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Sort Hacker News

Adds a dropdown for sorting Hacker News (Y Combinator) by various criteria

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Sort Hacker News
// @description Adds a dropdown for sorting Hacker News (Y Combinator) by various criteria
// @match       https://news.ycombinator.com/
// @match       https://news.ycombinator.com/news
// @grant       none
// @namespace   http://foo.at/
// @version     1.0
// ==/UserScript==
* Copyright 2015-2016 Stefan Weiss <[email protected]>
* License: Public Domain
* Please let me know if the HN layout changes and this script stops working for you.
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
(function () {
"use strict";
const COMM_WEIGHT = 1.0,  // how much comments are worth ("auto" mode)
VOTE_WEIGHT = 1.0;  // how much votes are worth ("auto" mode)
const haufna = [],
things = document.getElementsByClassName("athing"),
initialSort = localStorage.gm__hn_sort || "score";
if (things.length != 30) {
console.error("Page doesn't contain the 30 expected items.");
/// functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function _qs (sel, base)
return (base || document).querySelector(sel);
function analyzePage ()
for (let i = 0; i < things.length; ++i) {
let line0 = things[i],
line1 = line0.nextElementSibling,
idEle = _qs(".age > a", line1),
votesEle = _qs(".score", line1),
commEle = _qs(".subtext > a:last-child", line1),
votes = votesEle && parseInt(votesEle.textContent),
comments = 0,
id = 0;
if (idEle && idEle.href) {
id = +(idEle.href.match(/item\?id=(\d+)/) || [])[1] || 0;
if (commEle && /\d+ comments?/.test(commEle.textContent)) {
comments = parseInt(commEle.textContent);
rank: i + 1,
comments: comments,
votes: votes,
score: votes * VOTE_WEIGHT + comments * COMM_WEIGHT,
id: id,
line0: line0,
line1: line1,
spacer: line1.nextElementSibling,
function sortEm (crit)
const tbody = things[0].parentNode;
localStorage.gm__hn_sort = crit;
tbody.innerHTML = "";
haufna.sort(getSorter(crit)).forEach(function(item) {
function getSorter (crit)
let inverter = 1;
if (crit == "age-old") {
crit = "id";
} else if (crit == "age-new") {
crit = "id";
inverter = -1;
} else if (crit == "score" || crit == "comments" || crit == "votes") {
inverter = -1;
return function (a, b) {
return a[crit] < b[crit] ? -1 * inverter : a[crit] > b[crit] ? 1 * inverter : 0;
function insertDropdown ()
const menu = _qs("span.pagetop > a[href=submit]").parentNode,
sel = document.createElement("select");
sel.style.WebkitAppearance = "none";
sel.style.MozAppearance = "none";
sel.style.appearance = "none";
sel.style.border = "0";
sel.style.backgroundColor = "inherit";
sel.style.color = "#000";
sel.style.verticalAlign = "baseline";
sel.style.fontSize = "inherit";
sel.style.padding = "0";
sel.style.margin = "0";
sel.options[0] = new Option("sort by rank", "rank");
sel.options[1] = new Option("sort by auto", "score");
sel.options[2] = new Option("sort by votes", "votes");
sel.options[3] = new Option("sort by comments", "comments");
sel.options[4] = new Option("sort by newest", "age-new");
sel.options[5] = new Option("sort by oldest", "age-old");
sel.value = initialSort;
menu.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | "));
sel.onchange = function () {