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BvS Truck Hotkeys

Truck hotkeys for BvS

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// ==UserScript==
// @name		BvS Truck Hotkeys
// @namespace		taltamir
// @description		Truck hotkeys for BvS
// @version		1.0
// @history		1.0 Initial version
// @include		http://*animecubed.com/billy/bvs/truckload*
// ==/UserScript==
function submit_form(form_name)
if (document.forms.namedItem(form_name))
remove_listener();											//Remove keypress listener
location.assign('javascript:' + form_name + '.submit()');	//Click the button named form_name
function key_press(event)
if (event.keyCode==68)											//keypress d
if(document.forms.namedItem("truckload"))					//Check for existance of "Load the Truck!" button
document.truckload.loadtruck.value="1";					//Select "Load Normally" Radio button
submit_form("truckload");								//Click the Load the Truck! button
else remove_listener();
else if (event.keyCode==70)										//keypress f (f for fast)
if(document.forms.namedItem("truckload"))					//Check for existance of "Load the Truck!" button
document.truckload.loadtruck.value="3";					//Select "Hurl Things" Radio button
submit_form("truckload");								//Click the Load the Truck! button
else remove_listener();
else if (event.keyCode==83)										//keypress s (s for slow)
if(document.forms.namedItem("truckload"))					//Check for existance of "Load the Truck!" button
document.truckload.loadtruck.value="2";					//Select "Load Carefully" Radio button
submit_form("truckload");								//Click the Load the Truck! button
else remove_listener();
else remove_listener();
function remove_listener()
window.removeEventListener("keyup", key_press, false); 			// Removes the event listener, this is critically important to prevent "playing too fast" errors when spamming the button.
window.addEventListener("keyup", key_press, false); 				//When a key is released, run function key_press and provide it with keyID. Put this last to ensure loading is finished on scripts that need to process some data before player input