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Kongregate+ *OLD*

This script overhauls Kongregate to make it look and function much better than it currently does.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name          Kongregate+ *OLD*
// @namespace     http://userstyles.org
// @description	  This script overhauls Kongregate to make it look and function much better than it currently does.
// @author        Pxl_Buzzard
// @homepage      https://userstyles.org/styles/15181
// @include       http://kongregate.com/*
// @include       https://kongregate.com/*
// @include       http://*.kongregate.com/*
// @include       https://*.kongregate.com/*
// @run-at        document-start
// @version       0.20110716221447
// ==/UserScript==
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