Show includes for scripts on
// Recent changes // 1.0.5 Added script update checker // 1.0.6 Minor fix // 1.1.0 Added "Stop update" button to the main menu while updating // 1.1.1 Bug fix in update checker // 1.1.2 Bug fix in update checker // 1.1.3 Bug fix in node handling // 1.1.4 Update checker is now only available for logged in user due to ads display problem // 1.2.0 Update checker is now also working for not logged in users // 1.2.1 Bugfix for empty search r###lts // 1.2.2 Fix for the update (all source lines are indented now) // 1.3.0 Script is handling the new ad on the userscripts source page // 1.4.0 Clicking into the search textbox suspends the update // 1.4.1 Now includes version 0.6.0 of SVC Script Version Checker // 1.4.2 Minor bugfix // 1.4.3 Fix for new design ... ad has been added at the bottom of the source page // 1.4.4 Bugfix: Update is stopped before you leave the /scripts page so using the back button will not execute two parallel updates // 1.5.0 Taking new design into account // // ==UserScript== // @name Userscripts show includes // @namespace // @description Show includes for scripts on // @include // @include* // @include* // @version 1.5.0 // ==/UserScript== var theScripts = Array(); var theLinks = Array(); var theScriptMeats = Array(); var currentscript = 0; var scriptcount = 0; var oldHeading; var newMenuEntry; var theMainMenu; var activ###spend=false; function DoRequest() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ''+theScripts[currentscript], headers: { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey', 'Accept': 'text/html', }, onload: function(responseDetails) { var newelem=document.createElement('div'); newelem.innerHTML=responseDetails.responseText;'none'; if(newelem.getElementsByClassName('ad')[0]!=undefined) newelem.getElementsByClassName('ad')[0].innerHTML=''; if(newelem.getElementsByClassName('ad bottom')[0]!=undefined) newelem.getElementsByClassName('ad bottom')[0].innerHTML=''; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(newelem); newelem=document.getElementById('source'); insertIncludes(newelem.innerHTML); newelem.parentNode.removeChild(newelem); } }); } function insertIncludes(theSource) { if(!activ###spend) { var theMeat = document.createElement('p'); theMeat.innerHTML='<b>Includes</b>'; theScriptMeat[currentscript].appendChild(theMeat); var theLines = theSource.split('\n'); for(i=0; i<theLines.length; i++) { theLines[i]=theLines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ""); if(theLines[i].indexOf('// @include')==0) { // insert a paragraph for each include line var theMeat = document.createElement('p'); theMeat.innerHTML=theLines[i].substring(11).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ""); theScriptMeat[currentscript].appendChild(theMeat); } } currentscript++; if(currentscript<scriptcount) { var theHeading=document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('th')[0]; theHeading.innerHTML=oldHeading+' (Updating script '+(currentscript+1)+' of '+scriptcount+')'; DoRequest(); } else { SuspendUpdate(); } } } function SuspendUpdate() { var theHeading=document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('th')[0]; theHeading.innerHTML=oldHeading; theMainMenu.removeChild(newMenuEntry); document.getElementsByName('q')[0].removeEventListener('click',HandleTextboxClick, false); } function HandleTextboxClick(event) { currentscript=scriptcount; activ###spend=true; SuspendUpdate(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } window.addEventListener( 'load', function () { document.getElementsByName('q')[0].addEventListener('click',HandleTextboxClick, false); theLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('title'); scriptcount = theLinks.length; if(scriptcount>0) { theScriptMeat = document.getElementsByClassName('script-meat'); for(i=0; i<scriptcount; i++) { theScripts.push(theLinks[i].href.substring(36)); } var theHeading=document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('th')[0]; oldHeading=theHeading.innerHTML; theHeading.innerHTML=oldHeading+' (Updating script '+(currentscript+1)+' of '+scriptcount+')'; theMainMenu = document.getElementById('mainmenu'); newMenuEntry = document.createElement('li'); newMenuEntry.innerHTML = '<a id="stopupdate" href="#" rel="nofollow">Stop update</a>'; theMainMenu.appendChild(newMenuEntry); newMenuEntry.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); currentscript=scriptcount; activ###spend=true; SuspendUpdate(); }, false); DoRequest(); } }, true); window.addEventListener( 'unload', function () { currentscript=scriptcount; activ###spend=true; SuspendUpdate(); }, true);