Pinkbike shows bigger image on Mouseover
// ==UserScript== // @name Pinkbike Image on Mouseover // @namespace // @description Pinkbike shows bigger image on Mouseover // @include* // @version 2.0.0 // ==/UserScript== GM_addStyle(".thumbnail{position: relative;z-index: 0;}.thumbnail:hover{background-color: transparent;z-index: 50;}.thumbnail span{ position: fixed;border-width: 0;padding: 0px;left: 20px; top: 20px;display: none;color: black;text-decoration: none;}.thumbnail span img{ border-width: 0;padding: 0px;} .inElm{overflow: visible !important} ul.uPhotoSmall{overflow: visible !important}"); window.addEventListener("load", alterLinks, false); function selectNodes(doc, context, xpath) { var nodes = doc.evaluate(xpath, context, null, XPathR###lt.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var r###lt = new Array( nodes.snapshotLength ); for (var x=0; x<r###lt.length; x++) { r###lt[x] = nodes.snapshotItem(x); } return r###lt; } function cropImage(heightScope, widthScope, img, imgHeight, imgWidth){ var heightPercent = heightScope / imgHeight.value; var widthPercent = widthScope / imgWidth.value; if(heightPercent < 1 || widthPercent < 1){ var percent = heightPercent < widthPercent ? heightPercent : widthPercent; img.height = Math.floor(imgHeight.value * percent) - 5; img.width = Math.floor(imgWidth.value * percent) - 5; } else { img.height = imgHeight.value; img.width = imgWidth.value; } } function handleMouseOver(event){ var span = event.currentTarget.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; var img = span.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; var imgWidth = span.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; imgWidth.value = imgWidth.value == "" ? img.width : imgWidth.value; var imgHeight = span.getElementsByTagName("input")[1]; imgHeight.value = imgHeight.value == "" ? img.height : imgHeight.value; var heightScope = window.innerHeight-40; var widthScope = window.innerWidth*.8; cropImage(heightScope, widthScope, img, imgHeight, imgWidth); = "inline"; } function handleMouseOut(event){ var span = event.currentTarget.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; = "none"; } function addCSSMagic(thumbnailLink, itsID) { // Add thumbnail class to each link thumbnailLink.className = "thumbnail"; thumbnailLink.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver, false); thumbnailLink.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut, false); // Add a hidden span holding actual image for each link var span = document.createElement('span'); thumbnailLink.appendChild(span); var image = document.createElement('img'); image.src = ''+itsID+'/p4pb'+itsID+'.jpg'; span.appendChild(image); var imgWidth = document.createElement("input"); imgWidth.setAttribute("type","hidden"); imgWidth.setAttribute("value",""); span.appendChild(imgWidth); var imgHeight = document.createElement("input"); imgHeight.setAttribute("type","hidden"); imgHeight.setAttribute("value",""); span.appendChild(imgHeight); thumbnailLink.addEventListener("click", handleClick, false); } function handleClick(event) { handleMouseOut(event); putFocusSomewhere(); } function putFocusSomewhere() { } function alterLinks(){ doc = window.document; // Get a list of all IMG tags that have a photo. var imageLinks = selectNodes(doc, doc.body, "//IMG[contains(@src,'//gp')]"); console.log(imageLinks); if(imageLinks.length > 0){ for (var x=0; x<imageLinks.length; x++) { // Capture the ID between the start and stop key strings. var imatch = imageLinks[x].parentNode.href.match( /\/photo\/(.*?)\// ); // If it matched successfully... if (imatch) { var theID = parseInt(imatch[1]); addCSSMagic(imageLinks[x].parentNode, theID); } } } }