Adds a table of contents to the OpenStreetMap diaries page and highlights new posts and comments.
// ==UserScript== // @name OSM diaries TOC // @namespace // @description Adds a table of contents to the OpenStreetMap diaries page and highlights new posts and comments. // @description:de Fügt ein Inhaltsverzeichnis zur OpenStreetMap Benutzer-Blogs-Seite hinzu und hebt neue Beiträge und Kommentare hervor. // @include *://* // @include /^https?://www\.openstreetmap\.org/user/.*/diary[^/]*$/ // @version 3.0.1 // @license WTFPL // @icon // @supportURL // @compatible firefox // @compatible chrome // @compatible opera // @require // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== (async function() { var contentBox = document.querySelector(".content-body .content-inner"); var diaryPosts = document.querySelectorAll(".diary_post"); var articleLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".diary_post .mb-3 h2 > a"); var commentLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".diary_post .secondary-actions a[href$='#comments']"); var toc = document.createElement("table"); var olderNewer = document.createElement("span"); /* Create table of contents. */ for (var i = 0; i < articleLinks.length && i < commentLinks.length; i++) { var articleLink = articleLinks[i].cloneNode(true); var commentLink = commentLinks[i].cloneNode(true); var tablerow = document.createElement("tr"); var cell, link; // Anchor name of the (original) article if not existing yet if (!articleLinks[i].name) articleLinks[i].name = "article" + i; /* Column 1: anchor link for scrolling down to article */ link = document.createElement("a"); link.innerHTML = " ⇓ "; link.href = "#" + articleLinks[i].name; cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.appendChild(link); tablerow.appendChild(cell); /* Column 2: link to article in own page */ cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.appendChild(articleLink); tablerow.appendChild(cell); /* Column 3: link to article comments in own page */ cell = document.createElement("td"); = "nowrap"; cell.appendChild(commentLink); tablerow.appendChild(cell); /* Highlighted if changed since last visit (new comments or entire new post) */ // Diary entry ID: var key = commentLink.href.match(/\/([0-9]+)#/)[1]; // Language dependent text, e.g. "No comments", "1 comment", "2 comments" etc.: var newVal = commentLink.textContent; var oldVal = await GM.getValue(key); if (newVal !== oldVal) { // New comment (or new post) = "red"; // Add the previous content as link title commentLink.title = oldVal ? oldVal : "-"; if (!oldVal) { // New post = "red"; } GM.setValue(key, newVal); } toc.appendChild(tablerow); } contentBox.insertBefore(toc, diaryPosts[0]); /* Duplicate the "older/newer entries" links from bottom of page to after the TOC. */ if (diaryPosts.length > 0) { var olderNewerNode = diaryPosts[diaryPosts.length - 1]; while (olderNewerNode.nextSibling) { olderNewerNode = olderNewerNode.nextSibling; olderNewer.appendChild(olderNewerNode.cloneNode(true)); } contentBox.insertBefore(olderNewer, diaryPosts[0]); } })();