This script adds small but very practical links to the IMDb person detail page. It links directly to the film list by job type (director, writer and actor), sorted by rating and shows only Feature films and TV Movies.
// ==UserScript== // @name IMDb: 'Highest Rated Titles' quick links for person page // @namespace // @description This script adds small but very practical links to the IMDb person detail page. It links directly to the film list by job type (director, writer and actor), sorted by rating and shows only Feature films and TV Movies. // @author buzz // @require // @version 0.5 // @license GPLv2 // @match *://** // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; $(function($) { var imdb_id; var re = /^\/name\/(nm[0-9]{7})\//; var m = re.exec(window.location.pathname); if (m) { imdb_id = m[1]; var $f = $('#filmography'), links = []; var jobs = ['director', 'actor', 'actress', 'writer']; for (var i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) { var job = jobs[i]; if ($f.find('a[name=' + job + ']').length === 1) { var text = job.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + job.slice(1); links.push('<a href="/filmosearch?explore=title_type&role=' + imdb_id + '&ref_=filmo_ref_job_typ&sort=user_rating,desc&mode=detail&page=1&job_type=' + job + '&title_type=movie%2CtvMovie" title="Show movies by rating (' + text + ')">' + text + '</a>'); } } $('#jumpto').before('<div id="job-quicklinks">Quicklinks (by Rating): ' + links.join(' <span class="ghost">|</span> ') + '</div>'); } });