShadowType': '', // フォントの修飾タイプ 'commentLayer.enableSlotLayoutEmulation': false, overrideGinza: false, // 動画視聴ページでもGinzaの代わりに起動する enableGinzaSlayer: false, // まだ実験中 lastPlayerId: '', playbackRate: 1.0, lastWatchId: 'sm9', message: '', enableVideoSession: true, enableDmc: true, // 新サーバーを使うかどうか autoDisableDmc: true, // smileのほうが高画質と思われる動画でdmcを無効にする dmcVideoQuality: 'auto', // 優先する画質 auto, veryhigh, high, mid, low enableNicosJumpVideo: true, // @ジャンプを有効にするかどうか 'videoSearch.ownerOnly': true, 'videoSearch.mode': 'tag', 'videoSearch.order': 'desc', 'videoSearch.sort': 'playlist', 'videoSearch.word': '', 'uaa.enable': true, 'screenshot.prefix': '', 'search.limit': 300, // 検索する最大件数(最大1600) 100件ごとにAPIを叩くので多くするほど遅くなる //タッチパネルがある場合は null ない場合は undefined になるらしい //うちのデスクトップは無いのに null だが… 'touch.enable': window.ontouchstart !== undefined, 'touch.tap2command': '', 'touch.tap3command': 'toggle-mute', 'touch.tap4command': 'toggle-showComment', 'touch.tap5command': 'screenShot', autoZenTube: false, KEY_CLOSE: 27, // ESC KEY_RE_OPEN: 27 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + ESC KEY_HOME: 36 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + HOME KEY_SEEK_LEFT: 37 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + LEFT KEY_SEEK_RIGHT: 39 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + RIGHT KEY_SEEK_LEFT2: 99999999, // カスタマイズ用 KEY_SEEK_RIGHT2: 99999999, // KEY_VOL_UP: 38 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + UP KEY_VOL_DOWN: 40 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + DOWN KEY_INPUT_COMMENT: 67, // C KEY_FULLSCREEN: 70, // F KEY_MUTE: 77, // M KEY_TOGGLE_COMMENT: 86, // V KEY_DEFLIST_ADD: 84, // T KEY_DEFLIST_REMOVE: 84 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + T KEY_TOGGLE_PLAY: 32, // SPACE KEY_TOGGLE_PLAYLIST: 80, // P KEY_SCREEN_MODE_1: 49 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 1 KEY_SCREEN_MODE_2: 50 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 2 KEY_SCREEN_MODE_3: 51 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 3 KEY_SCREEN_MODE_4: 52 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 4 KEY_SCREEN_MODE_5: 53 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 5 KEY_SCREEN_MODE_6: 54 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 6 KEY_SHIFT_RESET: 49, // 1 KEY_SHIFT_DOWN: 188 + 0x1000, // < KEY_SHIFT_UP: 190 + 0x1000, // > KEY_NEXT_VIDEO: 74, // J KEY_PREV_VIDEO: 75, // K KEY_SCREEN_SHOT: 83, // S KEY_SCREEN_SHOT_WITH_COMMENT: 83 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + S }; if (navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android|iPad;|CriOS)/i)) { defaultConfig.overrideWatchLink = true; defaultConfig.enableTogglePlayOnClick = true; defaultConfig.autoFullScreen = true; defaultConfig.autoCloseFullScreen = false; defaultConfig.volume = 1.0; defaultConfig.enableVideoSession = true; defaultConfig['uaa.enable'] = false; } var config = {}; var noEmit = false; _.each(Object.keys(defaultConfig), function(key) { var storageKey = prefix + key; if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || localStorage[storageKey] !== undefined) { try { config[key] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)); } catch (e) { window.console.error('config parse error key:"%s" value:"%s" ', key, localStorage.getItem(storageKey), e); config[key] = defaultConfig[key]; } } else { config[key] = defaultConfig[key]; } }); /** * ローカルの設定値をlocalStorageから読み直す * 他のウィンドウで書き換えられる可能性のある物を読む前に使う */ emitter.refreshValue = function(key) { var storageKey = prefix + key; if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || localStorage[storageKey] !== undefined) { try { config[key] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)); } catch (e) { window.console.error('config parse error key:"%s" value:"%s" ', key, localStorage.getItem(storageKey), e); } } }; emitter.getValue = function(key, refresh) { if (refresh) { emitter.refreshValue(key); } return config[key]; }; emitter.setValue = function(key, value) { if (config[key] !== value && arguments.length >= 2) { var storageKey = prefix + key; if (location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp') { try { localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (e) { window.console.error(e); } } config[key] = value; console.log('%cconfig update "%s" = "%s"', 'background: cyan', key, value); if (!noEmit) { this.emitAsync('update', key, value); this.emitAsync('update-' + key, value); } } }; // イベントを投げないで設定変更だけする emitter.setValueSilently = function(key, value) { if (config[key] !== value && arguments.length >= 2) { var storageKey = prefix + key; if (location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp') { try { localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (e) { window.console.error(e); } } config[key] = value; console.log('%cconfig update "%s" = "%s"', 'background: cyan', key, value); } }; /** * localStorageに保存しないで、ページをリロードするまでの間だけ書き換え */ emitter.setSessionValue = function(key, value) { if (config[key] !== value) { config[key] = value; console.log('%cconfig update "%s" = "%s"', 'background: cyan', key, value); this.emitAsync('update', key, value); this.emitAsync('update-' + key, value); } }; emitter.exportConfig = function() { var r###lt = {}; _.each(Object.keys(defaultConfig), function(key) { if (['message', 'lastPlayerId', 'lastWatchId', 'debug'].includes(key)) { return; } var storageKey = prefix + key; if ((localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || localStorage[storageKey] !== undefined) && defaultConfig[key] !== emitter.getValue(key)) { r###lt[key] = emitter.getValue(key); } }); return r###lt; }; emitter.importConfig = function(data) { noEmit = true; _.each(Object.keys(data), function(key) { if (['message', 'lastPlayerId', 'lastWatchId', 'debug'].includes(key)) { return; } window.console.log('import config: %s=%s', key, data[key]); try { emitter.setValue(key, data[key]); } catch (e) {} }); noEmit = false; }; emitter.clearConfig = function() { noEmit = true; _.each(Object.keys(defaultConfig), function(key) { if (['message', 'lastPlayerId', 'lastWatchId', 'debug'].includes(key)) { return; } var storageKey = prefix + key; try { if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || localStorage[storageKey] !== undefined) { localStorage.removeItem(storageKey); } config[key] = defaultConfig[key]; } catch (e) {} }); noEmit = false; }; emitter.getKeys = function() { return Object.keys(defaultConfig); }; emitter.namespace = function(name) { return { getValue: (key) => { return emitter.getValue(name + '.'+ key); }, setValue: (key, value) => { emitter.setValue(name + '.'+ key, value); }, on: (key, func) => { if (key === 'update') { emitter.on('update', (key, value) => { const pre = name + '.'; if (key.startsWith(pre)) { func(key.replace(pre, ''), value); } }); } else { key = key.replace(/^update-/, ''); emitter.on('update-' + name + '.' + key, func); } } }; }; return emitter; })(); ZenzaWatch.config = Config; const dummyConsole = { log: _.noop, error: _.noop, time: _.noop, timeEnd: _.noop, trace: _.noop, info: _.noop, warn: _.noop }; console = Config.getValue('debug') ? window.console : dummyConsole; Config.on('update-debug', function(v) { console = v ? window.console : dummyConsole; }); var PopupMessage = (function() { var __view__ = ` <div class="zenzaPopupMessage"> <span>%MSG%</span> </div><br> `.trim(); var __css__ = ` .zenzaPopupMessage { z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 100000}; opacity: 0; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bolder; transform: translate3d(0, -100px, 0); overflow-y: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 150px; text-align: center; box-shadow: 4px 4px 2px #ccc; transition: transform 2s linear, opacity 2s ease, z-index 1s ease, box-shadow 1s ease, background 5s ease; pointer-events: none; background: #000; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .zenzaPopupMessage.show { transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 0.8; max-height: 200px; margin-bottom: 16px; padding: 8px 16px; box-shadow: 4px 4px 2px #ccc; transition: transform 0.5s linear, opacity 1s ease, box-shadow 0.5s ease, background 0.5s ease; } .zenzaPopupMessage.show.removing { transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(90deg); opacity: 0; max-height: 0; padding: 0px 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; box-shadow: 4px 4px 2px rgba(192, 192, 192, 0); background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.5); transition: transform 0.3s ease, opacity 0.5s ease 0.5s, max-height 0.3s ease 1s, padding 0.3s ease 1s, margin-bottom 0.3s ease 1s, box-shadow 0.5s ease, background 0.3s ease; } .zenzaPopupMessage.notify { background: #0c0; color: #fff; } .zenzaPopupMessage.alert { background: #c00; color: #fff; } .zenzaPopupMessage.debug { background: #333; color: #fff; } /* できれば広告に干渉したくないけど仕方なく */ div[data-follow-container] { position: static !important; } `; var initialize = function() { initialize = _.noop; addStyle(__css__); }; var show = function($msg) { initialize(); var $target = $('.popupMessageContainer'); if ($target.length < 1) { $target = $('body'); } $target.append($msg); window.setTimeout(function() { $msg.addClass('show'); }, 100); window.setTimeout(function() { $msg.addClass('removing'); }, 3000); window.setTimeout(function() { $msg.remove(); }, 8000); }; var undefined; var notify = function(msg, allowHtml) { if (msg === undefined) { msg = '不明なエラー'; window.console.error('undefined message sent'); window.console.trace(); } console.log('%c%s', 'background: #080; color: #fff; padding: 8px;', msg); if (allowHtml !== true) { msg = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(msg); } var $msg = $(__view__.replace('%MSG%', msg)).addClass('notify'); show($msg); }; var alert = function(msg, allowHtml) { if (msg === undefined) { msg = '不明なエラー'; window.console.error('undefined message sent'); window.console.trace(); } console.log('%c%s', 'background: #800; color: #fff; padding: 8px;', msg); if (allowHtml !== true) { msg = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(msg); } var $msg = $(__view__.replace('%MSG%', msg)).addClass('alert'); show($msg); }; var debug = function(msg, allowHtml) { if (msg === undefined) { msg = '不明なエラー'; window.console.info('undefined message sent'); window.console.trace(); } window.console.log('%c%s', 'background: #333; color: #fff; padding: 8px;', msg); if (allowHtml !== true) { msg = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(msg); } var $msg = $(__view__.replace('%MSG%', msg)).addClass('debug'); show($msg); }; return { notify: notify, alert: alert, debug: debug }; })(); var PlayerSession = (function(storage) { var prefix = 'ZenzaWatch_'; var PlayerSession = {}; PlayerSession.save = function(playingStatus) { var key = prefix + 'PlayingStatus'; storage[key] = JSON.stringify(playingStatus); }; PlayerSession.restore = function() { var key = prefix + 'PlayingStatus'; var session = {}; try { var data = storage[key]; if (!data) { return session; } session = JSON.parse(storage[key]); storage.removeItem(key); } catch (e) { window.console.error('PlayserSession restore fail: ', key, e); } console.log('lastSession', session); return session; }; PlayerSession.clear = function() { var key = prefix + 'PlayingStatus'; storage.removeItem(key); }; PlayerSession.hasRecord = function() { var key = prefix + 'PlayingStatus'; return storage.hasOwnProperty(key); }; return PlayerSession; })(sessionStorage); //ZenzaWatch.debug.PlayerSession = PlayerSession; var addStyle = function(styles, id) { var elm = document.createElement('style'); //window.setTimeout(function() { elm.type = 'text/css'; if (id) { elm.id = id; } var text = styles.toString(); text = document.createTextNode(text); elm.appendChild(text); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); head = head[0]; head.appendChild(elm); //}, 0); return elm; }; ZenzaWatch.util.addStyle = addStyle; util.parseQuery = function(query = '') { const r###lt = {}; query.split('&').forEach(item => { const sp = item.split('='); const key = decodeURIComponent(sp[0]); const val = decodeURIComponent(sp.slice(1).join('=')); r###lt[key] = val; }); return r###lt; }; util.parseWatchQuery = query => { try { const r###lt = util.parseQuery(query); const playlist = JSON.parse(util.decodeBase64(r###lt.playlist)); if (playlist.searchQuery) { const sq = playlist.searchQuery; if (sq.type === 'tag') { r###lt.playlist_type = 'tag'; r###lt.tag = sq.query; } else { r###lt.playlist_type = 'search'; r###lt.keyword = sq.query; } let [order, sort] = (sq.sort || '+f').split(''); r###lt.order = order === '-' ? 'a' : 'd'; r###lt.sort = sort; if (sq.fRange) { r###lt.f_range = sq.fRange; } if (sq.lRange) { r###lt.l_range = sq.lRange; } } else if (playlist.mylistId) { r###lt.playlist_type = 'mylist'; r###lt.group_id = playlist.mylistId; r###lt.order = document.querySelector('select[name="sort"]') ? document.querySelector('select[name="sort"]').value : '1'; } else if (playlist.id && playlist.id.includes('temporary_mylist')) { r###lt.playlist_type = 'deflist'; r###lt.group_id = 'deflist'; r###lt.order = document.querySelector('select[name="sort"]') ? document.querySelector('select[name="sort"]').value : '1'; } return r###lt; } catch(e) { return {}; } }; util.decodeBase64 = str => { try { return decodeURIComponent( escape(atob( str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').padEnd(Math.ceil(str.length / 4) * 4, '=') ))); } catch(e) { return ''; } }; util.hasLargeThumbnail = function(videoId) { // return true; // 大サムネが存在する最初の動画ID。 ソースはちゆ12歳 // ※この数字以降でもごく稀に例外はある。 const threthold = 16371888; const cid = videoId.substr(0, 2); if (cid !== 'sm') { return false; } const fid = videoId.substr(2) * 1; if (fid < threthold) { return false; } return true; }; // DMCよりも画質が良さそうか?を返す。 // ビットレートは取得できないので動画長と解像度で返すしかない util.isBetterThanDmcMayBe = (width, height, duration /*, dmcVideos*/) => { // ぜんぜんわからん 時はdmc if (isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)) { return false; } // dmcInfoのvideosをパースして判別するのがいいのでは?と思っていたけど // 1080pの仕様がうまい具合にはまったので、何もしないことにした if (width > 1280 || height > 720) { return true; } else if (duration < 16 * 60) { // プリセットに存在しない解像度なら再エンコードされていない可能性が高い? if (//![1280, 960, 854, 640, 480].includes(width) || ![ 720, 540, 480, 360].includes(height)) { return true; } } else if (duration >= 16 * 60 && duration <= 30 * 60 + 59) { if (height > 540) { return true; } if (//![960, 854, 640, 480].includes(width) || ![540, 480, 360, 384, 486].includes(height)) { return true; } } else if (duration >= 31 * 60) { return false; // このくらいの長さになってくると解像度だけでは判断できないので保留 } return false; }; /** * 動画IDからサムネのURLを逆算する。 * 実際はどのサーバーでもサムネ自体はあるっぽい。 */ var getThumbnailUrlByVideoId = (() => { const videoIdReg = /^[a-z]{2}\d+$/; return function(videoId) { if (!videoIdReg.test(videoId)) { return null; } const fileId = parseInt(videoId.substr(2), 10); const num = (fileId % 4) + 1; const large = util.hasLargeThumbnail(videoId) ? '.L' : ''; return 'https://tn.smilevideo.jp/smile?i=' + fileId + large; }; })(); ZenzaWatch.util.getThumbnailUrlByVideoId = getThumbnailUrlByVideoId; var getSubColor = function(color) { var r###lt = ['#']; $(color.match(/#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/)).each( function(i, cl) { if (i) { r###lt.push((parseInt(cl, 16) + 384).toString(16).substr(1)); } } ); return r###lt.join(''); }; ZenzaWatch.util.getSubColor = getSubColor; const __css__ = ` .xDomainLoaderFrame { border: 0; position: fixed; top: -999px; left: -999px; width: 1px; height: 1px; border: 0; contain: paint; } .zenzaWatchHoverMenu { display: none; opacity: 0.8; position: absolute; background: #eee; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 100000}; cursor: pointer; border: outset 1px; font-size: 8pt; width: 32px; height: 26px; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; transition: box-shadow 0.2s ease, opacity 0.4s ease, padding 0.2s ease; box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #000; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .zenzaWatchHoverMenu:hover { box-shadow: 4px 4px 5px #000; font-weibht: bolder; opacity: 1; } .zenzaWatchHoverMenu:active { box-shadow: none; margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px; border: inset 1px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #000; } .zenzaWatchHoverMenu.show { display: block; } .zenzaPopupMenu { position: absolute; background: #333; color: #fff; overflow: visible; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0; opacity: 0.99; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #fff; box-sizing: border-box; transition: opacity 0.3s ease; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 50000}; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .zenzaPopupMenu:not(.show) { left: -9999px; top: -9999px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul { padding: 0; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul li { position: relative; margin: 2px 4px; white-space: nowrap; cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 8px; list-style-type: none; float: inherit; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul li + li { border-top: 1px dotted #ccc; } /* .zenzaPopupMenu ul li:last-child { border-bottom: none; } */ .zenzaPopupMenu li.selected { font-weight: bolder; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul li:hover { background: #663; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul li.separator { border: 1px outset; height: 2px; width: 90%; } .zenzaPopupMenu li span { box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 8px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; } .zenzaPopupMenu ul li.selected span:before { content: '✔'; left: 0; position: absolute; } .zenzaPopupMenu.show { opacity: 0.8; } .zenzaPopupMenu .caption { padding: 2px 4px; text-align: center; margin: 0; font-weight: bolder; background: #666; color: #fff; } .zenzaPopupMenu .triangle { position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-width: 0 0 1px 1px; background: #333; box-sizing: border-box; } body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog #external_nicoplayer { transform: translate(-9999px, 0); } #ZenzaWatchVideoPlayerContainer .atsumori-root { position: absolute; z-index: 10; } #zenzaVideoPlayerDialog.is-guest .forMember { display: none; } #zenzaVideoPlayerDialog .forGuest { display: none; } #zenzaVideoPlayerDialog.is-guest .forGuest { display: inherit; } `; var WindowMessageEmitter = (function() { var asyncEmitter = new AsyncEmitter(); var knownSource = []; var onMessage = function(event) { if (_.indexOf(knownSource, event.source) < 0 && event.origin !== 'http://ext.nicovideo.jp' && event.origin !== 'https://ext.nicovideo.jp' ) { return; } try { var data = JSON.parse(event.data); if (data.id !== 'ZenzaWatch') { return; } asyncEmitter.emit('onMessage', data.body, data.type); } catch (e) { console.log( '%cNicoCommentLayer.Error: window.onMessage - ', 'color: red; background: yellow', e, event ); console.log('%corigin: ', 'background: yellow;', event.origin); console.log('%cdata: ', 'background: yellow;', event.data); console.trace(); } }; asyncEmitter.addKnownSource = function(win) { knownSource.push(win); }; window.addEventListener('message', onMessage); return asyncEmitter; })(); var broadcastEmitter = (function() { const broadcastEmitter = new AsyncEmitter(); var broadcastChannel = (window.BroadcastChannel && location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp') ? (new window.BroadcastChannel('ZenzaWatch')) : null; var pingResolve = null, pingReject = null; var onStorage = function(e) { var key = e.key; if (e.type !== 'storage' || key.indexOf('ZenzaWatch_') !== 0) { return; } key = key.replace('ZenzaWatch_', ''); var oldValue = e.oldValue; var newValue = e.newValue; broadcastEmitter.emit('change', key, newValue, oldValue); switch(key) { case 'message': const packet = JSON.parse(newValue); if (packet.type === 'pong' && pingResolve) { pingReject = null; return pingResolve(packet); } console.log('%cmessage', 'background: cyan;', newValue); broadcastEmitter.emit('message', packet); break; } }; var onBroadcastMessage = function(e) { const packet = e.data; if (packet.type === 'pong' && pingResolve) { pingReject = null; return pingResolve(packet); } console.log('%cmessage', 'background: cyan;', packet); broadcastEmitter.emit('message', packet); }; broadcastEmitter.send = function(packet) { if (broadcastChannel) { broadcastChannel.postMessage(packet); } else { packet.__now = Date.now(); console.log('send Packet', packet); Config.setValue('message', packet); } }; WindowMessageEmitter.on('onMessage', function(data, type) { if (type !== 'nicovideoApi') { return; } switch (data.message.command) { case 'configSync': //window.console.log('configSync: ', data.message.key, data.message.value); Config.setValueSilently(data.message.key, data.message.value); break; case 'message': if (!data.message.value) { return; } const packet = JSON.parse(data.message.value); if (packet.type === 'pong' && pingResolve) { pingReject = null; return pingResolve(packet); } broadcastEmitter.emit('message', packet); break; } }); broadcastEmitter.pong = function(playerId) { broadcastEmitter.send({id: playerId, type: 'pong'}); }; broadcastEmitter.ping = function() { const TIMEOUT = broadcastChannel ? 500 : 500; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pingResolve = resolve; pingReject = reject; broadcastEmitter.send({type: 'ping'}); window.setTimeout(function() { if (pingReject) { pingReject('timeout'); } pingReject = pingResolve = null; }, TIMEOUT); }); }; broadcastEmitter.sendOpen = (watchId, params) => { broadcastEmitter.send(Object.assign({ type: 'openVideo', watchId: watchId, eventType: 'click' }, params)); }; broadcastEmitter.notifyClose = function() { broadcastEmitter.send({type: 'notifyClose'}); }; if (ZenzaWatch.debug) { ZenzaWatch.debug.ping = () => { window.console.time('ping'); return broadcastEmitter.ping().then((r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd('ping'); window.console.info('ping r###lt: ok', r###lt); }, (r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd('ping'); window.console.error('ping r###lt: ', r###lt); }); }; } if (location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp') { if (broadcastChannel) { broadcastChannel.addEventListener('message', onBroadcastMessage); } window.addEventListener('storage', onStorage); } return broadcastEmitter; })(); /** * pushStateを使ってブラウザバックの履歴に載せようと思ったけど、 * あらゆるページに寄生するシステムの都合上断念。 * とりあえず既読リンクの色が変わるようにだけする */ var WatchPageState = (function(config) { const originalUrl = location.href; const originalTitle = document.title; let isOpen = false; let dialog; const onDialogOpen = (watchId/*, options*/) => { if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { return; } window.history.replaceState( null, null, '/watch/' + watchId ); // 一瞬だけ視聴ページのurlに変更して戻すことで、ブラウザの履歴に載せる // とりあえずChromeでは動いたけどすべてのブラウザでいけるのかは不明 window.setTimeout(() => { if (util.isGinzaWatchUrl(originalUrl)) { return; } window.history.replaceState(null, null, originalUrl); }, 1000); isOpen = true; }; const onVideoInfoLoad = (videoInfo) => { if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { return; } if (!videoInfo.watchId || !isOpen) { return; } const watchId = videoInfo.watchId; const title = 'nicovideo: ' + videoInfo.title + ' - ' + videoInfo.ownerInfo.name; const state = {}; window.history.replaceState( state, null, '/watch/' + watchId ); document.title = title; // 一瞬だけ視聴ページのurlに変更して戻すことで、ブラウザの履歴に載せる // とりあえずChromeでは動いたけどすべてのブラウザでいけるのかは不明 window.setTimeout(() => { if (util.isGinzaWatchUrl(originalUrl)) { return; } document.title = originalTitle; window.history.replaceState(null, null, originalUrl); }, 1000); }; const onDialogClose = () => { window.history.replaceState(null, null, originalUrl); document.title = originalTitle; isOpen = false; }; let initialize = (_dialog) => { initialize = () => {}; dialog = _dialog; if (!config.getValue('enablePushState')) { return; } if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { return; } dialog.on('open', onDialogOpen); dialog.on('close', onDialogClose); dialog.on('loadVideoInfo', _.debounce(onVideoInfoLoad, 0)); }; return { initialize: initialize }; })(Config); var getWatchId = function(url) { /\/?watch\/([a-z0-9]+)/.test(url || location.pathname); return RegExp.$1; }; ZenzaWatch.util.getWatchId = getWatchId; var isPremium = function() { var h = document.getElementById('siteHeaderNotification'); return h && h.className === 'siteHeaderPremium'; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium = isPremium; var isLogin = function() { return document.getElementsByClassName('siteHeaderLogin').length < 1; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isLogin = isLogin; var getPageLanguage = function() { try { var h = document.getElementsByClassName('html')[0]; return h.lang || 'ja-JP'; } catch(e) { return 'ja-JP'; } }; ZenzaWatch.util.getPageLanguage = getPageLanguage; var isSameOrigin = function() { return location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp'; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isSameOrigin = isSameOrigin; var hasFlashPlayer = function() { return !!navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']; }; ZenzaWatch.util.hasFlashPlayer = hasFlashPlayer; var isFirefox = function() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') >= 0; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isFirefox = isFirefox; var isWebkit = function() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') >= 0; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isWebkit = isWebkit; var escapeHtml = function(text) { var map = { '&': '&', '\x27': ''', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; return text.replace(/[&"'<>]/g, function(char) { return map[char]; }); }; ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml = escapeHtml; var unescapeHtml = function(text) { var map = { '&' : '&' , ''' : '\x27', '"' : '"', '<' : '<', '>' : '>' }; return text.replace(/(&|'|"|<|>)/g, function(char) { return map[char]; }); }; ZenzaWatch.util.unescapeHtml = unescapeHtml; // 基本的に動画タイトルはエスケープされている。 // だが、なんかたまにいいかげんなデータがあるし、本当に信用できるか? // そこで、全角に置き換えてごますんだ! var escapeToZenkaku = function(text) { var map = { '&': '&', '\'': '’', '"': '”', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; return text.replace(/["'<>]/g, function(char) { return map[char]; }); }; ZenzaWatch.util.escapeToZenkaku = escapeToZenkaku; var escapeRegs = function(text) { var map = { '\\': '\\\\', '*': '\\*', '+': '\\+', '.': '\\.', '?': '\\?', '{': '\\{', '}': '\\}', '(': '\\(', ')': '\\)', '[': '\\[', ']': '\\]', '^': '\\^', '$': '\\$', '-': '\\-', '|': '\\|', '/': '\\/', }; return text.replace(/[\\\*\+\.\?\{\}\(\)\[\]\^\$\-\|\/]/g, function(char) { return map[char]; }); }; ZenzaWatch.util.escapeRegs = escapeRegs; util.dateToString = (date) => { if (typeof date === 'string') { const origDate = date; date = date.replace(/\//g, '-'); // 時差とか考慮してない const m = /^(\d+-\d+-\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/.exec(date); if (m) { date = new Date(m[1]); date.setHours(m[2]); date.setMinutes(m[3]); date.setSeconds(m[4]); } else { const t = Date.parse(date); if (isNaN(t)) { return origDate; } date = new Date(t); } } else if (typeof date === 'number') { date = new Date(date); } let [yy, mm, dd, h, m, s] = ([ date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ]).map(n => { return n < 10 ? `0${n}` : n; }); return `${yy}/${mm}/${dd} ${h}:${m}:${s}`; }; var copyToClipBoard = ZenzaWatch.util.copyToClipBoard = function(text) { var clip = document.createElement('input'); clip.type = 'text'; clip.style.position = 'fixed'; clip.style.left = '-9999px'; clip.value = text; document.body.appendChild(clip); clip.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); window.setTimeout(function() { clip.remove(); }, 0); }; ZenzaWatch.util.isValidJson = function(data) { try { JSON.parse(data); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; const addTemplate = ZenzaWatch.util.addTemplate = function(tpl, id) { if (!id) { id = PRODUCT + '-template-' + addTemplate._id++; } const template = document.createElement('template'); template.id = id; template.innerHTML = tpl; document.body.appendChild(template); return {template, id}; }; addTemplate._id = 0; ZenzaWatch.util.openTweetWindow = function(videoInfo) { var watchId = videoInfo.watchId; var nicomsUrl = 'https://nico.ms/' + watchId; var watchUrl = location.protocol + '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + watchId; var sec = videoInfo.duration; var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); var dur = ['(', m, ':', s, ')'].join(''); var nicoch = videoInfo.isChannel ? ',+nicoch' : ''; var url = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?' + 'url=' + encodeURIComponent(nicomsUrl) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(videoInfo.title + dur) + '&hashtags=' + encodeURIComponent(videoInfo.videoId + nicoch) + '&original_referer=' + encodeURIComponent(watchUrl) + ''; window.open(url, '_blank', 'width=550, height=480, left=100, top50, personalbar=0, toolbar=0, scrollbars=1, sizable=1', 0); }; ZenzaWatch.util.fetch = function(url, params) { if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { return NicoVideoApi.fetch(url, params); } return window.fetch(url, params); }; if (!location.host.match(/\.nicovideo\.jp$/)) { ZenzaWatch.util.fetch = function() {}; } var ajax = function(params) { if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { return NicoVideoApi.ajax(params); } // マイページのjQueryが古くてDeferredの挙動が怪しいのでネイティブのPromiseで囲う return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax(params).then( (r###lt) => { return resolve(r###lt); }, (err) => { return reject(err); } ); }); }; if (location.host.match(/\.nicovideo\.jp$/)) { ZenzaWatch.util.ajax = ajax; } var openMylistWindow = function(watchId) { window.open( '//www.nicovideo.jp/mylist_add/video/' + watchId, 'nicomylistadd', 'width=500, height=400, menubar=no, scrollbars=no'); }; ZenzaWatch.util.openMylistWindow = openMylistWindow; var isGinzaWatchUrl = function(url) { url = url || location.href; return /^https?:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\//.test(url); }; ZenzaWatch.util.isGinzaWatchUrl = isGinzaWatchUrl; ZenzaWatch.util.getPlayerVer = function() { if (!!document.getElementById('js-initial-watch-data')) { return 'html5'; } if (!!document.getElementById('watchAPIDataContainer')) { return 'flash'; } return 'unknown'; }; var isZenzaPlayableVideo = function() { try { // HTML5版プレイヤーなら再生できるはず if (util.getPlayerVer() === 'html5') { return true; } const watchApiData = JSON.parse($('#watchAPIDataContainer').text()); const flvInfo = util.parseQuery( decodeURIComponent(watchApiData.flashvars.flvInfo) ); const dmcInfo = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(watchApiData.flashvars.dmcInfo || '{}') ); const videoUrl = flvInfo.url ? flvInfo.url : ''; const isDmc = dmcInfo && dmcInfo.time; if (isDmc) { return true; } const isSwf = /\/smile\?s=/.test(videoUrl); const isRtmp = (videoUrl.indexOf('rtmp') === 0); return (isSwf || isRtmp) ? false : true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; ZenzaWatch.util.isZenzaPlayableVideo = isZenzaPlayableVideo; ZenzaWatch.util.createDrawCallFunc = function(func) { var requestAnimationFrame = (window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame).bind(window); if (!requestAnimationFrame) { return func; } var lastCalled = 0, arg, requestId = 0; var isBusy = function() { return Date.now() - lastCalled < 1000; }; var onFrame = function() { func.apply(null, arg); requestId = lastCalled = 0; }; return function() { if (isBusy()) { return; } if (requestId) { cancelAnimationFrame(requestId); requestId = 0; } lastCalled = Date.now(); arg = arguments; requestId = requestAnimationFrame(onFrame); }; }; ZenzaWatch.util.waitForInitialize = function() { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (ZenzaWatch.ready) { return resolve(); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('ready', () => { Promise.resolve(); }); }); }; ZenzaWatch.util.secToTime = function(sec) { var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); return [m, s].join(':'); }; ZenzaWatch.util.videoCapture = function(src, sec) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let resolved = false; const v = document.createElement('video'); const css = { width: '64px', height: '36px', position: 'fixed', left: '-100px', top: '-100px' }; Object.keys(css).forEach(key => { v.style[key] = css[key]; }); v.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { v.currentTime = sec; }); v.addEventListener('error', (err) => { v.remove(); return reject(err); }); const onSeeked = () => { if (resolved) { return; } const c = document.createElement('canvas'); c.width = v.videoWidth; c.height = v.videoHeight; const ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(v, 0, 0); v.remove(); resolved = true; return resolve(c); }; v.addEventListener('seeked', onSeeked); document.body.appendChild(v); v.volume = 0; v.autoplay = false; v.controls = false; v.src = src; v.currentTime = sec; }); }; util.capTube = function({title, videoId, author}) { const iframe = document.querySelector( '#ZenzaWatchVideoPlayerContainer iframe[title^=YouTube]'); if (!iframe) { return; } const command = 'capture'; iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({command, title, videoId, author}), 'https://www.youtube.com' ); }; util.saveMymemory = function(player, videoInfo) { let html = player.getMymemory(); const title = videoInfo.watchId + ' - ' + videoInfo.title; // エスケープされてる const info = (` <div> <h2>${videoInfo.title}</h2> <a href="//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${videoInfo.watchId}?from=${Math.floor(player.getCurrentTime())}">元動画</a><br> 作成環境: ${navigator.userAgent}<br> 作成日: ${(new Date()).toLocaleString()}<br> <button onclick="document.body.classList.toggle('debug');return false;"> デバッグON/OFF </button> </div> `).trim(); html = html .replace(/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/, '<title>' + title + '</title>') .replace(/(<body.*?>)/, '$1' + info); const blob = new Blob([html], {'type': 'text/html'}); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('download', title + '.html'); a.setAttribute('href', url); a.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); window.setTimeout(() => { a.remove(); }, 1000); }; util.speak = (() => { let speaking = false; let msg = null; //let initialized = false; let resolve = null, reject = null; let initialize = () => { // Chromeは使い回しできるけどFirefoxはできないっぽい? //if (initialized) { return; } //initialized = true; msg = new window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); msg.onend = () => { speaking = false; if (resolve) { resolve(msg.text); } resolve = reject = null; }; msg.onerror = () => { speaking = false; if (reject) { reject(msg.text); } resolve = reject = null; }; }; return function(text, option = {}) { if (!window.speechSynthesis) { return; } initialize(); if (option.volume) { msg.volume = option.volume; } if (option.rate) { msg.rate = option.rate; } if (option.lang) { msg.lang = option.lang; } if (option.pitch) { msg.pitch = option.pitch; } if (option.rate) { msg.rate = option.rate; } if (window.speechSynthesis.speaking) { window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); if (reject) { reject(new Error('cancel')); } resolve = reject = null; } msg.text = text; return new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); }); }; })(); util.createDom = function(template) { const tpl = document.createElement('template'); tpl.innerHTML = template; return document.importNode(tpl.content, true).querySelector('*'); }; util.dispatchCustomEvent = function(elm, name, detail) { const ev = new CustomEvent(name, { detail }); elm.dispatchEvent(ev); }; util.getNicoHistory = function() { return window.unescape(document.cookie.replace(/^.*(nicohistory[^;+]).*?/, '')); }; util.watchResize = function(target, callback) { if (window.ResizeObserver) { const ro = new window.ResizeObserver(entries => { for (let entry of entries) { if (entry.target === target) { callback(); return; } } }); ro.observe(target); return; } const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); Object.assign(iframe.style, { width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', border: 0, //transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', opacity: 0 }); target.appendChild(iframe); iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('resize', () => { callback(); }); }; util.sortedLastIndex = (arr, value) => { let head = 0; let tail = arr.length; while (head < tail) { let p = Math.floor((head + tail) / 2); let v = arr[p]; if (v <= value) { head = p + 1; } else { tail = p; } } return tail; }; // いずれjQueryを捨てるためのミニマム代用 // 車輪の再発明をするわけではないし、積極的に使うものでもない util.$ = (() => { const eventListener = {}; const toCamel = p => { return p.replace(/-./g, s => { return s.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); }); }; class $wrapper { constructor(elements) { elements = elements || []; if (elements instanceof(NodeList)) { elements = Array.from(elements); } this._elements = _.uniq(elements); } forEach(callback) { return this._elements.forEach(callback); } some(callback) { return this._elements.some(callback); } get length() { return this._elements.length; } find(query) { const r###lt = []; this.forEach(elm => { Array.from(elm.querySelectorAll(query)).forEach(e => { r###lt.push(e); }); }); return new $wrapper(_.uniq(r###lt)); } closest(query) { if (this.hasClass(query)) { return this; } let r###lt; this.some(elm => { const e = elm.closest(query); if (e) { r###lt = e; return true; } }); if (r###lt) { return new $wrapper(r###lt); } return null; } toggleClass(className, v) { this.forEach(elm => { className.trim().split(/[ ]+/).forEach(c => { elm.classList.toggle(c, v); }); }); return this; } addClass(className) { return this.toggleClass(className, true); } removeClass(className) { return this.toggleClass(className, false); } hasClass(className) { return this.some(e => { return className.split(/[ ]+/).some(cn => { return e.classList.contains(cn); }); }); } _css(key, val) { const camelKey = toCamel(key); if (/(width|height|top|left)$/i.test(camelKey) && isNaN(val)) { val += 'px'; } this.forEach(e => { e.style[camelKey] = val; }); return this; } css(key, val) { if (typeof key === 'string') { return this._css(key, val); } Object.keys(key).forEach(k => { return this._css(k, key[k]); }); return this; } on(eventName, callback, options) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return; } const listener = eventListener[eventName] || []; listener.push(callback); eventListener[eventName] = listener; eventName = eventName.split('.')[0]; this.forEach(e => { e.addEventListener(eventName, callback, options); }); return this; } off(eventName, callback, options) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { this.forEach((e) => { const listener = eventListener[eventName] || []; eventName = eventName.split('.')[0]; listener.forEach(ls => { e.removeEventListener(eventName, ls); }); }); } else { eventName = eventName.split('.')[0]; this.forEach((e) => { e.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, options); }); } return this; } _setAttribute(key, val) { if (val === null || val === '' || val === undefined) { this.forEach(e => { e.removeAttribute(key); }); } else { this.forEach(e => { e.setAttribute(key, val); }); } return this; } setAttribute(key, val) { if (typeof key === 'string') { return this._setAttribute(key, val); } Object.keys(key).forEach(k => { this._setAttribute(k, key[k]); }); return this; } attr(key, val) { if (arguments.length >= 2 || _.isObject(key)) { return this.setAttribute(key, val); } else { let r###lt = null; this.some(e => { if (e.hasAttribute(key)) { r###lt = e.getAttribute(key); return true; } }); return r###lt; } } append(elm) { if (this._elements.length < 1) { return; } let node = this._elements[0]; if (elm instanceof($wrapper) || elm.forEach) { elm.forEach(e => { node.appendChild(e); }); } else if (elm instanceof(NodeList)) { elm = Array.from(elm); elm.forEach(e => { node.appendChild(e); }); } else if (elm instanceof(Node)) { node.appendChild(elm); } } appendChild(...args) { this.append(...args); } } const createDom = util.createdom; const $ = function(q) { if (q instanceof($wrapper)) { return q; } else if (q instanceof(Node)) { return new $wrapper([q]); } else if (q instanceof(NodeList)) { return new $wrapper(Array.from(q)); } else if (typeof q === 'string') { if (q.startsWith('<')) { return new $wrapper(Array.from(createDom(q).querySelectorAll('*'))); } else { return new $wrapper(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(q))); } } }; ZenzaWatch.debug.eventListener = eventListener; return $; })(); var ShortcutKeyEmitter = (function(config) { let emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); let isVerySlow = false; // コンソールでキーバインド変更 // // 例: ENTERでコメント入力開始 // ZenzaWatch.config.setValue('KEY_INPUT_COMMENT', 13); // SHIFTをつけたいときは 13 + 0x1000 let map = { CLOSE: 0, RE_OPEN: 0, HOME: 0, SEEK_LEFT: 0, SEEK_RIGHT: 0, SEEK_LEFT2: 0, SEEK_RIGHT2: 0, VOL_UP: 0, VOL_DOWN: 0, INPUT_COMMENT: 0, FULLSCREEN: 0, MUTE: 0, TOGGLE_COMMENT: 0, DEFLIST_ADD: 0, DEFLIST_REMOVE: 0, TOGGLE_PLAY: 0, TOGGLE_PLAYLIST: 0, SCREEN_MODE_1: 0, SCREEN_MODE_2: 0, SCREEN_MODE_3: 0, SCREEN_MODE_4: 0, SCREEN_MODE_5: 0, SCREEN_MODE_6: 0, SHIFT_RESET: 0, SHIFT_DOWN: 0, SHIFT_UP: 0, NEXT_VIDEO: 0, PREV_VIDEO: 0, SCREEN_SHOT: 0, SCREEN_SHOT_WITH_COMMENT: 0 }; Object.keys(map).forEach(key => { map[key] = parseInt(config.getValue('KEY_' + key), 10); }); //window.console.log('keymap', map); let onKeyDown = function(e) { if (e.target.tagName === 'SELECT' || e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { return; } let keyCode = e.keyCode + (e.metaKey ? 0x1000000 : 0) + (e.altKey ? 0x100000 : 0) + (e.ctrlKey ? 0x10000 : 0) + (e.shiftKey ? 0x1000 : 0); let key = ''; let param = ''; switch (keyCode) { case 178: case 179: key = 'TOGGLE_PLAY'; break; case 177: key = 'PREV_VIDEO'; break; case 176: key = 'NEXT_VIDEO'; break; case map.CLOSE: key = 'ESC'; break; case map.RE_OPEN: key = 'RE_OPEN'; break; case map.HOME: key = 'SEEK_TO'; param = 0; break; case map.SEEK_LEFT2: key = 'SEEK_BY'; param = isVerySlow ? -0.5 : -5; break; case map.SEEK_LEFT: case 37: // LEFT if (e.shiftKey || isVerySlow) { key = 'SEEK_BY'; param = isVerySlow ? -0.5 : -5; } break; case map.VOL_UP: key = 'VOL_UP'; break; case map.SEEK_RIGHT2: key = 'SEEK_BY'; param = isVerySlow ? 0.5 : 5; break; case map.SEEK_RIGHT: case 39: // RIGHT if (e.shiftKey || isVerySlow) { key = 'SEEK_BY'; param = isVerySlow ? 0.5 : 5; } break; case map.VOL_DOWN: key = 'VOL_DOWN'; break; case map.INPUT_COMMENT: key = 'INPUT_COMMENT'; break; case map.FULLSCREEN: key = 'FULL'; break; case map.MUTE: key = 'MUTE'; break; case map.TOGGLE_COMMENT: key = 'VIEW_COMMENT'; break; case map.DEFLIST_ADD: key = 'DEFLIST'; break; case map.DEFLIST_REMOVE: key = 'DEFLIST_REMOVE'; break; case map.TOGGLE_PLAY: key = 'TOGGLE_PLAY'; break; case map.TOGGLE_PLAYLIST: key = 'TOGGLE_PLAYLIST'; break; case map.SHIFT_RESET: key = 'PLAYBACK_RATE'; isVerySlow = true; param = 0.1; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_1: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = 'small'; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_2: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = 'sideView'; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_3: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = '3D'; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_4: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = 'normal'; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_5: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = 'big'; break; case map.SCREEN_MODE_6: key = 'SCREEN_MODE'; param = 'wide'; break; case map.NEXT_VIDEO: key = 'NEXT_VIDEO'; break; case map.PREV_VIDEO: key = 'PREV_VIDEO'; break; case map.SHIFT_DOWN: key = 'SHIFT_DOWN'; break; case map.SHIFT_UP: key = 'SHIFT_UP'; break; case map.SCREEN_SHOT: key = 'SCREEN_SHOT'; break; case map.SCREEN_SHOT_WITH_COMMENT: key = 'SCREEN_SHOT_WITH_COMMENT'; break; default: //window.console.log('%conKeyDown: %s', 'background: yellow;', keyCode); break; } if (key) { emitter.emit('keyDown', key, e, param); } }; var onKeyUp = function(e) { if (e.target.tagName === 'SELECT' || e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { return; } let key = ''; let keyCode = e.keyCode + (e.metaKey ? 0x1000000 : 0) + (e.altKey ? 0x100000 : 0) + (e.ctrlKey ? 0x10000 : 0) + (e.shiftKey ? 0x1000 : 0); let param = ''; switch (keyCode) { case map.SHIFT_RESET: key = 'PLAYBACK_RATE'; isVerySlow = false; param = 1; break; } if (key) { emitter.emit('keyUp', key, e, param); } }; var initialize = function() { initialize = _.noop; $('body') .on('keydown.zenzaWatch', onKeyDown) .on('keyup.zenzaWatch', onKeyUp); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('keydown', onKeyDown); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('keyup', onKeyUp); }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('ready', initialize); return emitter; })(Config); ZenzaWatch.util.ShortcutKeyEmitter = ShortcutKeyEmitter; var AppendStyle = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(AppendStyle.prototype, { initialzie: function(params) { var css = this._css = params.css; this.updateParams(params.params); if (!params.appendLater) { this._style = ZenzaWatch.util.adStyle(css); } }, updateParams: function(params) { var css = this._css; _.each(Object.keys(params), function(key) { var reg = new RegExp('%' + key + '%', 'g'); css = css.replace(reg, params[key]); }); this._css = css; this.refresh(); }, refresh: function() { if (!this._style) { this._style = ZenzaWatch.util.adStyle(this._css); } else { this._style.innerHTML = this._css; } } }); var ViewPort = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(ViewPort.prototype, { initialize: function() { var $meta = $('meta[name=viewport]'); if ($meta.length < 1) { $meta = $('<' + 'meta name="viewport"/>'); $('head').append($meta); } else { this._defaultContent = $meta.attr('content'); } this._$meta = $meta; this._enable = false; this.update(); //$(window).on('resize', _.debounce(_.bind(this._onResize, this), 1000)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('DialogPlayerOpen', this.enable.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('DialogPlayerClose', this.disable.bind(this)); }, _onResize: function() { this.update(); }, update: function() { if (this._enable) { if (false && _.isNumber(window.devicePixelRatio)) { this._$meta .attr('content', 'width=' + window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio + ',' + //'width=' + 1280 + ',' + 'initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0'); } else { this._$meta .attr('content', 'initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0'); } return; } if (this._defaultContent) { this._$meta.attr('content', this._defaultContent); return; } this._$meta.attr('content', ''); }, enable: function() { if (!this._enable) { this._enable = true; this.update(); } }, disable: function() { if (this._enable) { this._enable = false; this.update(); } } }); var RequestAnimationFrame = function(callback, frameSkip) { this.initialize(callback, frameSkip); }; _.assign(RequestAnimationFrame.prototype, { initialize: function(callback, frameSkip) { this.requestAnimationFrame = (window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame).bind(window); this.cancelAnimationFrame = (window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame).bind(window); this._frameSkip = Math.max(0, typeof frameSkip === 'number' ? frameSkip : 0); this._frameCount = 0; this._callback = callback; this._enable = false; this._onFrame = this._onFrame.bind(this); }, _onFrame: function() { if (this._enable) { this._frameCount++; try { if (this._frameCount % (this._frameSkip + 1) === 0) { this._callback(); } } catch (e) { console.log('%cException!', 'background: red;', e); } if (this.requestAnimationFrame) { this._requestId = this.requestAnimationFrame(this._onFrame); } else { this._requestId = window.setTimeout(this._onFrame, 100); } } }, enable: function() { if (this._enable) { return; } this._enable = true; if (this.requestAnimationFrame) { this._requestId = this.requestAnimationFrame(this._onFrame); } else { this._requestId = window.setTimeout(this._onFrame, 100); } }, disable: function() { this._enable = false; if (!this._requestId) { return; } if (this.cancelAnimationFrame) { this.cancelAnimationFrame(this._requestId); } else { window.clearTimeout(this._requestId); } this._requestId = null; } }); ZenzaWatch.util.RequestAnimationFrame = RequestAnimationFrame; var FrameLayer = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; FrameLayer.createReservedFrame = function() { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.className = 'reservedFrame'; iframe.style.position = 'fixed'; iframe.style.left = '-9999px'; iframe.srcdocType = typeof iframe.srcdoc; iframe.srcdoc = '<html></html>'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); }; _.extend(FrameLayer.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(FrameLayer.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._$container = params.$container; this._retryGetIframeCount = 0; this._initializeView(params, 0); }, _initializeView: function(params, retryCount) { var iframe = this._getIframe(); iframe.className = params.className || ''; var onload = () => { var win, doc; iframe.onload = null; try { win = iframe.contentWindow; doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; } catch (e) { window.console.error(e); window.console.log('変な広告に乗っ取られました'); iframe.remove(); if (retryCount < 3) { this._initializeView(params, retryCount + 1); } return; } this.emit('load', win); }; var html = this._html = params.html; this._$container.append(iframe); if (iframe.srcdocType === 'string') { iframe.onload = onload; iframe.srcdoc = html; } else { // MS IE/Edge用 iframe.contentWindow.document.open(); iframe.contentWindow.document.write(html); iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); window.setTimeout(onload, 0); } }, _getIframe: function() { var reserved = document.getElementsByClassName('reservedFrame'); var iframe; if (reserved && reserved.length > 0) { iframe = reserved[0]; document.body.removeChild(iframe); iframe.style.position = ''; iframe.style.left = ''; } else { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } try { iframe.srcdocType = iframe.srcdocType || typeof iframe.srcdoc; iframe.srcdoc = '<html></html>'; } catch (e) { // 行儀の悪い広告にiframeを乗っ取られた? window.console.error('Error: ', e); this._retryGetIframeCount++; if (this._retryGetIframeCount < 5) { return this._getIframe(); } } return iframe; } }); const MylistPocketDetector = (function() { let isReady = false; let pocket = null; const emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); const initialize = function() { const onPocketReady = () => { isReady = true; pocket = window.MylistPocket; emitter.emit('ready', pocket); }; if (window.MylistPocket && window.MylistPocket.isReady) { onPocketReady(); } else { window.jQuery('body').on('MylistPocketReady', () => { //document.body.addEventListener('MylistPocketInitialized', () => { onPocketReady(); }); } }; const detect = function() { return new Promise(res => { if (isReady) { return res(pocket); } emitter.on('ready', () => { res(pocket); }); }); }; initialize(); return { detect: detect }; })(); const VideoCaptureUtil = (function() { const crossDomainGates = {}; const initializeByServer = function(server, fileId) { if (crossDomainGates[server]) { return crossDomainGates[server]; } const baseUrl = '//' + server + '/smile?i=' + fileId; crossDomainGates[server] = new CrossDomainGate({ baseUrl: baseUrl, origin: location.protocol + '//' + server + '/', type: 'storyboard_' + server.split('.')[0].replace(/-/g, '_'), messager: WindowMessageEmitter }); return crossDomainGates[server]; }; const _toCanvas = function(v, width, height) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; context.drawImage(v, 0, 0, width, height); return canvas; }; const isCORSReadySrc = function(src) { if (src.indexOf('dmc.nico') >= 0) { return true; } return false; }; const videoToCanvas = function(video) { const src = video.src; const sec = video.currentTime; const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = src; const server = a.host; const search = a.search; if (isCORSReadySrc(src)) { return Promise.resolve({canvas: _toCanvas(video, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)}); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!/\?(.)=(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(search)) { return reject({status: 'fail', message: 'invalid url', url: src}); } const fileId = RegExp.$2; const gate = initializeByServer(server, fileId); gate.videoCapture(src, sec).then(dataUrl => { //window.console.info('video capture success ', dataUrl.length); const bin = atob(dataUrl.split(',')[1]); const buf = new Uint8Array(bin.length); for (let i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i); } const blob = new Blob([buf.buffer], {type: 'image/png'}); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); console.info('createObjectUrl', url.length); const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => { resolve({canvas: _toCanvas(img, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)}); window.setTimeout(() => { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 10000); }; img.onerror = (err) => { reject(err); window.setTimeout(() => { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 10000); }; img.src = url; //img.style.border = '2px dotted orange'; document.body.appendChild(img); }); }); }; // 参考 // https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/HTML/Canvas/Drawing_DOM_objects_into_a_canvas const htmlToSvg = function(html, width = 682, height = 384) { const data = (`<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='${width}' height='${height}'> <foreignObject width='100%' height='100%'>${html}</foreignObject> </svg>`).trim(); const svg = new Blob([data], {type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8'}); return {svg, data}; }; const htmlToCanvas = function(html, width = 640, height = 360) { const imageW = height * 16 / 9; const imageH = imageW * 9 / 16; const {svg, data} = htmlToSvg(html); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(svg); if (!url) { return Promise.reject(new Error('convert svg fail')); } const img = new Image(); img.width = 682; img.height = 384; const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.onload = () => { context.drawImage( img, (width - imageW) / 2, (height - imageH) / 2, imageW, imageH); resolve({canvas, img}); //window.console.info('img size', img.width, img.height); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; img.onerror = (e) => { window.console.error('img.onerror', e, data); reject(e); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; img.src = url; }); }; const nicoVideoToCanvas = function({video, html, minHeight = 1080}) { let scale = 1; let width = Math.max(video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight * 16 / 9); let height = video.videoHeight; // 動画の解像度が低いときは、可能な範囲で整数倍に拡大する if (height < minHeight) { scale = Math.floor(minHeight / height); width *= scale; height *= scale; } const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ct = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return videoToCanvas(video).then(({canvas, img}) => { //canvas.style.border = '2px solid red'; document.body.appendChild(canvas); ct.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'; ct.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ct.drawImage( canvas, (width - video.videoWidth * scale) / 2, (height - video.videoHeight * scale) / 2, video.videoWidth * scale, video.videoHeight * scale ); return htmlToCanvas(html, width, height); }).then(({canvas, img}) => { //canvas.style.border = '2px solid green'; document.body.appendChild(canvas); ct.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, width, height); return Promise.resolve({canvas, img}); }).then(() => { return Promise.resolve({canvas}); }); }; const saveToFile = function(canvas, fileName = 'sample.png') { const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); const bin = atob(dataUrl.split(',')[1]); const buf = new Uint8Array(bin.length); for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i); } const blob = new Blob([buf.buffer], {type: 'image/png'}); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); window.console.info('download fileName: ', fileName); a.setAttribute('download', fileName); a.setAttribute('href', url); a.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); window.setTimeout(() => { a.remove(); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 2000); window.console.timeEnd('screenShot'); }; return { videoToCanvas, htmlToCanvas, nicoVideoToCanvas, saveToFile }; })(); class BaseViewComponent extends AsyncEmitter { constructor({parentNode = null, name = '', template = '', shadow = '', css = ''}) { super(); this._params = {parentNode, name, template, shadow, css}; this._bound = {}; this._state = {}; this._props = {}; this._elm = {}; this._initDom({ parentNode, name, template, shadow, css }); } _initDom({parentNode, name, template, css = '', shadow = ''}) { let tplId = `${PRODUCT}${name}Template`; let tpl = document.getElementById(tplId); if (!tpl) { if (css) { util.addStyle(css, `${name}Style`); } tpl = document.createElement('template'); tpl.innerHTML = template; tpl.id = tplId; document.body.appendChild(tpl); } const onClick = this._bound.onClick = this._onClick.bind(this); const view = document.importNode(tpl.content, true); this._view = view.querySelector('*') || document.createDocumentFragment(); if (this._view) { this._view.addEventListener('click', onClick); } this.appendTo(parentNode); if (shadow) { this._attachShadow({host: this._view, name, shadow}); if (!this._isDummyShadow) { this._shadow.addEventListener('click', onClick); } } } _attachShadow ({host, shadow, name, mode = 'open'}) { let tplId = `${PRODUCT}${name}Shadow`; let tpl = document.getElementById(tplId); if (!tpl) { tpl = document.createElement('template'); tpl.innerHTML = shadow; tpl.id = tplId; document.body.appendChild(tpl); } if (!host.attachShadow && !host.createShadowRoot) { return this._fallbackNoneShadowDom({host, tpl, name}); } const root = host.attachShadow ? host.attachShadow({mode}) : host.createShadowRoot(); const node = document.importNode(tpl.content, true); root.appendChild(node); this._shadowRoot = root; this._shadow = root.querySelector('.root'); this._isDummyShadow = false; } _fallbackNoneShadowDom({host, tpl, name}) { const node = document.importNode(tpl.content, true); const style = node.querySelector('style'); style.remove(); util.addStyle(style.innerHTML, `${name}Shadow`); host.appendChild(node); this._shadow = this._shadowRoot = host.querySelector('.root'); this._isDummyShadow = true; } setState(key, val) { if (typeof key === 'string') { this._setState(key, val); } Object.keys(key).forEach(k => { this._setState(k, key[k]); }); } _setState(key, val) { if (this._state[key] !== val) { this._state[key] = val; if (/^is(.*)$/.test(key)) { this.toggleClass(`is-${RegExp.$1}`, !!val); } this.emit('update', {key, val}); } } _onClick(e) { const target = e.target.classList.contains('command') ? e.target : e.target.closest('.command'); if (!target) { return; } const command = target.getAttribute('data-command'); if (!command) { return; } const type = target.getAttribute('data-type') || 'string'; let param = target.getAttribute('data-param'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); switch (type) { case 'json': case 'bool': case 'number': param = JSON.parse(param); break; } this._onCommand(command, param); } appendTo(parentNode) { if (!parentNode) { return; } this._parentNode = parentNode; parentNode.appendChild(this._view); } _onCommand(command, param) { this.emit('command', command, param); } toggleClass(className, v) { (className || '').split(/ +/).forEach((c) => { this._view.classList.toggle(c, v); if (this._shadow) { this._shadow.classList.toggle(c, this._view.classList.contains(c)); } }); } addClass(name) { this.toggleClass(name, true); } removeClass(name) { this.toggleClass(name, false); } } var CacheStorage = (function() { var PREFIX = 'ZenzaWatch_cache_'; function CacheStorage() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } _.assign(CacheStorage.prototype, { initialize: function(storage) { this._storage = storage; }, setItem: function(key, data, expireTime) { key = PREFIX + key; var expiredAt = typeof expireTime === 'number' ? (Date.now() + expireTime) : ''; console.log('%ccacheStorage.setItem', 'background: cyan;', key, typeof data, data); this._storage[key] = JSON.stringify({ data: data, type: typeof data, expiredAt: expiredAt }); }, getItem: function(key) { key = PREFIX + key; if (!(this._storage.hasOwnProperty(key) || this._storage[key] !== undefined)) { return null; } var item = null, data = null; try { item = JSON.parse(this._storage[key]); if (item.type === 'string') { data = item.data; } else if (typeof item.data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(item.data); } else { data = item.data; } } catch(e) { window.console.error('CacheStorage json parse error:', e); window.console.log(this._storage[key]); this._storage.removeItem(key); return null; } if (item.expiredAt === '' || item.expiredAt > Date.now()) { return data; } return null; }, removeItem: function(key) { key = PREFIX + key; if (!(this._storage.hasOwnProperty(key) || this._storage[key] !== undefined)) { return null; } this._storage.removeItem(key); }, clear: function() { var storage = this._storage; _.each(Object.keys(storage), function(v) { if (v.indexOf(PREFIX) === 0) { window.console.log('remove item', v, storage[v]); storage.removeItem(v); } }); } }); return CacheStorage; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.CacheStorage = CacheStorage; ZenzaWatch.debug.localCache = new CacheStorage(localStorage); const VideoInfoLoader = (function() { const cacheStorage = new CacheStorage(sessionStorage); //JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(JSON.parse($('#watchAPIDataContainer').text()).flashvars.dmcInfo)) const parseFromGinza = function(dom) { try { let watchApiData = JSON.parse(dom.querySelector('#watchAPIDataContainer').textContent); let videoId = watchApiData.videoDetail.id; let hasLargeThumbnail = ZenzaWatch.util.hasLargeThumbnail(videoId); let flvInfo = util.parseQuery( decodeURIComponent(watchApiData.flashvars.flvInfo) ); let dmcInfo = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(watchApiData.flashvars.dmcInfo || '{}') ); let thumbnail = watchApiData.flashvars.thumbImage + (hasLargeThumbnail ? '.L' : ''); let videoUrl = flvInfo.url ? flvInfo.url : ''; let isEco = /\d+\.\d+low$/.test(videoUrl); let isFlv = /\/smile\?v=/.test(videoUrl); let isMp4 = /\/smile\?m=/.test(videoUrl); let isSwf = /\/smile\?s=/.test(videoUrl); let isDmc = watchApiData.flashvars.isDmc === 1 && dmcInfo.session_api; let csrfToken = watchApiData.flashvars.csrfToken; let playlistToken = watchApiData.playlistToken; let watchAuthKey = watchApiData.flashvars.watchAuthKey; let seekToken = watchApiData.flashvars.seek_token; let msgInfo = { server: flvInfo.ms, threadId: flvInfo.thread_id, duration: flvInfo.l, userId: flvInfo.user_id, isNeedKey: flvInfo.needs_key === '1', optionalThreadId: flvInfo.optional_thread_id, userKey: flvInfo.userkey, hasOwnerThread: !!watchApiData.videoDetail.has_owner_thread, when: null }; let playlist = JSON.parse(dom.querySelector('#playlistDataContainer').textContent); const isPlayableSmile = isMp4 && !isSwf && (videoUrl.indexOf('http') === 0); const isPlayable = isDmc || (isMp4 && !isSwf && (videoUrl.indexOf('http') === 0)); cacheStorage.setItem('csrfToken', csrfToken, 30 * 60 * 1000); let r###lt = { _format: 'watchApi', watchApiData, flvInfo, dmcInfo, msgInfo, playlist, isDmcOnly: isPlayable && !isPlayableSmile, isPlayable, isMp4, isFlv, isSwf, isEco, isDmc, thumbnail, csrfToken, playlistToken, watchAuthKey, seekToken }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('csrfTokenUpdate', csrfToken); return r###lt; } catch (e) { window.console.error('error: parseFromGinza ', e); return null; } }; const parseFromHtml5Watch = function(dom) { const watchDataContainer = dom.querySelector('#js-initial-watch-data'); const data = JSON.parse(watchDataContainer.getAttribute('data-api-data')); const env = JSON.parse(watchDataContainer.getAttribute('data-environment')); const videoId = data.video.id; const hasLargeThumbnail = util.hasLargeThumbnail(videoId); const flvInfo = data.video.smileInfo || {}; const dmcInfo = data.video.dmcInfo || {}; const thumbnail = data.video.thumbnailURL + (hasLargeThumbnail ? '.L' : ''); const videoUrl = flvInfo.url ? flvInfo.url : ''; const isEco = /\d+\.\d+low$/.test(videoUrl); const isFlv = /\/smile\?v=/.test(videoUrl); const isMp4 = /\/smile\?m=/.test(videoUrl); const isSwf = /\/smile\?s=/.test(videoUrl); const isDmc = !!dmcInfo && !!dmcInfo.session_api; const isChannel = !!data.channel; const isCommunity = !!data.community; const csrfToken = data.context.csrfToken; const watchAuthKey = data.context.watchAuthKey; const playlistToken = env.playlistToken; const context = data.context; const linkedChannelVideo = (context.linkedChannelVideos || []).find(ch => { return !!ch.isChannelMember; }); const isNeedPayment = context.isNeedPayment; const msgInfo = { server: data.thread.serverUrl, threadId: data.thread.ids.community || data.thread.ids.default, //threadId: data.thread.ids.default, duration: data.video.duration, userId: data.viewer.id, isNeedKey: (isChannel || isCommunity), // ??? flvInfo.needs_key === '1', optionalThreadId: '', //data.thread.ids.community ? data.thread.ids.default : '', //data.thread.ids.nicos, //data.thread.ids.nicos, userKey: data.context.userkey, hasOwnerThread: data.thread.hasOwnerThread, when: null }; const isPlayableSmile = isMp4 && !isSwf && (videoUrl.indexOf('http') === 0); const isPlayable = isDmc || (isMp4 && !isSwf && (videoUrl.indexOf('http') === 0)); cacheStorage.setItem('csrfToken', csrfToken, 30 * 60 * 1000); const playlist = {playlist: []}; const tagList = []; data.tags.forEach(t => { tagList.push({ _data: t, id: t.id, tag: t.name, dic: t.isDictionaryExists, lock: t.isLocked, // 形式が統一されてない悲しみを吸収 owner_lock: t.isLocked ? 1 : 0, lck: t.isLocked ? '1' : '0', cat: t.isCategory }); }); let channelInfo = null, channelId = null; if (data.channel) { channelInfo = { icon_url: data.channel.iconURL || '', id: data.channel.id, name: data.channel.name, is_favorited: data.channel.isFavorited ? 1 : 0 }; channelId = channelInfo.id; } let uploaderInfo = null; if (data.owner) { uploaderInfo = { icon_url: data.owner.iconURL, id: data.owner.id, nickname: data.owner.nickname, is_favorited: data.owner.isFavorited, isMyVideoPublic: data.owner.isUserMyVideoPublic }; } const watchApiData = { videoDetail: { v: data.context.watchId, id: data.video.id, title: data.video.title, title_original: data.video.originalTitle, description: data.video.description, description_original: data.video.originalDescription, postedAt: data.video.postedDateTime, thumbnail: data.video.thumbnailURL, length: data.video.duration, commons_tree_exists: !!data.video.isCommonsTreeExists, width: data.video.width, height: data.video.height, isChannel: data.channel && data.channel.id, isMymemory: data.context.isMyMemory, // 大文字小文字注意 communityId: data.community ? data.community.id : null, channelId, commentCount: data.thread.commentCount, mylistCount: data.video.mylistCount, viewCount: data.video.viewCount, tagList }, viewerInfo: { id: data.viewer.id }, channelInfo, uploaderInfo }; let ngFilters = null; if (data.video && data.video.dmcInfo && data.video.dmcInfo.thread && data.video.dmcInfo.thread) { if (data.video.dmcInfo.thread.channel_ng_words && data.video.dmcInfo.thread.channel_ng_words.length) { ngFilters = data.video.dmcInfo.thread.channel_ng_words.length; } else if (data.video.dmcInfo.thread.owner_ng_words && data.video.dmcInfo.thread.owner_ng_words.length) { ngFilters = data.video.dmcInfo.thread.owner_ng_words.length; } } if (data.context && data.context.ownerNGList && data.context.ownerNGList.length) { ngFilters = data.context.ownerNGList; } if (ngFilters) { const ngtmp = []; ngFilters.forEach((ng) => { ngtmp.push( encodeURIComponent(ng.source) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(ng.destination)); }); flvInfo.ng_up = ngtmp.join('&'); } const r###lt = { _format: 'html5watchApi', _data: data, watchApiData, flvInfo, dmcInfo, msgInfo, playlist, isDmcOnly: isPlayable && !isPlayableSmile, isPlayable, isMp4, isFlv, isSwf, isEco, isDmc, thumbnail, csrfToken, watchAuthKey, playlistToken, isNeedPayment, linkedChannelVideo, r###meInfo: { initialPlaybackType: data.context.initialPlaybackType || '', initialPlaybackPosition: data.context.initialPlaybackPosition || 0 } }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('csrfTokenUpdate', csrfToken); return r###lt; }; const parseWatchApiData = function(src) { const dom = document.createElement('div'); dom.innerHTML = src; if (dom.querySelector('#watchAPIDataContainer')) { return parseFromGinza(dom); } else if (dom.querySelector('#js-initial-watch-data')) { return parseFromHtml5Watch(dom); } else if (dom.querySelector('#PAGEBODY .mb16p4 .font12')) { return { reject: true, reason: 'forbidden', message: dom.querySelector('#PAGEBODY .mb16p4 .font12').textContent, }; } else { return null; } }; const loadLinkedChannelVideoInfo = (originalData) => { const linkedChannelVideo = originalData.linkedChannelVideo; const originalVideoId = originalData.watchApiData.videoDetail.id; const videoId = linkedChannelVideo.linkedVideoId; originalData.linkedChannelData = null; if (originalVideoId === videoId) { return Promise.reject(); } const url = `//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${videoId}`; window.console.info('%cloadLinkedChannelVideoInfo', 'background: cyan', linkedChannelVideo); return new Promise(r => { setTimeout(() => { r(); }, 1000); }).then(() => { return util.fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}); }) .then(res => { return res.text(); }) .then(html => { const dom = document.createElement('div'); dom.innerHTML = html; const data = parseFromHtml5Watch(dom); //window.console.info('linkedChannelData', data); originalData.dmcInfo = data.dmcInfo; originalData.isDmcOnly = data.isDmcOnly; originalData.isPlayable = data.isPlayable; originalData.isMp4 = data.isMp4; originalData.isFlv = data.isFlv; originalData.isSwf = data.isSwf; originalData.isEco = data.isEco; originalData.isDmc = data.isDmc; return originalData; }) .catch(() => { return Promise.reject({reason: 'network', message: '通信エラー(loadLinkedChannelVideoInfo)'}); }); }; const onLoadPromise = (watchId, options, isRetry, resp) => { const data = parseWatchApiData(resp); ZenzaWatch.debug.watchApiData = data; if (!data) { return Promise.reject({ reason: 'network', message: '通信エラー。動画情報の取得に失敗しました。(watch api)' }); } if (data.reject) { return Promise.reject(data); } if (data.isFlv && !data.isEco) { return Promise.reject({ reason: 'flv', info: data, message: 'この動画はZenzaWatchで再生できません(flv)' }); } if ( !data.isPlayable && data.isNeedPayment && data.linkedChannelVideo && Config.getValue('loadLinkedChannelVideo')) { return loadLinkedChannelVideoInfo(data); } if (!data.isPlayable) { return Promise.reject({ reason: 'not supported', info: data, message: 'この動画はZenzaWatchで再生できません' }); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('loadVideoInfo', data, 'WATCH_API', watchId); return Promise.resolve(data); }; const createSleep = function(sleepTime) { return new Promise(resolve => { window.setTimeout(() => { return resolve(); }, sleepTime); }); }; const loadPromise = function(watchId, options, isRetry = false) { let url = `${location.protocol}//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${watchId}`; console.log('%cloadFromWatchApiData...', 'background: lightgreen;', watchId, url); const query = []; if (options.economy === true) { query.push('eco=1'); } if (query.length > 0) { url += '?' + query.join('&'); } return util.fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}) .then(res => { return res.text(); }) .catch(() => { return Promise.reject({reason: 'network', message: '通信エラー(network)'}); }) .then(onLoadPromise.bind(this, watchId, options, isRetry)) .catch(err => { if (isRetry) { return Promise.reject({ watchId, message: err.message || '動画情報の取得に失敗したか、未対応の形式です', type: 'watchapi' }); } if (err.reason === 'forbidden') { return Promise.reject(err); } else if (err.reason === 'network') { return createSleep(5000).then(() => { window.console.warn('network error & retry'); return loadPromise(watchId, options, true); }); } else if (err.reason === 'flv' && !options.economy) { options.economy = true; window.console.log( '%cエコノミーにフォールバック(flv)', 'background: cyan; color: red;'); return createSleep(500).then(() => { return loadPromise(watchId, options, true); }); } else { window.console.info('watch api fail', err); return Promise.reject({ watchId, message: err.message || '動画情報の取得に失敗', info: err.info }); } }); }; return { load: function(watchId, options) { const timeKey = `watchAPI:${watchId}`; window.console.time(timeKey); return loadPromise(watchId, options).then( (r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); return r###lt; }, (err) => { err.watchId = watchId; window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); return Promise.reject(err); } ); } }; })(); var ThumbInfoLoader = (function() { var BASE_URL = location.protocol + '//ext.nicovideo.jp/'; var MESSAGE_ORIGIN = location.protocol + '//ext.nicovideo.jp/'; var gate = null; var cacheStorage; var parseXml = function(xmlText) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var xml = parser.parseFromString(xmlText, 'text/xml'); var val = function(name) { var elms = xml.getElementsByTagName(name); if (elms.length < 1) { return null; } return elms[0].innerHTML; }; var resp = xml.getElementsByTagName('nicovideo_thumb_response'); if (resp.length < 1 || resp[0].getAttribute('status') !== 'ok') { return { status: 'fail', code: val('code'), message: val('description') }; } var duration = (function() { var tmp = val('length').split(':'); return parseInt(tmp[0], 10) * 60 + parseInt(tmp[1], 10); })(); var watchId = val('watch_url').split('/').reverse()[0]; var postedAt = util.dateToString(new Date(val('first_retrieve'))); var tags = (function() { var r###lt = [], t = xml.getElementsByTagName('tag'); _.each(t, function(tag) { r###lt.push(tag.innerHTML); }); return r###lt; })(); let videoId = val('video_id'); let isChannel = videoId.substring(0, 2) === 'so'; var r###lt = { status: 'ok', _format: 'thumbInfo', v: isChannel ? videoId : watchId, id: videoId, isChannel, title: val('title'), description: val('description'), thumbnail: val('thumbnail_url'), movieType: val('movie_type'), lastResBody: val('last_res_body'), duration, postedAt, mylistCount: parseInt(val('mylist_counter'), 10), viewCount: parseInt(val('view_counter'), 10), commentCount: parseInt(val('comment_num'), 10), tagList: tags }; var userId = val('user_id'); if (userId !== null) { r###lt.owner = { type: 'user', id: userId, name: val('user_nickname') || '(非公開ユーザー)', url: userId ? ('//www.nicovideo.jp/user/' + userId) : '#', icon: val('user_icon_url') || '//res.nimg.jp/img/user/thumb/blank.jpg' }; } var channelId = val('ch_id'); if (channelId !== null) { r###lt.owner = { type: 'channel', id: channelId, name: val('ch_name') || '(非公開ユーザー)', url: '//ch.nicovideo.jp/ch' + channelId, icon: val('ch_icon_url') || '//res.nimg.jp/img/user/thumb/blank.jpg' }; } console.log('thumbinfo: ', watchId, r###lt); cacheStorage.setItem('thumbInfo_' + r###lt.v, r###lt); return r###lt; }; var initialize = function() { initialize = _.noop; cacheStorage = new CacheStorage(sessionStorage); gate = new CrossDomainGate({ baseUrl: BASE_URL, origin: MESSAGE_ORIGIN, type: 'thumbInfo', messager: WindowMessageEmitter }); }; var load = function(watchId) { initialize(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cache = cacheStorage.getItem('thumbInfo_' + watchId); if (cache) { console.log('cache exist: ', watchId); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { resolve(cache); }); return; } gate.load(BASE_URL + 'api/getthumbinfo/' + watchId).then(function(r###lt) { r###lt = parseXml(r###lt); if (r###lt.status === 'ok') { resolve(r###lt); } else { reject(r###lt); } }); }); }; return { load: load }; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader = ThumbInfoLoader; // ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader.load('sm9').then(function() {console.log(true, arguments); }, function() { console.log(false, arguments)}); var MessageApiLoader = (function() { var VERSION_OLD = '20061206'; var VERSION = '20090904'; const LANG_CODE = { 'en_us': 1, 'zh_tw': 2 }; var MessageApiLoader = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(MessageApiLoader.prototype, { initialize: function() { this._threadKeys = {}; this._waybackKeys = {}; }, /** * 動画の長さに応じて取得するコメント数を変える * 本家よりちょっと盛ってる */ getRequestCountByDuration: function(duration) { if (duration < 60) { return 100; } if (duration < 240) { return 200; } if (duration < 300) { return 400; } return 1000; }, getThreadKey: function(threadId, language) { // memo: // //flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getthreadkey?thread={optionalじゃないほうのID} var url = '//flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getthreadkey?thread=' + threadId; const langCode = this.getLangCode(language); if (langCode) { url += `&language_id=${langCode}`; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ajax({ url: url, contentType: 'text/plain', crossDomain: true, cache: false, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then((e) => { var r###lt = util.parseQuery(e); this._threadKeys[threadId] = r###lt; resolve(r###lt); }, (r###lt) => { reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'ThreadKeyの取得失敗 ' + threadId }); }); }); }, getWaybackKey: function(threadId, language) { let url = '//flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getwaybackkey?thread=' + threadId; const langCode = this.getLangCode(language); if (langCode) { url += `&language_id=${langCode}`; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ajax({ url: url, contentType: 'text/plain', crossDomain: true, cache: false, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then((e) => { let r###lt = util.parseQuery(e); this._waybackKeys[threadId] = r###lt; resolve(r###lt); }, (r###lt) => { reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'WaybackKeyの取得失敗 ' + threadId }); }); }); }, getLangCode: function(language) { language = language.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); if (LANG_CODE[language]) { return LANG_CODE[language]; } return 0; }, getPostKey: function(threadId, blockNo, language) { // memo: // //flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getpostkey?thread={optionalじゃないほうのID} //flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getpostkey/?device=1&thread=1111&version=1&version_sub=2&block_no=0&yugi= var url = '//flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getpostkey?device=1&thread=' + threadId + '&block_no=' + blockNo + '&version=1&version_sub=2&yugi=' + // '&language_id=0'; ''; //const langCode = this.getLangCode(language); //if (langCode) { url += `&language_id=${langCode}`; } console.log('getPostkey url: ', url); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ajax({ url: url, contentType: 'text/plain', crossDomain: true, cache: false, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then((e) => { resolve(ZenzaWatch.util.parseQuery(e)); }, (r###lt) => { //PopupMessage.alert('ThreadKeyの取得失敗 ' + threadId); reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'PostKeyの取得失敗 ' + threadId }); }); }); }, _createThreadXml: function(params) { //msgInfo, version, threadKey, force184, duration, userKey) { const threadId = params.isOptional ? params.msgInfo.optionalThreadId : params.msgInfo.threadId; const duration = params.msgInfo.duration; const userId = params.msgInfo.userId || ''; // 0 の時は空文字 const userKey = params.msgInfo.userKey; const threadKey = params.threadKey; const force184 = params.force184; const version = params.version; const when = params.msgInfo.when; const waybackKey = params.waybackKey; const thread = document.createElement('thread'); thread.setAttribute('thread', threadId); thread.setAttribute('version', version); if (params.useUserKey) { thread.setAttribute('userkey', userKey); } if (params.useDuration) { //const resCount = this.getRequestCountByDuration(duration); thread.setAttribute('click_revision', '-1'); thread.setAttribute('res_from', '-1000'); thread.setAttribute('fork', '1'); } //if (params.msgInfo.hasOwnerThread && !params.isOptional) { //} if (typeof userId !== 'undefined') { thread.setAttribute('user_id', userId); } if (params.useThreadKey && typeof threadKey !== 'undefined') { thread.setAttribute('threadkey', threadKey); } if (params.useThreadKey && typeof force184 !== 'undefined') { thread.setAttribute('force_184', force184); } if (waybackKey) { thread.setAttribute('waybackkey', waybackKey); } if (when) { thread.setAttribute('when', when); } thread.setAttribute('scores', '1'); thread.setAttribute('nicoru', '1'); thread.setAttribute('with_global', '1'); const langCode = this.getLangCode(params.msgInfo.language); if (langCode) { thread.setAttribute('language', langCode); } return thread; }, _createThreadLeavesXml: //function(threadId, version, userId, threadKey, force184, duration, userKey) { function(params) {//msgInfo, version, threadKey, force184, userKey) { const threadId = params.isOptional ? params.msgInfo.optionalThreadId : params.msgInfo.threadId; const duration = params.msgInfo.duration; const userId = params.msgInfo.userId || ''; const userKey = params.msgInfo.userKey; const threadKey = params.threadKey; const force184 = params.force184; const when = params.msgInfo.when; const waybackKey = params.waybackKey; const thread_leaves = document.createElement('thread_leaves'); const resCount = this.getRequestCountByDuration(duration); const threadLeavesParam = ['0-', (Math.floor(duration / 60) + 1), ':100,', resCount].join(''); thread_leaves.setAttribute('thread', threadId); if (params.useUserKey) { thread_leaves.setAttribute('userkey', userKey); } if (typeof userId !== 'undefined') { thread_leaves.setAttribute('user_id', userId); } if (typeof threadKey !== 'undefined') { thread_leaves.setAttribute('threadkey', threadKey); } if (typeof force184 !== 'undefined') { thread_leaves.setAttribute('force_184', force184); } if (waybackKey) { thread_leaves.setAttribute('waybackkey', waybackKey); } if (when) { thread_leaves.setAttribute('when', when); } thread_leaves.setAttribute('scores', '1'); thread_leaves.setAttribute('nicoru', '1'); const langCode = this.getLangCode(params.msgInfo.language); if (langCode) { thread_leaves.setAttribute('language', langCode); } thread_leaves.innerHTML = threadLeavesParam; return thread_leaves; }, buildPacket: function(msgInfo, threadKey, force184, waybackKey) { const span = document.createElement('span'); const packet = document.createElement('packet'); // リクエスト用のxml生成なのだが闇が深い // 不要なところにdurationやuserKeyを渡すとコメントが取得できなくなったりする // 不要なら無視してくれればいいのに // 本当よくわからないので困る if (msgInfo.optionalThreadId) { packet.appendChild( this._createThreadXml({ msgInfo: msgInfo, version: VERSION, useDuration: false, useUserKey: true, useThreadKey: false, isOptional: true, waybackKey }) ); packet.appendChild( this._createThreadLeavesXml({ msgInfo: msgInfo, version: VERSION, useUserKey: true, useThreadKey: false, isOptional: true, waybackKey }) ); } else { // forkを取得するには必要っぽい packet.appendChild( this._createThreadXml({ msgInfo: msgInfo, version: VERSION_OLD, threadKey: threadKey, force184: force184, useDuration: true, useThreadKey: false, useUserKey: false, waybackKey }) ); } packet.appendChild( this._createThreadXml({ msgInfo: msgInfo, version: VERSION, threadKey: threadKey, force184: force184, useDuration: false, useThreadKey: true, useUserKey: false, waybackKey }) ); packet.appendChild( this._createThreadLeavesXml({ msgInfo: msgInfo, version: VERSION, threadKey: threadKey, force184: force184, useThreadKey: true, useUserKey: false, waybackKey }) ); span.appendChild(packet); var packetXml = span.innerHTML; return packetXml; }, _post: function(server, xml) { // マイページのjQueryが古いためかおかしな挙動をするのでPromiseで囲う return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ajax({ url: server, data: xml, timeout: 60000, type: 'POST', contentType: 'text/plain', dataType: 'xml', crossDomain: true, cache: false }).then((r###lt) => { //console.log('post success: ', r###lt); resolve(r###lt); }, (r###lt) => { //console.log('post fail: ', r###lt); reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'コメントの通信失敗 server: ' + server }); }); }); }, _get: function(server, threadId, duration, threadKey, force184) { // nmsg.nicovideo.jpでググったら出てきた。 // http://favstar.fm/users/koizuka/status/23032783744012288 // xmlじゃなくてもいいのかよ! var resCount = this.getRequestCountByDuration(duration); var url = server + 'thread?version=' + VERSION + '&thread=' + threadId + '&scores=1' + '&res_from=-' + resCount; if (threadKey) { url += '&threadkey=' + threadKey; } if (force184) { url += '&force_184=' + force184; } console.log('%cthread url:', 'background: cyan;', url); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, crossDomain: true, cache: false }).then(function(r###lt) { //console.log('post success: ', r###lt); resolve(r###lt); }, function(r###lt) { //console.log('post fail: ', r###lt); reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'コメントの取得失敗' + server }); }); }); }, _load: function(msgInfo) { let packet, threadKey, waybackKey, force184; const loadThreadKey = () => { if (!msgInfo.isNeedKey) { return Promise.resolve(); } return this.getThreadKey(msgInfo.threadId, msgInfo.language).then(info => { console.log('threadKey: ', info); threadKey = info.threadkey; force184 = info.force_184; }); }; const loadWaybackKey = () => { if (!msgInfo.when) { return Promise.resolve(); } return this.getWaybackKey(msgInfo.threadId, msgInfo.language).then(info => { window.console.log('waybackKey: ', info); waybackKey = info.waybackkey; }); }; return loadThreadKey().then(loadWaybackKey).then(() => { //console.log('build', msgInfo, threadKey, force184, waybackKey); packet = this.buildPacket(msgInfo, threadKey, force184, waybackKey); console.log('post xml...', msgInfo.server, packet); return this._post(msgInfo.server, packet, msgInfo.threadId); }); }, load: function(msgInfo) { const server = msgInfo.server; const threadId = msgInfo.threadId; const userId = msgInfo.userId; const timeKey = `loadComment server: ${server} thread: ${threadId}`; window.console.time(timeKey); var resolve, reject; const onSuccess = (r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); ZenzaWatch.debug.lastMessageServerR###lt = r###lt; var thread, xml, ticket, lastRes = 0; var r###ltCodes = [], r###ltCode = null; try { xml = r###lt.documentElement; var threads = xml.getElementsByTagName('thread'); thread = threads[0]; _.each(threads, function(t) { var tid = t.getAttribute('thread'); if (parseInt(tid, 10) === parseInt(threadId, 10)) { thread = t; return false; } }); // どのthreadを参照すればいいのか仕様がわからない。 // しかたないので総当たり _.each(threads, function(t) { var rc = t.getAttribute('r###ltcode'); if (rc.length) { r###ltCodes.push(parseInt(rc, 10)); } var tid = t.getAttribute('thread'); //window.console.log(t, t.outerHTML); if (parseInt(tid, 10) === parseInt(threadId, 10)) { thread = t; const tk = thread.getAttribute('ticket'); if (tk && tk !== '0') { ticket = tk; } } }); //const tk = thread.getAttribute('ticket'); //if (tk && tk !== '0') { ticket = tk; } const lr = thread.getAttribute('last_res'); if (!isNaN(lr)) { lastRes = Math.max(lastRes, lr); } //r###ltCode = thread.getAttribute('r###ltcode'); r###ltCode = (r###ltCodes.sort())[0]; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } //if (r###ltCode !== '0' && (!chats || chats.length < 1)) { console.log('r###ltCodes: ', r###ltCodes); if (r###ltCode !== 0) { reject({ message: `コメント取得失敗[${r###ltCodes.join(', ')}]` }); return; } var threadInfo = { server: server, userId: userId, r###ltCode: r###ltCode, threadId: threadId, thread: thread.getAttribute('thread'), serverTime: thread.getAttribute('server_time'), lastRes: lastRes, blockNo: Math.floor((lastRes * 1 + 1) / 100), ticket: ticket, revision: thread.getAttribute('revision'), when: msgInfo.when, isWaybackMode: !!msgInfo.when }; if (this._threadKeys[threadId]) { threadInfo.threadKey = this._threadKeys[threadId].threadkey; threadInfo.force184 = this._threadKeys[threadId].force_184; } console.log('threadInfo: ', threadInfo); resolve({ r###ltCode: r###ltCode, threadInfo: threadInfo, xml: xml }); }; const onFailFinally = (e) => { window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); window.console.error('loadComment fail: ', e); reject({ message: 'コメントサーバーの通信失敗: ' + server }); }; const onFail1st = (e) => { window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); window.console.error('loadComment fail: ', e); PopupMessage.alert('コメントの取得失敗: 3秒後にリトライ'); window.setTimeout(() => { this._load(msgInfo).then(onSuccess, onFailFinally); }, 3000); }; return new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; this._load(msgInfo).then(onSuccess, onFail1st); }); }, _postChat: function(threadInfo, postKey, text, cmd, vpos) { const div = document.createElement('div'); const chat = document.createElement('chat'); chat.setAttribute('premium', ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium() ? '1' : '0'); chat.setAttribute('postkey', postKey); chat.setAttribute('user_id', threadInfo.userId); chat.setAttribute('ticket', threadInfo.ticket); chat.setAttribute('thread', threadInfo.thread); chat.setAttribute('mail', cmd); chat.setAttribute('vpos', vpos); chat.innerHTML = text; div.appendChild(chat); var xml = div.innerHTML; window.console.log('post xml: ', xml); return this._post(threadInfo.server, xml).then((r###lt) => { var status = null, chat_r###lt, no = 0, blockNo = 0, xml; try { xml = r###lt.documentElement; chat_r###lt = xml.getElementsByTagName('chat_r###lt')[0]; status = chat_r###lt.getAttribute('status'); no = parseInt(chat_r###lt.getAttribute('no'), 10); blockNo = Math.floor((no + 1) / 100); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } if (status !== '0') { return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', no: no, blockNo: blockNo, code: status, message: 'コメント投稿失敗 status: ' + status + ' server: ' + threadInfo.server }); } return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', no: no, blockNo: blockNo, code: status, message: 'コメント投稿成功' }); }); }, postChat: function(threadInfo, text, cmd, vpos, language) { return this.getPostKey(threadInfo.threadId, threadInfo.blockNo, language) .then((r###lt) => { return this._postChat(threadInfo, r###lt.postkey, text, cmd, vpos); }); } }); return MessageApiLoader; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.MessageApiLoader = MessageApiLoader; var MylistApiLoader = (function() { // マイリスト/とりあえずマイリストの取得APIには // www.nicovideo.jp配下とflapi.nicovideo.jp配下の2種類がある // 他人のマイリストを取得するにはflapi、マイリストの編集にはwwwのapiが必要 // データのフォーマットが微妙に異なるのでめんどくさい // // おかげでソート処理が悲しいことに // var CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME = Config.getValue('debug') ? 10000 : 5 * 60 * 1000; var TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME = 59 * 60 * 1000; var token = ''; var cacheStorage = null; function MylistApiLoader() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('csrfTokenUpdate', function(t) { token = t; if (cacheStorage) { cacheStorage.setItem('csrfToken', token, TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME); } }); _.assign(MylistApiLoader.prototype, { initialize: function() { if (!cacheStorage) { cacheStorage = new CacheStorage(sessionStorage); } if (!token) { token = cacheStorage.getItem('csrfToken'); if (token) { console.log('cached token exists', token); } } }, setCsrfToken: function(t) { token = t; if (cacheStorage) { cacheStorage.setItem('csrfToken', token, TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME); } }, getDeflistItems: function(options) { options = options || {}; var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/deflist/list'; //var url = 'http://flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/watch/deflistvideo'; var cacheKey = 'deflistItems'; var sortItem = this.sortItem; options = options || {}; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cacheData = cacheStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cacheData) { console.log('cache exists: ', cacheKey, cacheData); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { if (options.sort) { cacheData = sortItem(cacheData, options.sort, 'www'); } resolve(cacheData); }, this); return; } ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, cache: false, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status !== 'ok' || (!r###lt.list && !r###lt.mylistitem)) { reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'とりあえずマイリストの取得失敗(1)' }); return; } var data = r###lt.list || r###lt.mylistitem; cacheStorage.setItem(cacheKey, data, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME); if (options.sort) { data = sortItem(data, options.sort, 'www'); } resolve(data); }, function(err) { reject({ r###lt: err, message: 'とりあえずマイリストの取得失敗(2)' }); }); }); }, getMylistItems: function(groupId, options) { options = options || {}; if (groupId === 'deflist') { return this.getDeflistItems(options); } // flapiじゃないと自分のマイリストしか取れないことが発覚 var url = '//flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/watch/mylistvideo?id=' + groupId; var cacheKey = 'mylistItems: ' + groupId; var sortItem = this.sortItem; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cacheData = cacheStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cacheData) { console.log('cache exists: ', cacheKey, cacheData); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { if (options.sort) { cacheData = sortItem(cacheData, options.sort, 'flapi'); } resolve(cacheData); }, this); return; } return ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, cache: false, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status !== 'ok' || (!r###lt.list && !r###lt.mylistitem)) { return reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'マイリストの取得失敗(1)' }); } var data = r###lt.list || r###lt.mylistitem; cacheStorage.setItem(cacheKey, data, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME); if (options.sort) { data = sortItem(data, options.sort, 'flapi'); } return resolve(data); }, function(err) { this.reject({ r###lt: err, message: 'マイリストの取得失敗(2)' }); }); }); }, sortItem: function(items, sortId, format) { // wwwの時とflapiの時で微妙にフォーマットが違うのでめんどくさい // 自分以外のマイリストが開けるのはflapiだけの模様 // 編集時にはitem_idが必要なのだが、それはwwwのほうにしか入ってない // flapiに統一したい sortId = parseInt(sortId, 10); var sortKey = ([ 'create_time', 'create_time', 'mylist_comment', 'mylist_comment', // format = wwwの時はdescription 'title', 'title', 'first_retrieve', 'first_retrieve', 'view_counter', 'view_counter', 'thread_update_time', 'thread_update_time', 'num_res', 'num_res', 'mylist_counter', 'mylist_counter', 'length_seconds', 'length_seconds' ])[sortId]; if (format === 'www' && sortKey === 'mylist_comment') { sortKey = 'description'; } if (format === 'www' && sortKey === 'thread_update_time') { sortKey = 'update_time'; } var order; switch (sortKey) { // 偶数がascで奇数がdescかと思ったら特に統一されてなかった case 'first_retrieve': case 'thread_update_time': case 'update_time': order = (sortId % 2 === 1) ? 'asc' : 'desc'; break; // 数値系は偶数がdesc case 'num_res': case 'mylist_counter': case 'view_counter': case 'length_seconds': order = (sortId % 2 === 1) ? 'asc' : 'desc'; break; default: order = (sortId % 2 === 0) ? 'asc' : 'desc'; } //window.console.log('sortKey?', sortId, sortKey, order); if (!sortKey) { return items; } var getKeyFunc = (function(sortKey, format) { switch (sortKey) { case 'create_time': case 'description': case 'mylist_comment': case 'update_time': return function(item) { return item[sortKey]; }; case 'num_res': case 'mylist_counter': case 'view_counter': case 'length_seconds': if (format === 'flapi') { return function(item) { return item[sortKey] * 1; }; } else { return function(item) { return item.item_data[sortKey] * 1; }; } break; default: if (format === 'flapi') { return function(item) { return item[sortKey]; }; } else { return function(item) { return item.item_data[sortKey]; }; } } })(sortKey, format); var compareFunc = (function(order, getKey) { switch (order) { // sortKeyが同一だった場合は動画IDでソートする // 銀魂など、一部公式チャンネル動画向けの対応 case 'asc': return function(a, b) { var ak = getKey(a), bk = getKey(b); if (ak !== bk) { return ak > bk ? 1 : -1; } //else { return a.item_data.watch_id > b.item_data.watch_id ? 1 : -1; } else { return a.id > b.id ? 1 : -1; } }; case 'desc': return function(a, b) { var ak = getKey(a), bk = getKey(b); if (ak !== bk) { return (ak < bk) ? 1 : -1; } else { return a.id < b.id ? 1 : -1; } }; } })(order, getKeyFunc); //window.console.log('before sort', items[0], items, order, sortKey, compareFunc); items.sort(compareFunc); //window.console.log('after sort', items[0], items); return items; }, getMylistList: function() { var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylistgroup/list'; var cacheKey = 'mylistList'; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cacheData = cacheStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cacheData) { console.log('cache exists: ', cacheKey, cacheData); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { resolve(cacheData); }); return; } ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, cache: false, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status !== 'ok' || !r###lt.mylistgroup) { return reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: 'マイリスト一覧の取得失敗(1)' }); } var data = r###lt.mylistgroup; cacheStorage.setItem(cacheKey, data, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME); return resolve(data); }, function(err) { return reject({ r###lt: err, message: 'マイリスト一覧の取得失敗(2)' }); }); }); }, findDeflistItemByWatchId: function(watchId) { return this.getDeflistItems().then(function(items) { for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i], wid = item.id || item.item_data.watch_id; if (wid === watchId) { return Promise.resolve(item); } } return Promise.reject(); }); }, findMylistItemByWatchId: function(watchId, groupId) { return this._getMylistItemsFromWapi(groupId).then(function(items) { for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i], wid = item.id || item.item_data.watch_id; if (wid === watchId) { return Promise.resolve(item); } } return Promise.reject(); }); }, _getMylistItemsFromWapi: function(groupId) { // めんどくさいが、マイリスト取得APIは2種類ある // こっちは自分のマイリストだけを取る奴。 編集にはこっちが必要。 var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/list?group_id=' + groupId; return ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, cache: false, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status === 'ok' && r###lt.mylistitem) { return Promise.resolve(r###lt.mylistitem); } return Promise.reject(); }); }, removeDeflistItem: function(watchId) { return this.findDeflistItemByWatchId(watchId).then(function(item) { var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/deflist/delete'; var data = 'id_list[0][]=' + item.item_id + '&token=' + token; var cacheKey = 'deflistItems'; var req = { url: url, method: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'json', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, }; return ajax(req).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status && r###lt.status === 'ok') { cacheStorage.removeItem(cacheKey); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('deflistRemove', watchId); return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'とりあえずマイリストから削除' }); } return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, code: r###lt.error.code, message: r###lt.error.description }); }, function(err) { return Promise.reject({ r###lt: err, message: 'とりあえずマイリストから削除失敗(2)' }); }); }, function(err) { return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: err, message: '動画が見つかりません' }); }); }, removeMylistItem: function(watchId, groupId) { return this.findMylistItemByWatchId(watchId, groupId).then(function(item) { var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/delete'; window.console.log('delete item:', item); var data = 'id_list[0][]=' + item.item_id + '&token=' + token + '&group_id=' + groupId; var cacheKey = 'mylistItems: ' + groupId; var req = { url: url, method: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'json', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, }; return ajax(req).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status && r###lt.status === 'ok') { cacheStorage.removeItem(cacheKey); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('mylistRemove', watchId, groupId); return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'マイリストから削除' }); } return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, code: r###lt.error.code, message: r###lt.error.description }); }, function(err) { return Promise.reject({ r###lt: err, message: 'マイリストから削除失敗(2)' }); }); }, function(err) { window.console.error(err); return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: err, message: '動画が見つかりません' }); }); }, _addDeflistItem: function(watchId, description, isRetry) { var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/deflist/add'; var data = 'item_id=' + watchId + '&token=' + token; if (description) { data += '&description='+ encodeURIComponent(description); } var cacheKey = 'deflistItems'; var req = { url: url, method: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'json', timeout: 60000, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, }; var self = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ajax(req).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status && r###lt.status === 'ok') { cacheStorage.removeItem(cacheKey); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('deflistAdd', watchId, description); return resolve({ status: 'ok', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'とりあえずマイリスト登録' }); } if (!r###lt.status || !r###lt.error) { return reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'とりあえずマイリスト登録失敗(100)' }); } if (r###lt.error.code !== 'EXIST' || isRetry) { return reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, code: r###lt.error.code, message: r###lt.error.description }); } /** すでに登録されている場合は、いったん削除して再度追加(先頭に移動) 例えば、とりマイの300番目に登録済みだった場合に「登録済みです」と言われても探すのがダルいし、 他の動画を追加していけば、そのうち押し出されて消えてしまう。 なので、重複時にエラーを出すのではなく、「消してから追加」することによって先頭に持ってくる。 */ return self.removeDeflistItem(watchId).then(function() { return self._addDeflistItem(watchId, description, true).then(function(r###lt) { resolve({ status: 'ok', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'とりあえずマイリストの先頭に移動' }); }); }, function(err) { reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: err.r###lt, code: err.code, message: 'とりあえずマイリスト登録失敗(101)' }); }); }, function(err) { reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: err, message: 'とりあえずマイリスト登録失敗(200)' }); }); }); }, addDeflistItem: function(watchId, description) { return this._addDeflistItem(watchId, description, false); }, addMylistItem: function(watchId, groupId, description) { var url = '//www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/add'; var data = 'item_id=' + watchId + '&token=' + token + '&group_id=' + groupId; if (description) { data += '&description='+ encodeURIComponent(description); } var cacheKey = 'mylistItems: ' + groupId; var req = { url: url, method: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'json', timeout: 60000, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, }; var self = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ajax(req).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status && r###lt.status === 'ok') { cacheStorage.removeItem(cacheKey); // マイリストに登録したらとりあえずマイリストから除去(=移動) self.removeDeflistItem(watchId).then(_.noop, _.noop); return resolve({ status: 'ok', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'マイリスト登録' }); } if (!r###lt.status || !r###lt.error) { return reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, message: 'マイリスト登録失敗(100)' }); } // マイリストの場合は重複があっても「追加して削除」しない。 // とりまいと違って押し出されることがないし、 // シリーズ物が勝手に入れ替わっても困るため ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('mylistAdd', watchId, groupId, description); return reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: r###lt, code: r###lt.error.code, message: r###lt.error.description }); }, function(err) { reject({ status: 'fail', r###lt: err, message: 'マイリスト登録失敗(200)' }); }); }); } }); return MylistApiLoader; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader = MylistApiLoader; ZenzaWatch.init.mylistApiLoader = new MylistApiLoader(); // window.mmm = ZenzaWatch.init.mylistApiLoader; // var UploadedVideoApiLoader = (function() { var CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME = Config.getValue('debug') ? 10000 : 5 * 60 * 1000; var cacheStorage = null; function UploadedVideoApiLoader() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } _.assign(UploadedVideoApiLoader.prototype, { initialize: function() { if (!cacheStorage) { cacheStorage = new CacheStorage(sessionStorage); } }, getUploadedVideos: function(userId, options) { var url = '//flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/watch/uploadedvideo?user_id=' + userId; var cacheKey = 'uploadedvideo: ' + userId; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cacheData = cacheStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cacheData) { console.log('cache exists: ', cacheKey, cacheData); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { resolve(cacheData); }, this); return; } return ajax({ url: url, timeout: 60000, cache: false, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }).then(function(r###lt) { if (r###lt.status !== 'ok' || !r###lt.list) { return reject({ r###lt: r###lt, message: r###lt.message }); } var data = r###lt.list; cacheStorage.setItem(cacheKey, data, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME); return resolve(data); }, function(err) { this.reject({ r###lt: err, message: '動画一覧の取得失敗(2)' }); }); }); }, }); return UploadedVideoApiLoader; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.UploadedVideoApiLoader = UploadedVideoApiLoader; ZenzaWatch.init.UploadedVideoApiLoader = new UploadedVideoApiLoader(); // window.uuu = ZenzaWatch.init.mylistApiLoader; var CrossDomainGate = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CrossDomainGate.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CrossDomainGate.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._baseUrl = params.baseUrl; this._origin = params.origin || location.href; this._type = params.type; this._messager = params.messager || WindowMessageEmitter; this._loaderFrame = null; this._sessions = {}; this._initializeStatus = ''; }, _initializeFrame: function() { var self = this; switch (this._initializeStatus) { case 'done': return new Promise(function(resolve) { util.callAsync(function() { resolve(); }); }); case 'initializing': return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self.on('initialize', function(e) { if (e.status === 'ok') { resolve(); } else { reject(e); } }); }); case '': this._initializeStatus = 'initializing'; var initialPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self._sessions.initial = { promise: initialPromise, resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; window.setTimeout(function() { if (self._initializeStatus !== 'done') { var rej = { status: 'fail', message: 'CrossDomainGate初期化タイムアウト (' + self._type + ')' }; reject(rej); self.emit('initialize', rej); } }, 60 * 1000); self._initializeCrossDomainGate(); }); return initialPromise; } }, _initializeCrossDomainGate: function() { this._initializeCrossDomainGate = _.noop; this._messager.on('onMessage', _.bind(this._onMessage, this)); console.log('%c initialize ' + this._type, 'background: lightgreen;'); var loaderFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); loaderFrame.name = this._type + 'Loader'; //loaderFrame.src = this._baseUrl; loaderFrame.className = 'xDomainLoaderFrame ' + this._type; document.body.appendChild(loaderFrame); this._loaderFrame = loaderFrame; this._loaderWindow = loaderFrame.contentWindow; this._messager.addKnownSource(this._loaderWindow); this._loaderWindow.location.replace(this._baseUrl + '#' + TOKEN); }, _onMessage: function(data, type) { if (type !== this._type) { //window.console.info('invalid type', type, this._type, data); return; } var info = data.message; var token = info.token; var sessionId = info.sessionId; var status = info.status; var command = info.command || 'loadUrl'; var session = this._sessions[sessionId]; if (status === 'initialized') { //window.console.log(type + ' initialized'); this._initializeStatus = 'done'; this._sessions.initial.resolve(); this.emitAsync('initialize', {status: 'ok'}); this._postMessage({command: 'ok'}); return; } if (token !== TOKEN) { window.console.log('invalid token:', token, TOKEN); return; } switch (command) { case 'dumpConfig': this._onDumpConfig(info.body); break; default: if (!session) { return; } if (status === 'ok') { session.resolve(info.body); } else { session.reject({ message: status }); } session = null; delete this._sessions[sessionId]; break; } }, load: function(url, options) { return this._postMessage({ command: 'loadUrl', url: url, options: options }, true); }, ajax: function(options) { var url = options.url; return this.load(url, options).then(function(r###lt) { //window.console.log('xDomain ajax r###lt', r###lt); ZenzaWatch.debug.lastCrossDomainAjaxR###lt = r###lt; try { var dataType = (options.dataType || '').toLowerCase(); switch (dataType) { case 'json': var json = JSON.parse(r###lt); return Promise.resolve(json); case 'xml': var parser = new DOMParser(); var xml = parser.parseFromString(r###lt, 'text/xml'); return Promise.resolve(xml); } return Promise.resolve(r###lt); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', message: 'パース失敗', error: e }); } }); }, videoCapture: function(src, sec) { return this._postMessage({ command: 'videoCapture', src, sec }, true); }, _fetch: function(url, options) { return this._postMessage({ command: 'fetch', url: url, options: options }, true); }, fetch: function(url, options) { return this._fetch(url, options).then((text) => { ZenzaWatch.debug.lastCrossDomainFetchR###lt = text; return Promise.resolve({ text: () => { return new Promise(res => { return res(text); }); }, json: () => { return new Promise(res => { return res(JSON.parse(text)); }); }, xml: () => { return new Promise(res => { const parser = new DOMParser(); return res(parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/xml')); }); } }); }); }, configBridge: function(config) { var self = this; var keys = config.getKeys(); self._config = config; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self._configBridgeResolve = resolve; self._configBridgeReject = reject; self._postMessage({ url: '', command: 'dumpConfig', keys: keys }); }); }, _postMessage: function(message, needPromise) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { message.sessionId = this._type + '_' + Math.random(); message.token = TOKEN; if (needPromise) { this._sessions[message.sessionId] = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; } return this._initializeFrame().then(() => { try { this._loaderWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify(message), this._origin ); } catch (e) { console.log('%cException!', 'background: red;', e); } }); }); }, _onDumpConfig: function(configData) { //window.console.log('_onDumpConfig', configData); _.each(Object.keys(configData), (key) => { //window.console.log('config %s: %s', key, configData[key]); this._config.setValue(key, configData[key]); }); if (!location.host.match(/^[a-z0-9]*.nicovideo.jp$/) && !this._config.getValue('allowOtherDomain')) { window.console.log('allowOtherDomain', this._config.getValue('allowOtherDomain')); this._configBridgeReject(); return; } this._config.on('update', (key, value) => { if (key === 'autoCloseFullScreen') { return; } this._postMessage({ command: 'saveConfig', key: key, value: value }); }); this._configBridgeResolve(); }, pushHistory: function(path, title) { const sessionId = this._type +'_' + Math.random(); this._initializeFrame().then(() => { try { this._loaderWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ sessionId: sessionId, command: 'pushHistory', path: path, title: title || '' }), this._origin); } catch (e) { console.log('%cException!', 'background: red;', e); } }); }, }); if (location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp') { NicoVideoApi = new CrossDomainGate({ baseUrl: location.protocol + '//www.nicovideo.jp/favicon.ico', origin: location.protocol + '//www.nicovideo.jp/', type: 'nicovideoApi', messager: WindowMessageEmitter }); } const IchibaLoader = (() => { let callbackId = 0; const load = (watchId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const country = 'ja-jp'; const api = '//ichiba.nicovideo.jp/embed/zero/show_ichiba'; const sc = document.createElement('script'); let timeoutTimer = null; const funcName = (() => { const funcName = `zenza_callback_${callbackId++}`; window[funcName] = (ichibaData) => { //window.console.info(ichibaData); window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); timeoutTimer = null; sc.remove(); delete window[funcName]; resolve(ichibaData); }; return funcName; })(); timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { sc.remove(); delete window[funcName]; if (timeoutTimer) { reject(new Error('ichiba timeout')); } }, 30000); const url = `${api}?v=${watchId}&country=${country}&ch=&is_adult=1&rev=20120220&callback=${funcName}`; sc.src = url; document.body.appendChild(sc); }); }; return { load }; })(); const PlaybackPosition = (function() { const record = (watchId, playbackPosition, csrfToken) => { const url = 'https://flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/record_current_playback_position'; const body = `watch_id=${watchId}&playback_position=${playbackPosition}&csrf_token=${csrfToken}`; return util.fetch(url, { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body }); }; return { record }; })(); // typoじゃなくて変なブロッカーと干渉しないために名前を変えている const UaaLoader = (() => { const load = (videoId, {limit = 50} = {}) => { const url = `https://api.nicoad.nicovideo.jp/v1/contents/video/${videoId}/thanks?limit=${limit}`; return util .fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}) .then(res => { return res.json(); }); }; return { load }; })(); const RecommendAPILoader = (() => { const load = ({videoId}) => { const recipe = btoa(JSON.stringify({ id: 'video_playlist_common', videoId })); const url = `https://nvapi.nicovideo.jp/v1/recommend?recipe=${recipe}&site=nicovideo&_frontendId=6&_frontendVersion=0`; return util .fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { if (!res.meta || res.meta.status !== 200) { window.console.warn('load recommend fail', res); throw new Error('load recommend fail'); } return res.data; }); }; return { load }; })(); // class DmcInfo { constructor(rawData) { this._rawData = rawData; this._session = rawData.session_api; } get apiUrl() { return this._session.urls[0].url; } get audios() { return this._session.audios; } get videos() { return this._session.videos; } get signature() { return this._session.signature; } get token() { return this._session.token; } get serviceUserId() { return this._session.service_user_id; } get contentId() { return this._session.content_id; } get playerId() { return this._session.player_id; } get recipeId() { return this._session.recipe_id; } get heartBeatLifeTimeMs() { return this._session.heartbeat_lifetime; } get protocols() { return this._session.protocols; } get contentKeyTimeout() { return this._session.content_key_timeout; } get priority() { return this._session.priority; } get authTypes() { return this._session.authTypes; } get videoFormatList() { return (this.videos || []).concat(); } get hasStoryboard() { return !!this._rawData.storyboard_session_api; } get storyboardInfo() { return this._rawData.storyboard_session_api; } get transferPreset() { return (this._session.transfer_presets || [''])[0] || ''; } } class VideoFilter { constructor(ngOwner, ngTag) { this.ngOwner = ngOwner; this.ngTag = ngTag; } get ngOwner() { return this._ngOwner || []; } set ngOwner(owner) { owner = _.isArray(owner) ? owner : owner.toString().split(/[\r\n]/); var list = []; _.each(owner, function(o) { list.push(o.replace(/#.*$/, '').trim()); }); this._ngOwner = list; } get ngTag() { return this._ngTag || []; } set ngTag(tag) { tag = Array.isArray(tag) ? tag : tag.toString().split(/[\r\n]/); const list = []; tag.forEach(t => { list.push(t.toLowerCase().trim()); }); this._ngTag = list; } isNgVideo(videoInfo) { let isNg = false; let isChannel = videoInfo.isChannel; let ngTag = this.ngTag; videoInfo.tagList.forEach(tag => { let text = (tag.tag || '').toLowerCase(); if (ngTag.includes(text)) { isNg = true; } }); if (isNg) { return true; } let owner = videoInfo.ownerInfo; let ownerId = isChannel ? ('ch' + owner.id) : owner.id; if (ownerId && this.ngOwner.includes(ownerId)) { isNg = true; } return isNg; } } class VideoInfoModel { constructor(info) { this._rawData = info; this._watchApiData = info.watchApiData; this._videoDetail = info.watchApiData.videoDetail; this._flashvars = info.watchApiData.flashvars; // flashに渡す情報 this._viewerInfo = info.viewerInfo; // 閲覧者(=おまいら)の情報 this._flvInfo = info.flvInfo; this._msgInfo = info.msgInfo; this._dmcInfo = (info.dmcInfo && info.dmcInfo.session_api) ? new DmcInfo(info.dmcInfo) : null; this._relatedVideo = info.playlist; // playlistという名前だが実質は関連動画 this._playlistToken = info.playlistToken; this._watchAuthKey = info.watchAuthKey; this._seekToken = info.seekToken; this._r###meInfo = info.r###meInfo || {}; this._isDmcDisable = false; this._currentVideoPromise = []; if (!ZenzaWatch.debug.videoInfo) { ZenzaWatch.debug.videoInfo = {}; } ZenzaWatch.debug.videoInfo[this.getWatchId()] = this; } get title() { return this._videoDetail.title_original || this._videoDetail.title; } get description() { return this._videoDetail.description || ''; } /** * マイリスト等がリンクになっていない物 */ get descriptionOriginal() { return this._videoDetail.description_original; } get postedAt() { return this._videoDetail.postedAt; } get thumbnail() { return this._videoDetail.thumbnail; } /** * 大きいサムネがあればそっちを返す */ get betterThumbnail() { return this._rawData.thumbnail; } get videoUrl() { return this._flvInfo.url; } get storyboardUrl() { let url = this._flvInfo.url; if (!url.match(/smile\?m=/) || url.match(/^rtmp/)) { return null; } return url; } /** * @return Promise */ getCurrentVideo() { if (this._currentVideo) { return Promise.resolve(this._currentVideo); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._currentVideoPromise.push({resolve, reject}); }); } setCurrentVideo(v) { this._currentVideo = v; this._currentVideoPromise.forEach(p => { p.resolve(this._currentVideo); }); } get isEconomy() { return this.videoUrl.match(/low$/) ? true : false; } get tagList() { return this._videoDetail.tagList; } getVideoId() { // sm12345 return this.videoId; } get videoId() { return this._videoDetail.id; } getWatchId() { // sm12345だったりスレッドIDだったり return this.watchId; } get watchId() { if (this.videoId.substring(0, 2) === 'so') { return this.videoId; } return this._videoDetail.v; } get watchUrl() { return `https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${this.watchId}`; } get threadId() { // watchIdと同一とは限らない return this._videoDetail.thread_id; } get videoSize() { return { width: this._videoDetail.width, height: this._videoDetail.height }; } get duration() { return this._videoDetail.length; } get count() { const vd = this._videoDetail; return { comment: vd.commentCount, mylist: vd.mylistCount, view: vd.viewCount }; } get isChannel() { return !!this._videoDetail.channelId; } get isMymemory() { return !!this._videoDetail.isMymemory; } get isCommunityVideo() { return !!(!this.isChannel && this._videoDetail.communityId); } get hasParentVideo() { return !!(this._videoDetail.commons_tree_exists); } get isDmc() { return this.isDmcOnly || (this._rawData.isDmc && !this._isDmcDisable); } get dmcInfo() { return this._dmcInfo; } get msgInfo() { return this._msgInfo; } get isDmcDisable() { return this.isDmcOnly && this._isDmcDisable; } set isDmcDisable(v) { this._isDmcDisable = v; } get isDmcOnly() { return !!this._rawData.isDmcOnly; } get hasDmcStoryboard() { return this._dmcInfo && this._dmcInfo.hasStoryboard; } get dmcStoryboardInfo() { return !!this._dmcInfo ? this._dmcInfo.storyboardInfo : null; } /** * 投稿者の情報 * チャンネル動画かどうかで分岐 */ get ownerInfo() { var ownerInfo; if (this.isChannel) { var c = this._watchApiData.channelInfo || {}; ownerInfo = { icon: c.icon_url || '//res.nimg.jp/img/user/thumb/blank.jpg', url: '//ch.nicovideo.jp/ch' + c.id, id: c.id, name: c.name, favorite: c.is_favorited === 1, // こっちは01で type: 'channel' }; } else { // 退会しているユーザーだと空になっている var u = this._watchApiData.uploaderInfo || {}; var f = this._flashvars || {}; ownerInfo = { icon: u.icon_url || '//res.nimg.jp/img/user/thumb/blank.jpg', url: u.id ? ('//www.nicovideo.jp/user/' + u.id) : '#', id: u.id || f.videoUserId || '', name: u.nickname || '(非公開ユーザー)', favorite: !!u.is_favorited, // こっちはbooleanという type: 'user', isMyVideoPublic: !!u.is_user_myvideo_public }; } return ownerInfo; } get relatedVideoItems() { return this._relatedVideo.playlist || []; } get replacementWords() { if (!this._flvInfo.ng_up) { return null; } return ZenzaWatch.util.parseQuery( this._flvInfo.ng_up || '' ); } get playlistToken() { return this._playlistToken; } set playlistToken(v) { this._playlistToken = v; } get watchAuthKey() { return this._watchAuthKey; } set watchAuthKey(v) { this._watchAuthKey = v; } get seekToken() { return this._seekToken; } get width() { return parseInt(this._videoDetail.width, 10); } get height() { return parseInt(this._videoDetail.height, 10); } get initialPlaybackTime() { if (!this._r###meInfo || !this._r###meInfo.initialPlaybackPosition) { return 0; } return parseFloat(this._r###meInfo.initialPlaybackPosition, 10); } get csrfToken() { return this._rawData.csrfToken || ''; } get extension() { if (this.isDmc) { return 'mp4'; } const url = this.videoUrl; if (url.match(/smile\?m=/)) { return 'mp4'; } if (url.match(/smile\?v=/)) { return 'flv'; } if (url.match(/smile\?s=/)) { return 'swf'; } return 'unknown'; } } const {NicoSearchApiV2Query, NicoSearchApiV2Loader} = (function() { // 参考: http://site.nicovideo.jp/search-api-docs/search.html // http://ch.nicovideo.jp/nico-lab/blomaga/ar930955 const BASE_URL = `${location.protocol}//api.search.nicovideo.jp/api/v2/`; const API_BASE_URL = `${BASE_URL}/video/contents/search`; const MESSAGE_ORIGIN = `${location.protocol}//api.search.nicovideo.jp/`; const SORT = { f: 'startTime', v: 'viewCounter', r: 'commentCounter', m: 'mylistCounter', l: 'lengthSeconds', n: 'lastCommentTime', // v1からの推測で見つけたけどドキュメントにはのってないやつ h: '_hotMylistCounter', // 人気が高い順 '_hot': '_hotMylistCounter', // 人気が高い順(↑と同じだけど互換用に残ってる) '_popular': '_popular', // 並び順指定なしらしい }; // 公式検索の日時指定パラメータ -1h -24h -1w -1m const F_RANGE = { U_1H: 4, U_24H: 1, U_1W: 2, U_30D: 3 }; // 公式検索の動画長指定パラメータ -5min 20min- const L_RANGE = { U_5MIN: 1, O_20MIN: 2 }; let gate; // なぜかv2はCORSがついてないのでCrossDomainGateの力を借りる let initializeCrossDomainGate = function() { initializeCrossDomainGate = function() {}; gate = new CrossDomainGate({ baseUrl: BASE_URL, origin: MESSAGE_ORIGIN, type: 'searchApi', messager: WindowMessageEmitter }); }; /** * 公式検索ページのqueryパラメータをv2用に変換するやつ+α */ class NicoSearchApiV2Query { constructor(word, params = {}) { if (word.searchWord) { this._initialize(word.searchWord, word); } else { this._initialize(word, params); } } get q() { return this._q; } get targets() { return this._targets; } get sort() { return this._sort; } get order() { return this._order; } get limit() { return this._limit; } get offset() { return this._offset; } get fields() { return this._fields; } get context() { return this._context; } get hotField() { return this._hotField; } get hotFrom() { return this._hotFrom; } get hotTo() { return this._hotTo; } _initialize(word, params) { if (params._now) { this.now = params._now; } const sortTable = SORT; this._filters = []; this._q = word || params.searchWord || 'ZenzaWatch'; this._targets = params.searchType === 'tag' ? ['tagsExact'] : ['tagsExact', 'title', 'description']; this._sort = (params.order === 'd' ? '-' : '+') + (params.sort && sortTable[params.sort] ? sortTable[params.sort] : 'lastCommentTime'); this._order = params.order === 'd' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; this._limit = 100; this._offset = Math.min( params.page ? Math.max(parseInt(params.page, 10) - 1, 0) * 25 : 0, 1600 ); this._fields = [ 'contentId', 'title', 'description', 'tags', 'categoryTags', 'viewCounter', 'commentCounter', 'mylistCounter', 'lengthSeconds', 'startTime', 'thumbnailUrl', // 公式ドキュメントからは消えてるけど指定できた 'lengthSeconds', 'lastResBody' ]; this._context = 'ZenzaWatch'; const n = new Date(), now = this.now; if (/^._hot/.test(this.sort)) { // 人気が高い順ソート (() => { this._hotField = 'mylistCounter'; this._hotFrom = new Date(now - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); this._hotTo = n; this._sort = '-_hotMylistCounter'; })(); } if (params.f_range && [F_RANGE.U_1H, F_RANGE.U_24H, F_RANGE.U_1W, F_RANGE.U_30D] .includes(params.f_range * 1)) { this._filters.push(this._buildFRangeFilter(params.f_range * 1)); } if (params.l_range && [L_RANGE.U_5MIN, L_RANGE.O_20MIN].includes(params.l_range * 1)) { this._filters.push(this._buildLRangeFilter(params.l_range * 1)); } if (params.userId && (params.userId + '').match(/^\d+$/)) { this._filters.push({type: 'equal', field: 'userId', value: params.userId * 1}); } if (params.channelId && (params.channelId + '').match(/^\d+$/)) { this._filters.push({type: 'equal', field: 'channelId', value: params.channelId * 1}); } if (params.commentCount && (params.commentCount + '').match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { this._filters.push({ type: 'range', field: 'commentCounter', from: params.commentCount * 1 }); } if (params.utimeFrom || params.utimeTo) { this._filters.push(this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: params.utimeFrom ? params.utimeFrom * 1 : 0, to: params.utimeTo ? params.utimeTo * 1 : now })); } if (params.dateFrom || params.dateTo) { this._filters.push(this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: params.dateFrom ? (new Date(params.dateFrom)).getTime() : 0, to: params.dateTo ? (new Date(params.dateTo )).getTime() : now })); } // 公式検索ページの日付指定 const dateReg = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/; if (dateReg.test(params.start) && dateReg.test(params.end)) { this._filters.push(this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: (new Date(params.start)).getTime(), to: (new Date(params.end )).getTime() })); } } get stringfiedFilters() { if (this._filters.length < 1) { return ''; } const r###lt = []; const TIMEFIELDS = ['startTime']; this._filters.forEach((filter) => { let isTimeField = TIMEFIELDS.includes(filter.field); if (!filter) { return; } if (filter.type === 'equal') { r###lt.push(`filters[${filter.field}][0]=${filter.value}`); } else if (filter.type === 'range') { let from = isTimeField ? this._formatDate(filter.from) : filter.from; if (filter.from) { r###lt.push(`filters[${filter.field}][gte]=${from}`); } if (filter.to) { let to = isTimeField ? this._formatDate(filter.to) : filter.to; r###lt.push(`filters[${filter.field}][lte]=${to}`); } } }); return r###lt.join('&'); } get filters() { return this._filters; } _formatDate(time) { const dt = new Date(time); return dt.toISOString().replace(/\.\d*Z/, '') + '%2b00:00'; // '%2b00:00' } _buildStartTimeRangeFilter({from = 0, to}) { const range = {field: 'startTime', type: 'range'}; if (from !== undefined && to !== undefined) { [from, to] = [from, to].sort(); // from < to になるように } if (from !== undefined) { range.from = from; } if (to !== undefined) { range.to = to; } return range; } _buildLengthSecondsRangeFilter({from, to}) { const range = {field: 'lengthSeconds', type: 'range'}; if (from !== undefined && to !== undefined) { [from, to] = [from, to].sort(); // from < to になるように } if (from !== undefined) { range.from = from; } if (to !== undefined) { range.to = to; } return range; } _buildFRangeFilter(range) { const now = this.now; switch (range * 1) { case F_RANGE.U_1H: return this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: now - 1000 * 60 * 60, to: now }); case F_RANGE.U_24H: return this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, to: now }); case F_RANGE.U_1W: return this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, to: now }); case F_RANGE.U_30D: return this._buildStartTimeRangeFilter({ from: now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, to: now }); default: return null; } } _buildLRangeFilter(range) { switch(range) { case L_RANGE.U_5MIN: return this._buildLengthSecondsRangeFilter({ from: 0, to: 60 * 5 }); case L_RANGE.O_20MIN: return this._buildLengthSecondsRangeFilter({ from: 60 * 20 }); } } toString() { const r###lt = []; r###lt.push('q=' + encodeURIComponent(this._q)); r###lt.push('targets=' + this.targets.join(',')); r###lt.push('fields=' + this.fields.join(',')); r###lt.push('_sort=' + encodeURIComponent(this.sort)); r###lt.push('_limit=' + this.limit); r###lt.push('_offset=' + this.offset); r###lt.push('_context=' + this.context); if (this.sort === '-_hot') { r###lt.push('hotField=' + this.hotField); r###lt.push('hotFrom=' + this.hotFrom); r###lt.push('hotTo=' + this.hotTo); } const filters = this.stringfiedFilters; if (filters) { r###lt.push(filters); } return r###lt.join('&'); } set now(v) { this._now = v; } get now() { return this._now || Date.now(); } } NicoSearchApiV2Query.SORT = SORT; NicoSearchApiV2Query.F_RANGE = F_RANGE; NicoSearchApiV2Query.L_RANGE = L_RANGE; class NicoSearchApiV2Loader { static search(word, params) { initializeCrossDomainGate(); const query = new NicoSearchApiV2Query(word, params); const url = API_BASE_URL + '?' + query.toString(); return gate.fetch(url).then((r###lt) => { return r###lt.text(); }).then((r###lt) => { r###lt = NicoSearchApiV2Loader.parseR###lt(r###lt); if (typeof r###lt !== 'number' && r###lt.status === 'ok') { return Promise.resolve(r###lt); } else { let description; switch (r###lt) { default: description = 'UNKNOWN ERROR'; break; case 400: description = 'INVALID QUERY'; break; case 500: description = 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR'; break; case 503: description = 'MAINTENANCE'; break; } return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', description }); } }); } /** * 100件以上検索する用 */ static searchMore(word, params, maxLimit = 300) { const ONCE_LIMIT = 100; // 一回で取れる件数 const PER_PAGE = 25; // 検索ページで1ページあたりに表示される件数 const MAX_PAGE = 64; // 25 * 64 = 1600 // 短い間隔で叩くと弾かれるらしい?のでスリープを入れる const createSleep = function(ms) { return () => { return new Promise(res => { console.log('search sleep: %sms', ms); window.setTimeout(() => { return res(); }, ms); }); }; }; const createSearchNext = function(word, params, page) { return () => { console.log('searchNext: "%s"', word, page, params); return NicoSearchApiV2Loader.search(word, Object.assign(params, {page})); }; }; return NicoSearchApiV2Loader.search(word, params).then(r###lt => { const currentPage = params.page ? parseInt(params.page, 10) : 1; const currentOffset = (currentPage - 1) * PER_PAGE; if (r###lt.count <= ONCE_LIMIT) { return r###lt; } const searchCount = Math.min( Math.ceil((r###lt.count - currentOffset) / PER_PAGE) - 1, Math.ceil((maxLimit - ONCE_LIMIT) / ONCE_LIMIT) ); const promises = []; for (let i = 1; i <= searchCount; i++) { promises.push(createSleep(Math.min(300 * i, 2000))); let nextPage = currentPage + i * (ONCE_LIMIT / PER_PAGE); promises.push(createSearchNext(word, params, nextPage)); if (nextPage >= MAX_PAGE) { break; } } // TODO: 途中で失敗したらそこまででもいいので返す? return promises.reduce((prev, current) => { return prev.then(current).then(res => { if (res && res.list && res.list.length) { r###lt.list = r###lt.list.concat(res.list); } return r###lt; }); }, Promise.resolve()); }); } static _jsonParse(r###lt) { try { return JSON.parse(r###lt); } catch(e) { window.console.error('JSON parse error', e); return null; } } static parseR###lt(jsonText) { const data = NicoSearchApiV2Loader._jsonParse(jsonText); if (!data) { return 0; } const status = data.meta.status; const r###lt = { status: status === 200 ? 'ok' : 'fail', count: data.meta.totalCount, list: [] }; if (status !== 200) { return status; } const midThumbnailThreshold = 23608629; // .Mのついた最小ID? data.data.forEach(item => { let description = item.description ? item.description.replace(/<.*?>/g, '') : ''; if (item.thumbnailUrl.indexOf('.M') >= 0) { item.thumbnail_url = item.thumbnail_url.replace(/\.M$/, ''); item.is_middle_thumbnail = true; } else if (item.thumbnailUrl.indexOf('.M') < 0 && item.contentId.indexOf('sm') === 0) { let _id = parseInt(item.contentId.substring(2), 10); if (_id >= midThumbnailThreshold) { item.is_middle_thumbnail = true; } } const dt = util.dateToString(new Date(item.startTime)); r###lt.list.push({ id: item.contentId, type: 0, // 0 = VIDEO, length: item.lengthSeconds ? Math.floor(item.lengthSeconds / 60) + ':' + (item.lengthSeconds % 60 + 100).toString().substring(1) : '', mylist_counter: item.mylistCounter, view_counter: item.viewCounter, num_res: item.commentCounter, first_retrieve: dt, create_time: dt, thumbnail_url: item.thumbnailUrl, title: item.title, description_short: description.substring(0, 150), description_full: description, length_seconds: item.lengthSeconds, //last_res_body: item.lastResBody, is_middle_thumbnail: item.is_middle_thumbnail }); }); return r###lt; } } return {NicoSearchApiV2Query, NicoSearchApiV2Loader}; })(); class TagEditApi { load(videoId) { const url = `/tag_edit/${videoId}/?res_type=json&cmd=tags&_=${Date.now()}`; return this._fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' }); } add({videoId, tag, csrfToken, watchAuthKey, ownerLock = 0}) { const url = `/tag_edit/${videoId}/`; const body = this._buildQuery({ cmd: 'add', tag, id: '', token: csrfToken, watch_auth_key: watchAuthKey, owner_lock: ownerLock, res_type: 'json' }); const options = { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body }; return this._fetch(url, options); } remove({videoId, tag = '', id, csrfToken, watchAuthKey, ownerLock = 0}) { const url = `/tag_edit/${videoId}/`; const body = this._buildQuery({ cmd: 'remove', tag, // いらないかも id, token: csrfToken, watch_auth_key: watchAuthKey, owner_lock: ownerLock, res_type: 'json' }); const options = { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body }; return this._fetch(url, options); } _buildQuery(params) { const t = []; Object.keys(params).forEach(key => { t.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(params[key])}`); }); return t.join('&'); } _fetch(url, options) { return util.fetch(url, options).then(r###lt => { return r###lt.json(); }); } } const SmileStoryboardInfoLoader = (function() { var reject = function(err) { return new Promise(function(res, rej) { window.setTimeout(function() { rej(err); }, 0); }); }; var parseStoryboard = function($storyboard, url) { var storyboardId = $storyboard.attr('id') || '1'; return { id: storyboardId, url: url.replace('sb=1', 'sb=' + storyboardId), thumbnail:{ width: $storyboard.find('thumbnail_width').text(), height: $storyboard.find('thumbnail_height').text(), number: $storyboard.find('thumbnail_number').text(), interval: $storyboard.find('thumbnail_interval').text() }, board: { rows: $storyboard.find('board_rows').text(), cols: $storyboard.find('board_cols').text(), number: $storyboard.find('board_number').text() } }; }; var parseXml = function(xml, url) { var $xml = $(xml), $storyboard = $xml.find('storyboard'); if ($storyboard.length < 1) { return null; } var info = { format: 'smile', status: 'ok', message: '成功', url: url, movieId: $xml.find('movie').attr('id'), duration: $xml.find('duration').text(), storyboard: [] }; for (var i = 0, len = $storyboard.length; i < len; i++) { var sbInfo = parseStoryboard($($storyboard[i]), url); info.storyboard.push(sbInfo); } info.storyboard.sort(function(a, b) { var idA = parseInt(a.id.substr(1), 10), idB = parseInt(b.id.substr(1), 10); return (idA < idB) ? 1 : -1; }); return info; }; var load = function(videoFileUrl) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = videoFileUrl; var server = a.host; var search = a.search; if (!/\?(.)=(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(search)) { return reject({status: 'fail', message: 'invalid url', url: videoFileUrl}); } var fileType = RegExp.$1; var fileId = RegExp.$2; var key = RegExp.$3; if (fileType !== 'm') { return reject({status: 'fail', message: 'unknown file type', url: videoFileUrl}); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var url = '//' + server + '/smile?m=' + fileId + '.' + key + '&sb=1'; util.fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}) .then(res => { return res.text(); }) .then(r###lt => { const info = parseXml(r###lt, url); if (info) { resolve(info); } else { reject({ status: 'fail', message: 'storyboard not exist (1)', r###lt: r###lt, url: url }); } }).catch(err => { reject({ status: 'fail', message: 'storyboard not exist (2)', r###lt: err, url: url }); }); }); }; return { load }; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.SmileStoryboardInfoLoader = SmileStoryboardInfoLoader; const DmcStoryboardInfoLoader = (() => { const parseStoryboard = function(sb) { const r###lt = { id: 0, urls: [], quality: sb.quality, thumbnail:{ width: sb.thumbnail_width, height: sb.thumbnail_height, number: null, interval: sb.interval }, board: { rows: sb.rows, cols: sb.columns, number: sb.images.length } }; sb.images.forEach(image => { r###lt.urls.push(image.uri); }); return r###lt; }; const parseMeta = function(meta) { const r###lt = { format: 'dmc', status: meta.meta.message, url: null, movieId: null, storyboard: [] }; meta.data.storyboards.forEach(sb => { r###lt.storyboard.unshift(parseStoryboard(sb)); }); // 画質の良い順にソート r###lt.storyboard.sort((a, b) => { if(a.quality < b.quality) { return 1; } if(a.quality > b.quality) { return -1; } return 0; }); return r###lt; }; const load = function(url) { return util.fetch(url, {credentials: 'include'}) .then(res => { return res.json(); }) .then(info => { if (!info.meta || !info.meta.message || info.meta.message !== 'ok') { return Promise.reject('storyboard request fail'); } return parseMeta(info); }); }; return { load, _parseMeta: parseMeta, _parseStoryboard: parseStoryboard }; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.DmcStoryboardInfoLoader = DmcStoryboardInfoLoader; const StoryboardInfoLoader = (() => { return { load: function(url) { if (url.match(/dmc\.nico/)) { return DmcStoryboardInfoLoader.load(url); } else { return SmileStoryboardInfoLoader.load(url); } } }; })(); ZenzaWatch.api.StoryboardInfoLoader = StoryboardInfoLoader; class StoryboardSession { constructor(info) { this._info = info; this._url = info.urls[0].url; } create() { const url = `${this._url}?_format=json`; const body = this._createRequestString(this._info); return util.fetch(url, { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body }).then(res => { return res.json(); }).catch(err => { window.console.error('create dmc session fail', err); return Promise.reject('create dmc session fail'); }); } _createRequestString(info) { if (!info) { info = this._info; } // 階層が深くて目が疲れた const request = { session: { client_info: { player_id: info.player_id }, content_auth: { auth_type: info.auth_types.storyboard, content_key_timeout: info.content_key_timeout, service_id: 'nicovideo', service_user_id: info.service_user_id }, content_id: info.content_id, content_src_id_sets: [{ content_src_ids: [] }], content_type: 'video', content_uri: '', keep_method: { heartbeat: { lifetime: info.heartbeat_lifetime } }, priority: info.priority, protocol: { name: 'http', parameters: { http_parameters: { parameters: { storyboard_download_parameters: { use_well_known_port: info.urls[0].is_well_known_port ? 'yes' : 'no', use_ssl: info.urls[0].is_ssl ? 'yes' : 'no' } } } } }, recipe_id: info.recipe_id, session_operation_auth: { session_operation_auth_by_signature: { signature: info.signature, token: info.token } }, timing_constraint: 'unlimited' } }; (info.videos || []).forEach(video => { request.session.content_src_id_sets[0].content_src_ids.push(video); }); //window.console.log('storyboard session request', JSON.stringify(request, null, ' ')); return JSON.stringify(request); } } const {YouTubeWrapper} = (() => { const STATE_PLAYING = 1; class YouTubeWrapper extends AsyncEmitter { constructor({parentNode, autoplay = true, volume = 0.3, playbackRate = 1, loop = false}) { super(); this._isInitialized = false; this._parentNode = parentNode; this._autoplay = autoplay; this._volume = volume; this._playbackRate = playbackRate; this._loop = loop; this._isSeeking = false; this._seekTime = 0; this._onSeekEnd = _.debounce(this._onSeekEnd.bind(this), 500); } setSrc(url, startSeconds = 0) { this._src = url; this._videoId = this._parseVideoId(url); this._canPlay = false; this._isSeeking = false; this._seekTime = 0; const player = this._player; const isFirst = !!player ? false : true; if (isFirst && !url) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (isFirst) { return this._initPlayer(this._videoId, startSeconds).then(({player}) => { // YouTube APIにはプレイリストのループしか存在しないため、 // プレイリストにも同じ動画を入れる // player.loadPlaylist({list: [this._videoId]}); }); } if (!url) { player.stopVideo(); return Promise.resolve(); } player.loadVideoById({ videoId: this._videoId, startSeconds: startSeconds }); player.loadPlaylist({list: [this._videoId]}); return Promise.resolve(); } set src(v) { this.setSrc(v); } get src() { return this._src; } _parseVideoId(url) { let videoId = (() => { const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; if (a.hostname === 'youtu.be') { return a.pathname.substring(1); } else { const query = util.parseQuery(a.search.substring(1)); return query.v; } })(); if (!videoId) { return videoId; } // 自動リンクでURLの前後につきそうな文字列を除去 // たぶんYouTubeのVideoIdには使われない奴 return videoId .replace(/[\?\[\]\(\)"'@]/g, '') .replace(/<[a-z0-9]*>/, ''); } _initPlayer(videoId, startSeconds = 0) { if (this._player) { return Promise.resolve({player: this._player}); } let resolved = false; return this._initYT().then((YT) => { return new Promise(resolve => { this._player = new YT.Player( this._parentNode, { videoId, events: { onReady: () => { if (!resolved) { resolved = true; resolve({player: this._player}); } this._onPlayerReady(); }, onStateChange: this._onPlayerStateChange.bind(this), onPlaybackQualityChange: e => { window.console.info('video quality: ', e.data); }, onError: (e) => { this.emit('error', e); } }, playerVars: { autoplay: this.autoplay ? 0 : 1, volume: this._volume * 100, start: startSeconds, fs: 0, loop: 0, controls: 1, disablekb: 1, modestbranding: 0, playsinline: 1, rel: 0, showInfo: 1, } }); }); }); } _initYT() { if (window.YT) { return Promise.resolve(window.YT); } return new Promise(resolve => { if (window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady) { window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady_ = window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady; } window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => { if (window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady_) { window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady_; } resolve(window.YT); }; const tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; const firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); }); } _onPlayerReady() { this.emitAsync('loadedMetaData'); this.emitAsync('canplay'); } _onPlayerStateChange(e) { const state = e.data; const YT = window.YT; switch(state) { case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: if (this._loop) { this.currentTime = 0; this.play(); } else { this.emit('ended'); } break; case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: if (!this._canPlay) { this._canPlay = true; this.emitAsync('loadedMetaData'); this.emit('canplay'); } this.emit('play'); this.emit('playing'); break; case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: this.emit('pause'); break; case YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING: //this.emit('stalled'); break; case YT.PlayerState.CUED: break; } } play() { this._player.playVideo(); return Promise.resolve(); // 互換のため } pause() { this._player.pauseVideo(); } _onSeekEnd() { this._isSeeking = false; this._player.seekTo(this._seekTime); } set currentTime(v) { this._isSeeking = true; this._seekTime = Math.max(0, Math.min(v, this.duration)); this._onSeekEnd(); } get currentTime() { const now = performance.now(); if (this._isSeeking) { this._lastTime = now; return this._seekTime; } const state = this._player.getPlayerState(); const currentTime = this._player.getCurrentTime(); if (state !== STATE_PLAYING || this._lastCurrentTime !== currentTime) { this._lastCurrentTime = currentTime; this._lastTime = now; return currentTime; } // 本家watchページ上ではなぜかgetCurrentTimeの精度が落ちるため、 // status===PLAYINGにもかかわらずcurrentTimeが進んでいない時は、wrapper側で補完する。 // 精度が落ちると断続的なstalled判定になりコメントがカクカクする const timeDiff = (now - this._lastTime) * this.playbackRate / 1000000; this._lastCurrentTime = Math.min(currentTime, this.duration); return currentTime + timeDiff; } get duration() { return this._player.getDuration(); } set mute(v) { if (v) { this._player.mute(); } else { this._player.unMute(); } this._mute = !!v; } get mute() { return this._player.mute; } set volume(v) { if (this._volume !== v) { this._volume = v; this._player.setVolume(v * 100); this.emit('volumeChange', v); } } get volume() { return this._volume; } set playbackRate(v) { if (this._playbackRate !== v) { this._playbackRate = v; this._player.setPlaybackRate(v); //this.emit('changePlaybackRate'); } } get playbackRate() { return this._playbackRate; } set loop(v) { if (this._loop !== v) { this._loop = v; this._player.setLoop(v); } } get loop() { return this._loop; } get _state() { return this._player.getPlayerState(); } get playing() { return this._state === 1; } // 互換のためのダミー実装 get videoWidth() { return 1280; } get videoHeight() { return 720; } getAttribute(k) { return this[k]; } removeAttribute() {} } return {YouTubeWrapper}; })(); ZenzaWatch.debug.YouTubeWrapper = YouTubeWrapper; /** * VideoPlayer + CommentPlayer = NicoVideoPlayer * * とはいえmasterはVideoPlayerでCommentPlayerは表示位置を受け取るのみ。 * */ var NicoVideoPlayer = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoVideoPlayer.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoVideoPlayer.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { var conf = this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._fullScreenNode = params.fullScreenNode; this._playerState = params.playerState; const playbackRate = conf.getValue('playbackRate'); const onCommand = (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }; this._videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer({ volume: conf.getValue('volume'), loop: conf.getValue('loop'), mute: conf.getValue('mute'), autoPlay: conf.getValue('autoPlay'), playbackRate, debug: conf.getValue('debug') }); this._videoPlayer.on('command', onCommand); this._commentPlayer = new NicoCommentPlayer({ offScreenLayer: params.offScreenLayer, enableFilter: params.enableFilter, wordFilter: params.wordFilter, wordRegFilter: params.wordRegFilter, wordRegFilterFlags: params.wordRegFilterFlags, userIdFilter: params.userIdFilter, commandFilter: params.commandFilter, showComment: conf.getValue('showComment'), debug: conf.getValue('debug'), playbackRate, sharedNgLevel: conf.getValue('sharedNgLevel') }); this._commentPlayer.on('command', onCommand); this._contextMenu = new ContextMenu({ parentNode: params.node.length ? params.node[0] : params.node, playerState: this._playerState }); this._contextMenu.on('command', onCommand); if (params.node) { this.appendTo(params.node); } this._initializeEvents(); this._beginTimer(); ZenzaWatch.debug.nicoVideoPlayer = this; }, _beginTimer: function() { this._stopTimer(); this._videoWatchTimer = window.setInterval(this._onTimer.bind(this), 100); }, _stopTimer: function() { if (!this._videoWatchTimer) { return; } window.clearInterval(this._videoWatchTimer); this._videoWatchTimer = null; }, _initializeEvents: function() { this._videoPlayer.on('volumeChange', this._onVolumeChange.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('dblclick', this._onDblClick.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('aspectRatioFix', this._onAspectRatioFix.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('play', this._onPlay.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('playing', this._onPlaying.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('stalled', this._onStalled.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('progress', this._onProgress.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('pause', this._onPause.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('ended', this._onEnded.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('loadedMetaData', this._onLoadedMetaData.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('canPlay', this._onVideoCanPlay.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('durationChange', this._onDurationChange.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('playerTypeChange', this._onPlayerTypeChange.bind(this)); // マウスホイールとトラックパッドで感度が違うのでthrottoleをかますと丁度良くなる(?) this._videoPlayer.on('mouseWheel', _.throttle(this._onMouseWheel.bind(this), 50)); this._videoPlayer.on('abort', this._onAbort.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('error', this._onError.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); this._videoPlayer.on('contextMenu', this._onContextMenu.bind(this)); this._commentPlayer.on('parsed', this._onCommentParsed.bind(this)); this._commentPlayer.on('change', this._onCommentChange.bind(this)); this._commentPlayer.on('filterChange', this._onCommentFilterChange.bind(this)); //this._playerConfig.on('update', this._onPlayerConfigUpdate.bind(this)); this._playerState.on('change', this._onPlayerStateChange.bind(this)); }, _onVolumeChange: function(vol, mute) { this._playerConfig.setValue('volume', vol); this._playerConfig.setValue('mute', mute); this.emit('volumeChange', vol, mute); }, _onPlayerStateChange: function(key, value) { switch (key) { case 'isLoop': this._videoPlayer.setIsLoop(value); break; case 'playbackRate': this._videoPlayer.setPlaybackRate(value); this._commentPlayer.setPlaybackRate(value); break; case 'isAutoPlay': this._videoPlayer.setIsAutoPlay(value); break; case 'isCommentVisible': if (value) { this._commentPlayer.show(); } else { this._commentPlayer.hide(); } break; case 'isMute': this._videoPlayer.setMute(value); break; case 'sharedNgLevel': this.setSharedNgLevel(value); break; } }, _onMouseWheel: function(e, delta) { // 下げる時は「うわ音でけぇ」 // 上げる時は「ちょっと上げようかな」 // なので下げる速度のほうが速い if (delta > 0) { // up this.volumeUp(); } else { // down this.volumeDown(); } }, volumeUp: function() { var v = Math.max(0.01, this._videoPlayer.getVolume()); var r = (v < 0.05) ? 1.3 : 1.1; this._videoPlayer.setVolume(v * r); }, volumeDown: function() { var v = this._videoPlayer.getVolume(); this._videoPlayer.setVolume(v / 1.2); }, _onTimer: function() { var currentTime = this._videoPlayer.getCurrentTime(); this._commentPlayer.setCurrentTime(currentTime); }, _onAspectRatioFix: function(ratio) { this._commentPlayer.setAspectRatio(ratio); this.emit('aspectRatioFix', ratio); }, _onLoadedMetaData: function() { this.emit('loadedMetaData'); }, _onVideoCanPlay: function() { this.emit('canPlay'); }, _onDurationChange: function(duration) { this.emit('durationChange', duration); }, _onPlayerTypeChange: function(type) { this.emit('videoPlayerTypeChange', type); }, _onPlay: function() { this._isPlaying = true; this.emit('play'); }, _onPlaying: function() { this._isPlaying = true; this.emit('playing'); }, _onPause: function() { this._isPlaying = false; this.emit('pause'); }, _onStalled: function() { this.emit('stalled'); }, _onProgress: function(range, currentTime) { this.emit('progress', range, currentTime); }, _onEnded: function() { this._isPlaying = false; this._isEnded = true; this.emit('ended'); }, _onError: function(e) { this.emit('error', e); }, _onAbort: function() { this.emit('abort'); }, _onClick: function() { this._contextMenu.hide(); }, _onDblClick: function() { if (this._playerConfig.getValue('enableFullScreenOnDoubleClick')) { this.toggleFullScreen(); } }, _onContextMenu: function(e) { if (!this._contextMenu.isOpen) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this._contextMenu.show(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); } }, _onCommentParsed: function() { this.emit('commentParsed'); }, _onCommentChange: function() { this.emit('commentChange'); }, _onCommentFilterChange: function(nicoChatFilter) { this.emit('commentFilterChange', nicoChatFilter); }, setVideo: function(url) { let e = { src: url, url: null, promise: null }; // デバッグ用 ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('beforeSetVideo', e); if (e.url) { url = e.url; } if (e.promise) { return e.promise.then(url => { this._videoPlayer.setSrc(url); this._isEnded = false; }); } this._videoPlayer.setSrc(url); this._isEnded = false; }, setThumbnail: function(url) { this._videoPlayer.setThumbnail(url); }, play: function() { return this._videoPlayer.play(); }, pause: function() { this._videoPlayer.pause(); return Promise.resolve(); }, togglePlay: function() { return this._videoPlayer.togglePlay(); }, setPlaybackRate: function(playbackRate) { //if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { playbackRate = Math.min(1, playbackRate); } playbackRate = Math.max(0, Math.min(playbackRate, 10)); this._videoPlayer.setPlaybackRate(playbackRate); this._commentPlayer.setPlaybackRate(playbackRate); }, setCurrentTime: function(t) { this._videoPlayer.setCurrentTime(Math.max(0, t)); }, fastSeek: function(t) { this._videoPlayer.fastSeek(Math.max(0, t)); }, getDuration: function() { return this._videoPlayer.getDuration(); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._videoPlayer.getCurrentTime(); }, getVpos: function() { return Math.floor(this._videoPlayer.getCurrentTime() * 100); }, setComment: function(xmlText, options) { this._commentPlayer.setComment(xmlText, options); }, getChatList: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getChatList(); }, getNonFilteredChatList: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getNonFilteredChatList(); }, setVolume: function(v) { this._videoPlayer.setVolume(v); }, appendTo: function(node) { var $node = typeof node === 'string' ? $(node) : node; this._$parentNode = node; this._videoPlayer.appendTo($node[0]); this._commentPlayer.appendTo($node); }, close: function() { this._videoPlayer.close(); this._commentPlayer.close(); }, closeCommentPlayer: function() { this._commentPlayer.close(); }, toggleFullScreen: function() { if (FullScreen.now()) { FullScreen.cancel(); } else { this.requestFullScreen(); } }, requestFullScreen: function() { FullScreen.request(this._fullScreenNode || this._$parentNode[0]); }, canPlay: function() { return this._videoPlayer.canPlay(); }, isPlaying: function() { return !!this._isPlaying; }, getBufferedRange: function() { return this._videoPlayer.getBufferedRange(); }, addChat: function(text, cmd, vpos, options) { if (!this._commentPlayer) { return; } var nicoChat = this._commentPlayer.addChat(text, cmd, vpos, options); console.log('addChat:', text, cmd, vpos, options, nicoChat); return nicoChat; }, setIsCommentFilterEnable: function(v) { this._commentPlayer.setIsFilterEnable(v); }, isCommentFilterEnable: function() { return this._commentPlayer.isFilterEnable(); }, setSharedNgLevel: function(level) { this._commentPlayer.setSharedNgLevel(level); }, getSharedNgLevel: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getSharedNgLevel(); }, addWordFilter: function(text) { this._commentPlayer.addWordFilter(text); }, setWordFilterList: function(list) { this._commentPlayer.setWordFilterList(list); }, getWordFilterList: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getWordFilterList(); }, addUserIdFilter: function(text) { this._commentPlayer.addUserIdFilter(text); }, setUserIdFilterList: function(list) { this._commentPlayer.setUserIdFilterList(list); }, getUserIdFilterList: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getUserIdFilterList(); }, getCommandFilterList: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getCommandFilterList(); }, addCommandFilter: function(text) { this._commentPlayer.addCommandFilter(text); }, setCommandFilterList: function(list) { this._commentPlayer.setCommandFilterList(list); }, setVideoInfo: function(info) { this._videoInfo = info; }, getVideoInfo: function() { return this._videoInfo; }, getMymemory: function() { return this._commentPlayer.getMymemory(); }, getScreenShot: function() { window.console.time('screenShot'); const fileName = this._getSaveFileName(); const video = this._videoPlayer.getVideoElement(); return VideoCaptureUtil.videoToCanvas(video).then(({canvas}) => { VideoCaptureUtil.saveToFile(canvas, fileName); window.console.timeEnd('screenShot'); }); }, getScreenShotWithComment: function() { window.console.time('screenShotWithComment'); const fileName = this._getSaveFileName({suffix: 'C'}); const video = this._videoPlayer.getVideoElement(); const html = this._commentPlayer.getCurrentScreenHtml(); //return VideoCaptureUtil.htmlToCanvas({html, video}).then(({canvas}) => { // VideoCaptureUtil.saveToFile(canvas, fileName); // window.console.timeEnd('screenShotWithComment'); //}); return VideoCaptureUtil.nicoVideoToCanvas({video, html}).then(({canvas}) => { VideoCaptureUtil.saveToFile(canvas, fileName); window.console.timeEnd('screenShotWithComment'); }); }, _getSaveFileName: function({suffix = ''} = {}) { const title = this._videoInfo.title; const watchId = this._videoInfo.watchId; const currentTime = this._videoPlayer.getCurrentTime(); const min = Math.floor(currentTime / 60); const sec = (currentTime % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1, 6); const time = `${min}_${sec}`; const prefix = Config.getValue('screenshot.prefix') || ''; return `${prefix}${title} - ${watchId}@${time}${suffix}.png`; }, isCorsReady: function() { return this._videoPlayer && this._videoPlayer.isCorsReady(); } }); class ContextMenu extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode, playerState}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'VideoContextMenu', template: ContextMenu.__tpl__, css: ContextMenu.__css__ }); this._playerState = playerState; this._state = { isOpen: false }; this._bound.onBodyClick = this.hide.bind(this); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); ZenzaWatch.debug.contextMenu = this; const onMouseDown = this._bound.onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this); this._bound.onBodyMouseUp = this._onBodyMouseUp.bind(this); this._bound.onRepeat = this._onRepeat.bind(this); this._view.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); this._isFirstShow = true; this._view.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => { setTimeout(() => { this.hide(); }, 100); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); } //_onCommand(command, param) { // super._onCommand(command, param); //} _onClick(e) { if (e && e.button !== 0) { return; } if (e.type !== 'mousedown') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } e.stopPropagation(); super._onClick(e); } _onMouseDown(e) { if (e.target && e.target.getAttribute('data-is-no-close') === 'true') { e.stopPropagation(); this._onClick(e); } else if (e.target && e.target.getAttribute('data-repeat') === 'on') { e.stopPropagation(); this._onClick(e); this._beginRepeat(e); } else { e.stopPropagation(); this._onClick(e); setTimeout(() => { this.hide(); }, 100); } } _onBodyMouseUp() { this._endRepeat(); } _beginRepeat(e) { this._repeatEvent = e; document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', this._bound.onBodyMouseUp); this._repeatTimer = window.setInterval(this._bound.onRepeat, 200); this._isRepeating = true; } _endRepeat() { this._repeatEvent = null; this.isRepeating = false; if (this._repeatTimer) { window.clearInterval(this._repeatTimer); this._repeatTimer = null; } document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._bound.onBodyMouseUp); } _onRepeat() { if (!this._isRepeating) { this._endRepeat(); return; } if (this._repeatEvent) { this._onClick(this._repeatEvent); } } show(x, y) { document.body.addEventListener('click', this._bound.onBodyClick); const view = this._view; this._onBeforeShow(x, y); view.style.left = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, window.innerWidth - view.offsetWidth)) + 'px'; view.style.top = Math.max(0, Math.min(y + 20, window.innerHeight - view.offsetHeight)) + 'px'; this.setState({isOpen: true}); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('showMenu'); } hide() { document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._bound.onBodyClick); util.$(this._view).css({left: '', top: ''}); this._endRepeat(); this.setState({isOpen: false}); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideMenu'); } get isOpen() { return this._state.isOpen; } _onBeforeShow() { // チェックボックスなどを反映させるならココ const pr = parseFloat(this._playerState.playbackRate, 10); const view = util.$(this._view); view.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); view.find('.playbackRate').forEach(elm => { const p = parseFloat(elm.getAttribute('data-param'), 10); if (Math.abs(p - pr) < 0.01) { elm.classList.add('selected'); } }); view.find('.debug') .toggleClass('selected', this._playerState.isDebug); if (this._isFirstShow) { this._isFirstShow = false; const handler = (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('videoContextMenu.addonMenuReady', view.find('.empty-area-top'), handler ); } } } ContextMenu.__css__ = (` .zenzaPlayerContextMenu { position: fixed; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); overflow: visible; padding: 8px; border: 1px outset #333; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000; transition: opacity 0.3s ease; min-width: 200px; z-index: 150000; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu.is-Open { opacity: 0.5; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu.is-Open:hover { opacity: 1; } .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContextMenu { position: absolute; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu:not(.is-Open) { left: -9999px; top: -9999px; opacity: 0; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul li { position: relative; line-height: 120%; margin: 2px; overflow-y: visible; white-space: nowrap; cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 14px; list-style-type: none; float: inherit; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul li.selected { } .is-loop .zenzaPlayerContextMenu li.toggleLoop:before, .is-playlistEnable .zenzaPlayerContextMenu li.togglePlaylist:before, .is-showComment .zenzaPlayerContextMenu li.toggleShowComment:before, .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul li.selected:before { content: '✔'; left: -10px; color: #000 !important; position: absolute; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul li:hover { background: #336; color: #fff; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu ul li.separator { border: 1px outset; height: 2px; width: 90%; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu.show { opacity: 0.8; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .listInner { } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainer { position: absolute; bottom: 100%; left: 50%; width: 110%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); white-space: nowrap; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex { display: flex; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton { flex: 1; height: 48px; font-size: 24px; line-height: 46px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 4px; color: #333; background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.95); cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.1s, box-shadow 0.1s; box-shadow: 0 0 0; opacity: 1; margin: auto; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.screenShot { flex: 1; font-size: 24px; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.playbackRate { flex: 2; font-size: 14px; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.rate010, .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.rate100, .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.rate200 { flex: 3; font-size: 24px; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.seek5s { flex: 2; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton.seek15s { flex: 3; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton:hover { transform: translate(0px, -4px); box-shadow: 0px 4px 2px #666; } .zenzaPlayerContextMenu .controlButtonContainerFlex > .controlButton:active { transform: none; box-shadow: 0 0 0; border: 1px inset; } `).trim(); ContextMenu.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaPlayerContextMenu"> <div class="controlButtonContainer"> <div class="controlButtonContainerFlex"> <div class="controlButton command screenShot" data-command="screenShot" data-param="0.1" data-type="number" data-is-no-close="true"> 📷<div class="tooltip">スクリーンショット</div> </div> <div class="empty-area-top" style="flex:4;" data-is-no-close="true"></div> </div> <div class="controlButtonContainerFlex"> <div class="controlButton command rate010 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="0.1" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> 🐢<div class="tooltip">コマ送り(0.1倍)</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate050 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="0.5" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> <div class="tooltip">0.5倍速</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate075 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="0.75" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> <div class="tooltip">0.75倍速</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate100 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="1.0" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> ▷<div class="tooltip">標準速</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate125 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="1.25" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> <div class="tooltip">1.25倍速</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate150 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="1.5" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> <div class="tooltip">1.5倍速</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command rate200 playbackRate" data-command="playbackRate" data-param="2.0" data-type="number" data-repeat="on"> 🐇<div class="tooltip">2倍速</div> </div> </div> <div class="controlButtonContainerFlex"> <div class="controlButton command seek5s" data-command="seekBy" data-param="-5" data-type="number" data-repeat="on" >⇦ <div class="tooltip">5秒戻る</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command seek15s" data-command="seekBy" data-param="-15" data-type="number" data-repeat="on" >⇦ <div class="tooltip">15秒戻る</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command seek15s" data-command="seekBy" data-param="15" data-type="number" data-repeat="on" >⇨ <div class="tooltip">15秒進む</div> </div> <div class="controlButton command seek5s" data-command="seekBy" data-param="5" data-type="number" data-repeat="on" >⇨ <div class="tooltip">5秒進む</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listInner"> <ul> <li class="command" data-command="togglePlay">停止/再開</li> <li class="command" data-command="seekTo" data-param="0">先頭に戻る</li> <hr class="separator"> <li class="command toggleLoop" data-command="toggleLoop">リピート</li> <li class="command togglePlaylist" data-command="togglePlaylist">連続再生</li> <li class="command toggleShowComment" data-command="toggleShowComment">コメントを表示</li> <hr class="separator"> <li class="command" data-command="reload">動画のリロード</li> <li class="command" data-command="copy-video-watch-url">動画URLをコピー</li> <li class="command debug" data-command="toggle-debug">デバッグ</li> <li class="command mymemory" data-command="saveMymemory">コメントの保存</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> `).trim(); /** * Video要素をラップした物 * */ //_.extend(VideoPlayer.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); class VideoPlayer extends AsyncEmitter { constructor(params) { super(); this._initialize(params); } _initialize (params) { //console.log('%cinitialize VideoPlayer... ', 'background: cyan', options); this._id = 'video' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000); this._resetVideo(params); util.addStyle(VideoPlayer.__css__); } _reset () { this.removeClass('is-play is-pause is-abort is-error'); this._isPlaying = false; this._canPlay = false; } addClass (className) { this.toggleClass(className, true); } removeClass (className) { this.toggleClass(className, false); } toggleClass (className, v) { var body = this._body; className.split(/[ ]+/).forEach(name => { body.classList.toggle(name, v); }); } _resetVideo (params) { params = params || {}; if (this._videoElement) { params.autoplay = this._videoElement.autoplay; params.loop = this._videoElement.loop; params.mute = this._videoElement.muted; params.volume = this._videoElement.volume; params.playbackRate = this._videoElement.playbackRate; this._videoElement.remove(); } const options = { autobuffer: true, preload: 'auto', mute: !!params.mute, 'playsinline': true, 'webkit-playsinline': true }; const volume = params.hasOwnProperty('volume') ? parseFloat(params.volume) : 0.5; const playbackRate = this._playbackRate = params.hasOwnProperty('playbackRate') ? parseFloat(params.playbackRate) : 1.0; const video = document.createElement('video'); const body = document.createElement('div'); util.$(body) .addClass(`videoPlayer nico ${this._id}`); util.$(video) .addClass(`videoPlayer-video`) .attr(options); body.id = 'ZenzaWatchVideoPlayerContainer'; this._body = body; body.appendChild(video); this._video = video; video.controlslist = 'nodownload'; video.controls = false; video.autoplay = !!params.autoPlay; video.loop = !!params.loop; this._videoElement = video; this._isPlaying = false; this._canPlay = false; this.setVolume(volume); this.setMute(params.mute); this.setPlaybackRate(playbackRate); this._touchWrapper = new TouchWrapper({ parentElement: body }); this._touchWrapper.on('command', (command, param) => { if (command === 'contextMenu') { this._emit('contextMenu', param); return; } this.emit('command', command, param); }); this._initializeEvents(); ZenzaWatch.debug.video = this._video; Object.assign(ZenzaWatch.external, {getVideoElement: () => { return this._video; }}); } _initializeEvents () { util.$(this._video) .on('canplay', this._onCanPlay .bind(this)) .on('canplaythrough', this._onCanPlayThrough .bind(this)) .on('loadstart', this._onLoadStart .bind(this)) .on('loadeddata', this._onLoadedData .bind(this)) .on('loadedmetadata', this._onLoadedMetaData .bind(this)) .on('ended', this._onEnded .bind(this)) .on('emptied', this._onEmptied .bind(this)) .on('stalled', this._onStalled .bind(this)) .on('suspend', this._onSuspend .bind(this)) .on('waiting', this._onWaiting .bind(this)) .on('progress', this._onProgress .bind(this)) .on('durationchange', this._onDurationChange .bind(this)) .on('resize', this._onResize .bind(this)) .on('abort', this._onAbort .bind(this)) .on('error', this._onError .bind(this)) .on('pause', this._onPause .bind(this)) .on('play', this._onPlay .bind(this)) .on('playing', this._onPlaying .bind(this)) .on('seeking', this._onSeeking .bind(this)) .on('seeked', this._onSeeked .bind(this)) .on('volumechange', this._onVolumeChange .bind(this)) .on('contextmenu', this._onContextMenu .bind(this)) .on('click', this._onClick .bind(this)) ; const touch = util.$(this._touchWrapper.body); touch .on('click', this._onClick .bind(this)) .on('dblclick', this._onDoubleClick.bind(this)) .on('contextmenu', this._onContextMenu .bind(this)) .on('wheel', this._onMouseWheel .bind(this)) ; } _onCanPlay () { console.log('%c_onCanPlay:', 'background: cyan; color: blue;', arguments); this.setPlaybackRate(this.getPlaybackRate()); // リピート時にも飛んでくるっぽいので初回だけにする if (!this._canPlay) { this._canPlay = true; this.removeClass('is-loading'); this.emit('canPlay'); this.emit('aspectRatioFix', this._video.videoHeight / Math.max(1, this._video.videoWidth)); } } _onCanPlayThrough () { console.log('%c_onCanPlayThrough:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('canPlayThrough'); } _onLoadStart () { console.log('%c_onLoadStart:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('loadStart'); } _onLoadedData () { console.log('%c_onLoadedData:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('loadedData'); } _onLoadedMetaData () { console.log('%c_onLoadedMetaData:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('loadedMetaData'); } _onEnded () { console.log('%c_onEnded:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('ended'); } _onEmptied () { console.log('%c_onEmptied:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('emptied'); } _onStalled () { console.log('%c_onStalled:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('stalled'); } _onSuspend () { console.log('%c_onSuspend:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('suspend'); } _onWaiting () { console.log('%c_onWaiting:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('waiting'); } _onProgress () { //console.log('%c_onProgress:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('progress', this._video.buffered, this._video.currentTime); } _onDurationChange () { console.log('%c_onDurationChange:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('durationChange', this._video.duration); } _onResize () { console.log('%c_onResize:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('resize'); } _onAbort () { if (this._isYouTube) { return; } // TODO: YouTube側のエラーハンドリング window.console.warn('%c_onAbort:', 'background: cyan; color: red;'); this._isPlaying = false; this.addClass('is-abort'); this.emit('abort'); } _onError (e) { if (this._isYouTube) { return; } if (this._videoElement.getAttribute('src') === CONSTANT.BLANK_VIDEO_URL) { return; } window.console.error('error src', this._video.src); window.console.error('%c_onError:', 'background: cyan; color: red;', arguments); this.addClass('is-error'); this._canPlay = false; this.emit('error', { code: e.target.error.code, target: e.target, type: 'normal' }); } _onYouTubeError (e) { window.console.error('error src', this._video.src); window.console.error('%c_onError:', 'background: cyan; color: red;', e); this.addClass('is-error'); this._canPlay = false; const code = e.data; const description = (() => { switch (code) { case 2: return 'YouTube Error: パラメータエラー (2 invalid parameter)'; case 5: return 'YouTube Error: HTML5 関連エラー (5 HTML5 error)'; case 100: return 'YouTube Error: 動画が見つからないか、非公開 (100 video not found)'; case 101: case 150: return `YouTube Error: 外部での再生禁止 (${code} forbidden)`; default: return `YouTube Error: (code${code})`; } })(); this.emit('error', { code, description, target: this._videoElement, type: 'youtube' }); } _onPause () { console.log('%c_onPause:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); //this.removeClass('is-play'); this._isPlaying = false; this.emit('pause'); } _onPlay () { console.log('%c_onPlay:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.addClass('is-play'); this._isPlaying = true; this.emit('play'); } // ↓↑の違いがよくわかってない _onPlaying () { console.log('%c_onPlaying:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this._isPlaying = true; this.emit('playing'); } _onSeeking () { console.log('%c_onSeeking:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('seeking', this._video.currentTime); } _onSeeked () { console.log('%c_onSeeked:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); // なぜかシークのたびにリセットされるので再設定 (Chromeだけ?) this.setPlaybackRate(this.getPlaybackRate()); this.emit('seeked', this._video.currentTime); } _onVolumeChange () { console.log('%c_onVolumeChange:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); this.emit('volumeChange', this.getVolume(), this.isMuted()); } _onClick (e) { this.emit('click', e); } _onDoubleClick (e) { console.log('%c_onDoubleClick:', 'background: cyan;', arguments); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.emit('dblclick'); } _onMouseWheel (e) { console.log('%c_onMouseWheel:', 'background: cyan;', e); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const delta = - parseInt(e.deltaY, 10); if (delta !== 0) { this.emit('mouseWheel', e, delta); } } _onContextMenu (e) { this.emit('contextMenu', e); } canPlay () { return !!this._canPlay; } play () { const p = this._video.play(); // video.play()がPromiseを返すかどうかはブラウザによって異なるっぽい。。。 if (p instanceof (Promise)) { return p.then(() => { this._isPlaying = true; }); } this._isPlaying = true; return Promise.resolve(); } pause () { this._video.pause(); this._isPlaying = false; return Promise.resolve(); } isPlaying () { return !!this._isPlaying && !!this._canPlay; } setThumbnail (url) { console.log('%csetThumbnail: %s', 'background: cyan;', url); this._thumbnail = url; this._video.poster = url; //this.emit('setThumbnail', url); } setSrc (url) { console.log('%csetSc: %s', 'background: cyan;', url); this._reset(); this._src = url; this._isPlaying = false; this._canPlay = false; this.addClass('is-loading'); if (/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)/.test(url)) { const currentTime = this._currentVideo.currentTime; this._initYouTube().then(() => { // 通常使用では(video|YouTube) -> YouTubeへの遷移しか存在しないので // 逆方向の想定は色々端折っている return this._videoYouTube.setSrc(url, currentTime); }).then(() => { this._changePlayer('YouTube'); }); return; } this._changePlayer('normal'); if (url.indexOf('dmc.nico') >= 0) { this._video.crossOrigin = 'use-credentials'; } else if (this._video.crossOrigin) { this._video.crossOrigin = null; } this._video.src = url; } get _isYouTube() { return this._videoYouTube && this._currentVideo === this._videoYouTube; } _initYouTube() { if (this._videoYouTube) { return Promise.resolve(this._videoYouTube); } const yt = this._videoYouTube = new YouTubeWrapper({ parentNode: this._body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')), volume: this._volume, autoplay: this._videoElement.autoplay }); yt.on('canplay', this._onCanPlay.bind(this)); yt.on('loadedmetadata', this._onLoadedMetaData.bind(this)); yt.on('ended', this._onEnded .bind(this)); yt.on('stalled', this._onStalled.bind(this)); yt.on('pause', this._onPause .bind(this)); yt.on('play', this._onPlay .bind(this)); yt.on('volumechange', this._onVolumeChange.bind(this)); yt.on('error', this._onYouTubeError.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.debug.youtube = yt; return Promise.resolve(this._videoYouTube); } _changePlayer(type) { switch(type.toLowerCase()) { case 'youtube': if (this._currentVideo !== this._videoYouTube) { const yt = this._videoYouTube; this.addClass('is-youtube'); yt.autoplay = this._currentVideo.autoplay; yt.loop = this._currentVideo.loop; yt.muted = this._currentVideo.muted; yt.volume = this._currentVideo.volume; yt.playbackRate = this._currentVideo.playbackRate; this._currentVideo = yt; this._videoElement.src = CONSTANT.BLANK_VIDEO_URL; this.emit('playerTypeChange', 'youtube'); } break; default: if (this._currentVideo === this._videoYouTube) { this.removeClass('is-youtube'); this._videoElement.loop = this._currentVideo.loop; this._videoElement.muted = this._currentVideo.muted; this._videoElement.volume = this._currentVideo.volume; this._videoElement.playbackRate = this._currentVideo.playbackRate; this._currentVideo = this._videoElement; this._videoYouTube.src = ''; this.emit('playerTypeChange', 'normal'); } break; } } setVolume (vol) { vol = Math.max(Math.min(1, vol), 0); this._video.volume = vol; } getVolume () { return parseFloat(this._video.volume); } setMute (v) { v = !!v; if (this._video.muted !== v) { this._video.muted = v; } } isMuted () { return this._video.muted; } getCurrentTime () { if (!this._canPlay) { return 0; } return this._video.currentTime; } setCurrentTime (sec) { var cur = this._video.currentTime; if (cur !== sec) { this._video.currentTime = sec; this.emit('seek', this._video.currentTime); } } /** * fastSeekが使えたら使う。 現状Firefoxのみ? * - currentTimeによるシーク 位置は正確だが遅い * - fastSeekによるシーク キーフレームにしか飛べないが速い(FLashに近い) * なので、smile動画のループはこっちを使ったほうが再現度が高くなりそう */ fastSeek(sec) { if (typeof this._video.fastSeek !== 'function' || this._isYouTube) { return this.setCurrentTime(sec); } // dmc動画はキーフレーム間隔が1秒とか意味不明な仕様なのでcurrentTimeでいい if (this._src.indexOf('dmc.nico') >= 0) { return this.setCurrentTime(sec); } this._video.fastSeek(sec); this.emit('seek', this._video.currentTime); } getDuration () { return this._video.duration; } togglePlay () { if (this.isPlaying()) { return this.pause(); } else { return this.play(); } } getVpos () { return this._video.currentTime * 100; } setVpos (vpos) { this._video.currentTime = vpos / 100; } getIsLoop () { return !!this._video.loop; } setIsLoop (v) { this._video.loop = !!v; } setPlaybackRate (v) { console.log('setPlaybackRate', v); //if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { v = Math.min(1, v); } // たまにリセットされたり反映されなかったりする? this._playbackRate = v; var video = this._video; video.playbackRate = 1; window.setTimeout(function() { video.playbackRate = parseFloat(v); }, 100); } getPlaybackRate () { return this._playbackRate; } getBufferedRange () { return this._video.buffered; } setIsAutoPlay (v) { this._video.autoplay = v; } getIsAutoPlay () { return this._video.autoPlay; } appendTo (node) { node.appendChild(this._body); } close () { this._video.pause(); this._video.removeAttribute('src'); this._video.removeAttribute('poster'); // removeAttribute('src')では動画がクリアされず、 // 空文字を指定しても base hrefと連結されて // http://www.nicovideo.jpへのアクセスが発生する. どないしろと. this._videoElement.src = CONSTANT.BLANK_VIDEO_URL; //window.console.info('src', this._video.src, this._video.getAttribute('src')); if (this._videoYouTube) { this._videoYouTube.src = ''; } } /** * 画面キャプチャを取る。 * CORSの制限があるので保存できない。 */ getScreenShot () { if (!this.isCorsReady()) { return null; } const video = this._video; const width = video.videoWidth; const height = video.videoHeight; const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.drawImage(video, 0, 0); return canvas; } isCorsReady () { return this._video.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials'; } getVideoElement () { return this._videoElement; } get _video() { return this._currentVideo; } set _video(v) { this._currentVideo = v; } } VideoPlayer.__css__ = ` .videoPlayer iframe, .videoPlayer video { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 5; } /* iOSだとvideo上でマウスイベントが発生しないのでカバーを掛ける */ .touchWrapper { display: block; position: absolute; opacity: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 10; } /* YouTubeのプレイヤーを触れる用にするための隙間 */ .is-youtube .touchWrapper { width: calc(100% - 100px); height: calc(100% - 150px); } .is-loading .touchWrapper, .is-error .touchWrapper { display: none !important; } .videoPlayer.is-youtube video { display: none; } .videoPlayer iframe { display: none; } .videoPlayer.is-youtube iframe { display: block; border: 1px dotted; } `.trim(); class TouchWrapper extends AsyncEmitter { constructor({parentElement}) { super(); this._parentElement = parentElement; this._config = ZenzaWatch.config.namespace('touch'); this._isTouching = false; this._maxCount = 0; this._currentTouches = []; this._debouncedOnSwipe2Y = _.debounce(this._onSwipe2Y.bind(this), 400); this._debouncedOnSwipe3X = _.debounce(this._onSwipe3X.bind(this), 400); this.initializeDom(); } initializeDom() { let body = this._body = document.createElement('div'); body.className = 'touchWrapper'; body.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); body.addEventListener('touchstart', this._onTouchStart .bind(this)); body.addEventListener('touchmove', this._onTouchMove .bind(this)); body.addEventListener('touchend', this._onTouchEnd .bind(this)); body.addEventListener('touchcancel', this._onTouchCancel.bind(this)); this._onTouchMoveThrottled = _.throttle(this._onTouchMoveThrottled.bind(this), 200); if (this._parentElement) { this._parentElement.appendChild(body); } ZenzaWatch.debug.touchWrapper = this; } get body() { return this._body; } _onMousedown(e) { //window.console.log('onmousedown', e, e.button); //if (e.button !== 0) { // this._body.style.display = 'none'; // window.setTimeout(() => { this._body.style.display = 'block'; }, 400); //} } _onClick(e) { //const count = Math.max(this._lastTap, this._maxCount); //window.console.info('click', this._maxCount, this._lastTap, count); this._lastTap = 0; } _onTouchStart(e) { let identifiers = this._currentTouches.map(touch => { return touch.identifier; }); if (e.changedTouches.length > 1) { e.preventDefault(); } Array.from(e.changedTouches).forEach(touch => { if (identifiers.includes(touch.identifier)) { return; } this._currentTouches.push(touch); }); this._maxCount = Math.max(this._maxCount, this.touchCount); this._startCenter = this._getCenter(e); this._lastCenter = this._getCenter(e); this._startAt = Date.now(); this._isMoved = false; } _onTouchMove(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length > 1) { e.preventDefault(); } this._onTouchMoveThrottled(e); } _onTouchMoveThrottled(e) { if (!e.targetTouches) { return; } if (e.targetTouches.length > 1) { e.preventDefault(); } let startPoint = this._startCenter; let lastPoint = this._lastCenter; let currentPoint = this._getCenter(e); if (!startPoint || !currentPoint) { return; } let width = this._body.offsetWidth; let height = this._body.offsetHeight; let diff = { count: this.touchCount, startX: startPoint.x, startY: startPoint.y, currentX: currentPoint.x, currentY: currentPoint.y, moveX: currentPoint.x - lastPoint.x, moveY: currentPoint.y - lastPoint.y, x: currentPoint.x - startPoint.x, y: currentPoint.y - startPoint.y, }; diff.perX = diff.x / width * 100; diff.perY = diff.y / height * 100; diff.perStartX = diff.startX / width * 100; diff.perStartY = diff.startY / height * 100; diff.movePerX = diff.moveX / width * 100; diff.movePerY = diff.moveY / height * 100; if (Math.abs(diff.perX) > 2 || Math.abs(diff.perY) > 1) { this._isMoved = true; } if (diff.count === 2) { if (Math.abs(diff.movePerX) >= 0.5) { this._execCommand('seekRelativePercent', diff); } if (Math.abs(diff.perY) >= 20) { this._debouncedOnSwipe2Y(diff); } } if (diff.count === 3) { if (Math.abs(diff.perX) >= 20) { this._debouncedOnSwipe3X(diff); } } this._lastCenter = currentPoint; return diff; } _onSwipe2Y(diff) { this._execCommand(diff.perY < 0 ? 'shiftUp' : 'shiftDown'); this._startCenter = this._lastCenter; this._startAt = Date.now(); } _onSwipe3X(diff) { this._execCommand(diff.perX < 0 ? 'playNextVideo' : 'playPreviousVideo'); this._startCenter = this._lastCenter; this._startAt = Date.now(); } _execCommand(command, param) { if (!this._config.getValue('enable')) { return; } if (!command) { return; } this.emit('command', command, param); } _onTouchEnd(e) { if (!e.changedTouches) { return; } let identifiers = Array.from(e.changedTouches).map(touch => { return touch.identifier; }); let currentTouches = []; currentTouches = this._currentTouches.filter(touch => { return !identifiers.includes(touch.identifier); }); this._currentTouches = currentTouches; //touchstartは複数タッチでも一回にまとまって飛んでくるが、 //touchendは指の数だけ飛んでくるっぽい? //window.console.log('onTouchEnd', this._isMoved, e.changedTouches.length, this._maxCount, this.touchCount); if (!this._isMoved && this.touchCount === 0) { const config = this._config; this._lastTap = this._maxCount; window.console.info('touchEnd', this._maxCount, this._isMoved); switch (this._maxCount) { case 2: this._execCommand(config.getValue('tap2command')); //window.setTimeout(() => { // this._execCommand(config.getValue('tap2command')); //}, 0); break; case 3: this._execCommand(config.getValue('tap3command')); break; case 4: this._execCommand(config.getValue('tap4command')); break; case 5: this._execCommand(config.getValue('tap5command')); break; } this._maxCount = 0; this._isMoved = false; } } _onTouchCancel(e) { if (!e.changedTouches) { return; } let identifiers = Array.from(e.changedTouches).map(touch => { return touch.identifier; }); let currentTouches = []; window.console.log('onTouchCancel', this._isMoved, e.changedTouches.length); currentTouches = this._currentTouches.filter(touch => { return !identifiers.includes(touch.identifier); }); this._currentTouches = currentTouches; } get touchCount() { return this._currentTouches.length; } _getCenter(e) { let x = 0, y = 0; Array.from(e.touches).forEach(t => { x += t.pageX; y += t.pageY; }); return {x: x / e.touches.length, y: y / e.touches.length}; } } var StoryboardModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(StoryboardModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(StoryboardModel.prototype,{ initialize: function(params) { this._isAvailable = false; }, _createBlankData: function(info) { info = info || {}; _.assign(info, { format: 'smile', status: 'fail', duration: 1, url: '', storyboard: [{ id: 1, url: '', thumbnail: { width: 1, height: 1, number: 1, interval: 1 }, board: { rows: 1, cols: 1, number: 1 } }] }); return info; }, update: function(info, duration) { if (!info || info.status !== 'ok') { this._info = this._createBlankData(); this._isAvailable = false; } else { this._info = info; this._isAvailable = true; } if (this.isDmc()) { // dmcはdurationを返してくれないので仕方なく info.duration = duration; info.storyboard.forEach(board => { board.thumbnail.number = Math.floor(duration * 1000 / board.thumbnail.interval); }); } this.emitAsync('update'); }, reset: function() { this._isAvailable = false; this.emitAsync('reset'); }, unload: function() { this._isAvailable = false; this.emitAsync('unload'); }, isAvailable: function() { return !!this._isAvailable; }, hasSubStoryboard: function() { return this._info.storyboard.length > 1; }, getStatus: function() { return this._info.status; }, getMessage: function() { return this._info.message; }, getDuration: function() { return parseInt(this._info.duration, 10); }, isDmc: function() { return this._info.format === 'dmc'; }, getUrl: function(i) { if (!this.isDmc()) { return this._info.storyboard[i || 0].url; } else { return this._info.storyboard[i || 0].urls[0]; } }, getWidth: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].thumbnail.width, 10); }, getHeight: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].thumbnail.height, 10); }, getInterval: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].thumbnail.interval, 10); }, getCount: function(i) { return Math.max( Math.ceil(this.getDuration() / Math.max(0.01, this.getInterval())), parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].thumbnail.number, 10) ); }, getRows: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].board.rows, 10); }, getCols: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].board.cols, 10); }, getPageCount: function(i) { return parseInt(this._info.storyboard[i || 0].board.number, 10); }, getTotalRows: function(i) { return Math.ceil(this.getCount(i) / this.getCols(i)); }, getPageWidth: function(i) { return this.getWidth(i) * this.getCols(i); }, getPageHeight: function(i) { return this.getHeight(i) * this.getRows(i); }, getCountPerPage: function(i) { return this.getRows(i) * this.getCols(i); }, /** * nページ目のURLを返す。 ゼロオリジン */ getPageUrl: function(page, storyboardIndex) { if (!this.isDmc()) { page = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getPageCount(storyboardIndex) - 1, page)); return this.getUrl(storyboardIndex) + '&board=' + (page + 1); } else { return this._info.storyboard[storyboardIndex || 0].urls[page]; } }, /** * msに相当するサムネは何番目か?を返す */ getIndex: function(ms, storyboardIndex) { // msec -> sec var v = Math.floor(ms / 1000); v = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getDuration(), v)); // サムネの総数 ÷ 秒数 // Math.maxはゼロ除算対策 var n = this.getCount(storyboardIndex) / Math.max(1, this.getDuration()); return parseInt(Math.floor(v * n), 10); }, /** * Indexのサムネイルは何番目のページにあるか?を返す */ getPageIndex: function(thumbnailIndex, storyboardIndex) { var perPage = this.getCountPerPage(storyboardIndex); var pageIndex = parseInt(thumbnailIndex / perPage, 10); return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getPageCount(storyboardIndex), pageIndex)); }, /** * msに相当するサムネは何ページの何番目にあるか?を返す */ getThumbnailPosition: function(ms, storyboardIndex) { var thumbnailIndex = this.getIndex(ms, storyboardIndex); var pageIndex = this.getPageIndex(thumbnailIndex); var mod = thumbnailIndex % this.getCountPerPage(storyboardIndex); var row = Math.floor(mod / Math.max(1, this.getCols())); var col = mod % this.getRows(storyboardIndex); return { page: pageIndex, index: thumbnailIndex, row: row, col: col }; }, /** * nページ目のx, y座標をmsに変換して返す */ getPointMs: function(x, y, page, storyboardIndex) { var width = Math.max(1, this.getWidth(storyboardIndex)); var height = Math.max(1, this.getHeight(storyboardIndex)); var row = Math.floor(y / height); var col = Math.floor(x / width); var mod = x % width; // 何番目のサムネに相当するか? var point = page * this.getCountPerPage(storyboardIndex) + row * this.getCols(storyboardIndex) + col + (mod / width) // 小数点以下は、n番目の左端から何%あたりか ; // 全体の何%あたり? var percent = point / Math.max(1, this.getCount(storyboardIndex)); percent = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, percent)); // msは㍉秒単位なので1000倍 return Math.floor(this.getDuration() * percent * 1000); }, /** * msは何ページ目に当たるか?を返す */ getmsPage: function(ms, storyboardIndex) { var index = this._storyboard.getIndex(ms, storyboardIndex); var page = this._storyboard.getPageIndex(index, storyboardIndex); return page; }, /** * nページ目のCols, Rowsがsubではどこになるかを返す */ getPointPageColAndRowForSub: function(page, row, col) { var mainPageCount = this.getCountPerPage(); var subPageCount = this.getCountPerPage(1); var mainCols = this.getCols(); var subCols = this.getCols(1); var mainIndex = mainPageCount * page + mainCols * row + col; var subOffset = mainIndex % subPageCount; var subPage = Math.floor(mainIndex / subPageCount); var subRow = Math.floor(subOffset / subCols); var subCol = subOffset % subCols; return { page: subPage, row: subRow, col: subCol }; } }); var SeekBarThumbnail = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; SeekBarThumbnail.BASE_WIDTH = 160; SeekBarThumbnail.BASE_HEIGHT = 90; SeekBarThumbnail.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaSeekThumbnail"> <div class="zenzaSeekThumbnail-image"></div> </div> `).trim(); SeekBarThumbnail.__css__ = (` .is-error .zenzaSeekThumbnail, .is-loading .zenzaSeekThumbnail { display: none !important; } .zenzaSeekThumbnail { display: none; pointer-events: none; } .seekBarContainer:not(.enableCommentPreview) .zenzaSeekThumbnail.show { display: block; width: 180px; height: 100px; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid #666; border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); padding: 8px 4px; border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; z-index: 100; } .zenzaSeekThumbnail-image { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #999; border: 0; margin: auto; transform-origin: center top; transition: background-position 0.1s steps(1, start) 0; /*animation-timing-function: steps(1, start);*/ } `).trim(); _.extend(SeekBarThumbnail.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(SeekBarThumbnail.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._model = params.model; this._$container = params.$container; this._scale = _.isNumber(params.scale) ? params.scale : 1.0; this._preloadImages = _.debounce(this._preloadImages.bind(this), 60 * 1000 * 5); this._model.on('reset', this._onModelReset.bind(this)); this._model.on('update', this._onModelUpdate.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.debug.seekBarThumbnail = this; }, _onModelUpdate: function() { if (!this._model.isAvailable()) { this._isAvailable = false; this.hide(); return; } this.initializeView(); var model = this._model; this._isAvailable = true; var width = this._colWidth = Math.max(1, model.getWidth()); var height = this._rowHeight = Math.max(1, model.getHeight()); var scale = Math.min( SeekBarThumbnail.BASE_WIDTH / width, SeekBarThumbnail.BASE_HEIGHT / height ); var css = { width: this._colWidth * this._scale, height: this._rowHeight * this._scale, opacity: '', 'background-size': (model.getCols() * this._colWidth * this._scale) + 'px ' + (model.getRows() * this._rowHeight * this._scale) + 'px' }; if (scale > 1.0) { css.transform = 'scale(' + scale + ')'; } else { css.transform = ''; } this._$image.css(css); //this._$view.css('height', this._rowHeight * this + 4); this._preloadImages(); this.show(); }, _onModelReset: function() { this.hide(); this._imageUrl = ''; if (this._$image) { this._$image.css('background-image', ''); } }, _preloadImages: function() { // セッションの有効期限が切れる前に全部の画像をロードしてキャッシュに収めておく // やっておかないと、しばらく放置した時に読み込めない var model = this._model; if (!model.isAvailable()) { return; } var pages = model.getPageCount(); var div = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < pages; i++) { var url = model.getPageUrl(i); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = url; div.appendChild(img); } this._$preloadImageContainer.html(div.innerHTML); }, show: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.addClass('show'); this.emit('visible', true); }, hide: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.removeClass('show'); this.emit('visible', false); }, initializeView: function() { this.initializeView = _.noop; if (!SeekBarThumbnail.styleAdded) { ZenzaWatch.util.addStyle(SeekBarThumbnail.__css__); SeekBarThumbnail.styleAdded = true; } var $view = this._$view = $(SeekBarThumbnail.__tpl__); this._$image = $view.find('.zenzaSeekThumbnail-image'); this._$preloadImageContainer = $('<div class="preloadImageContaienr" style="display: none !important;"></div>'); $('body').append(this._$preloadImageContainer); if (this._$container) { this._$container.append($view); } }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { if (!this._isAvailable || !this._model.isAvailable() || !this._$image) { return; } var ms = Math.floor(sec * 1000); var model = this._model; var pos = model.getThumbnailPosition(ms, 0); var url = model.getPageUrl(pos.page); var x = pos.col * this._colWidth * -1 * this._scale; var y = pos.row * this._rowHeight * -1 * this._scale; var css = {}; var updated = false; if (this._imageUrl !== url) { css.backgroundImage = 'url(' + url + ')'; this._imageUrl = url; updated = true; } if (this._imageX !== x || this._imageY !== y) { css.backgroundPosition = x + 'px ' + y + 'px'; this._imageX = x; this._imageY = y; updated = true; } if (updated) { this._updateImageCss(css); } }, _updateImageCss: function(css) { this._$image.css(css); } }); var Storyboard = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(Storyboard.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(Storyboard.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { //this._player = params.player; this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._$container = params.$container; this._loader = params.loader || ZenzaWatch.api.StoryboardInfoLoader; this._initializeStoryboard(); ZenzaWatch.debug.storyboard = this; }, _initializeStoryboard: function() { this._initializeStoryboard = _.noop; if (!this._model) { this._model = new StoryboardModel({}); } if (!this._view) { this._view = new StoryboardView({ model: this._model, $container: this._$container, enable: this._playerConfig.getValue('enableStoryboardBar') }); this._view.on('select', (ms) => { this.emit('command', 'seek', ms / 1000); }); this._view.on('command', (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }); } }, reset: function() { this._$container.removeClass('storyboardAvailable'); this._model.reset(); }, onVideoCanPlay: function(watchId, videoInfo) { if (!util.isPremium()) { return; } if (!this._playerConfig.getValue('enableStoryboard')) { return; } this._watchId = watchId; this._getStoryboardUrl(videoInfo).then(url => { if (this._watchId !== watchId) { return Promise.reject('video changed'); } if (!url) { return Promise.reject('getStoryboardUrl failure'); } this._initializeStoryboard(); return ZenzaWatch.api.StoryboardInfoLoader.load(url); }).then( this._onStoryboardInfoLoad.bind(this, watchId, videoInfo.duration) ).catch( this._onStoryboardInfoLoadFail.bind(this, watchId) ); }, _getStoryboardUrl: function(videoInfo) { let url; if (!videoInfo.hasDmcStoryboard) { url = videoInfo.storyboardUrl; return url ? Promise.resolve(url) : Promise.reject('smile storyboard api not exist'); } const info = videoInfo.dmcStoryboardInfo; return (new StoryboardSession(info)).create().then(r###lt => { if (r###lt && r###lt.data && r###lt.data.session && r###lt.data.session.content_uri) { return r###lt.data.session.content_uri; } else { return Promise.reject('dmc storyboard api not exist'); } }); }, _onStoryboardInfoLoad: function(watchId, duration, info) { //window.console.log('onStoryboardInfoLoad', watchId, info); if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; } // video changed this._model.update(info, duration); this._$container.toggleClass('storyboardAvailable', this._model.isAvailable()); }, _onStoryboardInfoLoadFail: function(watchId, err) { //window.console.log('onStoryboardInfoFail', watchId, err); if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; } // video changed this._model.update(null); this._$container.removeClass('storyboardAvailable'); }, getSeekBarThumbnail: function(params) { if (this._seekBarThumbnail) { return this._seekBarThumbnail; } this._seekBarThumbnail = new SeekBarThumbnail({ model: this._model, $container: params.$container }); return this._seekBarThumbnail; }, setCurrentTime: function(sec, forceUpdate) { if (this._view && this._model.isAvailable()) { this._view.setCurrentTime(sec, forceUpdate); } }, _onStoryboardSelect: function(ms) { this._emit('command', 'seek', ms / 100); }, toggle: function() { if (this._view) { this._view.toggle(); this._playerConfig.setValue('enableStoryboardBar', this._view.isEnable()); } } }); var StoryboardBlock = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(StoryboardBlock.prototype, { initialize: function(option) { var height = option.boardHeight; this._backgroundPosition = '0 -' + height * option.row + 'px'; this._src = option.src; this._page = option.page; this._isLoaded = true; var $view = $('<div class="board"/>') .css({ width: option.pageWidth, height: height, 'background-image': 'url(' + this._src + ')', 'background-position': this._backgroundPosition, //'background-size': '', }) .attr({ 'data-src': option.src, 'data-page': option.page, 'data-top': height * option.row + height / 2, 'data-backgroundPosition': this._backgroundPosition }) .append(option.$inner); this._isLoaded = true; $view.css('background-image', 'url(' + option.src + ')'); this._$view = $view; }, loadImage: function() {}, getPage: function() { return this._page; }, getView: function() { return this._$view; } }); var StoryboardBlockBorder = function(width, height, cols) { this.initialize(width, height, cols); }; _.assign(StoryboardBlockBorder.prototype, { initialize: function(width, height, cols) { var $border = $('<div class="border"/>'.repeat(cols)).css({ width: width, height: height }); var $div = $('<div />'); $div.append($border); this._$view = $div; }, getView: function() { return this._$view.clone(); } }); var StoryboardBlockList = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(StoryboardBlockList.prototype, { initialize: function(storyboard) { if (storyboard) { this.create(storyboard); } }, create: function(storyboard) { var pages = storyboard.getPageCount(); var pageWidth = storyboard.getPageWidth(); var width = storyboard.getWidth(); var height = storyboard.getHeight(); var rows = storyboard.getRows(); var cols = storyboard.getCols(); var totalRows = storyboard.getTotalRows(); var rowCnt = 0; this._$innerBorder = new StoryboardBlockBorder(width, height, cols); var $view = $('<div class="boardList"/>') .css({ width: storyboard.getCount() * width, height: height }); this._$view = $view; this._blocks = []; for (var i = 0; i < pages; i++) { var src = storyboard.getPageUrl(i); for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++) { var option = { width: width, pageWidth: pageWidth, boardHeight: height, page: i, row: j, src: src }; this.appendBlock(option); rowCnt++; if (rowCnt >= totalRows) { break; } } } }, appendBlock: function(option) { option.$inner = this._$innerBorder.getView(); var block = new StoryboardBlock(option); this._blocks.push(block); this._$view.append(block.getView()); }, loadImage: function(pageNumber) { }, clear: function() { this._$view.remove(); }, getView: function() { return this._$view; } }); var StoryboardView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } _.extend(StoryboardView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(StoryboardView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { console.log('%c initialize StoryboardView', 'background: lightgreen;'); this._$container = params.$container; var sb = this._model = params.model; this._isHover = false; this._currentUrl = ''; this._lastPage = -1; this._lastMs = -1; this._lastGetMs = -1; this._scrollLeft = 0; this._isEnable = _.isBoolean(params.enable) ? params.enable : true; sb.on('update', this._onStoryboardUpdate.bind(this)); sb.on('reset', this._onStoryboardReset .bind(this)); var frame = this._requestAnimationFrame = new util.RequestAnimationFrame( this._onRequestAnimationFrame.bind(this), 1 ); // TODO: グローバルのイベントフックじゃなくてちゃんと処理しましょう ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('DialogPlayerClose', function() { frame.disable(); }); }, enable: function() { this._isEnable = true; if (this._$view && this._model.isAvailable()) { this.open(); } }, open: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.addClass('show'); this._$body.addClass('zenzaStoryboardOpen'); this._$container.addClass('zenzaStoryboardOpen'); this._requestAnimationFrame.enable(); }, close: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.removeClass('show'); this._$body.removeClass('zenzaStoryboardOpen'); this._$container.removeClass('zenzaStoryboardOpen'); this._requestAnimationFrame.disable(); }, disable: function() { this._isEnable = false; if (this._$view) { this.close(); } }, toggle: function(v) { if (typeof v === 'boolean') { if (v) { this.enable(); } else { this.disable(); } return; } if (this._isEnable) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); } }, isEnable: function() { return !!this._isEnable; }, _initializeStoryboard: function() { this._initializeStoryboard = _.noop; window.console.log('%cStoryboardView.initializeStoryboard', 'background: lightgreen;'); this._$body = $('body'); util.addStyle(StoryboardView.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(StoryboardView.__tpl__); var $inner = this._$inner = $view.find('.storyboardInner'); this._$failMessage = $view.find('.failMessage'); this._$cursorTime = $view.find('.cursorTime'); this._$pointer = $view.find('.storyboardPointer'); this._inner = $inner[0]; $view .toggleClass('webkit', util.isWebkit()) .on('click', '.board', this._onBoardClick.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', '.board', this._onBoardMouseMove.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', '.board', _.debounce(this._onBoardMouseMoveEnd.bind(this), 300)) .on('wheel', this._onMouseWheel .bind(this)) .on('wheel', _.debounce(this._onMouseWheelEnd.bind(this), 300)); var hoverOutTimer; var onHoverOutTimer = () => { this._isHover = false; }; var onHoverIn = () => { if (hoverOutTimer) { window.clearTimeout(hoverOutTimer); } this._isHover = true; }; var onHoverOut = () => { if (hoverOutTimer) { window.clearTimeout(hoverOutTimer); } hoverOutTimer = window.setTimeout(onHoverOutTimer, 1000); }; $inner .hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut) .on('touchstart', this._onTouchStart.bind(this)) // .on('touchend', this._onTouchEnd .bind(this)) .on('touchmove', this._onTouchMove .bind(this)); this._bouncedOnToucheMoveEnd = _.debounce(this._onTouchMoveEnd.bind(this), 2000); this._$container.append($view); document.body.addEventListener('touchend', () => { this._isHover = false; }, {passive: true}); this._innerWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', _.throttle(() => { this._innerWidth = window.innerWidth; }, 500)); }, _onBoardClick: function(e) { var $board = $(e.target).closest('.board'), offset = $board.offset(); var y = $board.attr('data-top') * 1; var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var page = $board.attr('data-page'); var ms = this._model.getPointMs(x, y, page); if (isNaN(ms)) { return; } var $view = this._$view; $view.addClass('clicked'); window.setTimeout(function() { $view.removeClass('clicked'); }, 1000); this._$cursorTime.css({ transform: 'translate(-999px, 0)' }); this.emit('select', ms); }, _onCommandClick: function(e) { var $command = $(e).closest('.command'); var command = $command.attr('data-command'); var param = $command.attr('data-param'); if (!command) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.emit('command', command, param); }, _onBoardMouseMove: function(e) { var $board = $(e.target).closest('.board'), offset = $board.offset(); var y = $board.attr('data-top') * 1; var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var page = $board.attr('data-page'); var ms = this._model.getPointMs(x, y, page); if (isNaN(ms)) { return; } var sec = Math.floor(ms / 1000); var time = Math.floor(sec / 60) + ':' + ((sec % 60) + 100).toString().substr(1); this._$cursorTime.text(time).css({ transform: `translate(${e.pageX}px, 0) translate(-50%, 0)` }); this._isHover = true; this._isMouseMoving = true; }, _onBoardMouseMoveEnd: function(e) { this._isMouseMoving = false; }, _onMouseWheel: function(e) { // 縦ホイールで左右スクロールできるようにする e.stopPropagation(); var deltaX = parseInt(e.originalEvent.deltaX, 10); var delta = parseInt(e.originalEvent.deltaY, 10); if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(delta)) { // 横ホイールがある環境ならなにもしない return; } e.preventDefault(); this._isHover = true; this._isMouseMoving = true; var left = this.scrollLeft(); this.scrollLeft(left + delta * 5, true); }, _onMouseWheelEnd: function(e, delta) { this._isMouseMoving = false; }, _onTouchStart: function(e) { this._isHover = true; this._isMouseMoving = true; e.stopPropagation(); }, _onTouchEnd: function(e) { //this._isHover = false; //this._isMouseMoving = false; //e.stopPropagation(); }, _onTouchMove: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this._isHover = true; this._isMouseMoving = true; this._isTouchMoving = true; this._bouncedOnToucheMoveEnd(); }, _onTouchMoveEnd: function() { this._isTouchMoving = false; this._isMouseMoving = false; }, _onTouchCancel: function(e) { }, update: function() { this._isHover = false; this._timerCount = 0; this._scrollLeft = 0; this._initializeStoryboard(); this.close(); this._$view.removeClass('success fail'); if (this._model.getStatus() === 'ok') { this._updat###ccess(); } else { this._updateFail(); } }, scrollLeft: function(left, forceUpdate) { const inner = this._inner; if (!inner) { return 0; } if (left === undefined) { return inner.scrollLeft; } else if (left === 0 || Math.abs(this._scrollLeft - left) >= 1) { if (left === 0 || forceUpdate) { inner.scrollLeft = left; this._scrollLeftChanged = false; } else { var sl = inner.scrollLeft; this._scrollLeft = (left + sl) / 2; this._scrollLeftChanged = true; } } }, scrollToNext: function() { this.scrollLeft(this._model.getWidth()); }, scrollToPrev: function() { this.scrollLeft(-this._model.getWidth()); }, _updat###ccess: function() { var url = this._model.getUrl(); var $view = this._$view; $view .css('transform', 'translate3d(0px, -'+ this._model.getHeight() +'px, 0)') .addClass('success'); if (this._currentUrl !== url) { // 前と同じurl == 同じ動画なら再作成する必要なし this._currentUrl = url; // 20ms前後かかってるけどもっと軽くできるはず・・・ window.console.time('createStoryboardDOM'); this._updat###ccessDom(); window.console.timeEnd('createStoryboardDOM'); } if (this._isEnable) { $view.addClass('opening show'); this.scrollLeft(0); this.open(); window.setTimeout(function() { $view.removeClass('opening'); }, 1000); } }, _updat###ccessDom: function() { var list = new StoryboardBlockList(this._model); this._storyboardBlockList = list; this._$pointer.css({ width: this._model.getWidth(), height: this._model.getHeight(), }); this._$inner.empty().append(list.getView()).append(this._$pointer); }, _updateFail: function() { this._$view.removeClass('success').addClass('fail'); }, clear: function() { if (this._$view) { this._$inner.empty(); } }, _onRequestAnimationFrame: function() { if (!this._model.isAvailable()) { return; } if (!this._$view) { return; } if (this._scrollLeftChanged && !this._isHover) { this._$inner.scrollLeft(this._scrollLeft); this._scrollLeftChanged = false; } if (this._pointerLeftChanged) { this._$pointer.css('transform', `translate(${this._pointerLeft}px, 0) translate(-50%, 0)` ); this._pointerLeftChanged = false; } }, setCurrentTime: function(sec, forceUpdate) { if (!this._model.isAvailable()) { return; } if (!this._$view) { return; } if (this._lastCurrentTime === sec) { return; } this._lastCurrentTime = sec; var ms = sec * 1000; var storyboard = this._model; var duration = Math.max(1, storyboard.getDuration()); var per = ms / (duration * 1000); var width = storyboard.getWidth(); var boardWidth = storyboard.getCount() * width; var targetLeft = boardWidth * per; if (this._pointerLeft !== targetLeft) { this._pointerLeft = targetLeft; this._pointerLeftChanged = true; //this._$pointer.css('left', targetLeft); } if (forceUpdate) { this.scrollLeft(targetLeft - this._innerWidth * per, true); } else { if (this._isHover) { return; } this.scrollLeft(targetLeft - this._innerWidth * per); } }, _onScroll: function() { }, _onDisableButtonClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $button = this._$disableButton; $button.addClass('clicked'); window.setTimeout(function() { $button.removeClass('clicked'); }, 1000); this.emit('disableStoryboard'); }, _onStoryboardUpdate: function() { this.update(); }, _onStoryboardReset: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this.close(); this._$view.removeClass('show fail'); } }); StoryboardView.__tpl__ = [ '<div id="storyboardContainer" class="storyboardContainer">', '<div class="storyboardHeader">', '<div class="cursorTime"></div>', '</div>', '<div class="storyboardInner">', '<div class="storyboardPointer"></div>', '</div>', '<div class="failMessage">', '</div>', '</div>', '', ''].join(''); StoryboardView.__css__ = (` .storyboardContainer { position: fixed; top: calc(100vh + 500px); opacity: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.5); z-index: 9005; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0 -2px 2px #666; pointer-events: none; transform: translateZ(0); display: none; contain: layout paint; } .storyboardContainer.success { display: block; transition: bottom 0.5s ease-in-out, top 0.5s ease-in-out, transform 0.5s ease-in-out; } .storyboardContainer * { box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; } .dragging .storyboardContainer, .storyboardContainer.show { top: 0px; z-index: 50; opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } .dragging .storyboardContainer { pointer-events: none; } .fullScreen .dragging .storyboardContainer, .fullScreen .storyboardContainer.show{ top: calc(100% - 10px); } .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner { display: none; position: relative; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; background: #222; margin: 0; } .storyboardContainer.webkit .storyboardInner, .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner:hover { overflow-x: auto; } /*.storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-moz-scrollbar,*/ .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px; height: 6px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } /*.storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-moz-scrollbar-thumb,*/ .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 6px; background: #f8f; } /*.storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-moz-scrollbar-button,*/ .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner::-webkit-scrollbar-button { display: none; } .storyboardContainer.success .storyboardInner { display: block; } .storyboardContainer .storyboardInner .boardList { overflow: hidden; } .storyboardContainer .boardList .board { display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; background-color: #101010; } .storyboardContainer.clicked .storyboardInner * { opacity: 0.3; pointer-events: none; } .storyboardContainer.opening .storyboardInner .boardList .board { pointer-events: none; } .storyboardContainer .boardList .board.loadFail { background-color: #c99; } .storyboardContainer .boardList .board > div { white-space: nowrap; } .storyboardContainer .boardList .board .border { box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; border-style: solid; border-color: #000 #333 #000 #999; border-width: 0 2px 0 2px; display: inline-block; pointer-events: none; } .storyboardContainer .storyboardHeader { position: relative; width: 100%; } .storyboardContainer .cursorTime { display: none; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; left: 0; font-size: 10pt; border: 1px solid #000; z-index: 9010; background: #ffc; pointer-events: none; } .storyboardContainer:hover .cursorTime { display: block; } .storyboardContainer.clicked .cursorTime, .storyboardContainer.opening .cursorTime { display: none; } .storyboardPointer { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 100; pointer-events: none; transform: translate(-50%, 0); box-shadow: 0 0 4px #333; background: #ff9; opacity: 0.5; } .storyboardContainer:hover .storyboardPointer { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #ccc; transition: transform 0.4s ease-out; } `).trim(); var VideoControlBar = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoControlBar.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); VideoControlBar.BASE_HEIGHT = CONSTANT.CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT; VideoControlBar.BASE_SEEKBAR_HEIGHT = 10; VideoControlBar.__css__ = (` .videoControlBar { position: fixed; top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh); left: calc(-50vw + 50%); transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); width: 100vw; height: ${VideoControlBar.BASE_HEIGHT}px; z-index: 150000; background: #000; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; content: layout; } .changeScreenMode .videoControlBar { opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transition: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .videoControlBar, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .videoControlBar, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .videoControlBar, .fullScreen .videoControlBar { top: 100%; left: 0; width: 100%; /* 100vwだと縦スクロールバーと被る */ } /* 縦長モニター */ @media screen and (max-width: 991px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_normal .videoControlBar { left: calc(-50vw + 50%); top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh - 60px); } } @media screen and (max-width: 1215px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_big .videoControlBar { left: calc(-50vw + 50%); top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh - 60px); } } .videoControlBar * { box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .videoControlBar, .fullScreen .videoControlBar { position: absolute; /* firefoxのバグ対策 */ opacity: 0; bottom: 0; background: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .volumeChanging .videoControlBar, .fullScreen .volumeChanging .videoControlBar, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-mouseMoving .videoControlBar, .fullScreen .is-mouseMoving .videoControlBar { opacity: 0.7; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .videoControlBar, .fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .videoControlBar { opacity: 1 !important; background: #000 !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .videoControlBar.dragging, .fullScreen .videoControlBar.dragging, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .videoControlBar:hover, .fullScreen .videoControlBar:hover { opacity: 1; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); } .controlItemContainer { position: absolute; top: 10px; height: 40px; z-index: 200; } .controlItemContainer.left { left: 0; height: 40px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: visible; transition: transform 0.2s ease, left 0.2s ease; } .controlItemContainer.left .scalingUI { padding: 0 8px 0; } .controlItemContainer.left .scalingUI:empty{ display: none; } .is-mouseMoving .controlItemContainer.left .scalingUI>* { background: #222; } .fullScreen .controlItemContainer.left { top: auto; } .controlItemContainer.center { left: 50%; height: 40px; transform: translate(-50%, 0); background: #222; white-space: nowrap; overflow: visible; transition: transform 0.2s ease, left 0.2s ease; } .fullScreen .controlItemContainer.center { top: auto; } .fullScreen.zenzaStoryboardOpen .controlItemContainer.center { background: transparent; } .controlItemContainer.center .scalingUI { background: #222; transform-origin: top center; } .fullScreen.zenzaStoryboardOpen .controlItemContainer.center .scalingUI { background: rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.5); } .fullScreen.zenzaStoryboardOpen .controlItemContainer.center .scalingUI:hover { background: rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.8); } .controlItemContainer.right { right: 0; } .fullScreen .controlItemContainer.right { top: auto; } .is-mouseMoving .controlItemContainer.right { } .is-mouseMoving .controlItemContainer.right .controlButton{ background: #333; } .controlItemContainer.right .scalingUI { transform-origin: top right; } .controlButton { position: relative; display: inline-block; transition: opacity 0.4s ease, margin-left 0.2s ease, margin-top 0.2s ease; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; color: #fff; opacity: 0.8; margin-right: 8px; vertical-align: middle; } .controlButton:hover { text-shadow: 0 0 8px #ff9; cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; } .is-abort .playControl, .is-error .playControl, .is-loading .playControl { opacity: 0.4 !important; pointer-events: none; } .controlButton .tooltip { display: none; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 16px; top: -30px; transform: translate(-50%, 0); font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; padding: 2px 4px; border: 1px solid !000; background: #ffc; color: #000; text-shadow: none; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 100; opacity: 0.8; } .is-mouseMoving .controlButton:hover .tooltip { display: block; opacity: 1; } .videoControlBar:hover .controlButton { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } .settingPanelSwitch { font-size: 20px; line-height: 30px; width: 32px; height: 32px; transition: font-size 0.2s ease; } .settingPanelSwitch:hover { text-shadow: 0 0 8px #ff9; } .controlButton:active { font-size: 15px; } .settingPanelSwitch .tooltip { left: 0; } .controlButtonInner { display: inline-block; } .seekTop { left: 0px; font-size: 23px; width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-top: -2px; line-height: 30px; } .seekTop .controlButtonInner{ } .seekTop:active { font-size: 18px; } .togglePlay { font-size: 22px; width: 32px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; box-sizing: border-box; transition: font-size 0.2s ease; } .togglePlay:active { font-size: 15px; } .togglePlay .pause, .is-playing .togglePlay .play { display: none; } .togglePlay>.pause { letter-spacing: -10px; } .is-playing .togglePlay .pause { display: block; } .seekBarContainer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; cursor: pointer; z-index: 150; } .fullScreen .seekBarContainer { top: auto; bottom: 0; z-index: 300; } /* 見えないマウス判定 */ .seekBarContainer .seekBarShadow { position: absolute; background: transparent; opacity: 0; width: 100vw; height: 8px; top: -8px; } .is-mouseMoving .seekBarContainer:hover .seekBarShadow { height: 48px; top: -48px; } .fullScreen .seekBarContainer:hover .seekBarShadow { height: 14px; top: -12px; } .is-abort .seekBarContainer, .is-loading .seekBarContainer, .is-error .seekBarContainer { pointer-events: none; webkit-filter: grayscale(); moz-filter: grayscale(); filter: grayscale(); } .is-abort .seekBarContainer *, .is-loading .seekBarContainer *, .is-error .seekBarContainer * { display: none; } .seekBar { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 10px; margin: px 0 2px; border-top: 1px solid #333; border-bottom: 1px solid #333; cursor: pointer; transition: height 0.2s ease 1s, margin-top 0.2s ease 1s; } .seekBar:hover { height: 24px; margin-top: -14px; transition: none; } .fullScreen .seekBar { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: -14px; height: 24px; transition: none; } .is-mouseMoving .seekBar { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .seekBarContainer .seekBar * { pointer-events: none; } .bufferRange { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 110%; left: 0px; top: 0px; box-shadow: 0 0 6px #ff9 inset, 0 0 4px #ff9; border-radius: 4px; z-index: 100; background: #663; transform-origin: left; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scaleX(0); transition: transform 0.2s; } .is-youTube .bufferRange { width: 100% !important; height: 110% !important; box-shadow: 0 0 6px #f96 inset, 0 0 4px #ff9; transition: transform 0.8s ease 0.4s; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scaleX(1) !important; } .zenzaStoryboardOpen .bufferRange { background: #ff9; mix-blend-mode: lighten; opacity: 0.5; } .noHeatMap .bufferRange { background: #666; } .seekBar .seekBarPointer { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 200; pointer-events: none; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform-origin: left middle; transition: none; } .seekBar .seekBarPointerCore { position: absolute; top: 50%; width: 12px; height: 140%; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); border-radius: 2px; transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ffc, 0 0 8px #ff9, 0 0 4px #ffc inset; } .is-loading .seekBar .seekBarPointer, .dragging .seekBar .seekBarPointer { transition: none; } .videoControlBar .videoTime { display: inline-block; top: 0; padding: 0; color: #fff; font-size: 12px; white-space: nowrap; background: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.5); border: 0; border-radius: 4px; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; } .videoControlBar .videoTime .currentTime, .videoControlBar .videoTime .duration { display: inline-block; color: #fff; text-align: center; background: inherit; border: 0; width: 44px; font-family: 'Yu Gothic', 'YuGothic', 'Courier New', Osaka-mono, 'MS ゴシック', monospace; } .videoControlBar.is-loading .videoTime { display: none; } .seekBarContainer .tooltip { position: absolute; padding: 1px; bottom: 12px; left: 0; transform: translate(-50%, 0); white-space: nowrap; font-size: 10px; opacity: 0; border: 1px solid #000; background: #fff; color: #000; z-index: 150; } .dragging .seekBarContainer .tooltip, .seekBarContainer:hover .tooltip { opacity: 0.8; } .zenzaHeatMap { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; top: 2px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 2px); transform-origin: 0 0 0; transform: translateZ(0); opacity: 0.5; z-index: 110; } .noHeatMap .zenzaHeatMap { display: none; } .loopSwitch { width: 32px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; color: #888; } .loopSwitch:active { font-size: 15px; } .is-loop .loopSwitch { text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #9cf; color: #9cf; } .loopSwitch .controlButtonInner { font-family: STIXGeneral; } .playbackRateMenu { bottom: 0; min-width: 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 18px; white-space: nowrap; margin-right: 0; } .playbackRateMenu:active { font-size: 13px; } .playbackRateMenu.show { background: #888; } .playbackRateMenu.show .tooltip { display: none; } .playbackRateSelectMenu { bottom: 44px; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); width: 180px; text-align: left; line-height: 20px; font-size: 18px !important; } .playbackRateSelectMenu ul { margin: 2px 8px; } .playbackRateSelectMenu .triangle { transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-45deg); bottom: -9px; left: 50%; } .playbackRateSelectMenu li { padding: 3px 4px; } .screenModeMenu { width: 32px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; } .screenModeMenu:active { font-size: 15px; } .screenModeMenu.show { background: #888; } .screenModeMenu.show .tooltip { display: none; } .screenModeMenu:active { font-size: 10px; } .fullScreen .screenModeMenu { display: none; } .screenModeSelectMenu { left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); bottom: 44px; width: 148px; padding: 2px 4px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px; } .changeScreenMode .screenModeSelectMenu, .fullScreen .screenModeSelectMenu { display: none; } .screenModeSelectMenu .triangle { transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-45deg); bottom: -8.5px; left: 50%; } .screenModeSelectMenu ul li { display: inline-block; text-align: center; border-bottom: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .screenModeSelectMenu ul li span { border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 50px; margin: 2px 8px; padding: 4px 0; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .screenModeSelectMenu li.mode3D span, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .screenModeSelectMenu li.sideView span, .zenzaScreenMode_small .screenModeSelectMenu li.small span, .zenzaScreenMode_normal .screenModeSelectMenu li.normal span, .zenzaScreenMode_big .screenModeSelectMenu li.big span, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .screenModeSelectMenu li.wide span { color: #ff9; border-color: #ff0; } .fullScreenSwitch { width: 32px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; } .fullScreenSwitch:active { font-size: 15px; } .fullScreen .fullScreenSwitch .controlButtonInner .toFull, body:not(.fullScreen) .fullScreenSwitch .controlButtonInner .returnFull { display: none; } .videoControlBar .muteSwitch { height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; margin-right: 0; } .is-mute .videoControlBar .muteSwitch { color: #888; } .videoControlBar .muteSwitch:active { font-size: 15px; } .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-mute) .muteSwitch .mute-on, .is-mute .muteSwitch .mute-off { display: none; } .videoControlBar .volumeControl { display: inline-block; width: 80px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; } .videoControlBar .volumeControl .volumeControlInner { position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 64px; height: 8px; border: 1px solid #888; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; } .videoControlBar .volumeControl .volumeControlInner .slideBar { position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 100%; left: 0; bottom: 0; background: #ccc; pointer-events: none; } .videoControlBar .volumeControl .volumeBarPointer { display: none; /* position: absolute; top: 50%; width: 6px; height: 10px; background: #ccc; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 200; pointer-events: none; */ } .videoControlBar .volumeControl .tooltip { display: none; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 6px; top: -24px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; padding: 2px 4px; border: 1px solid !000; background: #ffc; color: black; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #fff; text-shadow: none; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 100; } .videoControlBar .volumeControl:hover .tooltip { display: block; } .is-mute .videoControlBar .volumeControlInner { pointer-events: none; } .is-mute .videoControlBar .volumeControlInner >* { display: none; } .prevVideo.playControl, .nextVideo.playControl { display: none; } .is-playlistEnable .prevVideo.playControl, .is-playlistEnable .nextVideo.playControl { display: inline-block; } .prevVideo, .nextVideo { font-size: 23px; width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-top: -2px; line-height: 30px; } .prevVideo .controlButtonInner { transform: scaleX(-1); } .prevVideo:active { font-size: 18px; } .toggleStoryboard { visibility: hidden; font-size: 13px; /*width: 32px;*/ height: 32px; margin-top: -2px; line-height: 36px; pointer-events: none; } .storyboardAvailable .toggleStoryboard { visibility: visible; pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaStoryboardOpen .storyboardAvailable .toggleStoryboard { text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #9cf; color: #9cf; } .toggleStoryboard .controlButtonInner { transform: scaleX(-1); } .toggleStoryboard:active { font-size: 10px; } .videoServerTypeMenu { bottom: 0; min-width: 40px; height: 32px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 16px; white-space: nowrap; } .is-dmcAvailable .videoServerTypeMenu { text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #9cf, 0px 0px 6px #9cf, 0px 0px 4px #9cf, 0px 0px 2px #9cf; } .is-mouseMoving.is-dmcPlaying .videoServerTypeMenu { background: #336; } .is-youTube .videoServerTypeMenu { text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #fc9, 0px 0px 6px #fc9, 0px 0px 4px #fc9, 0px 0px 2px #fc9 !important; } .is-youTube .videoServerTypeMenu:not(.forYouTube), .videoServerTypeMenu.forYouTube { display: none; } .is-youTube .videoServerTypeMenu.forYouTube { display: inline-block; } .videoServerTypeMenu:active { font-size: 13px; } .videoServerTypeMenu.show { background: #888; } .videoServerTypeMenu.show .tooltip { display: none; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu { bottom: 44px; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); width: 180px; text-align: left; line-height: 20px; font-size: 16px !important; text-shadow: none !important; cursor: default; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu ul { margin: 2px 8px; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .triangle { transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-45deg); bottom: -9px; left: 50%; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu li { padding: 3px 4px; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu li.selected { pointer-events: none; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #99f, 0 0 8px #99f !important; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .smileVideoQuality, .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .dmcVideoQuality { font-size: 80%; padding-left: 28px; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .currentVideoQuality { color: #ccf; font-size: 80%; text-align: center; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .dmcVideoQuality.selected span:before, .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .smileVideoQuality.selected span:before { left: 22px; font-size: 80%; } .videoServerTypeSelectMenu .currentVideoQuality.selected span:before { display: none; } /* dmcを使用不能の時はdmc選択とdmc画質選択を薄く */ .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .serverType.select-dmc, .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .dmcVideoQuality, .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .currentVideoQuality { opacity: 0.4; pointer-events: none; text-shadow: none !important; } .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .currentVideoQuality { display: none; } .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .serverType.select-dmc span:before, .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .dmcVideoQuality span:before{ display: none !important; } .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-dmcAvailable) .serverType { pointer-events: none; } /* dmcを使用している時はsmileの画質選択を薄く */ .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-dmcPlaying .smileVideoQuality { opacity: 0.4; pointer-events: none; } /* dmcを選択していない状態ではdmcの画質選択を隠す */ .videoServerTypeSelectMenu:not(.is-dmcEnable) .currentVideoQuality, .videoServerTypeSelectMenu:not(.is-dmcEnable) .dmcVideoQuality { display: none; } @media screen and (max-width: 864px) { .controlItemContainer.center { left: 0%; transform: translate(0, 0); } } `).trim(); VideoControlBar.__tpl__ = (` <div class="videoControlBar"> <div class="seekBarContainer"> <div class="seekBarShadow"></div> <div class="seekBar"> <div class="seekBarPointer"> <div class="seekBarPointerCore"></div> </div> <div class="bufferRange"></div> </div> </div> <div class="controlItemContainer left"> <div class="scalingUI"></div> </div> <div class="controlItemContainer center"> <div class="scalingUI"> <div class="toggleStoryboard controlButton playControl forPremium" data-command="toggleStoryboard"> <div class="controlButtonInner"><●></div> <div class="tooltip">シーンサーチ</div> </div> <div class="loopSwitch controlButton playControl" data-command="toggleLoop"> <div class="controlButtonInner">↻</div> <div class="tooltip">リピート</div> </div> <div class="seekTop controlButton playControl" data-command="seek" data-param="0"> <div class="controlButtonInner">⇤<!-- ⏮ --><!--┃◂◂--></div> <div class="tooltip">先頭</div> </div> <div class="togglePlay controlButton playControl" data-command="togglePlay"> <span class="play">▶</span> <span class="pause">❙ ❙<!--▐▐--><!-- ⏸ --> <!--〓 --></span> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="play">再生</span> <span class="pause">一時停止</span> </div> </div> <div class="playbackRateMenu controlButton " data-command="playbackRateMenu"> <div class="controlButtonInner">x1</div> <div class="tooltip">再生速度</div> <div class="playbackRateSelectMenu zenzaPopupMenu"> <div class="triangle"></div> <p class="caption">再生速度</p> <ul> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="10" ><span>10倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="5" ><span>5倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="4" ><span>4倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="3" ><span>3倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="2" ><span>2倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="1.75"><span>1.75倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="1.5"><span>1.5倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="1.25"><span>1.25倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="1.0"><span>標準速度(x1)</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="0.75"><span>0.75倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="0.5"><span>0.5倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="0.25"><span>0.25倍</span></li> <li class="playbackRate" data-rate="0.1"><span>0.1倍</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="videoTime"> <input type="text" class="currentTime" value="00:00">/<input type="text" class="duration" value="00:00"> </div> <div class="muteSwitch controlButton" data-command="toggleMute"> <div class="tooltip">ミュート(M)</div> <div class="menuButtonInner mute-off">🔊</div> <div class="menuButtonInner mute-on">🔇</div> </div> <div class="volumeControl"> <div class="tooltip">音量調整</div> <div class="volumeControlInner"> <div class="slideBar"></div> <div class="volumeBarPointer"></div> </div> </div> <div class="prevVideo controlButton playControl" data-command="playPreviousVideo" data-param="0"> <div class="controlButtonInner">➠</div> <div class="tooltip">前の動画</div> </div> <div class="nextVideo controlButton playControl" data-command="playNextVideo" data-param="0"> <div class="controlButtonInner">➠</div> <div class="tooltip">次の動画</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="controlItemContainer right"> <div class="scalingUI"> <div class="videoServerTypeMenu controlButton forYouTube" data-command="reload" title="ZenTube解除"> <div class="controlButtonInner">画</div> </div> <div class="videoServerTypeMenu controlButton " data-command="videoServerTypeMenu"> <div class="controlButtonInner">画</div> <div class="tooltip">動画サーバー・画質</div> <div class="videoServerTypeSelectMenu zenzaPopupMenu"> <div class="triangle"></div> <p class="caption">動画サーバー・画質</p> <ul> <li class="serverType select-dmc exec-command" data-command="update-enableDmc" data-param="true" data-type="bool"> <span>新システムを使用</span> <p class="currentVideoQuality"></p> </li> <li class="dmcVideoQuality selected exec-command select-auto" data-command="update-dmcVideoQuality" data-param="auto"><span>自動(auto)</span></li> <li class="dmcVideoQuality selected exec-command select-veryhigh" data-command="update-dmcVideoQuality" data-param="veryhigh"><span>超(1080) 優先</span></li> <li class="dmcVideoQuality selected exec-command select-high" data-command="update-dmcVideoQuality" data-param="high"><span>高(720) 優先</span></li> <li class="dmcVideoQuality selected exec-command select-mid" data-command="update-dmcVideoQuality" data-param="mid"><span>中(480-540)</span></li> <li class="dmcVideoQuality selected exec-command select-low" data-command="update-dmcVideoQuality" data-param="low"><span>低(360)</span></li> <li class="serverType select-smile exec-command" data-command="update-enableDmc" data-param="false" data-type="bool"><span>旧システムを使用</span></li> <li class="smileVideoQuality select-default exec-command" data-command="update-forceEconomy" data-param="false" data-type="bool"><span>自動</span></li> <li class="smileVideoQuality select-economy exec-command" data-command="update-forceEconomy" data-param="true" data-type="bool"><span>エコノミー固定</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="screenModeMenu controlButton" data-command="screenModeMenu"> <div class="tooltip">画面サイズ・モード変更</div> <div class="controlButtonInner">⎚</div> <div class="screenModeSelectMenu zenzaPopupMenu"> <div class="triangle"></div> <p class="caption">画面モード</p> <ul> <li class="screenMode mode3D" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="3D"><span>3D</span></li> <li class="screenMode small" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="small"><span>小</span></li> <li class="screenMode sideView" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="sideView"><span>横</span></li> <li class="screenMode normal" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="normal"><span>中</span></li> <li class="screenMode wide" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="wide"><span>WIDE</span></li> <li class="screenMode big" data-command="screenMode" data-screen-mode="big"><span>大</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="fullScreenSwitch controlButton" data-command="fullScreen"> <div class="tooltip">フルスクリーン(F)</div> <div class="controlButtonInner"> <!-- TODO: YouTubeと同じにする --> <span class="toFull">⇲</span> <span class="returnFull">⇱</span> </div> </div> <div class="settingPanelSwitch controlButton" data-command="settingPanel"> <div class="controlButtonInner">⚙</div> <div class="tooltip">設定</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(VideoControlBar.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._$playerContainer = params.$playerContainer; var player = this._player = params.player; player.on('open', this._onPlayerOpen.bind(this)); player.on('canPlay', this._onPlayerCanPlay.bind(this)); player.on('durationChange', this._onPlayerDurationChange.bind(this)); player.on('close', this._onPlayerClose.bind(this)); player.on('progress', this._onPlayerProgress.bind(this)); player.on('loadVideoInfo', this._onLoadVideoInfo.bind(this)); player.on('commentParsed', _.debounce(this._onCommentParsed.bind(this), 500)); player.on('commentChange', _.debounce(this._onCommentChange.bind(this), 100)); this._initializeDom(); this._initializeScreenModeSelectMenu(); this._initializePlaybackRateSelectMenu(); this._initializeVolumeControl(); this._initializeVideoServerTypeSelectMenu(); this._isFirstVideoInitialized = false; ZenzaWatch.debug.videoControlBar = this; }, _initializeDom: function() { util.addStyle(VideoControlBar.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(VideoControlBar.__tpl__); var $container = this._$playerContainer; var config = this._playerConfig; var onCommand = (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }; this._$seekBarContainer = $view.find('.seekBarContainer'); this._$seekBar = $view.find('.seekBar'); this._$seekBarPointer = $view.find('.seekBarPointer'); this._$bufferRange = $view.find('.bufferRange'); this._$tooltip = $view.find('.seekBarContainer .tooltip'); $view.on('click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); }); this._$seekBar .on('mousedown', this._onSeekBarMouseDown.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', this._onSeekBarMouseMove.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', _.debounce(this._onSeekBarMouseMoveEnd.bind(this), 1000)); $view.find('.controlButton') .on('click', this._onControlButton.bind(this)); this._$currentTime = $view.find('.currentTime'); this._$duration = $view.find('.duration'); this._heatMap = new HeatMap({ $container: this._$seekBarContainer.find('.seekBar') }); var updateHeatMapVisibility = (v) => { this._$seekBarContainer.toggleClass('noHeatMap', !v); }; updateHeatMapVisibility(this._playerConfig.getValue('enableHeatMap')); this._playerConfig.on('update-enableHeatMap', updateHeatMapVisibility); this._storyboard = new Storyboard({ playerConfig: config, player: this._player, $container: $view }); this._storyboard.on('command', onCommand); this._seekBarToolTip = new SeekBarToolTip({ $container: this._$seekBarContainer, storyboard: this._storyboard }); this._seekBarToolTip.on('command', onCommand); this._commentPreview = new CommentPreview({ $container: this._$seekBarContainer }); this._commentPreview.on('command', onCommand); var updateEnableCommentPreview = (v) => { this._$seekBarContainer.toggleClass('enableCommentPreview', v); this._commentPreview.setIsEnable(v); }; updateEnableCommentPreview(config.getValue('enableCommentPreview')); config.on('update-enableCommentPreview', updateEnableCommentPreview); this._$screenModeMenu = $view.find('.screenModeMenu'); this._$screenModeSelectMenu = $view.find('.screenModeSelectMenu'); this._$playbackRateMenu = $view.find('.playbackRateMenu'); this._$playbackRateSelectMenu = $view.find('.playbackRateSelectMenu'); this._$videoServerTypeMenu = $view.find('.videoServerTypeMenu'); this._$videoServerTypeSelectMenu = $view.find('.videoServerTypeSelectMenu'); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', () => { this._hideMenu(); this._commentPreview.hide(); }); $container.append($view); this._width = this._$seekBarContainer.innerWidth(); }, _initializeScreenModeSelectMenu: function() { var self = this; var $menu = this._$screenModeSelectMenu; $menu.on('click', 'span', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.screenMode'); var mode = $target.attr('data-screen-mode'); self.emit('command', 'screenMode', mode); }); }, _initializePlaybackRateSelectMenu: function() { var self = this; var config = this._playerConfig; var $btn = this._$playbackRateMenu; var $label = $btn.find('.controlButtonInner'); var $menu = this._$playbackRateSelectMenu; $menu.on('click', '.playbackRate', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.playbackRate'); var rate = parseFloat($target.attr('data-rate'), 10); self.emit('command', 'playbackRate', rate); }); var updatePlaybackRate = function(rate) { $label.text('x' + rate); $menu.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); var fr = Math.floor( parseFloat(rate, 10) * 100) / 100; $menu.find('.playbackRate').each(function(i, item) { var $item = $(item); var r = parseFloat($item.attr('data-rate'), 10); if (fr === r) { $item.addClass('selected'); } }); }; updatePlaybackRate(config.getValue('playbackRate')); config.on('update-playbackRate', updatePlaybackRate); }, _initializeVolumeControl: function() { var $container = this._$view.find('.volumeControl'); var $tooltip = $container.find('.tooltip'); var $bar = $container.find('.slideBar'); var $pointer = $container.find('.volumeBarPointer'); var $body = $('body'); var $window = $(window); var config = this._playerConfig; var self = this; var setVolumeBar = this._setVolumeBar = function(v) { var per = Math.round(v * 100); $bar.css({ width: per + '%'}); $pointer.css({ left: per + '%'}); $tooltip.text('音量 (' + per + '%)'); }; var $inner = $container.find('.volumeControlInner'); var posToVol = function(x) { var width = $inner.outerWidth(); var vol = x / width; return Math.max(0, Math.min(vol, 1.0)); }; var onBodyMouseMove = function(e) { var offset = $inner.offset(); var scale = Math.max(0.1, parseFloat(config.getValue('menuScale'), 10)); var left = (e.clientX - offset.left) / scale; var vol = posToVol(left); self.emit('command', 'volume', vol); }; var bindDragEvent = function() { $body .on('mousemove.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar', onBodyMouseMove) .on('mouseup.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar', onBodyMouseUp); $window.on('blur.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar', onWindowBlur); }; var unbindDragEvent = function() { $body .off('mousemove.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar') .off('mouseup.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar'); $window.off('blur.ZenzaWatchVolumeBar'); }; var beginMouseDrag = function() { bindDragEvent(); $container.addClass('dragging'); }; var endMouseDrag = function() { unbindDragEvent(); $container.removeClass('dragging'); }; var onBodyMouseUp = function() { endMouseDrag(); }; var onWindowBlur = function() { endMouseDrag(); }; var onVolumeBarMouseDown = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var vol = posToVol(e.offsetX); self.emit('command', 'volume', vol); beginMouseDrag(); }; $inner.on('mousedown', onVolumeBarMouseDown); setVolumeBar(this._playerConfig.getValue('volume')); this._playerConfig.on('update-volume', setVolumeBar); }, _initializeVideoServerTypeSelectMenu: function() { const config = this._playerConfig; //const $btn = this._$videoServerTypeMenu; //const $label = $btn.find('.controlButtonInner'); const $menu = this._$videoServerTypeSelectMenu; const $current = $menu.find('.currentVideoQuality'); $menu.on('click', '.exec-command', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const $target = $(e.target).closest('.exec-command'); const command = $target.attr('data-command'); if (!command) { return; } var param = $target.attr('data-param'); const type = $target.attr('data-type'); if (param && type === 'bool') { param = JSON.parse(param); } this.toggleVideoServerTypeMenu(false); //$menu.removeClass('show'); this.emit('command', command, param); }); const updateEnableDmc = function(value) { $menu.toggleClass('is-dmcEnable', value); const $d = $menu.find('.serverType'); $d.removeClass('selected'); $menu.find('.select-' + (value ? 'dmc' : 'smile')).addClass('selected'); }; const updateForceEconomy = function(value) { const $dq = $menu.find('.smileVideoQuality'); $dq.removeClass('selected'); $menu.find('.select-' + (value ? 'economy' : 'default')).addClass('selected'); }; const updateDmcVideoQuality = function(value) { const $dq = $menu.find('.dmcVideoQuality'); $dq.removeClass('selected'); $menu.find('.select-' + value).addClass('selected'); }; const onVideoServerType = function(type, videoSessionInfo) { if (type !== 'dmc') { if (config.getValue('autoDisableDmc')) { $current.text('----'); } else { $current.text('----'); } return; } $current.text(videoSessionInfo.videoFormat.replace(/^.*h264_/, '')); }; updateEnableDmc( config.getValue('enableDmc')); updateForceEconomy( config.getValue('forceEconomy')); updateDmcVideoQuality(config.getValue('dmcVideoQuality')); config.on('update-enableDmc', updateEnableDmc); config.on('update-forceEconomy', updateForceEconomy); config.on('update-dmcVideoQuality', updateDmcVideoQuality); this._player.on('videoServerType', onVideoServerType); }, _onControlButton: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.controlButton'); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param'); var type = $target.attr('data-type'); if (param && (type === 'bool' || type === 'json')) { param = JSON.parse(param); } switch (command) { case 'screenModeMenu': this.toggleScreenModeMenu(); break; case 'playbackRateMenu': this.togglePlaybackRateMenu(); break; case 'toggleStoryboard': this._storyboard.toggle(); break; case 'videoServerTypeMenu': this.toggleVideoServerTypeMenu(); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); break; } }, _hideMenu: function() { var self = this; $([ 'toggleScreenModeMenu', 'togglePlaybackRateMenu', 'toggleVideoServerTypeMenu' ]).each(function(i, func) { (self[func])(false); }); }, togglePlaybackRateMenu: function(v) { var $btn = this._$playbackRateMenu; var $menu = this._$playbackRateSelectMenu; this._toggleMenu('playbackRate', $btn, $menu, v); }, toggleScreenModeMenu: function(v) { var $btn = this._$screenModeMenu; var $menu = this._$screenModeSelectMenu; this._toggleMenu('screenMode', $btn, $menu, v); }, toggleVideoServerTypeMenu: function(v) { var $btn = this._$videoServerTypeMenu; var $menu = this._$videoServerTypeSelectMenu; this._toggleMenu('screenMode', $btn, $menu, v); }, _toggleMenu: function(name, $btn, $menu, v) { var $body = $('body'); var eventName = 'click.ZenzaWatch_' + name + 'Menu'; $body.off(eventName); $btn .toggleClass('show', v); $menu.toggleClass('show', v); var onBodyClick = function() { $btn.removeClass('show'); $menu.removeClass('show'); $body.off(eventName); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideMenu'); }; if ($menu.hasClass('show')) { this._hideMenu(); $btn .addClass('show'); $menu.addClass('show'); $body.on(eventName, onBodyClick); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('showMenu'); } }, _posToTime: function(pos) { var width = this._$seekBar.innerWidth(); return this._duration * (pos / Math.max(width, 1)); }, _timeToPos: function(time) { return this._width * (time / Math.max(this._duration, 1)); }, _timeToPer: function(time) { return (time / Math.max(this._duration, 1)) * 100; }, _onPlayerOpen: function() { this._startTimer(); this.setDuration(0); this.setCurrentTime(0); this._heatMap.reset(); this._storyboard.reset(); this.resetBufferedRange(); }, _onPlayerCanPlay: function(watchId, videoInfo) { var duration = this._player.getDuration(); this.setDuration(duration); this._storyboard.onVideoCanPlay(watchId, videoInfo); this._heatMap.setDuration(duration); }, _onCommentParsed: function() { this._chatList = this._player.getChatList(); this._heatMap.setChatList(this._chatList); this._commentPreview.setChatList(this._chatList); }, _onCommentChange: function() { this._chatList = this._player.getChatList(); this._heatMap.setChatList(this._chatList); this._commentPreview.setChatList(this._chatList); }, _onPlayerDurationChange: function() { // TODO: 動画のメタデータ解析後に動画長情報が変わることがあるので、 // そこで情報を更新する }, _onPlayerClose: function() { this._stopTimer(); }, _onPlayerProgress: function(range, currentTime) { this.setBufferedRange(range, currentTime); }, _startTimer: function() { this._timerCount = 0; this._timer = window.setInterval(this._onTimer.bind(this), 10); }, _stopTimer: function() { if (this._timer) { window.clearInterval(this._timer); this._timer = null; } }, _onSeekBarMouseDown: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var left = e.offsetX; var sec = this._posToTime(left); this.emit('command', 'seek', sec); this._beginMouseDrag(); }, _onSeekBarMouseMove: function(e) { if (!this._$view.hasClass('dragging')) { e.stopPropagation(); } var left = e.offsetX; var sec = this._posToTime(left); this._seekBarMouseX = left; this._commentPreview.setCurrentTime(sec); this._commentPreview.show(left); this._seekBarToolTip.update(sec, left); }, _onSeekBarMouseMoveEnd: function(e) { }, _beginMouseDrag: function() { this._bindDragEvent(); this._$view.addClass('dragging'); }, _endMouseDrag: function() { this._unbindDragEvent(); this._$view.removeClass('dragging'); }, _onBodyMouseMove: function(e) { var offset = this._$seekBar.offset(); var left = e.clientX - offset.left; var sec = this._posToTime(left); this.emit('command', 'seek', sec); this._seekBarToolTip.update(sec, left); this._storyboard.setCurrentTime(sec, true); }, _onBodyMouseUp: function() { this._endMouseDrag(); }, _onWindowBlur: function() { this._endMouseDrag(); }, _bindDragEvent: function() { $('body') .on('mousemove.ZenzaWatchSeekBar', _.bind(this._onBodyMouseMove, this)) .on('mouseup.ZenzaWatchSeekBar', _.bind(this._onBodyMouseUp, this)); $(window).on('blur.ZenzaWatchSeekBar', _.bind(this._onWindowBlur, this)); }, _unbindDragEvent: function() { $('body') .off('mousemove.ZenzaWatchSeekBar') .off('mouseup.ZenzaWatchSeekBar'); $(window).off('blur.ZenzaWatchSeekBar'); }, _onTimer: function() { this._timerCount++; var player = this._player; var currentTime = player.getCurrentTime(); if (this._timerCount % 15 === 0) { this.setCurrentTime(currentTime); } this._storyboard.setCurrentTime(currentTime); }, _onLoadVideoInfo: function(videoInfo) { this.setDuration(videoInfo.duration); if (!this._isFirstVideoInitialized) { this._isFirstVideoInitialized = true; const handler = (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('videoControBar.addonMenuReady', this._$view[0].querySelector('.controlItemContainer.left .scalingUI'), handler ); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('seekBar.addonMenuReady', this._$view[0].querySelector('.seekBar'), handler ); } }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { if (this._currentTime !== sec) { this._currentTime = sec; var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); m = m < 10 ? ('0' + m) : m; var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); var currentTimeText = [m, s].join(':'); if (this._currentTimeText !== currentTimeText) { this._currentTimeText = currentTimeText; this._$currentTime[0].value = currentTimeText; } const per = Math.min(100, this._timeToPer(sec)); this._$seekBarPointer[0].style.transform = `translate3d(${per}%, 0, 0)`; } }, setDuration: function(sec) { if (sec !== this._duration) { this._duration = sec; if (sec === 0 || isNaN(sec)) { this._$duration[0].value = '--:--'; } var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); m = m < 10 ? ('0' + m) : m; var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); this._$duration[0].value = [m, s].join(':'); this.emit('durationChange'); } }, setBufferedRange: function(range, currentTime) { var $range = this._$bufferRange; if (!range || !range.length || !this._duration) { return; } for (var i = 0, len = range.length; i < len; i++) { try { var start = range.start(i); var end = range.end(i); var width = end - start; if (start <= currentTime && end >= currentTime) { if (this._bufferStart !== start || this._bufferEnd !== end) { const perLeft = (this._timeToPer(start) - 1); const scaleX = (this._timeToPer(width) + 2) / 100; $range.css('transform', `translate3d(${perLeft}%, 0, 0) scaleX(${scaleX})`); this._bufferStart = start; this._bufferEnd = end; } break; } } catch (e) { } } }, resetBufferedRange: function() { this._buffferStart = 0; this._buffferEnd = 0; this._$bufferRange.css({transform: 'scaleX(0)'}); } }); var HeatMapModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; HeatMapModel.RESOLUTION = 100; _.extend(HeatMapModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(HeatMapModel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._resolution = params.resolution || HeatMapModel.RESOLUTION; this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this._duration = -1; this._chatReady = false; //this._isUpdated = false; this.emit('reset'); }, setDuration: function(duration) { if (this._duration !== duration) { this._duration = duration; this.update(); } }, setChatList: function(comment) { this._chat = comment; this._chatReady = true; this.update(); }, update: function() { if (this._duration < 0 || !this._chatReady /* || this._isUpdated */) { return; } var map = this._getHeatMap(); this.emitAsync('update', map); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('heatMapUpdate', {map, duration: this._duration}); // 無駄な処理を避けるため同じ動画では2回作らないようにしようかと思ったけど、 // CoreMのマシンでも数ミリ秒程度なので気にしない事にした。 // Firefoxはもうちょっとかかるかも //this._isUpdated = true; }, _getHeatMap: function() { //console.time('update HeatMapModel'); var chatList = this._chat.top.concat(this._chat.naka, this._chat.bottom); var duration = this._duration; if (!duration) { return; } var map = new Array(Math.max(Math.min(this._resolution, Math.floor(duration)), 1)); var i = map.length; while(i > 0) map[--i] = 0; var ratio = duration > map.length ? (map.length / duration) : 1; for (i = chatList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var nicoChat = chatList[i]; var pos = nicoChat.getVpos(); var mpos = Math.min(Math.floor(pos * ratio / 100), map.length -1); map[mpos]++; } //console.timeEnd('update HeatMapModel'); return map; } }); var HeatMapView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(HeatMapView.prototype, { _canvas: null, _palette: null, _width: 100, _height: 12, initialize: function(params) { this._model = params.model; this._$container = params.$container; this._width = params.width || 100; this._height = params.height || 10; this._model.on('update', _.bind(this._onUpdate, this)); this._model.on('reset', _.bind(this._onReset, this)); }, _initializePalette: function() { this._palette = []; // NicoHeatMaoより控え目な配色にしたい for (var c = 0; c < 256; c++) { var r = Math.floor((c > 127) ? (c / 2 + 128) : 0), g = Math.floor((c > 127) ? (255 - (c - 128) * 2) : (c * 2)), b = Math.floor((c > 127) ? 0 : (255 - c * 2)); this._palette.push('rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')'); } }, _initializeCanvas: function() { this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this._canvas.className = 'zenzaHeatMap'; this._canvas.width = this._width; this._canvas.height = this._height; this._$container.append(this._canvas); this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); this.reset(); }, _onUpdate: function(map) { this.update(map); }, _onReset: function() { this.reset(); }, reset: function() { if (this._context) { this._context.fillStyle = this._palette[0]; this._context.beginPath(); this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height); } }, update: function(map) { if (!this._isInitialized) { this._isInitialized = true; this._initializePalette(); this._initializeCanvas(); this.reset(); } console.time('update HeatMap'); // 一番コメント密度が高い所を100%として相対的な比率にする // 赤い所が常にピークになってわかりやすいが、 // コメントが一カ所に密集している場合はそれ以外が薄くなってしまうのが欠点 var max = 0, i; // -4 してるのは、末尾にコメントがやたら集中してる事があるのを集計対象外にするため (ニコニ広告に付いてたコメントの名残?) for (i = Math.max(map.length - 4, 0); i >= 0; i--) max = Math.max(map[i], max); if (max > 0) { var rate = 255 / max; for (i = map.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { map[i] = Math.min(255, Math.floor(map[i] * rate)); } } else { console.timeEnd('update HeatMap'); return; } var scale = map.length >= this._width ? 1 : (this._width / Math.max(map.length, 1)), blockWidth = (this._width / map.length) * scale, context = this._context; for (i = map.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { context.fillStyle = this._palette[parseInt(map[i], 10)] || this._palette[0]; context.beginPath(); context.fillRect(i * scale, 0, blockWidth, this._height); } console.timeEnd('update HeatMap'); } }); var HeatMap = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; //_.extend(HeatMap.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(HeatMap.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._model = new HeatMapModel({ }); this._view = new HeatMapView({ model: this._model, $container: params.$container }); this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this._model.reset(); }, setDuration: function(duration) { this._model.setDuration(duration); }, setChatList: function(chatList) { this._model.setChatList(chatList); } }); var CommentPreviewModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentPreviewModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentPreviewModel.prototype, { initialize: function() { }, reset: function() { this._chatReady = false; this._vpos = -1; this.emit('reset'); }, setChatList: function(chatList) { var list = chatList.top.concat(chatList.naka, chatList.bottom); list.sort(function(a, b) { var av = a.getVpos(), bv = b.getVpos(); return av - bv; }); this._chatList = list; this._chatReady = true; this.update(); }, getChatList: function() { return this._chatList || []; }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this.setVpos(sec * 100); }, setVpos: function(vpos) { if (this._vpos !== vpos) { this._vpos = vpos; this.emit('vpos'); } }, getCurrentIndex: function() { if (this._vpos < 0 || !this._chatReady) { return -1; } return this.getVposIndex(this._vpos); }, getVposIndex: function(vpos) { var list = this._chatList; for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var chat = list[i], cv = chat.getVpos(); if (cv <= vpos - 400) { return i + 1; } } return -1; }, getCurrentChatList: function() { if (this._vpos < 0 || !this._chatReady) { return []; } return this.getItemByVpos(this._vpos); }, getItemByVpos: function(vpos) { var list = this._chatList; var r###lt = []; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { var chat = list[i], cv = chat.getVpos(), diff = vpos - cv; if (diff >= -100 && diff <= 400) { r###lt.push(chat); } } return r###lt; }, getItemByNo: function(no) { var list = this._chatList; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { var nicoChat = list[i]; if (nicoChat.getNo() === no) { return nicoChat; } } return null; }, update: function() { this.emit('update'); } }); var CommentPreviewView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; CommentPreviewView.MAX_HEIGHT = '200px'; CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT = 20; _.extend(CommentPreviewView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); CommentPreviewView.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaCommentPreview"> <div class="zenzaCommentPreviewInner"> </div> </div> `).trim(); CommentPreviewView.__css__ = ` .zenzaCommentPreview { display: none; position: absolute; bottom: 16px; opacity: 0.8; max-height: ${CommentPreviewView.MAX_HEIGHT}; width: 350px; box-sizing: border-box; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); color: #ccc; z-index: 100; overflow: hidden; /*box-shadow: 0 0 4px #666;*/ border-bottom: 24px solid transparent; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transition: transform 0.2s; } .zenzaCommentPreview::-webkit-scrollbar { background: #222; } .zenzaCommentPreview::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 0; background: #666; } .zenzaCommentPreview::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background: #666; display: none; } .zenzaCommentPreview.updating { transition: opacity 0.2s ease; opacity: 0.3; cursor: wait; } .zenzaCommentPreview.updating *{ pointer-evnets: none; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaCommentPreview, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaCommentPreview { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); } .seekBarContainer.enableCommentPreview:hover .zenzaCommentPreview.show { display: block; } .zenzaCommentPreview.show:hover { background: black; overflow: auto; } .zenzaCommentPreview * { box-sizing: border-box; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner { padding: 4px; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaCommentPreview:hover .zenzaCommentPreviewInner { pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat { position: absolute; left: 0; display: block; width: 100%; height: ${CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT}px; padding: 2px 4px; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; /*border-top: 1px dotted transparent;*/ } .zenzaCommentPreview:hover .nicoChat + .nicoChat { /*border-top: 1px dotted #888;*/ } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner:hover .nicoChat.odd { background: #333; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat.fork1 .vposTime{ color: #6f6; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat.fork2 .vposTime{ color: #66f; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .no, .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .date, .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .userId { display: none; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat:hover .no, .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat:hover .date, .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat:hover .userId { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .vposTime { } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat:hover .text { color: #fff !important; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .text:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .addFilter { display: none; position: absolute; font-size: 10px; color: #fff; background: #666; cursor: pointer; top: 0; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat:hover .addFilter { display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #333; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .addFilter.addUserIdFilter { right: 8px; width: 48px; } .zenzaCommentPreviewInner .nicoChat .addFilter.addWordFilter { right: 64px; width: 48px; } `; _.assign(CommentPreviewView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { var model = this._model = params.model; this._$container = params.$container; this._showing = false; this._inviewTable = {}; this._$newItems = ''; this._chatList = []; this._initializeDom(this._$container); model.on('reset', this._onReset.bind(this)); model.on('update', _.debounce(this._onUpdate.bind(this), 10)); model.on('vpos', _.throttle(this._onVpos .bind(this), 100)); this.show = _.throttle(_.bind(this.show, this), 200); //this._applyView = ZenzaWatch.util.createDrawCallFunc(this._applyView.bind(this)); }, _initializeDom: function($container) { util.addStyle(CommentPreviewView.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(CommentPreviewView.__tpl__); this._$inner = $view.find('.zenzaCommentPreviewInner'); $view .on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)) .on('wheel', e => { e.stopPropagation(); }) .on('scroll', _.throttle(this._onScroll.bind(this), 50, {trailing: false})); // .on('resize', _.throttle(this._onResize.bind(this), 50)); $container.on('mouseleave', this.hide.bind(this)); $container.append($view); }, _onClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $view = this._$view; var $target = $(e.target); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var $nicoChat = $target.closest('.nicoChat'); var no = parseInt($nicoChat.attr('data-nicochat-no'), 10); var nicoChat = this._model.getItemByNo(no); if (command && nicoChat && !$view.hasClass('updating')) { $view.addClass('updating'); window.setTimeout(function() { $view.removeClass('updating'); }, 3000); switch (command) { case 'addUserIdFilter': this.emit('command', command, nicoChat.getUserId()); break; case 'addWordFilter': this.emit('command', command, nicoChat.getText()); break; case 'addCommandFilter': this.emit('command', command, nicoChat.getCmd()); break; } return; } var vpos = $nicoChat.attr('data-vpos'); if (vpos !== undefined) { this.emit('command', 'seek', vpos / 100); } }, _onUpdate: function() { if (this._isShowing) { this._updateView(); } else { this._updated = true; } }, _onVpos: function() { var index = Math.max(0, this._model.getCurrentIndex()); var itemHeight = CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT; this._inviewIndex = index; this._scrollTop = itemHeight * index; this._refreshInviewElements(this._scrollTop); }, _onResize: function() { this._refreshInviewElements(); }, _onScroll: function() { this._scrollTop = -1; this._refreshInviewElements(); }, _onReset: function() { this._$inner.html(''); this._inviewTable = {}; this._inviewIndex = 0; this._scrollTop = 0; this._$newItems = null; this._chatList = []; }, _updateView: function() { var chatList = this._chatList = this._model.getChatList(); if (chatList.length < 1) { this.hide(); this._updated = false; return; } window.console.time('updateCommentPreviewView'); var itemHeight = CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT; this._$inner.css({ height: (chatList.length + 2) * itemHeight //`calc(${chatList.length * itemHeight}px + ${CommentPreviewView.MAX_HEIGHT})` }); this._updated = false; window.console.timeEnd('updateCommentPreviewView'); }, _createDom: function(chat, idx) { var itemHeight = CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT; var text = util.escapeHtml(chat.getText()); var date = (new Date(chat.getDate() * 1000)).toLocaleString(); var vpos = chat.getVpos(); var no = chat.getNo(); var oe = idx % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'; var title = `${no} : 投稿日 ${date}\nID:${chat.getUserId()}\n${text}\n`; var color = chat.getColor() || '#fff'; var shadow = color === '#fff' ? '' : `text-shadow: 0 0 1px ${color};`; var vposToTime = (vpos) => { var sec = Math.floor(vpos / 100); var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); var s = (100 + (sec % 60)).toString().substr(1); return [m, s].join(':'); }; return `<li class="nicoChat fork${chat.getFork()} ${oe}" id="commentPreviewItem${idx}" data-vpos="${vpos}" data-nicochat-no="${no}" style="top: ${idx * itemHeight}px;" > <span class="vposTime">${vposToTime(vpos)}: </span> <span class="text" title="${title}" style="${shadow}"> ${text} </span> <span class="addFilter addUserIdFilter" data-command="addUserIdFilter" title="NGユーザー">NGuser</span> <span class="addFilter addWordFilter" data-command="addWordFilter" title="NGワード">NGword</span> </li>`; }, _refreshInviewElements: function(scrollTop, startIndex, endIndex) { if (!this._$inner) { return; } var itemHeight = CommentPreviewView.ITEM_HEIGHT; var $view = this._$view; scrollTop = _.isNumber(scrollTop) ? scrollTop : $view.scrollTop(); var viewHeight = $view.innerHeight(); var viewBottom = scrollTop + viewHeight; var chatList = this._chatList; if (!chatList || chatList.length < 1) { return; } startIndex = _.isNumber(startIndex) ? startIndex : Math.max(0, Math.floor(scrollTop / itemHeight) - 5); endIndex = _.isNumber(endIndex) ? endIndex : Math.min(chatList.length, Math.floor(viewBottom / itemHeight) + 5); var i; //window.console.log(`index ${startIndex} 〜 ${endIndex}`); var newItems = [], inviewTable = this._inviewTable; var create = this._createDom; for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { var chat = chatList[i]; if (inviewTable[i] || !chat) { continue; } newItems.push(create(chat, i)); inviewTable[i] = true; } if (newItems.length < 1) { return; } Object.keys(inviewTable).forEach(i => { if (i >= startIndex && i <= endIndex) { return; } var item = document.getElementById('commentPreviewItem' + i); if (item) { item.remove(); } else { window.console.log('not found ', 'commentPreviewItem' + i);} delete inviewTable[i]; }); var $newItems = $(newItems.join('')); if (this._$newItems) { this._$newItems.append($newItems); } else { this._$newItems = $newItems; } this._applyView(); }, _isEmpty: function() { return this._chatList.length < 1; }, show: function(left) { this._isShowing = true; if (this._updated) { this._updateView(); } if (this._isEmpty()) { return; } var $view = this._$view, width = $view.outerWidth(); var containerWidth = this._$container.innerWidth(); left = Math.min(Math.max(0, left - width / 2), containerWidth - width); this._left = left; this._applyView(); }, _applyView: function() { var $view = this._$view; if (!$view.hasClass('show')) { $view.addClass('show'); } if (this._$newItems) { this._$inner.append(this._$newItems); this._$newItems = null; } if (this._scrollTop > 0) { $view.scrollTop(this._scrollTop); this._scrollTop = -1; } $view .css({ 'transform': 'translate3d(' + this._left + 'px, 0, 0)' }); }, hide: function() { this._isShowing = false; this._$view.removeClass('show'); } }); var CommentPreview = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentPreview.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentPreview .prototype, { initialize: function(param) { this._model = new CommentPreviewModel({ }); this._view = new CommentPreviewView({ model: this._model, $container: param.$container }); var self = this; this._view.on('command', function(command, param) { self.emit('command', command, param); }); this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this._left = 0; this._model.reset(); this._view.hide(); }, setChatList: function(chatList) { this._model.setChatList(chatList); }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._model.setCurrentTime(sec); }, show: function(left) { this._left = left; this._isShow = true; if (this._isEnable) { this._view.show(left); } }, hide: function() { this._isShow = false; this._view.hide(); }, setIsEnable: function(v) { if (v !== this._isEnable) { this._isEnable = v; if (v && this._isShow) { this.show(this._left); } } } }); var SeekBarToolTip = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(SeekBarToolTip.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); SeekBarToolTip.__css__ = (` .seekBarToolTip { position: absolute; display: inline-block; z-index: 300; position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; bottom: 16px; left: 0; width: 180px; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 10px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); z-index: 150; opacity: 0; border: 1px solid #666; border-radius: 8px; padding: 4px 4px 10px 4px; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transition: transform 0.1s steps(1, start) 0, opacity 0.2s ease 0.5s; pointer-events: none; } .fullScreen .seekBarToolTip { bottom: 10px; } .dragging .seekBarToolTip { opacity: 1; pointer-events: none; } .seekBarContainer:hover .seekBarToolTip { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } .fullScreen .seekBarContainer:not(:hover) .seekBarToolTip { left: -100vw !important; } .seekBarToolTip .seekBarToolTipInner { font-size: 0 !important; } .seekBarToolTip .seekBarToolTipButtonContainer { text-align: center; width: 100%; } .seekBarToolTip .seekBarToolTipButtonContainer>* { flex: 1; } .seekBarToolTip .currentTime { display: inline-block; height: 16px; margin: 4px 0; padding: 0 8px; color: #ccc; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #fff, 0 0 8px #fc9; } .seekBarToolTip .controlButton { display: inline-block; width: 40px; height: 28px; line-height: 22px; font-size: 20px; border-radius: 50%; margin: 0; cursor: pointer; } .seekBarToolTip .controlButton * { cursor: pointer; } .seekBarToolTip .controlButton:hover { text-shadow: 0 0 8px #fe9; box-shdow: 0 0 8px #fe9; } .seekBarToolTip .controlButton:active { font-size: 16px; } .seekBarToolTip .controlButton.enableCommentPreview { opacity: 0.5; } .enableCommentPreview .seekBarToolTip .controlButton.enableCommentPreview { opacity: 1; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.01); } .seekBarToolTip .seekBarThumbnailContainer { pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -100%); } .seekBarContainer:not(.enableCommentPreview) .seekBarToolTip.storyboard { border-top: none; border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px; } `).trim(); SeekBarToolTip.__tpl__ = (` <div class="seekBarToolTip"> <div class="seekBarThumbnailContainer"></div> <div class="seekBarToolTipInner"> <div class="seekBarToolTipButtonContainer"> <div class="controlButton backwardSeek" data-command="seekBy" data-param="-5" title="5秒戻る" data-repeat="on"> <div class="controlButtonInner">⇦</div> </div> <div class="currentTime"></div> <div class="controlButton enableCommentPreview" data-command="toggleConfig" data-param="enableCommentPreview" title="コメントのプレビュー表示"> <div class="menuButtonInner">💬</div> </div> <div class="controlButton forwardSeek" data-command="seekBy" data-param="5" title="5秒進む" data-repeat="on"> <div class="controlButtonInner">⇨</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(SeekBarToolTip .prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._$container = params.$container; this._storyboard = params.storyboard; this._initializeDom(params.$container); //this.update = ZenzaWatch.util.createDrawCallFunc(this.update.bind(this)); this._boundOnRepeat = this._onRepeat.bind(this); this._boundOnMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this); }, _initializeDom: function($container) { ZenzaWatch.util.addStyle(SeekBarToolTip.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(SeekBarToolTip.__tpl__); this._$currentTime = $view.find('.currentTime'); $view .on('mousedown',this._onMouseDown.bind(this)) .on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); this._seekBarThumbnail = this._storyboard.getSeekBarThumbnail({ $container: $view.find('.seekBarThumbnailContainer') }); this._seekBarThumbnail.on('visible', v => { $view.toggleClass('storyboard', v); }); $container.append($view); }, _onMouseDown: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.controlButton'); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); if (!command) { return; } var param = $target.attr('data-param'); var repeat = $target.attr('data-repeat') === 'on'; this.emit('command', command, param); if (repeat) { this._beginRepeat(command, param); } }, _onMouseUp: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._endRepeat(); }, _beginRepeat(command, param) { this._repeatCommand = command; this._repeatParam = param; $('body').on('mouseup.zenzaSeekbarToolTip', this._boundOnMouseUp); this._$view.on('mouseleave mouseup', this._boundOnMouseUp); this._repeatTimer = window.setInterval(this._boundOnRepeat, 200); this._isRepeating = true; }, _endRepeat: function() { this.isRepeating = false; if (this._repeatTimer) { window.clearInterval(this._repeatTimer); this._repeatTimer = null; } $('body').off('mouseup.zenzaSeekbarToolTip'); this._$view.off('mouseleave mouseup'); }, _onRepeat: function() { if (!this._isRepeating) { this._endRepeat(); return; } this.emit('command', this._repeatCommand, this._repeatParam); }, update: function(sec, left) { var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); var timeText = [m, s].join(':'); if (this._timeText !== timeText) { this._timeText = timeText; this._$currentTime.text(timeText); var w = this._$view.outerWidth(); var vw = this._$container.innerWidth(); left = Math.max(0, Math.min(left - w / 2, vw - w)); this._$view.css({ 'transform': 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, 0, 0)' }); } this._seekBarThumbnail.setCurrentTime(sec); } }); var NicoTextParser = function() {}; NicoTextParser._FONT_REG = { // TODO: wikiにあるテーブルを正規表現に落とし込む // MING_LIUは昔どこかで拾ったのだけど出典がわからない // wikiの記述だと\u2588はstrongではないっぽいけど、そうじゃないと辻褄が合わないCAがいくつかある。 // wikiが間違いなのか、まだ知らない法則があるのか・・・? // // GOTHIC: /[ァ-ン゙・゚]/, GOTHIC: /[\uFF67-\uFF9D\uFF9E\uFF65\uFF9F]/, MINCHO: /([\u02C9\u2105\u2109\u2196-\u2199\u220F\u2215\u2248\u2264\u2265\u2299\u2474-\u2482\u250D\u250E\u2511\u2512\u2515\u2516\u2519\u251A\u251E\u251F\u2521\u2522\u2526\u2527\u2529\u252A\u252D\u252E\u2531\u2532\u2535\u2536\u2539\u253A\u253D\u253E\u2540\u2541\u2543-\u254A\u2550-\u256C\u2584\u2588\u258C\u2593\u01CE\u0D00\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u0251\u0261\u02CA\u02CB\u2016\u2035\u216A\u216B\u2223\u2236\u2237\u224C\u226E\u226F\u2295\u2483-\u249B\u2504-\u250B\u256D-\u2573\u2581-\u2583\u2585-\u2586\u2589-\u258B\u258D-\u258F\u2594\u2595\u25E2-\u25E5\u2609\u3016\u3017\u301E\u3021-\u3029\u3105-\u3129\u3220-\u3229\u32A3\u33CE\u33D1\u33D2\u33D5\uE758-\uE864\uFA0C\uFA0D\uFE30\uFE31\uFE33-\uFE44\uFE49-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE57\uFE59-\uFE66\uFE68-\uFE6B])/, GULIM: /([\u0126\u0127\u0132\u0133\u0138\u013F\u0140\u0149-\u014B\u0166\u0167\u02D0\u02DA\u2074\u207F\u2081-\u2084\u2113\u2153\u2154\u215C-\u215E\u2194-\u2195\u223C\u249C-\u24B5\u24D0-\u24E9\u2592\u25A3-\u25A9\u25B6\u25B7\u25C0\u25C1\u25C8\u25D0\u25D1\u260E\u260F\u261C\u261E\u2660\u2661\u2663-\u2665\u2667-\u2669\u266C\u3131-\u318E\u3200-\u321C\u3260-\u327B\u3380-\u3384\u3388-\u338D\u3390-\u339B\u339F\u33A0\u33A2-\u33CA\u33CF\u33D0\u33D3\u33D6\u33D8\u33DB-\u33DD\uF900-\uF928\uF92A-\uF994\uF###-\uFA0B\uFFE6])/, MING_LIU: /([\uEF00-\uEF1F])/, GR: /<group>([^\x01-\x7E^\xA0]*?([\uFF67-\uFF9D\uFF9E\uFF65\uFF9F\u02C9\u2105\u2109\u2196-\u2199\u220F\u2215\u2248\u2264\u2265\u2299\u2474-\u2482\u250D\u250E\u2511\u2512\u2515\u2516\u2519\u251A\u251E\u251F\u2521\u2522\u2526\u2527\u2529\u252A\u252D\u252E\u2531\u2532\u2535\u2536\u2539\u253A\u253D\u253E\u2540\u2541\u2543-\u254A\u2550-\u256C\u2584\u2588\u258C\u2593\u0126\u0127\u0132\u0133\u0138\u013F\u0140\u0149-\u014B\u0166\u0167\u02D0\u02DA\u2074\u207F\u2081-\u2084\u2113\u2153\u2154\u215C-\u215E\u2194-\u2195\u223C\u249C-\u24B5\u24D0-\u24E9\u2592\u25A3-\u25A9\u25B6\u25B7\u25C0\u25C1\u25C8\u25D0\u25D1\u260E\u260F\u261C\u261E\u2660\u2661\u2663-\u2665\u2667-\u2669\u266C\u3131-\u318E\u3200-\u321C\u3260-\u327B\u3380-\u3384\u3388-\u338D\u3390-\u339B\u339F\u33A0\u33A2-\u33CA\u33CF\u33D0\u33D3\u33D6\u33D8\u33DB-\u33DD\uF900-\uF928\uF92A-\uF994\uF###-\uFA0B\uFFE6\uEF00-\uEF1F\u01CE\u0D00\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u0251\u0261\u02CA\u02CB\u2016\u2035\u216A\u216B\u2223\u2236\u2237\u224C\u226E\u226F\u2295\u2483-\u249B\u2504-\u250B\u256D-\u2573\u2581-\u2583\u2585-\u2586\u2589-\u258B\u258D-\u258F\u2594\u2595\u25E2-\u25E5\u2609\u3016\u3017\u301E\u3021-\u3029\u3105-\u3129\u3220-\u3229\u32A3\u33CE\u33D1\u33D2\u33D5\uE758-\uE864\uFA0C\uFA0D\uFE30\uFE31\uFE33-\uFE44\uFE49-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE57\uFE59-\uFE66\uFE68-\uFE6B])[^\x01-\x7E^\xA0]*?)<\/group>/g, STRONG_MINCHO: /([\u01CE\u0D00\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u0251\u0261\u02CA\u02CB\u2016\u2035\u216A\u216B\u2223\u2236\u2237\u224C\u226E\u226F\u2295\u2483-\u249B\u2504-\u250B\u256D-\u2573\u2581-\u2583\u2585-\u2586\u2589-\u258B\u258D-\u258F\u2594\u2595\u25E2-\u25E5\u2609\u3016\u3017\u301E\u3021-\u3029\u3105-\u3129\u3220-\u3229\u32A3\u33CE\u33D1\u33D2\u33D5\uE758-\uE864\uFA0C\uFA0D\uFE30\uFE31\uFE33-\uFE44\uFE49-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE57\uFE59-\uFE66\uFE68-\uFE6B\u2588])/, // ドット絵系によく使われる文字. 綺麗に見せるためにエフェクトを変えたい BLOCK: /([\u2581-\u258F\u25E2-\u25E5■]+)/g, }; // 画面レイアウトに影響ありそうなCSSをこっちにまとめる NicoTextParser.__css__ = (` body { marign: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; } .default {} .gothic {font-family: 'MS Pゴシック', 'IPAMonaPGothic', sans-serif, Arial, 'Menlo'; } .mincho {font-family: Simsun, Osaka-mono, "Osaka−等幅", 'MS 明朝', 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', 'Hiragino Mincho ProN', monospace; } .gulim {font-family: Gulim, Osaka-mono, "Osaka−等幅", 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', monospace; } .mingLiu {font-family: PmingLiu, mingLiu, MingLiU, Osaka-mono, "Osaka−等幅", 'MS 明朝', 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', monospace; } han_group { font-family: 'Arial'; } /* 参考: https://www65.atwiki.jp/commentart2/pages/16.html */ .cmd-gothic {font-family: "游ゴシック", "Yu Gothic", 'YuGothic', "MS ゴシック", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, Arial, Menlo;} .cmd-mincho {font-family: "游明朝体", "Yu Mincho", 'YuMincho', Simsun, Osaka-mono, "Osaka−等幅", "MS 明朝", "MS ゴシック", "モトヤLシーダ3等幅", 'Hiragino Mincho ProN', monospace;} /*.cmd-defont {font-family: "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", 'Yu Gothic', 'YuGothic', "Meiryo", "ヒラギノ角ゴ", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, monospace, Menlo; }*/ .cmd-defont {font-family: 'Yu Gothic', 'YuGothic', "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "Meiryo", "ヒラギノ角ゴ", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, monospace, Menlo; } /*.cmd-defont {font-family: monospace, "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", 'Yu Gothic', 'YuGothic', "Meiryo", "ヒラギノ角ゴ", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, Menlo; }*/ .cmd-gothic, .cmd-mincho, .cmd-defont { letter-spacing: 0; /*font-feature-settings: "tnum";*/ } .nicoChat { position: absolute; padding: 1px; letter-spacing: 1px; margin: 2px 1px 1px 1px; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bolder; font-kerning: none; } .nicoChat.cmd-gothic, .nicoChat.cmd-mincho, .nicoChat.cmd-defont { padding: 0; margin: 1px; } .nicoChat.big { line-height: 47.5px; } .nicoChat.big.noScale { line-height: 45px; } .nicoChat.medium { line-height: 30px; } .nicoChat.medium.noScale { line-height: 29px; } .nicoChat.small { line-height: 20px; } .nicoChat.small.noScale { line-height: 18px; } .nicoChat .zero_space { } .nicoChat .zen_space.type115A { } .type2001 { } .arial.type2001 { font-family: Arial; } /* フォント変化のあったグループの下にいるということは、 半角文字に挟まれていないはずである。 */ .gothic > .type2001 { font-family: 'MS Pゴシック', 'IPAMonaPGothic', sans-serif, Arial, 'Menlo'; } .mincho > .type2001 { font-family: Simsun, Osaka-mono, 'MS 明朝', 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', monospace } .gulim > .type2001 { font-family: Gulim, Osaka-mono, 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', monospace; } .mingLiu > .type2001 { font-family: PmingLiu, mingLiu, Osaka-mono, 'MS 明朝', 'MS ゴシック', 'モトヤLシーダ3等幅', monospace; } /* .tab_space { opacity: 0; } .big .tab_space > spacer { width: 86.55875px; } .medium .tab_space > spacer { width: 53.4px; } .small .tab_space > spacer { width: 32.0625px; } */ .tab_space { font-family: 'Courier New', Osaka-mono, 'MS ゴシック', monospace; opacity: 0 !important; } .big .tab_space { letter-spacing: 1.6241em; } .medium .tab_space { letter-spacing: 1.6252em; } .small .tab_space { letter-spacing: 1.5375em; } .big .type0020 > spacer { width: 11.8359375px; } .medium .type0020 > spacer { width: 7.668px; } .small .type0020 > spacer { width: 5px; } .big .type3000 > spacer { width: 40px; } .medium .type3000 > spacer { width: 25px; } .small .type3000 > spacer { width: 16px; } .big .gothic > .type3000 > spacer { width: 26.8984375px; } .medium .gothic > .type3000 > spacer { width: 16.9375px; } .small .gothic > .type3000 > spacer { width: 10.9609375px; } .big .type00A0 > spacer { width: 11.8359375px; } .medium .type00A0 > spacer { width: 7.668px; } .small .type00A0 > spacer { width: 5px; } spacer { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 8px; vertical-align: middle;} .mesh_space { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; letter-spacing: 0; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: normal; white-space: nowrap; } .big .mesh_space { width: 40px; } .medium .mesh_space { width: 25px; } .small .mesh_space { width: 16px; } /* .fill_space { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; letter-spacing: 0; vertical-align: bottom; font-weight: normal; white-space: nowrap; } .big .fill_space { width: 40px; height: 40px; } .medium .fill_space { width: 25px; height: 25px; } .small .fill_space { width: 16px; height: 16px; } */ .backslash { font-family: Arial; } /* Mac Chrome バグ対策? 空白文字がなぜか詰まる これでダメならspacer作戦 */ .mincho .invisible_code { font-family: gulim; } .block_space { font-family: Simsun, 'IPAMonaGothic', Gulim, PmingLiu; } .html5_tab_space, .html5_space, .html5_zen_space { opacity: 0; } /* .nicoChat.small .html5_zen_space > spacer { width: 25.6px; } .html5_zen_space > spacer { width: 25.6px; margin: 0; } .nicoChat.big .html5_zen_space > spacer { width: 25.6px; } */ .html5_zero_width { display: none; } `).trim(); /** * たぶんこんな感じ * 1. 全角文字(半角スペース含まない)でグループ化 * 2. グループ内でフォント変化文字が1つある場合はグループ全体がそのフォント * 3. 二つ以上ある場合は、一番目がグループ内のベースフォント、 * 二番目以降はそのフォントにチェンジ * 4. 最初のグループにフォントチェンジがあった場合は、 * グループ全体のベースフォントがグループ1の奴になる * * Vista以降だともうちょっと複雑らしい * * * もし新規でニコニコ動画のようなシステムを作るのであれば、こんな複雑怪奇な物を実装する必要はない。 * ならどうしてやっているのかといえば、過去のコメントアートを再現したいからである。 */ NicoTextParser.likeXP = function(text) { var S = '<spacer> </spacer>'; var htmlText = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(text) // 行末の半角スペース、全角スペース、タブの除去 //.replace(/([\x20|\u3000|\t])+([\n$])/g , '$2') // 半角文字グループ(改行以外) .replace(/([\x01-\x09\x0B-\x7E\xA0]+)/g, '<han_group>$1</han_group>') // 全角文字の連続をグループ化 要検証: \u2003は含む? .replace(/([^\x01-\x7E^\xA0]+)/g, '<group>$1</group>') .replace(/([\u0020]+)/g, // '<span class="han_space type0020">$1</span>') function(g) { return '<span class="han_space type0020">'+ S.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; } ) //'<span class="han_space type0020">$1</span>') .replace(/([\u00A0]+)/g, // '<span class="han_space type00A0">$1</span>') function(g) { return '<span class="han_space type00A0">'+ S.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; } ) .replace(/(\t+)/g , '<span class="tab_space">$1</span>') .replace(/[\t]/g , '^'); var hasFontChanged = false, strongFont = 'gothic'; // フォント変化処理 XPをベースにしたい // CA職人のマイメモリーでもない限りフォント変化文字にマッチすること自体がレアなので、 // 一文字ずつ走査してもさほど問題ないはず htmlText = htmlText.replace(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.GR, function(all, group, firstChar) { hasFontChanged = true; var baseFont = ''; if (firstChar.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.GOTHIC)) { baseFont = 'gothic'; } else if (firstChar.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.MINCHO)) { baseFont = 'mincho'; if (firstChar.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.STRONG_MINCHO)) { strongFont = 'mincho'; } } else if (firstChar.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.GULIM)) { strongFont = baseFont = 'gulim'; } else { strongFont = baseFont = 'mingLiu'; } var tmp = [], closer = [], currentFont = baseFont; for (var i = 0, len = group.length; i < len; i++) { var c = group.charAt(i); if (currentFont !== 'gothic' && c.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.GOTHIC)) { tmp.push('<span class="gothic">'); closer.push('</span>'); currentFont = 'gothic'; } else if (currentFont !== 'mincho' && c.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.MINCHO)) { tmp.push('<span class="mincho">'); closer.push('</span>'); currentFont = 'mincho'; if (c.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.STRONG_MINCHO)) { strongFont = baseFont = 'mincho'; } } else if (currentFont !== 'gulim' && c.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.GULIM)) { tmp.push('<span class="gulim">'); closer.push('</span>'); currentFont = strongFont = baseFont = 'gulim'; } else if (currentFont !== 'mingLiu' && c.match(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.MING_LIU)) { tmp.push('<span class="mingLiu">'); closer.push('</span>'); currentFont = strongFont = baseFont = 'mingLiu'; } tmp.push(c); } var r###lt = [ '<group class="', baseFont, ' fontChanged">', tmp.join(''), closer.join(''), '</group>' ].join(''); return r###lt; }); htmlText = htmlText .replace(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.BLOCK, '<span class="block_space">$1</span>') .replace(/([\u2588]+)/g, //'<span class="fill_space">$1</span>') function(g) { return '<span class="fill_space">'+ //'■'._repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; 'i'.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; } ) .replace(/([\u2592])/g, '<span class="mesh_space">$1$1</span>') // 非推奨空白文字。 とりあえず化けて出ないように .replace(/([\uE800\u2002-\u200A\u007F\u05C1\u0E3A\u3164]+)/g, //'<span class="invisible_code">$1</span>') function(g) { var e = window.escape(g); return '<span class="invisible_code" data-code="' + e + '">' + g + '</span>'; }) // 結合文字 前の文字と同じ幅になるらしい // http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1376820446 このへんで見かけた .replace(/(.)[\u0655]/g , '$1<span class="type0655">$1</span>') //http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1236260707 で見かける謎スペース。よくわからない .replace(/([\u115a]+)/g , '<span class="zen_space type115A">$1</span>') // 推奨空白文字 // なんか前後の文字によって書体(幅)が変わるらしい。 隣接セレクタでどうにかなるか? // .replace(/([\u2001]+)/g , '<span class="zen_space type2001">$1</span>') // 全角スペース .replace(/([\u3000]+)/g , //'<span class="zen_space type3000">$1</span>') function(g) { return '<span class="zen_space type3000">'+ S.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; } ) // バックスラッシュ .replace(/\\/g, '<span lang="en" class="backslash">\</span>') // ゼロ幅文字. ゼロ幅だけどdisplay: none; にすると狂う .replace(/([\u0323\u2029\u202a\u200b\u200c]+)/g , '<span class="zero_space">$1</span>') //   .replace(/([\u2003]+)/g, '<span class="em_space">$1</span>') .replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, '') // .replace(/[\n]$/g, '<br><span class="han_space">|</span>') .replace(/[\n]/g, '<br>') ; // if (hasFontChanged) { // if (htmlText.match(/^<group class="(mincho|gulim|mingLiu)"/)) { // var baseFont = RegExp.$1; // htmlText = htmlText.replace(/<group>/g, '<group class="' + baseFont + '">'); // } // } // \u2001だけのグループ=全角文字に隣接してない ≒ 半角に挟まれている htmlText = htmlText.replace(/(.)<group>([\u2001]+)<\/group>(.)/, '$1<group class="zen_space arial type2001">$2</group>$3'); htmlText = htmlText.replace(/<group>/g, '<group class="' + strongFont + '">'); return htmlText; }; NicoTextParser.likeHTML5 = function(text) { var htmlText = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(text) .replace(/([\x20\xA0]+)/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_space">' + '_'.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; }) .replace(/([\u2000\u2002]+)/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_space half">' + '_'.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; }) .replace(/([\u3000\u2001\u2003]+)/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_zen_space">全</span>'.repeat(g.length); }) .replace(/[\u200B-\u200F]+/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_zero_width"></span>'.repeat(g.length); }) .replace(/([\t]+)/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_tab_space">'+ '□'.repeat(g.length * 2) + '</span>'; }) .replace(NicoTextParser._FONT_REG.BLOCK, '<span class="html5_block_space">$1</span>') // .replace(/([\u2588])/g,'<span class="html5_fill_space u2588">$1</span>') .replace(/([\u2588]+)/g, (g) => { return '<span class="html5_fill_space u2588">'+ //String.fromCharCode(0x2588).repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; '田'.repeat(g.length) + '</span>'; }) .replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, '') .replace(/[\n]/g, '<br>') ; return htmlText; }; ZenzaWatch.NicoTextParser = NicoTextParser; // 大百科より var SHARED_NG_LEVEL = { NONE: 'NONE', LOW: 'LOW', MID: 'MID', HIGH: 'HIGH', MAX: 'MAX' }; var SHARED_NG_SCORE = { NONE: -99999,//Number.MIN_VALUE, LOW: -10000, MID: -5000, HIGH: -1000, MAX: -1 }; /** * コメント描画まわり。MVVMもどき * * Model * コメントのデータ構造 * * ViowModel * コメントの表示位置・タイミング等を計算する担当。 * この実装ではあらかじめ全て計算してしまう。 * 停止した時間の中で一生懸命ナイフを並べるDIOのような存在 * * View * そして時は動きだす・・・。 * ViewModelが算出した結果を基に実際の描画を担当する。 * あらかじめ全て計算済みなので、静的なHTMLを吐き出す事もできる。 * 将来的にはChromecastのようなデバイスに描画したりすることも。 * * コメントを静的なCSS3アニメーションとして保存 * console.log(ZenzaWatch.debug.css3Player.toString())* */ var NicoCommentPlayer = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoCommentPlayer.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoCommentPlayer.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._offScreen = params.offScreenLayer; this._model = new NicoComment(params); this._viewModel = new NicoCommentViewModel(this._model, params.offScreenLayer); this._view = new NicoCommentCss3PlayerView({ viewModel: this._viewModel, playbackRate: params.playbackRate, show: params.showComment, opacity: _.isNumber(params.commentOpacity) ? params.commentOpacity : 1.0 }); var onCommentChange = _.throttle(this._onCommentChange.bind(this), 1000); this._model.on('change' , onCommentChange); this._model.on('filterChange', this._onFilterChange.bind(this)); this._model.on('parsed' , this._onCommentParsed.bind(this)); this._model.on('command' , this._onCommand.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('commentLayoutChange', onCommentChange); ZenzaWatch.debug.nicoCommentPlayer = this; }, setComment: function(xml, options) { var parser = new DOMParser(); if (typeof xml.getElementsByTagName === 'function') { this._model.setXml(xml, options); } else if (typeof xml === 'string') { xml = parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml'); this._model.setXml(xml, options); } else { PopupMessage.alert('コメントの読み込み失敗'); } }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { this.emit('command', command, param); }, _onCommentChange: function(e) { console.log('onCommentChange', e); if (this._view) { ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { this._view.refresh(); }, this); } this.emit('change'); }, _onFilterChange: function(nicoChatFilter) { this.emit('filterChange', nicoChatFilter); }, _onCommentParsed: function() { this.emit('parsed'); }, getMymemory: function() { if (!this._view) { this._view = new NicoCommentCss3PlayerView({ viewModel: this._viewModel }); } return this._view.toString(); }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._model.setCurrentTime(sec); }, setVpos: function(vpos) { this._model.setCurrentTime(vpos / 100); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._model.getCurrentTime(); }, getVpos: function() { return this._model.getCurrentTime() * 100; }, setVisibility: function(v) { if (v) { this._view.show(); } else { this._view.hide(); } }, addChat: function(text, cmd, vpos, options) { if (typeof vpos !== 'number') { vpos = this.getVpos(); } var nicoChat = NicoChat.create(text, cmd, vpos, options); this._model.addChat(nicoChat); return nicoChat; }, setPlaybackRate: function(playbackRate) { if (this._view && this._view.setPlaybackRate) { this._view.setPlaybackRate(playbackRate); } }, setAspectRatio: function(ratio) { this._view.setAspectRatio(ratio); }, appendTo: function($node) { this._view.appendTo($node); }, show: function() { this._view.show(); }, hide: function() { this._view.hide(); }, close: function() { this._model.clear(); if (this._view) { this._view.clear(); } }, setSharedNgLevel: function(level) { this._model.setSharedNgLevel(level); }, getSharedNgLevel: function() { return this._model.getSharedNgLevel(); }, setIsFilterEnable: function(v) { this._model.setIsFilterEnable(v); }, isFilterEnable: function() { return this._model.isFilterEnable(); }, addWordFilter: function(text) { this._model.addWordFilter(text); }, setWordFilterList: function(list) { this._model.setWordFilterList(list); }, getWordFilterList: function() { return this._model.getWordFilterList(); }, setWordRegFilter: function(list) { this._model.setWordRegFilter(list); }, addUserIdFilter: function(text) { this._model.addUserIdFilter(text); }, setUserIdFilterList: function(list) { this._model.setUserIdFilterList(list); }, getUserIdFilterList: function() { return this._model.getUserIdFilterList(); }, addCommandFilter: function(text) { this._model.addCommandFilter(text); }, setCommandFilterList: function(list) { this._model.setCommandFilterList(list); }, getCommandFilterList: function() { return this._model.getCommandFilterList(); }, getChatList: function() { return this._model.getChatList(); }, /** * NGフィルタなどのかかってない全chatを返す */ getNonfilteredChatList: function() { return this._model.getNonfilteredChatList(); }, toString: function() { return this._viewModel.toString(); }, getCurrentScreenHtml: function() { return this._view.getCurrentScreenHtml(); } }); var NicoComment = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; NicoComment.MAX_COMMENT = 5000; _.extend(NicoComment.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoComment.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._currentTime = 0; params.nicoChatFilter = this._nicoChatFilter = new NicoChatFilter(params); this._nicoChatFilter.on('change', this._onFilterChange.bind(this)); this._topGroup = new NicoChatGroup(this, NicoChat.TYPE.TOP, params); this._nakaGroup = new NicoChatGroup(this, NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA , params); this._bottomGroup = new NicoChatGroup(this, NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM, params); this._nicoScripter = new NicoScripter(); this._nicoScripter.on('command', (command, param) => { this.emit('command', command, param); }); var onChange = _.debounce(this._onChange.bind(this), 100); this._topGroup .on('change', onChange); this._nakaGroup .on('change', onChange); this._bottomGroup.on('change', onChange); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('updateOptionCss', onChange); //NicoChatViewModel.emitter.on('updateBaseChatScale', onChange); }, setXml: function(xml, options) { window.console.time('コメントのパース処理'); this._options = options || {}; this._xml = xml; this._topGroup.reset(); this._nakaGroup.reset(); this._bottomGroup.reset(); const duration = this._duration = parseInt(options.duration || 0x7FFFFF); var nicoScripter = this._nicoScripter; var nicoChats = []; nicoScripter.reset(); var chats = xml.getElementsByTagName('chat'); var top = [], bottom = [], naka = []; for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(chats.length, NicoComment.MAX_COMMENT); i < len; i++) { var chat = chats[i]; if (!chat.firstChild) { continue; } var nicoChat = new NicoChat(chat, duration); if (nicoChat.isDeleted()) { continue; } if (nicoChat.isNicoScript()) { nicoScripter.add(nicoChat); } nicoChats.push(nicoChat); } if (_.isObject(options.replacement) && _.size(options.replacement) > 0) { window.console.time('コメント置換フィルタ適用'); this._wordReplacer = this._compileWordReplacer(options.replacement); this._preProcessWordReplacement(nicoChats, this._wordReplacer); window.console.timeEnd('コメント置換フィルタ適用'); } else { this._wordReplacer = null; } if (nicoScripter.isExist) { window.console.time('ニコスクリプト適用'); nicoScripter.apply(nicoChats); window.console.timeEnd('ニコスクリプト適用'); const nextVideo = nicoScripter.getNextVideo(); window.console.info('nextVideo', nextVideo); if (nextVideo) { this.emitAsync('command', 'nextVideo', nextVideo); } } nicoChats.forEach(nicoChat => { var type = nicoChat.getType(); var group; switch (type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: group = top; break; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: group = bottom; break; default: group = naka; break; } group.push(nicoChat); }); this._topGroup .addChatArray(top); this._nakaGroup .addChatArray(naka); this._bottomGroup.addChatArray(bottom); window.console.timeEnd('コメントのパース処理'); console.log('chats: ', chats.length); console.log('top: ', this._topGroup .getNonFilteredMembers().length); console.log('naka: ', this._nakaGroup .getNonFilteredMembers().length); console.log('bottom: ', this._bottomGroup.getNonFilteredMembers().length); this.emit('parsed'); }, /** * コメント置換器となる関数を生成 * なにがやりたかったのやら */ _compileWordReplacer(replacement) { var func = function (text) { return text; }; var makeFullReplacement = function(f, src, dest) { return function(text) { return f(text.indexOf(src) >= 0 ? dest : text); }; }; var makeRegReplacement = function(f, src, dest) { var reg = new RegExp(ZenzaWatch.util.escapeRegs(src), 'g'); return function(text) { return f(text.replace(reg, dest)); }; }; _.each(Object.keys(replacement), function(key) { if (!key) { return; } var val = replacement[key]; window.console.log('コメント置換フィルタ: "%s" => "%s"', key, val); if (key.charAt(0) === '*') { func = makeFullReplacement(func, key.substr(1), val); } else { func = makeRegReplacement(func, key, val); } }); return func; }, /** * 投稿者が設定したコメント置換フィルタを適用する */ _preProcessWordReplacement(group, replacementFunc) { group.forEach(nicoChat => { var text = nicoChat.getText(); var newText = replacementFunc(text); if (text !== newText) { nicoChat.setText(newText); } }); }, getChatList: function() { return { top: this._topGroup .getMembers(), naka: this._nakaGroup .getMembers(), bottom: this._bottomGroup.getMembers() }; }, getNonFilteredChatList: function() { return { top: this._topGroup .getNonFilteredMembers(), naka: this._nakaGroup .getNonFilteredMembers(), bottom: this._bottomGroup.getNonFilteredMembers() }; }, addChat: function(nicoChat) { if (nicoChat.isDeleted()) { return; } var type = nicoChat.getType(); if (this._wordReplacer) { nicoChat.setText(this._wordReplacer(nicoChat.getText())); } if (this._nicoScripter.isExist) { window.console.time('ニコスクリプト適用'); this._nicoScripter.apply([nicoChat]); window.console.timeEnd('ニコスクリプト適用'); } var group; switch (type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: group = this._topGroup; break; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: group = this._bottomGroup; break; default: group = this._nakaGroup; break; } group.addChat(nicoChat, group); this.emit('addChat'); }, /** * コメントの内容が変化した通知 * NG設定、フィルタ反映時など */ _onChange: function(e) { console.log('NicoComment.onChange: ', e); e = e || {}; var ev = { nicoComment: this, group: e.group, chat: e.chat }; this.emit('change', ev); }, _onFilterChange: function() { this.emit('filterChange', this._nicoChatFilter); }, clear: function() { this._xml = ''; this._topGroup.reset(); this._nakaGroup.reset(); this._bottomGroup.reset(); this.emit('clear'); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._currentTime; }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._currentTime = sec; this._topGroup .setCurrentTime(sec); this._nakaGroup.setCurrentTime(sec); this._bottomGroup.setCurrentTime(sec); this._nicoScripter.currentTime = sec; this.emit('currentTime', sec); }, seek: function(time) { this.setCurrentTime(time); }, setVpos: function(vpos) { this.setCurrentTime(vpos / 100); }, getGroup: function(type) { switch (type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: return this._topGroup; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: return this._bottomGroup; default: return this._nakaGroup; } }, setSharedNgLevel: function(level) { this._nicoChatFilter.setSharedNgLevel(level); }, getSharedNgLevel: function() { return this._nicoChatFilter.getSharedNgLevel(); }, setIsFilterEnable: function(v) { this._nicoChatFilter.setEnable(v); }, isFilterEnable: function() { return this._nicoChatFilter.isEnable(); }, addWordFilter: function(text) { this._nicoChatFilter.addWordFilter(text); }, setWordFilterList: function(list) { this._nicoChatFilter.setWordFilterList(list); }, getWordFilterList: function() { return this._nicoChatFilter.getWordFilterList(); }, setWordRegFilter: function(list) { this._nicoChatFilter.setWordRegFilter(list); }, addUserIdFilter: function(text) { this._nicoChatFilter.addUserIdFilter(text); }, setUserIdFilterList: function(list) { this._nicoChatFilter.setUserIdFilterList(list); }, getUserIdFilterList: function() { return this._nicoChatFilter.getUserIdFilterList(); }, addCommandFilter: function(text) { this._nicoChatFilter.addCommandFilter(text); }, setCommandFilterList: function(list) { this._nicoChatFilter.setCommandFilterList(list); }, getCommandFilterList: function() { return this._nicoChatFilter.getCommandFilterList(); }, }); // フォントサイズ計算用の非表示レイヤーを取得 // 変なCSSの影響を受けないように、DOM的に隔離されたiframe内で計算する。 NicoComment.offScreenLayer = (function() { var __offscreen_tpl__ = (` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CommentLayer</title> <style type="text/css" id="layoutCss">%LAYOUT_CSS%</style> <style type="text/css" id="optionCss">%OPTION_CSS%</style> <style type="text/css"> .nicoChat { visibility: hidden; } </style> <body> <div id="offScreenLayer" style=" width: 4096px; height: 385px; overflow: visible; background: #fff; white-space: pre; "></div> </body></html> `).trim(); var emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); var offScreenFrame; var offScreenLayer; var textField; var layoutStyle; var optionStyle; var config; var initializeOptionCss = function(optionStyle) { var update = function() { var tmp = []; var baseFont = config.getValue('baseFontFamily'); var inner = optionStyle.innerHTML; if (baseFont) { baseFont = baseFont.replace(/[;{}\*\/]/g, ''); tmp.push( [ '.gothic {font-family: %BASEFONT%; }\n', 'han_group {font-family: %BASEFONT%, Arial; }' ].join('').replace(/%BASEFONT%/g, baseFont) ); } var bolder = config.getValue('baseFontBolder'); if (!bolder) { tmp.push('.nicoChat { font-weight: normal !important; }'); } var newCss = tmp.join('\n'); if (inner !== newCss) { optionStyle.innerHTML = newCss; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('updateOptionCss', newCss); } }; update(); config.on('update-baseFontFamily', update); config.on('update-baseFontBolder', update); }; var initialize = function($d) { initialize = _.noop; var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.className = 'offScreenLayer'; frame.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin'); document.body.appendChild(frame); frame.style.position = 'fixed'; frame.style.top = '200vw'; frame.style.left = '200vh'; offScreenFrame = frame; var layer; var onload = function() { frame.onload = _.noop; console.log('%conOffScreenLayerLoad', 'background: lightgreen;'); createTextField(); var getElements = function() { var doc = offScreenFrame.contentWindow.document; layer = doc.getElementById('offScreenLayer'); layoutStyle = doc.getElementById('layoutCss'); optionStyle = doc.getElementById('optionCss'); }; var resolve = function() { initializeOptionCss(optionStyle); offScreenLayer = { getTextField: function() { return textField; }, appendChild: function(elm) { layer.appendChild(elm); }, removeChild: function(elm) { layer.removeChild(elm); }, getOptionCss: function() { return optionStyle.innerHTML; } }; emitter.emit('create', offScreenLayer); emitter.clear(); $d.resolve(offScreenLayer); }; getElements(); resolve(); }; var html = __offscreen_tpl__ .replace('%LAYOUT_CSS%', NicoTextParser.__css__) .replace('%OPTION_CSS%', ''); if (typeof frame.srcdoc === 'string') { frame.onload = onload; frame.srcdoc = html; } else { // MS IE/Edge用 frame.contentWindow.document.open(); frame.contentWindow.document.write(html); frame.contentWindow.document.close(); window.setTimeout(onload, 0); } }; var getLayer = function(_config) { config = _config; var $d = new $.Deferred(); if (offScreenLayer) { $d.resolve(offScreenLayer); return; } initialize($d); return $d.promise(); }; var createTextField = function() { var layer = offScreenFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementById('offScreenLayer'); if (!layer) { return false; } var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'nicoChat'; Object.assign(span.style, { 'display': 'inline-block', 'content': 'layout' }); var scale = NicoChatViewModel.BASE_SCALE; NicoChatViewModel.emitter.on('updateBaseChatScale', function(v) { scale = v; }); textField = { setText: function(text) { span.innerHTML = text; }, setType: function(type, size, fontCommand) { span.className = 'nicoChat ' + type + ' ' + size + ' ' + fontCommand; }, setFontSizePixel: function(pixel) { span.style.fontSize = pixel + 'px'; }, getOriginalWidth: function() { return span.offsetWidth; }, getWidth: function() { return span.offsetWidth * scale; }, getOriginalHeight: function() { return span.offsetHeight; }, getHeight: function() { return span.offsetHeight * scale; } }; layer.appendChild(span); return span; }; return { get: getLayer, getOptionCss: function() { return optionStyle.innerHTML; } }; })(); var NicoCommentViewModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoCommentViewModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); // この数字はレイアウト計算上の仮想領域の物であり、実際に表示するサイズはview依存 NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN = { WIDTH_INNER: 512, WIDTH_FULL_INNER: 640, WIDTH: 512 + 32, WIDTH_FULL: 640 + 32, HEIGHT: 384 + 1 }; _.assign(NicoCommentViewModel.prototype, { initialize: function(nicoComment, offScreen) { this._nicoComment = nicoComment; this._offScreen = offScreen; this._currentTime = 0; this._lastUpdate = 0; this._topGroup = new NicoChatGroupViewModel(nicoComment.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.TOP), offScreen); this._nakaGroup = new NicoChatGroupViewModel(nicoComment.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA), offScreen); this._bottomGroup = new NicoChatGroupViewModel(nicoComment.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM), offScreen); let config = Config.namespace('commentLayer'); if (config.getValue('enableSlotLayoutEmulation')) { this._slotLayoutWorker = SlotLayoutWorker.create(); } if (this._slotLayoutWorker) { this._slotLayoutWorker.addEventListener('message', this._onSlotLayoutWorkerComplete.bind(this)); this._updateSlotLayout = _.debounce(this._updateSlotLayout.bind(this), 100); } nicoComment.on('setXml', this._onSetXml .bind(this)); nicoComment.on('clear', this._onClear .bind(this)); nicoComment.on('change', this._onChange .bind(this)); nicoComment.on('parsed', this._onCommentParsed.bind(this)); nicoComment.on('currentTime', this._onCurrentTime .bind(this)); }, _onSetXml: function() { this.emit('setXml'); }, _onClear: function() { this._topGroup.reset(); this._nakaGroup.reset(); this._bottomGroup.reset(); this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); this.emit('clear'); }, _onCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._currentTime = sec; this.emit('currentTime', this._currentTime); }, _onChange: function(e) { this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); this._updateSlotLayout(); console.log('NicoCommentViewModel.onChange: ', e); }, _onCommentParsed: function() { this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); this._updateSlotLayout(); }, _updateSlotLayout: function() { if (!this._slotLayoutWorker) { return; } window.console.time('SlotLayoutWorker call'); this._slotLayoutWorker.postMessage({ lastUpdate: this._lastUpdate, top: this._topGroup.getBulkSlotData(), naka: this._nakaGroup.getBulkSlotData(), bottom: this._bottomGroup.getBulkSlotData() }); }, _onSlotLayoutWorkerComplete: function(e) { // Workerが処理してる間にスレッドが変更された。 if (e.data.lastUpdate !== this._lastUpdate) { window.console.warn('slotLayoutWorker changed', this._lastUpdate, e.data.lastUpdate); return; } //window.console.log('SlotLayoutWorker r###lt', e.data); this._topGroup .setBulkSlotData(e.data.top); this._nakaGroup .setBulkSlotData(e.data.naka); this._bottomGroup.setBulkSlotData(e.data.bottom); window.console.timeEnd('SlotLayoutWorker call'); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._currentTime; }, toString: function() { var r###lt = []; r###lt.push(['<comment ', '>' ].join('')); r###lt.push(this._nakaGroup.toString()); r###lt.push(this._topGroup.toString()); r###lt.push(this._bottomGroup.toString()); r###lt.push('</comment>'); return r###lt.join('\n'); }, getGroup: function(type) { switch (type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: return this._topGroup; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: return this._bottomGroup; default: return this._nakaGroup; } }, getBulkLayoutData: function() { return { top: this._topGroup.getBulkLayoutData(), naka: this._nakaGroup.getBulkLayoutData(), bottom: this._bottomGroup.getBulkLayoutData() }; }, setBulkLayoutData: function(data) { this._topGroup .setBulkLayoutData(data.top); this._nakaGroup .setBulkLayoutData(data.naka); this._bottomGroup.setBulkLayoutData(data.bottom); } }); var NicoChatGroup = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoChatGroup.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoChatGroup.prototype, { initialize: function(nicoComment, type, params) { this._nicoComment = nicoComment; this._type = type; this._nicoChatFilter = params.nicoChatFilter; this._nicoChatFilter.on('change', this._onFilterChange.bind(this)); this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this._members = []; this._filteredMembers = []; }, addChatArray: function(nicoChatArray) { var members = this._members; var newMembers = []; _.each(nicoChatArray, function(nicoChat) { newMembers.push(nicoChat); members.push(nicoChat); nicoChat.setGroup(this); }); newMembers = this._nicoChatFilter.applyFilter(nicoChatArray); if (newMembers.length > 0) { this._filteredMembers = this._filteredMembers.concat(newMembers); this.emit('addChatArray', newMembers); } }, addChat: function(nicoChat) { this._members.push(nicoChat); nicoChat.setGroup(this); if (this._nicoChatFilter.isSafe(nicoChat)) { this._filteredMembers.push(nicoChat); this.emit('addChat', nicoChat); } }, getType: function() { return this._type; }, getMembers: function() { if (this._filteredMembers.length > 0) { return this._filteredMembers; } var members = this._filteredMembers = this._nicoChatFilter.applyFilter(this._members); return members; }, getNonFilteredMembers: function() { return this._members; }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._currentTime; }, onChange: function(e) { console.log('NicoChatGroup.onChange: ', e); this._filteredMembers = []; this.emit('change', { chat: e, group: this }); }, _onFilterChange: function() { this._filteredMembers = []; this.onChange(null); }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._currentTime = sec; var m = this._members; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { m[i].setCurrentTime(sec); } }, setSharedNgLevel: function(level) { if (SHARED_NG_LEVEL[level] && this._sharedNgLevel !== level) { this._sharedNgLevel = level; this.onChange(null, this); } } }); var NicoChatGroupViewModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(NicoChatGroupViewModel.prototype, { initialize: function(nicoChatGroup, offScreen) { this._nicoChatGroup = nicoChatGroup; this._offScreen = offScreen; this._members = []; this._lastUpdate = 0; // メンバーをvposでソートした物. 計算効率改善用 this._vSortedMembers = []; this._initWorker(); nicoChatGroup.on('addChat', this._onAddChat.bind(this)); nicoChatGroup.on('addChatArray', this._onAddChatArray.bind(this)); nicoChatGroup.on('reset', this._onReset.bind(this)); nicoChatGroup.on('change', this._onChange.bind(this)); NicoChatViewModel.emitter.on('updateBaseChatScale', this._onChange.bind(this)); this.addChatArray(nicoChatGroup.getMembers()); }, _initWorker: function() { if (this._layoutWorker) { this._layoutWorker.removeEventListener('message', this._boundOnCommentLayoutWorkerComplete); } this._layoutWorker = CommentLayoutWorker.getInstance(); this._boundOnCommentLayoutWorkerComplete = this._boundOnCommentLayoutWorkerComplete || this._onCommentLayoutWorkerComplete.bind(this); if (this._layoutWorker) { this._layoutWorker.addEventListener('message', this._boundOnCommentLayoutWorkerComplete); } }, _onAddChatArray: function(nicoChatArray) { this.addChatArray(nicoChatArray); }, _onAddChat: function(nicoChat) { this.addChat(nicoChat); }, _onReset: function() { this.reset(); }, _onChange: function(e) { console.log('NicoChatGroupViewModel.onChange: ', e); window.console.time('_onChange'); this.reset(); this.addChatArray(this._nicoChatGroup.getMembers()); window.console.timeEnd('_onChange'); }, _onCommentLayoutWorkerComplete: function(e) { //window.console.info('_onCommentLayoutWorkerComplete', e.data.type, e.data.r###lt); // 自分用のデータじゃない if (e.data.requestId !== this._workerRequestId) { return; } // Workerが処理してる間にスレッドが変更された。 if (e.data.lastUpdate !== this._lastUpdate) { window.console.warn('group changed', this._lastUpdate, e.data.lastUpdate); return; } this.setBulkLayoutData(e.data.r###lt); }, _execCommentLayoutWorker: function() { if (this._members.length < 1) { return; } var type = this._members[0].getType(); this._workerRequestId = type + ':' + Math.random(); console.log('request worker: ', type); this._layoutWorker.postMessage({ type: type, members: this.getBulkLayoutData(), lastUpdate: this._lastUpdate, requestId: this._workerRequestId }); }, addChatArray: function(nicoChatArray) { for (var i = 0, len = nicoChatArray.length; i < len; i++) { var nicoChat = nicoChatArray[i]; var nc = new NicoChatViewModel(nicoChat, this._offScreen); this._members.push(nc); } if (this._members.length < 1) { return; } this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); if (this._layoutWorker) { this._execCommentLayoutWorker(); } else { this._groupCollision(); } }, _groupCollision: function() { this._createVSortedMembers(); var members = this._vSortedMembers; for (var i = 0, len = members.length; i < len; i++) { var o = members[i]; this.checkCollision(o); o.setIsLayouted(true); } }, addChat: function(nicoChat) { var timeKey = 'addChat:' + nicoChat.getText(); window.console.time(timeKey); var nc = new NicoChatViewModel(nicoChat, this._offScreen); this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); // 内部処理効率化の都合上、 // 自身を追加する前に判定を行っておくこと this.checkCollision(nc); nc.setIsLayouted(true); this._members.push(nc); if (this._layoutWorker) { this._execCommentLayoutWorker(); } else { this._createVSortedMembers(); } window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); }, reset: function() { var m = this._members; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { m[i].reset(); } this._members = []; this._vSortedMembers = []; this._lastUpdate = Date.now(); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._nicoChatGroup.getCurrentTime(); }, getType: function() { return this._nicoChatGroup.getType(); }, checkCollision: function(target) { if (target.isInvisible()) { return; } var m = this._vSortedMembers;//this._members; var o; var beginLeft = target.getBeginLeftTiming(); for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { o = m[i]; // 自分よりうしろのメンバーには影響を受けないので処理不要 if (o === target) { return; } if (beginLeft > o.getEndRightTiming()) { continue; } if (o.checkCollision(target)) { target.moveToNextLine(o); // ずらした後は再度全チェックするのを忘れずに(再帰) if (!target.isOverflow()) { this.checkCollision(target); return; } } } }, getBulkLayoutData: function() { this._createVSortedMembers(); var m = this._vSortedMembers; var r###lt = []; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { r###lt.push(m[i].getBulkLayoutData()); } return r###lt; }, setBulkLayoutData: function(data) { var m = this._vSortedMembers; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { m[i].setBulkLayoutData(data[i]); } }, getBulkSlotData: function() { this._createVSortedMembers(); var m = this._vSortedMembers; var r###lt = []; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { var o = m[i]; r###lt.push({ id: o.getId(), slot: o.getSlot(), fork: o.getFork(), no: o.getNo(), vpos: o.getVpos(), begin: o.getInviewTiming(), end: o.getEndRightTiming(), invisible: o.isInvisible() }); } return r###lt; }, setBulkSlotData: function(data) { var m = this._vSortedMembers; for (var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { m[i].setSlot(data[i].slot); } }, /** * vposでソートされたメンバーを生成. 計算効率改善用 */ _createVSortedMembers: function() { this._vSortedMembers = this._members.concat().sort(function(a, b) { var av = a.getVpos(), bv = b.getVpos(); if (av !== bv) { return av - bv; } else { return a.getNo() < b.getNo() ? -1 : 1; } }); return this._vSortedMembers; }, getMembers: function() { return this._members; }, /** * 現時点で表示状態のメンバーのみを返す */ getInViewMembers: function() { return this.getInViewMembersBySecond(this.getCurrentTime()); }, /** * secの時点で表示状態のメンバーのみを返す */ getInViewMembersBySecond: function(sec) { // TODO: もっと効率化 //var maxDuration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.NAKA; var r###lt = [], m = this._vSortedMembers, len = m.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var chat = m[i]; //, s = m.getBeginLeftTiming(); //if (sec - s > maxDuration) { break; } if (chat.isInViewBySecond(sec)) { r###lt.push(chat); } } //console.log('inViewMembers.length: ', r###lt.length, sec); return r###lt; }, getInViewMembersByVpos: function(vpos) { if (!this._hasLayout) { this._layout(); } return this.getInViewMembersBySecond(vpos / 100); }, toString: function() { var r###lt = [], m = this._members, len = m.length; r###lt.push(['\t<group ', 'type="', this._nicoChatGroup.getType(), '" ', 'length="', m.length, '" ', '>' ].join('')); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { r###lt.push(m[i].toString()); } r###lt.push('\t</group>'); return r###lt.join('\n'); } }); /** * コメントの最小単位 * */ var NicoChat = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; NicoChat.create = function(text, cmd, vpos, options) { var dom = document.createElement('chat'); dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); dom.setAttribute('mail', cmd || ''); dom.setAttribute('vpos', vpos); _.each(Object.keys(options), (v) => { dom.setAttribute(v, options[v]); }); //console.log('NicoChat.create', dom); return new NicoChat(dom); }; NicoChat.id = 1000000; NicoChat.SIZE = { BIG: 'big', MEDIUM: 'medium', SMALL: 'small' }; NicoChat.TYPE = { TOP: 'ue', NAKA: 'naka', BOTTOM: 'shita' }; NicoChat._CMD_DURATION = /(@|@)([0-9\.]+)/; NicoChat._CMD_REPLACE = /(ue|shita|sita|big|small|ender|full|[ ])/g; NicoChat._COLOR_MATCH = /(#[0-9a-f]+)/i; NicoChat._COLOR_NAME_MATCH = /([a-z]+)/i; NicoChat.COLORS = { 'red' : '#FF0000', 'pink' : '#FF8080', 'orange' : '#FFC000', 'yellow' : '#FFFF00', 'green' : '#00FF00', 'cyan' : '#00FFFF', 'blue' : '#0000FF', 'purple' : '#C000FF', 'black' : '#000000', 'white2' : '#CCCC99', 'niconicowhite' : '#CCCC99', 'red2' : '#CC0033', 'truered' : '#CC0033', 'pink2' : '#FF33CC', 'orange2' : '#FF6600', 'passionorange' : '#FF6600', 'yellow2' : '#999900', 'madyellow' : '#999900', 'green2' : '#00CC66', 'elementalgreen' : '#00CC66', 'cyan2' : '#00CCCC', 'blue2' : '#3399FF', 'marineblue' : '#3399FF', 'purple2' : '#6633CC', 'nobleviolet' : '#6633CC', 'black2' : '#666666' }; _.assign(NicoChat.prototype, { reset: function() { this._text = ''; this._date = '000000000'; this._cmd = ''; this._isPremium = false; this._userId = ''; this._vpos = 0; this._deleted = ''; this._color = '#FFF'; this._size = NicoChat.SIZE.MEDIUM; this._type = NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA ; this._isMine = false; this._score = 0; this._no = 0; this._fork = 0; this._isInvisible = false; this._isReverse = false; this._isPatissier = false; this._fontCommand = ''; this._commentVer = ''; this._currentTime = 0; this._hasDurationSet = false; }, initialize: function(chat, videoDuration = 0x7FFFFF) { this._id = 'chat' + NicoChat.id++; this._currentTime = 0; var text = this._text = chat.firstChild.nodeValue; var attr = chat.attributes; if (!attr) { this.reset(); return; } this._date = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('date'), 10) || Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); //if (this._date >= 1483196400) { // 2017/01/01 // this._commentVer = 'html5'; //} else { // this._commentVer = 'flash'; //} this._cmd = chat.getAttribute('mail') || ''; this._isPremium = (chat.getAttribute('premium') === '1'); this._userId = chat.getAttribute('user_id'); this._vpos = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('vpos')); this._deleted = chat.getAttribute('deleted') === '1'; this._color = null; this._size = NicoChat.SIZE.MEDIUM; this._type = NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA ; this._duration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.NAKA; this._isMine = chat.getAttribute('mine') === '1'; this._isUpdating = chat.getAttribute('updating') === '1'; this._score = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('score') || '0', 10); this._fork = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('fork') || '0', 10); this._leaf = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('leaf') || '-1', 10); // fork * 100000000を足してるのは苦し紛れの措置. いつか直す (本当に?) this._no = parseInt(chat.getAttribute('no') || '0', 10) + this._fork * 100000000; if (this._fork > 0 && text.match(/^[\/@@]/)) { this._isNicoScript = true; this._isInvisible = true; } if (this._deleted) { return; } var cmd = this._cmd; if (cmd.length > 0) { var pcmd = this._parseCmd(cmd, this._fork > 0); if (pcmd.COLOR) { this._color = pcmd.COLOR; this._hasColorCommand = true; } // TODO: 両方指定されてたらどっちが優先されるのかを検証 if (pcmd.big) { this._size = NicoChat.SIZE.BIG; this._hasSizeCommand = true; } else if (pcmd.small) { this._size = NicoChat.SIZE.SMALL; this._hasSizeCommand = true; } if (pcmd.ue) { this._type = NicoChat.TYPE.TOP; this._duration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.TOP; this._hasTypeCommand = true; } else if (pcmd.shita) { this._type = NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM; this._duration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.BOTTOM; this._hasTypeCommand = true; } if (pcmd.ender) { this._isEnder = true; } if (pcmd.full) { this._isFull = true; } if (pcmd.pattisier) { this._isPatissier = true; } if (pcmd.duration) { this._hasDurationSet = true; this._duration = Math.max(0.01, parseFloat(pcmd.duration, 10)); } if (pcmd.mincho) { this._fontCommand = 'mincho'; this._commentVer = 'html5'; } else if (pcmd.gothic) { this._fontCommand = 'gothic'; this._commentVer = 'html5'; } else if (pcmd.defont) { this._fontCommand = 'defont'; this._commentVer = 'html5'; } } //if (this._type !== NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA) { // this._duration = Math.max(0.1, this._duration - 0.1); //} // durationを超える位置にあるコメントを詰める vposはセンチ秒なので気をつけ const maxv = this._isNicoScript ? Math.min(this._vpos, videoDuration * 100) : Math.min(this._vpos, (1 + videoDuration - this._duration) * 100); const minv = Math.max(maxv, 0); this._vpos = minv; }, _parseCmd: function(cmd, isFork) { var tmp = cmd.toLowerCase().split(/[\x20|\u3000|\t|\u2003]+/); var r###lt = {}; tmp.forEach(c => { if (NicoChat.COLORS[c]) { r###lt.COLOR = NicoChat.COLORS[c]; } else if (NicoChat._COLOR_MATCH.test(c)) { r###lt.COLOR = c; } else if (isFork && NicoChat._CMD_DURATION.test(c)) { r###lt.duration = RegExp.$2; } else { r###lt[c] = true; } }); return r###lt; }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { this._currentTime = sec; }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._currentTime; }, setGroup: function(group) { this._group = group; }, onChange: function() { if (this._group) { console.log('NicoChat.onChange: ', this, this._group); this._group.onChange({ chat: this }); } }, setIsUpdating: function(v) { if (this._isUpdating !== v) { this._isUpdating = !!v; if (!v) { this.onChange(); } } }, setIsPostFail: function(v) { this._isPostFail = v; }, isPostFail: function() { return !!this._isPostFail; }, getId: function() { return this._id; }, getText: function() { return this._text; }, setText: function(v) { this._text = v; }, getDate: function() { return this._date; }, getCmd: function() { return this._cmd; }, isPremium: function() { return !!this._isPremium; }, isEnder: function() { return !!this._isEnder; }, isFull: function() { return !!this._isFull; }, isMine: function() { return !!this._isMine; }, isUpdating: function() { return !!this._isUpdating; }, isInvisible: function() { return this._isInvisible; }, isNicoScript: function() { return this._isNicoScript; }, isPatissier: function() { return this._isPatissier; }, hasColorCommand: function() { return !!this._hasColorCommand; }, hasSizeCommand: function() { return !!this._hasSizeCommand; }, hasTypeCommand: function() { return !!this._hasTypeCommand; }, getDuration: function() { return this._duration; }, hasDurationSet: function() { return !!this._hasDurationSet; }, setDuration: function(v) { this._duration = v; this._hasDurationSet = true; }, getUserId: function() { return this._userId; }, getVpos: function() { return this._vpos; }, getBeginTime: function() { return this.getVpos() / 100; }, isDeleted: function() { return !!this._deleted; }, getColor: function() { return this._color; }, setColor: function(v) { this._color = v; }, getSize: function() { return this._size; }, setSize: function(v) { this._size = v; }, getType: function() { return this._type; }, setType: function(v) { this._type = v; }, getScore: function() { return this._score; }, getNo: function() { return this._no; }, getLeaf: function() { return this._leaf; }, getFork: function() { return this._fork; }, isReverse: function() { return this._isReverse; }, setIsReverse: function(v) { this._isReverse = !!v; }, getFontCommand: function() { return this._fontCommand; }, getCommentVer: function() { return this._commentVer; } }); /** * 個別のコメントの表示位置・タイミング計算 * コメントアート互換は大体こいつにかかっている * * コメントのサイズ計算まわりが意味不明なコードだらけだが、 * 仕様書にもない本家のバグを再現しようとするとこうなるので仕方ない。 * (しかも、これでも全然足りない) * 互換性にこだわらないのであれば7割くらいが不要。 */ var NicoChatViewModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; NicoChatViewModel.emitter = new AsyncEmitter(); // ここの値はレイアウト計算上の仮想領域の物であり、実際の表示はviewに依存 NicoChatViewModel.DURATION = { TOP: 3 - 0.1, NAKA: 4, BOTTOM: 3 - 0.1 }; NicoChatViewModel.FONT = '\'MS Pゴシック\''; //  NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL = { BIG: 39 + 0, MEDIUM: 24 + 0, SMALL: 15 + 0 }; NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL_VER_HTML5 = { BIG: 40.1, MEDIUM: 27.8, SMALL: 18.8 }; NicoChatViewModel.LINE_HEIGHT = { BIG: 45, MEDIUM: 29, SMALL: 18 }; NicoChatViewModel.CHAT_MARGIN = 5; NicoChatViewModel.BASE_SCALE = parseFloat(Config.getValue('baseChatScale'), 10); Config.on('update-baseChatScale', function(scale) { if (isNaN(scale)) { return; } scale = parseFloat(scale, 10); NicoChatViewModel.BASE_SCALE = scale; NicoChatViewModel.emitter.emit('updateBaseChatScale', scale); }); _.assign(NicoChatViewModel.prototype, { initialize: function(nicoChat, offScreen) { this._nicoChat = nicoChat; this._offScreen = offScreen; this._trace = []; // 画面からはみ出したかどうか(段幕時) this._isOverflow = false; // 表示時間 this._duration = nicoChat.getDuration(); //NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.NAKA; // 固定されたコメントか、流れるコメントか this._isFixed = false; this._scale = NicoChatViewModel.BASE_SCALE; this._y = 0; this._slot = -1; this._setType(nicoChat.getType()); // ここでbeginLeftTiming, endRightTimingが確定する this._setVpos(nicoChat.getVpos()); this._setSize(nicoChat.getSize(), nicoChat.getCommentVer()); this._isLayouted = false; // 文字を設定 // この時点で字幕の大きさが確定するので、 // Z座標・beginRightTiming, endLeftTimingまでが確定する this._setText(nicoChat.getText()); if (this._isFixed) { this._setupFixedMode(); } else { this._setupMarqueeMode(); } const commentVer = this.getCommentVer(); const overflowMargin = commentVer === 'html5' ? 0 : 8; if (this._height > NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT + overflowMargin) { this._isOverflow = true; if (commentVer !== 'html5') { // この時点で画面の縦幅を超えるようなコメントは縦幅に縮小しつつoverflow扱いにしてしまう // こんなことをしなくてもおそらく本家ではぴったり合うのだろうし苦し紛れだが、 // 画面からはみ出すよりはマシだろうという判断 this._y = 0; this._setScale(this._scale * NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT / this._height); } else { switch (this._type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: this._y = 0; break; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: this._y = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - this._height * this._scale; break; default: this._y = (NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - this._height * this._scale) / 2; break; } } } if (this._isOverflow || nicoChat.isInvisible()) { this.checkCollision = function() { return false; }; } }, _setType: function(type) { this._type = type; switch (type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: // this._duration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.TOP; this._isFixed = true; break; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: // this._duration = NicoChatViewModel.DURATION.BOTTOM; this._isFixed = true; break; } }, _setVpos: function(vpos) { switch (this._type) { case NicoChat.TYPE.TOP: this._beginLeftTiming = vpos / 100; break; case NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM: this._beginLeftTiming = vpos / 100; break; default: this._beginLeftTiming = vpos / 100 - 1; break; } this._endRightTiming = this._beginLeftTiming + this._duration; }, _setSize: function(size, ver) { this._size = size; switch (size) { case NicoChat.SIZE.BIG: this._fontSizePixel = ver !== 'html5' ? NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL.BIG : NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL_VER_HTML5.BIG; break; case NicoChat.SIZE.SMALL: this._fontSizePixel = ver !== 'html5' ? NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL.SMALL : NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL_VER_HTML5.SMALL; break; default: this._fontSizePixel = ver !== 'html5' ? NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL.MEDIUM : NicoChatViewModel.FONT_SIZE_PIXEL_VER_HTML5.MEDIUM; break; } }, // 実験中... _setText: function(text) { const fontCommand = this.getFontCommand(); const commentVer = this.getCommentVer(); let htmlText = commentVer === 'html5' ? NicoTextParser.likeHTML5(text) : NicoTextParser.likeXP(text); this._htmlText = htmlText; this._text = text; let field = this._offScreen.getTextField(); field.setText(htmlText); field.setFontSizePixel(this._fontSizePixel); field.setType(this._type, this._size, fontCommand); this._originalWidth = field.getOriginalWidth(); this._width = this._originalWidth * this._scale; this._originalHeight = field.getOriginalHeight(); this._height = this._calculateHeight(); // Chrome59で起こる謎の現象。一度ローカル変数に落とすと直る // w を使わずにspwを計算するとNaNになる。謎 let w = this._width; let speed; if (!this._isFixed) { // 流れるコメント (naka) speed = this._speed = (w + NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH) / this._duration; let spw = w / speed; this._endLeftTiming = this._endRightTiming - spw; this._beginRightTiming = this._beginLeftTiming + spw; } else { // ue shita などの固定コメント this._speed = 0; this._endLeftTiming = this._endRightTiming; this._beginRightTiming = this._beginLeftTiming; } //if (isNaN(this._beginRightTiming)) { debugger; } // Chrome59の謎解明用 }, /** * 高さ計算。 リサイズ後が怪しいというか多分間違ってる。 */ _calculateHeight: function() { // ブラウザから取得したouterHeightを使うより、職人の実測値のほうが信頼できる // http://tokeiyadiary.blog48.fc2.com/blog-entry-90.html // http://www37.atwiki.jp/commentart/pages/43.html#id_a759b2c2 var lc = this._htmlText.split('<br>').length; //if (this._nicoChat.getNo() === 427) { window.nnn = this._nicoChat; debugger; } var margin = NicoChatViewModel.CHAT_MARGIN; var lineHeight = NicoChatViewModel.LINE_HEIGHT.MEDIUM; // 29 var size = this._size; switch (size) { case NicoChat.SIZE.BIG: lineHeight = NicoChatViewModel.LINE_HEIGHT.BIG; // 45 break; default: break; case NicoChat.SIZE.SMALL: lineHeight = NicoChatViewModel.LINE_HEIGHT.SMALL; // 18 break; } if (this._scale === 0.5) { switch (size) { case NicoChat.SIZE.BIG: // 16行 = (24 * 16 + 3) = 387 lineHeight = 24; margin = 3; //return (24 * lc + 3); break; default: lineHeight = 15; margin = 3; //return (15 * lc + 3); break; case NicoChat.SIZE.SMALL: lineHeight = 10; margin = 3; //return (10 * lc + 3); break; } } else if (this._scale !== 1.0) { if (this.getCommentVer() === 'html5') { margin = 0; return this._originalHeight * this._scale + margin; } else { /** * 上の実測に合うようなCSSを書ければ色々解決する。今後の課題 */ // 45 -> 24 39 + 6 // 29 -> 15 24 + 5 // 18 -> 10 15 + 3 lineHeight = Math.floor((lineHeight + Math.ceil(lineHeight / 15)) * this._scale); margin = Math.round(margin * this._scale); //margin = 5; //switch (size) { // case NicoChat.SIZE.BIG: lineHeight = 48; break; // default: lineHeight = 30; break; // case NicoChat.SIZE.SMALL: lineHeight = 20; break; //} //this._lineHeight = lineHeight; //return Math.ceil((lineHeight * lc + margin) * this._scale) - 1; } } this._lineHeight = lineHeight; return lineHeight * lc + margin; }, /** * 位置固定モードにする(ueかshita) */ _setupFixedMode: function() { var isScaled = false; var nicoChat = this._nicoChat; var screenWidth = nicoChat.isFull() ? NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH_FULL_INNER : NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH_INNER; var screenHeight = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT; var isEnder = nicoChat.isEnder(); //メモ //█ █ // メモ // " " var originalScale = this._scale; // 改行リサイズ // 参考: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/meg_nakagami/blomaga/ar217381 // 画面の高さの1/3を超える場合は大きさを半分にする if (!isEnder && this._height > screenHeight / 3) { this._setScale(this._scale * 0.5); isScaled = true; } // TODO: この判定は改行リサイズより前?後?を検証 var isOverflowWidth = this._width > screenWidth; // 臨界幅リサイズ // 画面幅よりデカい場合の調整 if (isOverflowWidth) { if (isScaled && !isEnder) { // なんかこれバグってね?と思った方は正しい。 // 元々は本家のバグなのだが、いまさら修正出来ない。 // なので、コメント描画の再現としては正しい…らしい。 // // そのバグを発動しなくするためのコマンドがender this._setScale(originalScale * (screenWidth / this._width)); } else { this._setScale(this._scale * (screenWidth / this._width)); } } // BOTTOMの時だけy座標を画面の下端に合わせる // 内部的には0 originで表示の際に下から詰むだけでもいいような気がしてきた。 if (this._type === NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM) { //var margin = 1; //NicoChatViewModel.CHAT_MARGIN; //var outerHeight = this._height + margin; this._y = screenHeight - this._height; } }, /** * 流れる文字のモード */ _setupMarqueeMode: function() { var screenHeight = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT; // 画面の高さの1/3を超える場合は大きさを半分にする if (!this._nicoChat.isEnder() && this._height > screenHeight / 3) { this._setScale(this._scale * 0.5); var speed = this._speed = (this._width + NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH) / this._duration; this._endLeftTiming = this._endRightTiming - this._width / speed; this._beginRightTiming = this._beginLeftTiming + this._width / speed; } }, _setScale: function(scale) { this._scale = scale; this._width = (this._originalWidth * scale); this._height = this._calculateHeight(); // 再計算 }, /** * コメント同士の衝突を判定 * * @param {NicoChatViewModel} o * @return boolean */ checkCollision: function(target) { // 一度はみ出した文字は当たり判定を持たない if (this.isOverflow() || target.isOverflow() || target.isInvisible()) { return false; } if (this.getFork() !== target.getFork()) { return false; } // Y座標が合わないなら絶対衝突しない var targetY = target.getYpos(); var selfY = this.getYpos(); if (targetY + target.getHeight() < selfY || targetY > selfY + this.getHeight()) { return false; } // ターゲットと自分、どっちが右でどっちが左か?の判定 var rt, lt; if (this.getBeginLeftTiming() <= target.getBeginLeftTiming()) { lt = this; rt = target; } else { lt = target; rt = this; } if (this._isFixed) { // 左にあるやつの終了より右にあるやつの開始が早いなら、衝突する // > か >= で挙動が変わるCAがあったりして正解がわからない if (lt.getEndRightTiming() > rt.getBeginLeftTiming()) { return true; } } else { // 左にあるやつの右端開始よりも右にあるやつの左端開始のほうが早いなら、衝突する if (lt.getBeginRightTiming() >= rt.getBeginLeftTiming()) { return true; } // 左にあるやつの右端終了よりも右にあるやつの左端終了のほうが早いなら、衝突する if (lt.getEndRightTiming() >= rt.getEndLeftTiming()) { return true; } } return false; }, getBulkLayoutData: function() { return { id: this.getId(), fork: this.getFork(), type: this.getType(), isOverflow: this.isOverflow(), isInvisible: this.isInvisible(), isFixed: this._isFixed, ypos: this.getYpos(), slot: this.getSlot(), height: this.getHeight(), beginLeft: this.getBeginLeftTiming(), beginRight: this.getBeginRightTiming(), endLeft: this.getEndLeftTiming(), endRight: this.getEndRightTiming() }; }, setBulkLayoutData: function(data) { this._isOverflow = data.isOverflow; this._y = data.ypos; this._isLayouted = true; }, /** * (衝突判定に引っかかったので)自分自身を一段ずらす. * * @param NicoChatViewModel others 示談相手 */ moveToNextLine: function(others) { var margin = 1; //NicoChatViewModel.CHAT_MARGIN; var othersHeight = others.getHeight() + margin; // 本来はちょっとでもオーバーしたらランダムすべきだが、 // 本家とまったく同じサイズ計算は難しいのでマージンを入れる // コメントアートの再現という点では有効な妥協案 var overflowMargin = 10; var rnd = Math.max(0, NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - this._height); var yMax = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - this._height + overflowMargin; var yMin = 0 - overflowMargin; var type = this._nicoChat.getType(); var y = this._y; if (type !== NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM) { y += othersHeight; // 画面内に入りきらなかったらランダム配置 if (y > yMax) { this._isOverflow = true; } } else { y -= othersHeight; // 画面内に入りきらなかったらランダム配置 if (y < yMin) { this._isOverflow = true; } } this._y = this._isOverflow ? Math.floor(Math.random() * rnd) : y; }, reset: function() { }, getId: function() { return this._nicoChat.getId(); }, getText: function() { return this._text; }, getHtmlText: function() { return this._htmlText; }, setIsLayouted: function(v) { this._isLayouted = v; }, isInView: function() { return this.isInViewBySecond(this.getCurrentTime()); }, isInViewBySecond: function(sec) { if (!this._isLayouted || sec + 1 /* margin */ < this._beginLeftTiming) { return false; } if (sec > this._endRightTiming ) { return false; } //if (!this.isNicoScript() && this.isInvisible()) { return false; } if (this.isInvisible()) { return false; } return true; }, isOverflow: function() { return this._isOverflow; }, isInvisible: function() { return this._nicoChat.isInvisible(); }, getWidth: function() { return this._width; }, getHeight: function() { return this._height; }, getDuration: function() { return this._duration; }, getSpeed: function() { return this._speed; }, getInviewTiming: function() { return this._beginLeftTiming; }, // 左端が見えるようになるタイミング(4:3規準) getBeginLeftTiming: function() { return this._beginLeftTiming; }, // 右端が見えるようになるタイミング(4:3規準) getBeginRightTiming: function() { return this._beginRightTiming; }, // 左端が見えなくなるタイミング(4:3規準) getEndLeftTiming: function() { return this._endLeftTiming; }, // 右端が見えなくなるタイミング(4:3規準) getEndRightTiming: function() { return this._endRightTiming; }, getVpos: function() { return this._nicoChat.getVpos(); }, getXpos: function() { return this.getXposBySecond(this.getCurrentTime()); }, getYpos: function() { return this._y; }, getSlot: function() { return this._slot; }, setSlot: function(v) { this._slot = v; }, getColor: function() { return this._nicoChat.getColor(); }, getSize: function() { return this._nicoChat.getSize(); }, getType: function() { return this._nicoChat.getType(); }, getScale: function() { return this._scale; }, getFontSizePixel: function() { return this._fontSizePixel; }, getLineHeight: function() { return this._lineHeight; }, getNo: function() { return this._nicoChat.getNo(); }, getFork: function() { return this._nicoChat.getFork(); }, /** * second時の左端座標を返す */ getXposBySecond: function(sec) { if (this._isFixed) { return (NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH - this._width) / 2; } else { var diff = sec - this._beginLeftTiming; return NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH + diff * this._speed; } }, getXposByVpos: function(vpos) { return this.getXposBySecond(vpos / 100); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this._nicoChat.getCurrentTime(); }, isFull: function() { return this._nicoChat.isFull(); }, isNicoScript: function() { return this._nicoChat.isNicoScript(); }, isMine: function() { return this._nicoChat.isMine(); }, isUpdating: function() { return this._nicoChat.isUpdating(); }, isPostFail: function() { return this._nicoChat.isPostFail(); }, isReverse: function() { return this._nicoChat.isReverse(); }, getFontCommand: function() { return this._nicoChat.getFontCommand(); }, getCommentVer: function() { return this._nicoChat.getCommentVer(); }, toString: function() { // debug用 // コンソールから // ZenzaWatch.debug.getInViewElements() // 叩いた時にmeta中に出る奴 var chat = JSON.stringify({ width: this.getWidth(), height: this.getHeight(), scale: this.getScale(), fontSize: this.getFontSizePixel(), vpos: this.getVpos(), xpos: this.getXpos(), ypos: this.getYpos(), slot: this.getSlot(), type: this.getType(), begin: this.getBeginLeftTiming(), end: this.getEndRightTiming(), speed: this.getSpeed(), color: this.getColor(), size: this.getSize(), duration: this.getDuration(), inView: this.isInView(), ender: this._nicoChat.isEnder(), full: this._nicoChat.isFull(), no: this._nicoChat.getNo(), score: this._nicoChat.getScore(), userId: this._nicoChat.getUserId(), date: this._nicoChat.getDate(), deleted: this._nicoChat.isDeleted(), cmd: this._nicoChat.getCmd(), fork: this._nicoChat.getFork(), ver: this._nicoChat.getCommentVer(), text: this.getText() }); return chat; } }); //================================================== //================================================== //================================================== /** * ニコニコ動画のコメントをCSS3アニメーションだけで再現出来るよ * という一発ネタのつもりだったのだが意外とポテンシャルが高かった。 * * DOM的に隔離されたiframeの領域内で描画する */ var NicoCommentCss3PlayerView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.MAX_DISPLAY_COMMENT = 40; NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.__TPL__ = (` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CommentLayer</title> <style type="text/css" id="layoutCss">%LAYOUT_CSS%</style> <style type="text/css" id="optionCss">%OPTION_CSS%</style> <style type="text/css"> body.in-capture .commentLayerOuter { overflow: hidden; width: 682px; height: 384px; padding: 0 69px; } body.in-capture .commentLayer { transform: none !important; } .saved body { pointer-events: auto; } .debug .mincho { background: rgba(128, 0, 0, 0.3); } .debug .gulim { background: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.3); } .debug .mingLiu { background: rgba(0, 0, 128, 0.3); } @keyframes fixed { 0% {opacity: 1;} 95% {opacity: 1;} 100% {opacity: 0.5;} } @keyframes showhide { 0% { display: block;} 99% { display: block;} 100% { display: none; } } @keyframes dokaben { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translate(-50%, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(90deg); } 50% { opacity: 1; transform: translate(-50%, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(0deg); } 90% { opacity: 1; transform: translate(-50%, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(0deg); } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translate(-50%, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(90deg); } } .commentLayerOuter { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 672px; padding: 0 64px; height: 385px; right: 0; bottom: 0; transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); box-sizing: border-box; } .saved .commentLayerOuter { background: #333; } .commentLayer { position: relative; width: 544px; height: 385px; margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; content: layout; } .debug .commentLayer { outline: 1px dotted #800; } .nicoChat { line-height: 1.235; opacity: 0; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #000; transform-origin: 0% 0%; animation-timing-function: linear; will-change: transform, opacity; color: #fff; } .shadow-type2 .nicoChat { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -1px -1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 1px -1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .shadow-type3 .nicoChat { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8), 0px 0px 2px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8), -1px -1px 1px rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.8); } .shadow-stroke .nicoChat { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); text-stroke: 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } /*「RGBは大体 文字200、80、0 縁150,50,0 くらい」らしい*/ .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.ue, .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.shita { color: rgb(200, 80, 0); font-family: 'dokaben_ver2_1' !important; font-weight: bolder; animation-name: dokaben !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(150, 50, 0, 1), -1px 1px 0px rgba(150, 50, 0, 1), -1px -1px 0px rgba(150, 50, 0, 1), 1px -1px 0px rgba(150, 50, 0, 1) !important; transform-origin: center bottom; animation-timing-function: steps(10); perspective-origin: center bottom; } /* redコメントを推奨カラーに */ /* .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.ue[data-meta*="#FF0000"], .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.shita[data-meta*="#FF0000"] { color: rgb(200, 80, 0) !important; } */ .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.ue *, .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat.shita * { font-family: 'dokaben_ver2_1' !important; } .shadow-dokaben .nicoChat { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -1px -1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 1px -1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .nicoChat.ue, .nicoChat.shita { animation-name: fixed; } .nicoChat.black { text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #888, 1px 1px 0 #888; } .nicoChat.overflow { } .nicoChat.ue, .nicoChat.shita { display: inline-block; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000; } .nicoChat.ue.black, .nicoChat.shita.black { text-shadow: 0 0 3px #fff; } .nicoChat .type0655, .nicoChat .zero_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; opacity: 0; } .nicoChat .han_space, .nicoChat .zen_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; opacity: 0; } .debug .nicoChat .han_space, .debug .nicoChat .zen_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; color: yellow; background: #fff; opacity: 0.3; } .debug .nicoChat .tab_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; background: #ff0; opacity: 0.3; } .nicoChat .invisible_code { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; opacity: 0; } .nicoChat .zero_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; opacity: 0; } .debug .nicoChat .zero_space { display: inline; position: absolute; } .debug .html5_zen_space { color: #888; opacity: 0.5; } .nicoChat .fill_space, .nicoChat .html5_fill_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset !important; text-stroke: unset !important; background: currentColor; /*outline: 2px solid; outline-offset: -1px;*/ /*box-shadow: 0 4px, 0 -4px;*/ } .nicoChat .mesh_space { text-shadow: none; -webkit-text-stroke: unset; } .nicoChat .block_space, .nicoChat .html5_block_space { text-shadow: none; /*-webkit-text-stroke: 5px; text-stroke: 5px; font-weight: 900;*/ } .debug .nicoChat.ue { text-decoration: overline; } .debug .nicoChat.shita { text-decoration: underline; } .nicoChat.mine { border: 1px solid yellow; } .nicoChat.updating { border: 1px dotted; } .nicoChat.fork1 { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #008800, -1px -1px 0 #008800 !important; -webkit-text-stroke: none; } .nicoChat.ue.fork1, .nicoChat.shita.fork1 { display: inline-block; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #080 !important; -webkit-text-stroke: none; } .nicoChat.fork2 { outline: dotted 1px #000088; } .nicoChat.blink { border: 1px solid #f00; } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(3600deg); } } .nicoChat.updating::before { content: '❀'; opacity: 0.8; color: #f99; display: inline-block; text-align: center; animation-name: spin; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 10s; } .nicoChat.updating::after { content: ' 通信中...'; color: #ff9; font-size: 50%; opacity: 0.8; color: #ccc; } .nicoChat.updating::after { animation-direction: alternate; } .nicoChat.fail { border: 1px dotted red; text-decoration: line-through; } .nicoChat.fail:after { content: ' 投稿失敗...'; text-decoration: none; color: #ff9; font-size: 80%; opacity: 0.8; color: #ccc; } .debug .nicoChat { border: 1px outset; } spacer { visibility: hidden; } .debug spacer { visibility: visible; outline: 3px dotted orange; } .is-stalled .nicoChat, .paused .nicoChat { animation-play-state: paused !important; } </style> <style id="nicoChatAnimationDefinition"> %CSS% </style> </head> <body style="background-color: transparent !important;background: transparent !important;"> <div class="commentLayerOuter"> <div class="commentLayer" id="commentLayer">%MSG%</div> </div> </body></html> `).trim(); _.assign(NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._viewModel = params.viewModel; this._viewModel.on('setXml', _.bind(this._onSetXml, this)); this._viewModel.on('currentTime', _.bind(this._onCurrentTime, this)); this._lastCurrentTime = 0; this._isShow = true; this._aspectRatio = 9 / 16; this._inViewTable = {}; this._inSlotTable = {}; this._playbackRate = params.playbackRate || 1.0; this._isStalled = undefined; this._isPaused = undefined; this._retryGetIframeCount = 0; console.log('NicoCommentCss3PlayerView playbackRate', this._playbackRate); this._initializeView(params, 0); this._config = Config.namespace('commentLayer'); var _refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); // ウィンドウが非表示の時にブラウザが描画をサボっているので、 // 表示になったタイミングで粛正する document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => { if (!document.hidden) { _refresh(); } }); ZenzaWatch.debug.css3Player = this; }, _initializeView: function(params, retryCount) { if (retryCount === 0) { window.console.time('initialize NicoCommentCss3PlayerView'); } this._style = null; this._commentLayer = null; this._view = null; let iframe = this._getIframe(); iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin'); iframe.className = 'commentLayerFrame'; let html = NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.__TPL__ .replace('%CSS%', '').replace('%MSG%', '') .replace('%LAYOUT_CSS%', NicoTextParser.__css__) .replace('%OPTION_CSS%', ''); const onload = () => { let win, doc; iframe.onload = null; try { win = iframe.contentWindow; doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; } catch (e) { window.console.error(e); window.console.log('変な広告に乗っ取られました'); iframe.remove(); this._view = null; ZenzaWatch.debug.commentLayer = null; if (retryCount < 3) { this._initializeView(params, retryCount + 1); } else { PopupMessage.alert('コメントレイヤーの生成に失敗'); } return; } this._window = win; this._document = doc; this._layoutStyle = doc.getElementById('layoutCss'); this._optionStyle = doc.getElementById('optionCss'); this._style = doc.getElementById('nicoChatAnimationDefinition'); const commentLayer = this._commentLayer = doc.getElementById('commentLayer'); // Config直接参照してるのは手抜き doc.body.className = Config.getValue('debug') ? 'debug' : ''; Config.on('update-debug', (val) => { doc.body.className = val ? 'debug' : ''; }); // 手抜きその2 this._optionStyle.innerHTML = NicoComment.offScreenLayer.getOptionCss(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('updateOptionCss', (newCss) => { this._optionStyle.innerHTML = newCss; }); ZenzaWatch.debug.getInViewElements = () => { return doc.getElementsByClassName('nicoChat'); }; const onResize = () => { const w = win.innerWidth, h = win.innerHeight; // 基本は元動画の縦幅合わせだが、16:9より横長にはならない const aspectRatio = Math.max(this._aspectRatio, 9 / 16); const targetHeight = Math.min(h, w * aspectRatio); //commentLayer.style.transform = 'scale3d(' + targetHeight / 385 + ', 1, 1)'; const scale = targetHeight / 385; commentLayer.style.transform = 'scale3d(' + scale + ',' + scale + ', 1)'; }; const chkSizeInit = () => { const h = win.innerHeight; if (!h) { window.setTimeout(chkSizeInit, 500); } else { util.watchResize(iframe.parentElement, _.throttle(onResize, 100)); this._onResize = onResize; onResize(); } }; ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('fullScreenStatusChange', _.debounce(onResize, 2000)); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', _.debounce(() => { if (!document.hidden) { onResize(); } }, 500)); window.setTimeout(chkSizeInit, 100); if (this._isPaused) { this.pause(); } const updateTextShadow = (type) => { const types = [ 'shadow-type2', 'shadow-type3', 'shadow-stroke', 'shadow-dokaben' ]; types.forEach(t => { doc.body.classList.toggle(t, t === type); }); }; updateTextShadow(this._config.getValue('textShadowType')); this._config.on('update-textShadowType', _.debounce(updateTextShadow, 100)); ZenzaWatch.debug.nicoVideoCapture = () => { const html = this.getCurrentScreenHtml(); const video = document.querySelector('video.nico'); return VideoCaptureUtil.nicoVideoToCanvas({video, html}) .then(({canvas, img}) => { canvas.style.border = '2px solid blue'; canvas.className = 'debugCapture'; canvas.addEventListener('click', () => { VideoCaptureUtil.saveToFile(canvas, 'sample.png'); }); document.body.appendChild(canvas); window.console.log('ok', canvas); return Promise.resolve({canvas, img}); }, (err) => { sessionStorage.lastCaptureErrorSrc = html; window.console.error('!', err); return Promise.reject(err); }); }; ZenzaWatch.debug.svgTest = () => { const svg = this.getCurrentScreenSvg(); const blob = new Blob([svg], { 'type': 'text/plain' }); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('download', 'test.svg'); a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); a.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); a.setAttribute('href', url); document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); window.setTimeout(() => { a.remove(); }, 1000); }; window.console.timeEnd('initialize NicoCommentCss3PlayerView'); }; this._view = iframe; if (this._$node) { this._$node.append(iframe); } if (iframe.srcdocType === 'string') { iframe.onload = onload; iframe.srcdoc = html; } else { // MS IE/Edge用 if (!this._$node) { this._msEdge = true; // ここに直接書いてるのは掟破り。 動かないよりはマシということで・・・ $('.zenzaPlayerContainer').append(iframe); } iframe.contentWindow.document.open(); iframe.contentWindow.document.write(html); iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); window.setTimeout(onload, 0); } ZenzaWatch.debug.commentLayer = iframe; if (!params.show) { this.hide(); } }, _getIframe: function() { var reserved = document.getElementsByClassName('reservedFrame'); var iframe; if (reserved && reserved.length > 0) { iframe = reserved[0]; document.body.removeChild(iframe); iframe.style.position = ''; iframe.style.left = ''; } else { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } try { iframe.srcdocType = iframe.srcdocType || (typeof iframe.srcdoc); iframe.srcdoc = '<html></html>'; } catch (e) { // 行儀の悪い広告にiframeを乗っ取られた? this._retryGetIframeCount++; window.console.error('Error: ', e); if (this._retryGetIframeCount < 5) { window.console.log('変な広告に乗っ取られたのでリトライ', this._retryGetIframeCount); return this._getIframe(); } else { PopupMessage.alert('コメントレイヤーの生成に失敗しました'); } } return iframe; }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { this.emit('command', command, param); }, // リサイズイベントを発動させる _adjust: function() { if (!this._view) { return; } if (typeof this._onResize === 'function') { return this._onResize(); } var $view = $(this._view); $view.css({ width: $view.outerWidth() + 1, height: $view.outerHeight() + 1 }).offset(); window.setTimeout(function() { $view.css({width: '', height: ''}); }, 0); }, getView: function() { return this._view; }, setPlaybackRate: function(playbackRate) { this._playbackRate = Math.min(Math.max(playbackRate, 0.01), 10); this.refresh(); }, setAspectRatio: function(ratio) { this._aspectRatio = ratio; this._adjust(); }, _onSetXml: function() { this.clear(); }, _onCurrentTime: function(sec) { var REFRESH_THRESHOLD = 1; this._lastCurrentTime = this._currentTime; this._currentTime = sec; if (this._lastCurrentTime === this._currentTime) { // pauseでもないのにcurrentTimeの更新が途絶えたらロードが詰まった扱い if (!this._isPaused) { this._setStall(true); } } else if (this._currentTime < this._lastCurrentTime || Math.abs(this._currentTime - this._lastCurrentTime) > REFRESH_THRESHOLD) { // 後方へのシーク、または 境界値以上の前方シーク時は全体を再描画 this.refresh(); } else { this._setStall(false); this._updateInviewElements(); } }, _addClass: function(name) { if (!this._commentLayer) { return; } var cn = this._commentLayer.className.split(/ +/); if (_.indexOf(cn, name) >= 0) { return; } cn.push(name); this._commentLayer.className = cn.join(' '); }, _removeClass: function(name) { if (!this._commentLayer) { return; } var cn = this._commentLayer.className.split(/ +/); if (_.indexOf(cn, name) < 0) { return; } _.pull(cn, name); this._commentLayer.className = cn.join(' '); }, _setStall: function(v) { if (this._commentLayer) { if (v) { this._addClass('is-stalled'); } else { this._removeClass('is-stalled'); } } this._isStalled = v; }, pause: function() { if (this._commentLayer) { this._addClass('paused'); } this._isPaused = true; }, play: function() { if (this._commentLayer) { this._removeClass('paused'); } this._isPaused = false; }, clear: function() { if (this._commentLayer) { this._commentLayer.innerHTML = ''; } if (this._style) { this._style.innerHTML = ''; } this._inViewTable = {}; this._inSlotTable = {}; }, refresh: function() { this.clear(); this._updateInviewElements(); }, _updateInviewElements: function() { if (!this._commentLayer || !this._style || !this._isShow || document.hidden) { return; } var groups = [ this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA ), this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM), this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.TOP) ]; var css = [], inView = [], dom = []; var i, len; // 表示状態にあるchatを集める for(i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; i++) { var group = groups[i]; inView = inView.concat(group.getInViewMembers()); } var nicoChat; var ct = this._currentTime; var newView = []; for (i = 0, len = inView.length; i < len; i++) { nicoChat = inView[i]; var domId = nicoChat.getId(); if (this._inViewTable[domId]) { continue; } this._inViewTable[domId] = nicoChat; this._inSlotTable[domId] = nicoChat; newView.push(nicoChat); } if (newView.length > 1) { newView.sort(function(a, b) { var av = a.getVpos(), bv = b.getVpos(); if (av !== bv) { return av - bv; } else { return a.getNo() < b.getNo() ? -1 : 1; } }); } for (i = 0, len = newView.length; i < len; i++) { nicoChat = newView[i]; var type = nicoChat.getType(); var size = nicoChat.getSize(); dom.push(this._buildChatDom(nicoChat, type, size)); css.push(this._buildChatCss(nicoChat, type, ct)); } // DOMへの追加 if (css.length > 0) { var inSlotTable = this._inSlotTable, currentTime = this._currentTime; var outViewIds = []; var margin = 1; Object.keys(inSlotTable).forEach(key => { var chat = inSlotTable[key]; if (currentTime - margin < chat.getEndRightTiming()) { return; } delete inSlotTable[key]; outViewIds.push(key); }); this._updateDom(dom, css, outViewIds); } }, _updateDom: function(dom, css, outViewIds) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (dom.length > 0) { fragment.appendChild(dom.shift()); } this._commentLayer.appendChild(fragment); this._style.innerHTML += css.join(''); this._removeOutviewElements(outViewIds); this._gcInviewElements(); }, /* * アニメーションが終わっているはずの要素を除去 */ _removeOutviewElements: function(outViewIds) { var doc = this._document; if (!doc) { return; } outViewIds.forEach(id => { var elm = doc.getElementById(id); if (!elm) { return; } elm.remove(); }); }, /* * 古い順に要素を除去していく */ _gcInviewElements: function(outViewIds) { if (!this._commentLayer || !this._style) { return; } var max = NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.MAX_DISPLAY_COMMENT; var commentLayer = this._commentLayer; var i, inViewElements; //inViewElements = commentLayer.getElementsByClassName('nicoChat'); inViewElements = Array.from(commentLayer.querySelectorAll('.nicoChat.fork0')); for (i = inViewElements.length - max - 1; i >= 0; i--) { inViewElements[i].remove(); } inViewElements = Array.from(commentLayer.querySelectorAll('.nicoChat.fork1')); for (i = inViewElements.length - max - 1; i >= 0; i--) { inViewElements[i].remove(); } }, buildHtml: function(currentTime) { currentTime = currentTime || this._viewModel.getCurrentTime(); window.console.time('buildHtml'); var groups = [ this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA), this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM), this._viewModel.getGroup(NicoChat.TYPE.TOP) ]; var members = []; for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { var group = groups[i]; members = members.concat(group.getMembers()); } members.sort(function(a, b) { var av = a.getVpos(), bv = b.getVpos(); if (av !== bv) { return av - bv; } else { return a.getNo() < b.getNo() ? -1 : 1; } }); var css = [], html = []; html.push(this._buildGroupHtml(members, currentTime)); css .push(this._buildGroupCss(members, currentTime)); var tpl = NicoCommentCss3PlayerView.__TPL__ .replace('%LAYOUT_CSS%', NicoTextParser.__css__) .replace('%OPTION_CSS%', NicoComment.offScreenLayer.getOptionCss()); tpl = tpl.replace('%CSS%', css.join('')); tpl = tpl.replace('%MSG%', html.join('')); window.console.timeEnd('buildHtml'); return tpl; }, _buildGroupHtml: function(m) { var r###lt = []; for(var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { var chat = m[i]; var type = chat.getType(); r###lt.push(this._buildChatHtml(chat, type /*, currentTime */)); } return r###lt.join('\n'); }, _buildGroupCss: function(m, currentTime) { var r###lt = []; for(var i = 0, len = m.length; i < len; i++) { var chat = m[i]; var type = chat.getType(); r###lt.push(this._buildChatCss(chat, type, currentTime)); } return r###lt.join('\n'); }, _buildChatDom: function(chat , type, size) { var span = document.createElement('span'); var className = ['nicoChat',type, size]; var scale = chat.getScale(); if (chat.getColor() === '#000000') { className.push('black'); } // 泥臭い if (scale === 0.5) { className.push('half'); } else if (scale === 1.0) { className.push('noScale'); } else if (scale > 1.0) { className.push('largeScale'); } if (chat.isOverflow()) { className.push('overflow'); } if (chat.isMine()) { className.push('mine'); } if (chat.isUpdating()) { className.push('updating'); } var fork = chat.getFork(); className.push('fork' + fork); if (chat.isPostFail()) { className.push('fail'); } const fontCommand = chat.getFontCommand(); if (fontCommand) { className.push('cmd-' + fontCommand); } //className.push('ver-' + chat.getCommentVer()); span.className = className.join(' '); span.id = chat.getId(); if (!chat.isInvisible()) { span.innerHTML = chat.getHtmlText(); } span.setAttribute('data-meta', chat.toString()); return span; }, _buildChatHtml: function(chat , type /*, currentTime */) { var size = chat.getSize(); var className = ['nicoChat', type, size]; var scale = chat.getScale(); if (chat.getColor() === '#000000') { className.push('black'); } if (scale === 0.5) { className.push('half'); } else if (scale === 1.0) { className.push('noScale'); } if (scale > 1.0) { className.push('largeScale'); } if (chat.isOverflow()) { className.push('overflow'); } if (chat.isMine()) { className.push('mine'); } if (chat.isUpdating()) { className.push('updating'); } var fork = chat.getFork(); className.push('fork' + fork); const fontCommand = chat.getFontCommand(); if (fontCommand) { className.push('cmd-' + fontCommand); } //className.push('ver-' + chat.getCommentVer()); var htmlText = ''; if (!chat.isInvisible()) { htmlText = chat.getHtmlText(); } var r###lt = `<span id="${chat.getId()}" class="${className.join(' ')}">${htmlText}</span>`; return r###lt; }, _buildChatCss: function(chat, type, currentTime) { let r###lt; let scaleCss; let id = chat.getId(); let playbackRate = this._playbackRate; let duration = chat.getDuration() / playbackRate; let scale = chat.getScale(); let beginL = chat.getBeginLeftTiming(); let screenWidth = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH; let screenWidthFull = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.WIDTH_FULL; let screenHeight = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT; let width = chat.getWidth(); let height = chat.getHeight(); let ypos = chat.getYpos(); let color = chat.getColor(); let colorCss = color ? `color: ${color};` : ''; let fontSizePx = chat.getFontSizePixel(); let speed = chat.getSpeed(); let delay = (beginL - currentTime) / playbackRate; let slot = chat.getSlot(); let zIndex = (slot >= 0) ? (slot * 1000 + chat.getFork() * 1000000 + 1) : (beginL * 1000 + chat.getFork() * 1000000); let commentVer = chat.getCommentVer(); if (type === NicoChat.TYPE.NAKA) { // 4:3ベースに計算されたタイミングを16:9に補正する // scale無指定だとChromeでフォントがぼけるので1.0の時も指定だけする // TODO: 環境によって重くなるようだったらオプションにする scaleCss = (scale === 1.0) ? 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)' : `scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1)`; const outerScreenWidth = screenWidthFull * 1.1; const screenDiff = outerScreenWidth - screenWidth; const leftPos = screenWidth + screenDiff / 2; const durationDiff = screenDiff / speed / playbackRate; duration += durationDiff; delay -= (durationDiff * 0.5); // 逆再生 const reverse = chat.isReverse() ? 'animation-direction: reverse;' : ''; r###lt = ` @keyframes idou${id} { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) ${scaleCss}; } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(-${outerScreenWidth + width}px, 0, 0) ${scaleCss}; } } #${id} { z-index: ${zIndex}; top: ${ypos}px; left: ${leftPos}px; ${colorCss} font-size: ${fontSizePx}px; animation-name: idou${id}; animation-duration: ${duration}s; animation-delay: ${delay}s; ${reverse} } `; if (commentVer === 'html5' && height >= screenHeight) { r###lt += ` @keyframes idou${id}n { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) ${scaleCss} translate(0, -50%); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(-${outerScreenWidth + width}px, 0, 0) ${scaleCss} translate(0, -50%); } } #${id} { top: 50%; animation-name: idou${id}n; } `; } } else { let top; let transY; if (commentVer === 'html5' && height >= screenHeight) { top = `${type === NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM ? 100 : 0}%`; transY = `${type === NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM ? -100 : 0}%`; } else { top = ypos + 'px'; transY = '0'; } scaleCss = scale === 1.0 ? `transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(-50%, ${transY}, 0);` : `transform: scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1) translate3d(-50%, ${transY}, 0);`; r###lt = ` #${id} { z-index: ${zIndex}; top: ${top}; left: 50%; ${colorCss} font-size: ${fontSizePx}px; ${scaleCss} animation-duration: ${duration / 0.95}s; animation-delay: ${delay}s; } @keyframes dokaben${id} { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(90deg) scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1); } 50% { transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(0deg) scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1); } 90% { transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(0deg) scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0) perspective(200px) rotateX(90deg) scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1); } } .shadow-dokaben #${id} { animation-name: dokaben${id} !important; } `; /*line-height: ${//lineHeight}px;*/ /*width:', ${//width}, 'px;*/ /*height:', ${//height}, 'px;*/ } return '\n'+ r###lt.trim() + '\n'; }, show: function() { if (!this._isShow) { this._isShow = true; this.refresh(); } console.log('show!'); }, hide: function() { this.clear(); this._isShow = false; }, appendTo: function($node) { if (this._msEdge) { return; } // MS IE/Edge... //var $view = $(this._view); //$view.css({width: 1}).offset(); this._$node = $node; $node.append(this._view); }, /** * toStringで、コメントを静的なCSS3アニメーションHTMLとして出力する。 * 生成されたHTMLを開くだけで、スクリプトもなにもないのに * ニコニコ動画のプレイヤーのようにコメントが流れる。 ふしぎ! */ toString: function() { return this.buildHtml(0) .replace('<html', '<html class="saved"'); }, getCurrentScreenHtml: function() { const win = this._window; if (!win) { return null; } this.refresh(); let body = win.document.body; body.classList.add('in-capture'); let html = win.document.querySelector('html').outerHTML; body.classList.remove('in-capture'); html = html .replace('<html ', '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ') .replace(/<meta.*?>/g, '') .replace(/data-meta=".*?"/g, '') // .replace(/<(\/?)(span|group)/g, '<$1text') // .replace(/<(\/?)(div|body)/g, '<$1g') .replace(/<br>/g, '<br/>'); return html; }, getCurrentScreenSvg: function() { const win = this._window; if (!win) { return null; } this.refresh(); let body = win.document.body; body.classList.add('in-capture'); let style = win.document.querySelector('style').innerHTML; /*<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">*/ /*(`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="${w}" height="${h}" viewbox="0 0 ${w} ${h}" version="1.1"> `);*/ const w = 682, h = 382; const head = (`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"> `); const defs = (` <defs> <style type="text/css" id="layoutCss"><![CDATA[ ${style} .nicoChat { animation-play-state: paused !important; } ]]> </style> </defs> `).trim(); const textList = []; Array.from(win.document.querySelectorAll('.nicoChat')).forEach(chat => { let j = JSON.parse(chat.getAttribute('data-meta')); chat.removeAttribute('data-meta'); chat.setAttribute('y', j.ypos); let c = chat.outerHTML; c = c.replace(/<span/g, '<text'); c = c.replace(/<\/span>$/g, '</text>'); c = c.replace(/<(\/?)(span|group|han_group|zen_group|spacer)/g, '<$1tspan'); c = c.replace(/<br>/g, '<br/>'); textList.push(c); }); const view = (` <g fill="#00ff00"> ${textList.join('\n\t')} </g> `); const foot = (` <g style="background-color: #333; overflow: hidden; width: ${w}; height: ${h}; padding: 0 69px;" class="shadow-dokaben in-capture paused"> <g class="commentLayerOuter" width="682" height="384"> <g class="commentLayer is-stalled" id="commentLayer" width="544" height="384"> </g> </g> </g> </svg> `).trim(); return `${head}${defs}${view}${foot}`; } }); //if (!_.trim) { _.trim = function(str) { return str.trim(); }; } var NicoChatFilter = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoChatFilter.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoChatFilter.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._sharedNgLevel = params.sharedNgLevel || SHARED_NG_LEVEL.MID; this._wordFilterList = []; this._userIdFilterList = []; this._commandFilterList = []; this.setWordFilterList (params.wordFilter || ''); this.setUserIdFilterList (params.userIdFilter || ''); this.setCommandFilterList(params.commandFilter || ''); this._enable = typeof params.enableFilter === 'boolean' ? params.enableFilter : true; this._wordReg = null; this._wordRegReg = null; this._userIdReg = null; this._commandReg = null; this._onChange = _.debounce(_.bind(this._onChange, this), 50); if (params.wordRegFilter) { this.setWordRegFilter(params.wordRegFilter, params.wordRegFilterFlags); } }, setEnable: function(v) { v = !!v; if (this._enable !== v) { this._enable = v; this._onChange(); } }, isEnable: function() { return this._enable; }, addWordFilter: function(text) { var before = this._wordFilterList.join('\n'); this._wordFilterList.push((text || '').trim()); this._wordFilterList = _.uniq(this._wordFilterList); if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._wordFilterList.splice(20); } var after = this._wordFilterList.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._wordReg = null; this._onChange(); } }, setWordFilterList: function(list) { list = _.uniq(typeof list === 'string' ? list.trim().split('\n') : list); var before = this._wordFilterList.join('\n'); var tmp = []; _.each(list, function(text) { tmp.push((text || '').trim()); }); tmp = _.compact(tmp); var after = tmp.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._wordReg = null; this._wordFilterList = tmp; if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._wordFilterList.splice(20); } this._onChange(); } }, getWordFilterList: function() { return this._wordFilterList; }, setWordRegFilter: function(source, flags) { if (this._wordRegReg) { if (this._wordRegReg.source === source && this._flags === flags) { return; } } try { this._wordRegReg = new RegExp(source, flags); } catch(e) { window.console.error(e); return; } this._onChange(); }, addUserIdFilter: function(text) { var before = this._userIdFilterList.join('\n'); this._userIdFilterList.push(text); this._userIdFilterList = _.uniq(this._userIdFilterList); if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._userIdFilterList.splice(10); } var after = this._userIdFilterList.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._userIdReg = null; this._onChange(); } }, setUserIdFilterList: function(list) { list = _.uniq(typeof list === 'string' ? list.trim().split('\n') : list); var before = this._userIdFilterList.join('\n'); var tmp = []; _.each(list, function(text) { tmp.push((text || '').trim()); }); tmp = _.compact(tmp); var after = tmp.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._userIdReg = null; this._userIdFilterList = tmp; if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._userIdFilterList.splice(10); } this._onChange(); } }, getUserIdFilterList: function() { return this._userIdFilterList; }, addCommandFilter: function(text) { var before = this._commandFilterList.join('\n'); this._commandFilterList.push(text); this._commandFilterList = _.uniq(this._commandFilterList); if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._commandFilterList.splice(10); } var after = this._commandFilterList.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._commandReg = null; this._onChange(); } }, setCommandFilterList: function(list) { list = _.uniq(typeof list === 'string' ? list.trim().split('\n') : list); var before = this._commandFilterList.join('\n'); var tmp = []; _.each(list, function(text) { tmp.push((text || '').trim()); }); tmp = _.compact(tmp); var after = tmp.join('\n'); if (before !== after) { this._commandReg = null; this._commandFilterList = tmp; if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium()) { this._commandFilterList.splice(10); } this._onChange(); } }, getCommandFilterList: function() { return this._commandFilterList; }, setSharedNgLevel: function(level) { if (SHARED_NG_LEVEL[level] && this._sharedNgLevel !== level) { this._sharedNgLevel = level; this._onChange(); } }, getSharedNgLevel: function() { return this._sharedNgLevel; }, getFilterFunc: function() { if (!this._enable) { return function() { return true; }; } var threthold = SHARED_NG_SCORE[this._sharedNgLevel]; // NG設定の数×コメント数だけループを回すのはアホらしいので、 // 連結した一個の正規表現を生成する if (!this._wordReg) { this._wordReg = this._buildFilterReg(this._wordFilterList); } if (!this._userIdReg) { this._userIdReg = this._buildFilterPerfectMatchinghReg(this._userIdFilterList); } if (!this._commandReg) { this._commandReg = this._buildFilterReg(this._commandFilterList); } var wordReg = this._wordReg; var wordRegReg = this._wordRegReg; var userIdReg = this._userIdReg; var commandReg = this._commandReg; if (Config.getValue('debug')) { return function(nicoChat) { if (nicoChat.getFork() > 0) { return true; } var score = nicoChat.getScore(); if (score <= threthold) { window.console.log('%cNG共有適用: %s <= %s %s %s秒 %s', 'background: yellow;', score, threthold, nicoChat.getType(), nicoChat.getVpos() / 100, nicoChat.getText() ); return false; } if (wordReg && wordReg.test(nicoChat.getText())) { window.console.log('%cNGワード: "%s" %s %s秒 %s', 'background: yellow;', RegExp.$1, nicoChat.getType(), nicoChat.getVpos() / 100, nicoChat.getText() ); return false; } if (wordRegReg && wordRegReg.test(nicoChat.getText())) { window.console.log( '%cNGワード(正規表現): "%s" %s %s秒 %s', 'background: yellow;', RegExp.$1, nicoChat.getType(), nicoChat.getVpos() / 100, nicoChat.getText() ); return false; } if (userIdReg && userIdReg.test(nicoChat.getUserId())) { window.console.log('%cNGID: "%s" %s %s秒 %s %s', 'background: yellow;', RegExp.$1, nicoChat.getType(), nicoChat.getVpos() / 100, nicoChat.getUserId(), nicoChat.getText() ); return false; } if (commandReg && commandReg.test(nicoChat.getCmd())) { window.console.log('%cNG command: "%s" %s %s秒 %s %s', 'background: yellow;', RegExp.$1, nicoChat.getType(), nicoChat.getVpos() / 100, nicoChat.getCmd(), nicoChat.getText() ); return false; } return true; }; } return function(nicoChat) { if (nicoChat.getFork() > 0) { return true; } if (nicoChat.getScore() <= threthold) { return false; } if (wordReg && wordReg.test(nicoChat.getText())) { return false; } if (wordRegReg && wordRegReg.test(nicoChat.getText())) { return false; } if (userIdReg && userIdReg .test(nicoChat.getUserId())) { return false; } if (commandReg && commandReg.test(nicoChat.getCmd())) { return false; } return true; }; }, applyFilter: function(nicoChatArray) { var before = nicoChatArray.length; if (before < 1) { return nicoChatArray; } var timeKey = 'applyNgFilter: ' + nicoChatArray[0].getType(); window.console.time(timeKey); var r###lt = _.filter(nicoChatArray, this.getFilterFunc()); var after = r###lt.length; window.console.timeEnd(timeKey); window.console.log('NG判定結果: %s/%s', after, before); return r###lt; }, isSafe: function(nicoChat) { return (this.getFilterFunc())(nicoChat); }, _buildFilterReg: function(filterList) { if (filterList.length < 1) { return null; } var r = []; const escapeRegs = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeRegs; filterList.forEach((filter) => { if (!filter) { return; } r.push(escapeRegs(filter)); }); return new RegExp('(' + r.join('|') + ')', 'i'); }, _buildFilterPerfectMatchinghReg: function(filterList) { if (filterList.length < 1) { return null; } var r = []; const escapeRegs = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeRegs; filterList.forEach((filter) => { if (!filter) { return; } r.push(escapeRegs(filter)); }); return new RegExp('^(' + r.join('|') + ')$'); }, _onChange: function() { console.log('NicoChatFilter.onChange'); this.emit('change'); } }); var CommentLayoutWorker = (function(config, NicoChat, NicoCommentViewModel) { var func = function(self) { // 暫定設置 var NicoChat = { TYPE: { TOP: 'ue', NAKA: 'naka', BOTTOM: 'shita' } }; var NicoCommentViewModel = { SCREEN: { WIDTH_INNER: 512, WIDTH_FULL_INNER: 640, WIDTH: 512 + 32, WIDTH_FULL: 640 + 32, HEIGHT: 384 + 1 } }; var isConflict = function(target, others) { // 一度はみ出した文字は当たり判定を持たない if (target.isOverflow || others.isOverflow || others.isInvisible) { return false; } if (target.fork !== others.fork) { return false; } // Y座標が合わないなら絶対衝突しない var othersY = others.ypos; var targetY = target.ypos; if (othersY + others.height < targetY || othersY > targetY + target.height) { return false; } // ターゲットと自分、どっちが右でどっちが左か?の判定 var rt, lt; if (target.beginLeft <= others.beginLeft) { lt = target; rt = others; } else { lt = others; rt = target; } if (target.isFixed) { // 左にあるやつの終了より右にあるやつの開始が早いなら、衝突する // > か >= で挙動が変わるCAがあったりして正解がわからない if (lt.endRight > rt.beginLeft) { return true; } } else { // 左にあるやつの右端開始よりも右にあるやつの左端開始のほうが早いなら、衝突する if (lt.beginRight >= rt.beginLeft) { return true; } // 左にあるやつの右端終了よりも右にあるやつの左端終了のほうが早いなら、衝突する if (lt.endRight >= rt.endLeft) { return true; } } return false; }; var moveToNextLine = function(target, others) { var margin = 1; var othersHeight = others.height + margin; // 本来はちょっとでもオーバーしたらランダムすべきだが、 // 本家とまったく同じサイズ計算は難しいのでマージンを入れる // コメントアートの再現という点では有効な妥協案 var overflowMargin = 10; var rnd = Math.max(0, NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - target.height); var yMax = NicoCommentViewModel.SCREEN.HEIGHT - target.height + overflowMargin; //var rnd = Math.max(0, 385 - target.height); //var yMax = 385 - target.height + overflowMargin; var yMin = 0 - overflowMargin; var type = target.type; var ypos = target.ypos; if (type !== NicoChat.TYPE.BOTTOM) { ypos += othersHeight; // 画面内に入りきらなかったらランダム配置 if (ypos > yMax) { target.isOverflow = true; } } else { ypos -= othersHeight; // 画面内に入りきらなかったらランダム配置 if (ypos < yMin) { target.isOverflow = true; } } target.ypos = target.isOverflow ? Math.floor(Math.random() * rnd) : ypos; return target; }; /** * 最初に衝突が起こりうるindexを返す。 * 処理効率化のための物 */ var findCollisionStartIndex = function(target, members) { var o; var tl = target.beginLeft; var tr = target.endRight; var fork = target.fork; for (var i = 0, len = members.length; i < len; i++) { o = members[i]; var ol = o.beginLeft; var or = o.endRight; // 自分よりうしろのメンバーには影響を受けないので処理不要 if (o.id === target.id) { return -1; } if (fork !== o.fork || o.invisible || o.isOverflow) { continue; } if (tl <= or && tr >= ol) { return i; } } return -1; }; var _checkCollision = function(target, members, collisionStartIndex) { var o; const beginLeft = target.beginLeft; for (var i = collisionStartIndex, len = members.length; i < len; i++) { o = members[i]; // 自分よりうしろのメンバーには影響を受けないので処理不要 if (o.id === target.id) { return target; } if (beginLeft > o.endRight) { continue; } if (isConflict(target, o)) { target = moveToNextLine(target, o); // ずらした後は再度全チェックするのを忘れずに(再帰) if (!target.isOverflow) { return _checkCollision(target, members, collisionStartIndex); } } } return target; }; var checkCollision = function(target, members) { if (target.isInvisible) { return target; } var collisionStartIndex = findCollisionStartIndex(target, members); if (collisionStartIndex < 0) { return target; } return _checkCollision(target, members, collisionStartIndex); }; /** * findCollisionStartIndexの効率化を適用する前の物 */ var checkCollision_old = function(target, members) { if (target.isInvisible) { return target; } var o; var beginLeft = target.beginLeft; for (var i = 0, len = members.length; i < len; i++) { o = members[i]; // 自分よりうしろのメンバーには影響を受けないので処理不要 if (o.id === target.id) { return target; } if (beginLeft > o.endRight) { continue; } if (isConflict(target, o)) { target = moveToNextLine(target, o); // ずらした後は再度全チェックするのを忘れずに(再帰) if (!target.isOverflow) { return checkCollision(target, members); } } } return target; }; var groupCollision = function(members) { for (var i = 0, len = members.length; i < len; i++) { members[i] = checkCollision(members[i], members); } return members; }; self.onmessage = function(e) { const data = {}; //console.log('CommentLayoutWorker.onmessage', e.data.type, e.data.members); console.time('CommentLayoutWorker: ' + e.data.type); data.r###lt = groupCollision(e.data.members); console.timeEnd('CommentLayoutWorker: ' + e.data.type); data.lastUpdate = e.data.lastUpdate; data.type = e.data.type; data.requestId = e.data.requestId; self.postMessage(data); //self.close(); }; }; var instance = null; return { _func: func, create: function() { if (!config.getValue('enableCommentLayoutWorker') || !util.isWebWorkerAvailable()) { return null; } return util.createWebWorker(func); }, getInstance: function() { if (!config.getValue('enableCommentLayoutWorker') || !util.isWebWorkerAvailable()) { return null; } if (!instance) { instance = util.createWebWorker(func); } return instance; } }; })(Config, NicoChat, NicoCommentViewModel); ZenzaWatch.util.createWebWorker = function(func) { var src = func.toString().replace(/^function.*?\{/, '').replace(/}$/, ''); var blob = new Blob([src], {type: 'text\/javascript'}); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); //window.console.log('WebWorker src:', src); return new Worker(url); }; ZenzaWatch.util.isWebWorkerAvailable = function() { return !!(window.Blob && window.Worker && window.URL); }; var SlotLayoutWorker = (function() { var func = function(self) { // 暫定設置 var SLOT_COUNT = 40; /** * スロット≒Z座標をよしなに割り当てる。 * デザパタ的にいうならFlyweightパターンの亜種。 * ゲームプログラミングではよくあるやつ。 */ var SlotEntry = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; SlotEntry.prototype = { initialize: function(slotCount) { this._slotCount = slotCount || SLOT_COUNT; this._slot = []; this._itemTable = {}; this._p = 1; }, _findIdle: function(sec) { var count = this._slotCount, slot = this._slot, table = this._itemTable; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!slot[i]) { //console.log('empty found! idx=%s, sec=%s slot=%s', i, sec, JSON.stringify(slot)); slot[i] = this._p++; return i; } var item = table[i]; if (sec < item.begin || sec > item.end) { //console.log('idle found! idx=%s, sec=%s ', i, sec, JSON.stringify(slot), JSON.stringify(item)); slot[i] = this._p++; return i; } } return -1; }, _findOldest: function() { var idx = 0, slot = this._slot, min = slot[0]; for (var i = 1, len = this._slot.length; i < len; i++) { if (slot[i] < min) { min = slot[i]; idx = i; } } return idx; }, find: function(item, sec) { // まずは空いてるスロットを小さい順に探す var slot = this._findIdle(sec); // なかったら、一番古いやつから奪い取る if (slot < 0) { slot = this._findOldest(); } this._itemTable[slot] = item; return slot; } }; var sortByBeginTime = function(data) { data = data.concat().sort(function(a, b) { var av = a.begin, bv = b.begin; if (av !== bv) { return av - bv; } else { return a.no < b.no ? -1 : 1; } }); return data; }; var execute = function(e) { var data = []; data = data.concat(e.data.top); data = data.concat(e.data.naka); data = data.concat(e.data.bottom); data = sortByBeginTime(data); var slotEntries = [new SlotEntry(), new SlotEntry(), new SlotEntry()]; for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { var o = data[i]; if (o.invisible) { continue; } var sec = o.begin; var fork = o.fork % 3; o.slot = slotEntries[fork].find(o, sec); } return data; }; self.onmessage = function(e) { //console.log('SlotLayout', e.data); console.time('SlotLayoutWorker'); var r###lt = execute(e); console.timeEnd('SlotLayoutWorker'); r###lt.lastUpdate = e.data.lastUpdate; //console.log('SlotLayoutR###lt', r###lt); self.postMessage(e.data); }; }; return { _func: func, create: function() { if (!ZenzaWatch.util.isWebWorkerAvailable()) { return null; } return ZenzaWatch.util.createWebWorker(func); } }; })(); class NicoScriptParser { static get parseId() { if (!NicoScriptParser._count) { NicoScriptParser._count = 1; } return NicoScriptParser._count++; } static parseNiwango(lines) { // 構文はいったん無視して、対応できる命令だけ拾っていく。 // ニワン語のフル実装は夢 let type, params; let r###lt = []; for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { let text = lines[i]; const id = NicoScriptParser.parseId; if (text.match(/^\/?replace\((.*?)\)/)) { type = 'REPLACE'; params = NicoScriptParser.parseReplace(RegExp.$1); r###lt.push({id, type, params}); } else if (text.match(/^\/?commentColor\s*=\s*0x([0-9a-f]{6})/i)) { r###lt.push({id, type: 'COLOR', params: {color: '#' + RegExp.$1}}); } else if (text.match(/^\/?seek\((.*?)\)/i)) { params = NicoScriptParser.parseSeek(RegExp.$1); r###lt.push({id, type: 'SEEK', params}); } } return r###lt; } static parseParams(str) { // 雑なパース let r###lt = {}, v = '', lastC = '', key, isStr = false, quot = ''; for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { let c = str.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ':': key = v.trim(); v = ''; break; case ',': if (isStr) { v += c; } else { if (key !== '' && v !== '') { r###lt[key] = v.trim(); } key = v = ''; } break; case ' ': if (v !== '') { v+= c; } break; case "'": case '"': if (v !== '') { if (quot !== c) { v += c; } else if (isStr) { if (lastC === '\\') { v += c; } else { if (quot === '"') { // ダブルクォートの時だけエスケープがあるらしい v = v.replace(/(\\r|\\n)/g, '\n').replace(/(\\t)/g, '\t'); } r###lt[key] = v; key = v = ''; isStr = false; } } else { window.console.error('parse fail?', isStr, lastC, str); return null; } } else { quot = c; isStr = true; } break; default: v += c; } lastC = c; } if (key !== '' && v !== '') { r###lt[key] = v.trim(); } return r###lt; } static parseNicosParams(str) { // 雑なパース let r###lt = [], v = '', lastC = '', quot = ''; for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { let c = str.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ' ': case ' ': if (quot) { v+= c; } else { if (v !== '') { r###lt.push(v); v = quot = ''; } } break; case "'": case '"': if (v !== '') { if (quot !== c) { v += c; } else { if (lastC === '\\') { v += c; } else { v = v.replace(/(\\r|\\n)/g, '\n').replace(/(\\t)/g, '\t'); r###lt.push(v); v = quot = ''; } } } else { quot = c; } break; case "「": if (v !== '') { v += c; } else { quot = c; } break; case "」": if (v !== '') { if (quot !== "「") { v += c; } else { if (lastC === '\\') { v += c; } else { r###lt.push(v); v = quot = ''; } } } else { v += c; } break; default: v += c; } lastC = c; } if (v !== '') { r###lt.push(v.trim()); } return r###lt; } static parseNicos(text) { text = text.trim(); let text1 = (text || '').split(/[ ::]+/)[0]; let params; let type; switch (text1) { case '@デフォルト': case '@デフォルト': type = 'DEFAULT'; break; case '@逆': case '@逆': type = 'REVERSE'; params = NicoScriptParser.parse逆(text); break; case '@ジャンプ': case '@ジャンプ': params = NicoScriptParser.parseジャンプ(text); type = params.type; break; case '@ジャンプマーカー': case '@ジャンプマーカー': type = 'MARKER'; //@ジャンプマーカー:ループ params = NicoScriptParser.parseジャンプマーカー(text); break; default: if (text.indexOf('@置換') === 0 || text.indexOf('@置換') === 0) { type = 'REPLACE'; params = NicoScriptParser.parse置換(text); } else { type = 'PIPE'; let lines = NicoScriptParser.splitLines(text); params = NicoScriptParser.parseNiwango(lines); } } const id = NicoScriptParser.parseId; return {id, type, params}; } static splitLines(str) { let r###lt = [], v = '', lastC = '', isStr = false, quot = ''; for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { let c = str.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ';': if (isStr) { v += c; } else { r###lt.push(v.trim()); v = ''; } break; case ' ': if (v !== '') { v += c; } break; case "'": case '"': if (isStr) { if (quot === c) { if (lastC !== '\\') { isStr = false; } } v += c; } else { quot = c; isStr = true; v += c; } break; default: v += c; } lastC = c; } if (v !== '') { r###lt.push(v.trim()); } return r###lt; } static parseReplace(str) { let r###lt = NicoScriptParser.parseParams(str); if (!r###lt) { return null; } return { src: r###lt.src, dest: r###lt.dest || '', fill: r###lt.fill === 'true' ? true : false, target: r###lt.target || 'user', partial: r###lt.partial === 'false' ? false: true }; } static parseSeek(str) { let r###lt = NicoScriptParser.parseParams(str); if (!r###lt) { return null; } return { time: r###lt.vpos }; } static parse置換(str) { let tmp = NicoScriptParser.parseNicosParams(str); //@置換 キーワード 置換後 置換範囲 投コメ 一致条件 //@置換 "И" "██" 単 投コメ // 投稿者コメントを含めるかどうか let target = 'user'; if (tmp[4] === '含む') { target = 'owner user'; } else if (tmp[4] === '投コメ') { target = 'owner'; } return { src: tmp[1], dest: tmp[2] || '', fill: tmp[3] === '全' ? true : false, //全体を置き換えるかどうか target, //(tmp[4] === '含む' || tmp[4] === '投コメ') ? 'owner user' : 'user', partial: tmp[5] === '完全一致' ? false : true // 完全一致のみを見るかどうか }; } static parse逆(str) { let tmp = NicoScriptParser.parseNicosParams(str); //var tmp = str.split(/[ ]+/); //@逆 投コメ let target = (tmp[1] || '').trim(); //@置換キーワード置換後置換範囲投コメ一致条件 return { target: (target === 'コメ' || target === '投コメ') ? target : '全', }; } static parseジャンプ(str) { //@ジャンプ ジャンプ先 メッセージ 再生開始位置 戻り秒数 戻りメッセージ let tmp = NicoScriptParser.parseNicosParams(str); let target = tmp[1] || ''; let type = 'JUMP'; let time = 0; if (/^#(\d+):(\d+)$/.test(target)) { type = 'SEEK'; time = RegExp.$1 * 60 + RegExp.$2 * 1; } else if (/^#(\d+):(\d+\.\d+)$/.test(target)) { type = 'SEEK'; time = RegExp.$1 * 60 + RegExp.$2 * 1; } else if (/^(#|#)(.+)/.test(target)) { type = 'SEEK_MARKER'; time = RegExp.$2; } return {target, type, time}; } static parseジャンプマーカー(str) { let tmp = NicoScriptParser.parseNicosParams(str); let name = tmp[0].split(/[:: ]/)[1]; return {name}; } } class NicoScripter extends AsyncEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.reset(); } reset() { this._hasSort = false; this._list = []; this._eventScript = []; this._nextVideo = null; this._marker = {}; this._inviewEvents = {}; this._currentTime = 0; this._eventId = 0; } add(nicoChat) { this._hasSort = false; this._list.push(nicoChat); } get isExist() { return this._list.length > 0; } getNextVideo() { return this._nextVideo || ''; } getEventScript() { return this._eventScript || []; } get currentTime() { return this._currentTime; } set currentTime(v) { this._currentTime = v; if (this._eventScript.length > 0) { this._updateInviewEvents(); } } _sort() { if (this._hasSort) { return; } const list = this._list.concat().sort((a, b) => { const av = a.getVpos(), bv = b.getVpos(); if (av !== bv) { return av - bv; } else { return a.getNo() < b.getNo() ? -1 : 1; } }); this._list = list; this._hasSort = true; } _updateInviewEvents() { const ct = this._currentTime; this._eventScript.forEach(({p, nicos}) => { const beginTime = nicos.getVpos() / 100; const endTime = beginTime + nicos.getDuration(); if (beginTime > ct || endTime < ct) { delete this._inviewEvents[p.id]; return; } if (this._inviewEvents[p.id]) { return; } this._inviewEvents[p.id] = true; let diff = nicos.getVpos() / 100 - ct; diff = Math.min(1, Math.abs(diff)) * (diff / Math.abs(diff)); switch (p.type) { case 'SEEK': this.emit('command', 'nicosSeek', Math.max(0, p.params.time * 1 + diff)); break; case 'SEEK_MARKER': let time = this._marker[p.params.time] || 0; this.emit('command', 'nicosSeek', Math.max(0, time + diff)); break; } }); } apply(group) { this._sort(); const assigned = {}; // どうせ全動画の1%も使われていないので // 最適化もへったくれもない const eventFunc = { 'JUMP': (p, nicos) => { console.log('@ジャンプ: ', p, nicos); const target = p.params.target; if (/^([a-z]{2}|)[0-9]+$/.test(target)) { this._nextVideo = target; } }, 'SEEK': (p, nicos) => { if (assigned[p.id]) { return; } assigned[p.id] = true; this._eventScript.push({p, nicos}); }, 'SEEK_MARKER': (p, nicos) => { if (assigned[p.id]) { return; } assigned[p.id] = true; console.log('SEEK_MARKER: ', p, nicos); this._eventScript.push({p, nicos}); }, 'MARKER': (p, nicos) => { console.log('@ジャンプマーカー: ', p, nicos); this._marker[p.params.name] = nicos.getVpos() / 100; } }; const applyFunc = { 'DEFAULT': function(nicoChat, nicos) { let nicosColor = nicos.getColor(); let hasColor = nicoChat.hasColorCommand(); if (nicosColor && !hasColor) { nicoChat.setColor(nicosColor); } let nicosSize = nicos.getSize(); let hasSize = nicoChat.hasSizeCommand(); if (nicosSize && !hasSize) { nicoChat.setSize(nicosSize); } let nicosType = nicos.getType(); let hasType = nicoChat.hasTypeCommand(); if (nicosType && !hasType) { nicoChat.setType(nicosType); } }, 'COLOR': function(nicoChat, nicos, params) { let hasColor = nicoChat.hasColorCommand(); if (!hasColor) { nicoChat.setColor(params.color); } }, 'REVERSE': function(nicoChat, nicos, params) { if (params.target === '全') { nicoChat.setIsReverse(true); } else if (params.target === '投コメ') { if (nicoChat.getFork() > 0) { nicoChat.setIsReverse(true); } } else if (params.target === 'コメ') { if (nicoChat.getFork() === 0) { nicoChat.setIsReverse(true); } } }, 'REPLACE': function(nicoChat, nicos, params) { if (!params) { return; } if (nicoChat.getFork() > 0 && (params.target || '').indexOf('owner') < 0) { return; } if (nicoChat.getFork() < 1 && params.target === 'owner') { return; } let isMatch = false; let text = nicoChat.getText(); if (params.partial === true) { isMatch = text.indexOf(params.src) >= 0; } else { isMatch = text === params.src; } if (!isMatch) { return; } if (params.fill === true) { text = params.dest; } else { let reg = new RegExp(util.escapeRegs(params.src), 'g'); text = text.replace(reg, params.dest.replace(/\$/g, '\\$')); } nicoChat.setText(text); let nicosColor = nicos.getColor(); let hasColor = nicoChat.hasColorCommand(); if (nicosColor && !hasColor) { nicoChat.setColor(nicosColor); } let nicosSize = nicos.getSize(); let hasSize = nicoChat.hasSizeCommand(); if (nicosSize && !hasSize) { nicoChat.setSize(nicosSize); } let nicosType = nicos.getType(); let hasType = nicoChat.hasTypeCommand(); if (nicosType && !hasType) { nicoChat.setType(nicosType); } }, 'PIPE': function(nicoChat, nicos, lines) { lines.forEach(line => { let type = line.type; let f = applyFunc[type]; if (f) { f(nicoChat, nicos, line.params); } }); } }; this._list.forEach((nicos) => { let p = NicoScriptParser.parseNicos(nicos.getText()); if (!p) { return; } if (!nicos.hasDurationSet()) { nicos.setDuration(99999); } let ev = eventFunc[p.type]; if (ev) { return ev(p, nicos); } else if (p.type === 'PIPE') { p.params.forEach(line => { let type = line.type; let ev = eventFunc[type]; if (ev) { return ev(line, nicos); } }); } let func = applyFunc[p.type]; if (!func) { return; } let beginTime = nicos.getBeginTime(); let endTime = beginTime + nicos.getDuration(); (group.getMembers ? group.getMembers : group).forEach((nicoChat) => { if (nicoChat.isNicoScript()) { return; } let ct = nicoChat.getBeginTime(); if (beginTime > ct || endTime < ct) { return; } func(nicoChat, nicos, p.params); }); }); } } var CommentListModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentListModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentListModel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._isUniq = params.uniq; this._items = []; this._positions = []; this._maxItems = params.maxItems || 100; this._currentSortKey = 'vpos'; this._isDesc = false; this._currentTime = 0; this._itemSet = new WeakSet(); }, setItem: function(itemList) { itemList = Array.isArray(itemList) ? itemList: [itemList]; this._items = itemList; }, clear: function() { this._items = []; this._positions = []; this._currentTime = 0; this.emit('update', [], true); }, setChatList: function(chatList) { chatList = chatList.top.concat(chatList.naka, chatList.bottom); var items = []; var positions = []; for (var i = 0, len = chatList.length; i < len; i++) { items.push(new CommentListItem(chatList[i])); positions.push(parseFloat(chatList[i].getVpos(), 10) / 100); } this._items = items; this._positions = positions.sort((a, b) => { return a - b; }); this._currentTime = 0; this.sort(); this.emit('update', this._items, true); }, removeItemByIndex: function(index) { var target = this._getItemByIndex(index); if (!target) { return; } this._items = _.reject(this._items, item => { return item === target; }); }, getLength: function() { return this._items.length; }, _getItemByIndex: function(index) { var item = this._items[index]; return item; }, indexOf: function(item) { return (this._items || []).indexOf(item); }, getItemByIndex: function(index) { var item = this._getItemByIndex(index); if (!item) { return null; } if (!this._itemSet.has(item)) { this._itemSet.add(item); item.on('update', this._onItemUpdate.bind(this, item)); } return item; }, findByItemId: function(itemId) { itemId = parseInt(itemId, 10); return _.find(this._items, (item) => { if (item.getItemId() === itemId) { if (!this._itemSet.has(item)) { this._itemSet.add(item); item.on('update', this._onItemUpdate.bind(this, item)); } return true; } }); }, removeItem: function(item) { var beforeLen = this._items.length; _.pull(this._items, item); var afterLen = this._items.length; if (beforeLen !== afterLen) { this.emit('update', this._items); } }, _onItemUpdate: function(item, key, value) { this.emit('itemUpdate', item, key, value); }, sortBy: function(key, isDesc) { var table = { vpos: 'getVpos', date: 'getDate', text: 'getText', user: 'getUserId', }; var func = table[key]; if (!func) { return; } this._items = _.sortBy(this._items, function(item) { return item[func](); }); if (isDesc) { this._items.reverse(); } this._currentSortKey = key; this._isDesc = isDesc; this.onUpdate(); }, sort: function() { this.sortBy(this._currentSortKey, this._isDesc); }, getCurrentSortKey: function() { return this._currentSortKey; }, onUpdate: function() { this.emitAsync('update', this._items); }, getInViewIndex: function(sec) { return Math.max(0, util.sortedLastIndex(this._positions, sec + 1) - 1); }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { if (this._currentTime !== sec && typeof sec === 'number') { this._currentTime = sec; if (this._currentSortKey === 'vpos') { this.emit('currentTimeUpdate', sec, this.getInViewIndex(sec)); } } } }); /** * DOM的に隔離したiframeの中に生成する。 * かなり実験要素が多いのでまだまだ変わる。 */ var CommentListView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; CommentListView.ITEM_HEIGHT = 40; _.extend(CommentListView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); CommentListView.__css__ = ''; CommentListView.__tpl__ = (` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CommentList</title> <style type="text/css"> body { user-select: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } body.is-scrolling #listContainerInner *{ pointer-events: none; } #listContainer { position: absolute; top: -1px; left:0; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; overflow: auto; } #listContainerInner:empty::after { content: 'コメントは空です'; color: #666; display: inline-block; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); pointer-events: none; } .is-guest .forMember { display: none !important; } .itemDetailContainer { position: fixed; display: block; top: 50%; left: 50%; line-height: normal; min-width: 280px; max-height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; font-size: 14px; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; z-index: 100; border: 2px solid #fc9; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 232, 0.9); box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 rgba(99, 99, 66, 0.8); transition: 0.2s opacity; } .itemDetailContainer.show { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } .itemDetailContainer>* { } .itemDetailContainer * { word-break: break-all; } .itemDetailContainer .reloadComment { display: inline-block; padding: 0 4px; cursor: pointer; transform: scale(1.4); transition: transform 0.1s; } .itemDetailContainer .reloadComment:hover { transform: scale(1.8); } .itemDetailContainer .reloadComment:active { transform: scale(1.2); transition: none; } .itemDetailContainer .resNo, .itemDetailContainer .vpos, .itemDetailContainer .time, .itemDetailContainer .userId, .itemDetailContainer .cmd { font-size: 12px; } .itemDetailContainer .time { cursor: pointer; color: #339; } .itemDetailContainer .time:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .itemDetailContainer .time:hover:after { position: absolute; content: '${'\\00231A'} 過去ログ'; right: 16px; text-decoration: none; transform: scale(1.4); } .itemDetailContainer .resNo:before, .itemDetailContainer .vpos:before, .itemDetailContainer .time:before, .itemDetailContainer .userId:before, .itemDetailContainer .cmd:before { display: inline-block; min-width: 50px; } .itemDetailContainer .resNo:before { content: 'no'; } .itemDetailContainer .vpos:before { content: 'pos'; } .itemDetailContainer .time:before { content: 'date'; } .itemDetailContainer .userId:before { content: 'user'; } .itemDetailContainer .cmd:before { content: 'cmd'; } .itemDetailContainer .text { border: 1px inset #ccc; padding: 8px; margin: 4px 8px; } .itemDetailContainer .close { border: 2px solid #666; width: 50%; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; margin: auto; user-select: none; } </style> <style id="listItemStyle">%CSS%</style> <body> <div class="itemDetailContainer"> <div class="resNo"></div> <div class="vpos"></div> <div class="time command" data-command="reloadComment"></div> <div class="userId"></div> <div class="cmd"></div> <div class="text"></div> <div class="command close" data-command="hideItemDetail">O K</div> </div> <div id="listContainer"> <div class="listMenu"> <span class="menuButton itemDetailRequest" data-command="itemDetailRequest" title="詳細">?</span> <span class="menuButton clipBoard" data-command="clipBoard" title="クリップボードにコピー">copy</span> <span class="menuButton addUserIdFilter forMember" data-command="addUserIdFilter" title="NGユーザー">NGuser</span> <span class="menuButton addWordFilter forMember" data-command="addWordFilter" title="NGワード">NGword</span> </div> <div id="listContainerInner"></div> </div> </body> </html> `).trim(); _.extend(CommentListView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentListView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._ItemView = CommentListItemView; this._itemCss = CommentListItemView.CSS; this._className = params.className || 'commentList'; this._$container = params.$container; this._retryGetIframeCount = 0; this._cache = {}; this._maxItems = 100000; this._scrollTop = 0; this._model = params.model; if (this._model) { this._model.on('update', _.debounce(this._onModelUpdate.bind(this), 500)); } this.scrollTop = ZenzaWatch.util.createDrawCallFunc(this.scrollTop.bind(this)); this._initializeView(params, 0); }, _initializeView: function(params) { var html = CommentListView.__tpl__.replace('%CSS%', this._itemCss); this._frame = new FrameLayer({ $container: params.$container, html: html, className: 'commentListFrame' }); this._frame.on('load', this._onIframeLoad.bind(this)); }, _onIframeLoad: function(w) { var doc = this._document = w.document; this._window = w; //$(w); var body = this._body = doc.body; var $body = this._$body = $(body); if (this._className) { body.classList.add(this._className); } this._$container = $body.find('#listContainer'); var $list = this._$list = $(doc.getElementById('listContainerInner')); if (this._html) { $list.html(this._html); } this._$menu = $body.find('.listMenu'); this._$itemDetail = $body.find('.itemDetailContainer'); $body .on('click', this._onClick .bind(this)) .on('dblclick', this._onDblClick .bind(this)) .on('keydown', e => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('keydown', e); }) .on('keyup', e => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('keyup', e); }) .toggleClass('is-guest', !util.isLogin()); this._$menu.on('click', this._onMenuClick.bind(this)); this._$itemDetail.on('click', this._onItemDetailClick.bind(this)); this._$container .on('mouseover', this._onMouseOver.bind(this)) .on('mouseleave', this._onMouseOut .bind(this)); this._$container[0].addEventListener('scroll', this._onScroll.bind(this), {passive: true}); this._debouncedOnScrollEnd = _.debounce(this._onScrollEnd.bind(this), 500); w.addEventListener('resize', this._onResize.bind(this)); this._innerHeight = w.innerHeight; this._refreshInviewElements = _.throttle(this._refreshInviewElements.bind(this), 100); this._appendNewItems = util.createDrawCallFunc(this._appendNewItems.bind(this)); this._debouncedOnItemClick = _.debounce(this._onItemClick.bind(this), 300); this._$begin = $('<span class="begin"/>'); this._$end = $('<span class="end"/>'); // 互換用 ZenzaWatch.debug.$commentList = $list; ZenzaWatch.debug.getCommentPanelItems = () => { return Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('.commentListItem')); }; }, _onModelUpdate: function(itemList, replaceAll) { window.console.time('update commentlistView'); this.addClass('updating'); itemList = Array.isArray(itemList) ? itemList: [itemList]; let itemViews = []; this._lastEndPoint = null; this._isActive = false; if (replaceAll) { this._scrollTop = 0; } itemList.forEach((item, i) => { itemViews.push(new this._ItemView({item: item, index: i, height: CommentListView.ITEM_HEIGHT})); }); this._itemViews = itemViews; this._inviewItemList = {}; this._newItems = null; window.setTimeout(() => { if (this._$list) { this._$list.html(''); this._$list.css({'height': CommentListView.ITEM_HEIGHT * itemViews.length + 100}); this._$menu.removeClass('show'); this._refreshInviewElements(); this.hideItemDetail(); } }, 0); window.setTimeout(() => { this.removeClass('updating'); this.emit('update'); }, 100); window.console.timeEnd('update commentlistView'); }, _onClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); var $item = $(e.target).closest('.commentListItem'); if ($item.length > 0) { return this._debouncedOnItemClick($item); } }, _onItemClick: function($item) { this._$menu .css('top', $item.attr('data-top') + 'px') .attr('data-item-id', $item.attr('data-item-id')) .addClass('show'); }, _onMenuClick: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target).closest('.menuButton'); this._$menu.removeClass('show'); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } var itemId = $target.closest('.listMenu').attr('data-item-id'); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } if (!itemId) { return; } var command = $target.attr('data-command'); if (command === 'addUserIdFilter' || command === 'addWordFilter') { this._$list.find('.item' + itemId).hide(); } this.emit('command', command, null, itemId); }, _onItemDetailClick: function(e) { let $target = $(e.target).closest('.command'); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } let itemId = this._$itemDetail.attr('data-item-id'); if (!itemId) { return; } let command = $target.attr('data-command'); let param = $target.attr('data-param'); if (command === 'hideItemDetail') { return this.hideItemDetail(); } if (command === 'reloadComment') { this.hideItemDetail(); } this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); }, _onDblClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $item = $(e.target).closest('.commentListItem'); if ($item.length < 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var itemId = $item.attr('data-item-id'); this.emit('command', 'select', null, itemId); }, _onMouseMove: function() { }, _onMouseOver: function() { //window.console.info('Active!'); this._isActive = true; this.addClass('active'); }, _onMouseOut: function() { //window.console.info('Blur!'); this._isActive = false; this.removeClass('active'); }, _onResize: function() { this._innerHeight = this._window.innerHeight; this._refreshInviewElements(); }, _onScroll: function() { if (!this.hasClass('is-scrolling')) { this.addClass('is-scrolling'); } this._refreshInviewElements(); this._debouncedOnScrollEnd(); }, _onScrollEnd: function() { this.removeClass('is-scrolling'); }, _refreshInviewElements: function() { if (!this._$list) { return; } let itemHeight = CommentListView.ITEM_HEIGHT; let $container = this._$container; let scrollTop = $container.scrollTop(); let innerHeight = this._innerHeight; //if (innerHeight > window.innerHeight) { return; } let windowBottom = scrollTop + innerHeight; let itemViews = this._itemViews; let startIndex = Math.max(0, Math.floor(scrollTop / itemHeight) - 10); let endIndex = Math.min(itemViews.length, Math.floor(windowBottom / itemHeight) + 10); let i; const newItems = [], inviewItemList = this._inviewItemList; for (i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { if (inviewItemList[i] || !itemViews[i]) { continue; } newItems.push(itemViews[i]); inviewItemList[i] = itemViews[i]; } if (newItems.length < 1) { return; } Object.keys(inviewItemList).forEach(i => { if (i >= startIndex && i <= endIndex) { return; } inviewItemList[i].remove(); delete inviewItemList[i]; }); this._inviewItemList = inviewItemList; this._newItems = this._newItems ? this._newItems.concat(newItems) : newItems; this._appendNewItems(); }, _appendNewItems: function() { if (this._newItems) { const f = document.createDocumentFragment(); this._newItems.forEach(i => { f.appendChild(i.getViewElement()); }); this._$list[0].appendChild(f); } this._newItems = null; }, addClass: function(className) { this.toggleClass(className, true); }, removeClass: function(className) { this.toggleClass(className, false); }, toggleClass: function(className, v) { if (!this._body) { return; } this._body.classList.toggle(className, v); }, hasClass: function(className) { return this._body.classList.contains(className); }, find: function(query) { return this._document.querySelectorAll(query); }, scrollTop: function(v) { if (!this._window) { return 0; } if (typeof v === 'number') { this._scrollTop = v; this._$container[0].scrollTop = v; } else { this._scrollTop = this._$container[0].scrollTop; return this._scrollTop; } }, scrollToItem: function(itemId) { if (!this._$body) { return; } if (typeof itemId.getItemId === 'function') { itemId = itemId.getItemId(); } // scrollIntoViewIfNeed() があればそれでいいかも var $target = this._$body.find('.item' + itemId); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } var top = $target.offset().top; this.scrollTop(top); }, setCurrentPoint: function(idx) { if (!this._window || !this._itemViews) { return; } var innerHeight = this._innerHeight; var itemViews = this._itemViews; var len = itemViews.length; var view = itemViews[idx]; if (len < 1 || !view) { return; } if (!this._isActive) { var itemHeight = CommentListView.ITEM_HEIGHT; var top = view.getTop(); this.scrollTop(Math.max(0, top - innerHeight + itemHeight)); } }, showItemDetail: function(item) { let $d = this._$itemDetail; $d.attr('data-item-id', item.getItemId()); $d.find('.resNo') .text(item.getNo()).end() .find('.vpos') .text(item.getTimePos()).end() .find('.time') .text(item.getFormattedDate()).end() .find('.userId') .text(item.getUserId()).end() .find('.cmd') .text(item.getCmd()).end() .find('.text') .text(item.getText()).end() .addClass('show'); ZenzaWatch.debug.$itemDetail = $d; }, hideItemDetail: function() { this._$itemDetail.removeClass('show'); } }); const CommentListItemView = (() => { // なんか汎用性を持たせようとして失敗してる奴 // ここはDOM的に隔離されてるので外部要因との干渉を考えなくてよい const CSS = (` * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background: #000; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar { background: #222; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 0; background: #666; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background: #666; display: none; } .listMenu { position: absolute; display: block; } .listMenu.show { display: block; width: 100%; left: 0; z-index: 100; } .listMenu .menuButton { display: inline-block; position: absolute; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; border: 1px solid #666; color: #fff; background: #666; cursor: pointer; top: 0; text-align: center; } .listMenu .menuButton:hover { border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #333; } .listMenu .menuButton:active { box-shadow: none; transform: translate(0, 1px); } .listMenu .itemDetailRequest { right: 176px; width: auto; padding: 0 8px; } .listMenu .clipBoard { right: 120px; width: 48px; } .listMenu .addWordFilter { right: 64px; width: 48px; } .listMenu .addUserIdFilter { right: 8px; width: 48px; } .commentListItem { position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 40px; line-height: 20px; font-size: 20px; white-space: nowrap; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #222; z-index: 50; } .active .commentListItem { pointer-events: auto; } .commentListItem * { cursor: default; } .commentListItem.odd { background: #333; } .commentListItem.updating { opacity: 0.5; cursor: wait; } .commentListItem .info { display: block; width: 100%; font-size: 14px; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: #888; margin: 0; padding: 0 4px; } .commentListItem .timepos { display: inline-block; width: 100px; } .commentListItem .text { display: block; font-size: 16px; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: #ccc; margin: 0; padding: 0 4px; font-family: arial, 'Menlo'; } .active .commentListItem:hover { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: visible; z-index: 60; height: auto; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000, 2px -2px 2px #000; } .active .commentListItem:hover .text { white-space: normal; word-break: break-all; /*overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: visible;*/ height: auto; } .commentListItem.fork1 .timepos { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #008800, -1px -1px 0 #008800 !important; } .commentListItem.fork2 .timepos { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #880000, -1px -1px 0 #880000 !important; } .commentListItem.fork2 .text, .commentListItem.fork1 .text { font-weight: bolder; } .begin ~ .commentListItem .text { color: #ffe; font-weight: bolder; } .end ~ .commentListItem .text { color: #ccc; font-weight: normal; } .commentListItem.active { outline: dashed 2px #ff8; outline-offset: 4px; } .font-gothic .text {font-family: "游ゴシック", "Yu Gothic", 'YuGothic', "MS ゴシック", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, Arial, Menlo;} .font-mincho .text {font-family: "游明朝体", "Yu Mincho", 'YuMincho', Simsun, Osaka-mono, "Osaka−等幅", "MS 明朝", "MS ゴシック", "モトヤLシーダ3等幅", 'Hiragino Mincho ProN', monospace;} .font-defont .text {font-family: 'Yu Gothic', 'YuGothic', "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "Meiryo", "ヒラギノ角ゴ", "IPAMonaPGothic", sans-serif, monospace, Menlo; } `).trim(); const TPL = (` <div class="commentListItem"> <p class="info"> <span class="timepos"></span> <span class="date"></span> </p> <p class="text"></p> </div> `).trim(); let counter = 0; let template; class CommentListItemView extends AsyncEmitter { static get template() { if (!template) { const t = document.createElement('template'); t.id = 'CommentListItemView-template' + Date.now(); t.innerHTML = TPL; document.body.appendChild(t); template = { t, clone: () => { return document.importNode(t.content, true).firstChild; }, commentListItem: t.content.querySelector('.commentListItem'), timepos: t.content.querySelector('.timepos'), date: t.content.querySelector('.date'), text: t.content.querySelector('.text') }; } return template; } constructor(params) { super(); this.initialize(params); } initialize(params) { this._item = params.item; this._index = params.index; this._height = params.height; this._id = counter++; } build() { const template = this.constructor.template; const {commentListItem, timepos, date, text} = template; const item = this._item; const oden = (this._index % 2 === 0) ? 'even' : 'odd'; const formattedDate = item.getFormattedDate(); commentListItem.setAttribute('id', this.getDomId()); commentListItem.setAttribute('data-item-id', item.getItemId()); commentListItem.setAttribute('data-no', item.getNo()); commentListItem.setAttribute('data-vpos', item.getVpos()); commentListItem.setAttribute('data-top', this.getTop()); commentListItem.setAttribute('data-title', `${item.getNo()}: ${formattedDate} ID:${item.getUserId()}\n${item.getText()}` ); const font = item.getFontCommand() || 'default'; commentListItem.className = `commentListItem no${item.getNo()} item${this._id} ${oden} fork${item.getFork()} font-${font}`; commentListItem.style.top = `${this.getTop()}px`; timepos.textContent = item.getTimePos(); date.textContent = formattedDate; text.textContent = item.getText().trim(); const color = item.getColor(); text.style.textShadow = color ? `0px 0px 2px ${color}` : ''; this._view = template.clone(); } getViewElement() { if (!this._view) { this.build(); } return this._view; } getItemId() { return this._item.getItemId(); } getDomId() { return 'item' + this._item.getItemId(); } getTop() { return this._index * this._height; } remove() { if (!this._view) { return; } this._view.remove(); } toString() { return this.getViewElement().outerHTML; } } CommentListItemView.TPL = TPL; CommentListItemView.CSS = CSS; return CommentListItemView; })(); var CommentListItem = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; CommentListItem._itemId = 0; _.extend(CommentListItem.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentListItem.prototype, { initialize: function(nicoChat) { this._nicoChat = nicoChat; this._itemId = CommentListItem._itemId++; this._vpos = nicoChat.getVpos(); this._text = nicoChat.getText(); this._escapedText = util.escapeHtml(this._text); this._userId = nicoChat.getUserId(); this._date = nicoChat.getDate(); this._fork = nicoChat.getFork(); this._no = nicoChat.getNo(); this._color = nicoChat.getColor(); this._fontCommand = nicoChat.getFontCommand(); var dt = new Date(this._date * 1000); this._formattedDate = dt.getFullYear() + '/' + ('0' + (dt.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '/' + ('0' + dt.getDate()) .slice(-2) + ' ' + ('0' + dt.getHours()) .slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + dt.getMinutes()) .slice(-2); var sec = this._vpos / 100; var m = (Math.floor(sec / 60) + 100).toString().substr(1); var s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); this._timePos = m + ':' + s; }, getItemId: function() { return this._itemId; }, getVpos: function() { return this._vpos; }, getTimePos: function() { return this._timePos; }, getCmd: function() { return this._nicoChat.getCmd(); }, getText: function() { return this._text; }, getEscapedText: function() { return this._escapedText; }, getUserId: function() { return this._userId; }, getColor: function() { return this._color; }, getDate: function() { return this._date; }, getTime: function() { return this._date * 1000; }, getFormattedDate: function() { return this._formattedDate; }, getFork: function() { return this._fork; }, getNo: function() { return this._no; }, getFontCommand: function() { return this._fontCommand; } }); var CommentList = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentList.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentList.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._thumbInfoLoader = params.loader || ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader; this._$container = params.$container; this._model = new CommentListModel({ uniq: true, maxItem: 100 }); this._initializeView(); }, _initializeView: function() { if (this._view) { return; } this._view = new CommentListView({ $container: this._$container, model: this._model }); this._view.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); }, update: function(listData, watchId) { if (!this._view) { this._initializeView(); } this._watchId = watchId; var items = []; listData.forEach(itemData => { items.push(new CommentListItem(itemData)); }); if (items.length < 1) { return; } this._view.insertItem(items); }, _onCommand: function(command, param, itemId) { this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); } }); var CommentPanelView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentPanelView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); CommentPanelView.__css__ = (` :root { --zenza-comment-panel-header-height: 64px; } .commentPanel-container { height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .commentPanel-header { height: var(--zenza-comment-panel-header-height); border-bottom: 1px solid #000; background: #333; color: #ccc; } .commentPanel-menu-button { cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #333; padding: 0px 4px; margin: 0 4px; background: #666; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px; white-space: nowrap; } .commentPanel-menu-button:hover { border: 1px outset; } .commentPanel-menu-button:active { border: 1px inset; } .commentPanel-menu-button .commentPanel-menu-icon { font-size: 24px; line-height: 28px; } .commentPanel-container.autoScroll .autoScroll { text-shadow: 0 0 6px #f99; color: #ff9; } .commentPanel-frame { height: calc(100% - var(--zenza-comment-panel-header-height)); transition: opacity 0.3s; } .updating .commentPanel-frame, .shuffle .commentPanel-frame { opacity: 0; } .commentPanel-menu-toggle { position: absolute; right: 8px; display: inline-block; font-size: 14px; line-height: 32px; cursor: pointer; } .commentPanel-menu { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 24px; min-width: 150px; } .commentPanel-menu li { line-height: 20px; } .commentPanel-container.lang-ja_JP .commentPanel-command[data-param=ja_JP], .commentPanel-container.lang-en_US .commentPanel-command[data-param=en_US], .commentPanel-container.lang-zh_TW .commentPanel-command[data-param=zh_TW] { font-weight: bolder; color: #ff9; } `).trim(); CommentPanelView.__tpl__ = (` <div class="commentPanel-container"> <div class="commentPanel-header"> <label class="commentPanel-menu-button autoScroll commentPanel-command" data-command="toggleScroll"><icon class="commentPanel-menu-icon">⬇️</icon> 自動スクロール</label> <div class="commentPanel-command commentPanel-menu-toggle" data-command="toggleMenu"> ▼ メニュー <div class="zenzaPopupMenu commentPanel-menu"> <div class="listInner"> <ul> <li class="commentPanel-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="vpos"> コメント位置順に並べる </li> <li class="commentPanel-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="date:desc"> コメントの新しい順に並べる </li> <hr class="separator"> <li class="commentPanel-command" data-command="update-commentLanguage" data-param="ja_JP"> 日本語 </li> <li class="commentPanel-command" data-command="update-commentLanguage" data-param="en_US"> English </li> <li class="commentPanel-command" data-command="update-commentLanguage" data-param="zh_TW"> 中文 </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="timeMachineContainer forMember"></div> </div> <div class="commentPanel-frame"></div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(CommentPanelView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._$container = params.$container; this._model = params.model; this._commentPanel = params.commentPanel; util.addStyle(CommentPanelView.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(CommentPanelView.__tpl__); this._$container.append($view); var $menu = this._$menu = this._$view.find('.commentPanel-menu'); ZenzaWatch.debug.commentPanelView = this; var listView = this._listView = new CommentListView({ $container: this._$view.find('.commentPanel-frame'), model: this._model, className: 'commentList', builder: CommentListItemView, itemCss: CommentListItemView.__css__ }); listView.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._timeMachineView = new TimeMachineView({ parentNode: document.querySelector('.timeMachineContainer')}); this._timeMachineView.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._commentPanel.on('threadInfo', _.debounce(this._onThreadInfo.bind(this), 100)); this._commentPanel.on('update', _.debounce(this._onCommentPanelStatusUpdate.bind(this), 100)); this._commentPanel.on('itemDetailResp', _.debounce((item) => { listView.showItemDetail(item); }, 100)); this._onCommentPanelStatusUpdate(); this._model.on('currentTimeUpdate', this._onModelCurrentTimeUpdate.bind(this)); this._$view.on('click', '.commentPanel-command', this._onCommentListCommandClick.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', () => { $menu.removeClass('show'); }); }, toggleClass: function(className, v) { this._view.toggleClass(className, v); this._$view.toggleClass(className, v); }, _onModelCurrentTimeUpdate: function(sec, viewIndex) { if (!this._$view || !this._$view.is(':visible')) { return; } this._lastCurrentTime = sec; this._listView.setCurrentPoint(viewIndex); }, _onCommand: function(command, param, itemId) { switch (command) { default: this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); break; } }, _onCommentListCommandClick: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target).closest('.commentPanel-command'); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param'); e.stopPropagation(); if (!command) { return; } var $view = this._$view; var setUpdating = () => { $view.addClass('updating'); window.setTimeout(() => { $view.removeClass('updating'); }, 1000); }; switch (command) { case 'toggleMenu': e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this._$menu.addClass('show'); return; case 'sortBy': setUpdating(); this.emit('command', command, param); break; case 'reloadComment': setUpdating(); this.emit('command', command, param); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); }, _onThreadInfo(threadInfo) { this._timeMachineView.update(threadInfo); }, _onCommentPanelStatusUpdate: function() { let commentPanel = this._commentPanel; const $view = this._$view .toggleClass('autoScroll', commentPanel.isAutoScroll()); const langClass = 'lang-' + commentPanel.getLanguage(); if (!$view.hasClass(langClass)) { $view.removeClass('lang-ja_JP lang-en_US lang-zh_TW').addClass(langClass); } } }); var CommentPanel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(CommentPanel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentPanel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._thumbInfoLoader = params.loader || ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader; this._$container = params.$container; var player = this._player = params.player; this._autoScroll = _.isBoolean(params.autoScroll) ? params.autoScroll : true; this._model = new CommentListModel({}); this._language = params.language || 'ja_JP'; player.on('commentParsed', _.debounce(this._onCommentParsed.bind(this), 500)); player.on('commentChange', _.debounce(this._onCommentChange.bind(this), 500)); player.on('commentReady', _.debounce(this._onCommentReady.bind(this), 500)); player.on('open', this._onPlayerOpen.bind(this)); player.on('close', this._onPlayerClose.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.debug.commentPanel = this; }, _initializeView: function() { if (this._view) { return; } this._view = new CommentPanelView({ $container: this._$container, model: this._model, commentPanel: this, builder: CommentListItemView, itemCss: CommentListItemView.__css__ }); this._view.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); }, startTimer: function() { this.stopTimer(); this._timer = window.setInterval(this._onTimer.bind(this), 200); }, stopTimer: function() { if (this._timer) { window.clearInterval(this._timer); this._timer = null; } }, _onTimer: function() { if (this._autoScroll) { this.setCurrentTime(this._player.getCurrentTime()); } }, _onCommand: function(command, param, itemId) { var item; if (itemId) { item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); } switch (command) { case 'toggleScroll': this.toggleScroll(); break; case 'sortBy': var tmp = param.split(':'); this.sortBy(tmp[0], tmp[1] === 'desc'); break; case 'select': var vpos = item.getVpos(); this.emit('command', 'seek', vpos / 100); // TODO: コメント強調 break; case 'clipBoard': ZenzaWatch.util.copyToClipBoard(item.getText()); this.emit('command', 'notify', 'クリップボードにコピーしました'); break; case 'addUserIdFilter': this._model.removeItem(item); this.emit('command', command, item.getUserId()); break; case 'addWordFilter': this._model.removeItem(item); this.emit('command', command, item.getText()); break; case 'reloadComment': if (item) { param = {}; let dt = new Date(item.getTime()); this.emit('command', 'notify', item.getFormattedDate() + '頃のログ'); //window.console.log('when!', dt.getTime(), item); param.when = Math.floor(dt.getTime() / 1000); } this.emit('command', command, param); break; case 'itemDetailRequest': if (item) { this.emit('itemDetailResp', item); } break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); } }, _onCommentParsed: function(language) { this.setLanguage(language); this._initializeView(); this.setChatList(this._player.getChatList()); this.startTimer(); }, _onCommentChange: function(language) { this.setLanguage(language); this._initializeView(); this.setChatList(this._player.getChatList()); }, _onCommentReady: function(r###lt, threadInfo) { this._threadInfo = threadInfo; this.emit('threadInfo', threadInfo); }, _onPlayerOpen: function() { this._model.clear(); }, _onPlayerClose: function() { this._model.clear(); this.stopTimer(); }, setChatList: function(chatList) { if (!this._model) { return; } this._model.setChatList(chatList); }, isAutoScroll: function() { return this._autoScroll; }, getLanguage: function() { return this._language || 'ja_JP'; }, getThreadInfo: function() { return this._threadInfo; }, setLanguage: function(lang) { if (lang !== this._language) { this._language = lang; this.emit('update'); } }, toggleScroll: function(v) { if (!_.isBoolean(v)) { this._autoScroll = !this._autoScroll; if (this._autoScroll) { this._model.sortBy('vpos'); } this.emit('update'); return; } if (this._autoScroll !== v) { this._autoScroll = v; if (this._autoScroll) { this._model.sortBy('vpos'); } this.emit('update'); } }, sortBy: function(key, isDesc) { this._model.sortBy(key, isDesc); if (key !== 'vpos') { this.toggleScroll(false); } }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { if (!this._view) { return; } if (!this._autoScroll) { return; } this._model.setCurrentTime(sec); } }); class TimeMachineView extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'TimeMachineView', template: '<div class="TimeMachineView"></div>', shadow: TimeMachineView._shadow_, css: '' }); this._bound._onTimer = this._onTimer.bind(this); this._state = { isWaybackMode: false, isSelecting: false, }; this._currentTimestamp = Date.now(); ZenzaWatch.debug.timeMachineView = this; window.setInterval(this._bound._onTimer, 3 * 1000); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); const v = this._shadow || this._view; Object.assign(this._elm, { time: v.querySelector('.dateTime'), back: v.querySelector('.backToTheFuture'), input: v.querySelector('.dateTimeInput'), submit: v.querySelector('.dateTim###bmit'), cancel: v.querySelector('.dateTimeCancel') }); this._updateTimestamp(); this._elm.time.addEventListener('click', this._toggle.bind(this)); this._elm.back.addEventListener('mousedown', _.debounce(this._onBack.bind(this), 300)); this._elm.submit.addEventListener('click', this._onSubmit.bind(this)); this._elm.cancel.addEventListener('click', this._onCancel.bind(this)); } update(threadInfo) { //window.console.info('TimeMachineView update', threadInfo); this._videoPostTime = threadInfo.threadId * 1000; const isWaybackMode = threadInfo.isWaybackMode; this.setState({isWaybackMode, isSelecting: false}); if (isWaybackMode) { this._currentTimestamp = threadInfo.when * 1000; } else { this._currentTimestamp = Date.now(); } this._updateTimestamp(); } _updateTimestamp() { if (isNaN(this._currentTimestamp)) { return; } this._elm.time.textContent = this._currentTime = this._toDate(this._currentTimestamp); } openSelect() { const input = this._elm.input; const now = this._toTDate(Date.now()); input.setAttribute('max', now); input.setAttribute('value', this._toTDate(this._currentTimestamp)); input.setAttribute('min', this._toTDate(this._videoPostTime)); this.setState({isSelecting: true}); window.setTimeout(() => { input.focus(); }, 0); } closeSelect() { this.setState({isSelecting: false}); } _toggle() { if (this._state.isSelecting) { this.closeSelect(); } else { this.openSelect(); } } _onTimer() { if (this._state.isWaybackMode) { return; } let now = Date.now(); let str = this._toDate(now); if (this._currentTime === str) { return; } this._currentTimestamp = now; this._updateTimestamp(); } _padTime(time) { let pad = (v) => { return (v * 1 + 100).toString().substr(1); }; let dt = new Date(time); return { yyyy: dt.getFullYear(), mm: pad(dt.getMonth() + 1), dd: pad(dt.getDate()), h: pad(dt.getHours()), m: pad(dt.getMinutes()), s: pad(dt.getSeconds()) }; } _toDate(time) { let {yyyy, mm, dd, h, m} = this._padTime(time); return `${yyyy}/${mm}/${dd} ${h}:${m}`; } _toTDate(time) { let {yyyy, mm, dd, h, m, s} = this._padTime(time); return `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}T${h}:${m}:${s}`; } _onSubmit() { const val = this._elm.input.value; if (!val || !/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d(|:\d\d)$/.test(val)) { return; } const dt = new Date(val); const when = Math.floor(Math.max(dt.getTime(), this._videoPostTime) / 1000); this.emit('command', 'reloadComment', {when}); this.closeSelect(); } _onCancel() { this.closeSelect(); } _onBack() { this.setState({isWaybackMode: false}); this.closeSelect(); this.emit('command', 'reloadComment', {when: 0}); } } TimeMachineView._shadow_ = (` <style> .dateTime { display: inline-block; margin: auto 4px 4px; padding: 0 4px; border: 1px solid; background: #888; color: #000; font-size: 20px; line-height: 24px; font-family: monospace; cursor: pointer; } .is-WaybackMode .dateTime { background: #000; color: #888; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ccc, 0 0 4px #ccc inset; } .reloadButton { display: inline-block; line-height: 24px; font-size: 16px; margin: auto 4px; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; transition: transform 0.1s; } .is-WaybackMode .reloadButton { display: none; } .reloadButton .icon { display: inline-block; transform: rotate(90deg) scale(1.3); transition: transform 1s, color 0.2s, text-shadow 0.2s; text-shadow: none; font-family: 'STIXGeneral'; margin-right: 8px; } .reloadButton:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .reloadButton:active { color: #888; cursor: wait; } .reloadButton:active .icon { text-decoration: none; transform: rotate(-270deg) scale(2); transition: none; color: #ff0; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #ff8; } .backToTheFuture { display: none; line-height: 24px; font-size: 16px; margin: auto 4px; cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.1s; user-select: none; } .backToTheFuture:hover { text-shadow: 0 0 8px #ffc; transform: translate(0, -2px); } .backToTheFuture:active { text-shadow: none; transform: translate(0px, -1000px); } .is-WaybackMode .backToTheFuture { display: inline-block; } .inputContainer { display: none; position: absolute; top: 32px; left: 4px; background: #333; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #fff; } .is-Selecting .inputContainer { display: block; } .dateTimeInput { display: block; font-size: 16px; } .submitContainer { text-align: right; } .dateTim###bmit, .dateTimeCancel { display: inline-block; min-width: 50px; cursor: pointer; padding: 4px 8px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #888; text-align: center; transition: background 0.2s, transform 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s; user-select: none; } .dateTim###bmit:hover, .dateTimeCancel:hover { background: #666; transform: translate(0, -2px); box-shadow: 0 4px 2px #000; } .dateTim###bmit:active, .dateTimeCancel:active { background: #333; transform: translate(0, 0); box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000 inset; } .dateTim###bmit { } .dateTimeCancel { } </style> <div class="root TimeMachine"> <div class="dateTime" title="TimeMachine">0000/00/00 00:00</div> <div class="reloadButton command" data-command="reloadComment" data-param="0" title="コメントのリロード"><span class="icon">↻</span>リロード</div> <div class="backToTheFuture" title="Back To The Future">⮐ Back</div> <div class="inputContainer"> <input type="datetime-local" class="dateTimeInput"> <div class="submitContainer"> <div class="dateTim###bmit">G O</div> <div class="dateTimeCancel">Cancel</div> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); TimeMachineView.__tpl__ = (`<div class="TimeMachineView forMember"></div>`).trim(); var VideoListModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoListModel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoListModel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { //this._$container = params.$container; this._isUniq = params.uniq; this._items = []; this._maxItems = params.maxItems || 100; this._boundOnItemUpdate = this._onItemUpdate.bind(this); }, setItem: function(itemList) { itemList = _.isArray(itemList) ? itemList: [itemList]; this._items = itemList; if (this._isUniq) { this._items = _.uniq(this._items, false, function(item) { return item.getWatchId(); }); } this.emit('update', this._items, true); }, clear: function() { this.setItem([]); }, insertItem: function(itemList, index) { //window.console.log('insertItem', itemList, index); itemList = _.isArray(itemList) ? itemList : [itemList]; if (itemList.length < 1) { return; } index = Math.min(this._items.length, (_.isNumber(index) ? index : 0)); Array.prototype.splice.apply(this._items, [index, 0].concat(itemList)); if (this._isUniq) { _.each(itemList, (i) => { this.removeSameWatchId(i); }); } this._items.splice(this._maxItems); this.emit('update', this._items); return this.indexOf(itemList[0]); }, appendItem: function(itemList) { itemList = _.isArray(itemList) ? itemList: [itemList]; if (itemList.length < 1) { return; } this._items = this._items.concat(itemList); if (this._isUniq) { _.each(itemList, (i) => { this.removeSameWatchId(i); }); } while (this._items.length > this._maxItems) { this._items.shift(); } this.emit('update', this._items); return this._items.length - 1; }, updateItem: function(index, videoInfo) { var target = this._getItemByIndex(index); if (!target) { return; } target.updateByVideoInfo(videoInfo); }, removeItemByIndex: function(index) { var target = this._getItemByIndex(index); if (!target) { return; } this._items = _.reject(this._items, function(item) { return item === target; }); }, removePlayedItem: function() { var beforeLen = this._items.length; this._items = _.reject(this._items, function(item) { return !item.isActive() && item.isPlayed(); }); var afterLen = this._items.length; if (beforeLen !== afterLen) { this.emit('update', this._items); } }, resetPlayedItemFlag: function() { _.each(this._items, function(item) { if (item.isPlayed()) { item.setIsPlayed(false); } }); this.onUpdate(); }, removeNonActiveItem: function() { var beforeLen = this._items.length; this._items = _.reject(this._items, function(item) { return !item.isActive(); }); var afterLen = this._items.length; if (beforeLen !== afterLen) { this.emit('update', this._items); } }, shuffle: function() { this._items = _.shuffle(this._items); this.emit('update', this._items); }, getLength: function() { return this._items.length; }, _getItemByIndex: function(index) { var item = this._items[index]; return item; }, indexOf: function(item) { return _.indexOf(this._items, item); }, getItemByIndex: function(index) { var item = this._getItemByIndex(index); if (!item) { return null; } if (!item.hasBind) { item.hasBind = true; item.on('update', this._boundOnItemUpdate); } return item; }, findByItemId: function(itemId) { itemId = parseInt(itemId, 10); return _.find(this._items, (item) => { if (item.getItemId() === itemId) { if (!item.hasBind) { item.hasBind = true; item.on('update', this._boundOnItemUpdate); } return true; } }); }, findByWatchId: function(watchId) { watchId = watchId + ''; return _.find(this._items, (item) => { if (item.getWatchId() === watchId) { if (!item.hasBind) { item.hasBind = true; item.on('update', this._boundOnItemUpdate); } return true; } }); }, findActiveItem: function() { return _.find(this._items, (item) => { return item.isActive(); }); }, removeItem: function(item) { var beforeLen = this._items.length; _.pull(this._items, item); var afterLen = this._items.length; if (beforeLen !== afterLen) { //this.emit('update', this._items); this.emit('item-remove', item); } }, /** * パラメータで指定されたitemと同じwatchIdのitemを削除 */ removeSameWatchId: function(item) { const watchId = item.getWatchId(); const beforeLen = this._items.length; _.remove(this._items, i => { return item !== i && i.getWatchId() === watchId; }); var afterLen = this._items.length; if (beforeLen !== afterLen) { this.emit('update', this._items); } }, uniq: function(item) { this._items.forEach((i) => { if (i === item) { return; } this.removeSameWatchId(i); }); }, _onItemUpdate: function(item, key, value) { this.emit('item-update', item, key, value); }, getTotalDuration: function() { return _.reduce(this._items, function(r###lt, item) { return r###lt + item.getDuration(); }, 0); }, serialize: function() { return _.reduce(this._items, function(r###lt, item) { r###lt.push(item.serialize()); return r###lt; }, []); }, unserialize: function(itemDataList) { var items = []; _.each(itemDataList, function(itemData) { items.push(new VideoListItem(itemData)); }); this.setItem(items); }, sortBy: function(key, isDesc) { var table = { watchId: 'getWatchId', duration: 'getDuration', title: 'getSortTitle', comment: 'getCommentCount', mylist: 'getMylistCount', view: 'getViewCount', postedAt: 'getPostedAt', }; var func = table[key]; //window.console.log('sortBy', key, func, isDesc); if (!func) { return; } this._items = _.sortBy(this._items, function(item) { return item[func](); }); if (isDesc) { this._items.reverse(); } this.onUpdate(); }, onUpdate: function() { this.emitAsync('update', this._items); } }); // なんか汎用性を持たせようとして失敗してる奴 const VideoListItemView = (() => { const ITEM_HEIGHT = 100; const THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 96; const THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 72; // ここはDOM的に隔離されてるので外部要因との干渉を考えなくてよい const CSS = (` * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background: #333; overflow-x: hidden; counter-reset: video; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar { background: #222; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 0; background: #666; } #listContainer::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background: #666; display: none; } .scrollToTop { position: fixed; width: 32px; height: 32px; right: 32px; bottom: 8px; font-size: 24px; line-height: 32px; text-align: center; z-index: 100; background: #ccc; color: #000; border-radius: 100%; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0.3; transition: opacity 0.4s ease; } .scrollToTop:hover { opacity: 0.9; box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fff; } .videoItem { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: ${ITEM_HEIGHT}px; overflow: hidden; transition: transform 0.4s ease, box-shadow 0.4s ease, margin-left 0.4s ease, margin-top 0.4s ease; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } .playlist .videoItem { cursor: move; } .playlist .videoItem::before { content: counter(video); counter-increment: video; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 80%; color: #666; font-family: Impact; font-size: 45px; pointer-events: none; z-index: 1; line-height: ${ITEM_HEIGHT}px; opacity: 0.6; transform: translate(0, -50%); } .videoItem.is-updating { opacity: 0.5; cursor: wait; } .videoItem.dragging { pointer-events: none; box-shadow: 8px 8px 4px #000; background: #666; opacity: 0.8; transition: box-shadow 0.4s ease, margin-left 0.4s ease, margin-top 0.4s ease; z-index: 10000; } body.dragging * { cursor: move; } body.dragging .videoItem.dragover { outline: 5px dashed #99f; } body.dragging .videoItem.dragover * { opacity: 0.3; } body:not(.is-pocketReady) .pocket-info { display: none !important; } .videoItem + .videoItem { border-top: 1px dotted #888; margin-top: 4px; outline-offset: -8px; } .separator + .videoItem { border-top: 1px dotted #333; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: ${THUMBNAIL_WIDTH}px; height: ${THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT}px; margin: 4px 4px 0; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .thumbnail { transition: box-shaow 0.4s ease, outline 0.4s ease, transform 0.4s ease; width: ${THUMBNAIL_WIDTH}px; height: ${THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT}px; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .thumbnail:active { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #f99; transform: translate(0, 4px); transition: none; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .playlistAdd, .videoItem .playlistRemove, .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd, .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .pocket-info { position: absolute; display: none; color: #fff; background: #666; width: 24px; height: 20px; line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; font-weight: bolder; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.2s; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .playlistAdd { left: 0; bottom: 0; } .videoItem .playlistRemove { right: 8px; top: 0; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd { right: 0; bottom: 0; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .pocket-info { right: 24px; bottom: 0; } .playlist .videoItem .playlistAdd { display: none !important; } .videoItem .playlistRemove { display: none; } .playlist .videoItem:not(.is-active):hover .playlistRemove { display: inline-block; } .playlist .videoItem:not(.is-active):hover .playlistRemove, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .playlistAdd, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .pocket-info { display: inline-block; border: 1px outset; } .playlist .videoItem:not(.is-active):hover .playlistRemove:hover, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .playlistAdd:hover, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd:hover, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .pocket-info:hover { transform: scale(1.5); box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000; } .playlist .videoItem:not(.is-active):hover .playlistRemove:active, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .playlistAdd:active, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd:active, .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .pocket-info:active { transform: scale(1.3); border: 1px inset; transition: none; } .videoItem.is-updating .thumbnailContainer .deflistAdd { transform: scale(1.0) !important; border: 1px inset !important; pointer-events: none; } .videoItem .thumbnailContainer .duration { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); font-size: 12px; color: #fff; } .videoItem:hover .thumbnailContainer .duration { display: none; } .videoItem .videoInfo { posigion: absolute; top: 0; margin-left: 104px; height: 100%; } .videoItem .postedAt { font-size: 12px; color: #ccc; } .videoItem.is-played .postedAt::after { content: ' ●'; font-size: 10px; } .videoItem .counter { position: absolute; top: 80px; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .videoItem .title { height: 52px; overflow: hidden; } .videoItem .videoLink { font-size: 14px; color: #ff9; transition: background 0.4s ease, color 0.4s ease; } .videoItem .videoLink:visited { color: #ffd; } .videoItem .videoLink:active { color: #fff; background: #663; transition: none; } .videoItem.noVideoCounter .counter { display: none; } .videoItem .counter { font-size: 12px; color: #ccc; } .videoItem .counter .value { font-weight: bolder; } .videoItem .counter .count { white-space: nowrap; } .videoItem .counter .count + .count { margin-left: 8px; } .videoItem.is-active { /*outline: dashed 2px #ff8; outline-offset: 4px;*/ border: none !important; background: #776; } @keyframes dropbox { 0% { } 5% { opacity: 0.8; } 99% { box-shadow: 8px 8px 8px #000; transform: translate(0, 500px); opacity: 0.5; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } .videoItem.deleting { pointer-events: none; animation-name: dropbox; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @media screen and (min-width: 600px) { #listContainerInner { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr)); } .videoItem { margin: 0 8px; border-top: none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #888; } } `).trim(); const TPL = (` <div class="videoItem"> <span class="command playlistRemove" data-command="playlistRemove" title="プレイリストから削除">×</span> <div class="thumbnailContainer"> <a class="command" data-command="select"> <img class="thumbnail" decoding="async"> <span class="duration"></span> <span class="command playlistAdd" data-command="playlistAdd" title="プレイリストに追加">▶</span> <span class="command deflistAdd" data-command="deflistAdd" title="とりあえずマイリスト">✚</span> <span class="command pocket-info" data-command="pocket-info" title="動画情報">?</span> </a> </div> <div class="videoInfo"> <div class="postedAt"></div> <div class="title"> <a class="command videoLink" data-command="select"></a> </div> </div> <div class="counter"> <span class="count">再生: <span class="value viewCount"></span></span> <span class="count">コメ: <span class="value commentCount"></span></span> <span class="count">マイ: <span class="value mylistCount"></span></span> </div> </div> `).trim(); let counter = 0; let template; class VideoListItemView extends AsyncEmitter { static get template() { if (!template) { const t = document.createElement('template'); t.id = 'VideoListItemView-template' + Date.now(); t.innerHTML = TPL; document.body.appendChild(t); const tc = t.content; template = { t, clone: () => { return document.importNode(t.content, true).firstChild; }, videoItem: tc.querySelector('.videoItem'), duration: tc.querySelector('.duration'), thumbnail: tc.querySelector('.thumbnail'), thumbnailLink: tc.querySelector('.thumbnailContainer>a'), videoLink: tc.querySelector('.videoLink'), postedAt: tc.querySelector('.postedAt'), viewCount: tc.querySelector('.viewCount'), commentCount: tc.querySelector('.commentCount'), mylistCount: tc.querySelector('.mylistCount'), playlistAdd: tc.querySelector('.playlistAdd'), playlistRemove:tc.querySelector('.playlistRemove'), deflistAdd: tc.querySelector('.deflistAdd'), pocketInfo: tc.querySelector('.pocket-info') }; } return template; } constructor(params) { super(); this.initialize(params); } initialize(params) { this.watchId = params.watchId; this._item = params.item; this._isLazy = typeof params.enableLazyLoadImage === 'boolean' ? params.enableLazyLoadImage : false; this._id = counter++; } build() { const template = this.constructor.template; const {videoItem, duration, thumbnail, thumbnailLink, videoLink, postedAt, viewCount, commentCount, mylistCount, playlistAdd, playlistRemove, deflistAdd, pocketInfo} = template; const item = this._item; const title = item.getTitle(); const count = item.getCount(); const itemId = item.getItemId(); const watchId = item.getWatchId(); const watchUrl = `//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${watchId}`; videoItem.className = `videoItem watch${watchId} item${itemId} ${item.isActive() ? 'is-active' : ''} ${item.isUpdating() ? 'is-updating' : ''} ${item.isPlayed() ? 'is-played' : ''}`; videoItem.setAttribute('data-item-id', itemId); videoItem.setAttribute('data-watch-id', watchId); thumbnail.classList.toggle('lazy-load', this._isLazy); thumbnail.setAttribute('data-watch-id', watchId); if (this._isLazy) { thumbnail.setAttribute('src', CONSTANT.BLANK_PNG); } else { thumbnail.setAttribute('src', item.getThumbnail()); } thumbnail.setAttribute('data-src', item.getThumbnail()); thumbnailLink.setAttribute('href', watchUrl); thumbnailLink.setAttribute('data-param', itemId); videoLink.setAttribute('href', watchUrl); videoLink.setAttribute('data-param', itemId); videoLink.setAttribute('title', title); videoLink.textContent = title; duration.textContent = this._secToTime(item.getDuration()); postedAt.textContent = item.getPostedAt(); viewCount.textContent = this._addComma(count.view); commentCount.textContent = this._addComma(count.comment); mylistCount.textContent = this._addComma(count.mylist); playlistAdd .setAttribute('data-param', watchId); playlistRemove.setAttribute('data-param', watchId); deflistAdd .setAttribute('data-param', watchId); pocketInfo .setAttribute('data-param', watchId); this._view = template.clone(); } rebuild(item) { this._isLazy = false; this._item = item; const lastView = this._view; if (!lastView) { return this.build(); } this.build(); if (lastView.parentNode) { lastView.parentNode.replaceChild(this.getViewElement(), lastView); } } getWatchId() { return this._item.getWatchId(); } getViewElement() { if (!this._view) { this.build(); } return this._view; } remove() { if (!this._view) { return; } this._view.remove(); } toString() { return this.getView().outerHTML; } _secToTime(sec) { const m = Math.floor(sec / 60); const s = (Math.floor(sec) % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1); return [m, s].join(':'); } _addComma(m) { if (isNaN(m)) { return '---'; } return m.toLocaleString ? m.toLocaleString() : util.escapeHtml(m); } addClass(className) { this.toggleClass(className, true); } removeClass(className) { this.toggleClass(className, false); } toggleClass(className, v) { if (!this._view) { this.build(); } this._view.classList.toggle(className, v); } } VideoListItemView.CSS = CSS; VideoListItemView.TPL = TPL; return VideoListItemView; })(); /** * DOM的に隔離したiframeの中に生成する。 * かなり実験要素が多いのでまだまだ変わる。 */ var VideoListView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoListView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); VideoListView.__css__ = ''; VideoListView.__tpl__ = (` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>VideoList</title> <style type="text/css"> body { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; min-height: 100%; transition: 0.2s opacity; } body.is-updating { pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.5; transition: none; } body.drag-over>* { opacity: 0.5; pointer-events: none; } #listContainer { position: absolute; top: 0; left:0; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } #listContainerInner { scroll-behavior: smooth; } </style> <style id="listItemStyle">%CSS%</style> <body> <div id="listContainer"> <div id="listContainerInner"></div> </div> <div class="scrollToTop command" title="一番上にスクロール" data-command="scrollToTop">⌃</div> </body> </html> `).trim(); _.extend(VideoListView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoListView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._ItemView = params.itemView || VideoListItemView; this._itemCss = params.itemCss || VideoListItemView.CSS; this._className = params.className || 'videoList'; this._$container = params.$container; this._retryGetIframeCount = 0; this._itemViewCache = new WeakMap(); this._maxItems = params.max || 100; this._dragdrop = typeof params.dragdrop === 'boolean' ? params.dragdrop : false; this._dropfile = typeof params.dropfile === 'boolean' ? params.dropfile : false; this._model = params.model; if (this._model) { this._model.on('update', _.debounce(this._onModelUpdate.bind(this), 100)); this._model.on('item-update', this._onModelItemUpdate.bind(this)); this._model.on('item-remove', this._onModelItemRemove.bind(this)); } this._enableLazyLoadImage = window.IntersectionObserver ? true : false; this._hasLazyLoad = {}; this._initializeView(params); }, _initializeView: function(params) { var html = VideoListView.__tpl__.replace('%CSS%', this._itemCss); this._frame = new FrameLayer({ $container: params.$container, html: html, className: 'videoListFrame' }); this._frame.on('load', this._onIframeLoad.bind(this)); }, _onIframeLoad: function(w) { const doc = this._document = w.document; const $body = this._$body = $(doc.body); this._$window = $(w); if (this._className) { doc.body.classList.add(this._className); } this._$container = $body.find('#listContainer'); const list = this._list = doc.getElementById('listContainerInner'); if (this._documentFragment instanceof Node) { list.appendChild(this._documentFragment); this._setInviewObserver(); this._documentFragment = null; } $body.on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); $body.on('dblclick', this._onDblclick.bind(this)); $body.on('keydown', e => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('keydown', e); }); $body.on('keyup', e => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('keyup', e); }); if (this._dragdrop) { $body.on('mousedown', this._onBodyMouseDown.bind(this)); } if (this._dropfile) { $body .on('dragover', this._onBodyDragOverFile .bind(this)) .on('dragenter', this._onBodyDragEnterFile.bind(this)) .on('dragleave', this._onBodyDragLeaveFile.bind(this)) .on('drop', this._onBodyDropFile .bind(this)); } MylistPocketDetector.detect().then((pocket) => { this._pocket = pocket; $body.addClass('is-pocketReady'); }); }, _onBodyMouseDown: function(e) { var $item = $(e.target).closest('.videoItem'); if ($item.length < 1) { return; } if ($(e.target).closest('.command').length > 0) { return; } this._$dragging = $item; this._dragOffset = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, st: this.scrollTop() }; this._$dragTarget = null; this._$body.find('.dragover').removeClass('dragover'); this._bindDragStartEvents(); }, _bindDragStartEvents: function() { this._$body .on('mousemove.drag', this._onBodyMouseMove .bind(this)) .on('mouseup.drag', this._onBodyMouseUp .bind(this)) .on('blur.drag', this._onBodyBlur .bind(this)) .on('mouseleave.drag', this._onBodyMouseLeave.bind(this)); }, _unbindDragStartEvents: function() { this._$body .off('mousemove.drag') .off('mouseup.drag') .off('blur.drag') .off('mouseleave.drag'); }, _onBodyMouseMove: function(e) { if (!this._$dragging) { return; } var l = e.pageX - this._dragOffset.x; var r = e.pageY - this._dragOffset.y + (this.scrollTop() - this._dragOffset.st); var translate = ['translate(', l, 'px, ', r, 'px)'].join(''); if (l * l + r * r < 100) { return; } this._$body.addClass('dragging'); this._$dragging .addClass('dragging') .css('transform', translate); this._$body.find('.dragover').removeClass('dragover'); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.videoItem'); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } this._$dragTarget = $target.addClass('dragover'); }, _onBodyMouseUp: function(e) { this._unbindDragStartEvents(); var $dragging = this._$dragging; this._endBodyMouseDragging(); if (!$dragging) { return; } var $target = $(e.target).closest('.videoItem'); if ($target.length < 1) { $target = this._$dragTarget; } if (!$target || $target.length < 1) { return; } var srcId = $dragging.attr('data-item-id'), destId = $target.attr('data-item-id'); if (srcId === destId) { return; } $dragging.css('opacity', 0); $target.css('opacity', 0); this.emit('moveItem', srcId, destId); }, _onBodyBlur: function() { this._endBodyMouseDragging(); }, _onBodyMouseLeave: function() { this._endBodyMouseDragging(); }, _endBodyMouseDragging: function() { this._unbindDragStartEvents(); this._$body.removeClass('dragging'); this._$dragTarget = null; this._$body.find('.dragover').removeClass('dragover'); if (this._$dragging) { this._$dragging.removeClass('dragging').css('transform', ''); } this._$dragging = null; }, _onBodyDragOverFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$body.addClass('drag-over'); }, _onBodyDragEnterFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$body.addClass('drag-over'); }, _onBodyDragLeaveFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$body.removeClass('drag-over'); }, _onBodyDropFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$body.removeClass('drag-over'); var file = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0]; if (!/\.playlist\.json$/.test(file.name)) { return; } var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (ev) => { window.console.log('file data: ', ev.target.r###lt); this.emit('filedrop', ev.target.r###lt, file.name); }; fileReader.readAsText(file); }, _onModelUpdate: function(itemList, replaceAll) { const timeLabel = `update playlistView replaceAll=${!!replaceAll}`; window.console.time(timeLabel); this.addClass('is-updating'); itemList = Array.isArray(itemList) ? itemList: [itemList]; const itemViews = []; itemList.forEach((item) => { let id = item.getItemId(); if (this._itemViewCache.has(id)) { itemViews.push(this._itemViewCache.get(item)); } else { const isLazy = this._enableLazyLoadImage; const itemView = new this._ItemView({item, enableLazyLoadImage: isLazy}); this._itemViewCache.set(item, itemView); itemViews.push(itemView); } }); this._itemViews = itemViews; if (itemViews.length < 1) { this.removeClass('is-updating'); window.console.timeEnd(timeLabel); return; } window.setTimeout(() => { const f = document.createDocumentFragment(); itemViews.forEach(i => { f.appendChild(i.getViewElement()); }); if (this._list) { this._list.innerHTML = ''; this._list.appendChild(f); this._documentFragment = null; this._setInviewObserver(); } else { this._documentFragment = f; } this.removeClass('is-updating'); this.emit('update'); }, 0); window.console.timeEnd(timeLabel); }, _onModelItemRemove: function(item) { const itemView = this._itemViewCache.get(item); if (!itemView) { return; } itemView.remove(); this._itemViewCache.delete(item); }, _setInviewObserver: function() { if (!this._enableLazyLoadImage || !this._document) { return; } if (this._intersectionObserver) { this._intersectionObserver.disconnect(); } var onInview; if (!this._onImageInview_bind) { this._onImageInview_bind = this._onImageInview.bind(this); } onInview = this._onImageInview_bind; var observer = this._intersectionObserver = new window.IntersectionObserver(onInview); var images = this._document.querySelectorAll('img.lazy-load'); for (var i = 0, len = images.length; i < len; i++) { observer.observe(images[i]); } }, _onImageInview: function(entries) { const observer = this._intersectionObserver; for (let i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; i++) { const entry = entries[i]; const image = entry.target; const src = image.getAttribute('data-src'); image.classList.remove('lazy-load'); observer.unobserve(image); if (!src) { continue; } image.setAttribute('src', src); } }, _onModelItemUpdate: function(item, key, value) { //window.console.log('_onModelItemUpdate', item, item.getItemId(), item.getTitle(), key, value); if (!this._$body) { return; } const itemId = item.getItemId(); const itemView = this._itemViewCache.get(item); if (!itemView) { const newItemView = new this._ItemView({item}); this._itemViewCache.set(item, newItemView); const itemViewElement = this._document.querySelector(`.videoItem.item${itemId}`); this._list.insertBefore( newItemView.getViewElement(), itemViewElement); if (itemViewElement) { this._document.body.removeChild(itemViewElement); } return; } if (['active', 'updating', 'played'].includes(key) === 'active') { itemView.toggleClass(`is-${key}`, value); if (key === 'active' && value) { this.scrollToItem(itemId); } } else { itemView.rebuild(item); } }, _onClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); var $target = $(e.target).closest('.command'); var $item = $(e.target).closest('.videoItem'); if ($target.length > 0) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param'); var itemId = $item.attr('data-item-id'); switch (command) { case 'deflistAdd': this.emit('deflistAdd', param, itemId); break; case 'playlistAdd': this.emit('playlistAdd', param, itemId); break; case 'pocket-info': window.setTimeout(() => { this._pocket.external.info(param); }, 100); break; case 'scrollToTop': this.scrollTop(0, 300); break; case 'playlistRemove': $item.remove(); this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); } } }, _onDblclick: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target).closest('.command'); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); if (!command) { this.emit('dblclick', e); } else { e.stopPropagation(); } }, addClass: function(className) { this.toggleClass(className, true); }, removeClass: function(className) { this.toggleClass(className, false); }, toggleClass: function(className, v) { if (!this._$body) { return; } this._$body.toggleClass(className, v); }, scrollTop: function(v) { if (!this._$container) { return 0; } if (typeof v === 'number') { this._$container.scrollTop(v); } else { return this._$container.scrollTop(); } }, scrollToItem: function(itemId) { if (!this._$body) { return; } if (_.isFunction(itemId.getItemId)) { itemId = itemId.getItemId(); } var $target = this._$body.find('.item' + itemId); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } var top = Math.max(0, $target.offset().top - 8 + this.scrollTop()); this.scrollTop(top); } }); var VideoListItem = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; VideoListItem._itemId = 0; VideoListItem.createByThumbInfo = function(info) { return new VideoListItem({ _format: 'thumbInfo', id: info.id, title: info.title, length_seconds: info.duration, num_res: info.commentCount, mylist_counter: info.mylistCount, view_counter: info.viewCount, thumbnail_url: info.thumbnail, first_retrieve: info.postedAt, tags: info.tagList, movieType: info.movieType, owner: info.owner, lastResBody: info.lastResBody }); }; VideoListItem.createBlankInfo = function(id) { var postedAt = '0000/00/00 00:00:00'; if (!isNaN(id)) { postedAt = util.dateToString(new Date(id * 1000)); } return new VideoListItem({ _format: 'blank', id: id, title: id + '(動画情報不明)', length_seconds: 0, num_res: 0, mylist_counter: 0, view_counter: 0, thumbnail_url: '//uni.res.nimg.jp/img/user/thumb/blank_s.jpg', first_retrieve: postedAt, }); }; VideoListItem.createByMylistItem = function(item) { if (item.item_data) { var item_data = item.item_data || {}; return new VideoListItem({ _format: 'mylistItemOldApi', id: item_data.watch_id, title: item_data.title, length_seconds: item_data.length_seconds, num_res: item_data.num_res, mylist_counter: item_data.mylist_counter, view_counter: item_data.view_counter, thumbnail_url: item_data.thumbnail_url, first_retrieve: util.dateToString(new Date(item_data.first_retrieve * 1000)), videoId: item_data.video_id, lastResBody: item_data.last_res_body, mylistItemId: item.item_id, item_type: item.item_type }); } // APIレスポンスの統一されてなさよ・・・ if (!item.length_seconds && _.isString(item.length)) { var tmp = item.length.split(':'); item.length_seconds = tmp[0] * 60 + tmp[1] * 1; } return new VideoListItem({ _format: 'mylistItemRiapi', id: item.id, title: item.title, length_seconds: item.length_seconds, num_res: item.num_res, mylist_counter: item.mylist_counter, view_counter: item.view_counter, thumbnail_url: item.thumbnail_url, first_retrieve: item.first_retrieve, lastResBody: item.last_res_body, }); }; VideoListItem.createByVideoInfoModel = function(info) { var count = info.count; return new VideoListItem({ _format: 'thumbInfo', id: info.watchId, title: info.title, length_seconds: info.duration, num_res: count.comment, mylist_counter: count.mylist, view_counter: count.view, thumbnail_url: info.thumbnail, first_retrieve: info.postedAt, owner: info.ownerInfo }); }; _.extend(VideoListItem.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoListItem.prototype, { initialize: function(rawData) { this._rawData = rawData; this._itemId = VideoListItem._itemId++; this._isActive = false; this._isUpdating = false; this._isPlayed = !!rawData.played; rawData.first_retrieve = util.dateToString(rawData.first_retrieve); this._sortTitle = this.getTitle() .replace(/([0-9]{1,9})/g, (m) => { return '0'.repeat(10 - m.length) + m; }) .replace(/([0-9]{1,9})/g, (m) => { return '0'.repeat(10 - m.length) + m; }); }, _getData: function(key, defValue) { return this._rawData.hasOwnProperty(key) ? this._rawData[key] : defValue; }, getItemId: function() { return this._itemId; }, getWatchId: function() { return (this._getData('id', '') || '').toString(); }, getTitle: function() { return this._getData('title', ''); }, getSortTitle: function() { return this._sortTitle; }, getDuration: function() { return parseInt(this._getData('length_seconds', '0'), 10); }, getCount: function() { return { comment: parseInt(this._rawData.num_res, 10), mylist: parseInt(this._rawData.mylist_counter, 10), view: parseInt(this._rawData.view_counter, 10) }; }, getCommentCount: function() { return parseInt(this._rawData.num_res, 10); }, getMylistCount: function() { return parseInt(this._rawData.mylist_counter, 10); }, getViewCount: function() { return parseInt(this._rawData.view_counter, 10); }, getThumbnail: function() { return this._rawData.thumbnail_url; }, getBetterThumbnail: function() { var watchId = this.getWatchId(); var hasLargeThumbnail = util.hasLargeThumbnail(watchId); return this._rawData.thumbnail + (hasLargeThumbnail ? '.L' : ''); }, getPostedAt: function() { return this._rawData.first_retrieve; }, isActive: function() { return this._isActive; }, setIsActive: function(v) { v = !!v; if (this._isActive !== v) { this._isActive = v; this.emit('update', this, 'active', v); } }, isUpdating: function() { return this._isUpdating; }, setIsUpdating: function(v) { v = !!v; if (this._isUpdating !== v) { this._isUpdating = v; this.emit('update', this, 'updating', v); } }, isPlayed: function() { return this._isPlayed; }, setIsPlayed: function(v) { v = !!v; if (this._isPlayed !== v) { this._isPlayed = v; this.emit('update', this, 'played', v); } }, isBlankData: function() { return this._rawData._format === 'blank'; }, serialize: function() { return { active: this._isActive, played: this._isPlayed, id: this._rawData.id, title: this._rawData.title, length_seconds: this._rawData.length_seconds, num_res: this._rawData.num_res, mylist_counter: this._rawData.mylist_counter, view_counter: this._rawData.view_counter, thumbnail_url: this._rawData.thumbnail_url, first_retrieve: this._rawData.first_retrieve, }; }, updateByVideoInfo: function(videoInfo) { const before = JSON.stringify(this.serialize()); const rawData = this._rawData; const count = videoInfo.count; rawData.first_retrieve = util.dateToString(videoInfo.postedAt); rawData.num_res = count.comment; rawData.mylist_counter = count.mylist; rawData.view_counter = count.view; rawData.thumbnail_url = videoInfo.thumbnail; if (JSON.stringify(this.serialize()) !== before) { this.emit('update', this); } } }); var VideoList = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoList.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoList.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._thumbInfoLoader = params.loader || ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader; this._$container = params.$container; this._model = new VideoListModel({ uniq: true, maxItem: 100 }); this._initializeView(); }, _initializeView: function() { if (this._view) { return; } this._view = new VideoListView({ $container: this._$container, model: this._model }); this._view.on('command', this._onCommand .bind(this)); this._view.on('deflistAdd', this._onDeflistAdd .bind(this)); this._view.on('playlistAdd', this._onPlaylistAdd .bind(this)); }, update: function(listData, watchId) { if (!this._view) { this._initializeView(); } this._watchId = watchId; var items = []; _.each(listData, function(itemData) { items.push(new VideoListItem(itemData)); }); if (items.length < 1) { return; } this._view.insertItem(items); }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { if (command === 'select') { var item = this._model.findByItemId(param); var watchId = item.getWatchId(); this.emit('command', 'open', watchId); return; } this.emit('command', command, param); }, _onPlaylistAdd: function(watchId , itemId) { this.emit('command', 'playlistAdd', watchId); if (this._isUpdatingPlaylist) { return; } var item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); const unlock = () => { item.setIsUpdating(false); this._isUpdatingPlaylist = false; }; item.setIsUpdating(true); this._isUpdatingPlaylist = true; window.setTimeout(unlock, 1000); }, _onDeflistAdd: function(watchId , itemId) { if (this._isUpdatingDeflist) { return; } if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } var item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); const unlock = () => { item.setIsUpdating(false); this._isUpdatingDeflist = false; }; item.setIsUpdating(true); this._isUpdatingDeflist = true; var timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 10000); var onSuccess = this._onDeflistAddSuccess.bind(this, timer, unlock); var onFail = this._onDeflistAddFail .bind(this, timer, unlock); return this._thumbInfoLoader.load(watchId).then((info) => { var description = '投稿者: ' + info.owner.name; return this._mylistApiLoader.addDeflistItem(watchId, description) .then(onSuccess, onFail); }, () => { return this._mylistApiLoader.addDeflistItem(watchId) .then(onSuccess, onFail); }); }, _onDeflistAddSuccess: function(timer, unlock, r###lt) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 500); this.emit('command', 'notify', r###lt.message); }, _onDeflistAddFail: function(timer, unlock, err) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); this.emit('command', 'alert', err.message); } }); var RelatedVideoList = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(RelatedVideoList.prototype, VideoList.prototype); _.assign(RelatedVideoList.prototype, { update: function(listData, watchId) { //window.console.log('RelatedVideoList: ', listData, watchId); if (!this._view) { this._initializeView(); } this._watchId = watchId; var items = []; listData.forEach(itemData => { if (!itemData.id) { return; } items.push(new VideoListItem(itemData)); }); if (items.length < 1) { return; } //window.console.log('insertItem: ', items); this._model.insertItem(items); this._view.scrollTop(0); }, }); var PlaylistModel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(PlaylistModel.prototype, VideoListModel.prototype); _.assign(PlaylistModel.prototype, { initialize: function() { this._maxItems = 10000; this._items = []; this._isUniq = true; this._boundOnItemUpdate = this._onItemUpdate.bind(this); }, }); var PlaylistView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(PlaylistView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); PlaylistView.__css__ = (` .is-playlistEnable .tabSelect.playlist::after { content: '▶'; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 8px orange; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .is-playlistEnable .tabSelect.playlist::after { text-shadow: 0 0 8px #336; } .playlist-container { height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .playlist-header { height: 32px; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; background: #333; color: #ccc; } .playlist-menu-button { cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #333; padding: 0px 4px; margin: 0 4px; background: #666; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px; white-space: nowrap; } .playlist-menu-button:hover { border: 1px outset; } .playlist-menu-button:active { border: 1px inset; } .playlist-menu-button .playlist-menu-icon { font-size: 24px; line-height: 28px; } .playlist-container.enable .toggleEnable, .playlist-container.loop .toggleLoop { text-shadow: 0 0 6px #f99; color: #ff9; } .playlist-container .toggleLoop icon { font-family: STIXGeneral; } .playlist-container .shuffle { font-size: 14px; } .playlist-container .shuffle::after { content: '(´・ω・`)'; } .playlist-container .shuffle:hover::after { content: '(`・ω・´)'; } .playlist-frame { height: calc(100% - 32px); transition: opacity 0.3s; } .shuffle .playlist-frame { opacity: 0; } .playlist-count { position: absolute; right: 8px; display: inline-block; font-size: 14px; line-height: 32px; cursor: pointer; } .playlist-count:before { content: '▼'; } .playlist-count:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .playlist-menu { position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 24px; min-width: 150px; background: #333 !important; } .playlist-menu li { line-height: 20px; border: none !important; } .playlist-menu .separator { border: 1px inset; border-radius: 3px; margin: 8px 8px; } .playlist-file-drop { display: none; position: absolute; width: 94%; height: 94%; top: 3%; left: 3%; background: #000; color: #ccc; opacity: 0.8; border: 2px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 0 0 4px #fff; padding: 16px; z-index: 100; } .playlist-file-drop.show { /*display: block;*/ opacity: 0.98 !important; } .playlist-file-drop.drag-over { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fe9; background: #030; } .playlist-file-drop * { pointer-events: none; } .playlist-file-drop-inner { padding: 8px; height: 100%; border: 1px dotted #888; } .playlist-import-file-select { position: absolute; text-indent: -9999px; width: 100%; height: 20px; opacity: 0; cursor: pointer; } `).trim(); PlaylistView.__tpl__ = (` <div class="playlist-container"> <div class="playlist-header"> <label class="playlist-menu-button toggleEnable playlist-command" data-command="toggleEnable"><icon class="playlist-menu-icon">▶</icon> 連続再生</label> <label class="playlist-menu-button toggleLoop playlist-command" data-command="toggleLoop"><icon class="playlist-menu-icon">↻</icon> リピート</label> <div class="playlist-count playlist-command" data-command="toggleMenu"> <span class="playlist-index">---</span> / <span class="playlist-length">---</span> <div class="zenzaPopupMenu playlist-menu"> <div class="listInner"> <ul> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="shuffle"> シャッフル </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="postedAt"> 古い順に並べる </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="view:desc"> 再生の多い順に並べる </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="comment:desc"> コメントの多い順に並べる </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="title"> タイトル順に並べる </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="duration:desc"> 動画の長い順に並べる </li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="sortBy" data-param="duration"> 動画の短い順に並べる </li> <hr class="separator"> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="exportFile">ファイルに保存 💾</li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="importFileMenu"> <input type="file" class="playlist-import-file-select" accept=".json"> ファイルから読み込む </li> <hr class="separator"> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="resetPlayedItemFlag">すべて未視聴にする</li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="removePlayedItem">視聴済み動画を消す ●</li> <li class="playlist-command" data-command="removeNonActiveItem">リストの消去 ×</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="playlist-frame"></div> <div class="playlist-file-drop"> <div class="playlist-file-drop-inner"> ファイルをここにドロップ </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(PlaylistView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._$container = params.$container; this._model = params.model; this._playlist = params.playlist; util.addStyle(PlaylistView.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(PlaylistView.__tpl__); this._$container.append($view); this._$index = $view.find('.playlist-index'); this._$length = $view.find('.playlist-length'); var $menu = this._$menu = this._$view.find('.playlist-menu'); var $fileDrop = this._$fileDrop = $view.find('.playlist-file-drop'); var $fileSelect = this._$fileSelect = $view.find('.playlist-import-file-select'); ZenzaWatch.debug.playlistView = this._$view; var listView = this._listView = new VideoListView({ $container: this._$view.find('.playlist-frame'), model: this._model, className: 'playlist', dragdrop: true, dropfile: true }); listView.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); listView.on('deflistAdd', this._onDeflistAdd.bind(this)); listView.on('moveItem', (src, dest) => { this.emit('moveItem', src, dest); }); listView.on('filedrop', (data) => { this.emit('command', 'importFile', data); }); listView.on('dblclick', this._onListDblclick.bind(this)); this._playlist.on('update', _.debounce(this._onPlaylistStatusUpdate.bind(this), 100)); this._$view.on('click', '.playlist-command', this._onPlaylistCommandClick.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', function() { $menu.removeClass('show'); $fileDrop.removeClass('show'); }); $('.zenzaVideoPlayerDialog') .on('dragover', this._onDragOverFile .bind(this)) .on('dragenter', this._onDragEnterFile.bind(this)) .on('dragleave', this._onDragLeaveFile.bind(this)) .on('drop', this._onDropFile.bind(this)); $fileSelect.on('change', this._onImportFileSelect.bind(this)); [ 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'scrollTop', 'scrollToItem', ].forEach(func => { this[func] = listView[func].bind(listView); }); }, toggleClass: function(className, v) { this._view.toggleClass(className, v); this._$view.toggleClass(className, v); }, _onCommand: function(command, param, itemId) { switch (command) { default: this.emit('command', command, param, itemId); break; } }, _onDeflistAdd: function(watchId, itemId) { this.emit('deflistAdd', watchId, itemId); }, _onPlaylistCommandClick: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target).closest('.playlist-command'); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param'); e.stopPropagation(); if (!command) { return; } switch (command) { case 'importFileMenu': this._$menu.removeClass('show'); this._$fileDrop.addClass('show'); return; case 'toggleMenu': e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this._$menu.addClass('show'); return; case 'shuffle': case 'sortBy': var $view = this._$view; $view.addClass('shuffle'); window.setTimeout(() => { this._$view.removeClass('shuffle'); }, 1000); this.emit('command', command, param); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); }, _onPlaylistStatusUpdate: function() { var playlist = this._playlist; this._$view .toggleClass('enable', playlist.isEnable()) .toggleClass('loop', playlist.isLoop()) ; this._$index.text(playlist.getIndex() + 1); this._$length.text(playlist.getLength()); }, _onDragOverFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$fileDrop.addClass('drag-over'); }, _onDragEnterFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$fileDrop.addClass('drag-over'); }, _onDragLeaveFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$fileDrop.removeClass('drag-over'); }, _onDropFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._$fileDrop.removeClass('show drag-over'); var file = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0]; if (!/\.playlist\.json$/.test(file.name)) { return; } var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (ev) => { window.console.log('file data: ', ev.target.r###lt); this.emit('command', 'importFile', ev.target.r###lt); }; fileReader.readAsText(file); }, _onImportFileSelect: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var file = e.originalEvent.target.files[0]; if (!/\.playlist\.json$/.test(file.name)) { return; } var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (ev) => { window.console.log('file data: ', ev.target.r###lt); this.emit('command', 'importFile', ev.target.r###lt); }; fileReader.readAsText(file); }, _onListDblclick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.emit('command', 'scrollToActiveItem'); } }); var PlaylistSession = (function(storage) { var KEY = 'ZenzaWatchPlaylist'; return { isExist: function() { var data = storage.getItem(KEY); if (!data) { return false; } try { JSON.parse(data); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }, save: function(data) { storage.setItem(KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); }, restore: function() { var data = storage.getItem(KEY); if (!data) { return null; } try { return JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { return null; } } }; })(sessionStorage); var Playlist = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(Playlist.prototype, VideoList.prototype); _.assign(Playlist.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._thumbInfoLoader = params.loader || ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader; this._$container = params.$container; this._index = -1; this._isEnable = false; this._isLoop = params.loop; this._model = new PlaylistModel({}); ZenzaWatch.debug.playlist = this; this.on('update', _.debounce(() => { var data = this.serialize(); PlaylistSession.save(data); }, 3000)); }, serialize: function() { return { items: this._model.serialize(), index: this._index, enable: this._isEnable, loop: this._isLoop }; }, unserialize: function(data) { if (!data) { return; } this._initializeView(); console.log('unserialize: ', data); this._model.unserialize(data.items); this._isEnable = data.enable; this._isLoop = data.loop; this.emit('update'); this.setIndex(data.index); }, restoreFromSession: function() { this.unserialize(PlaylistSession.restore()); }, _initializeView: function() { if (this._view) { return; } this._view = new PlaylistView({ $container: this._$container, model: this._model, playlist: this }); this._view.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._view.on('deflistAdd', this._onDeflistAdd.bind(this)); this._view.on('moveItem', this._onMoveItem.bind(this)); }, _onCommand: function(command, param, itemId) { var item; switch (command) { case 'toggleEnable': this.toggleEnable(); break; case 'toggleLoop': this.toggleLoop(); break; case 'shuffle': this.shuffle(); break; case 'sortBy': var tmp = param.split(':'); this.sortBy(tmp[0], tmp[1] === 'desc'); break; case 'clear': this._setItemData([]); break; case 'select': item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); this.setIndex(this._model.indexOf(item)); this.emit('command', 'openNow', item.getWatchId()); break; case 'playlistRemove': item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); this._model.removeItem(item); this._refreshIndex(); this.emit('update'); break; case 'removePlayedItem': this.removePlayedItem(); break; case 'resetPlayedItemFlag': this._model.resetPlayedItemFlag(); break; case 'removeNonActiveItem': this.removeNonActiveItem(); break; case 'exportFile': this._onExportFileCommand(); break; case 'importFile': this._onImportFileCommand(param); break; case 'scrollToActiveItem': this.scrollToActiveItem(); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); } }, _onExportFileCommand: function() { var dt = new Date(); var title = prompt('プレイリストを保存\nプレイヤーにドロップすると復元されます', util.dateToString(dt) + 'のプレイリスト'); if (!title) { return; } var data = JSON.stringify(this.serialize()); var blob = new Blob([data], { 'type': 'text/html' }); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('download', title + '.playlist.json'); a.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); a.setAttribute('href', url); document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); window.setTimeout(function() { a.remove(); }, 1000); }, _onImportFileCommand: function(fileData) { if (!util.isValidJson(fileData)) { return; } this.emit('command', 'pause'); this.emit('command', 'notify', 'プレイリストを復元'); this.unserialize(JSON.parse(fileData)); window.setTimeout(() => { var index = Math.max(0, fileData.index || 0); var item = this._model.getItemByIndex(index); if (item) { this.setIndex(index, true); this.emit('command', 'openNow', item.getWatchId()); } }, 2000); }, _onMoveItem: function(srcItemId, destItemId) { var srcItem = this._model.findByItemId(srcItemId); var destItem = this._model.findByItemId(destItemId); if (!srcItem || !destItem) { return; } var destIndex = this._model.indexOf(destItem); this._model.removeItem(srcItem); this._model.insertItem(srcItem, destIndex); this._refreshIndex(); }, _setItemData: function(listData) { var items = []; _.each(listData, function(itemData) { items.push(new VideoListItem(itemData)); }); //window.console.log('_setItemData', listData); this._model.setItem(items); this.setIndex(items.length > 0 ? 0 : -1); }, _replaceAll: function(videoListItems, options) { options = options || {}; this._model.setItem(videoListItems); var item = this._model.findByWatchId(options.watchId); if (item) { item.setIsActive(true); item.setIsPlayed(true); this._activeItem = item; setTimeout(() => { this._view.scrollToItem(item); }, 1000); } this.setIndex(this._model.indexOf(item)); }, _appendAll: function(videoListItems, options) { options = options || {}; this._model.appendItem(videoListItems); var item = this._model.findByWatchId(options.watchId); if (item) { item.setIsActive(true); item.setIsPlayed(true); this._refreshIndex(false); } setTimeout(() => { this._view.scrollToItem(videoListItems[0]); }, 1000); }, loadFromMylist: function(mylistId, options) { this._initializeView(); if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } window.console.time('loadMylist: ' + mylistId); return this._mylistApiLoader .getMylistItems(mylistId, options).then((items) => { window.console.timeEnd('loadMylist: ' + mylistId); var videoListItems = []; //var excludeId = /^(ar|sg)/; // nmは含めるべきかどうか items.forEach((item) => { // マイリストはitem_typeがint // とりまいはitem_typeがstringっていうね if (item.id === null) { return; } // ごく稀にある?idが抹消されたレコード if (item.item_data) { if (parseInt(item.item_type, 10) !== 0) { return; } // not video if (parseInt(item.item_data.deleted, 10) !== 0) { return; } // 削除動画を除外 } else { //if (excludeId.test(item.id)) { return; } // not video if (item.thumbnail_url && item.thumbnail_url.indexOf('video_deleted') >= 0) { return; } } videoListItems.push( VideoListItem.createByMylistItem(item) ); }); //window.console.log('videoListItems!!', videoListItems); if (videoListItems.length < 1) { return Promise.reject({ status: 'fail', message: 'マイリストの取得に失敗しました' }); } if (options.shuffle) { videoListItems = _.shuffle(videoListItems); } if (!options.append) { this._replaceAll(videoListItems, options); } else { this._appendAll(videoListItems, options); } this.emit('update'); return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', message: options.append ? 'マイリストの内容をプレイリストに追加しました' : 'マイリストの内容をプレイリストに読み込みしました' }); }); }, loadUploadedVideo: function(userId, options) { this._initializeView(); if (!this._uploadedVideoApiLoader) { this._uploadedVideoApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.UploadedVideoApiLoader(); } window.console.time('loadUploadedVideos' + userId); return this._uploadedVideoApiLoader .getUploadedVideos(userId, options).then((items) => { window.console.timeEnd('loadUploadedVideos' + userId); var videoListItems = []; //var excludeId = /^(ar|sg)/; // nmは含めるべきかどうか items.forEach((item) => { if (item.item_data) { if (parseInt(item.item_type, 10) !== 0) { return; } // not video if (parseInt(item.item_data.deleted, 10) !== 0) { return; } // 削除動画を除外 } else { //if (excludeId.test(item.id)) { return; } // not video if (item.thumbnail_url.indexOf('video_deleted') >= 0) { return; } } videoListItems.push( VideoListItem.createByMylistItem(item) ); }); if (videoListItems.length < 1) { return Promise.reject({}); } // 投稿動画一覧は新しい順に渡されるので、プレイリストではreverse=古い順にする videoListItems.reverse(); if (options.shuffle) { videoListItems = _.shuffle(videoListItems); } //window.console.log('videoListItems!!', videoListItems); if (!options.append) { this._replaceAll(videoListItems, options); } else { this._appendAll(videoListItems, options); } this.emit('update'); return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', message: options.append ? '投稿動画一覧をプレイリストに追加しました' : '投稿動画一覧をプレイリストに読み込みしました' }); }); }, loadSearchVideo: function(word, options, limit = 300) { this._initializeView(); if (!this._searchApiLoader) { //this._nicoSearchApiLoader = ZenzaWatch.init.nicoSearchApiLoader; this._nicoSearchApiLoader = NicoSearchApiV2Loader; } window.console.time('loadSearchVideos' + word); options = options || {}; return this._nicoSearchApiLoader .searchMore(word, options, limit).then((r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd('loadSearchVideos' + word); var items = r###lt.list || []; var videoListItems = []; //var excludeId = /^(ar|sg)/; // nmは含めるべきかどうか items.forEach((item) => { if (item.item_data) { if (parseInt(item.item_type, 10) !== 0) { return; } // not video if (parseInt(item.item_data.deleted, 10) !== 0) { return; } // 削除動画を除外 } else { //if (excludeId.test(item.id)) { return; } // not video if (item.thumbnail_url.indexOf('video_deleted') >= 0) { return; } } videoListItems.push( VideoListItem.createByMylistItem(item) ); }); if (videoListItems.length < 1) { return Promise.reject({}); } if (options.playlistSort) { // 連続再生のために結果を古い順に並べる // 検索対象のソート順とは別 videoListItems = _.sortBy( videoListItems, (item) => { return item.getPostedAt(); } ); //videoListItems.reverse(); } if (options.shuffle) { videoListItems = _.shuffle(videoListItems); } //window.console.log('videoListItems!!', videoListItems); if (!options.append) { this._replaceAll(videoListItems, options); } else { this._appendAll(videoListItems, options); } this.emit('update'); return Promise.resolve({ status: 'ok', message: options.append ? '検索結果をプレイリストに追加しました' : '検索結果をプレイリストに読み込みしました' }); }); }, insert: function(watchId) { this._initializeView(); if (this._activeItem && this._activeItem.getWatchId() === watchId) { return Promise.resolve(); } var model = this._model; var index = this._index; return this._thumbInfoLoader.load(watchId).then((info) => { // APIにwatchIdを指定してもvideoIdが返るので上書きする. バッドノウハウ // チャンネル動画はsoXXXXに統一したいのでvideoIdを使う. バッドノウハウ info.id = info.isChannel ? info.id : watchId; var item = VideoListItem.createByThumbInfo(info); //window.console.info(item, info); model.insertItem(item, index + 1); this._refreshIndex(true); this.emit('update'); this.emit('command', 'notifyHtml', '次に再生: ' + '<img src="' + item.getThumbnail() + '" style="width: 96px;">' + item.getTitle() ); }, (r###lt) => { var item = VideoListItem.createBlankInfo(watchId); model.insertItem(item, index + 1); this._refreshIndex(true); this.emit('update'); window.console.error(r###lt); this.emit('command', 'alert', '動画情報の取得に失敗: ' + watchId); }); }, insertCurrentVideo: function(videoInfo) { this._initializeView(); if (this._activeItem && !this._activeItem.isBlankData() && this._activeItem.getWatchId() === videoInfo.watchId) { this._activeItem.updateByVideoInfo(videoInfo); this._activeItem.setIsPlayed(true); this.scrollToActiveItem(); return; } var currentItem = this._model.findByWatchId(videoInfo.watchId); if (currentItem && !currentItem.isBlankData()) { currentItem.updateByVideoInfo(videoInfo); currentItem.setIsPlayed(true); this.setIndex(this._model.indexOf(currentItem)); this.scrollToActiveItem(); return; } var item = VideoListItem.createByVideoInfoModel(videoInfo); item.setIsPlayed(true); if (this._activeItem) { this._activeItem.setIsActive(false); } this._model.insertItem(item, this._index + 1); this._activeItem = this._model.findByItemId(item.getItemId()); this._refreshIndex(true); }, removeItemByWatchId: function(watchId) { var item = this._model.findByWatchId(watchId); if (!item || item.isActive()) { return; } this._model.removeItem(item); this._refreshIndex(true); }, append: function(watchId) { this._initializeView(); if (this._activeItem && this._activeItem.getWatchId() === watchId) { return Promise.resolve(); } var model = this._model; return this._thumbInfoLoader.load(watchId).then((info) => { // APIにwatchIdを指定してもvideoIdが返るので上書きする. バッドノウハウ info.id = watchId; var item = VideoListItem.createByThumbInfo(info); //window.console.info(item, info); model.appendItem(item); this._refreshIndex(); this.emit('update'); this.emit('command', 'notifyHtml', 'リストの末尾に追加: ' + '<img src="' + item.getThumbnail() + '" style="width: 96px;">' + item.getTitle() ); }, (r###lt) => { var item = VideoListItem.createBlankInfo(watchId); model.appendItem(item); this._refreshIndex(true); this._refreshIndex(); window.console.error(r###lt); this.emit('command', 'alert', '動画情報の取得に失敗: ' + watchId); }); }, getIndex: function() { return this._activeItem ? this._index : -1; }, setIndex: function(v, force) { v = parseInt(v, 10); //window.console.log('setIndex: %s -> %s', this._index, v); if (this._index !== v || force) { this._index = v; //window.console.log('before active', this._activeItem); if (this._activeItem) { this._activeItem.setIsActive(false); } this._activeItem = this._model.getItemByIndex(v); if (this._activeItem) { this._activeItem.setIsActive(true); } //window.console.log('after active', this._activeItem); this.emit('update'); } }, _refreshIndex: function(scrollToActive) { this.setIndex(this._model.indexOf(this._activeItem), true); if (scrollToActive) { setTimeout(() => { this.scrollToActiveItem(); }, 1000); } }, _setIndexByItemId: function(itemId) { var item = this._model.findByItemId(itemId); if (item) { this._setIndexByItem(item); } }, _setIndexByItem: function(item) { var index = this._model.indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { this.setIndex(index); } }, getLength: function() { return this._model.getLength(); }, hasNext: function() { var len = this._model.getLength(); return len > 0 && (this.isLoop() || this._index < len - 1); }, isEnable: function() { return this._isEnable; }, isLoop: function() { return this._isLoop; }, toggleEnable: function(v) { if (!_.isBoolean(v)) { this._isEnable = !this._isEnable; this.emit('update'); return; } if (this._isEnable !== v) { this._isEnable = v; this.emit('update'); } }, toggleLoop: function() { this._isLoop = !this._isLoop; this.emit('update'); }, shuffle: function() { this._model.shuffle(); if (this._activeItem) { this._model.removeItem(this._activeItem); this._model.insertItem(this._activeItem, 0); this.setIndex(0); } else { this.setIndex(-1); } this._view.scrollTop(0); }, sortBy: function(key, isDesc) { this._model.sortBy(key, isDesc); this._refreshIndex(true); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { this._view.scrollToItem(this._activeItem); }, this, 1000); }, removePlayedItem: function() { this._model.removePlayedItem(); this._refreshIndex(true); ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { this._view.scrollToItem(this._activeItem); }, this, 1000); }, removeNonActiveItem: function() { this._model.removeNonActiveItem(); this._refreshIndex(true); this.toggleEnable(false); }, selectNext: function() { if (!this.hasNext()) { return null; } var index = this.getIndex(); var len = this.getLength(); if (len < 1) { return null; } //window.console.log('selectNext', index, len); if (index < -1) { this.setIndex(0); } else if (index + 1 < len) { this.setIndex(index + 1); } else if (this.isLoop()) { this.setIndex((index + 1) % len); } return this._activeItem ? this._activeItem.getWatchId() : null; }, selectPrevious: function() { var index = this.getIndex(); var len = this.getLength(); if (len < 1) { return null; } if (index < -1) { this.setIndex(0); } else if (index > 0) { this.setIndex(index - 1); } else if (this.isLoop()) { this.setIndex((index + len - 1) % len); } else { return null; } return this._activeItem ? this._activeItem.getWatchId() : null; }, scrollToActiveItem: function() { if (this._activeItem) { this._view.scrollToItem(this._activeItem); } }, scrollToWatchId: function(watchId) { var item = this._model.findByWatchId(watchId); if (item) { this._view.scrollToItem(item); } }, findByWatchId: function(watchId) { return this._model.findByWatchId(watchId); } }); const VideoSession = (function() { //const http = require('http'); //const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const SMILE_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10min const DMC_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL_MS = 30 * 1000; // 30sec const CHECK_PAUSE_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000; const SESSION_CLOSE_PAUSE_COUNT = 10; const SESSION_CLOSE_FAIL_COUNT = 3; const SESSION_CLOSE_TIME_MS = 12 * 60 * 1000; // 12min const VIDEO_QUALITY = { auto: /.*/, veryhigh: /_(1080p)$/, high: /_(720p)$/, mid: /_(540p|480p)$/, low: /_(360p)$/ }; class DmcPostData { constructor(dmcInfo, videoQuality) { this._dmcInfo = dmcInfo; this._videoQuality = videoQuality || 'auto'; } toString() { let dmcInfo = this._dmcInfo; let videos = []; let reg = VIDEO_QUALITY[this._videoQuality] || VIDEO_QUALITY.auto; dmcInfo.videos.forEach(format => { if (reg.test(format)) { videos.push(format); } }); dmcInfo.videos.forEach( format => { if (!reg.test(format)) { videos.push(format); } }); let audios = []; dmcInfo.audios.forEach(format => { audios.push(format); }); let request = { session: { client_info: { player_id: dmcInfo.playerId }, content_auth: { auth_type: 'ht2', content_key_timeout: 600 * 1000, service_id: 'nicovideo', service_user_id: dmcInfo.serviceUserId, //max_content_count: 10, }, content_id: dmcInfo.contentId, content_src_id_sets: [ {content_src_ids: [ {src_id_to_mux: { audio_src_ids: audios, video_src_ids: videos }} ] } ], content_type: 'movie', content_uri: '', keep_method: { heartbeat: {lifetime: dmcInfo.heartBeatLifeTimeMs} }, priority: dmcInfo.priority, protocol: { name: 'http', parameters: { http_parameters: { //method: 'GET', parameters: { http_output_download_parameters: { use_ssl: 'no', use_well_known_port: 'no', transfer_preset: dmcInfo.transferPreset // file_extension: 'mp4' } } } } }, recipe_id: dmcInfo.recipeId, session_operation_auth: { session_operation_auth_by_signature: { signature: dmcInfo.signature, token: dmcInfo.token } }, timing_constraint: 'unlimited' } }; return JSON.stringify(request, null, 2); } } class VideoSession { static createInstance(params) { if (params.serverType === 'dmc') { return new DmcSession(params); } else { return new SmileSession(params); } } constructor(params) { this._videoInfo = params.videoInfo; this._videoWatchOptions = params.videoWatchOptions; this._isPlaying = params.isPlayingCallback || (() => {}); this._pauseCount = 0; this._failCount = 0; this._lastResponse = ''; this._videoQuality = params.videoQuality || 'auto'; this._videoSessionInfo = {}; this._isDeleted = false; this._heartBeatTimer = null; this._onHeartBeatSuccess = this._onHeartBeatSuccess.bind(this); this._onHeartBeatFail = this._onHeartBeatFail.bind(this); } connect() { this._createdAt = Date.now(); return this._createSession(this._videoInfo); } enableHeartBeat() { this.disableHeartBeat(); this._heartBeatTimer = setInterval(this._onHeartBeatInterval.bind(this), this._heartBeatInterval); this._pauseCheckTimer = setInterval(this._onPauseCheckInterval.bind(this), CHECK_PAUSE_INTERVAL); } changeHeartBeatInterval(interval) { if (this._heartBeatTimer) { clearInterval(this._heartBeatTimer); } this._heartBeatInterval = interval; this._heartBeatTimer = setInterval(this._onHeartBeatInterval.bind(this), this._heartBeatInterval); } disableHeartBeat() { if (this._heartBeatTimer) { clearInterval(this._heartBeatTimer); } if (this._pauseCheckTimer) { clearInterval(this._pauseCheckTimer); } this._heartBeatTimer = this._pauseCheckTimer = null; } _onHeartBeatInterval() { if (this._isClosed) { return; } this._heartBeat(); } _onHeartBeatSuccess(r###lt) { console.log('HeartBeat success'); } _onHeartBeatFail() { //PopupMessage.debug('HeartBeat fail'); this._failCount++; if (this._failCount >= SESSION_CLOSE_FAIL_COUNT) { this.close(); } } _onPauseCheckInterval() { if (this._isClosed) { return; } let isPlaying = this._isPlaying(); //window.console.log('isPlaying?', isPlaying, this._pauseCount); if (!isPlaying) { this._pauseCount++; } else { this._pauseCount = 0; } //PopupMessage.debug('pause: ' + this._pauseCount); // 一定時間停止が続いた and 生成から一定時間経過している場合は破棄 if (this._pauseCount >= SESSION_CLOSE_PAUSE_COUNT && Date.now() - this._createdAt >= SESSION_CLOSE_TIME_MS) { //PopupMessage.debug('VideoSession closed.'); this.close(); } } close() { //PopupMessage.debug('session close'); this._isClosed = true; this.disableHeartBeat(); return this._deleteSession(); } get isDeleted() { return !!this._isDeleted; } get isDmc() { return this._serverType === 'dmc'; } } class DmcSession extends VideoSession { constructor(params) { super(params); this._serverType = 'dmc'; this._heartBeatInterval = DMC_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL_MS; this._onHeartBeatSuccess = this._onHeartBeatSuccess.bind(this); this._onHeartBeatFail = this._onHeartBeatFail.bind(this); } _createSession(videoInfo) { let dmcInfo = videoInfo.dmcInfo; console.time('create DMC session'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = `${dmcInfo.apiUrl}?_format=json`; console.log('dmc post', url); //'\n', (new DmcPostData(dmcInfo)).toString()); util.fetch(url, { method: 'post', timeout: 10000, dataType: 'text', body: (new DmcPostData(dmcInfo, this._videoQuality)).toString() }).then(res => { return res.json(); }) .then(json => { //console.log('\n\ncreate api r###lt', JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)); //const json = JSON.parse(r###lt); const data = json.data || {}, session = data.session || {}; let url = session.content_uri; let sessionId = session.id; let content_src_id_sets = session.content_src_id_sets; let videoFormat = content_src_id_sets[0].content_src_ids[0].src_id_to_mux.video_src_ids[0]; let audioFormat = content_src_id_sets[0].content_src_ids[0].src_id_to_mux.audio_src_ids[0]; this._heartBeatUrl = `${dmcInfo.apiUrl}/${sessionId}?_format=json&_method=PUT`; this._deleteSessionUrl = `${dmcInfo.apiUrl}/${sessionId}?_format=json&_method=DELETE`; this._lastResponse = data; this._videoSessionInfo = { type: 'dmc', url: url, sessionId: sessionId, videoFormat: videoFormat, audioFormat: audioFormat, heartBeatUrl: this._heartBeatUrl, deleteSessionUrl: this._deleteSessionUrl, lastResponse: json }; //console.info('session info: ', this._videoSessionInfo); this.enableHeartBeat(); console.timeEnd('create DMC session'); resolve(this._videoSessionInfo); }).catch(err => { console.error('create api fail', err); reject(err); }); }); } _heartBeat() { let url = this._videoSessionInfo.heartBeatUrl; console.log('HeartBeat', url); util.fetch(url, { method: 'post', dataType: 'text', timeout: 10000, body: JSON.stringify(this._lastResponse) }).then(res => { return res.json(); }) .then(this._onHeartBeatSuccess) .catch(this._onHeartBeatFail); } _deleteSession() { if (this._isDeleted) { return Promise.resolve(); } this._isDeleted = true; let url = this._videoSessionInfo.deleteSessionUrl; return util.fetch(url, { method: 'post', dataType: 'text', timeout: 10000, body: JSON.stringify(this._lastResponse) }).then(res => res.text()) .then(() => { console.log('delete success'); }) .catch(err => { console.error('delete fail', err); }); } _onHeartBeatSuccess(r###lt) { console.log('heartbeat success: ', r###lt.meta); let json = r###lt; this._lastResponse = json.data; } } class SmileSession extends VideoSession { constructor(params) { super(params); this._serverType = 'smile'; this._heartBeatInterval = SMILE_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL_MS; this._onHeartBeatSuccess = this._onHeartBeatSuccess.bind(this); this._onHeartBeatFail = this._onHeartBeatFail.bind(this); } _createSession(videoInfo) { this.enableHeartBeat(); return new Promise((resolve) => { let videoUrl = videoInfo.videoUrl; return resolve(videoUrl); }); } _heartBeat() { let url = this._videoInfo.watchUrl; let query = [ 'mode=pc_html5', 'playlist_token=' + this._videoInfo.playlistToken, 'continue_watching=1' ]; if (this._videoInfo.isEconomy) { query.push('eco=1'); } if (query.length > 0) { url += '?' + query.join('&'); } window.console.info('heartBeat url', url); util.fetch(url, { timeout: 10000, credentials: 'include' }).then(res => { return res.json(); }) .then(this._onHeartBeatSuccess) .catch(this._onHeartBeatFail); } _deleteSession() { if (this._isDeleted) { return Promise.resolve(); } this._isDeleted = true; return Promise.resolve(); } _onHeartBeatSuccess(r###lt) { //console.log('HeartBeatSuccess'); this._lastResponse = r###lt; //console.info('heartBeat r###lt', r###lt); if (r###lt.status !== 'ok') { return this._onHeartBeatFail(); } if (r###lt && r###lt.flashvars && r###lt.flashvars.watchAuthKey) { this._videoInfo.watchAuthKey = r###lt.flashvars.watchAuthKey; } } } return VideoSession; })(); var PlayerConfig = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.assign(PlayerConfig.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { var config = this._config = params.config; this._mode = params.mode || ''; if (!this._mode && ZenzaWatch.util.isGinzaWatchUrl()) { this._mode = 'ginza'; } if (!this._mode) { _.each([ 'refreshValue', 'getValue', 'setValue', 'setValueSilently', 'setSessionValue', 'on', 'off' ], (func) => { //this[func] = _.bind(config[func], config); this[func] = config[func].bind(config); }); } }, // 環境ごとに独立させたい要求が出てきたのでラップする _getNativeKey: function(key) { if (!this._mode) { return key; } switch (this._mode) { case 'ginza': if (['autoPlay', 'screenMode'].includes(key)) { return key + ':' + this._mode; } return key; default: return key; } }, refreshValue: function(key) { key = this._getNativeKey(key); return this._config.refreshValue(key); }, getValue: function(key, refresh) { key = this._getNativeKey(key); return this._config.getValue(key, refresh); }, setValue: function(key, value) { key = this._getNativeKey(key); return this._config.setValue(key, value); }, setValueSilently: function(key, value) { key = this._getNativeKey(key); return this._config.setValueSilently(key, value); }, setSessionValue: function(key, value) { key = this._getNativeKey(key); return this._config.setSessionValue(key, value); }, _wrapFunc: function(func) { return function(key, value) { key = key.replace(/:.*?$/, ''); func(key, value); }; }, on: function(key, func) { if (key.match(/^update-(.*)$/)) { key = RegExp.$1; var nativeKey = this._getNativeKey(key); //if (key !== nativeKey) { window.console.log('config.on %s -> %s', key, nativeKey); } this._config.on('update-' + nativeKey, func); } else { this._config.on(key, this._wrapFunc(func)); } }, off: function(/*key, func*/) { throw new Error('not supported!'); } }); var VideoWatchOptions = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoWatchOptions.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoWatchOptions.prototype, { initialize: function(watchId, options, config) { this._watchId = watchId; this._options = options || {}; this._config = config; }, getRawData: function() { // window.console.trace(); return this._options; }, getEventType: function() { return this._options.eventType || ''; }, getQuery: function() { return this._options.query || {}; }, getVideoLoadOptions: function() { var options = { economy: this.isEconomy() }; return options; }, getMylistLoadOptions: function() { var options = {}; var query = this.getQuery(); if (query.mylist_sort) { options.sort = query.mylist_sort; } options.group_id = query.group_id; options.watchId = this._watchId; return options; }, isPlaylistStartRequest: function() { let eventType = this.getEventType(); let query = this.getQuery(); if (eventType !== 'click' || query.continuous !== '1') { return false; } if (['mylist', 'deflist', 'tag', 'search'].includes(query.playlist_type) && (query.group_id || query.order)) { return true; } return false; }, hasKey: function(key) { return _.has(this._options, key); }, isOpenNow: function() { return this._options.openNow === true; }, isEconomy: function() { return _.isBoolean(this._options.economy) ? this._options.economy : this._config.getValue('forceEconomy'); }, isAutoCloseFullScreen: function() { return !!this._options.autoCloseFullScreen; }, isReload: function() { return this._options.isReload === true; }, getCurrentTime: function() { return _.isNumber(this._options.currentTime) ? parseFloat(this._options.currentTime, 10) : 0; }, createOptionsForVideoChange: function(options) { options = options || {}; delete this._options.economy; _.defaults(options, this._options); options.openNow = true; options.isReload = false; options.currentTime = 0; options.query = {}; return options; }, createOptionsForReload: function(options) { options = options || {}; delete this._options.economy; _.defaults(options, this._options); options.openNow = true; options.isReload = true; options.query = {}; return options; }, createOptionsForSession: function(options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, this._options); options.query = {}; return options; } }); class BaseState extends AsyncEmitter { constructor() { super(); this._name = ''; this._state = {}; this._props = {}; } _defineProperty() { Object.keys(this._state).forEach(key => { Object.defineProperty( this, key, { get: () => { return this._state[key]; }, set: (v) => { this._setState(key, v); } }); }); } setState(key, val) { if (_.isString(key)) { return this._setState(key, val); } Object.keys(key).forEach(k => { this._setState(k, key[k]); }); } _setState(key, val) { if (!this._state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { window.console.warn('%cUnknown property %s = %s', 'background: yellow;', key, val); console.trace(); } if (this._state[key] === val) { return; } this._state[key] = val; this.emit('change', key, val); this.emit(`update-${key}`, val); } } class PlayerState extends BaseState { constructor(player, config) { super(); this._name = 'Player'; this._state = { isAbort: false, isAutoPlay: config.getValue('autoPlay'), isBackComment: config.getValue('backComment'), isChanging: false, isChannel: false, isCommentVisible: config.getValue('showComment'), isCommentReady: false, isCommentPosting: false, isCommunity: false, isWaybackMode: false, isDebug: config.getValue('debug'), isDmcAvailable: false, isDmcPlaying: false, isError: false, isLoading: false, isLoop: config.getValue('loop'), isMute: config.getValue('mute'), isMymemory: false, isOpen: false, isPausing: false, isPlaylistEnable: false, isPlaying: false, isRegularUser: !util.isPremium(), isStalled: false, isUpdatingDeflist: false, isUpdatingMylist: false, isNotPlayed: true, isYouTube: false, isEnableFilter: config.getValue('enableFilter'), sharedNgLevel: config.getValue('sharedNgLevel'), screenMode: config.getValue('screenMode'), playbackRate: config.getValue('playbackRate') }; this._defineProperty(); this.getCurrentTime = () => { player.getCurrentTime(); }; } resetVideoLoadingStatus() { this.setState({ isLoading: true, isPlaying: false, isStalled: false, isError: false, isAbort: false, isMymemory: false, isCommunity: false, isChannel: false }); } setVideoCanPlay() { this.setState({ isStalled: false, isLoading: false, isPausing: false, isNotPlayed: true, isError: false}); } setPlaying() { this.setState({isPlaying: true, isPausing: false, isLoading: false, isNotPlayed: false, isError: false}); } setPausing() { this.setState({isPlaying: false, isPausing: true}); } setVideoEnded() { this.setState({isPlaying: false, isPausing: false}); } setVideoErrorOccurred() { this.setState({isError: true, isPlaying: false, isLoading: false}); } } var NicoVideoPlayerDialogView = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.__css__ = ` /* プレイヤーが動いてる間、裏の余計な物のマウスイベントを無効化 多少軽量化が期待できる? */ body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_big>.container, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_normal>.container, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_wide>.container, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_3D>.container { pointer-events: none; } body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_big>.container *, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_normal>.container *, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_wide>.container *, body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_3D>.container *{ animation-play-state: paused !important; } body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog .ads { display: none !important; pointer-events: none; animation-play-state: paused !important; } /* 大百科の奴 */ body.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog #scrollUp { display: none !important; } .changeScreenMode { pointer-events: none; } .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog { display: none; position: fixed; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX}; font-size: 13px; text-align: left; box-sizing: border-box; /*transition: width: 0.4s ease-in, height: 0.4s ease-in 0.4s, right 0.4s ease-in, bottom 0.4s ease-in;*/ contain: size style; } .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .fullScreen .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog { /*transform: translatez(0);*/ } .is-regularUser .forPremium { display: none !important; } .forDmc { display: none; } .is-dmcPlaying .forDmc { display: inherit; } .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog * { box-sizing: border-box; } .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog.is-open { display: block; } .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog li { text-align: left; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .fullScreen .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog { transition: none !important; } .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; background: #000; box-sizing: border-box; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 1}; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #000; /*transition: none; top 0.4s ease-in, left 0.4s ease-in;*/ } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner, .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner, .fullScreen .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { transition: none !important; } .noVideoInfoPanel .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } .zenzaPlayerContainer { position: relative; /* overflow: hidden; */ background: #000; width: 672px; height: 384px; /*transition: width 0.4s ease-in 0.4s, height 0.4s ease-in;*/ background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading { cursor: wait; } .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-loading):not(.is-error) { background-image: none !important; background: #000 !important; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .videoPlayer, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-error .videoPlayer, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-error .commentLayerFrame { display: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaPlayerContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaPlayerContainer, .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContainer { transition: none !important; } .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContainer { /*transform: translateZ(0);*/ } .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; border: 0; z-index: 100; background: #000; will-change: transform, opacity; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; contain: paint; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-mouseMoving) .videoPlayer>*, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-mouseMoving) .videoPlayer>*, .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContainer:not(.is-mouseMoving) .videoPlayer>* { cursor: none; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .videoPlayer>* { cursor: wait; } .is-mouseMoving .videoPlayer>* { cursor: auto; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { transform: perspective(600px) rotateX(10deg); height: 100%; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame { transform: translateZ(0) perspective(600px) rotateY(30deg) rotateZ(-15deg) rotateX(15deg); opacity: 0.9; height: 100%; margin-left: 20%; } .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame { position: absolute; border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 101; transition: opacity 1s ease; /*, height 0.4s ease;*/ pointer-events: none; /*transform: translateZ(0);*/ cursor: none; will-change: transform, opacity; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; contain: paint; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame, .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame { transition: none !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: calc(-50vh + 50%); left: calc(-50vw + 50%); width: 100vw; height: calc(100vh - 40px); right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } .is-mouseMoving .commentLayerFrame { /* height: calc(100% - 50px); */ cursor: auto; } .fullScreen .videoPlayer, .fullScreen .commentLayerFrame { top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; right: 0 !important; bottom: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; z-index: 100 !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame, .fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame { top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: calc(100% - ${CONSTANT.CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT}px) !important; right: 0 !important; bottom: ${CONSTANT.CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT}px !important; border: 0 !important; } .zenzaStoryboardOpen.fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaStoryboardOpen.fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame { padding-bottom: 50px; } .zenzaStoryboardOpen.zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaStoryboardOpen.zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaStoryboardOpen.zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaStoryboardOpen.zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame{ padding-bottom: 80px; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer, .fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .videoPlayer { z-index: 100 !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame, .fullScreen .showVideoControlBar .commentLayerFrame { z-index: 101 !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-showComment.is-backComment .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-showComment.is-backComment .videoPlayer, .fullScreen .is-showComment.is-backComment .videoPlayer { top: 25% !important; left: 25% !important; width: 50% !important; height: 50% !important; right: 0 !important; bottom: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; z-index: 102 !important; } .fullScreen .zenzaPlayerContainer { left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; width: 100vw !important; height: 100vh !important; } .is-showComment.is-backComment .videoPlayer { opacity: 0.90; } .is-showComment.is-backComment .videoPlayer:hover { opacity: 1; } .fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { transform: perspective(700px) rotateX(10deg); margin-top: -5%; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView { margin-left: ${CONSTANT.SIDE_PLAYER_WIDTH + 24}px; margin-top: 76px; width: auto; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView.nofix:not(.fullScreen) { margin-top: 40px; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView #siteHeader { } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.nofix) #siteHeader { margin-left: ${CONSTANT.SIDE_PLAYER_WIDTH}px; width: auto; top: 40px; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.nofix) #siteHeader #siteHeaderInner { width: auto; } body.zenzaScreenMode_normal, body.zenzaScreenMode_big, body.zenzaScreenMode_3D, body.zenzaScreenMode_wide { overflow: hidden !important; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaVideoPlayerDialog { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 100%; bottom: 100%; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaPlayerContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: ${CONSTANT.SIDE_PLAYER_WIDTH}px; height: ${CONSTANT.SIDE_PLAYER_HEIGHT}px; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner, .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { top: 0; left: 0; transform: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner:hover { } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { left: 2.38%; width: 95.23%; } .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: ${CONSTANT.BIG_PLAYER_WIDTH}px; height: ${CONSTANT.BIG_PLAYER_HEIGHT}px; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaPlayerContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaPlayerContainer { left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; box-shadow: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_small .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .videoPlayer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .videoPlayer { left: 0; width: 100%; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-backComment .videoPlayer { left: 25%; top: 25%; width: 50%; height: 50%; z-index: 102; } /* 右パネル分の幅がある時は右パネルを出す */ @media screen and (min-width: 992px) { .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { padding-right: ${CONSTANT.RIGHT_PANEL_WIDTH}px; background: none; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1216px) { .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { padding-right: ${CONSTANT.RIGHT_PANEL_WIDTH}px; background: none; } } /* 縦長モニター */ @media screen and (max-width: 991px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { padding-bottom: 240px; top: calc(50% + 60px); background: none; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1215px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner { padding-bottom: 240px; top: calc(50% + 60px); background: none; } } /* 960x540 */ @media screen and (min-width: 1328px) and (max-width: 1663px) and (min-height: 700px) and (min-height: 899px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(960px * 1.05); height: 540px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { } } /* 1152x648 */ @media screen and (min-width: 1530px) and (min-height: 900px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(1152px * 1.05); height: 648px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer .videoPlayer { } } /* 1280x720 */ @media screen and (min-width: 1664px) and (min-height: 900px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(1280px * 1.05); height: 720px; } } /* 1920x1080 */ @media screen and (min-width: 2336px) and (min-height: 1200px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(1920px * 1.05); height: 1080px; } } /* 2560x1440 */ @media screen and (min-width: 2976px) and (min-height: 1660px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(2560px * 1.05); height: 1440px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1432px) { body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView { margin-left: calc(100vw - ####px); } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.nofix) #siteHeader { width: calc(100vw - (100vw - ####px)); margin-left: calc(100vw - ####px); } .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaPlayerContainer { width: calc(100vw - ####px); height: calc((100vw - ####px) * 9 / 16); } } .loadingMessageContainer { display: none; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .loadingMessageContainer { display: inline-block; position: absolute; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 10000}; right: 8px; bottom: 8px; font-size: 24px; color: #ccc; text-shadow: 0 0 8px #003; font-family: serif; letter-spacing: 2px; /*animation-name: loadingVideo;*/ /*background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);*/ } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(-1800deg); } } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .loadingMessageContainer::before, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .loadingMessageContainer::after { display: inline-block; text-align: center; content: '${'\\00272A'}'; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; animation-name: spin; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 5s; animation-timing-function: linear; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .loadingMessageContainer::after { animation-direction: reverse; } .errorMessageContainer { display: none; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-error .errorMessageContainer { display: inline-block; position: absolute; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 10000}; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 8px 16px; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9); font-size: 24px; box-shadow: 8px 8px 4px rgba(128, 0, 0, 0.8); white-space: nowrap; } .popupMessageContainer { top: 50px; left: 50px; z-index: 25000; position: absolute; pointer-events: none; transform: translateZ(0); user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } `; NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.__tpl__ = (` <div id="zenzaVideoPlayerDialog" class="zenzaVideoPlayerDialog"> <div class="zenzaVideoPlayerDialogInner"> <div class="menuContainer"></div> <div class="zenzaPlayerContainer"> <div class="popupMessageContainer"></div> <div class="errorMessageContainer"></div> <div class="loadingMessageContainer">動画読込中</div> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.extend(NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { const dialog = this._dialog = params.dialog; this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._nicoVideoPlayer = params.nicoVideoPlayer; this._playerState = params.playerState; this._currentTimeGetter = params.currentTimeGetter; this._aspectRatio = 9 / 16; dialog.on('canPlay', this._onVideoCanPlay.bind(this)); dialog.on('videoCount', this._onVideoCount.bind(this)); dialog.on('error', this._onVideoError.bind(this)); dialog.on('play', this._onVideoPlay.bind(this)); dialog.on('playing', this._onVideoPlaying.bind(this)); dialog.on('pause', this._onVideoPause.bind(this)); dialog.on('stalled', this._onVideoStalled.bind(this)); dialog.on('abort', this._onVideoAbort.bind(this)); dialog.on('aspectRatioFix', this._onVideoAspectRatioFix.bind(this)); dialog.on('volumeChange', this._onVolumeChange.bind(this)); dialog.on('volumeChangeEnd', this._onVolumeChangeEnd.bind(this)); dialog.on('beforeVideoOpen', this._onBeforeVideoOpen.bind(this)); dialog.on('loadVideoInfo', this._onVideoInfoLoad.bind(this)); dialog.on('loadVideoInfoFail', this._onVideoInfoFail.bind(this)); dialog.on('videoServerType', this._onVideoServerType.bind(this)); this._initializeDom(); this._playerState.on('change', this._onPlayerStateChange.bind(this)); }, _initializeDom: function() { util.addStyle(NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.__css__); const $dialog = this._$dialog = $(NicoVideoPlayerDialogView.__tpl__); const onCommand = this._onCommand.bind(this); const config = this._playerConfig; const dialog = this._dialog; const $container = this._$playerContainer = $dialog.find('.zenzaPlayerContainer'); const container = $container[0]; $container.on('click', (e) => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); if (config.getValue('enableTogglePlayOnClick') && !$container.hasClass('menuOpen')) { onCommand('togglePlay'); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $container.removeClass('menuOpen'); }); this._applyState(); // マウスを動かしてないのにmousemoveが飛んでくるのでねずみかます let lastX = 0, lastY = 0; let onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); let onMouseMoveEnd = _.debounce(this._onMouseMoveEnd.bind(this), 400); $container.on('mousemove', (e) => { if (e.buttons === 0 && lastX === e.screenX && lastY === e.screenY) { return; } lastX = e.screenX; lastY = e.screenY; onMouseMove(e); onMouseMoveEnd(e); }); $dialog .on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)) .on('dblclick', (e) => { if (!e.target || e.target.id !== 'zenzaVideoPlayerDialog') { return; } if (config.getValue('enableDblclickClose')) { this.emit('command', 'close'); } }) .toggleClass('is-guest', !util.isLogin()); this._hoverMenu = new VideoHoverMenu({ playerContainer: container, playerState: this._playerState }); this._hoverMenu.on('command', onCommand); this._commentInput = new CommentInputPanel({ $playerContainer: $container, playerConfig: config }); this._commentInput.on('post', (e, chat, cmd) => { this.emit('postChat', e, chat, cmd); }); let isPlaying = false; this._commentInput.on('focus', (isAutoPause) => { isPlaying = this._nicoVideoPlayer.isPlaying(); if (isAutoPause) { this.emit('command', 'pause'); } }); this._commentInput.on('blur', (isAutoPause) => { if (isAutoPause && isPlaying && dialog.isOpen()) { this.emit('command', 'play'); } }); this._commentInput.on('esc', () => { this._escBlockExpiredAt = Date.now() + 1000 * 2; }); this._settingPanel = new SettingPanel({ $playerContainer: $container, playerConfig: config, player: this._dialog }); this._settingPanel.on('command', onCommand); this._videoControlBar = new VideoControlBar({ $playerContainer: $container, playerConfig: config, player: this._dialog }); this._videoControlBar.on('command', onCommand); this._$errorMessageContainer = $container.find('.errorMessageContainer'); this._initializeVideoInfoPanel(); this._initializeResponsive(); this.selectTab(this._playerConfig.getValue('videoInfoPanelTab')); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('showMenu', () => { $container.addClass('menuOpen'); }); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideMenu', () => { $container.removeClass('menuOpen'); }); document.body.appendChild($dialog[0]); }, _initializeVideoInfoPanel: function() { if (this._videoInfoPanel) { return this._videoInfoPanel; } this._videoInfoPanel = new VideoInfoPanel({ dialog: this, node: this._$playerContainer, currentTimeGetter: this._currentTimeGetter }); this._videoInfoPanel.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); return this._videoInfoPanel; }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { this.emit('command', command, param); }, _initializeResponsive: function() { window.addEventListener('resize', _.debounce(this._updateResponsive.bind(this), 500)); }, _updateResponsive: function() { var $container = this._$playerContainer; var $bar = $container.find('.videoControlBar'); var $header = $container.find('.zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel'); // 画面の縦幅にシークバー分の余裕がある時は常時表示 const update = () => { const w = window.innerWidth, h = window.innerHeight; const videoControlBarHeight = $bar.outerHeight(); const vMargin = h - w * this._aspectRatio; this.toggleClass('showVideoControlBar', vMargin >= videoControlBarHeight); this.toggleClass('showVideoHeaderPanel', vMargin >= videoControlBarHeight + $header.outerHeight() * 2); }; update(); }, _onMouseMove: function() { if (this._isMouseMoving) { return; } this.addClass('is-mouseMoving'); this._isMouseMoving = true; }, _onMouseMoveEnd: function() { if (!this._isMouseMoving) { return; } this.removeClass('is-mouseMoving'); this._isMouseMoving = false; }, _onVideoCanPlay: function(watchId, videoInfo, options) { this.emit('canPlay', watchId, videoInfo, options); }, _onVideoCount: function({comment, view, mylist} = {}) { this.emit('videoCount', {comment, view, mylist}); }, _onVideoError: function(e) { this.emit('error', e); }, _onBeforeVideoOpen: function() { this.setThumbnail(); }, _onVideoInfoLoad: function(videoInfo) { this._videoInfoPanel.update(videoInfo); }, _onVideoInfoFail: function(videoInfo) { if (videoInfo) { this._videoInfoPanel.update(videoInfo); } }, _onVideoServerType: function(type, sessionInfo) { this.toggleClass('is-dmcPlaying', type === 'dmc'); this.emit('videoServerType', type, sessionInfo); }, _onVideoPlay: function() {}, _onVideoPlaying: function() {}, _onVideoPause: function() {}, _onVideoStalled: function() {}, _onVideoAbort: function() {}, _onVideoAspectRatioFix: function(ratio) { this._aspectRatio = ratio; this._updateResponsive(); }, _onVolumeChange: function(/*vol, mute*/) { this.addClass('volumeChanging'); }, _onVolumeChangeEnd: function(/*vol, mute*/) { this.removeClass('volumeChanging'); }, _onScreenModeChange: function() { this.addClass('changeScreenMode'); this._applyScreenMode(); window.setTimeout(() => { this.removeClass('changeScreenMode'); }, 1000); }, _getStateClassNameTable: function() { return { // TODO: テーブルなくても対応できるようにcss名を整理 isAbort: 'is-abort', isBackComment: 'is-backComment', isCommentVisible: 'is-showComment', isDebug: 'is-debug', isDmcAvailable: 'is-dmcAvailable', isDmcPlaying: 'is-dmcPlaying', isError: 'is-error', isLoading: 'is-loading', isMute: 'is-mute', isLoop: 'is-loop', isOpen: 'is-open', isPlaying: 'is-playing', isPausing: 'is-pausing', isStalled: 'is-stalled', isChanging: 'is-changing', isUpdatingDeflist: 'is-updatingDeflist', isUpdatingMylist: 'is-updatingMylist', isPlaylistEnable: 'is-playlistEnable', isCommentPosting: 'is-commentPosting', isRegularUser: 'is-regularUser', isWaybackMode: 'is-waybackMode', isNotPlayed: 'is-notPlayed', isYouTube: 'is-youTube', }; }, _onPlayerStateChange: function(key, value) { const table = this._getStateClassNameTable(); const className = table[key]; if (className) { this.toggleClass(className, !!value); } switch(key) { case 'screenMode': case 'isOpen': if (this._playerState.isOpen) { this._onScreenModeChange(); } break; } }, _applyState: function() { const table = this._getStateClassNameTable(); const container = this._$playerContainer[0]; const state = this._playerState; Object.keys(table).forEach(key => { const className = table[key]; if (!className) { return; } container.classList.toggle(className, state[key]); }); if (this._playerState.isOpen) { this._applyScreenMode(); } }, _getScreenModeClassNameTable: function() { return [ 'zenzaScreenMode_3D', 'zenzaScreenMode_small', 'zenzaScreenMode_sideView', 'zenzaScreenMode_normal', 'zenzaScreenMode_big', 'zenzaScreenMode_wide' ]; }, _applyScreenMode: function() { const screenMode = `zenzaScreenMode_${this._playerState.screenMode}`; const body = util.$('body, html'); const modes = this._getScreenModeClassNameTable(); modes.forEach(m => { body.toggleClass(m, m === screenMode); }); }, show: function() { this._$dialog.addClass('is-open'); if (!FullScreen.now()) { document.body.classList.remove('fullScreen'); } util.$('body, html').addClass('showNicoVideoPlayerDialog'); }, hide: function() { this._$dialog.removeClass('is-open'); this._settingPanel.hide(); util.$('body, html').removeClass('showNicoVideoPlayerDialog'); this.clearClass(); }, clearClass: function() { const modes = this._getScreenModeClassNameTable().join(' '); util.$('body, html').removeClass(modes); }, _onClick: function() { }, setNicoVideoPlayer: function(nicoVideoPlayer) { this._nicoVideoPlayer = nicoVideoPlayer; }, setThumbnail: function(thumbnail) { if (thumbnail) { this.css('background-image', `url(${thumbnail})`); } else { // base hrefのせいで変なurlを参照してしまうので適当な黒画像にする this.css('background-image', `url(${CONSTANT.BLANK_PNG})`); } }, focusToCommentInput: function() { // 即フォーカスだと入力欄に"C"が入ってしまうのを雑に対処 window.setTimeout(() => { this._commentInput.focus(); }, 0); }, toggleSettingPanel: function() { this._settingPanel.toggle(); }, setErrorMessage: function(msg) { this._$errorMessageContainer.text(msg); }, get$Container: function() { return this._$playerContainer; }, css: function(key, val) { util.$(this._$playerContainer[0]).css(key, val); }, addClass: function(name) { return this.toggleClass(name, true); }, removeClass: function(name) { return this.toggleClass(name, false); }, toggleClass: function(name, v) { const container = this._$playerContainer[0]; name.split(/[ ]+/).forEach(n => { if (_.isBoolean(v)) { container.classList.toggle(n, v); } else { container.classList.toggle(n); } }); }, hasClass: function(name) { const container = this._$playerContainer[0]; return container.classList.contains(name); }, appendTab: function(name, title) { return this._videoInfoPanel.appendTab(name, title); }, selectTab: function(name) { this._playerConfig.setValue('videoInfoPanelTab', name); this._videoInfoPanel.selectTab(name); }, execCommand: function(command, param) { this.emit('command', command, param); }, blinkTab: function(name) { this._videoInfoPanel.blinkTab(name); }, clearPanel: function() { this._videoInfoPanel.clear(); } }); /** * TODO: 分割 まにあわなくなっても知らんぞー */ var NicoVideoPlayerDialog = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(NicoVideoPlayerDialog.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(NicoVideoPlayerDialog.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._offScreenLayer = params.offScreenLayer; this._playerConfig = new PlayerConfig({config: params.playerConfig}); this._playerState = new PlayerState(this, this._playerConfig); this._keyEmitter = params.keyHandler || ShortcutKeyEmitter; this._initializeDom(); this._keyEmitter.on('keyDown', this._onKeyDown.bind(this)); this._keyEmitter.on('keyUp', this._onKeyUp .bind(this)); this._id = 'ZenzaWatchDialog_' + Date.now() + '_' + Math.random(); this._playerConfig.on('update', this._onPlayerConfigUpdate.bind(this)); this._escBlockExpiredAt = -1; this._videoFilter = new VideoFilter( this._playerConfig.getValue('videoOwnerFilter'), this._playerConfig.getValue('videoTagFilter') ); this._savePlaybackPosition = _.throttle(this._savePlaybackPosition.bind(this), 1000, {trailing: false}); this._dynamicCss = new DynamicCss({playerConfig: this._playerConfig}); }, _initializeDom: function() { this._view = new NicoVideoPlayerDialogView({ dialog: this, playerConfig: this._playerConfig, nicoVideoPlayer: this._nicoVideoPlayer, playerState: this._playerState, currentTimeGetter: () => { return this.getCurrentTime(); } }); if (this._playerConfig.getValue('enableCommentPanel')) { this._initializeCommentPanel(); } this._$playerContainer = this._view.get$Container(); this._view.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._view.on('postChat', (e, chat, cmd) => { this.addChat(chat, cmd).then( () => { e.resolve(); }, () => { e.reject(); } ); }); }, _initializeNicoVideoPlayer: function() { if (this._nicoVideoPlayer) { return this._nicoVideoPlayer(); } var config = this._playerConfig; var nicoVideoPlayer = this._nicoVideoPlayer = new NicoVideoPlayer({ offScreenLayer: this._offScreenLayer, node: this._$playerContainer, playerConfig: config, playerState: this._playerState, volume: config.getValue('volume'), loop: config.getValue('loop'), enableFilter: config.getValue('enableFilter'), wordFilter: config.getValue('wordFilter'), wordRegFilter: config.getValue('wordRegFilter'), wordRegFilterFlags: config.getValue('wordRegFilterFlags'), commandFilter: config.getValue('commandFilter'), userIdFilter: config.getValue('userIdFilter') }); this._view.setNicoVideoPlayer(nicoVideoPlayer); this._messageApiLoader = new MessageApiLoader(); nicoVideoPlayer.on('loadedMetaData', this._onLoadedMetaData.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('ended', this._onVideoEnded.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('canPlay', this._onVideoCanPlay.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('play', this._onVideoPlay.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('pause', this._onVideoPause.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('playing', this._onVideoPlaying.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('stalled', this._onVideoStalled.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('progress', this._onVideoProgress.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('aspectRatioFix', this._onVideoAspectRatioFix.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('commentParsed', this._onCommentParsed.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('commentChange', this._onCommentChange.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('commentFilterChange', this._onCommentFilterChange.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('videoPlayerTypeChange', this._onVideoPlayerTypeChange.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('error', this._onVideoError.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('abort', this._onVideoAbort.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('volumeChange', this._onVolumeChange.bind(this)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('volumeChange', _.debounce(this._onVolumeChangeEnd.bind(this), 1500)); nicoVideoPlayer.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); return nicoVideoPlayer; }, execCommand: function(command, param) { return this._onCommand(command, param); }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { // なんかdispatcher的なのに分離したい var v; console.log('command: %s param: %s', command, param, typeof param); switch(command) { case 'notifyHtml': PopupMessage.notify(param, true); break; case 'notify': PopupMessage.notify(param); break; case 'alert': PopupMessage.alert(param); break; case 'alertHtml': PopupMessage.alert(param, true); break; case 'volume': this.setVolume(param); break; case 'volumeUp': this._nicoVideoPlayer.volumeUp(); break; case 'volumeDown': this._nicoVideoPlayer.volumeDown(); break; case 'togglePlay': this.togglePlay(); break; case 'pause': this.pause(); break; case 'play': this.play(); break; case 'toggleComment': case 'toggleShowComment': v = this._playerConfig.getValue('showComment'); this._playerConfig.setValue('showComment', !v); break; case 'toggleBackComment': v = this._playerConfig.getValue('backComment'); this._playerConfig.setValue('backComment', !v); break; case 'toggleConfig': v = this._playerConfig.getValue(param); this._playerConfig.setValue(param, !v); break; case 'toggleMute': v = this._playerConfig.getValue('mute'); this._playerConfig.setValue('mute', !v); break; case 'toggleLoop': v = this._playerConfig.getValue('loop'); this._playerConfig.setValue('loop', !v); break; case 'fullScreen': case 'toggle-fullScreen': this._nicoVideoPlayer.toggleFullScreen(); break; case 'deflistAdd': return this._onDeflistAdd(param); case 'deflistRemove': return this._onDeflistRemove(param); case 'playlistAdd': case 'playlistAppend': this._onPlaylistAppend(param); break; case 'playlistInsert': this._onPlaylistInsert(param); break; case 'playlistSetMylist': this._onPlaylistSetMylist(param); break; case 'playlistSetUploadedVideo': this._onPlaylistSetUploadedVideo(param); break; case 'playlistSetSearchVideo': this._onPlaylistSetSearchVideo(param); break; case 'playNextVideo': this.playNextVideo(); break; case 'playPreviousVideo': this.playPreviousVideo(); break; case 'playlistShuffle': if (this._playlist) { this._playlist.shuffle(); } break; case 'togglePlaylist': case 'playlistToggle': //TODO: こういうのをどっちかに統一 if (this._playlist) { this._playlist.toggleEnable(); } break; case 'mylistAdd': return this._onMylistAdd(param.mylistId, param.mylistName); case 'mylistRemove': return this._onMylistRemove(param.mylistId, param.mylistName); case 'mylistWindow': util.openMylistWindow(this._videoInfo.watchId); break; case 'settingPanel': this._view.toggleSettingPanel(); break; case 'seek': case 'seekTo': this.setCurrentTime(param * 1); break; case 'seekBy': this.setCurrentTime(this.getCurrentTime() + param * 1); break; case 'seekRelativePercent': let dur = this._videoInfo.duration; //let st = param.perStartX; let mv = Math.abs(param.movePerX) > 10 ? (param.movePerX / 2) : (param.movePerX / 8); let pos = this.getCurrentTime() + (mv * dur / 100); //let pos = (st + mv) * dur / 100); this.setCurrentTime(Math.min(Math.max(0, pos), dur)); break; case 'addWordFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.addWordFilter(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGワード追加: ' + param); break; case 'setWordRegFilter': case 'setWordRegFilterFlags': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setWordRegFilter(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGワード正規表現更新'); break; case 'addUserIdFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.addUserIdFilter(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGID追加: ' + param); break; case 'addCommandFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.addCommandFilter(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGコマンド追加: ' + param); break; case 'setWordFilterList': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setWordFilterList(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGワード更新'); break; case 'setUserIdFilterList': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setUserIdFilterList(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGID更新'); break; case 'setCommandFilterList': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setCommandFilterList(param); PopupMessage.notify('NGコマンド更新'); break; case 'tweet': ZenzaWatch.util.openTweetWindow(this._videoInfo); break; case 'openNow': this.open(param, {openNow: true}); break; case 'open': this.open(param); break; case 'close': this.close(param); break; case 'reload': this.reload({currentTime: this.getCurrentTime()}); break; case 'openGinza': window.open('//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + this._watchId, 'watchGinza'); break; case 'reloadComment': this.reloadComment(param); break; case 'playbackRate': this._playerConfig.setValue(command, param); break; case 'shiftUp': { v = parseFloat(this._playerConfig.getValue('playbackRate'), 10); if (v < 2) { v += 0.25; } else { v = Math.min(10, v + 0.5); } this._playerConfig.setValue('playbackRate', v); } break; case 'shiftDown': { v = parseFloat(this._playerConfig.getValue('playbackRate'), 10); if (v > 2) { v -= 0.5; } else { v = Math.max(0.1, v - 0.25); } this._playerConfig.setValue('playbackRate', v); } break; case 'screenShot': if (this._playerState.isYouTube) { util.capTube({ title: this._videoInfo.title, videoId: this._videoInfo.videoId, author: this._videoInfo.ownerInfo.name }); return; } this._nicoVideoPlayer.getScreenShot(); break; case 'screenShotWithComment': if (this._playerState.isYouTube) { return; } this._nicoVideoPlayer.getScreenShotWithComment(); break; case 'nextVideo': this._nextVideo = param; break; case 'nicosSeek': this._onNicosSeek(param); break; case 'fastSeek': this._nicoVideoPlayer.fastSeek(param); break; case 'saveMymemory': util.saveMymemory(this, this._videoInfo); break; case 'setVideo': this.setVideo(param); break; case 'selectTab': this._view.selectTab(param); break; case 'copy-video-watch-url': util.copyToClipBoard(this._videoInfo.watchUrl); break; case 'update-forceEconomy': case 'update-enableDmc': case 'update-dmcVideoQuality': command = command.replace(/^update-/, ''); if (this._playerConfig.getValue(command) === param) { break; } this._playerConfig.setValue(command, param); this.reload(); break; case 'update-commentLanguage': command = command.replace(/^update-/, ''); if (this._playerConfig.getValue(command) === param) { break; } this._playerConfig.setValue(command, param); this.reloadComment(param); break; case 'toggle-comment': // その日の気分で実装するからこうなるんやで case 'toggle-showComment': case 'toggle-backComment': case 'toggle-mute': case 'toggle-loop': case 'toggle-debug': case 'toggle-enableFilter': case 'toggle-enableNicosJumpVideo': command = command.replace(/^toggle-/, ''); this._playerConfig.setValue(command, !this._playerConfig.getValue(command)); break; case 'baseFontFamily': case 'baseChatScale': case 'enableFilter': case 'update-enableFilter': case 'screenMode': case 'update-screenMode': case 'sharedNgLevel': case 'update-sharedNgLevel': command = command.replace(/^update-/, ''); if (this._playerConfig.getValue(command) === param) { break; } this._playerConfig.setValue(command, param); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit(`command-${command}`, param); } }, _onKeyDown: function(name , e, param) { this._onKeyEvent(name, e, param); }, _onKeyUp: function(name , e, param) { this._onKeyEvent(name, e, param); }, _onKeyEvent: function(name , e, param) { if (!this._playerState.isOpen) { var lastWatchId = this._playerConfig.getValue('lastWatchId'); if (name === 'RE_OPEN' && lastWatchId) { this.open(lastWatchId); e.preventDefault(); } return; } switch (name) { case 'RE_OPEN': this.execCommand('reload'); break; case 'PAUSE': this.pause(); break; case 'SPACE': case 'TOGGLE_PLAY': this.togglePlay(); break; case 'TOGGLE_PLAYLIST': this.execCommand('playlistToggle'); break; case 'ESC': // ESCキーは連打にならないようブロック期間を設ける if (Date.now() < this._escBlockExpiredAt) { window.console.log('block ESC'); break; } this._escBlockExpiredAt = Date.now() + 1000 * 2; if (!FullScreen.now()) { this.close(); } break; case 'FULL': this._nicoVideoPlayer.requestFullScreen(); break; case 'INPUT_COMMENT': this._view.focusToCommentInput(); break; case 'DEFLIST': this._onDeflistAdd(param); break; case 'DEFLIST_REMOVE': this._onDeflistRemove(param); break; case 'VIEW_COMMENT': this.execCommand('toggleShowComment'); break; case 'MUTE': this.execCommand('toggleMute'); break; case 'VOL_UP': this.execCommand('volumeUp'); break; case 'VOL_DOWN': this.execCommand('volumeDown'); break; case 'SEEK_TO': this.execCommand('seekTo', param); break; case 'SEEK_BY': this.execCommand('seekBy', param); break; case 'NEXT_VIDEO': this.playNextVideo(); break; case 'PREV_VIDEO': this.playPreviousVideo(); break; case 'PLAYBACK_RATE': this.execCommand('playbackRate', param); break; case 'SHIFT_UP': this.execCommand('shiftUp'); break; case 'SHIFT_DOWN': this.execCommand('shiftDown'); break; case 'SCREEN_MODE': this.execCommand('screenMode', param); break; case 'SCREEN_SHOT': this.execCommand('screenShot'); break; case 'SCREEN_SHOT_WITH_COMMENT': this.execCommand('screenShotWithComment'); break; } var screenMode = this._playerConfig.getValue('screenMode'); if (!['small', 'sideView'].includes(screenMode)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }, _onPlayerConfigUpdate: function(key, value) { switch (key) { case 'autoPlay': this._playerState.isAutoPlay = !!value; break; case 'backComment': this._playerState.isBackComment = !!value; break; case 'showComment': this._playerState.isCommentVisible = !!value; break; case 'loop': this._playerState.isLoop = !!value; break; case 'mute': this._playerState.isMute = !!value; break; case 'sharedNgLevel': this._playerState.sharedNgLevel = value; //PopupMessage.notify('NG共有: ' + // {'HIGH': '強', 'MID': '中', 'LOW': '弱', 'NONE': 'なし'}[value]); break; case 'debug': this._playerState.isDebug = !!value; PopupMessage.notify('debug: ' + (value ? 'ON' : 'OFF')); break; case 'enableFilter': //PopupMessage.notify('NG設定: ' + (value ? 'ON' : 'OFF')); this._playerState.isEnableFilter = value; this._nicoVideoPlayer.setIsCommentFilterEnable(value); break; case 'wordFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setWordFilterList(value); break; case 'setWordRegFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setWordRegFilter(value); break; case 'userIdFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setUserIdFilterList(value); break; case 'commandFilter': this._nicoVideoPlayer.setCommandFilterList(value); break; case 'screenMode': this._playerState.screenMode = value; break; case 'playbackRate': this._playerState.playbackRate = value; break; } }, _updateScreenMode: function(mode) { this.emit('screenModeChange', mode); }, _clearClass: function() { this._view.clearClass(); }, _onClick: function() { }, _onPlaylistAppend: function(watchId) { this._initializePlaylist(); if (!this._playlist) { return; } var onAppend = _.debounce(() => { this._playlist.scrollToWatchId(watchId); }, 500); this._playlist.append(watchId).then(onAppend, onAppend); }, _onPlaylistInsert: function(watchId) { this._initializePlaylist(); if (!this._playlist) { return; } this._playlist.insert(watchId); }, _onPlaylistSetMylist: function(mylistId, option) { this._initializePlaylist(); if (!this._playlist) { return; } option = option || {watchId: this._watchId}; // デフォルトで古い順にする option.sort = isNaN(option.sort) ? 7 : option.sort; // 通常時はプレイリストの置き換え、 // 連続再生中はプレイリストに追加で読み込む option.append = this._playlist.isEnable(); var query = this._videoWatchOptions.getQuery(); option.shuffle = parseInt(query.shuffle, 10) === 1; this._playlist.loadFromMylist(mylistId, option).then((r###lt) => { this.execCommand('notify', r###lt.message); this._view.selectTab('playlist'); this._playlist.insertCurrentVideo(this._videoInfo); }, () => { this.execCommand('alert', 'マイリストのロード失敗'); }); }, _onPlaylistSetUploadedVideo: function(userId, option) { this._initializePlaylist(); option = option || {watchId: this._watchId}; // 通常時はプレイリストの置き換え、 // 連続再生中はプレイリストに追加で読み込む option.append = this._playlist.isEnable(); this._playlist.loadUploadedVideo(userId, option).then((r###lt) => { this.execCommand('notify', r###lt.message); this._view.selectTab('playlist'); this._playlist.insertCurrentVideo(this._videoInfo); }, (err) => { this.execCommand('alert', err.message || '投稿動画一覧のロード失敗'); }); }, _onPlaylistSetSearchVideo: function(params) { this._initializePlaylist(); var option = params.option || {}; var word = params.word; option = option || {}; // 通常時はプレイリストの置き換え、 // 連続再生中はプレイリストに追加で読み込む option.append = this._playlist.isEnable(); if (option.owner) { var ownerId = parseInt(this._videoInfo.ownerInfo.id, 10); if (this._videoInfo.isChannel) { option.channelId = ownerId; } else { option.userId = ownerId; } } delete option.owner; var query = this._videoWatchOptions.getQuery(); Object.assign(option, query); //window.console.log('_onPlaylistSetSearchVideo:', word, option); this._view.selectTab('playlist'); this._playlist.loadSearchVideo(word, option).then((r###lt) => { this.execCommand('notify', r###lt.message); this._playlist.insertCurrentVideo(this._videoInfo); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('searchVideo', {word, option}); window.setTimeout(() => { this._playlist.scrollToActiveItem(); }, 1000); }, (err) => { this.execCommand('alert', err.message || '検索失敗または該当無し: 「' + word + '」'); }); }, _onPlaylistStatusUpdate: function() { var playlist = this._playlist; this._playerConfig.setValue('playlistLoop', playlist.isLoop()); this._playerState.isPlaylistEnable = playlist.isEnable(); if (playlist.isEnable()) { this._playerConfig.setValue('loop', false); } this._view.blinkTab('playlist'); }, _onCommentPanelStatusUpdate: function() { var commentPanel = this._commentPanel; this._playerConfig.setValue( 'enableCommentPanelAutoScroll', commentPanel.isAutoScroll()); }, _onDeflistAdd: function(watchId) { if (this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist) { return; } //busy if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } const unlock = () => { this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist = false; }; this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist = true; let timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 10000); const owner = this._videoInfo.ownerInfo; watchId = watchId || this._videoInfo.watchId; const description = (watchId === this._watchId && this._playerConfig.getValue('enableAutoMylistComment')) ? ('投稿者: ' + owner.name) : ''; if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } return this._mylistApiLoader.addDeflistItem(watchId, description) .then(r###lt => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.notify(r###lt.message); }, err => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.alert(err.message); }); }, _onDeflistRemove: function(watchId) { if (this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist) { return; } //busy if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } const unlock = () => { this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist = false; }; this._playerState.isUpdatingDeflist = true; let timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 10000); watchId = watchId || this._videoInfo.watchId; if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } return this._mylistApiLoader.removeDeflistItem(watchId) .then(r###lt => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.notify(r###lt.message); }, err => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.alert(err.message); }); }, _onMylistAdd: function(groupId, mylistName) { if (this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist) { return; } //busy if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } const unlock = () => { this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist = false; }; this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist = true; let timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 10000); const owner = this._videoInfo.ownerInfo; const watchId = this._videoInfo.watchId; const description = this._playerConfig.getValue('enableAutoMylistComment') ? ('投稿者: ' + owner.name) : ''; if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } return this._mylistApiLoader.addMylistItem(watchId, groupId, description) .then(r###lt => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.notify(r###lt.message + ': ' + mylistName); }, err => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.alert(err.message + ': ' + mylistName); }); }, _onMylistRemove: function(groupId, mylistName) { if (this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist) { return; } //busy if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } const unlock = () => { this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist = false; }; this._playerState.isUpdatingMylist = true; var timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 10000); var watchId = this._videoInfo.watchId; if (!this._mylistApiLoader) { this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); } return this._mylistApiLoader.removeMylistItem(watchId, groupId) .then(r###lt => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.notify(r###lt.message + ': ' + mylistName); }, err => { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(unlock, 2000); PopupMessage.alert(err.message + ': ' + mylistName); }); }, _onCommentParsed: function() { const lang = this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLanguage'); this.emit('commentParsed', lang, this._threadInfo); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('commentParsed'); }, _onCommentChange: function() { const lang = this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLanguage'); this.emit('commentChange', lang, this._threadInfo); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('commentChange'); }, _onCommentFilterChange: function(filter) { var config = this._playerConfig; config.setValue('enableFilter', filter.isEnable()); config.setValue('wordFilter', filter.getWordFilterList()); config.setValue('userIdFilter', filter.getUserIdFilterList()); config.setValue('commandFilter', filter.getCommandFilterList()); this.emit('commentFilterChange', filter); }, _onVideoPlayerTypeChange: function(type = '') { switch(type.toLowerCase()) { case 'youtube': this._playerState.setState({isYouTube: true}); break; default: this._playerState.setState({isYouTube: false}); } }, _onNicosSeek: function(time) { const ct = this.getCurrentTime(); window.console.info('nicosSeek!', time); if (this.isPlaylistEnable()) { // 連続再生中は後方へのシークのみ有効にする if (ct < time) { this.execCommand('fastSeek', time); } } else { this.execCommand('fastSeek', time); } }, show: function() { this._view.show(); this._updateScreenMode(this._playerConfig.getValue('screenMode')); this._playerState.isOpen = true; }, hide: function() { this._playerState.isOpen = false; this._view.hide(); }, open: function(watchId, options) { if (!watchId) { return; } // 連打対策 if (Date.now() - this._lastOpenAt < 1500 && this._watchId === watchId) { return; } this.refreshLastPlayerId(); this._requestId = 'play-' + Math.random(); this._videoWatchOptions = options =new VideoWatchOptions(watchId, options, this._playerConfig); if (!options.isPlaylistStartRequest() && this.isPlaying() && this.isPlaylistEnable() && !options.isOpenNow()) { this._onPlaylistInsert(watchId); return; } window.console.time('動画選択から再生可能までの時間 watchId=' + watchId); let nicoVideoPlayer = this._nicoVideoPlayer; if (!nicoVideoPlayer) { nicoVideoPlayer = this._initializeNicoVideoPlayer(); } else { this._savePlaybackPosition(this._watchId, this.getCurrentTime()); nicoVideoPlayer.close(); this._view.clearPanel(); this.emit('beforeVideoOpen'); if (this._videoSession) { this._videoSession.close(); } } this._playerState.resetVideoLoadingStatus(); // watchIdからサムネイルを逆算できる時は最速でセットする const thumbnail = ZenzaWatch.util.getThumbnailUrlByVideoId(watchId); if (thumbnail) { this._view.setThumbnail(thumbnail); } this._playerState.isCommentReady = false; this._watchId = watchId; this._lastCurrentTime = 0; this._lastOpenAt = Date.now(); this._playerState.isError = false; VideoInfoLoader.load(watchId, options.getVideoLoadOptions()).then( this._onVideoInfoLoaderLoad.bind(this, this._requestId), this._onVideoInfoLoaderFail.bind(this, this._requestId) ); this.show(); if (this._playerConfig.getValue('autoFullScreen') && !ZenzaWatch.util.fullScreen.now()) { nicoVideoPlayer.requestFullScreen(); } this.emit('open', watchId, options); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('DialogPlayerOpen', watchId, options); }, isOpen: function() { return this._playerState.isOpen; }, reload: function(options) { options = this._videoWatchOptions.createOptionsForReload(options); if (this._lastCurrentTime > 0) { options.currentTime = this._lastCurrentTime; } this.open(this._watchId, options); }, getCurrentTime: function() { if (!this._nicoVideoPlayer) { return 0; } var ct = this._nicoVideoPlayer.getCurrentTime() * 1; if (!this._playerState.isError && ct > 0) { this._lastCurrentTime = ct; } return this._lastCurrentTime; }, setCurrentTime: function(sec) { if (!this._nicoVideoPlayer) { return; } if (!!'一般会員でもシークできるようになった' /*ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium() || this.isInSeekableBuffer(sec)*/) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.setCurrentTime(sec); this._lastCurrentTime = sec; //this._lastCurrentTime = this._nicoVideoPlayer.getCurrentTime(); } }, isInSeekableBuffer: function() { return true; }, getId: function() { return this._id; }, isLastOpenedPlayer: function() { return this.getId() === this._playerConfig.getValue('lastPlayerId', true); }, refreshLastPlayerId: function() { if (this.isLastOpenedPlayer()) { return; } this._playerConfig.setValue('lastPlayerId', ''); this._playerConfig.setValue('lastPlayerId', this.getId()); }, _onVideoInfoLoaderLoad: function(requestId, videoInfoData, type, watchId) { console.log('VideoInfoLoader.load!', requestId, watchId, type, videoInfoData); if (this._requestId !== requestId) { return; } const videoInfo = this._videoInfo = new VideoInfoModel(videoInfoData); const autoDisableDmc = !videoInfo.isDmcOnly && this._playerConfig.getValue('autoDisableDmc') && !videoInfo.isEconomy && util.isBetterThanDmcMayBe( videoInfo.width, videoInfo.height, videoInfo.duration ); videoInfo.isDmcDisable = autoDisableDmc; this._playerState.setState({ isDmcAvailable: videoInfo.isDmc, isCommunity: videoInfo.isCommunityVideo, isMymemory: videoInfo.isMymemory, isChannel: videoInfo.isChannel }); const createSession = () => { this._videoSession = VideoSession.createInstance({ videoInfo, videoWatchOptions: this._videoWatchOptions, videoQuality: this._playerConfig.getValue('dmcVideoQuality'), serverType: videoInfo.isDmc ? 'dmc' : 'old', isPlayingCallback: this.isPlaying.bind(this) }); }; createSession(); this._setThumbnail(videoInfo.betterThumbnail); if (this._videoFilter.isNgVideo(videoInfo)) { return this._onVideoFilterMatch(); } const loadSmilevideo = () => { if (this._playerConfig.getValue('enableVideoSession')) { this._videoSession.connect(); } videoInfo.setCurrentVideo(videoInfo.videoUrl); this._playerState.isDmcPlaying = false; this.setVideo(videoInfo.videoUrl); this.emit('videoServerType', 'smile', {}); }; if (!autoDisableDmc && this._playerConfig.getValue('enableDmc') && videoInfo.isDmc) { this._videoSession.connect().then( (sessionInfo) => { this.setVideo(sessionInfo.url); this._videoSessionInfo = sessionInfo; videoInfo.setCurrentVideo(sessionInfo.url); this._playerState.isDmcPlaying = true; this.emit('videoServerType', 'dmc', sessionInfo); }, this._onVideoSessionFail.bind(this) ); } else { loadSmilevideo(); } this._nicoVideoPlayer.setVideoInfo(videoInfo); this.loadComment(videoInfo.msgInfo); this.emit('loadVideoInfo', videoInfo); if (FullScreen.now() || this._playerConfig.getValue('screenMode') === 'wide') { this.execCommand('notifyHtml', '<img src="' + videoInfo.thumbnail + '" style="width: 96px;">' + // タイトルは原則エスケープされてるけど信用してない util.escapeToZenkaku(videoInfo.title) ); } }, setVideo: function(url) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.setVideo(url); }, loadComment: function(msgInfo) { msgInfo.language = this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLanguage'); this._messageApiLoader.load(msgInfo).then( this._onCommentLoadSuccess.bind(this, this._requestId), this._onCommentLoadFail .bind(this, this._requestId) ); }, reloadComment: function(param = {}) { const msgInfo = this._videoInfo.msgInfo; if (typeof param.when === 'number') { msgInfo.when = param.when; } this.loadComment(msgInfo); }, _onVideoInfoLoaderFail: function(requestId, e) { const watchId = e.watchId; window.console.error('_onVideoInfoLoaderFail', watchId, e); if (this._requestId !== requestId) { return; } this._setErrorMessage(e.message || '通信エラー', watchId); this._playerState.isError = true; if (e.info) { this._videoInfo = new VideoInfoModel(e.info); this._setThumbnail(this._videoInfo.betterThumbnail); this.emit('loadVideoInfoFail', this._videoInfo); } else { this.emit('loadVideoInfoFail'); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('loadVideoInfoFail', e); if (!this.isPlaylistEnable()) { return; } if (e.reason === 'forbidden' || e.info.isPlayable === false) { window.setTimeout(() => { this.playNextVideo(); }, 3000); } }, _onVideoSessionFail: function(r###lt) { window.console.error('dmc fail', r###lt); this._setErrorMessage('動画の読み込みに失敗しました(dmc.nico)', this._watchId); this._playerState.setState({isError: true, isLoading: false}); if (this.isPlaylistEnable()) { window.setTimeout(() => { this.playNextVideo(); }, 3000); } }, _onVideoPlayStartFail: function(err) { window.console.error('動画再生開始に失敗', err); this._setErrorMessage('動画の再生開始に失敗しました', this._watchId); this._playerState.isError = true; this.emit('loadVideoInfoFail'); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('loadVideoInfoFail'); // TODO: DMCのセッション切れなら自動リロード if (this._videoSession.isDmc && this._videoSession.isDeleted) { window.console.info('%cリロードしたら直るかも', 'background: yellow'); } }, _onVideoFilterMatch: function() { window.console.error('ng video', this._watchId); this._setErrorMessage('再生除外対象の動画または投稿者です'); this._playerState.isError = true; this.emit('error'); if (this.isPlaylistEnable()) { window.setTimeout(() => { this.playNextVideo(); }, 3000); } }, _setThumbnail: function(thumbnail) { this._view.setThumbnail(thumbnail); }, _setErrorMessage: function(msg) { this._view.setErrorMessage(msg); }, _onCommentLoadSuccess: function(requestId, r###lt) { if (requestId !== this._requestId) { return; } let options = { replacement: this._videoInfo.replacementWords, duration: this._videoInfo.duration }; this._nicoVideoPlayer.closeCommentPlayer(); this._threadInfo = r###lt.threadInfo; this._nicoVideoPlayer.setComment(r###lt.xml, options); this._playerState.isCommentReady = true; this._playerState.isWaybackMode = r###lt.threadInfo.isWaybackMode; this.emit('commentReady', r###lt, this._threadInfo); this.emit('videoCount', {comment: parseInt(r###lt.threadInfo.lastRes, 10)}); }, _onCommentLoadFail: function(requestId, e) { if (requestId !== this._requestId) { return; } PopupMessage.alert(e.message); }, _onLoadedMetaData: function() { // YouTubeは動画指定時にパラメータで開始位置を渡すので不要 if (this._playerState.isYouTube) { return; } // パラメータで開始秒数が指定されていたらそこにシーク var currentTime = this._videoWatchOptions.getCurrentTime(); if (currentTime > 0) { this.setCurrentTime(currentTime); } }, _onVideoCanPlay: function() { if (this._playerState.isYouTube) { return; } window.console.timeEnd('動画選択から再生可能までの時間 watchId=' + this._watchId); this._playerConfig.setValue('lastWatchId', this._watchId); if (this._videoWatchOptions.isPlaylistStartRequest()) { this._initializePlaylist(); var option = this._videoWatchOptions.getMylistLoadOptions(); var query = this._videoWatchOptions.getQuery(); // 通常時はプレイリストの置き換え、 // 連続再生中はプレイリストに追加で読み込む option.append = this.isPlaying() && this._playlist.isEnable(); // //www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20353707 // プレイリスト開幕用動画 option.shuffle = parseInt(query.shuffle, 10) === 1; console.log('playlist option:', option); if (query.playlist_type === 'mylist') { this._playlist.loadFromMylist(option.group_id, option); } else if (query.playlist_type === 'deflist') { this._playlist.loadFromMylist('deflist', option); } else if (query.playlist_type === 'tag' || query.playlist_type === 'search'){ var word = query.tag || query.keyword; option.searchType = query.tag ? 'tag' : ''; _.assign(option, query); this._playlist.loadSearchVideo(word, option, this._playerConfig.getValue('search.limit')); } this._playlist.toggleEnable(true); } else if (PlaylistSession.isExist() && !this._playlist) { this._initializePlaylist(); this._playlist.restoreFromSession(); } else { this._initializePlaylist(); } // チャンネル動画は、1本の動画がwatchId表記とvideoId表記で2本登録されてしまう。 // そこでwatchId表記のほうを除去する this._playlist.insertCurrentVideo(this._videoInfo); if (this._videoInfo.watchId !==this._videoInfo.videoId && this._videoInfo.videoId.indexOf('so') === 0) { this._playlist.removeItemByWatchId(this._videoInfo.watchId); } this._playerState.setVideoCanPlay(); this.emitAsync('canPlay', this._watchId, this._videoInfo, this._videoWatchOptions); // プレイリストによって開かれた時は、自動再生設定に関係なく再生する if (this._videoWatchOptions.getEventType() === 'playlist' && this.isOpen()) { this.play(); } if (this._nextVideo) { const nextVideo = this._nextVideo; this._nextVideo = null; if (!this._playlist) { return; } if (!this._playerConfig.getValue('enableNicosJumpVideo')) { return; } const nv = this._playlist.findByWatchId(nextVideo); if (nv && nv.isPlayed()) { return; } // 既にリストにあって再生済みなら追加しない(無限ループ対策) this.execCommand('notify', '@ジャンプ: ' + nextVideo); this.execCommand('playlistInsert', nextVideo); } }, _onVideoPlay: function() { this._playerState.setPlaying(); this.emit('play'); }, _onVideoPlaying: function() { this.emit('playing'); }, _onVideoPause: function() { this._savePlaybackPosition(this._watchId, this.getCurrentTime()); this.emit('pause'); }, _onVideoStalled: function() { this._playerState.isStalled = true; this._savePlaybackPosition(this._watchId, this.getCurrentTime()); this.emit('stalled'); }, _onVideoProgress: function(range, currentTime) { this.emit('progress', range, currentTime); }, _onVideoError: function(e) { this._playerState.setVideoErrorOccurred(); if (e.type === 'youtube') { return this._onYouTubeVideoError(e); } this.emit('error', e); const isDmc = this._playerConfig.getValue('enableDmc') && this._videoInfo.isDmc; const code = (e && e.target && e.target.error && e.target.error.code) || 0; window.console.error('VideoError!', code, e); if (this._playerState.isPausing) { //this.reload(); this._setErrorMessage(`停止中に動画のセッションが切れました。(code:${code})`); return; } // 10分以上たってエラーになるのはセッション切れ(nicohistoryの有効期限) // と思われるので開き直す if (Date.now() - this._lastOpenAt > 10 * 60 * 1000) { this.reload({ currentTime: this.getCurrentTime() }); } else { if (this._videoInfo && !isDmc && (!this._videoWatchOptions.isEconomy() && !this._videoInfo.isEconomy) ) { this._setErrorMessage('動画の再生に失敗しました。エコノミー回線に接続します。'); setTimeout(() => { if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } this.reload({economy: true}); }, 3000); } else { this._setErrorMessage('動画の再生に失敗しました。'); } } }, _onYouTubeVideoError: function(e) { window.console.error('onYouTubeVideoError!', e); this._setErrorMessage(e.description); this.emit('error', e); }, _onVideoAbort: function() { this.emit('abort'); }, _onVideoAspectRatioFix: function(ratio) { this.emit('aspectRatioFix', ratio); }, _onVideoEnded: function() { // ループ再生中は飛んでこない this.emitAsync('ended'); this._playerState.setVideoEnded(); this._savePlaybackPosition(this._watchId, 0); if (this.isPlaylistEnable() && this._playlist.hasNext()) { this.playNextVideo({eventType: 'playlist'}); return; } else if (this._playlist) { this._playlist.toggleEnable(false); } var isAutoCloseFullScreen = this._videoWatchOptions.hasKey('autoCloseFullScreen') ? this._videoWatchOptions.isAutoCloseFullScreen() : this._playerConfig.getValue('autoCloseFullScreen'); if (FullScreen.now() && isAutoCloseFullScreen) { FullScreen.cancel(); } ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('videoEnded'); }, _onVolumeChange: function(vol, mute) { this.emit('volumeChange', vol, mute); }, _onVolumeChangeEnd: function(vol, mute) { this.emit('volumeChangeEnd', vol, mute); }, _savePlaybackPosition: function(watchId, ct) { if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } const vi = this._videoInfo; if (!vi) { return; } const dr = this.getDuration(); console.info('%csave PlaybackPosition:', 'background: cyan', ct, dr, vi.csrfToken); if (vi.getWatchId() !== watchId) { return; } if (Math.abs(ct - dr) < 3) { return; } if (dr < 120) { return; } // 短い動画は記録しない PlaybackPosition.record( watchId, ct, vi.csrfToken ).catch((e) => { window.console.warn('save playback fail', e); }); }, close: function() { if (this.isPlaying()) { this._savePlaybackPosition(this._watchId, this.getCurrentTime()); } if (FullScreen.now()) { FullScreen.cancel(); } this.pause(); this.hide(); this._refresh(); this.emit('close'); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('DialogPlayerClose'); }, _refresh: function() { if (this._nicoVideoPlayer) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.close(); } if (this._videoSession) { this._videoSession.close(); } }, _initializePlaylist: function() { if (this._playlist) { return; } //if (!this._videoInfoPanel) { return; } var $container = this._view.appendTab('playlist', 'プレイリスト'); this._playlist = new Playlist({ loader: ZenzaWatch.api.ThumbInfoLoader, $container: $container, loop: this._playerConfig.getValue('playlistLoop') }); this._playlist.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._playlist.on('update', _.debounce(this._onPlaylistStatusUpdate.bind(this), 100)); }, _initializeCommentPanel: function() { if (this._commentPanel) { return; } var $container = this._view.appendTab('comment', 'コメント'); this._commentPanel = new CommentPanel({ player: this, $container: $container, autoScroll: this._playerConfig.getValue('enableCommentPanelAutoScroll'), language: this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLanguage') }); this._commentPanel.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); this._commentPanel.on('update', _.debounce(this._onCommentPanelStatusUpdate.bind(this), 100)); }, isPlaylistEnable: function() { return this._playlist && this._playlist.isEnable(); }, playNextVideo: function(options) { if (!this._playlist || !this.isOpen()) { return; } var opt = this._videoWatchOptions.createOptionsForVideoChange(options); var nextId = this._playlist.selectNext(); if (nextId) { this.open(nextId, opt); } }, playPreviousVideo: function(options) { if (!this._playlist || !this.isOpen()) { return; } var opt = this._videoWatchOptions.createOptionsForVideoChange(options); var prevId = this._playlist.selectPrevious(); if (prevId) { this.open(prevId, opt); } }, play: function() { if (!this._playerState.isError && this._nicoVideoPlayer) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.play().catch((e) => { this._onVideoPlayStartFail(e); }); } }, pause: function() { if (!this._playerState.isError && this._nicoVideoPlayer) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.pause(); this._playerState.setPausing(); } }, isPlaying: function() { return this._playerState.isPlaying; }, togglePlay: function() { if (!this._playerState.isError && this._nicoVideoPlayer) { if (this.isPlaying()) { this.pause(); return; } this._nicoVideoPlayer.togglePlay().catch((e) => { this._onVideoPlayStartFail(e); }); } }, setVolume: function(v) { if (this._nicoVideoPlayer) { this._nicoVideoPlayer.setVolume(v); } }, addChat: function(text, cmd, vpos, options) { if (!this._nicoVideoPlayer || !this._messageApiLoader || !this._playerState.isCommentReady || this._playerState.isCommentPosting) { return Promise.reject(); } if (!util.isLogin()) { return Promise.reject(); } if (this._threadInfo.force184 !== '1') { cmd = '184 ' + cmd; } options = options || {}; options.mine = '1'; options.updating = '1'; vpos = vpos || this._nicoVideoPlayer.getVpos(); const nicoChat = this._nicoVideoPlayer.addChat(text, cmd, vpos, options); this._playerState.isCommentPosting = true; let timeout; let resolve, reject; const lang = this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLanguage'); window.console.time('コメント投稿'); const _onSuccess = (r###lt) => { window.console.timeEnd('コメント投稿'); nicoChat.setIsUpdating(false); PopupMessage.notify('コメント投稿成功'); this._playerState.isCommentPosting = false; this._threadInfo.blockNo = r###lt.blockNo; window.clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(r###lt); }; const _onFailFinal = (err) => { err = err || {}; window.console.log('_onFailFinal: ', err); window.clearTimeout(timeout); window.console.timeEnd('コメント投稿'); nicoChat.setIsPostFail(true); nicoChat.setIsUpdating(false); PopupMessage.alert(err.message); this._playerState.isCommentPosting = false; if (err.blockNo && typeof err.blockNo === 'number') { this._threadInfo.blockNo = err.blockNo; } reject(err); }; const _onTimeout = () => { PopupMessage.alert('コメント投稿失敗(timeout)'); this._playerState.isCommentPosting = false; reject({}); }; const _retryPost = () => { window.clearTimeout(timeout); window.console.info('retry: コメント投稿'); timeout = window.setTimeout(_onTimeout, 30000); return this._messageApiLoader .postChat(this._threadInfo, text, cmd, vpos, lang).then( _onSuccess, _onFailFinal ); }; const _onTicketFail = (err) => { this._messageApiLoader.load(this._videoInfo.msgInfo).then( (r###lt) => { window.console.log('ticket再取得 success'); this._threadInfo = r###lt.threadInfo; return _retryPost(); }, (e) => { window.console.log('ticket再取得 fail: ', e); _onFailFinal(err); } ); }; const _onFail1st = (err) => { err = err || {}; const errorCode = parseInt(err.code, 10); window.console.log('_onFail1st: ', errorCode); if (err.blockNo && typeof err.blockNo === 'number') { this._threadInfo.blockNo = err.blockNo; } if (errorCode === 3) { return _onTicketFail(err); } else if (![2, 4, 5].includes(errorCode)) { return _onFailFinal(err); } return _retryPost(); }; timeout = window.setTimeout(_onTimeout, 30000); text = ZenzaWatch.util.escapeHtml(text); return new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; this._messageApiLoader.postChat(this._threadInfo, text, cmd, vpos, lang).then( _onSuccess, _onFail1st ); }); }, getDuration: function() { if (!this._videoInfo) { return 0; } return this._videoInfo.duration; }, getBufferedRange: function() { return this._nicoVideoPlayer.getBufferedRange(); }, getNonFilteredChatList: function() { return this._nicoVideoPlayer.getNonFilteredChatList(); }, getChatList: function() { return this._nicoVideoPlayer.getChatList(); }, getPlayingStatus: function() { if (!this._nicoVideoPlayer || !this._nicoVideoPlayer.isPlaying()) { return {}; } const session = { playing: true, watchId: this._watchId, url: location.href, currentTime: this._nicoVideoPlayer.getCurrentTime() }; const options = this._videoWatchOptions.createOptionsForSession(); Object.keys(options).forEach(key => { session[key] = session.hasOwnProperty(key) ? session[key] : options[key]; }); return session; }, getMymemory: function() { return this._nicoVideoPlayer.getMymemory(); } }); var VideoHoverMenu = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; VideoHoverMenu.__css__ = (` /* マイページはなぜかhtmlにoverflow-y: scroll が指定されているので打ち消す */ html.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_3D, html.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_normal, html.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_big, html.showNicoVideoPlayerDialog.zenzaScreenMode_wide { overflow-x: hidden !important; overflow-y: hidden !important; overflow: hidden !important; } .menuItemContainer { box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 40000}; overflow: visible; will-change: transform, opacity; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .menuItemContainer:hover .menuButton { pointer-events: auto; } .menuItemContainer.rightTop { width: 200px; height: 40px; right: 0px; top: 0; perspective: 150px; perspective-origin: center; } .menuItemContainer.rightTop .scalingUI { transform-origin: right top; } .is-updatingDeflist .menuItemContainer.rightTop, .is-updatingMylist .menuItemContainer.rightTop { cursor: wait; opacity: 1 !important; } .is-updatingDeflist .menuItemContainer.rightTop>*, .is-updatingMylist .menuItemContainer.rightTop>* { pointer-events: none; } .menuItemContainer.leftTop { width: auto; height: auto; left: 32px; top: 32px; display: none; } .is-debug .menuItemContainer.leftTop { display: inline-block !important; opacity: 1 !important; transition: none !important; transform: translateZ(0); max-width: 200px; } .menuItemContainer.leftBottom { width: 120px; height: 32px; left: 8px; bottom: 48px; transform-origin: left bottom; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .menuItemContainer.leftBottom, .fullScreen .menuItemContainer.leftBottom { bottom: 64px; } .menuItemContainer.leftBottom .scalingUI { transform-origin: left bottom; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .menuItemContainer.leftBottom .scalingUI, .fullScreen .menuItemContainer.leftBottom .scalingUI { height: 64px; } .menuItemContainer.rightBottom { width: 120px; height: 80px; right: 0; bottom: 8px; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .menuItemContainer.rightBottom, .fullScreen .menuItemContainer.rightBottom { bottom: 64px; } .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 60%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); display: none; white-space: nowrap; } .is-error .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu { display: block !important; opacity: 1 !important; } .is-error .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu .menuButton { opacity: 0.8 !important; } .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu .menuButton { position: relative; display: inline-block !important; margin: 0 16px; padding: 8px; background: #888; color: #000; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #333; border: 2px outset; width: 100px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 16px; } .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu .menuButton:active { background: #ccc; transform: translate(4px, 4px); border: 2px inset; box-shadow: none; } .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu .playNextVideo { display: none !important; } .is-playlistEnable .menuItemContainer.onErrorMenu .playNextVideo { display: inline-block !important; } .menuButton { position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.2s linear, box-shadow 0.2s ease, background 0.4s ease; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; text-shadow: none; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .menuButton:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000; cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; } .menuButton:active { transform: translate(4px, 4px); box-shadow: 0 0 0 #000; } .menuButton .tooltip { display: none; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 16px; top: -24px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; padding: 2px 4px; border: 1px solid !000; background: #ffc; color: black; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #fff; text-shadow: none; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 100; opacity: 0.8; } .menuButton:hover .tooltip { display: block; } .menuButton .selectMenu { transition: transform 0.2s linear; transform: translate( 4px, 4px); } .menuButton:active .selectMenu { transform: translate(-4px, -4px); } .rightTop .menuButton .tooltip { top: auto; bottom: -24px; right: -16px; left: auto; } .rightBottom .menuButton .tooltip { right: 16px; left: auto; } .is-mouseMoving .menuButton { opacity: 0.8; background: rgba(80, 80, 80, 0.5); border: 1px solid #888; transition: transform 0.2s linear, box-shadow 0.2s ease, background 0.4s ease; } .is-mouseMoving .menuButton .menuButtonInner { opacity: 0.8; word-break: normal; transition: transform 0.2s linear, box-shadow 0.2s ease, background 0.4s ease; } .showCommentSwitch { left: 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; color: #000; border: 1px solid #666; line-height: 30px; font-size: 24px; text-decoration: line-through; border-radius: 4px; } .is-showComment .showCommentSwitch { background:#888; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 6px orange; text-decoration: none; } .ngSettingMenu { display: none; left: 80px; width: 32px; height: 32px; color: #000; border: 1px solid #666; line-height: 30px; font-size: 18px; border-radius: 4px; } .is-showComment .ngSettingMenu { display: block; } .ngSettingMenu:hover { background: #888; /*font-size: 120%;*/ box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #ccf; } .ngSettingMenu.show, .ngSettingMenu:active { opacity: 1; background: #888; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: none; margin-left: 4px; margin-top: 4px; } .ngSettingSelectMenu { white-space: nowrap; bottom: 0px; left: 32px; } .ngSettingSelectMenu .triangle { transform: rotate(45deg); left: -8px; bottom: 3px; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .ngSettingSelectMenu, .fullScreen .ngSettingSelectMenu { bottom: 0px; } .ngSettingSelectMenu .sharedNgLevelSelect { display: none; } .ngSettingSelectMenu.is-enableFilter .sharedNgLevelSelect { display: block; } .menuItemContainer .mylistButton { width: 32px; height: 32px; color: #000; border: 1px solid #666; border-radius: 4px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 21px; white-space: nowrap; } .is-mouseMoving .mylistButton { /*text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888;*/ } .mylistButton.mylistAddMenu { left: 40px; top: 0; } .mylistButton.deflistAdd { left: 80px; top: 0; } .menuItemContainer .mylistButton:hover { background: #888; color: #000; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #66f; } @keyframes spinX { 0% { transform: rotateX(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotateX(1800deg); } } @keyframes spinY { 0% { transform: rotateY(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotateY(1800deg); } } .is-updatingDeflist .mylistButton.deflistAdd { pointer-events: none; opacity: 1 !important; border: 1px inset !important; box-shadow: none !important; background: #888 !important; color: #000 !important; animation-name: spinX; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 6s; animation-timing-function: linear; } .is-updatingDeflist .mylistButton.deflistAdd .tooltip { display: none; } .mylistButton.mylistAddMenu.show, .is-updatingMylist .mylistButton.mylistAddMenu { pointer-events: none; opacity: 1 !important; border: 1px inset #000 !important; color: #000 !important; box-shadow: none !important; } .mylistButton.mylistAddMenu.show{ background: #888 !important; } .is-updatingMylist .mylistButton.mylistAddMenu { background: #888 !important; color: #000 !important; animation-name: spinX; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 6s; animation-timing-function: linear; } .mylistSelectMenu { top: 36px; right: 72px; padding: 8px 0; } .mylistSelectMenu .mylistSelectMenuInner { overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; max-height: 50vh; } .mylistSelectMenu .triangle { transform: rotate(135deg); top: -8.5px; right: 55px; } .mylistSelectMenu ul li { line-height: 120%; overflow-y: visible; border-bottom: none; } .mylistSelectMenu .mylistIcon { display: inline-block; width: 18px; height: 14px; margin: -4px 4px 0 0; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 15px; background: url("//uni.res.nimg.jp/img/zero_my/icon_folder_default.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; transform: scale(1.5); -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); transform-origin: 0 0 0; -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0 0; transition: transform 0.1s ease, box-shadow 0.1s ease; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.1s ease, box-shadow 0.1s ease; cursor: pointer; } .mylistSelectMenu .mylistIcon:hover { background-color: #ff9; transform: scale(2); -webkit-transform: scale(2); } .mylistSelectMenu .mylistIcon:hover::after { background: #fff; z-index: 100; opacity: 1; } .mylistSelectMenu .deflist .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -253px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder1 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -23px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder2 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -46px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder3 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -69px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder4 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -92px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder5 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -115px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder6 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -138px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder7 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -161px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder8 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -184px;} .mylistSelectMenu .folder9 .mylistIcon { background-position: 0 -207px;} .mylistSelectMenu .name { display: inline-block; width: calc(100% - 20px); vertical-align: middle; font-size: 110%; color: #fff; text-decoration: none !important; } .mylistSelectMenu .name:hover { color: #fff; } .mylistSelectMenu .name::after { content: ' に登録'; font-size: 75%; color: #333; } .mylistSelectMenu li:hover .name::after { color: #fff; } .menuItemContainer .zenzaTweetButton { width: 32px; height: 32px; color: #000; border: 1px solid #666; border-radius: 4px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 24px; white-space: nowrap; } .is-mouseMoving .zenzaTweetButton { /*text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #88c;*/ } .zenzaTweetButton:hover { text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #88c; background: #1da1f2; color: #fff; } /*.zenzaTweetButton:active { transform: scale(0.8); }*/ .closeButton { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; width: 32px; height: 32px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 60000}; margin: 0 0 40px 40px; opacity: 0; color: #ccc; border: solid 1px #888; transition: opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.2s ease, background 0.2s ease, box-shadow 0.2s ease ; pointer-events: auto; transform-origin: center center; } .is-mouseMoving .closeButton, .closeButton:hover { opacity: 1; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } .closeButton:hover { background: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.9); box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #000; } .closeButton:active { transform: scale(0.5); } .menuItemContainer .toggleDebugButton { position: relative; display: inline-block; opacity: 1 !important; padding: 8px 16px; color: #000; box-shadow: none; line-height: 30px; font-size: 21px; white-space: nowrap; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid black; background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.8); } .is-filterEnable { } .togglePlayMenu { display: none; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5); width: 80px; height: 45px; font-size: 35px; line-height: 45px; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; color: #ccc; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 10}; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); transition: transform 0.2s ease, box-shadow 0.2s, text-shadow 0.2s, font-size 0.2s; box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 192, 0.8); cursor: pointer; } .togglePlayMenu:hover { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.6); text-shadow: 0 0 4px #888; box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); } .togglePlayMenu:active { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(2.0, 1.2); font-size: 30px; box-shadow: 0 0 4px inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); text-shadow: none; transition: transform 0.1s ease; } .is-notPlayed .togglePlayMenu { display: block; } .is-playing .togglePlayMenu, .is-error .togglePlayMenu, .is-loading .togglePlayMenu { display: none; } `).trim(); VideoHoverMenu.__tpl__ = (` <div class="hoverMenuContainer"> <div class="menuItemContainer leftTop"> <div class="command menuButton toggleDebugButton" data-command="toggle-debug"> <div class="menuButtonInner">debug mode</div> </div> </div> <div class="menuItemContainer rightTop"> <div class="scalingUI"> <div class="command menuButton zenzaTweetButton" data-command="tweet"> <div class="tooltip">ツイート</div> <div class="menuButtonInner">t</div> </div> <div class="command menuButton mylistButton mylistAddMenu forMember" data-command="mylistMenu"> <div class="tooltip">マイリスト登録</div> <div class="menuButtonInner">My</div> </div> <div class="mylistSelectMenu selectMenu zenzaPopupMenu forMember"> <div class="triangle"></div> <div class="mylistSelectMenuInner"> </div> </div> <div class="command menuButton mylistButton deflistAdd forMember" data-command="deflistAdd"> <div class="tooltip">とりあえずマイリスト(T)</div> <div class="menuButtonInner">✚</div> </div> <div class="command menuButton closeButton" data-command="close"> <div class="menuButtonInner">✖</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="menuItemContainer leftBottom"> <div class="scalingUI"> <div class="command showCommentSwitch menuButton" data-command="toggle-showComment"> <div class="tooltip">コメント表示ON/OFF(V)</div> <div class="menuButtonInner">💬</div> </div> <div class="command ngSettingMenu menuButton" data-command="ngSettingMenu"> <div class="tooltip">NG設定</div> <div class="menuButtonInner">NG</div> <div class="ngSettingSelectMenu selectMenu zenzaPopupMenu"> <div class="triangle"></div> <p class="caption">NG設定</p> <ul> <li class="command update-enableFilter" data-command="update-enableFilter" data-param="true" data-type="bool"><span>ON</span></li> <li class="command update-enableFilter" data-command="update-enableFilter" data-param="false" data-type="bool"><span>OFF</span></li> </ul> <p class="caption sharedNgLevelSelect">NG共有設定</p> <ul class="sharedNgLevelSelect"> <li class="command sharedNgLevel max" data-command="update-sharedNgLevel" data-param="MAX"><span>最強</span></li> <li class="command sharedNgLevel high" data-command="update-sharedNgLevel" data-param="HIGH"><span>強</span></li> <li class="command sharedNgLevel mid" data-command="update-sharedNgLevel" data-param="MID"><span>中</span></li> <li class="command sharedNgLevel low" data-command="update-sharedNgLevel" data-param="LOW"><span>弱</span></li> <li class="command sharedNgLevel none" data-command="update-sharedNgLevel" data-param="NONE"><span>なし</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="menuItemContainer onErrorMenu"> <div class="command menuButton openGinzaMenu" data-command="openGinza"> <div class="menuButtonInner">GINZAで視聴</div> </div> <div class="command menuButton reloadMenu" data-command="reload"> <div class="menuButtonInner">リロード</div> </div> <div class="command menuButton playNextVideo" data-command="playNextVideo"> <div class="menuButtonInner">次の動画</div> </div> </div> <div class="command togglePlayMenu menuItemContainer center" data-command="togglePlay"> ▶ </div> </div> `).trim(); _.extend(VideoHoverMenu.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(VideoHoverMenu.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._container = params.playerContainer; this._playerState = params.playerState; this._bound = {}; this._bound.onBodyClick = this._onBodyClick.bind(this); this._bound.emitClose = _.debounce(() => { this.emit('command', 'close'); }, 300); this._initializeDom(); this._initializeNgSettingMenu(); window.setTimeout(this._initializeMylistSelectMenu.bind(this), 0); }, _initializeDom: function() { util.addStyle(VideoHoverMenu.__css__); let container = this._container; container.appendChild(util.createDom(VideoHoverMenu.__tpl__)); let menuContainer = util.$(container.querySelectorAll('.menuItemContainer')); menuContainer.on('contextmenu', e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); menuContainer.on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); menuContainer.on('mousedown', this._onMouseDown.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', this._hideMenu.bind(this)); }, _initializeMylistSelectMenu: function() { if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } this._mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); this._mylistApiLoader.getMylistList().then(mylistList => { this._mylistList = mylistList; this._initializeMylistSelectMenuDom(); }); }, _initializeMylistSelectMenuDom: function(mylistList) { if (!util.isLogin()) { return; } mylistList = mylistList || this._mylistList; let menu = this._container.querySelector('.mylistSelectMenu'); menu.addEventListener('wheel', e => { e.stopPropagation(); }, {passive: true}); let ul = document.createElement('ul'); mylistList.forEach(mylist => { let li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = `folder${mylist.icon_id}`; let icon = document.createElement('span'); icon.className = 'mylistIcon command'; util.$(icon).attr({ 'data-mylist-id': mylist.id, 'data-mylist-name': mylist.name, 'data-command': 'mylistOpen', title: mylist.name + 'を開く' }); let link = document.createElement('a'); link.className = 'mylistLink name command'; link.textContent = mylist.name; util.$(link).attr({ href: `//www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist/#/${mylist.id}`, 'data-mylist-id': mylist.id, 'data-mylist-name': mylist.name, 'data-command': 'mylistAdd' }); li.appendChild(icon); li.appendChild(link); ul.appendChild(li); }); this._container.querySelector('.mylistSelectMenuInner').appendChild(ul); }, _initializeNgSettingMenu: function() { let state = this._playerState; let menu = this._container.querySelector('.ngSettingSelectMenu'); let enableFilterItems = Array.from(menu.querySelectorAll('.update-enableFilter')); const updateEnableFilter = (v) => { enableFilterItems.forEach(item => { const p = JSON.parse(item.getAttribute('data-param')); item.classList.toggle('selected', v === p); }); menu.classList.toggle('is-enableFilter', v); }; updateEnableFilter(state.isEnableFilter); state.on('update-isEnableFilter', updateEnableFilter); let sharedNgItems = Array.from(menu.querySelectorAll('.sharedNgLevel')); const updateNgLevel = (level) => { sharedNgItems.forEach(item => { item.classList.toggle('selected', level === item.getAttribute('data-param')); }); }; updateNgLevel(state.sharedNgLevel); state.on('update-sharedNgLevel', updateNgLevel); }, _onMouseDown: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const target = e.target.classList.contains('command') ? e.target : e.target.closest('.command'); if (!target) { return; } let command = target.getAttribute('data-command'); switch (command) { case 'deflistAdd': if (e.shiftKey) { command = 'mylistWindow'; } else { command = e.which > 1 ? 'deflistRemove' : 'deflistAdd'; } this.emit('command', command); break; case 'mylistAdd': { command = (e.shiftKey || e.which > 1) ? 'mylistRemove' : 'mylistAdd'; let mylistId = target.getAttribute('data-mylist-id'); let mylistName = target.getAttribute('data-mylist-name'); this._hideMenu(); this.emit('command', command, {mylistId: mylistId, mylistName: mylistName}); break; } case 'mylistOpen': { let mylistId = target.getAttribute('data-mylist-id'); location.href = `//www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist/#/${mylistId}`; break; } case 'close': this._bound.emitClose(); break; default: return; } }, _onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const target = e.target.classList.contains('command') ? e.target : e.target.closest('.command'); if (!target) { return; } const command = target.getAttribute('data-command'); const type = target.getAttribute('data-type') || 'string'; let param = target.getAttribute('data-param'); switch (type) { case 'json': case 'bool': case 'number': param = JSON.parse(param); break; } switch (command) { case 'deflistAdd': case 'mylistAdd': case 'mylistOpen': case 'close': this._hideMenu(); break; case 'mylistMenu': if (e.shiftKey) { this.emit('command', 'mylistWindow'); } else { this.toggleMylistMenu(); } break; case 'ngSettingMenu': this.toggleNgSettingMenu(); break; default: this._hideMenu(); this.emit('command', command, param); break; } }, _hideMenu: function() { window.setTimeout(() => { this.toggleMylistMenu(false); this.toggleNgSettingMenu(false); }, 0); }, toggleMylistMenu: function(v) { this._toggleMenu('mylistAddMenu mylistSelectMenu', v); }, toggleNgSettingMenu: function(v) { this._toggleMenu('ngSettingMenu ngSettingSelectMenu', v); }, _toggleMenu: function(name, v) { const body = this._body || util.$('body'); this._body = body; body.off('click', this._bound.onBodyClick); util.$('.selectMenu, .menuButton').forEach(item => { if (util.$(item).hasClass(name)) { util.$(item).toggleClass('show', v); v = util.$(item).hasClass('show'); } else { item.classList.remove('show'); } }); if (v) { body.on('click', this._bound.onBodyClick); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('showMenu'); } return !!v; }, _onBodyClick: function() { this._hideMenu(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideMenu'); } }); var DynamicCss = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; DynamicCss.__css__ = ` .scalingUI { transform: scale(%SCALE%); } .videoControlBar { height: %CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT%px !important; } .zenzaPlayerContainer .commentLayerFrame { opacity: %COMMENT_LAYER_OPACITY%; } `; DynamicCss.prototype = { initialize: function(params) { var config = this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._scale = 1.0; this._commentLayerOpacity = 1.0; var update = _.debounce(this._update.bind(this), 1000); config.on('update-menuScale', update); config.on('update-commentLayerOpacity', update); update(); }, _update: function() { var scale = parseFloat(this._playerConfig.getValue('menuScale'), 10); var commentLayerOpacity = parseFloat(this._playerConfig.getValue('commentLayerOpacity'), 10); if (this._scale === scale && this._commentLayerOpacity === commentLayerOpacity) { return; } if (!this._style) { this._style = util.addStyle(''); } this._scale = scale; this._commentLayerOpacity = commentLayerOpacity; var tpl = DynamicCss.__css__ .replace(/%SCALE%/g, scale) .replace(/%CONTROL_BAR_HEIGHT%/g, (VideoControlBar.BASE_HEIGHT - VideoControlBar.BASE_SEEKBAR_HEIGHT) * scale + VideoControlBar.BASE_SEEKBAR_HEIGHT ) .replace(/%COMMENT_LAYER_OPACITY%/g, commentLayerOpacity) //.replace(/%HEADER_OFFSET%/g, headerOffset * -1) ; //window.console.log(tpl); this._style.innerHTML = tpl; } }; var CommentInputPanel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; CommentInputPanel.__css__ = (` .commentInputPanel { position: fixed; top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh); left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 50vw); box-sizing: border-box; width: 200px; height: 50px; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 30000}; transform: translate(-50%, -170px); overflow: visible; } .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-notPlayed .commentInputPanel, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-waybackMode .commentInputPanel, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-mymemory .commentInputPanel, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-loading .commentInputPanel, .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-error .commentInputPanel { display: none; } .commentInputPanel.active { left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 50vw); width: 500px; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 100000}; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .commentInputPanel, .fullScreen .commentInputPanel { position: absolute !important; /* fixedだとFirefoxのバグで消える */ top: auto !important; bottom: 120px !important; transform: translate(-50%, 0); /*left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 50vw) !important;*/ left: 50%; } .zenzaScreenMode_wide .commentInputPanel.active, .fullScreen .commentInputPanel.active { /*left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 50vw) !important;*/ } /* 縦長モニター */ @media screen and (max-width: 991px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_normal .commentInputPanel { /*top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh - 60px - 70px - 120px);*/ transform: translate(-50%, -230px); } } @media screen and (max-width: 1215px) and (min-height: 700px) { .zenzaScreenMode_big .commentInputPanel { /*top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 100vh - 60px - 70px - 120px);*/ transform: translate(-50%, -230px); } } .commentInputPanel>* { pointer-events: none; } .commentInputPanel input { font-size: 18px; } .commentInputPanel.active>*, .commentInputPanel:hover>* { pointer-events: auto; } .is-mouseMoving .commentInputOuter { border: 1px solid #888; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 8px; opacity: 0.5; } .is-mouseMoving:not(.active) .commentInputOuter { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fe9, 0 0 4px #fe9 inset; } .commentInputPanel.active .commentInputOuter, .commentInputPanel:hover .commentInputOuter { border: none; opacity: 1; } .commentInput { width: 100%; height: 30px !important; font-size: 24px; background: transparent; border: none; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.4s ease; text-align: center; line-height: 26px !important; padding-right: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .commentInputPanel:hover .commentInput { opacity: 0.5; } .commentInputPanel.active .commentInput { opacity: 0.9 !important; } .commentInputPanel.active .commentInput, .commentInputPanel:hover .commentInput { box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid #888; border-radius: 8px; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fff; } .commentInputPanel .autoPauseLabel { display: none; } .commentInputPanel.active .autoPauseLabel { position: absolute; top: 36px; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); display: block; background: #336; z-index: 100; color: #ccc; padding: 0 8px; } .commandInput { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 30px !important; font-size: 24px; top: 0; left: 0; border-radius: 8px; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; transition: left 0.2s ease, opacity 0.2s ease; text-align: center; line-height: 26px !important; padding: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .commentInputPanel.active .commandInput { left: -108px; z-index: 1; opacity: 0.9; border: none; pointer-evnets: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fff; padding: 0; } .commentSubmit { position: absolute; width: 100px !important; height: 30px !important; font-size: 24px; top: 0; right: 0; border: none; border-radius: 8px; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; transition: right 0.2s ease, opacity 0.2s ease; line-height: 26px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; } .commentInputPanel.active .commentSubmit { right: -108px; z-index: 1; opacity: 0.9; box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fff; } .commentInputPanel.active .commentSubmit:active { color: #000; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 16px #ccf; } .commentInputPanel .recButton { display: none; position: absolute; top: 4px; right: 4px; width: 24px; height: 24px; border-radius: 100%; cursor: pointer; background: #666; } .commentInputPanel.active.availableRecognizer .recButton { display: block; } .commentInputPanel .recButton.rec { background: red; } `).trim(); CommentInputPanel.__tpl__ = (` <div class="commentInputPanel forMember"> <form action="javascript: void(0);"> <div class="commentInputOuter"> <input type="text" value="" autocomplete="on" name="mail" placeholder="コマンド" class="commandInput" maxlength="30" > <input type="text" value="" autocomplete="on" name="chat" accesskey="c" placeholder="コメント入力(C)" class="commentInput" maxlength="75" > <input type="submit" value="送信" name="post" class="commentSubmit" > <div class="recButton" title="音声入力"> </div> </div> </form> <label class="autoPauseLabel"> <input type="checkbox" class="autoPause" checked="checked"> 入力時に一時停止 </label> </div> `).trim(); _.extend(CommentInputPanel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(CommentInputPanel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._$playerContainer = params.$playerContainer; this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._recognizer = new ZenzaWatch.util.Recognizer(); this._initializeDom(); this._playerConfig.on('update-autoPauseCommentInput', _.bind(this._onAutoPauseCommentInputChange, this)); }, _initializeDom: function() { var $container = this._$playerContainer; var config = this._playerConfig; ZenzaWatch.util.addStyle(CommentInputPanel.__css__); $container.append(CommentInputPanel.__tpl__); var $view = this._$view = $container.find('.commentInputPanel'); var $input = this._$input = $view.find('.commandInput, .commentInput'); this._$form = $container.find('form'); var $autoPause = this._$autoPause = $container.find('.autoPause'); this._$commandInput = $container.find('.commandInput'); var $cmt = this._$commentInput = $container.find('.commentInput'); this._$commentSubmit = $container.find('.commentSubmit'); var preventEsc = _.bind(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { // ESC e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.emit('esc'); $input.blur(); } }, this); var $rec = this._$recButton = $view.find('.recButton'); $rec.on('click', _.bind(function() { $rec.toggleClass('rec'); this._recognizerEnabled = $rec.hasClass('rec'); if (this._recognizerEnabled && !this._recognizer.isEnable()) { this._recognizer.enable(); this._recognizer.on('r###lt', _.bind(this._onRecognizerR###lt, this)); } if (this._recognizerEnabled) { this._recognizer.start(); } else { this._recognizer.stop(); } $input.focus(); }, this)); $input .on('focus', _.bind(this._onFocus, this)) .on('blur', _.debounce(_.bind(this._onBlur, this), 500)) .on('keydown', preventEsc) .on('keyup', preventEsc); $autoPause.prop('checked', config.getValue('autoPauseCommentInput')); this._$autoPause.on('change', function() { config.setValue('autoPauseCommentInput', !!$autoPause.prop('checked')); $cmt.focus(); }); this._$view.find('label').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); this._$form.on('submit', _.bind(this._onSubmit, this)); this._$commentSubmit.on('click', _.bind(this._onSubmitButtonClick, this)); $view.on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $view.toggleClass('availableRecognizer', this._recognizer.isAvailable()); }, _onFocus: function() { this._$view.addClass('active'); if (!this._hasFocus) { this.emit('focus', this.isAutoPause()); } this._hasFocus = true; }, _onBlur: function() { if (this._$commandInput.is(':focus') || this._$commentInput.is(':focus')) { return; } this._$view.removeClass('active'); this.emit('blur', this.isAutoPause()); this._hasFocus = false; }, _onSubmit: function() { this.submit(); }, _onSubmitButtonClick: function() { this._$form.submit(); }, _onAutoPauseCommentInputChange: function(val) { this._$autoPause.prop('checked', !!val); }, submit: function() { var chat = this._$commentInput.val().trim(); var cmd = this._$commandInput.val().trim(); if (chat.length < 1) { return; } ZenzaWatch.util.callAsync(function() { this._$commentInput.val('').blur(); this._$commandInput.blur(); var $view = this._$view.addClass('updating'); this.emitPromise('post', chat, cmd).then(function() { $view.removeClass('updating'); }, function() { // TODO: 失敗時はなんかフィードバックさせる? $view.removeClass('updating'); }); }, this); }, isAutoPause: function() { return !!this._$autoPause.prop('checked'); }, focus: function() { this._$commentInput.focus(); this._onFocus(); }, blur: function() { this._$commandInput.blur(); this._$commentInput.blur(); this._onBlur(); }, _onRecognizerR###lt: function(text) { window.console.log('_onRecognizerR###lt: ', text); if(!this._hasFocus) { return; } var $inp = this._$commentInput; $inp.val($inp.val() + text); } }); var Recognizer = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(Recognizer.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(Recognizer.prototype, { initialize: function() { this._enable = false; this._recording = false; }, enable: function() { if (!this.isAvailable()) { return false;} if (this._recognition) { return true; } var Rec = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; var rec = this._recognition = new Rec(); rec.lang = ZenzaWatch.util.getLang(); rec.maxAlternatives = 1; rec.continuous = true; rec.addEventListener('r###lt', _.bind(this._onR###lt, this)); this._enable = true; return true; }, disable: function() { this._enable = false; return false; }, isEnable: function() { return this._enable; }, isAvailable: function() { return (window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition) ? true : false; }, isRecording: function() { return this._recording; }, start: function() { if (!this.isAvailable()) { return false; } this.enable(); this._recording = true; this._recognition.start(); }, stop: function() { if (!this._recognition) { return; } this._recording = false; this._recognition.stop(); }, _onR###lt: function(e) { if (!this._enable) { return; } var r###lts = e.r###lts; var text = ''; for (var i = 0, len = r###lts.length; i < len; i++) { var r###lt = r###lts.item(i); if(r###lt.final === true || r###lt.isFinal === true){ text = r###lt.item(0).transcript; } } this.emit('r###lt', text); } }); ZenzaWatch.util.Recognizer = Recognizer; var SettingPanel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; SettingPanel.__css__ = (` .zenzaSettingPanel { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: -100vh; pointer-events: none; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 170000; width: 500px; height: 400px; color: #fff; transition: top 0.4s ease; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; overflow-y: hidden; } .zenzaSettingPanel.show { opacity: 1; top: 50%; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } .zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaSettingPanel.show, .zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaSettingPanel.show { position: fixed; } .zenzaSettingPanel.show { border: 2px outset #fff; box-shadow: 6px 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaSettingPanel .settingPanelInner { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 16px; overflow: visible; } .zenzaSettingPanel .caption { background: #333; font-size: 20px; padding: 4px 2px; color: #fff; } .zenzaSettingPanel label { display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: pointer; } .zenzaSettingPanel .control { border-radius: 4px; background: rgba(88, 88, 88, 0.3); padding: 8px; margin: 16px 4px; } .zenzaSettingPanel .control:hover { border-color: #ff9; } .zenzaSettingPanel button { font-size: 10pt; padding: 4px 8px; background: #888; border-radius: 4px; border: solid 1px; cursor: pointer; } .zenzaSettingPanel input[type=checkbox] { transform: scale(2); margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 16px; } .zenzaSettingPanel .control.checked { } .zenzaSettingPanel .filterEditContainer { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 32px; } .zenzaSettingPanel .filterEditContainer.forGuest { padding: 8px; } .zenzaSettingPanel .filterEditContainer p { color: #fff; font-size: 120%; } .zenzaSettingPanel .filterEditContainer .info { color: #ccc; font-size: 90%; display: inline-block; margin: 8px 0; } .zenzaSettingPanel .filterEdit { background: #000; color: #ccc; width: 90%; margin: 0 5%; min-height: 150px; white-space: pre; } .zenzaSettingPanel .fontEdit .info { color: #ccc; font-size: 90%; display: inline-block; margin: 8px 0; } .zenzaSettingPanel .fontEdit p { color: #fff; font-size: 120%; } .zenzaSettingPanel input[type=text] { font-size: 24px; background: #000; color: #ccc; width: 90%; margin: 0 5%; border-radius: 8px; } .zenzaSettingPanel select { font-size:24px; background: #000; color: #ccc; margin: 0 5%; border-radius: 8px; } `).trim(); SettingPanel.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaSettingPanel"> <div class="settingPanelInner"> <p class="caption">プレイヤーの設定</p> <div class="autoPlayControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoPlay"> 自動で再生する </label> </div> <div class="enableTogglePlayOnClickControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableTogglePlayOnClick"> 画面クリックで再生/一時停止 </label> </div> <div class="autoFullScreenControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoFullScreen"> 自動でフルスクリーンにする <small>(singletonモードでは使えません)</small> </label> </div> <div class="enableSingleton control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableSingleton"> ZenzaWatchを起動してるタブがあればそちらで開く<br> <smal>(singletonモード)</small> </label> </div> <div class="enableHeatMapControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableHeatMap"> コメントの盛り上がりをシークバーに表示 </label> </div> <div class="overrideGinzaControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="overrideGinza"> 動画視聴ページでも公式プレイヤーの代わりに起動する </label> </div> <div class="overrideWatchLinkControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="overrideWatchLink"> [Zen]ボタンなしでZenzaWatchを開く(リロード後に反映) </label> </div> <div class="overrideWatchLinkControl control toggle forPremium"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableStoryboard"> シークバーにサムネイルを表示 (重いかも) </label> </div> <div class="overrideWatchLinkControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableCommentPanel"> 右パネルにコメント一覧を表示 </label> </div> <div class="UaaEnableControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="uaa.enable"> ニコニ広告の情報を取得する(対応ブラウザのみ) </label> </div> <div class="backCommentControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="backComment"> コメントを動画の後ろに流す </label> </div> <div class="enableAutoMylistCommentControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableAutoMylistComment"> マイリストコメントに投稿者名を入れる </label> </div> <div class="autoDisableDmc control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoDisableDmc"> 旧システムのほうが画質が良さそうな時は旧システムを使う </label> </div> <div class="enableVideoSession control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableVideoSession"> 20分を超える動画の再生安定化テストを有効にする </label> </div> <div class="enableNicosJumpVideo control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableNicosJumpVideo" data-command="toggle-enableNicosJumpVideo"> @ジャンプで指定された動画をプレイリストに入れる </label> </div> <div class="touchEnable control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="touch.enable" data-command="toggle-touchEnable"> タッチパネルのジェスチャを有効にする <smal>(2本指左右シーク・上下で速度変更/3本指で動画切替)</small> </label> </div> <div class="menuScaleControl control toggle"> <label> <select class="menuScale" data-setting-name="menuScale"> <option value="0.8">0.8倍</option> <option value="1" selected>標準</option> <option value="1.2">1.2倍</option> <option value="1.5">1.5倍</option> <option value="2.0">2倍</option> </select> ボタンの大きさ(倍率) <small>※ 一部レイアウトが崩れます</small> </label> </div> <p class="caption">フォントの設定</p> <div class="fontEdit"> <div class="baseFontBolderControl control toggle"> <label> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="baseFontBolder"> フォントを太くする </label> </div> <p>フォント名</p> <span class="info">入力例: 「'游ゴシック', 'メイリオ', '戦国TURB'」</span> <input type="text" class="textInput" data-setting-name="baseFontFamily"> <div class="baseChatScaleControl control toggle"> <label> <select class="baseChatScale" data-setting-name="baseChatScale"> <option value="0.5">0.5</option> <option value="0.6">0.6</option> <option value="0.7">0.7</option> <option value="0.8">0.8</option> <option value="0.9">0.9</option> <option value="1" selected>1.0</option> <option value="1.1">1.1</option> <option value="1.2">1.2</option> <option value="1.3">1.3</option> <option value="1.4">1.4</option> <option value="1.5">1.5</option> <option value="1.6">1.6</option> <option value="1.7">1.7</option> <option value="1.8">1.8</option> <option value="1.9">1.9</option> <option value="2.0">2.0</option> </select> フォントサイズ(倍率) </label> </div> <div class="commentLayerOpacityControl control"> <label> <select class="commentLayerOpacity" data-setting-name="commentLayerOpacity"> <option value="0.1">90%</option> <option value="0.2">80%</option> <option value="0.3">70%</option> <option value="0.4">60%</option> <option value="0.5">50%</option> <option value="0.6">40%</option> <option value="0.7">30%</option> <option value="0.8">20%</option> <option value="0.9">10%</option> <option value="1" selected>0%</option> </select> コメントの透明度 </label> </div> <div class="commentLayer-textShadowType control"> <p>コメントの影</p> <label> <input type="radio" name="textShadowType" data-setting-name="commentLayer.textShadowType" value=""> 標準 (軽い) </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="textShadowType" data-setting-name="commentLayer.textShadowType" value="shadow-type2"> 縁取り </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="textShadowType" data-setting-name="commentLayer.textShadowType" value="shadow-type3"> ぼかし (重い) </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="textShadowType" data-setting-name="commentLayer.textShadowType" value="shadow-stroke"> 縁取り2 (対応ブラウザのみ。やや重い) </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="textShadowType" data-setting-name="commentLayer.textShadowType" value="shadow-dokaben"> ドカベン <s>(飽きたら消します)</s> </label> </div> </div> <p class="caption">NG設定</p> <div class="filterEditContainer forGuest"> 設定の変更はログイン中のみ可能です。<br> 非ログインでも、設定済みの内容は反映されます。 </div> <div class="filterEditContainer forMember"> <span class="info"> 1行ごとに入力。プレミアム会員に上限はありませんが、増やしすぎると重くなります。 </span> <p>NGワード (一般会員は20まで)</p> <textarea class="filterEdit wordFilterEdit" data-command="setWordFilterList"></textarea> <p>NGコマンド (一般会員は10まで)</p> <textarea class="filterEdit commandFilterEdit" data-command="setCommandFilterList"></textarea> <p>NGユーザー (一般会員は10まで)</p> <textarea class="filterEdit userIdFilterEdit" data-command="setUserIdFilterList"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.extend(SettingPanel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); _.assign(SettingPanel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._playerConfig = params.playerConfig; this._$playerContainer = params.$playerContainer; this._player = params.player; this._playerConfig.on('update', _.bind(this._onPlayerConfigUpdate, this)); this._initializeDom(); this._initializeCommentFilterEdit(); }, _initializeDom: function() { var $container = this._$playerContainer; var config = this._playerConfig; ZenzaWatch.util.addStyle(SettingPanel.__css__); $container.append(SettingPanel.__tpl__); var $panel = this._$panel = $container.find('.zenzaSettingPanel'); this._$view = $container.find('.zenzaSettingPanel, .zenzaSettingPanelShadow1, .zenzaSettingPanelShadow2'); this._$view.on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); this._$view.on('wheel', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); var $check = $panel.find('input[type=checkbox]'); $check.each(function(i, check) { var $c = $(check); var settingName = $c.attr('data-setting-name'); var val = config.getValue(settingName); $c.prop('checked', val); $c.closest('.control').toggleClass('checked', val); }); $check.on('change', _.bind(this._onToggleItemChange, this)); const $radio = $panel.find('input[type=radio]'); $radio.each((i, check) => { const $c = $(check); const settingName = $c.attr('data-setting-name'); const val = config.getValue(settingName); $c.prop('checked', val === $c.val()); //$c.closest('.control').toggleClass('checked', val); }); $radio.on('change', this._onRadioItemChange.bind(this)); var $text = $panel.find('input[type=text]'); $text.each(function(i, text) { var $t = $(text); var settingName = $t.attr('data-setting-name'); var val = config.getValue(settingName); $t.val(val); }); $text.on('change', _.bind(this._onInputItemChange, this)); var $select = $panel.find('select'); $select.each(function(i, select) { var $s = $(select); var settingName = $s.attr('data-setting-name'); var val = config.getValue(settingName); $s.val(val); }); $select.on('change', _.bind(this._onInputItemChange, this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', _.bind(function() { this.hide(); }, this)); }, _initializeCommentFilterEdit: function() { var self = this; var config = this._playerConfig; var $view = this._$view; var $edit = $view.find('.filterEdit'); var $wordFilter = $view.find('.wordFilterEdit'); var $userIdFilter = $view.find('.userIdFilterEdit'); var $commandFilter = $view.find('.commandFilterEdit'); var map = { wordFilter: $wordFilter, userIdFilter: $userIdFilter, commandFilter: $commandFilter }; $edit.on('change', function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var value = $target.val(); self.emit('command', command, value); }); _.each(Object.keys(map), function(v) { var value = config.getValue(v) || []; value = _.isArray(value) ? value.join('\n') : value; map[v].val(value); }); var onConfigUpdate = function(key, value) { if (['wordFilter', 'userIdFilter', 'commandFilter'].includes(key)) { map[key].val(value.join('\n')); } }; config.on('update', onConfigUpdate); }, _onPlayerConfigUpdate: function(key, value) { switch (key) { case 'mute': case 'loop': case 'autoPlay': case 'enableHeatMap': case 'showComment': case 'autoFullScreen': case 'enableStoryboard': case 'enableCommentPanel': case 'debug': this._$panel .find('.' + key + 'Control').toggleClass('checked', value) .find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', value); break; } }, _onToggleItemChange: function(e) { let $target = $(e.target); let settingName = $target.attr('data-setting-name'); let val = !!$target.prop('checked'); this._playerConfig.setValue(settingName, val); $target.closest('.control').toggleClass('checked', val); }, _onRadioItemChange: function(e) { const $target = $(e.target); const settingName = $target.attr('data-setting-name'); const checked = !!$target.prop('checked'); if (!checked) { return; } this._playerConfig.setValue(settingName, $target.val()); }, _onInputItemChange: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); var settingName = $target.attr('data-setting-name'); var val = $target.val(); this._playerConfig.setValue(settingName, val); }, toggle: function(v) { var eventName = 'click.ZenzaSettingPanel'; var $container = this._$playerContainer.off(eventName); var $body = $('body').off(eventName); var $view = this._$view.toggleClass('show', v); var onBodyClick = function() { $view.removeClass('show'); $container.off(eventName); $body.off(eventName); }; if ($view.hasClass('show')) { $container.on(eventName, onBodyClick); $body.on(eventName, onBodyClick); } }, show: function() { this.toggle(true); }, hide: function() { this.toggle(false); } }); class TagListView extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'TagListView', template: '<div class="TagListView"></div>', shadow: TagListView.__shadow__, css: TagListView.__css__ }); this._state = { isInputing: false, isUpdating: false, isEditing: false }; this._tagEditApi = new TagEditApi(); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); const v = this._shadow || this._view; Object.assign(this._elm, { videoTags: v.querySelector('.videoTags'), videoTagsInner: v.querySelector('.videoTagsInner'), tagInput: v.querySelector('.tagInputText'), form: v.querySelector('form') }); this._elm.tagInput.addEventListener('keydown', this._onTagInputKeyDown.bind(this)); this._elm.form.addEventListener('submit', this._onTagInputSubmit.bind(this)); v.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (this._state.isInputing) { e.stopPropagation(); } }); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', () => { if (this._state.isEditing) { this._endEdit(); } }); } _onCommand(command, param) { switch (command) { case 'refresh': this._refreshTag(); break; case 'toggleEdit': if (this._state.isEditing) { this._endEdit(); } else { this._beginEdit(); } break; case 'toggleInput': if (this._state.isInputing) { this._endInput(); } else { this._beginInput(); } break; case 'beginInput': this._beginInput(); break; case 'endInput': this._endInput(); break; case 'addTag': this._addTag(param); break; case 'removeTag': let elm = this._elm.videoTags.querySelector(`.tagItem[data-tag-id="${param}"]`); if (!elm) { return; } elm.classList.add('is-Removing'); let data = JSON.parse(elm.getAttribute('data-tag')); this._removeTag(param, data.tag); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); break; } } update({tagList = [], watchId = null, videoId = null, token = null, watchAuthKey = null}) { if (watchId) { this._watchId = watchId; } if (videoId) { this._videoId = videoId; } if (token) { this._token = token; } if (watchAuthKey) { this._watchAuthKey = watchAuthKey; } this.setState({ isInputing: false, isUpdating: false, isEditing: false, isEmpty: false }); this._update(tagList); this._boundOnBodyClick = this._onBodyClick.bind(this); } _onClick(e) { if (this._state.isInputing || this._state.isEditing) { e.stopPropagation(); } super._onClick(e); } _update(tagList = []) { let tags = []; tagList.forEach(tag => { tags.push(this._createTag(tag)); }); tags.push(this._createToggleInput()); this.setState({isEmpty: tagList.length < 1}); this._elm.videoTagsInner.innerHTML = tags.join(''); } _createToggleInput() { return (` <div class="button command toggleInput" data-command="toggleInput" data-tooltip="タグ追加"> <span class="icon">⊕</span> </div>`).trim(); } _onApiR###lt(watchId, r###lt) { if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; // 通信してる間に動画変わったぽい } const err = r###lt.error_msg; if (err) { this.emit('command', 'alert', err); } this.update(r###lt.tags); } _addTag(tag) { this.setState({isUpdating: true}); const wait3s = this._makeWait(3000); const watchId = this._watchId; const videoId = this._videoId; const csrfToken = this._token; const watchAuthKey = this._watchAuthKey; const addTag = () => { return this._tagEditApi.add({ videoId, tag, csrfToken, watchAuthKey }); }; return Promise.all([addTag(), wait3s]).then((r###lts) => { let r###lt = r###lts[0]; if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; } // 待ってる間に動画が変わったぽい if (r###lt && r###lt.tags) { this._update(r###lt.tags); } this.setState({ isInputing: false, isUpdating: false, isEditing: false }); if (r###lt.error_msg) { this.emit('command', 'alert', r###lt.error_msg); } }); } _removeTag(tagId, tag = '') { this.setState({isUpdating: true}); const wait3s = this._makeWait(3000); const watchId = this._watchId; const videoId = this._videoId; const csrfToken = this._token; const watchAuthKey = this._watchAuthKey; const removeTag = () => { return this._tagEditApi.remove({ videoId, tag, id: tagId, csrfToken, watchAuthKey }); }; return Promise.all([removeTag(), wait3s]).then((r###lts) => { let r###lt = r###lts[0]; if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; } // 待ってる間に動画が変わったぽい if (r###lt && r###lt.tags) { this._update(r###lt.tags); } this.setState({ isUpdating: false }); if (r###lt.error_msg) { this.emit('command', 'alert', r###lt.error_msg); } }); } _refreshTag() { this.setState({isUpdating: true}); const watchId = this._watchId; const wait1s = this._makeWait(1000); const load = () => { return this._tagEditApi.load(this._videoId); }; return Promise.all([load(), wait1s]).then((r###lts) => { let r###lt = r###lts[0]; if (watchId !== this._watchId) { return; } // 待ってる間に動画が変わったぽい this._update(r###lt.tags); this.setState({isUpdating: false, isInputing: false, isEditing: false}); }); } _makeWait(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(ms); }, ms); }); } _createDicIcon(text, hasDic) { let href= `//dic.nicovideo.jp/a/${encodeURIComponent(text)}`; // TODO: 本家がHTML5に完全移行したらこのアイコンも消えるかもしれないので代替を探す let src = hasDic ? '//live.nicovideo.jp/img/2012/watch/tag_icon002.png' : '//live.nicovideo.jp/img/2012/watch/tag_icon003.png'; let icon = `<img class="dicIcon" src="${src}">`; return `<a target="_blank" class="nicodic" href="${href}">${icon}</a>`; } _createDeleteButton(id) { return `<span target="_blank" class="deleteButton command" title="削除" data-command="removeTag" data-param="${id}">ー</span>`; } _createLink(text) { let href = `//www.nicovideo.jp/tag/${encodeURIComponent(text)}`; // タグはエスケープされた物が来るのでそのままでつっこんでいいはずだが、 // 古いのはけっこういい加減なデータもあったりして信頼できない text = util.escapeToZenkaku(util.unescapeHtml(text)); return `<a class="tagLink" href="${href}">${text}</a>`; } _createSearch(text) { let title = 'タグ検索'; let command = 'tag-search'; let param = util.escapeHtml(text); return (`<a class="playlistAppend command" title="${title}" data-command="${command}" data-param="${param}">▶</a>`); } _createTag(tag) { let text = tag.tag; let dic = this._createDicIcon(text, !!tag.dic); let del = this._createDeleteButton(tag.id); let link = this._createLink(text); let search = this._createSearch(text); let data = util.escapeHtml(JSON.stringify(tag)); // APIごとに形式が統一されてなくてひどい let className = (tag.lock || tag.owner_lock === 1 || tag.lck === '1') ? 'tagItem is-Locked' : 'tagItem'; className = (tag.cat) ? `${className} is-Category` : className; return `<li class="${className}" data-tag="${data}" data-tag-id="${tag.id}">${dic}${del}${link}${search}</li>`; } _onTagInputKeyDown(e) { if (this._state.isUpdating) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: // ESC e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._endInput(); break; } } _onTagInputSubmit(e) { if (this._state.isUpdating) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); let val = (this._elm.tagInput.value || '').trim(); if (!val) { this._endInput(); return; } this._onCommand('addTag', val); this._elm.tagInput.value = ''; } _onBodyClick() { this._endInput(); this._endEdit(); } _beginEdit() { this.setState({isEditing: true}); document.body.addEventListener('click', this._boundOnBodyClick); } _endEdit() { document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._boundOnBodyClick); this.setState({isEditing: false}); } _beginInput() { this.setState({isInputing: true}); document.body.addEventListener('click', this._boundOnBodyClick); this._elm.tagInput.value = ''; window.setTimeout(() => { this._elm.tagInput.focus(); }, 100); } _endInput() { this._elm.tagInput.blur(); document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._boundOnBodyClick); this.setState({isInputing: false}); } } TagListView.__shadow__ = (` <style> :host-context(.videoTagsContainer.sideTab) .tagLink { color: #000 !important; text-decoration: none; } .TagListView { position: relative; user-select: none; } .TagListView.is-Updating { cursor: wait; } :host-context(.videoTagsContainer.sideTab) .TagListView.is-Updating { overflow: hidden; } .TagListView.is-Updating:after { content: '${'\\0023F3'}'; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; text-align: center; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 10001; color: #fe9; font-size: 24px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #000; pointer-events: none; } .TagListView.is-Updating:before { content: ' '; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 8px; z-index: 10000; box-shadow: 0 0 8px #000; border-radius: 8px; pointer-events: none; } .TagListView.is-Updating * { pointer-events: none; } *[data-tooltip] { position: relative; } .TagListView .button { position: relative; display: inline-block; min-width: 40px; min-height: 24px; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; transition: 0.2s transform, 0.2s box-shadow, 0.2s background; text-align: center; } .TagListView .button:hover { background: #666; /*box-shadow: 0 2px 2px #333; transform: translate(0, -2px);*/ } .TagListView .button:active { transition: none; /*transform: translate(0, 0);*/ box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000 inset; } .TagListView .button .icon { position: absolute; display: inline-block; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .TagListView *[data-tooltip]:hover:after { content: attr(data-tooltip); position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 100%; transform: translate(-50%, 0) scale(0.9); pointer-events: none; background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.9); box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000; color: black; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; padding: 2px 4px; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 10000; letter-spacing: 2px; } .videoTags { display: inline-block; padding: 0; } .TagListView .tagItem { position: relative; list-style-type: none; display: inline-block; margin-right: 2px; /*padding: 0 4px 0;*/ line-height: 20px; max-width: 50vw; } .TagListView .tagItem:first-child { margin-left: 100px; } .tagLink { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; user-select: none; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .TagListView .nicodic { display: inline-block; margin-right: 4px; line-height: 20px; cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle; } .TagListView.is-Editing .nicodic, .TagListView:not(.is-Editing) .deleteButton { display: none !important; } .TagListView .deleteButton { display: inline-block; margin: 0px; line-height: 20px; width: 20px; height: 20px; font-size: 16px; background: #f66; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 100%; transition: 0.2s transform, 0.4s background; text-shadow: none; transform: scale(1.3); line-height: 20px; text-align: center; opacity: 0.8; } .TagListView.is-Editing .deleteButton:hover { transform: rotate(0) scale(1.3); background: #f00; opacity: 1; } .TagListView.is-Editing .deleteButton:active { transform: rotate(360deg) scale(1.3); transition: none; background: #888; } .TagListView.is-Editing .is-Locked .deleteButton { visibility: hidden; } .TagListView .is-Removing .deleteButton { background: #666; } .tagItem .playlistAppend { display: inline-block; position: relative; left: auto; bottom: auto; } .TagListView .tagItem .playlistAppend { display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; width: 24px; height: 24px; bottom: 4px; background: #666; color: #ccc; text-decoration: none; border: 1px outset; transition: transform 0.2s ease; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; user-select: none; visibility: hidden; margin-right: -2px; } .tagItem:hover .playlistAppend { visibility: visible; transition: transform 0.2s ease; } .tagItem:hover .playlistAppend:hover { transform: scale(1.5); } .tagItem:hover .playlistAppend:active { transform: scale(1.4); } .tagItem.is-Removing { transform-origin: right !important; /*transform: translate(0, 150vh) rotate(-120deg) !important;*/ transform: translate(0, 150vh) !important; opacity: 0 !important; max-width: 0px !important; transition: transform 2s ease 0.2s, opacity 1.5s linear 0.2s, max-width 0.5s ease 1.5s !important; pointer-events: none; overflow: hidden !important; white-space: nowrap; } .is-Editing .playlistAppend { visibility: hidden !important; } .is-Editing .tagLink { pointer-events: none; } .is-Editing .dicIcon { display: none; } .tagItem:not(.is-Locked) { transition: transform 0.2s, text-shadow 0.2s; } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Locked { position: relative; cursor: not-allowed; } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Locked .tagLink { outline: 1px dashed #888; outline-offset: 2px; } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Locked *{ pointer-events: none; } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Locked:hover:after { content: '${'\\01F6AB'} ロックタグ'; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color: #ff9; white-space: nowrap; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); } .is-Editing .tagItem:nth-child(11).is-Locked:hover:after { content: '${'\\01F6AB'} ロックマン'; } .is-Editing .tagItem:not(.is-Locked) { transform: translate(0, -4px); text-shadow: 0 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Category * { color: #ff9; } .is-Editing .tagItem.is-Category.is-Locked:hover:after { content: '${'\\01F6AB'} カテゴリタグ'; } .tagInputContainer { display: none; padding: 4px 8px; background: #666; z-index: 5000; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); font-size: 16px; } :host-context(.videoTagsContainer.sideTab) .tagInputContainer { position: absolute; background: #999; } .tagInputContainer .tagInputText { width: 200px; font-size: 20px; } .tagInputContainer .submit { font-size: 20px; } .is-Inputing .tagInputContainer { display: inline-block; } .is-Updating .tagInputContainer { pointer-events: none; } .tagInput { border: 1px solid; } .tagInput:active { box-shadow: 0 0 4px #fe9; } .submit, .cancel { background: #666; color: #ccc; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid; text-align: center; } .TagListView .tagEditContainer { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1000; display: inline-block; transform: translate(0, 6px); } .TagListView.is-Empty .tagEditContainer { position: relative; } .TagListView:hover .tagEditContainer { display: inline-block; } .TagListView.is-Updating .tagEditContainer * { pointer-events: none; } .TagListView .tagEditContainer .button, .TagListView .videoTags .button { border-radius: 16px; font-size: 24px; line-height: 24px; margin: 0; } .TagListView.is-Editing .button.toggleEdit, .TagListView .button.toggleEdit:hover { background: #c66; } .TagListView .button.tagRefresh .icon { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(90deg); transition: transform 0.2s ease; font-family: STIXGeneral; } .TagListView .button.tagRefresh:active .icon { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(-330deg); transition: none; } .TagListView .toggleInput { transform: translate(0, 6px); } .TagListView.is-Inputing .button.toggleInput { display: none; } .TagListView .button.toggleInput:hover { background: #66c; } .tagEditContainer form { display: inline; } </style> <div class="root TagListView"> <div class="tagEditContainer"> <div class="button command toggleEdit" data-command="toggleEdit" data-tooltip="タグ編集"> <span class="icon">✏</span> </div> <div class="button command tagRefresh" data-command="refresh" data-tooltip="リロード"> <span class="icon">↻</span> </div> </div> <div class="videoTags"> <span class="videoTagsInner"></span> <div class="tagInputContainer"> <form action="javascript: void"> <input type="text" name="tagText" class="tagInputText"> <button class="submit button">O K</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> `).trim(); TagListView.__css__ = (` /* Firefox用 ShaowDOMサポートしたら不要 */ .videoTagsContainer.sideTab .is-Updating { overflow: hidden; } .videoTagsContainer.sideTab a { color: #000 !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .videoTagsContainer.videoHeader a { color: #fff !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .videoTagsContainer.sideTab .tagInputContainer { position: absolute; } `).trim(); var VideoInfoPanel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoInfoPanel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); VideoInfoPanel.__css__ = (` .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabs:not(.activeTab) { display: none; pointer-events: none; overflow: hidden; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabs.activeTab { margin-top: 32px; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 32px); overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: visible; text-align: left; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabs.relatedVideoTab.activeTab { overflow: hidden; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabs:not(.activeTab) { display: none !important; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelectContainer { position: absolute; display: flex; height: 32px; z-index: 100; width: 100%; white-space: nowrap; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect { flex: 1; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; height: 32px; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 0; line-height: 32px; color: #666; background: #222; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; transition: text-shadow 0.2s ease, color 0.2s ease; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect.activeTab { font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: #ccc; background: #333; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect.blink:not(.activeTab) { color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #ff9; transition: none; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect.blink:not(.activeTab) { color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #006; transition: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect:not(.activeTab):hover { background: #888; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.initializing { } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel>* { transition: opacity 0.4s ease; pointer-events: none; } .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel>*, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover>* { pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.initializing>* { opacity: 0; color: #333; transition: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 320px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 25000}; background: #333; color: #ccc; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; transition: opacity 0.4s ease; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: none; left: calc(100%); top: 0; } @media screen and (min-width: 992px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: inherit; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: calc(-50vh + 50%); left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 160px); width: 100vw; height: calc(100vh - 40px); right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1216px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: inherit; } .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: calc(-50vh + 50%); left: calc(-50vw + 50% + 160px); width: 100vw; height: calc(100vh - 40px); right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel>*, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel>*, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel>* { display: none; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover>*, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover>*, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover>* { display: inherit; pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover .tabSelectContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover .tabSelectContainer, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover .tabSelectContainer { display: flex; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { top: 20%; right: calc(32px - 320px); left: auto; width: 320px; height: 60%; background: none; opacity: 0; box-shadow: none; transition: opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.4s ease 1s; will-change: opacity, transform, transform; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, .fullScreen .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { height: 60%; background: none; border: 1px solid #888; opacity: 0.5; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.is-slideOpen, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.is-slideOpen, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.is-slideOpen, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:hover { /*right: 0;*/ background: #333; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #000; border: none; opacity: 0.9; transform: translate3d(-288px, 0, 0); transition: opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.4s ease 1s; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .ownerPageLink { display: block; margin: 0 auto 8px; width: 104px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .ownerIcon { width: 96px; height: 96px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; /*margin-right: 8px;*/ /*box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #666;*/ transition: opacity 1s ease; vertical-align: middle; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .ownerIcon.is-loading { opacity: 0; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .ownerName { font-size: 20px; word-break: break-all; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer { padding: 16px; display: table; /*width: calc(100% - 16px);*/ width: 100%; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer>*{ display: block; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription { padding: 8px 8px 8px; margin: 4px 0px; word-break: break-all; line-height: 1.5; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription a { display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #ff9; padding: 2px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription a:visited { color: #ffd; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .watch { display: block; position: relative; line-height: 60px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 4px 16px;; min-height: 60px; width: 272px; margin: 8px 10px; background: #444; border-radius: 4px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .watch:hover { background: #446; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .mylistLink { white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel:not(.is-pocketReady) .pocket-info { display: none !important; } .pocket-info { font-family: Menlo; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistAppend, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .deflistAdd, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetMylist, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .pocket-info, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetUploadedVideo { display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; width: 24px; height: 24px; background: #666; color: #ccc !important; background: #666; text-decoration: none; border: 1px outset; transition: transform 0.2s ease; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; user-select: none; margin-left: 8px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistAppend, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .pocket-info, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .deflistAdd { display: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .owner:hover .playlistAppend, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .watch:hover .playlistAppend, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .watch:hover .pocket-info, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .watch:hover .deflistAdd { display: inline-block; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistAppend { position: absolute; bottom: 4px; left: 16px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .pocket-info { position: absolute; bottom: 4px; left: 48px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .deflistAdd { position: absolute; bottom: 4px; left: 80px; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .pocket-info:hover, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistAppend:hover, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .deflistAdd:hover, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetMylist:hover, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetUploadedVideo:hover { transform: scale(1.5); } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .pocket-info:active, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistAppend:active, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .deflistAdd:active, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetMylist:active, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab .playlistSetUploadedVideo:active { transform: scale(1.2); border: 1px inset; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .watch .videoThumbnail { position: absolute; right: 16px; height: 60px; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription:hover .watch .videoThumbnail { filter: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .publicStatus, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoTagsContainer { display: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .publicStatus { display: none; position: relative; margin: 8px 0; padding: 8px; line-height: 150%; text-align; center; color: #333; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoMetaInfoContainer { display: inline-block; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_small .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: none; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelectContainer { width: calc(100% - 16px); } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect{ background: #ccc; color: #888; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelect.activeTab{ background: #ddd; color: black; border: none; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { top: 230px; left: 0; width: ${CONSTANT.SIDE_PLAYER_WIDTH}px; height: calc(100vh - 296px); bottom: 48px; padding: 8px; box-shadow: none; background: #f0f0f0; color: #000; border: 1px solid #333; margin: 4px 2px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .publicStatus { display: block; text-align: center; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription a { color: #006699; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription a:visited { color: #666666; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoTagsContainer { display: block; bottom: 48px; width: 364px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 8px; background: #ccc; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .watch { background: #ddd; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoDescription .watch:hover { background: #ddf; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { opacity: 0.7; } /* 縦長モニター */ @media screen and (max-width: 991px) and (min-height: 700px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: inherit; top: 100%; left: 0; width: 100%; height: ${CONSTANT.BOTTOM_PANEL_HEIGHT}px; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 20000}; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 120px); left: calc(-50vw + 50%); width: 100vw; height: 100vh; right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .ZenzaIchibaItemView { margin: 8px 8px 96px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer { display: table; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer>* { display: table-cell; text-align: left; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1215px) and (min-height: 700px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { display: inherit; top: 100%; left: 0; width: 100%; height: ${CONSTANT.BOTTOM_PANEL_HEIGHT}px; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 20000}; } .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaPlayerContainer.is-backComment .commentLayerFrame { top: calc(-50vh + 50% + 120px); left: calc(-50vw + 50%); width: 100vw; height: 100vh; right: auto; bottom: auto; z-index: 1; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .ZenzaIchibaItemView { margin: 8px 8px 96px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer { display: table; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoOwnerInfoContainer>* { display: table-cell; text-align: left; } } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .relatedVideoTab .relatedVideoContainer { box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoListFrame, .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .commentListFrame { width: 100%; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0; background: #333; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .nowLoading { display: none; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.initializing .nowLoading { display: block !important; opacity: 1 !important; color: #888; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .nowLoading { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .kurukuru { position: absolute; display: inline-block; font-size: 96px; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } @keyframes loadingRolling { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(1800deg); } } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel.initializing .kurukuruInner { display: inline-block; pointer-events: none; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 0 4px #888; animation-name: loadingRolling; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 4s; animation-timing-function: linear; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .nowLoading .loadingMessage { position: absolute; display: inline-block; font-family: Impact; font-size: 32px; text-align: center; top: calc(50% + 48px); left: 0; width: 100%; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab::-webkit-scrollbar { background: #222; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 0; background: #666; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background: #666; display: none; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab::-webkit-scrollbar { background: #f0f0f0; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoInfoTab::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 0; background: #ccc; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanelInner { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanelContent { flex: 1; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###mePlay { display: none; width: calc(100% - 16px); font-size: 14px; padding: 8px 4px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid #666; margin: 0 8px 8px; background: transparent; color: inherit; outline: none; line-height: 20px; user-select: none; text-align: center; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-appearance: inherit; -moz-appearance: inherit; -ms-appearance: inherit; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###mePlay.is-r###mePlayable { display: block; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###mePlay:hover { transform: translate(0, -4px); box-shadow: 0 4px 2px #000; transition: 0.2s transform ease, 0.2s box-shadow ease ; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###mePlay:active { transform: translate(0, 4px); box-shadow: none; transition: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###meThumbnailContainer { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 128px; min-height: 72px; background: #333; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .r###meThumbnail { max-width: 128px; max-height: 96px; } .zenzaTubeButton { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: pointer; background: #666; color: #ccc; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px outset; margin: 0 8px; } .zenzaTubeButton:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 8px #fff, 0 0 4px #ccc; } .zenzaTubeButton span { pointer-events: none; display: inline-block; background: #ccc; color: #333; border-radius: 4px; } .zenzaTubeButton:hover span { background: #f33; color: #ccc; } .zenzaTubeButton:active { box-shadow: 0 0 2px #ccc, 0 0 4px #000 inset; border: 1px inset; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .relatedInfoMenuContainer { text-align: left; } `).trim(); VideoInfoPanel.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel show initializing"> <div class="nowLoading"> <div class="kurukuru"><span class="kurukuruInner">☯</span></div> <div class="loadingMessage">Loading...</div> </div> <div class="tabSelectContainer"><div class="tabSelect videoInfoTab activeTab" data-tab="videoInfoTab">動画情報</div><div class="tabSelect relatedVideoTab" data-tab="relatedVideoTab">関連動画</div></div> <div class="tabs videoInfoTab activeTab"> <div class="zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanelInner"> <div class="zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanelContent"> <div class="videoOwnerInfoContainer"> <a class="ownerPageLink" rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <img class="ownerIcon loading"/> </a> <span class="owner"> <span class="ownerName"></span> <a class="playlistSetUploadedVideo userVideo" data-command="playlistSetUploadedVideo" title="投稿動画一覧をプレイリストで開く">▶</a> </span> </div> <div class="publicStatus"> <div class="videoMetaInfoContainer"></div> <div class="relatedInfoMenuContainer"></div> </div> <div class="videoDescription"></div> <div class="r###mePlay" data-command="seek" data-param="0" type="button"> 続きから再生 (<span class="r###mePlayPoint">00:00</span>) <div class="r###meThumbnailContainer"></div> </div> </div> <div class="zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanelFoot"> <div class="uaaContainer"></div> <div class="ichibaContainer"></div> <div class="videoTagsContainer sideTab"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tabs relatedVideoTab"> <div class="relatedVideoContainer"></div> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(VideoInfoPanel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._videoHeaderPanel = new VideoHeaderPanel(params); this._dialog = params.dialog; this._config = Config; this._currentTimeGetter = params.currentTimeGetter; this._dialog.on('canplay', this._onVideoCanPlay.bind(this)); this._dialog.on('videoCount', this._onVideoCountUpdate.bind(this)); this._videoHeaderPanel.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); if (params.node) { this.appendTo(params.node); } }, _initializeDom: function() { if (this._isInitialized) { return; } this._isInitialized = true; util.addStyle(VideoInfoPanel.__css__); var $view = this._$view = $(VideoInfoPanel.__tpl__); const view = this._view = $view[0]; let onCommand = this._onCommand.bind(this); this._$ownerContainer = $view.find('.videoOwnerInfoContainer'); var $icon = this._$ownerIcon = $view.find('.ownerIcon'); this._$ownerName = $view.find('.ownerName'); this._$ownerPageLink = $view.find('.ownerPageLink'); this._$description = $view.find('.videoDescription'); this._$description.on('click', this._onDescriptionClick.bind(this)); this._tagListView = new TagListView({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.videoTagsContainer') }); this._tagListView.on('command', onCommand); this._relatedInfoMenu = new RelatedInfoMenu({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.relatedInfoMenuContainer') }); this._relatedInfoMenu.on('command', onCommand); this._videoMetaInfo = new VideoMetaInfo({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.videoMetaInfoContainer') }); this._uaaContainer = view.querySelector('.uaaContainer'); this._uaaView = new UaaView( {parentNode: this._uaaContainer}); this._uaaView.on('command', onCommand); this._ichibaContainer = view.querySelector('.ichibaContainer'); this._ichibaItemView = new IchibaItemView( {parentNode: this._ichibaContainer}); this._r###mePlayButton = view.querySelector('.r###mePlay'); this._r###mePlayPoint = view.querySelector('.r###mePlayPoint'); this._r###mePlayButton.addEventListener('click', () => { this._onCommand( 'command', 'seek', this._r###mePlayButton.getAttribute('data-param')); }); this._$tabSelect = $view.find('.tabSelect'); $view.on('click', '.tabSelect', (e) => { var $target = $(e.target).closest('.tabSelect'); var tabName = $target.attr('data-tab'); this._onCommand('selectTab', tabName); }); $view.on('click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); // 手抜き var $target = $(e.target); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param') || ''; if (command) { this._onCommand(command, param); } }).on('wheel', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }); $icon.on('load', () => { $icon.removeClass('is-loading'); }); $view.on('touchenter', () => { $view.addClass('is-slideOpen'); }); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', () => { $view.removeClass('is-slideOpen'); }); MylistPocketDetector.detect().then((pocket) => { this._pocket = pocket; $view.addClass('is-pocketReady'); }); }, update: function(videoInfo) { this._videoInfo = videoInfo; this._videoHeaderPanel.update(videoInfo); var owner = videoInfo.ownerInfo; this._$ownerIcon.attr('src', owner.icon); this._$ownerPageLink.attr('href', owner.url); this._$ownerName.text(owner.name); this._$ownerContainer.toggleClass('favorite', owner.favorite); this._videoMetaInfo.update(videoInfo); this._tagListView.update({ tagList: videoInfo.tagList, watchId: videoInfo.watchId, videoId: videoInfo.videoId, token: videoInfo.csrfToken, watchAuthKey: videoInfo.watchAuthKey }); this._updateVideoDescription(videoInfo.description, videoInfo.isChannel); this._$view .removeClass('userVideo channelVideo initializing') .toggleClass('is-community', this._videoInfo.isCommunityVideo) .toggleClass('is-mymemory', this._videoInfo.isMymemory) .addClass(videoInfo.isChannel ? 'channelVideo' : 'userVideo'); this._ichibaItemView.clear(); this._ichibaItemView.videoId = videoInfo.videoId; this._uaaView.clear(); this._uaaView.update(videoInfo); this._relatedInfoMenu.update(videoInfo); this._updateR###mePoint(videoInfo); }, _updateR###mePoint(videoInfo) { const pt = videoInfo.initialPlaybackTime; this._r###mePlayPoint.textContent = util.secToTime(pt); this._r###mePlayButton.classList.toggle('is-r###mePlayable', pt > 0); this._r###mePlayButton.setAttribute('data-param', pt); const thumbnailContainer = this._r###meThumbnailContainer = this._r###meThumbnailContainer || this._r###mePlayButton.querySelector('.r###meThumbnailContainer'); thumbnailContainer.innerHTML = ''; if (pt > 0) { videoInfo.getCurrentVideo().then(url => { return util.videoCapture(url, pt); }).then(canvas => { canvas.className = 'r###meThumbnail'; thumbnailContainer.appendChild(canvas); }); } }, /** * 説明文中のurlの自動リンク等の処理 */ _updateVideoDescription: function(html, isChannel) { if (!isChannel) { // urlの自動リンク処理 // チャンネル動画は自前でリンク貼れるので何もしない var linkmatch = /<a.*?<\/a>/, links = [], n; html = html.split('<br />').join(' <br /> '); while ((n = linkmatch.exec(html)) !== null) { links.push(n); html = html.replace(n, ' <!----> '); } html = html.replace(/\((https?:\/\/[\x21-\x3b\x3d-\x7e]+)\)/gi, '( $1 )'); html = html.replace(/(https?:\/\/[\x21-\x3b\x3d-\x7e]+)/gi, '<a href="$1" rel="noopener" target="_blank" class="otherSite">$1</a>'); for (var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) { html = html.replace(' <!----> ', links[i]); } html = html.split(' <br /> ').join('<br />'); } this._$description.html(html) .find('a').addClass('noHoverMenu').end() .find('a[href*="/mylist/"]').addClass('mylistLink') ; this._zenTubeUrl = null; window.setTimeout(() => { this._$description.find('.watch').each((i, watchLink) => { var $watchLink = $(watchLink); var videoId = $watchLink.text().replace('watch/', ''); if (!/^(sm|so|nm)/.test(videoId)) { return; } var thumbnail = util.getThumbnailUrlByVideoId(videoId); if (thumbnail) { var $img = $('<img class="videoThumbnail" />').attr('src', thumbnail); $watchLink.addClass('popupThumbnail').append($img); } var $playlistAppend = $('<a class="playlistAppend" title="プレイリストで開く">▶</a>') .attr('data-watch-id', videoId); var $deflistAdd = $('<a class="deflistAdd" title="とりあえずマイリスト">✚</a>') .attr('data-watch-id', videoId); var $pocketInfo = $('<a class="pocket-info" title="動画情報">?</a>') .attr('data-watch-id', videoId); $watchLink.append($playlistAppend); $watchLink.append($deflistAdd); $watchLink.append($pocketInfo); }); this._$description.find('.mylistLink').each((i, mylistLink) => { var $mylistLink = $(mylistLink); var mylistId = $mylistLink.text().split('/')[1]; var $playlistAppend = $('<a class="playlistSetMylist" title="プレイリストで開く">▶</a>') .attr('data-mylist-id', mylistId) ; $mylistLink.append($playlistAppend); }); this._$description.find('a[href*="youtube.com/watch"], a[href*="youtu.be"]').each((i, link) => { const btn = document.createElement('div'); if (!this._zenTubeUrl) { this._zenTubeUrl = link.href; } btn.className = 'zenzaTubeButton'; btn.innerHTML = '▷Zen<span>Tube</span>'; btn.title = 'ZenzaWatchで開く(実験中)'; btn.setAttribute('accesskey', 'z'); btn.setAttribute('data-command', 'setVideo'); btn.setAttribute('data-param', link.href); link.parentNode.insertBefore(btn, link); }); }, 0); }, _onDescriptionClick: function(e) { if (e.button !== 0 || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey) return true; if (e.target.tagName !== 'A') return; var watchId; var $target = $(e.target), text = $target.text(); var href = $target.attr('href') || ''; if (href.match(/watch\/([a-z0-9]+)/)) { e.preventDefault(); this.emit('command', 'open', RegExp.$1); //dialog.open(RegExp.$1); } else if (text.match(/^mylist\/(\d+)/)) { return; } else if ($target.hasClass('playlistAppend')) { watchId = $target.attr('data-watch-id'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (watchId) { this.emit('command', 'playlistAppend', watchId); } } else if ($target.hasClass('deflistAdd')) { watchId = $target.attr('data-watch-id'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (watchId) { this.emit('command', 'deflistAdd', watchId); } } else if ($target.hasClass('pocket-info')) { watchId = $target.attr('data-watch-id'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (watchId) { this._pocket.external.info(watchId); } } else if ($target.hasClass('playlistSetMylist')) { var mylistId = $target.attr('data-mylist-id'); if (!isNaN(mylistId)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.emit('command', 'playlistSetMylist', mylistId); } } else if ($target.hasClass('seekTime')) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var data = $target.attr('data-seekTime').split(":"); var sec = data[0] * 60 + parseInt(data[1], 10); this.emit('command', 'seek', sec); } }, _onVideoCanPlay: function(watchId, videoInfo, options) { // 動画の再生を優先するため、比較的どうでもいい要素はこのタイミングで初期化するのがよい if (!this._relatedVideoList) { this._relatedVideoList = new RelatedVideoList({ $container: this._$view.find('.relatedVideoContainer') }); this._relatedVideoList.on('command', this._onCommand.bind(this)); } if (this._config.getValue('autoZenTube') && this._zenTubeUrl && !options.isReload()) { window.setTimeout(() => { window.console.info('%cAuto ZenTube', this._zenTubeUrl); this.emit('command', 'setVideo', this._zenTubeUrl); }, 100); } let relatedVideo = [VideoListItem.createByVideoInfoModel(videoInfo).serialize()]; RecommendAPILoader.load({videoId: videoInfo.videoId}).then(data => { const items = data.items || []; (items || []).forEach(item => { if (item.contentType !== 'video') { return; } let content = item.content; relatedVideo.push({ _format: 'recommendApi', _data: item, id: item.id, title: content.title, length_seconds: content.duration, num_res: content.count.comment, mylist_counter: content.count.mylist, view_counter: content.count.view, thumbnail_url: content.thumbnail.url, first_retrieve: content.registeredAt, has_data: true, is_translated: false }); }); this._relatedVideoList.update(relatedVideo, watchId); }); }, _onVideoCountUpdate: function(...args) { if (!this._videoHeaderPanel) { return; } this._videoMetaInfo.updateVideoCount(...args); this._videoHeaderPanel.updateVideoCount(...args); }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { switch (command) { case 'tag-search': this._onTagSearch(param); break; case 'playlistSetUploadedVideo': var owner = this._videoInfo.ownerInfo; this.emit('command', 'playlistSetUploadedVideo', owner.id); break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); break; } }, _onTagSearch: function(word) { const config = Config.namespace('videoSearch'); let option = { searchType: 'tag', order: config.getValue('order'), sort: config.getValue('sort') || 'playlist', owner: config.getValue('ownerOnly') }; if (option.sort === 'playlist') { option.sort = 'f'; option.playlistSort = true; } this.emit('command', 'playlistSetSearchVideo', {word, option}); }, appendTo: function(node) { var $node = $(node); this._initializeDom(); $node.append(this._$view); this._videoHeaderPanel.appendTo($node); }, hide: function() { this._videoHeaderPanel.hide(); }, close: function() { this._videoHeaderPanel.close(); }, clear: function() { this._videoHeaderPanel.clear(); this._$view.addClass('initializing'); this._$ownerIcon.addClass('is-loading'); this._$description.empty(); }, selectTab: function(tabName) { var $view = this._$view; var $target = $view.find('.tabs.' + tabName + ', .tabSelect.' + tabName); this._activeTabName = tabName; $view.find('.activeTab').removeClass('activeTab'); $target.addClass('activeTab'); }, blinkTab: function(tabName) { var $view = this._$view; var $target = $view.find('.tabs.' + tabName + ', .tabSelect.' + tabName); if ($target.length < 1) { return; } $target.addClass('blink'); window.setTimeout(function() { $target.removeClass('blink'); }, 50); }, appendTab: function(tabName, title, content) { var $view = this._$view; var $select = $('<div class="tabSelect"/>') .addClass(tabName) .attr('data-tab', tabName) .text(title); var $body = $('<div class="tabs"/>') .addClass(tabName); if (content) { $body.append($(content)); } $view.find('.tabSelectContainer').append($select); $view.append($body); if (this._activeTabName === tabName) { $select.addClass('activeTab'); $body.addClass('activeTab'); } return $body; }, removeTab: function(tabName) { this._$view.find('.tabSelect.' + tabName).remove(); this._$view.find('.tabs.' + tabName).detach(); } }); var VideoHeaderPanel = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(VideoHeaderPanel.prototype, AsyncEmitter.prototype); VideoHeaderPanel.__css__ = (` .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 30000}; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 8px 8px 0; bottom: calc(100% + 8px); left: 0; background: #333; color: #ccc; text-align: left; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #000; transition: opacity 0.4s ease; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, body.fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 20000}; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel>* { pointer-events: none; } .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel>*, .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover>* { pointer-events: auto; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.initializing { display: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.initializing>*{ opacity: 0; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitleContainer { margin: 8px; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .publicStatus { position: relative; color: #ccc; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { position: absolute; /* fixedだとFirefoxのバグでおかしくなる */ top: 0px; bottom: auto; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); opacity: 0; box-shadow: none; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { top: 0; left: 400px; width: calc(100vw - 400px); bottom: auto; background: #272727; opacity: 0.9; height: 40px; } /* ヘッダ追従 */ body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.nofix):not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { top: 0; } /* ヘッダ固定 */ body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView.nofix:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitleContainer { margin: 0; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .publicStatus, body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTagsContainer { display: none; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .is-loading .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen, .zenzaScreenMode_big .is-loading .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-loading .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-loading .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .fullScreen .is-loading .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .fullScreen .is-mouseMoving .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { opacity: 0.6; transition: 0.4s opacity; } .zenzaScreenMode_3D .showVideoHeaderPanel .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .showVideoHeaderPanel .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .fullScreen .showVideoHeaderPanel .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen:hover, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen:hover, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover { opacity: 1; transition: 0.5s opacity; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTagsContainer, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTagsContainer { display: none; width: calc(100% - 240px); } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen:hover .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen:hover .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover .videoTagsContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover .videoTagsContainer, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel:hover .videoTagsContainer { display: block; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitle { font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; display: block; padding: 2px 0; } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .videoTitleContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .videoTitleContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitleContainer, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitleContainer, .fullScreen .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitleContainer { width: calc(100% - 180px); } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .videoTitle::before { display: none; position: absolute; font-size: 12px; top: 0; left: 0; background: #333; border: 1px solid #888; padding: 2px 4px; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-mymemory:not(:hover) .videoTitle::before { content: 'マイメモリー'; display: inline-block; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-community:not(:hover) .videoTitle::before { content: 'コミュニティ動画'; display: inline-block; } .videoMetaInfoContainer { display: inline-block; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_3D .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_normal .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel, body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_big .is-backComment .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { opacity: 0.7; } @media screen and (min-width: 1432px) { body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .tabSelectContainer { width: calc(100% - 16px); } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel { top: calc((100vw - ####px) * 9 / 16 + 4px); width: calc(100vw - ####px); height: calc(100vh - (100vw - ####px) * 9 / 16 - 70px); } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .videoTagsContainer { width: calc(100vw - ####px - 26px); } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView:not(.fullScreen) .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel { width: calc(100vw - (100vw - ####px)); left: calc(100vw - ####px); } } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel .relatedInfoMenuContainer { display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; margin: 0 16px; z-index: 1000; } .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-relatedMenuOpen { z-index: ${CONSTANT.BASE_Z_INDEX + 50000}; } `); VideoHeaderPanel.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel show initializing" style="display: none;"> <h2 class="videoTitleContainer"> <span class="videoTitle"></span> </h2> <p class="publicStatus"> <span class="videoMetaInfoContainer"></span> <span class="relatedInfoMenuContainer"></span> </p> <div class="videoTagsContainer videoHeader"> </div> </div> `).trim(); _.assign(VideoHeaderPanel.prototype, { initialize: function(params) { this._currentTimeGetter = params.currentTimeGetter; }, _initializeDom: function() { if (this._isInitialized) { return; } this._isInitialized = true; util.addStyle(VideoHeaderPanel.__css__); let $view = this._$view = $(VideoHeaderPanel.__tpl__); let view = $view[0]; let onCommand = this._onCommand.bind(this); this._$videoTitle = $view.find('.videoTitle'); this._searchForm = new VideoSearchForm({ parentNode: view }); this._searchForm.on('command', onCommand); $view.on('click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('hideHover'); // 手抜き var $target = $(e.target); var command = $target.attr('data-command'); var param = $target.attr('data-param') || ''; if (command) { this.emit('command', command, param); } }).on('wheel', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }); this._tagListView = new TagListView({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.videoTagsContainer') }); this._tagListView.on('command', onCommand); this._relatedInfoMenu = new RelatedInfoMenu({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.relatedInfoMenuContainer'), isHeader: true }); this._relatedInfoMenu.on('command', onCommand); this._relatedInfoMenu.on('open', () => { $view.addClass('is-relatedMenuOpen'); }); this._relatedInfoMenu.on('close', () => { $view.removeClass('is-relatedMenuOpen'); }); this._videoMetaInfo = new VideoMetaInfo({ parentNode: view.querySelector('.videoMetaInfoContainer'), }); window.addEventListener('resize', _.debounce(this._onResize.bind(this), 500)); }, update: function(videoInfo) { this._videoInfo = videoInfo; const videoTitle = util.unescapeHtml(videoInfo.title); this._$videoTitle.text(videoTitle).attr('title', videoTitle); var watchId = videoInfo.watchId; this._videoMetaInfo.update(videoInfo); this._tagListView.update({ tagList: videoInfo.tagList, watchId, videoId: videoInfo.videoId, token: videoInfo.csrfToken, watchAuthKey: videoInfo.watchAuthKey }); this._relatedInfoMenu.update(videoInfo); this._$view .removeClass('userVideo channelVideo initializing') .toggleClass('is-community', this._videoInfo.isCommunityVideo) .toggleClass('is-mymemory', this._videoInfo.isMymemory) .toggleClass('has-Parent', this._videoInfo.hasParentVideo) .addClass(videoInfo.isChannel ? 'channelVideo' : 'userVideo') .css('display', ''); window.setTimeout(() => { this._onResize(); }, 1000); }, updateVideoCount: function(...args) { this._videoMetaInfo.updateVideoCount(...args); }, _onResize: function() { const view = this._$view[0]; const rect = view.getBoundingClientRect(); let isOnscreen = view.classList.contains('is-onscreen'); const height = rect.bottom - rect.top; const top = isOnscreen ? (rect.top - height) : rect.top; view.classList.toggle('is-onscreen', top < -32); }, appendTo: function($node) { this._initializeDom(); $node.append(this._$view); }, hide: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.removeClass('show'); }, close: function() { }, clear: function() { if (!this._$view) { return; } this._$view.addClass('initializing'); this._$videoTitle.text('------'); }, getPublicStatusDom: function() { return this._$view.find('.publicStatus').html(); }, getVideoTagsDom: function() { return this._$tagList.html(); }, _onCommand: function(command, param) { switch (command, param) { default: this.emit('command', command, param); break; } } }); class VideoSearchForm extends AsyncEmitter { constructor(...args) { super(); this._config = Config.namespace('videoSearch'); this._initDom(...args); } _initDom({parentNode}) { let tpl = document.getElementById('zenzaVideoSearchPanelTemplate'); if (!tpl) { util.addStyle(VideoSearchForm.__css__); tpl = document.createElement('template'); tpl.innerHTML = VideoSearchForm.__tpl__; tpl.id = 'zenzaVideoSearchPanelTemplate'; document.body.appendChild(tpl); } const view = document.importNode(tpl.content, true); this._view = view.querySelector('*'); this._form = view.querySelector('form'); this._word = view.querySelector('.searchWordInput'); this._sort = view.querySelector('.searchSortSelect'); this._submit = view.querySelector('.searchSubmit'); this._mode = view.querySelector('.searchMode') || 'tag'; this._form.addEventListener('submit', this._onSubmit.bind(this)); const config = this._config; const form = this._form; form['ownerOnly'].checked = config.getValue('ownerOnly'); let confMode = config.getValue('mode'); if (typeof confMode === 'string' && ['tag', 'keyword'].includes(confMode)) { form['mode'].value = confMode; } else if (typeof confMode === 'boolean') { form['mode'].value = confMode ? 'tag' : 'keyword'; } else { form['mode'].value = 'tag'; } form['word'].value = config.getValue('word'); form['sort'].value = config.getValue('sort'); this._view.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); const updateFocus = this._updateFocus.bind(this); const updateFocusD = _.debounce(updateFocus, 1000); const submit = _.debounce(this.submit.bind(this), 500); Array.prototype.forEach.call(view.querySelectorAll('input, select'), (item) => { item.addEventListener('focus', updateFocus); item.addEventListener('blur', updateFocusD); if (item.type === 'checkbox') { item.addEventListener('change', () => { this._word.focus(); config.setValue(item.name, item.checked); submit(); }); } else if (item.type === 'radio') { item.addEventListener('change', () => { this._word.focus(); config.setValue(item.name, this._form[item.name].value); submit(); }); } else { item.addEventListener('change', () => { config.setValue(item.name, item.value); if (item.tagName === 'SELECT') { submit(); } }); } }); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('searchVideo', ({word}) => { form['word'].value = word; } ); if (parentNode) { parentNode.appendChild(view); } ZenzaWatch.debug.searchForm = this; } _onClick(e) { const tagName = (e.target.tagName || '').toLowerCase(); const target = e.target.classList.contains('command') ? e.target : e.target.closest('.command'); if (!['input', 'select'].includes(tagName)) { this._word.focus(); } if (!target) { return; } const command = target.getAttribute('data-command'); if (!command) { return; } const type = target.getAttribute('data-type') || 'string'; let param = target.getAttribute('data-param'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); switch (type) { case 'json': case 'bool': case 'number': param = JSON.parse(param); break; } switch (command) { case 'clear': this._word.value = ''; break; default: this.emit('command', command, param); } } _onSubmit(e) { this.submit(); e.stopPropagation(); } submit() { const word = this.word; if (!word) { return; } this.emit('command', 'playlistSetSearchVideo', { word, option: { searchType: this.searchType, sort: this.sort, order: this.order, owner: this.isOwnerOnly, playlistSort: this.isPlaylistSort } }); } _hasFocus() { return !!document.activeElement.closest('#zenzaVideoSearchPanel'); } _updateFocus() { if (this._hasFocus()) { this._view.classList.add('is-active'); } else { this._view.classList.remove('is-active'); } } get word() { return (this._word.value || '').trim(); } get searchType() { return this._form.mode.value; } get sort() { const sortTmp = (this._sort.value || '').split(','); const playlistSort = sortTmp[0] === 'playlist'; return playlistSort ? 'f' : sortTmp[0]; } get order() { const sortTmp = (this._sort.value || '').split(','); return sortTmp[1] || 'd'; } get isPlaylistSort() { const sortTmp = (this._sort.value || '').split(','); return sortTmp[0] === 'playlist'; } get isOwnerOnly() { return this._form['ownerOnly'].checked; } } VideoSearchForm.__css__ = (` .zenzaVideoSearchPanel { pointer-events: auto; position: absolute; top: 32px; right: 8px; padding: 0 8px width: 248px; z-index: 1000; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active { } .zenzaScreenMode_normal .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .zenzaVideoSearchPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_big .zenzaWatchVideoHeaderPanel.is-onscreen .zenzaVideoSearchPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_3D .zenzaVideoSearchPanel, .zenzaScreenMode_wide .zenzaVideoSearchPanel, .fullScreen .zenzaVideoSearchPanel { top: 64px; } body:not(.fullScreen).zenzaScreenMode_sideView .zenzaVideoSearchPanel { top: 80px; right: 32px; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active { background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.8); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel:not(.is-active) .focusOnly { display: none; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchInputHead { position: absolute; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; padding: 4px; transition: transform 0.2s ease, opacity 0.2s ease; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchInputHead:hover, .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchInputHead { background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.8); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchInputHead:hover, .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchInputHead { pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchMode { position: absolute; opacity: 0; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchModeLabel { cursor: pointer; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchModeLabel span { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 8px; color: #666; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 8px; border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchModeLabel:hover span { background: #888; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchModeLabel input:checked + span { color: #ccc; border-color: currentColor; cursor: default; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchWord { white-space: nowrap; padding: 4px; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchWordInput { width: 200px; margin: 0; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; background: transparent; font-size: 16px; padding: 0 4px; color: #ccc; border: 1px solid #ccc; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.2s ease; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchWordInput:-webkit-autofill { background: transparent; } .is-mouseMoving .zenzaVideoSearchPanel:not(.is-active) .searchWordInput { opacity: 0.5; } .is-mouseMoving .zenzaVideoSearchPanel:not(.is-active) .searchWordInput:hover { opacity: 0.8; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchWordInput { opacity: 1 !important; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchSubmit { width: 34px; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; height: 24px; border: solid 1px #ccc; cursor: pointer; background: #888; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease, transform 0.2s ease; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchSubmit { pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchSubmit:hover { transform: scale(1.5); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchSubmit:active { transform: scale(1.2); border-style: inset; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchClear { display: inline-block; width: 28px; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; height: 24px; border: none; cursor: pointer; color: #ccc; background: transparent; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); transition: opacity 0.2s ease, transform 0.2s ease; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchClear { pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchClear:hover { transform: scale(1.5); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchClear:active { transform: scale(1.2); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchInputFoot { white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; padding: 4px 0; opacity: 0; padding: 4px; pointer-events: none; transition: transform 0.2s ease, opacity 0.2s ease; transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchInputFoot:hover, .zenzaVideoSearchPanel.is-active .searchInputFoot { pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1; background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.8); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchSortSelect, .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .searchSortSelect option{ background: #333; color: #ccc; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .autoPauseLabel { cursor: pointer; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .autoPauseLabel input { } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .autoPauseLabel input + span { display: inline-block; pointer-events: none; } .zenzaVideoSearchPanel .autoPauseLabel input:checked + span { } `).toString(); VideoSearchForm.__tpl__ = (` <div class="zenzaVideoSearchPanel" id="zenzaVideoSearchPanel"> <form action="javascript: void(0);"> <div class="searchInputHead"> <label class="searchModeLabel"> <input type="radio" name="mode" class="searchMode" value="keyword"> <span>キーワード</span> </label> <label class="searchModeLabel"> <input type="radio" name="mode" class="searchMode" value="tag" id="zenzaVideoSearch-tag" checked="checked"> <span>タグ</span> </label> </div> <div class="searchWord"> <button class="searchClear command" type="button" data-command="clear" title="クリア">✖</button> <input type="text" value="" autocomplete="on" name="word" accesskey="e" placeholder="簡易検索(テスト中)" class="searchWordInput" maxlength="75" > <input type="submit" value="▶" name="post" class="searchSubmit" > </div> <div class="searchInputFoot focusOnly"> <select name="sort" class="searchSortSelect"> <option value="playlist">自動(連続再生用)</option> <option value="f">新しい順</option> <option value="h">人気順</option> <option value="n">最新コメント</option> <option value="r">コメント数</option> <option value="m">マイリスト数</option> <option value="l">長い順</option> <option value="l,a">短い順</option> </select> <label class="autoPauseLabel"> <input type="checkbox" name="ownerOnly" checked="checked"> <span>投稿者の動画のみ</span> </label> </div> </form> </div> `).toString(); class IchibaItemView extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'IchibaItemView', template: IchibaItemView.__tpl__, css: IchibaItemView.__css__, }); ZenzaWatch.debug.ichiba = this; } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); this._listContainer = this._view.querySelector('.ichibaItemListContainer .ichibaItemListInner'); this._listContainerDetails = this._view.querySelector('.ichibaItemListContainer .ichibaItemListDetails'); } _onCommand(command, param) { switch(command) { case 'load': this.load(this._videoId); break; default: super._onCommand(command, param); } } load(videoId) { if (this._isLoading) { return; } videoId = videoId || this._videoId; this._isLoading = true; this.addClass('is-loading'); return IchibaLoader.load(videoId) .then(this._onIchibaLoad.bind(this)) .catch(this._onIchibaLoadFail.bind(this)); } clear() { this.removeClass('is-loading'); this.removeClass('is-success'); this.removeClass('is-fail'); this.removeClass('is-empty'); this._listContainer.innerHTML = ''; } _onIchibaLoad(data) { this.removeClass('is-loading'); const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = data.main; Array.prototype.forEach.call( div.querySelectorAll('[id]'), (elm) => { elm.classList.add('ichiba-' + elm.id); elm.removeAttribute('id'); } ); Array.prototype.forEach.call( div.querySelectorAll('[style]'), (elm) => { elm.removeAttribute('style'); } ); const items = div.querySelectorAll('.ichiba_mainitem'); if (!items || items.length < 1) { this.addClass('is-empty'); this._listContainer.innerHTML = '<h2>貼られている商品はありません</h2>'; } else { this._listContainer.innerHTML = div.innerHTML; } this.addClass('is-success'); this._listContainerDetails.setAttribute('open', 'open'); this._isLoading = false; } _onIchibaLoadFail() { this.removeClass('is-loading'); this.addClass('is-fail'); this._isLoading = false; } get videoId() { return this._videoId; } set videoId(v) { this._videoId = v; } } IchibaItemView.__tpl__ = (` <div class="ZenzaIchibaItemView"> <div class="loadStart"> <div class="loadStartButton command" data-command="load">ニコニコ市場</div> </div> <div class="ichibaLoadingView"> <div class="loading-inner"> <span class="spinner">⌛</span> </div> </div> <div class="ichibaItemListContainer"> <details class="ichibaItemListDetails"> <summary class="ichibaItemSummary loadStartButton">ニコニコ市場</summary> <div class="ichibaItemListInner"></div> </details> </div> </div> `).trim(); IchibaItemView.__css__ = (` .ZenzaIchibaItemView { text-align: center; margin: 8px 8px 32px; color: #ccc; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton { /*width: 200px;*/ font-size: 24px; padding: 8px 8px; margin: 8px; background: inherit; color: inherit; border: 1px solid #ccc; /*border: none;*/ outline: none; line-height: 20px; /*text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;*/ border-radius: 8px; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton:hover { transform: translate(0, -4px); box-shadow: 0 4px 4px #000; transition: 0.2s transform ease, 0.2s box-shadow ease ; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton:active { transform: none; box-shadow: none; transition: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton:active::after { opacity: 0; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .ichibaLoadingView, .ZenzaIchibaItemView .ichibaItemListContainer { display: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-loading { cursor: wait; user-select: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-loading * { pointer-events: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-loading .ichibaLoadingView { display: block; font-size: 32px; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-loading .loadStart, .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-loading .ichibaItemListContainer { display: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-success { background: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-success .ichibaLoadingView, .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-success .loadStart { display: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-success .ichibaItemListContainer { display: block; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-success details[open] { border: 1px solid #666; border-radius: 4px; padding: 0px; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-fail { } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-fail .ichibaLoadingView, .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-fail .loadStartButton { display: none; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView.is-fail .ichibaItemListContainer { display: block; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .ichibaItemListContainer { text-align: center; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .ichibaItemListContainer .ichiba-ichiba_mainpiaitem, .ZenzaIchibaItemView .ichibaItemListContainer .ichiba_mainitem { display: inline-table; width: 220px; margin: 8px; padding: 8px; word-break: break-all; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000; background: #666; border-radius: 4px; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .price, .ZenzaIchibaItemView .buy, .ZenzaIchibaItemView .click { font-weight: bold; /*color: #fcc;*/ } .ZenzaIchibaItemView a { display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #ff9; padding: 2px; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView a:visited { color: #ffd; } .ZenzaIchibaItemView .rowJustify, .ZenzaIchibaItemView .noItem, .ichiba-ichibaMainLogo, .ichiba-ichibaMainHeader, .ichiba-ichibaMainFooter { display: none; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton { color: #000; } body.fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .ZenzaIchibaItemView .loadStartButton { color: inherit; } `).trim(); // typoじゃなくてブロック回避のため名前を変えてる class UaaView extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'UaaView', template: UaaView.__tpl__, shadow: UaaView._shadow_, css: UaaView.__css__ }); this._state = { isUpdating: false, isExist: false, isSpeaking: false }; this._config = Config.namespace('uaa'); this._bound.load = this.load.bind(this); this._bound.update = this.update.bind(this); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); ZenzaWatch.debug.uaa = this; if (!this._shadow) { return; } // ShadowDOM使えなかったらバイバイ const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; this._elm.body = shadow.querySelector('.UaaDetailBody'); } update(videoInfo) { if (!this._shadow || !this._config.getValue('enable')) { return; } if (!this._elm.body) { return; } if (this._state.isUpdating) { return; } this.setState({isUpdating: true}); this._props.videoInfo = videoInfo; this._props.videoId = videoInfo.videoId; window.setTimeout(() => { this.load(videoInfo); }, 5000); } load(videoInfo) { const videoId = videoInfo.videoId; return UaaLoader.load(videoId, {limit: 50}) .then(this._onLoad.bind(this, videoId)) .catch(this._onFail.bind(this, videoId)); } clear() { this.setState({isUpdating: false, isExist: false, isSpeaking: false}); if (!this._elm.body) { return; } this._elm.body.innerHTML = ''; } _onLoad(videoId, r###lt) { if (this._props.videoId !== videoId) { return; } this.setState({isUpdating: false}); const data = r###lt ? r###lt.data : null; if (!data || data.sponsors.length < 1) { return; } const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'screenshots'; let idx = 0, screenshots = 0; data.sponsors.forEach(u => { if (!u.auxiliary.bgVideoPosition || idx >= 4) { return; } u.added = true; div.append(this._createItem(u, idx++)); screenshots++; }); div.setAttribute('data-screenshot-count', screenshots); df.append(div); data.sponsors.forEach(u => { if (!u.auxiliary.bgVideoPosition || u.added) { return; } u.added = true; df.append(this._createItem(u, idx++)); }); data.sponsors.forEach(u => { if (u.added) { return; } u.added = true; df.append(this._createItem(u, idx++)); }); this._elm.body.innerHTML = ''; this._elm.body.appendChild(df); this.setState({isExist: true}); } _createItem(data, idx) { const df = document.createElement('div'); const contact = document.createElement('span'); contact.textContent = data.advertiserName; contact.className = 'contact'; df.className = 'item'; const aux = data.auxiliary; const bgkeyframe = aux.bgVideoPosition || 0; if (data.message) { data.title = data.message; } df.setAttribute('data-index', idx); if (bgkeyframe && idx < 4) { const sec = parseFloat(bgkeyframe); const cv = document.createElement('canvas'); const ct = cv.getContext('2d'); cv.className = 'screenshot command clickable'; cv.setAttribute('data-command', 'seek'); cv.setAttribute('data-type', 'number'); cv.setAttribute('data-param', sec); df.setAttribute('data-time', util.secToTime(sec)); cv.width = 128; cv.height = 72; ct.fillStyle = 'rgb(32, 32, 32)'; ct.fillRect(0, 0, cv.width, cv.height); df.appendChild(cv); df.classList.add('has-screenshot'); this._props.videoInfo.getCurrentVideo().then(url=> { return util.videoCapture(url, sec); }).then(screenshot => { cv.width = screenshot.width; cv.height = screenshot.height; ct.drawImage(screenshot, 0, 0); }); } else if (bgkeyframe) { const sec = parseFloat(bgkeyframe); df.classList.add('clickable'); df.classList.add('command'); df.classList.add('other'); df.setAttribute('data-command', 'seek'); df.setAttribute('data-type', 'number'); df.setAttribute('data-param', sec); contact.setAttribute('title', `${data.message}(${util.secToTime(sec)})`); } else { df.classList.add('other'); } df.appendChild(contact); return df; } _onFail(videoId) { if (this._props.videoId !== videoId) { return; } this.setState({isUpdating: false}); } _onCommand(command, param) { switch(command) { case 'speak': this.speak(); break; default: super._onCommand(command, param); } } speak() { const items = Array.from(this._shadow.querySelectorAll('.item')); const volume = 0.5; const speakEnd = () => { return util.speak('が、応援しています', {volume, pitch: 1.5, rate: 1.5}).then(() => { this.setState({isSpeaking: true}); }); }; let index = 0; const speakNext = () => { const item = items[index]; if (!item) { return speakEnd(); } index++; const sama = '様'; const params = { volume, pitch: 1.5, //Math.random() * 2, rate: 1.5 //Math.random() * 0.8 + 0.8 }; item.classList.add('is-speaking'); return util.speak(`「${item.textContent}」${sama}`, params).then(() => { item.classList.remove('is-speaking'); return speakNext(); }); }; this.setState({isSpeaking: true}); util.speak('この動画は、', {volume, pitch: 1.5, rate: 1.5}).then(() => { return speakNext(); }).catch(() => { Array.from(this._shadow.querySelectorAll('.is-speaking')).forEach(s => { s.classList.remove('is-speaking'); }); }); } } UaaView._shadow_ = (` <style> .UaaDetails, .UaaDetails * { box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; } .UaaDetails .clickable { cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.2s ease-out, box-shadow 0.2s ease-out; } .UaaDetails .clickable:hover { transform: translate(0, -4px); box-shadow: 0 4px 4px #000; } .UaaDetails .clickable:active { transition: none; transform: translate(0, 0); box-shadow: none; } .UaaDetails { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; max-height: 0; margin: 0 8px 0px; color: #ccc; overflow: hidden; /*width: 208px;*/ text-align: center; word-break: break-all; } .UaaDetails.is-Exist { display: block; pointer-events: auto; max-height: 800px; margin: 8px; padding: 8px 4px; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.4s linear 0.4s, max-height 1s ease-in, margin 0.4s ease-in; } .UaaDetails.is-Exist[open] { border: 1px solid #666; border-radius: 4px; overflow: auto; } .UaaDetails .uaaSummary { /*width: 200px;*/ height: 38px; margin: 4px 4px 8px; color: inherit; outline: none; border: 1px solid #ccc; letter-spacing: 12px; line-height: 38px; font-size: 24px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 8px; } .UaaDetails .uaaDetailBody { margin: auto; } .UaaDetails .item { display: inline; width: inherit; margin: 0 4px 0 0; } .UaaDetails .item:not(.has-screenshot):hover { } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot { position: relative; display:inline-block; margin: 4px; } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot::after { content: attr(data-time); position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; pading: 2px 4px; background: #000; color: #ccc; font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px; } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot:hover::after { opacity: 0; } .UaaDetails .contact { display: inline-block; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; user-select: none; word-break: break-all; } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot .contact { position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 100%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; text-stroke: #000 1px; -webkit-text-stroke: #000 1px; pointer-events: none; font-size: 16px; } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot:hover .contact { display: none; } .UaaDetails .item.other { display: inline-block; border: none; width: inherit; margin: 0; padding: 2px 4px; line-height: normal; min-height: inherit; text-align: left; } .UaaDetails .item.is-speaking { text-decoration: underline; } .UaaDetails .item.has-screenshot.is-speaking { outline: none; transition: transform 0.2s ease; transform: scale(1.2); z-index: 1000; } .UaaDetails .item .contact { display: inline; padding: 2px 4px; width: auto; font-size: 12px; text-stroke: 0; color: inherit; /*#ccc;*/ outline-offset: -2px; } .UaaDetails .item.other.clickable { display: inline-block; padding: 2px 4px; margin: 0 4px; } .UaaDetails .item.other.clickable .contact { display: inline-block; color: #ffc; } .UaaDetails .item.other.clickable .contact::after { content: attr(title); color: #ccc; font-weight: normal; margin: 0 4px; } .UaaDetails .screenshot { display: block; width: 128px; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; } .screenshots[data-screenshot-count="1"] .screenshot { width: 192px; } .UaaDetails .speak { display: block; width: 64px; margin: auto; cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px; border: 1px solid #666; background: transparent; outline: none; color: #ccc; border-radius: 16px; } body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .UaaDetails { color: #000; } :host-context(body.zenzaScreenMode_sideView) .UaaDetails { color: #000; } body.fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .UaaDetails { color: inherit; } :host-context(body.fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_sideView) .UaaDetails { color: inherit; } </style> <details class="root UaaDetails"> <summary class="uaaSummary clickable">提供</summary> <div class="UaaDetailBody"></div> <button class="speak command clickable" data-command="speak">🔊</button> </details> `).trim(); UaaView.__tpl__ = (`<div class="uaaView"></div>`).trim(); UaaView.__css__ = (` uaaView { display: none; } uaaView.is-Exist { display: block; } `).trim(); class RelatedInfoMenu extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode, isHeader}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'RelatedInfoMenu', template: '<div class="RelatedInfoMenu"></div>', shadow: RelatedInfoMenu._shadow_, css: RelatedInfoMenu.__css__ }); this._state = { }; this._bound.update = this.update.bind(this); this._bound._onBodyClick = _.debounce(this._onBodyClick.bind(this), 0); this.setState({isHeader}); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; this._elm.body = shadow.querySelector('.RelatedInfoMenuBody'); this._elm.summary = shadow.querySelector('summary'); this._elm.summary.addEventListener('click', _.debounce(() => { if (shadow.open) { document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', this._bound._onBodyClick); this.emit('open'); } }, 100)); this._ginzaLink = shadow.querySelector('.ginzaLink'); this._originalLink = shadow.querySelector('.originalLink'); this._twitterLink = shadow.querySelector('.twitterHashLink'); this._parentVideoLink = shadow.querySelector('.parentVideoLink'); } _onBodyClick() { const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; shadow.open = false; document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._bound._onBodyClick); this.emit('close'); } update(videoInfo) { const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; shadow.open = false; this._currentWatchId = videoInfo.watchId; this._currentVideoId = videoInfo.videoId; this.setState({ 'isParentVideoExist': videoInfo.hasParentVideo, 'isCommunity': videoInfo.isCommunityVideo, 'isMymemory': videoInfo.isMymemory }); this._ginzaLink.setAttribute('href', `//${location.host}/watch/${this._currentWatchId}`); this._originalLink.setAttribute('href', `//${location.host}/watch/${this._currentVideoId}`); this._twitterLink.setAttribute('href', `https://twitter.com/hashtag/${this._currentVideoId}`); this._parentVideoLink.setAttribute('href', `//commons.nicovideo.jp/tree/${this._currentVideoId}`); this.emit('close'); } _onCommand(command, param) { let url; const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; shadow.open = false; switch(command) { case 'watch-ginza': url = `//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${this._currentWatchId}`; window.open(url, 'watchGinza'); super._onCommand('pause'); break; case 'open-uad': url = `//nicoad.nicovideo.jp/video/publish/${this._currentWatchId}?frontend_id=6&frontend_version=0&zenza_watch`; window.open(url, '', 'width=428, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=1'); break; case 'open-twitter-hash': url = `https://twitter.com/hashtag/${this._currentVideoId}`; window.open(url); break; case 'open-parent-video': url = `//commons.nicovideo.jp/tree/${this._currentVideoId}`; window.open(url); break; case 'copy-video-watch-url': super._onCommand(command, param); super._onCommand('notify', 'コピーしました'); break; case 'open-original-video': super._onCommand('openNow', this._currentVideoId); break; default: super._onCommand(command, param); } this.emit('close'); } } RelatedInfoMenu._css_ = (``).trim(); RelatedInfoMenu._shadow_ = (` <style> .RelatedInfoMenu, .RelatedInfoMenu * { box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; } .RelatedInfoMenu { display: inline-block; padding: 8px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; } .RelatedInfoMenu summary { display: inline-block; background: transparent; color: #333; padding: 4px 8px; border-radius: 4px; outline: none; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .RelatedInfoMenuBody { } .RelatedInfoMenu ul { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 32px; } .RelatedInfoMenu li { padding: 4px; } .RelatedInfoMenu li > .command { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; color: #ccc; } .RelatedInfoMenu li > .command:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .RelatedInfoMenu li > .command:hover::before { content: '▷'; position: absolute; transform: translate(-100%, 0); } .RelatedInfoMenu[open] { } .RelatedInfoMenu .originalLinkMenu, .RelatedInfoMenu .parentVideoMenu { display: none; } .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Community .originalLinkMenu, .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Mymemory .originalLinkMenu, .RelatedInfoMenu.is-ParentVideoExist .parentVideoMenu { display: block; } body.fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_sideView .RelatedInfoMenu summary{ background: #888; } :host-context(body.fullScreen.zenzaScreenMode_sideView) .RelatedInfoMenu summary { background: #888; } /* :host-contextで分けたいけどFirefox対応のため */ .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Header { font-size: 13px; padding: 0 8px; } .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Header summary { background: #666; color: #ccc; padding: 0 8px; border: none; } .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Header[open] { background: rgba(80, 80, 80, 0.9); } .RelatedInfoMenu.is-Header ul { font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; } :host-context(.zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel) .RelatedInfoMenu li > .command { color: #222; } .zenzaWatchVideoInfoPanel .RelatedInfoMenu li > .command { color: #222; } </style> <details class="root RelatedInfoMenu"> <summary class="RelatedInfoMenuSummary clickable">関連メニュー</summary> <div class="RelatedInfoMenuBody"> <ul> <li class="ginzaMenu"> <a class="ginzaLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="watch-ginza">GINZAで視聴</a> </li> <li class="uadMenu"> <span class="uadLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="open-uad">ニコニ広告で宣伝</span> </li> <li class="twitterHashMenu"> <a class="twitterHashLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="open-twitter-hash">twitterの反応を見る</a> </li> <li class="originalLinkMenu"> <a class="originalLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="open-original-video">元動画を開く</a> </li> <li class="parentVideoMenu"> <a class="parentVideoLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="open-parent-video">親作品・コンテンツツリー</a> </li> <li class="copyVideoWatchUrlMenu"> <span class="copyVideoWatchUrlLink command" rel="noopener" data-command="copy-video-watch-url">動画URLをコピー</span> </li> </ul> </div> </details> `).trim(); class VideoMetaInfo extends BaseViewComponent { constructor({parentNode}) { super({ parentNode, name: 'VideoMetaInfo', template: '<div class="VideoMetaInfo"></div>', shadow: VideoMetaInfo._shadow_, css: VideoMetaInfo.__css__ }); this._state = {}; this._bound.update = this.update.bind(this); } _initDom(...args) { super._initDom(...args); const shadow = this._shadow || this._view; this._elm = Object.assign({}, this._elm, { postedAt: shadow.querySelector('.postedAt'), body: shadow.querySelector('.videoMetaInfo'), viewCount: shadow.querySelector('.viewCount'), commentCount: shadow.querySelector('.commentCount'), mylistCount: shadow.querySelector('.mylistCount') }); } update(videoInfo) { this._elm.postedAt.textContent = videoInfo.postedAt; const count = videoInfo.count; this.updateVideoCount(count); } updateVideoCount({comment, view, mylist}) { let addComma = m => { return m.toLocaleString ? m.toLocaleString() : m; }; if (typeof comment === 'number') { this._elm.commentCount.textContent = addComma(comment); } if (typeof view === 'number') { this._elm.viewCount .textContent = addComma(view); } if (typeof mylist === 'number') { this._elm.mylistCount .textContent = addComma(mylist); } } } VideoMetaInfo._css_ = (``).trim(); VideoMetaInfo._shadow_ = (` <style> .VideoMetaInfo .postedAtOuter { display: inline-block; margin-right: 24px; } .VideoMetaInfo .postedAt { font-weight: bold } .VideoMetaInfo .countOuter { white-space: nowrap; } .VideoMetaInfo .countOuter .column { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; } .VideoMetaInfo .count { font-weight: bolder; } .userVideo .channelVideo, .channelVideo .userVideo { display: none !important; } :host-context(.userVideo) .channelVideo, :host-context(.channelVideo) .userVideo { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="VideoMetaInfo root"> <span class="postedAtOuter"> <span class="userVideo">投稿日:</span> <span class="channelVideo">配信日:</span> <span class="postedAt"></span> </span> <span class="countOuter"> <span class="column">再生: <span class="count viewCount"></span></span> <span class="column">コメント: <span class="count commentCount"></span></span> <span class="column">マイリスト: <span class="count mylistCount"></span></span> </span> </div> `); var initializeGinzaSlayer = (function() { var initializeFlash = function(dialog, query) { $('.notify_update_flash_player').remove(); const watchId = getWatchId(); const options = {}; if (!isNaN(query.from)) { options.currentTime = parseFloat(query.from, 10); } dialog.open(watchId, options); $('#external_nicoplayer').remove(); }; const initializeHtml5 = function(dialog, query) { const watchId = getWatchId(); const options = {}; if (!isNaN(query.from)) { options.currentTime = parseFloat(query.from, 10); } v = document.querySelector('#MainVideoPlayer video'); if (v) { v.pause(); //if (v.currentTime > 0) { options.currentTime = v.currentTime; } } dialog.open(watchId, options); }; return !!(document.getElementById('watchAPIDataContainer')) ? initializeFlash : initializeHtml5; })(); // GINZAを置き換えるべきか?の判定 var isOverrideGinza = function() { // GINZAで視聴のリンクできた場合はfalse if (window.name === 'watchGinza') { return false; } // GINZAの代わりに起動する設定、かつZenzaで再生可能な動画はtrue // nmmやrtmpeの動画だとfalseになる if (Config.getValue('overrideGinza') && util.isZenzaPlayableVideo()) { return true; } return false; }; var replaceRedirectLinks = function() { $('a[href*="www.flog.jp/j.php/http://"]').each(function (i, a) { var $a = $(a), href = $a.attr('href'); var replaced = href.replace(/^.*https?:/, ''); $a.attr('href', replaced); }); $('a[href*="rd.nicovideo.jp/cc/"]').each(function (i, a) { var $a = $(a), href = $a.attr('href'); if (href.match(/cc_video_id=([a-z0-9+]+)/)) { var watchId = RegExp.$1; if (watchId.indexOf('lv') === 0) { return; } var replaced = '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + watchId; $a.attr('href', replaced); } }); // マイリストページの連続再生ボタン横に「シャッフル再生」を追加する if (window.Nico && window.Nico.onReady) { window.Nico.onReady(() => { let shuffleButton; let query = 'a[href*="continuous=1"]'; let addShufflePlaylistLink = () => { if (shuffleButton) { return; } let $a = $(query); if ($a.length < 1) { return false; } let a = $a[0]; let search = (a.search || '').substr(1); let css = { 'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '8px 6px' }; let $shuffle = $(a).clone().text('シャッフル再生') .addClass('zenzaPlaylistShuffleStart') .attr('href', `//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1470321133?${search}&shuffle=1`) .css(css); $a.css(css).after($shuffle); shuffleButton = $shuffle; return true; }; addShufflePlaylistLink(); const container = document.querySelector('#myContBody, #SYS_box_mylist_header'); if (!container) { return; } new MutationObserver(records => { for (let rec of records) { let changed = [].concat(Array.from(rec.addedNodes),Array.from(rec.removedNodes)); if (changed.some(i => i.querySelector && i.querySelector(query))) { shuffleButton = null; addShufflePlaylistLink(); return; } } }).observe(container, {childList: true}); }); } if (location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp' && (location.pathname.indexOf('/search/') === 0 || location.pathname.indexOf('/tag/') === 0)) { (function() { var $autoPlay = $('.autoPlay'); var $target = $autoPlay.find('a'); var search = (location.search || '').substr(1); var href = $target.attr('href') + '&' + search; $target.attr('href', href); var $shuffle = $autoPlay.clone(); var a = $target[0]; $shuffle.find('a').attr({ 'href': '/watch/1483135673' + a.search + '&shuffle=1' }).text('シャッフル再生'); $autoPlay.after($shuffle); // ニコニ広告枠のリンクを置き換える window.setTimeout(() => { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.nicoadVideoItem')).forEach(item => { const pointLink = item.querySelector('.count .value a'); if (!pointLink) { return; } // 動画idはここから取るしかなさそう const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = pointLink; const videoId = a.pathname.replace(/^.*\//, ''); Array.from(item.querySelectorAll('a[data-link]')).forEach(link => { link.href = `//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/${videoId}`; }); }); }, 3000); })(); } if (location.host === 'ch.nicovideo.jp') { $('#sec_current a.item').closest('li').each(function(i, li) { var $li = $(li), $img = $li.find('img'); var thumbnail = $img.attr('src') ||$img.attr('data-original') || ''; var $a = $li.find('a'); if (thumbnail.match(/smile\?i=([0-9]+)/)) { var watchId = 'so' + RegExp.$1; $a.attr('href', '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + watchId); } }); $('.playerNavContainer .video img').each(function(i, img) { var $img = $(img); var $video = $img.closest('.video'); if ($video.length < 1) { return; } var thumbnail = $img.attr('src') ||$img.attr('data-original') || ''; if (thumbnail.match(/smile\?i=([0-9]+)/)) { var watchId = 'so' + RegExp.$1; var $a = $('<a class="more zen" rel="noopener" target="_blank">watch</a>') .css('right', '128px') .attr('href', '//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + watchId); $video.find('.more').after($a); } }); } if (location.host === 'search.nicovideo.jp') { const removeClick = function() {$('a.click').removeClass('click');}; removeClick(); $('#row-r###lts').on('DOMNodeInserted.zenzawatch', removeClick); } }; var initialize = function() { window.console.log('%cinitialize ZenzaWatch...', 'background: lightgreen; '); initialize = _.noop; util.addStyle(__css__); const query = util.parseQuery(START_PAGE_QUERY); var isGinza = util.isGinzaWatchUrl() && (!!document.getElementById('watchAPIDataContainer') || !!document.getElementById('js-initial-watch-data')); //if (!util.isLogin()) { // return; //} replaceRedirectLinks(); var hoverMenu = new HoverMenu({playerConfig: Config}); ZenzaWatch.debug.hoverMenu = hoverMenu; window.console.time('createOffscreenLayer'); NicoComment.offScreenLayer.get(Config).then(function(offScreenLayer) { window.console.timeEnd('createOffscreenLayer'); // コメントの位置計算用のレイヤーが必要 // スマートじゃないので改善したい var dialog; // watchページか? if (isGinza) { //if (util.isLogin()) { dialog = initializeDialogPlayer(Config, offScreenLayer); if (isOverrideGinza()) { initializeGinzaSlayer(dialog, query); } if (window.name === 'watchGinza') { window.name = ''; } //} } else { dialog = initializeDialogPlayer(Config, offScreenLayer); } ZenzaWatch.debug.dialog = dialog; broadcastEmitter.on('message', (packet) => { const isLast = dialog.isLastOpenedPlayer(); const isOpen = dialog.isOpen(); const type = packet.type; if (type === 'ping' && isLast && isOpen) { window.console.info('pong!'); broadcastEmitter.pong(dialog.getId()); return; } else if (type === 'notifyClose' && isOpen) { dialog.refreshLastPlayerId(); return; } else if (type === 'sendCommand' && isLast && isOpen) { dialog.execCommand(packet.command, packet.params); } if (type !== 'openVideo') { return; } if (!isLast) { return; } window.console.log('recieve packet: ', packet); dialog.open(packet.watchId, { autoCloseFullScreen: false, query: packet.query, eventType: packet.eventType }); }); dialog.on('close', () => { broadcastEmitter.notifyClose(); }); WatchPageState.initialize(dialog); if (dialog) { hoverMenu.setPlayer(dialog); } initializeMobile(dialog, Config); initializeExternal(dialog, Config, hoverMenu); if (isGinza) { return; } window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { if (!dialog.isOpen()) { return; } PlayerSession.save(dialog.getPlayingStatus()); dialog.close(); }); var lastSession = PlayerSession.restore(); var screenMode = Config.getValue('screenMode'); if ( lastSession.playing && (screenMode === 'small' || screenMode === 'sideView' || location.href === lastSession.url || Config.getValue('continueNextPage') ) ) { lastSession.eventType = 'session'; dialog.open(lastSession.watchId, lastSession); } else { PlayerSession.clear(); } WindowMessageEmitter.on('onMessage', (data, type) => { var watchId = data.message.watchId; if (watchId && data.message.command === 'open') { //window.console.log('onMessage!: ', data.message.watchId, type); dialog.open(data.message.watchId, { economy: Config.getValue('forceEconomy') }); } else if (watchId && data.message.command === 'send') { broadcastEmitter.send({ type: 'openVideo', watchId: watchId }); } }); }); window.ZenzaWatch.ready = true; ZenzaWatch.emitter.emitAsync('ready'); util.dispatchCustomEvent( document.body, 'ZenzaWatchInitialize', window.ZenzaWatch); // こっちは過去の互換用 $('body').trigger('ZenzaWatchReady', window.ZenzaWatch); }; var initializeDialogPlayer = function(conf, offScreenLayer) { return initializeDialog(conf, offScreenLayer); }; var initializeMobile = function(dialog, config) { ZenzaWatch.util.viewPort = new ViewPort({}); }; var initializeExternal = function(dialog, config) { const command = (command, param) => { dialog.execCommand(command, param); }; const open = (watchId, params) => { dialog.open(watchId, params); }; // 最後にZenzaWatchを開いたタブに送る const send = (watchId, params) => { broadcastEmitter.sendOpen(watchId, params); }; // 最後にZenzaWatchを開いたタブに送る // なかったら同じタブで開く. 一見万能だが、pingを投げる都合上ワンテンポ遅れる。 const sendOrOpen = (watchId, params) => { if (dialog.isLastOpenedPlayer()) { open(watchId, params); } else { broadcastEmitter.ping().then(() => { send(watchId, params); }, () => { open(watchId, params); }); } }; const importPlaylist = data => { PlaylistSession.save(data); }; const exportPlaylist = () => { return PlaylistSession.restore() || {}; }; const sendCommand = (command, params) => { broadcastEmitter.send( ({type: 'sendCommand', command: command, params: params}) ); }; const sendOrExecCommand = (command, params) => { broadcastEmitter.ping().then(() => { sendCommand(command, params); }, () => { dialog.execCommand(command, params); }); }; const playlistAdd = (watchId) => { sendOrExecCommand('playlistAdd', watchId); }; const playlistInsert = (watchId) => { sendOrExecCommand('playlistInsert', watchId); }; const deflistAdd = ({watchId, description, token}) => { const mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); if (token) { mylistApiLoader.setCsrfToken(token); } return mylistApiLoader.addDeflistItem(watchId, description); }; const deflistRemove = ({watchId, token}) => { const mylistApiLoader = new ZenzaWatch.api.MylistApiLoader(); if (token) { mylistApiLoader.setCsrfToken(token); } return mylistApiLoader.removeDeflistItem(watchId); }; Object.assign(ZenzaWatch.external, { execCommand: command, sendCommand: sendCommand, sendOrExecCommand: sendOrExecCommand, open: open, send: send, sendOrOpen, deflistAdd, deflistRemove, playlist: { add: playlistAdd, insert: playlistInsert, import: importPlaylist, export: exportPlaylist } }); }; var HoverMenu = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);}; _.assign(HoverMenu.prototype, { initialize: function(param) { this._playerConfig = param.playerConfig; var $view = $([ '<div class="zenzaWatchHoverMenu scalingUI">', '<span>Zen</span>', '</div>'].join('')); this._$view = $view; $view.on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); ZenzaWatch.emitter.on('hideHover', () => { $view.removeClass('show'); }); var $body = $('body') .on('mouseover', 'a[href*="watch/"],a[href*="nico.ms/"],.UadVideoItem-link', this._onHover.bind(this)) .on('mouseover', 'a[href*="watch/"],a[href*="nico.ms/"],.UadVideoItem-link', _.debounce(this._onHoverEnd.bind(this), 500)) .on('mouseout', 'a[href*="watch/"],a[href*="nico.ms/"],.UadVideoItem-link', this._onMouseout.bind(this)) .on('click', () => { $view.removeClass('show'); }); if (!util.isGinzaWatchUrl() && this._playerConfig.getValue('overrideWatchLink')) { this._overrideGinzaLink(); } else { $body.append($view); } }, setPlayer: function(player) { this._player = player; //if (this._selectedWatchId) { // window.setTimeout(() => { // player.open(this._selectedWatchId, this._playerOption); // }, this, 1000); //} if (this._playerResolve) { this._playerResolve(player); } }, _getPlayer: function() { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this._player) { return resolve(this._player); } this._playerResolve = resolve; }); }, _onHover: function(e) { this._hoverElement = e.target; }, _onMouseout: function(e) { if (this._hoverElement === e.target) { this._hoverElement = null; } }, _onHoverEnd: function(e) { if (this._hoverElement !== e.target) { return; } var $target = $(e.target).closest('a'); var href = $target.attr('data-href') || $target.attr('href'); var watchId = ZenzaWatch.util.getWatchId(href); var offset = $target.offset(); var host = $target[0].hostname; if (host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp' && host !== 'nico.ms') { return; } this._query = ZenzaWatch.util.parseWatchQuery(($target[0].search || '').substr(1)); if ($target.hasClass('noHoverMenu')) { return; } if (!watchId.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/)) { return; } if (watchId.indexOf('lv') === 0) { return; } $('.zenzaWatching').removeClass('zenzaWatching'); $target.addClass('.zenzaWatching'); this._watchId = watchId; this._$view.css({ top: offset.top, left: offset.left - this._$view.outerWidth() / 2 }).addClass('show'); }, _onClick: function(e) { const watchId = this._watchId; if (e.ctrlKey) { return; } if (e.shiftKey) { // 秘密機能。最後にZenzaWatchを開いたウィンドウで開く this._send(watchId); } else { this._open(watchId); } }, open: function(watchId, params) { this._open(watchId, params); }, _open: function(watchId, params) { this._playerOption = Object.assign({ economy: this._playerConfig.getValue('forceEconomy'), query: this._query, eventType: 'click' }, params); this._getPlayer().then((player) => { let isSingleton = this._playerConfig.getValue('enableSingleton'); if (isSingleton) { ZenzaWatch.external.sendOrOpen(watchId, this._playerOption); } else { player.open(watchId, this._playerOption); } }); //if (this._player) { // this._player.open(watchId, this._playerOption); //} else { // this._selectedWatchId = watchId; //} }, send: function(watchId, params) { this._send(watchId, params); }, _send: function(watchId, params) { this._getPlayer().then(() => { ZenzaWatch.external.send( watchId, Object.assign({query: this._query }, params) ); }); }, _overrideGinzaLink: function() { $('body').on('click', 'a[href*="watch/"]', (e) => { if (e.ctrlKey) { return; } if (e.target !== this._hoverElement) { return; } var $target = $(e.target).closest('a'); var href = $target.attr('data-href') || $target.attr('href'); var watchId = ZenzaWatch.util.getWatchId(href); var host = $target[0].hostname; if (host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp' && host !== 'nico.ms') { return; } this._query = ZenzaWatch.util.parseWatchQuery(($target[0].search || '').substr(1)); if ($target.hasClass('noHoverMenu')) { return; } if (!watchId.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/)) { return; } if (watchId.indexOf('lv') === 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); //$('.zenzaWatching').removeClass('zenzaWatching'); //$target.addClass('.zenzaWatching'); if (e.shiftKey) { // 秘密機能。最後にZenzaWatchを開いたウィンドウで開く this._send(watchId); } else { this._open(watchId); } window.setTimeout(() => { ZenzaWatch.emitter.emit('hideHover'); }, 1500); }); } }); var initializeDialog = function(conf, offScreenLayer) { console.log('initializeDialog'); var dialog = new NicoVideoPlayerDialog({ offScreenLayer: offScreenLayer, playerConfig: conf }); return dialog; }; if (window.name !== 'commentLayerFrame') { if (location.host === 'www.nicovideo.jp') { initialize(); } else { NicoVideoApi.configBridge(Config).then(function() { window.console.log('%cZenzaWatch Bridge: %s', 'background: lightgreen;', location.host); if (document.getElementById('siteHeaderNotification')) { initialize(); return; } NicoVideoApi.ajax({url: '//www.nicovideo.jp/'}) .then(function(r###lt) { var $dom = $('<div>' + r###lt + '</div>'); var isLogin = $dom.find('.siteHeaderLogin, #siteHeaderLogin').length < 1; var isPremium = $dom.find('#siteHeaderNotification').hasClass('siteHeaderPremium'); window.console.log('isLogin: %s isPremium: %s', isLogin, isPremium); ZenzaWatch.util.isLogin = function() { return isLogin; }; ZenzaWatch.util.isPremium = function() { return isPremium; }; initialize(); }); }, function() { window.console.log('ZenzaWatch Bridge disabled'); }); } } }; let loadLodash = function() { if (window._) { return Promise.resolve(); } console.info('load lodash from cdn...'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = 'lodashLoader'; script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8'); script.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.5/lodash.min.js'; document.body.appendChild(script); let count = 0; let tm = setInterval(() => { count++; if (window._) { clearInterval(tm); resolve(); return; } if (count >= 100) { clearInterval(tm); console.error('load lodash timeout'); reject(); } }, 300); }); }; var xmlHttp = function(options) { try { //window.console.log('xmlHttp bridge: ', options.url, options); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var method = options.method || options.type || 'GET'; var xhrFields = options.xhrFields || {}; if (xhrFields.withCredentials === true) { req.withCredentials = true; } req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState === 4) { if (typeof options.onload === 'function') options.onload(req); } }; req.open(method, options.url, true); if (options.headers) { for (var h in options.headers) { req.setRequestHeader(h, options.headers[h]); } } req.send(options.data || null); } catch (e) { window.console.error(e); } }; var parentPostMessage = function(type, message, token) { var origin = document.referrer; try { parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ id: 'ZenzaWatch', type: type, // '', body: { token: token, url: location.href, message: message } }), origin); } catch (e) { alert(e); console.log('err', e); } }; var parseQuery = function(query) { var r###lt = {}; query.split('&').forEach(function(item) { var sp = item.split('='); var key = sp[0]; var val = decodeURIComponent(sp.slice(1).join('=')); r###lt[key] = val; }); return r###lt; }; const parseUrl = (url) => { const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a; }; var loadUrl = function(data, type, token) { var timeoutTimer = null, isTimeout = false; if (!data.url) { return; } var options = data.options || {}; var sessionId = data.sessionId; xmlHttp({ url: data.url, method: options.method || options.type || 'GET', data: options.data, headers: options.headers || [], xhrFields: options.xhrFields, onload: function(resp) { if (isTimeout) { return; } else { window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); } try { parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'ok', token: token, command: data.command, url: data.url, body: resp.responseText }); } catch (e) { console.log( '%cError: parent.postMessage - ', 'color: red; background: yellow', e, event.origin, event.data); } } }); timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { isTimeout = true; parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'timeout', token: token, command: 'loadUrl', url: data.url }); }, 30000); }; const loadUrlByFetch = function(data, type, token) { let timeoutTimer = null, isTimeout = false; const url = data.url; const options = data.options; const sessionId = data.sessionId; fetch(url, options).then((resp) => { return resp.text(); }).then(text => { if (isTimeout) { return; } else { window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); } try { parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'ok', token: token, command: data.command, url: data.url, body: text }); } catch (e) { console.log( '%cError: parent.postMessage - ', 'color: red; background: yellow', e, event.origin, event.data); } }); timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { isTimeout = true; parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'timeout', token: token, command: 'loadUrlByFetch', url: data.url }); }, 30000); }; const HOST_REG = /^[a-z0-9]*\.nicovideo\.jp$/; var thumbInfoApi = function() { if (window.name.indexOf('thumbInfoLoader') < 0 ) { return; } window.console.log('%cCrossDomainGate: %s', 'background: lightgreen;', location.host); let parentHost = parseUrl(document.referrer).hostname; if (!HOST_REG.test(parentHost)) { window.console.log('disable bridge'); return; } var type = 'thumbInfo'; var token = location.hash ? location.hash.substring(1) : null; location.hash = ''; window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { //window.console.log('thumbInfoLoaderWindow.onMessage', event.data); if (!HOST_REG.test(parseUrl(event.origin).hostname)) { return; } var data = JSON.parse(event.data), timeoutTimer = null, isTimeout = false; //var command = data.command; if (data.token !== token) { return; } if (!data.url) { return; } var sessionId = data.sessionId; xmlHttp({ url: data.url, onload: function(resp) { if (isTimeout) { return; } else { window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); } try { parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'ok', token: token, url: data.url, body: resp.responseText }); } catch (e) { console.log( '%cError: parent.postMessage - ', 'color: red; background: yellow', e, event.origin, event.data); } } }); timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { isTimeout = true; parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'timeout', command: 'loadUrl', url: data.url }); }, 30000); }); try { parentPostMessage(type, { status: 'initialized' }); } catch (e) { console.log('err', e); } }; var nicovideoApi = function() { if (window.name.indexOf('nicovideoApiLoader') < 0 ) { return; } window.console.log('%cCrossDomainGate: %s', 'background: lightgreen;', location.host); let parentHost = parseUrl(document.referrer).hostname; window.console.log('parentHost', parentHost); if (!HOST_REG.test(parentHost) && localStorage.ZenzaWatch_allowOtherDomain !== 'true') { window.console.log('disable bridge'); return; } window.console.log('enable bridge'); let isOk = false; var type = 'nicovideoApi'; var token = location.hash ? location.hash.substring(1) : null; location.hash = ''; var originalUrl = location.href; var pushHistory = function(path) { // ブラウザの既読リンクの色をつけるためにreplaceStateする // という目的だったのだが、iframeの中では効かないようだ。残念。 window.history.replaceState(null, null, path); }; var PREFIX = 'ZenzaWatch_'; var dumpConfig = function(data) { if (!data.keys) { return; } var prefix = PREFIX; var config = {}; var sessionId = data.sessionId; data.keys.forEach((key) => { var storageKey = prefix + key; if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || localStorage[storageKey] !== undefined) { try { config[key] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)); //window.console.log('dump config: %s = %s', key, config[key]); } catch (e) { window.console.error('config parse error key:"%s" value:"%s" ', key, localStorage.getItem(storageKey), e); } } }); try { parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId: sessionId, status: 'ok', token: token, command: data.command, body: config }); } catch (e) { console.log( '%cError: parent.postMessage - ', 'color: red; background: yellow', e, event.origin, event.data); } }; var saveConfig = function(data) { if (!data.key) { return; } var prefix = PREFIX; var storageKey = prefix + data.key; //window.console.log('bridge save config: %s = %s', storageKey, data.value); localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(data.value)); }; window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { //window.console.log('nicovideoApiLoaderWindow.onMessage origin="%s"', event.origin, event.data); if (!HOST_REG.test(parseUrl(event.origin).hostname)) { return; } var data = JSON.parse(event.data), command = data.command; if (data.token !== token) { window.console.log('invalid token: ', data.token, token, command); return; } switch (command) { case 'ok': window.console.info('initialize ok!'); isOk = true; break; case 'loadUrl': loadUrl(data, type, token); break; case 'fetch': loadUrlByFetch(data, type, token); break; case 'dumpConfig': dumpConfig(data); break; case 'saveConfig': saveConfig(data); break; case 'pushHistory': pushHistory(data.path, data.title); break; } }); var onStorage = function(e) { var key = e.key || ''; if (e.type !== 'storage' || key.indexOf('ZenzaWatch_') !== 0) { return; } key = key.replace('ZenzaWatch_', ''); var oldValue = e.oldValue; var newValue = e.newValue; //asyncEmitter.emit('change', key, newValue, oldValue); if (oldValue === newValue) { return; } if (!isOk) { return; } parentPostMessage(type, { command: 'configSync', token: token, key: key, value: newValue }); switch(key) { case 'message': //console.log('%cmessage', 'background: cyan;', newValue); parentPostMessage(type, { command: 'message', value: newValue, token: token }); break; } }; var onBroadcastMessage = function(e) { const packet = e.data; //window.console.log('%cmessage', 'background: cyan;', packet); if (!isOk) { return; } parentPostMessage(type, { command: 'message', value: JSON.stringify(packet), token: token}); }; var broadcastChannel = window.BroadcastChannel ? (new window.BroadcastChannel('ZenzaWatch')) : null; if (broadcastChannel) { broadcastChannel.addEventListener('message', onBroadcastMessage); } window.addEventListener('storage', onStorage); try { parentPostMessage(type, { status: 'initialized' }); } catch (e) { console.log('err', e); } }; var smileApi = function() { if (window.name.indexOf('storyboard') < 0 ) { return; } window.console.log('%cCrossDomainGate: %s', 'background: lightgreen;', location.host, window.name); let parentHost = parseUrl(document.referrer).hostname; if (!HOST_REG.test(parentHost)) { window.console.log('disable bridge'); return; } const type = window.name.replace(/Loader$/, ''); const token = location.hash ? location.hash.substring(1) : null; const videoCapture = function(src, sec) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //console.log('videoCapture', src, sec); let resolved = false; const v = document.createElement('video'); v.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { v.currentTime = sec; }); v.addEventListener('error', (err) => { v.remove(); return reject(err); }); const onSeeked = () => { if (resolved) { return; } const c = document.createElement('canvas'); c.width = v.videoWidth; c.height = v.videoHeight; const ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(v, 0, 0); v.remove(); resolved = true; return resolve(c); }; v.addEventListener('seeked', onSeeked); document.body.appendChild(v); v.volume = 0; v.autoplay = false; v.controls = false; v.src = src; v.currentTime = sec; }); }; window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { const data = JSON.parse(event.data); if (!HOST_REG.test(parseUrl(event.origin).hostname)) { return; } if (data.token !== token) { return; } const command = data.command; const sessionId = data.sessionId; switch (command) { case 'videoCapture': videoCapture(data.src, data.sec).then(canvas => { const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); //console.info('video capture success', dataUrl.length); parentPostMessage(type, { sessionId, status: 'ok', token, command, body: dataUrl }); }); break; } }); try { //window.console.log('%cpost initialized:', 'font-weight: bolder;', type); parentPostMessage(type, { status: 'initialized' }); } catch (e) { console.log('err', e); } }; const searchApi = function() { if (window.name.indexOf('search') < 0 ) { return; } console.log('%cCrossDomainGate: %s', 'background: lightgreen;', location.host, window.name); let parentHost = parseUrl(document.referrer).hostname; if (!HOST_REG.test(parentHost)) { console.log('disable bridge'); return; } const type = window.name.replace(/Loader$/, ''); const token = location.hash ? location.hash.substring(1) : null; window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if (!HOST_REG.test(parseUrl(event.origin).hostname)) { return; } const data = JSON.parse(event.data); if (data.token !== token) { return; } if (!data.url) { return; } loadUrlByFetch(data, type, token); }); try { parentPostMessage(type, { status: 'initialized' }); } catch (e) { console.log('err', e); } }; if (window.ZenzaWatch) { return; } let document = window.document; let host = window.location.host || ''; let href = (location.href || '').replace(/#.*$/, ''); let prot = location.protocol; if (href === prot + '//www.nicovideo.jp/favicon.ico' && window.name === 'nicovideoApiLoader') { loadLodash().then(nicovideoApi); } else if (host.match(/^smile-.*?\.nicovideo\.jp$/)) { loadLodash().then(smileApi); } else if (host === 'api.search.nicovideo.jp' && window.name.startsWith('searchApiLoader')) { loadLodash().then(searchApi); } else if (host === 'ext.nicovideo.jp' && window.name.indexOf('thumbInfoLoader') >= 0) { loadLodash().then(thumbInfoApi); } else if (host === 'ext.nicovideo.jp' && window.name.indexOf('videoInfoLoaderLoader') >= 0) { loadLodash().then(exApi); } else if (window === window.top) { // ロードのタイミングによって行儀の悪い広告に乗っ取られることがあるので // 先にiframeだけ作っておく // 効果はいまいち・・・ var iframe; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.className = 'reservedFrame'; iframe.style.position = 'fixed'; iframe.style.left = '-9999px'; iframe.srcdocType = typeof iframe.srcdoc; iframe.srcdoc = '<html></html>'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } var loadGm = function() { let script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = 'ZenzaWatchLoader'; script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8'); script.appendChild( document.createTextNode(`(${monkey})('${PRODUCT}', '${escape(START_PAGE_QUERY)}');` )); document.body.appendChild(script); }; var MIN_JQ = 10000600000; var getJQVer = function() { if (!window.jQuery) { return 0; } var ver = []; var t = window.jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.'); while(t.length < 3) { t.push(0); } t.forEach((v) => { ver.push((v * 1 + 100000).toString().substr(1)); }); return ver.join('') * 1; }; var loadJq = function() { console.log('JQVer: ', getJQVer()); console.info('load jQuery from cdn...'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var $j = window.jQuery || null; var $$ = window.$ || null; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = 'jQueryLoader'; script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8'); script.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js'; document.body.appendChild(script); var count = 0; var tm = setInterval(() => { count++; if (getJQVer() >= MIN_JQ) { clearInterval(tm); window.ZenzaJQuery = window.jQuery; if ($j) { window.jQuery = $j; } if ($$) { window.$ = $$; } resolve(); return; } if (count >= 100) { clearInterval(tm); console.error('load jQuery timeout'); reject(); } }, 300); }); }; loadLodash().then(() => { if (getJQVer() >= MIN_JQ) { loadGm(); } else { loadJq().then(loadGm); } }); } })(window.unsafeWindow || window);