Required by all of Ventero's Kongregate scripts
// ==UserScript== // @name Ventero's Chat-scripts Framework *OLD* // @namespace tag://kongregate // @description Required by all of Ventero's Kongregate scripts // @include* // @author Ventero // @version 1.9 // @date 05.04.2013 // require // @grant unsafeWindow // @license MIT license // ==/UserScript== // Written by Ventero ( 07/22/09 // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license // var dom = (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined"?window:unsafeWindow); var ready = false; // cross window communication window.addEventListener("message", function onMessage(e) { if( != "__scripts_ready" || e.origin != location.origin) return; ready = true; window.removeEventListener("message", onMessage); }, false); injectScript(function bootstrap(dom){ var target = ("holodeck" in dom ? "holodeck:ready" : "dom:javascript_loaded"); document.addEventListener("dataavailable", function listener(e) { if(e.eventName != target) return; ready = true; window.postMessage("__scripts_ready", location.origin); document.removeEventListener("dataavailable", listener); }, false); }, 0, true); function injectScript(fn, to, force){ if(!ready && !force) { setTimeout(function(){injectScript(fn, to)}, 100); return; } try{ var inject; if(force || /Chrome/i.test(navigator.appVersion) || typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined"){ var script = document.createElement("script"); var source = fn.toString(); if(source[source.length - 1] == ";"){ source = source.substring(0, source.length - 1); } script.type = "text/javascript"; script.textContent = "//<![CDATA[\n" + "(" + source + ")(window);\n" + "//]]>"; setTimeout(function(){document.body.appendChild(script)}, to); }else{ setTimeout(function(){fn(unsafeWindow);}, to); } }catch(e){console.log("Framework script: " + e)}; } dom.injectScript = injectScript; function init_framework(){ if(dom.holodeck){ dom.CDprototype = dom.ChatDialogue.prototype; dom.CWprototype = dom.ChatWindow.prototoype; dom.CRprototype = dom.ChatRoom.prototype; dom.Holoprototype = dom.Holodeck.prototype; } addScript = document.createElement("script"); addScript.innerHTML = "function ajax(a, b){new Ajax.Request(a,b)};\n"; addScript.innerHTML+= "function wrap(a, b){return a.wrap(b)};\n"; document.body.appendChild(addScript); } if(window.opera){ if(window.localStorage){ window.GM_setValue = function(a, b){ localStorage.setItem(a, b); } window.GM_getValue = function(a, b){ var ret = localStorage.getItem(a); return (ret == null?b:ret) } window.GM_deleteValue = function(a){ localStorage.removeItem(a); } } else { window.GM_setValue = function(){}; window.GM_getValue = function(){}; window.GM_deleteValue = function(){}; } }else if(/Chrome/i.test(navigator.appVersion) || typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined"){ var s = document.createElement("script"); = "injectScriptDiv"; s.innerHTML = "dom = window;\n"; s.innerHTML+= "if(typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined'){\n"; s.innerHTML+= " window.GM_setValue = function(a,b){localStorage.setItem(a,b)}\n"; s.innerHTML+= " window.GM_getValue = function(a,b){var r=localStorage.getItem(a);return (r==null?b:r)}\n"; s.innerHTML+= " window.GM_deleteValue = function(a){localStorage.removeItem(a)}\n"; s.innerHTML+= "}"; s.onclick = function(){return dom.injectScript}; document.body.appendChild(s); } injectScript(init_framework, 0);