Village hotkeys for BvS
Titan keys (wasd movement):
a = move left
d = move right
s = strafe (s is down movement)
w = attack (w is up movement)
e = turn LEAP on (extra high jump).
q = turn Five Minutes to Go on (quaff potion)
Store Sales (select a customer by clicking them with the mouse and then press the action button of choice)
Store Sales keys:
d = Deodorant Bomb
c = Cleansing Fire
f = Freebie Giveaways
1 through 5 = performs the action in slot 1 through 5 respectively.
Note: if there is only one customer it is automatically selected, some actions (BOGO, Think Fast, Deodorant Bomb, Cleansing Fire, Freebie Giveaway, and several others) do not need a customer selected and can be executed instantly without mouse use.
When on the shift finished/titan defeated window showing a summary of gains, any button press will move on to the next page (fighting the titan or back to retail main)