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Pinterest.com Backup Original Files

Download all original images from your Pinterest.com profile. Creates an entry in the Greasemonkey menu, just go to one of your boards, scroll down to the last image and click the option in the menu.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Pinterest.com Backup Original Files
// @description Download all original images from your Pinterest.com profile. Creates an entry in the Greasemonkey menu, just go to one of your boards, scroll down to the last image and click the option in the menu.
// @namespace   cuzi
// @license     MIT
// @version     19.0.4
// @match       https://*.pinterest.com/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.at/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.ca/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.ch/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.cl/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.co.kr/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.co.uk/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.com.au/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.com.mx/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.de/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.dk/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.es/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.fr/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.ie/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.info/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.it/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.jp/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.net/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.nz/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.ph/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.pt/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.ru/*
// @match       https://*.pinterest.se/*
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant       GM.registerMenuCommand
// @require     https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js
// @require     https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jszip.min.js
// @require     https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.min.js
// @connect     pinterest.com
// @connect     pinterest.de
// @connect     pinimg.com
// @icon        https://s.pinimg.com/webapp/logo_trans_144x144-5e37c0c6.png
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals JSZip, saveAs, GM, MouseEvent */
// Time to wait between every scroll to the bottom (in milliseconds)
const scrollPause = 1000
let scrollIV = null
let lastScrollY = null
let noChangesFor = 0
let lastImageListLength = -1
let noImageListLengthChangesFor = 0
function prepareForDownloading () {
if (scrollIV !== null) {
document.scrollingElement.scrollTo(0, 0)
collectActive = true
scrollIV = true
if (!window.confirm('The script needs to scroll down to the end of the page. It will start downloading once the end is reached.\n\nOnly images that are already visible can be downloaded.\n\n\u2757 Keep this tab open (visible) \u2757')) {
const div = document.querySelector('.downloadoriginal123button')
div.style.position = 'fixed'
div.style.top = '30%'
div.style.zIndex = 100
div.innerHTML = 'Collecting images... (keep this tab visible)<br>'
const startDownloadButton = div.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
startDownloadButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Stop scrolling & start downloading'))
startDownloadButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
const statusImageCollector = div.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
statusImageCollector.setAttribute('id', 'statusImageCollector')
document.scrollingElement.scrollTo(0, document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight)
window.setTimeout(function () {
scrollIV = window.setInterval(scrollDown, scrollPause)
}, 1000)
function scrollDown () {
if (document.hidden) {
// Tab is hidden, don't do anyhting
if (noChangesFor > 2) {
console.log('noChangesFor > 2')
window.setTimeout(downloadOriginals, 1000)
} else {
console.log('noChangesFor <= 2')
document.scrollingElement.scrollTo(0, document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + 500)
if (document.scrollingElement.scrollTop === lastScrollY) {
} else {
noChangesFor = 0
console.log('noChangesFor = 0')
if (entryList.length !== lastImageListLength) {
lastImageListLength = entryList.length
noImageListLengthChangesFor = 0
} else {
console.log('noImageListLengthChangesFor =', noImageListLengthChangesFor)
if (noImageListLengthChangesFor > 5) {
window.setTimeout(downloadOriginals, 1000)
lastScrollY = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop
let entryList = []
let url = document.location.href
let collectActive = false
let boardName = ''
let boardNameEscaped = ''
let userName = ''
let userNameEscaped = ''
const startTime = new Date()
const entryTemplate = {
images: [],
title: null,
link: null,
description: null,
note: null,
sourceLink: null
function collectImages () {
if (!collectActive) return
if (url !== document.location.href) {
// Reset on new page
url = document.location.href
entryList = []
const masonry = document.querySelector('[data-test-id="board-feed"] .masonryContainer')
if (!masonry) {
const imgs = masonry.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/pin/"] img')
for (let i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
if (imgs[i].clientWidth < 100) {
// Skip small images, these are user profile photos
if (!('mouseOver' in imgs[i].dataset)) {
// Fake mouse over to load source link
const mouseOverEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
imgs[i].dataset.mouseOver = true
const entry = Object.assign({}, entryTemplate)
entry.images = [imgs[i].src.replace(/\/\d+x\//, '/originals/'), imgs[i].src]
if (imgs[i].alt) {
entry.description = imgs[i].alt
const pinWrapper = parentQuery(imgs[i], '[data-test-id="pinWrapper"]') || parentQuery(imgs[i], '[role="listitem"]') || parentQuery(imgs[i], '[draggable="true"]')
if (pinWrapper) {
// find metadata
const aText = Array.from(pinWrapper.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/pin/"]')).filter(a => a.firstChild.nodeType === a.TEXT_NODE)
if (aText.length > 0 && aText[0]) {
entry.title = aText[0].textContent.trim()
entry.link = aText[0].href.toString()
} else if (pinWrapper.querySelector('a[href*="/pin/"]')) {
entry.link = pinWrapper.querySelector('a[href*="/pin/"]').href.toString()
const aNotes = Array.from(pinWrapper.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/pin/"]')).filter(a => a.querySelector('div[title]'))
if (aNotes.length > 0 && aNotes[0]) {
entry.note = aNotes[0].textContent.trim()
if (pinWrapper.querySelector('[data-test-id="pinrep-source-link"] a')) {
entry.sourceLink = pinWrapper.querySelector('[data-test-id="pinrep-source-link"] a').href.toString()
if (imgs[i].srcset) {
// e.g. srcset="https://i-h2.pinimg.com/236x/15/87/ae/abcdefg1234.jpg 1x, https://i-h2.pinimg.com/474x/15/87/ae/abcdefg1234.jpg 2x, https://i-h2.pinimg.com/736x/15/87/ae/abcdefg1234.jpg 3x, https://i-h2.pinimg.com/originals/15/87/ae/abcdefg1234.png 4x"
let goodUrl = false
let quality = -1
const srcset = imgs[i].srcset.split(', ')
for (let j = 0; j < srcset.length; j++) {
const pair = srcset[j].split(' ')
const q = parseInt(pair[1].replace('x'))
if (q > quality) {
goodUrl = pair[0]
quality = q
if (pair[0].indexOf('/originals/') !== -1) {
if (goodUrl && quality !== -1) {
entry.images[0] = goodUrl
let exists = false
for (let j = 0; j < entryList.length; j++) {
if (entryList[j].images[0] === entry.images[0] && entryList[j].images[1] === entry.images[1]) {
exists = true
entryList[j] = entry // replace with newer entry
if (!exists) {
const statusImageCollector = document.getElementById('statusImageCollector')
if (statusImageCollector) {
statusImageCollector.innerHTML = `Collected ${entryList.length} images`
function addButton () {
if (document.querySelector('.downloadoriginal123button')) {
if (document.querySelector('[data-test-id="board-tools"],[data-test-id="board-header"]') && document.querySelectorAll('[data-test-id="board-feed"] a[href^="/pin/"] img').length) {
const button = document.createElement('div')
button.type = 'button'
button.setAttribute('style', `
position: absolute;
display: block;
background: white;
border: none;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
button.innerHTML = `
<div class="buttonText" style="background: #efefef;border: #efefef 1px solid;border-radius: 24px;padding: 5px;font-size: xx-large;color: #111;width: 62px; height: 58px;">\u2B73</div>
<div style="font-weight: 700;color: #111;font-size: 12px;">Download<br>originals</div>
button.addEventListener('click', prepareForDownloading)
try {
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('[role="button"] a[href*="/more-ideas/"],[data-test-id="board-header"] [role="button"]')
const rect = buttons[buttons.length - 1].getBoundingClientRect()
button.style.top = rect.top - 2 + 'px'
button.style.left = rect.left - rect.width + 300 + 'px'
} catch (e) {
try {
const title = document.querySelector('h1')
const rect = title.getBoundingClientRect()
button.style.top = rect.top - 2 + 'px'
button.style.left = rect.left - 120 + 'px'
} catch (e) {
GM.registerMenuCommand('Pinterest.com - backup originals', prepareForDownloading)
window.setInterval(addButton, 1000)
window.setInterval(collectImages, 400)
function downloadOriginals () {
try {
boardName = document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim()
boardNameEscaped = boardName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_')
} catch (e1) {
try {
boardName = document.location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').pop()
boardNameEscaped = boardName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_')
} catch (e2) {
boardName = 'board-' + Math.random()
boardNameEscaped = boardName
try {
userName = document.location.href.match(/\.(\w{2,3})\/(.*?)\//)[2]
userNameEscaped = userName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_')
} catch (e) {
try {
userName = document.location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').shift()
userNameEscaped = userName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_')
} catch (e2) {
userName = 'user'
userNameEscaped = userName
collectActive = false
const lst = entryList.slice()
const total = lst.length
let zip = new JSZip()
const fileNameSet = new Set()
// Create folders
const imagesFolder = zip.folder('images')
const errorFolder = zip.folder('error_thumbnails')
const markdownOut = []
const htmlOut = []
document.body.style.padding = '3%'
document.body.innerHTML = '<h1><span id="counter">' + (total - lst.length) + '</span>/' + total + ' downloaded</h1><br>(Keep this tab visible)<br>' + '</div><progress id="status"></progress> image download<br><progress id="total" value="0" max="' + total + '"></progress> total progress<pre id="statusmessage"></pre>'
document.scrollingElement.scrollTo(0, 0)
const pre = document.getElementById('statusmessage')
const statusbar = document.getElementById('status')
const totalbar = document.getElementById('total')
const h1 = document.getElementById('counter');
(async function work () {
document.title = (total - lst.length) + '/' + total + ' downloaded'
h1.innerHTML = totalbar.value = total - lst.length
if (lst.length === 0) {
document.title = 'Generating zip file...'
document.body.innerHTML = '<h1>Generating zip file...</h1><progress id="gen_zip_progress"></progress>'
if (lst.length > 0) {
const entry = lst.pop()
const urls = entry.images
let fileName = null
const prettyFilename = (s) => safeFileName(s.substr(0, 200)).substr(0, 110).replace(/^[^\w]+/, '').replace(/[^\w]+$/, '')
if (entry.title) {
fileName = prettyFilename(entry.title)
} else if (entry.description) {
fileName = prettyFilename(entry.description)
} else if (entry.note) {
fileName = prettyFilename(entry.note)
} else if (entry.sourceLink) {
fileName = prettyFilename(entry.sourceLink.split('/').slice(3).join('-'))
if (!fileName) {
fileName = urls[0].split('/').pop()
} else {
fileName = fileName + '.' + urls[0].split('/').pop().split('.').pop()
while (fileNameSet.has(fileName.toLowerCase())) {
const parts = fileName.split('.')
parts.splice(parts.length - 1, 0, parseInt(Math.random() * 10000).toString())
fileName = parts.join('.')
pre.innerHTML = fileName
method: 'GET',
url: urls[0],
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
onload: async function (response) {
const s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(response.response.slice(0, 125)))
if (s.indexOf('<Error>') !== -1) {
// Download thumbnail to error folder
if (!('isError' in entry) || !entry.isError) {
const errorEntry = Object.assign({}, entry)
errorEntry.images = [urls[1]]
errorEntry.isError = true
// TODO change title? of error entry
} else {
// Save file to zip
entry.fileName = fileName
entry.fileNameUrl = markdownEncodeURIComponent(fileName)
if (!('isError' in entry) || !entry.isError) {
imagesFolder.file(fileName, response.response)
entry.filePath = 'images/' + fileName
entry.fileUrl = 'images/' + entry.fileNameUrl
await addMetadata('successful', entry, htmlOut, markdownOut)
} else {
errorFolder.file(fileName, response.response)
entry.filePath = 'error_thumbnails/' + fileName
entry.fileUrl = 'error_thumbnails/' + entry.fileNameUrl
await addMetadata('error', entry, htmlOut, markdownOut)
onprogress: function (progress) {
try {
statusbar.max = progress.total
statusbar.value = progress.loaded
} catch (e) { }
onerror: async function (response) {
console.error('Error downloading image:', response)
entry.filePath = ''
entry.fileUrl = 'https://github.com/cvzi/pinterest-Backup-Original-Files/blob/master/error.svg'
entry.note = 'Failed to download from: \'' + urls[0] + '\': ' + ('error' in response ? response.error : response.toString())
await addMetadata('error', entry, htmlOut, markdownOut)
} else {
// Create html and markdown overview
th,td {
word-wrap: break-word;
max-width: 25em
<time datetime="${startTime.toISOString()}" title=""${startTime.toString()}">
${startTime.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' })}
<a href="${escapeXml(document.location.href)}">${escapeXml(document.location.href)}</a>
<table border="1">
zip.file('index.html', htmlOut.join('\n'))
# ${escapeMD(boardName)}
### ${escapeXml(userName)}
${startTime.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' })}: ${document.location.href}
| Title | Image | Pinterest | Source | Description | Notes |
zip.file('README.md', markdownOut.join('\n'))
// Done. Open ZIP file
let zipfilename
try {
const d = startTime || new Date()
zipfilename = userNameEscaped + '_' + boardNameEscaped + '_' + d.getFullYear() + '-' + ((d.getMonth() + 1) > 9 ? '' : '0') + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + (d.getDate() > 9 ? '' : '0') + d.getDate() +
'_' + (d.getHours() > 9 ? '' : '0') + d.getHours() + '-' + (d.getMinutes() > 9 ? '' : '0') + d.getMinutes()
} catch (e) {
zipfilename = 'board'
zipfilename += '.zip'
const content = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }) // TODO catch errors
zip = null
const h = document.createElement('h1')
h.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Click here to Download'))
h.style = 'cursor:pointer; color:blue; background:white; text-decoration:underline'
const genZipProgress = document.getElementById('gen_zip_progress')
if (genZipProgress) {
h.addEventListener('click', function () {
saveAs(content, zipfilename)
saveAs(content, zipfilename)
function addMetadata (status, e, htmlOut, markdownOut) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
writeMetadata(status, e, htmlOut, markdownOut)
function writeMetadata (status, entry, htmlOut, markdownOut) {
// XML escape all values for html
const entryEscaped = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(entry).map(entry => {
const escapedValue = escapeXml(entry[1])
return [entry[0], escapedValue]
// Shorten source link title
let sourceA = ''
if (entry.sourceLink) {
let sourceTitle = decodeURI(entry.sourceLink)
if (sourceTitle.length > 160) {
sourceTitle = sourceTitle.substring(0, 155) + '\u2026'
sourceA = `<a href="${entryEscaped.sourceLink}">${escapeXml(sourceTitle)}</a>`
// HTML table entry
htmlOut.push(`  <tr>
<th id="${entryEscaped.fileNameUrl}">
<a href="#${entryEscaped.fileNameUrl}">${entryEscaped.title || entryEscaped.description || entryEscaped.fileName}</a
<a href="${entryEscaped.fileUrl}">
<img style="max-width:250px; max-height:250px" src="${entryEscaped.fileUrl}" alt="${entryEscaped.description || entryEscaped.filePath}">
<a href="${entryEscaped.link}">${entryEscaped.link}</a>
// Shorten source link title
let sourceLink = entry.sourceLink || ''
if (entry.sourceLink) {
let sourceTitle = decodeURI(entry.sourceLink)
if (sourceTitle.length > 160) {
sourceTitle = sourceTitle.substring(0, 155) + '\u2026'
sourceLink = `[${escapeMD(sourceTitle)}](${entry.sourceLink})`
// Markdown
markdownOut.push(`| ${escapeMD(entry.title || entry.description || entry.fileName)}` +
` | ![${escapeMD(entry.description || entry.fileName)}](${entry.fileUrl})` +
` | ${entry.link || ''}` +
` | ${sourceLink}` +
` | ${escapeMD(entry.description || '')}` +
` | ${escapeMD(entry.note || '')}` + ' |')
function parentQuery (node, q) {
const parents = [node.parentElement]
node = node.parentElement.parentElement
while (node) {
const lst = node.querySelectorAll(q)
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
if (parents.indexOf(lst[i]) !== -1) {
return lst[i]
node = node.parentElement
return null
function safeFileName (s) {
const blacklist = /[<>:'"/\\|?*\u0000\n\r\t]/g // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
s = s.replace(blacklist, ' ').trim().replace(/^\.+/, '').replace(/\.+$/, '')
return s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
function escapeXml (unsafe) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/27979933/
const s = (unsafe || '').toString()
return s.replace(/[<>&'"\n\t]/gim, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case '<': return '&lt;'
case '>': return '&gt;'
case '&': return '&amp;'
case '\'': return '&apos;'
case '"': return '&quot;'
case '\n': return '<br>'
case '\t': return ' '
function escapeMD (unsafe) {
// Markdown escape
const s = (unsafe || '').toString()
return s.replace(/\W/gim, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case '<': return '&lt;'
case '>': return '&gt;'
case '&': return '&amp;'
case '\'': return '\\\''
case '"': return '\\"'
case '*': return '\\*'
case '[': return '\\['
case ']': return '\\]'
case '(': return '\\('
case ')': return '\\)'
case '{': return '\\{'
case '}': return '\\}'
case '`': return '\\`'
case '!': return '\\!'
case '|': return '\\|'
case '#': return '\\#'
case '+': return '\\+'
case '-': return '\\-'
case '\r': return ' '
case '\n': return '<br>'
default: return c
function markdownEncodeURIComponent (s) {
return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/[[\](){}`!]/g, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case '[': return '%5B'
case ']': return '%5D'
case '(': return '%28'
case ')': return '%29'
case '{': return '%7B'
case '}': return '%7D'
case '`': return '%60'
case '!': return '%21'