
Toggle InstantMarkdown width

Adds a button to toggle between full width and GitHub default width

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Toggle InstantMarkdown width// @description  Adds a button to toggle between full width and GitHub default width// @match        http://localhost:8090/// @grant        none// @namespace    http://foo.at/// @version      1.0// ==/UserScript==/** Copyright 2015-2016 Stefan Weiss <[email protected]>* License: Public Domain* Please let me know if this script stops working for you.*//* jshint esversion: 6 */(function () {"use strict";if (!_qs("#js-repo-pjax-container")) {return;}let toggled = false;const btn = document.createElement("button");btn.textContent = "Toggle width";btn.style.cssText = "position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px";document.body.appendChild(btn);btn.onclick = function () {_qs(".container").style.width = toggled ? "980px" : "auto";_qs("#js-repo-pjax-container").style.width = toggled ? "790px" : "auto";_qs("article.markdown-body").style.maxWidth = toggled ? "790px" : "100%";toggled = !toggled;};function _qs (sel, base){return (base || document).querySelector(sel);}})();