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SG Game Tags

some tags of the game in Steamgifts.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         SG Game Tags
// @namespace    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ruphine/
// @version      3.4.2
// @description  some tags of the game in Steamgifts.
// @author       Ruphine
// @match        *://www.steamgifts.com/*
// @icon         https://cdn.steamgifts.com/img/favicon.ico
// @connect      steampowered.com
// @connect      ruphine.esy.es
// @require      https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spectrum/1.8.0/spectrum.min.js
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint multistr: true */
/* Constant Variables */
const linkGameAPI = "http://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids=";//filters=categories,platforms,genres&
const linkPackAPI = "http://store.steampowered.com/api/packagedetails?packageids=";
const linkBundleAPI = "http://ruphine.esy.es/steamgifts/GetBundleStatus.php";
const linkUserAPI = "http://store.steampowered.com/dynamicstore/userdata/";
//p for properties
const pBundle = {
class	: "tags_bundle",
text	: "Bundled",
text2	: "Not-Bundled",
title	: "Bundled since ",
min		: "B",
min2	: "NB",
link	: "https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=",
color1	: "#E9202A",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pCard = {
class	: "tags_card",
text	: "Trading Cards",
title	: "This game has trading cards",
min		: "T",
link	: "http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?inventorygame-appid-",
color1	: "#3AA435",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pAchievement = {
class	: "tags_achievement",
text	: "Achievements",
title	: "This game has steam achievements",
min		: "A",
link	: "http://steamcommunity.com/stats/", // 424280/achievements/";
color1	: "#305AC9",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pWishlist = {
class	: "tags_wishlist",
text	: "Wishlist",
title	: "This game is in your Steam wishlist",
min		: "W",
link	: "https://www.steamgifts.com/account/steam/wishlist/search?q=",
color1	: "#9335F1",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pLinux = {
class	: "tags_linux",
text	: "Linux",
title	: "Linux supported",
min		: "L",
color1	: "#E67300",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pMac = {
class	: "tags_mac",
text	: "Mac",
title	: "Mac Supported",
min		: "M",
color1	: "#777777",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pEarly = {
class	: "tags_early",
text	: "Early Access",
title	: "This game is in early access state",
min		: "E",
color1	: "#9FA027",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pHidden = {
class	: "tags_hidden",
text	: "Hidden",
title	: "This game is in your filter list",
min		: "H",
link	: "https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways/filters/search?q=",
color1	: "#A0522D",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
const pOwned = {
class	: "tags_owned",
text	: "Owned",
title	: "You already have this game",
min		: "O",
color1  : "#444444",
color2  : "#FF9900"
const pIgnored = {
class	: "tags_ignored",
text	: "Ignored",
title	: "You marked this game as not interested",
min		: "X",
color1	: "#E06666",
color2	: "#FFFFFF"
/* CSS */
const myCSS = '\
.tags { \
text-decoration: none; \
border-radius: 4px; \
padding: 2px 5px; \
font-size: 8pt; \
margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px; \
text-shadow: none; \
display: none; \
white-space: nowrap; \
} \
.tags.minimalist { \
margin-right: 0; \
margin-left: 5px; \
} \
.' + pBundle.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("bundle-1", pBundle.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("bundle-2", pBundle.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pCard.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("card-1", pCard.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("card-2", pCard.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pAchievement.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("achievement-1", pAchievement.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("achievement-2", pAchievement.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pWishlist.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("wishlist-1", pWishlist.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("wishlist-2", pWishlist.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pLinux.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("linux-1", pLinux.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("linux-2", pLinux.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pMac.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("mac-1", pMac.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("mac-2", pMac.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pEarly.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("early-1", pEarly.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("early-2", pEarly.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pHidden.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("hidden-1", pHidden.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("hidden-2", pHidden.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pOwned.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("owned-1", pOwned.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("owned-2", pOwned.color2) + '; \
} \
.' + pIgnored.class + ' { \
background-color: ' + GM_getValue("ignored-1", pIgnored.color1) + '; \
color: ' + GM_getValue("ignored-2", pIgnored.color2) + '; \
} \
$("head").append('<style type="text/css">' + myCSS + '</style>');
const THIS_URL = window.location.href;
const TIMEOUT = 0;
const CACHE_TIME = 6*60*60*1000; //6 hours
var cbCards = GM_getValue("cbCards", true);
var cbAchievement = GM_getValue("cbAchievement", true);
var cbBundled = GM_getValue("cbBundled", true);
var cbWishlist = GM_getValue("cbWishlist", true);
var cbLinux = GM_getValue("cbLinux", false);
var cbMac = GM_getValue("cbMac", false);
var cbEarly = GM_getValue("cbEarly", false);
var cbHidden = GM_getValue("cbHidden", true);
var cbOwned = GM_getValue("cbOwned", true);
var cbIgnored = GM_getValue("cbIgnored", false);
var cbTagStyle = GM_getValue("cbTagStyle", 1); //1 = full, 2 = minimalist
var BundledGames = GM_getValue("BundledGames", "");
var BundledCache = GM_getValue("BundledCache", 0);
var UserdataAPI = GM_getValue("UserdataAPI", "");
var UserdataCache = GM_getValue("UserdataCache", 0);
var GameData = GM_getValue("GameData", "");
var PackageData = GM_getValue("PackageData", "");
var rgWishlist, rgOwnedApps, rgOwnedPackages, rgIgnoredApps, rgIgnoredPackages;
var arrBundled;
if(cbBundled && BundledCache < Date.now() - CACHE_TIME) // Check if need to request bundle list from ruphine API
else if((cbWishlist || cbOwned || cbIgnored) && UserdataCache < Date.now() - CACHE_TIME) //6 hours. Check if need to request steam user api
function main()
try {
arrBundled = JSON.parse(BundledGames);
catch (e) {
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Invalid json format for Bundle List");
BundledGames = ""; GM_setValue("BundledGames", "");
BundledCache = 0;  GM_setValue("BundledCache", 0);
try {
var userdata = JSON.parse(UserdataAPI);
rgWishlist = userdata.rgWishlist;
rgOwnedApps = userdata.rgOwnedApps;
rgOwnedPackages = userdata.rgOwnedPackages;
rgIgnoredApps = userdata.rgIgnoredApps;
rgIgnoredPackages = userdata.rgIgnoredPackages;
catch (e) {
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Invalid json format for UserdataAPI");
UserdataAPI = ""; GM_setValue("UserdataAPI", "");
UserdataCache = 0; GM_setValue("UserdataCache", 0);
if(GameData === "")
GameData = JSON.parse(GameData);
PackageData = JSON.parse(PackageData);
var observer;
var config = {childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, subtree: true};
if(/www.steamgifts.com\/giveaways\/new/.test(THIS_URL)) // process giveaway creation page
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/account\/*/.test(THIS_URL))
var sidebar_item = '<li class="sidebar__navigation__item">\
<a class="sidebar__navigation__item__link" href="/sg-game-tags">\
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__name">SG Game Tags</div>\
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__underline"></div>\
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
$.each(mutations, function(index, mutation){
$(".widget-container>div").each(function(index, element){
observer.observe(element, config);
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/sg-game-tags/.test(THIS_URL)) // process sg game tags setting page
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/($|giveaways$|giveaways\/search)/.test(THIS_URL)) // homepage and all search active giveaway
// handles element added later by endless scroll, add timeout to delay this function because it is triggered when ext SG runs
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
$.each(mutations, function(index, mutation){
$(".widget-container>div").each(function(index, element){
observer.observe(element, config);
if($(".featured__inner-wrap .global__image-outer-wrap--missing-image").length === 0 && $(".featured__inner-wrap a img").length > 0)
ProcessFeaturedGiveaway($(".featured__inner-wrap a img")[0].src);
// user profile & group page excluding user trade and feedback and excluding group users, stats, and wishlist
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/(user|group)\//.test(THIS_URL) && !/user\/\w+\/(feedback|trade)/.test(THIS_URL) && !/group\/\w+\/\w+\/(users|stats|wishlist)/.test(THIS_URL)) // exclude some pages
// handles element added later by endless scroll, add timeout to delay this function because it is triggered when ext SG runs
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
$.each(mutations, function(index, mutation){
$(".widget-container>div").each(function(index, element){
observer.observe(element, config);
if($(".featured__inner-wrap .global__image-outer-wrap--missing-image").length === 0 && $(".featured__inner-wrap a img").length > 0)
ProcessFeaturedGiveaway($(".featured__inner-wrap a img")[0].src);
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/giveaway\//.test(THIS_URL)) // giveaway page https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FGbTw/left-4-dead-2
ProcessFeaturedGiveaway($(".featured__inner-wrap a")[0].href);
// https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/created
// https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/entered
// https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/won
// https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/wishlist
else if(/www.steamgifts.com\/(giveaways\/(created|entered|won|wishlist)|group\/\w+\/\w+\/wishlist)/.test(THIS_URL))
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
$.each(mutations, function(index, mutation){
$(".widget-container>div").each(function(index, element){
observer.observe(element, config);
function ProcessFeaturedGiveaway(URL)
if(cbBundled || cbCards || cbAchievement || cbHidden || cbWishlist || cbLinux || cbMac || cbEarly) // check if at least one tag enabled
var Name = $(".featured__heading__medium").text().substring(0,45); //letter after 45th converted to ...
var $Target = $(".featured__heading");
ProcessTags($Target, URL, Name);
function ProcessGiveawayListPage(parent) // giveaways list with creator name
if(cbBundled || cbCards || cbAchievement || cbHidden || cbWishlist || cbLinux || cbMac || cbEarly) // check if at least one tag enabled
$(parent).find(".giveaway__row-inner-wrap").each(function(index, element)
var URL = $(element).find(".giveaway__heading>a.giveaway__icon").attr("href");
if(URL !== undefined)
var Name = $(element).find(".giveaway__heading__name").contents().filter(
function() //return text without [NEW] and [FREE]
return this.nodeType === 3; //Node.TEXT_NODE
).slice(-1)[0].textContent.substring(0,40); //letter after 40th converted to ...
var $Target = $(element).find(".giveaway__heading");
ProcessTags($Target, URL, Name);
function ProcessGameListPage(parent) // giveaways / games list
if(cbBundled || cbCards || cbAchievement || cbHidden || cbWishlist || cbLinux || cbMac || cbEarly) // check if at least one tag enabled
$(parent).find(".table__row-inner-wrap").each(function(index, element)
var URL;
URL = $(element).find("a.table__column__secondary-link").text();
URL = $($(element).find(".global__image-inner-wrap")[0]).css('background-image');
if(URL !== undefined)
URL = URL.replace('url(', '').replace(')', '');
var Name = $(element).find(".table__column__heading").text().substring(0,30);
var $Target = $(element).find(".table__column--width-fill > :first-child");
$Target.css("display", "block"); //because sales pages don't use <p> thus tags will appears in line with title
ProcessTags($Target, URL, Name);
function ProcessTags($Target, URL, Name)
var ID = getAppIDfromLink(URL);
Name = encodeURIComponent(Name); //encode special characters that may break search params
var linkStore = "";
linkStore = "http://store.steampowered.com/app/" + ID;
else if(isPackage(URL))
linkStore = "http://store.steampowered.com/sub/" + ID;
var $tagBundle, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagWishlist, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly, $tagHidden, $tagOwned, $tagIgnored, $tagOther;
if(cbTagStyle == 1)
if(cbBundled == 1)
$tagBundle  = createTag(pBundle.class, pBundle.title, pBundle.text, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
$tagBundle  = createTag(pBundle.class, "", pBundle.text2, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
$tagCard        = createTag(pCard.class, pCard.title, pCard.text, pCard.link+ID, $tagBundle);
$tagAchievement = createTag(pAchievement.class, pAchievement.title, pAchievement.text, pAchievement.link+ID+"/achievements/", $tagCard);
$tagWishlist    = createTag(pWishlist.class, pWishlist.title, pWishlist.text, pWishlist.link+Name, $tagAchievement);
$tagLinux       = createTag(pLinux.class, pLinux.title, pLinux.text, linkStore, $tagWishlist);
$tagMac         = createTag(pMac.class, pMac.title, pMac.text, linkStore, $tagLinux);
$tagEarly       = createTag(pEarly.class, pEarly.title, pEarly.text, linkStore, $tagMac);
$tagOwned       = createTag(pOwned.class, pOwned.title, pOwned.text, linkStore, $tagEarly);
$tagIgnored     = createTag(pIgnored.class, pIgnored.title, pIgnored.text, linkStore, $tagOwned);
if(cbBundled == 1)
$tagBundle  = createTag(pBundle.class + " minimalist", pBundle.title, pBundle.min, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
$tagBundle  = createTag(pBundle.class + " minimalist", "", pBundle.min2, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
$tagCard        = createTag(pCard.class + " minimalist", pCard.title, pCard.min, pCard.link+ID, $Target);
$tagAchievement = createTag(pAchievement.class + " minimalist", pAchievement.title, pAchievement.min, pAchievement.link+ID+"/achievements/", $Target);
$tagWishlist    = createTag(pWishlist.class + " minimalist", pWishlist.title, pWishlist.min, pWishlist.link+Name, $Target);
$tagLinux       = createTag(pLinux.class + " minimalist", pLinux.title, pLinux.min, linkStore, $Target);
$tagMac         = createTag(pMac.class + " minimalist", pMac.title, pMac.min, linkStore, $Target);
$tagEarly       = createTag(pEarly.class + " minimalist", pEarly.title, pEarly.min, linkStore, $Target);
$tagOwned       = createTag(pOwned.class + " minimalist", pOwned.title, pOwned.min, linkStore, $Target);
$tagIgnored     = createTag(pIgnored.class + " minimalist", pIgnored.title, pIgnored.min, linkStore, $Target);
if(/www.steamgifts.com\/giveaway\//.test(THIS_URL)) //only trigger inside giveaway page, no need for homepage
if(cbTagStyle == 1)
$tagHidden = createTag(pHidden.class, pHidden.title, pHidden.text, pHidden.link+Name, $tagIgnored);
else if(cbTagStyle == 2)
$tagHidden = createTag(pHidden.class + " minimalist", pHidden.title, pHidden.min, pHidden.link+Name, $Target);
getHiddenStatus(ID, Name, $tagHidden);
getSteamCategories(ID, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly);
else if(isPackage(URL))
$tagCard.attr("href", "");
$tagAchievement.attr("href", "");
getSteamCategoriesFromPackage(ID, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly);
var type = isApp(URL) ? 'app' : 'sub';
if(cbBundled && BundledGames !== "")
getBundleStatus(ID, type, $tagBundle);
if(UserdataAPI !== "")
getWishlistStatus(ID, $tagWishlist);
getOwnedStatus(ID, $tagOwned, (type == 'app'));
getIgnoredStatus(ID, $tagIgnored, (type == 'app'));
function createTag(_class, title, text, href, $divTarget)
var $tag = $('<a target="_blank" class="tags ' + _class +'" title="' + title + '" href="' + href + '">' + text + '</a>');
if(cbTagStyle == 1 || /www.steamgifts.com\/giveaways\/new/.test(THIS_URL)) // full text below game title, use after, or bundle tag in giveaway creation page
else if(cbTagStyle == 2) // minimalist beside game title use append
return $tag;
function getSteamCategories(appID, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly, packID = "0")
var needRequest = false;
if(GameData[appID] === undefined)
var template = {"cards": false, "achievement": false, "mac": false, "linux": false, "early_access": false, "last_checked": 0, "game": appID+""};
GameData[appID] = template;
needRequest = true;
var data = GameData[appID];
if(cbCards && data.cards)
$tagCard.css("display", "inline-block");
$tagCard.css("display", "inline-block");
$tagCard.attr("href", pCard.link+GameData[appID].game);
if(cbAchievement && data.achievement)
$tagAchievement.css("display", "inline-block");
$tagAchievement.attr("href", pAchievement.link+GameData[appID].game+"/achievements/");
if(cbMac && data.mac)
$tagMac.css("display", "inline-block");
if(cbLinux && data.linux)
$tagLinux.css("display", "inline-block");
if(data.last_checked < (Date.now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))) // 24 hours have passed since last checked
if((!data.cards && cbCards) || (!data.achievement && cbAchievement) || (!data.mac && cbMac ) || (!data.linux && cbLinux) || (data.early_access && cbEarly))
needRequest = true;
else if(data.early_access && cbEarly)
$tagEarly.css("display", "inline-block");
var link = linkGameAPI+appID;
if(GameData[appID].last_checked !== 0 || (packID != "0" && PackageData[packID].last_checked !== 0)) //if not first time checked, filter out the request
link += "&filters=categories,platforms,genres";
// console.log("[SG Game Tags] requesting " + link);
method: "GET",
timeout: 10000,
url: link,
onload: function(data)
var obj = JSON.parse(data.responseText)[appID].data;
if(obj !== undefined) // undefined = doesn't have store page or doesn't exist
// get steam apps categories : achievement, trading cards, etc
if (obj.type !== undefined && obj.type != "game") //if it is DLC, obj will have different fullgame.appid
GameData[appID].game = obj.fullgame.appid;
//set tagcard and tagachievement href to the main game appid
$tagCard.attr("href", pCard.link+obj.fullgame.appid);
$tagAchievement.attr("href", pAchievement.link+obj.fullgame.appid+"/achievements/");
else if(packID != "0" && PackageData[packID].games.indexOf(appID) == -1)
var categories = obj.categories;
if(categories !== undefined)
var catCards = $.grep(categories, function(e){ return e.id == "29"; });
if(catCards.length > 0)
if(cbCards) $tagCard.css("display", "inline-block");
GameData[appID].cards = true;
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].cards = true;
if(PackageData[packID].games.length > 1)
$tagCard.attr("href", "http://ruphine.esy.es/steamgifts/tradingcard.php?packageid="+packID);
$tagCard.attr("href", pCard.link+PackageData[packID].games[0]);
var catAchievement = $.grep(categories, function(e){ return e.id == "22"; });
if(catAchievement.length > 0)
GameData[appID].achievement = true;
$tagAchievement.css("display", "inline-block");
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].achievement = true;
if(PackageData[packID].games.length > 1)
$tagAchievement.attr("href", "http://ruphine.esy.es/steamgifts/achievement.php?packageid="+packID);
$tagAchievement.attr("href", pAchievement.link+PackageData[packID].games[0]+"/achievements/");
// get steam apps platforms: linux: boolean, mac: boolean
var platforms = obj.platforms;
GameData[appID].linux = true;
$tagLinux.css("display", "inline-block");
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].linux = true;
GameData[appID].mac = true;
$tagMac.css("display", "inline-block");
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].mac = true;
// get steam apps genres
if(obj.genres !== undefined)
var genEarly = $.grep(obj.genres, function(e){ return e.id == "70"; });
if(genEarly.length > 0)
GameData[appID].early_access = true;
$tagEarly.css("display", "inline-block");
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].early_access = true;
GameData[appID].early_access = false;
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].early_access = false;
GameData[appID].last_checked = Date.now();
GM_setValue("GameData", JSON.stringify(GameData));
if(packID != "0")
PackageData[packID].last_checked = Date.now();
GM_setValue("PackageData", JSON.stringify(PackageData));
ontimeout: function(data)
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Request " + linkGameAPI+appID + " Timeout");
function getBundleStatus(appID, type, $tag)
var Game = $.grep(arrBundled, function(e){ return (e.AppID == appID && e.Type == type); });
if(Game.length > 0 && cbBundled == 1) //game found in bundle list
$tag.css("display", "inline-block");
$tag.attr("title", pBundle.title+Game[0].BundledDate);
else if(Game.length == 0 && cbBundled == 2)
$tag.css("display", "inline-block");
function getBundleList()
// console.log("[SG Game Tags] requesting " + linkBundleAPI);
method: "GET",
timeout: 10000,
url: linkBundleAPI,
onload: function(data)
BundledGames = data.responseText;
GM_setValue("BundledGames", BundledGames);
BundledCache = Date.now();
GM_setValue("BundledCache", BundledCache);
if((cbWishlist || cbOwned || cbIgnored) && UserdataCache < Date.now() - CACHE_TIME)
ontimeout: function(data)
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Request " + linkBundleAPI + " Timeout");
if((cbWishlist || cbOwned || cbIgnored) && UserdataCache < Date.now() - CACHE_TIME)
function getUserdata()
// console.log("[SG Game Tags] requesting " + linkUserAPI);
method: "GET",
timeout: 10000,
url: linkUserAPI,
onload: function(data)
var r###lt = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
if(r###lt.rgOwnedApps.length !== 0) //check if user logged in
UserdataAPI = data.responseText;
GM_setValue("UserdataAPI", UserdataAPI);
UserdataCache = Date.now();
GM_setValue("UserdataCache", UserdataCache);
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Unable to get user's steam data. User is not logged in to steam.");
ontimeout: function(data)
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Request " + linkUserAPI + " Timeout");
function getHiddenStatus(appID, appName, $elems)
// console.log("[SG Game Tags] requesting " + pHidden.link+appName);
$.get(pHidden.link+appName, function(data)
var gamesfound = $(data).find("a.table__column__secondary-link");
for(i=0; i<$(gamesfound).length; i++)
var url = $(gamesfound)[i].href;
var ID = getAppIDfromLink(url);
if(appID == ID)
//TODO : Save appID + true ke local cache
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
return true; //exit function
function getWishlistStatus(appID, $elems)
appID = parseInt(appID);
if(rgWishlist.indexOf(appID) >= 0)
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
function getOwnedStatus(appID, $elems, isApp)
appID = parseInt(appID);
if(isApp && rgOwnedApps.indexOf(appID) >= 0)
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
else if(!isApp && rgOwnedPackages.indexOf(appID) >= 0)
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
function getIgnoredStatus(appID, $elems, isApp)
appID = parseInt(appID);
if(isApp && rgIgnoredApps.indexOf(appID) >= 0)
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
else if(!isApp && rgIgnoredPackages.indexOf(appID) >= 0)
$elems.css("display", "inline-block");
function getSteamCategoriesFromPackage(packID, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly)
var needRequest = false;
if(PackageData[packID] === undefined || PackageData[packID].games === undefined)
var template = {"cards": false, "achievement": false, "mac": false, "linux": false, "early_access": false, "last_checked": 0, "games":[]};
PackageData[packID] = template;
needRequest = true;
var data = PackageData[packID];
if(cbCards && data.cards)
$tagCard.css("display", "inline-block");
if(data.games.length > 1)
$tagCard.attr("href", "http://ruphine.esy.es/steamgifts/tradingcard.php?packageid="+packID);
$tagCard.attr("title", "There is " + data.games.length + " games in this package, and at least one of them have trading cards");
$tagCard.attr("href", pCard.link+data.games[0]);
if(cbAchievement && data.achievement)
$tagAchievement.css("display", "inline-block");
if(data.games.length > 1)
$tagAchievement.attr("href", "http://ruphine.esy.es/steamgifts/achievement.php?packageid="+packID);
$tagAchievement.attr("title", "There is " + data.games.length + " games in this package, and at least one of them have achievements");
$tagAchievement.attr("href", pAchievement.link+data.games[0]+"/achievements/");
if(cbMac && data.mac)
$tagMac.css("display", "inline-block");
if(cbLinux && data.linux)
$tagLinux.css("display", "inline-block");
if(cbEarly && data.early_access)
$tagEarly.css("display", "inline-block");
if(data.last_checked < (Date.now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))) // 24 hours have passed since last checked
if((!data.cards && cbCards) || (!data.achievement && cbAchievement) || (!data.mac && cbMac ) || (!data.linux && cbLinux) || (data.early_access && cbEarly))
needRequest = true;
// console.log("[SG Game Tags] requesting " + linkPackAPI+packID);
method: "GET",
timeout: 10000,
url: linkPackAPI+packID,
onload: function(data)
var IDs = JSON.parse(data.responseText)[packID].data;
if(IDs === undefined)
PackageData[packID].cards = false;
PackageData[packID].achievement = false;
PackageData[packID].mac = false;
PackageData[packID].linux = false;
PackageData[packID].early_access = false;
PackageData[packID].games = [];
PackageData[packID].last_checked = Date.now();
GM_setValue("PackageData", JSON.stringify(PackageData));
IDs = IDs.apps;
$.each(IDs, function(index)
getSteamCategories(IDs[index].id, $tagCard, $tagAchievement, $tagLinux, $tagMac, $tagEarly, packID);
ontimeout: function(data)
console.log("[SG Game Tags] Request " + linkPackAPI+packID + " Timeout");
function PrepareJSON()
var template = {"cards": false, "achievement": false, "mac": false, "linux": false, "early_access": false, "last_checked": 0};
var a = {"0":template};
var temp = JSON.stringify(a);
GameData = JSON.parse(temp);
PackageData = JSON.parse(temp);
GM_setValue("GameData", JSON.stringify(GameData));
GM_setValue("PackageData", JSON.stringify(PackageData));
function getAppIDfromLink(link){
var url = link.split("/");
return url[url.length-2];
function isApp(link){
return /\/app|apps\/0-9\//.test(link);
function isPackage(link){
return /\/sub|subs\/0-9\//.test(link);
// ========================================== create new giveaway page ========================================================
function InitGiveawayCreationPage()
if($(".js__autocomplete-data").length > 0)
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
var $table = $(mutations[0].addedNodes).find(".table__row-inner-wrap");
$table.each(function(index, element)
var url = $(element).find("a.table__column__secondary-link").text();
var ID = getAppIDfromLink(url);
var Name = $(element).find(".table__column__heading").text();
var $Target = $(element).find(".table__column--width-fill");
var $tagBundle = createTag(pBundle.class, pBundle.title, pBundle.text, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
$tagBundle.css("float", "right");
var type = isApp(url) ? 'app' : 'sub';
getBundleStatus(ID, type, $tagBundle);
$table.on("click", function(event)
var url = $(this).find("a.table__column__secondary-link").text();
var ID = getAppIDfromLink(url);
var Name = $(this).find(".table__column__heading").text();
var $Target = $(".js__autocomplete-name");
$tagBundle = createTag(pBundle.class, pBundle.title, pBundle.text, pBundle.link+Name, $Target);
var type = isApp(url) ? 'app' : 'sub';
getBundleStatus(ID, type, $tagBundle);
var config = {childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false};
observer.observe($(".js__autocomplete-data")[0], config);
// ========================================== setting page ========================================================
function initSetting()
<meta charset="UTF-8">\
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://cdn.steamgifts.com/img/favicon.ico">\
<title>SG Game Tags Setting</title>\
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.6.1/css/font-awesome.min.css">\
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.steamgifts.com/css/minified_v18.css">\
<script src="https://cdn.steamgifts.com/js/minified_v15.js"></script>\
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1200">\
<!-- SGGT Import -->\
<style type="text/css">\
.my__checkbox { cursor:pointer; padding:7px 0; } \
.my__checkbox i { margin-right:7px; } \
.my__checkbox:not(:last-of-type) { border-bottom:1px dotted #d2d6e0; } \
.my__checkbox:not(:hover) .form__checkbox__hover,.my__checkbox.is-selected .form__checkbox__hover,.my__checkbox:not(.is-selected) .form__checkbox__selected,.my__checkbox:hover .form__checkbox__default,.my__checkbox.is-selected .form__checkbox__default { \
display:none; \
} \
.row div { display: inline-block; } \
.preview-tags { width: 80px; margin-left: 10px; } \
.row .markdown {margin-left: 10px; cursor: pointer; }\
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spectrum/1.8.0/spectrum.min.css" />\
$("head").append('<style type="text/css">' + myCSS + '</style>');
method: "GET",
timeout: 10000,
url: "/account/settings/giveaways",
dataType: "html",
onload: function(data){
var $header = $(data.responseText).filter("header");
var $page_outer = $(data.responseText).filter(".page__outer-wrap");
var $footer_outer = $(data.responseText).filter(".footer__outer-wrap");
$page_outer.find(".sidebar__navigation .is-selected").removeClass("is-selected").find("a i").remove();
var $sidebar_item = $('<li class="sidebar__navigation__item is-selected">\
<a class="sidebar__navigation__item__link" href="/sg-game-tags">\
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>\
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__name">SG Game Tags</div>\
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__underline"></div>\
$(".page__heading").after($('<div class="form__rows"></div>'));
$(".page__heading__breadcrumbs").html('<a href="/sg-game-tags">SG Game Tags Setting</a>');
ontimeout: function()
function initTagPositionSetting()
var no = $(".form__heading").length + 1;
var CheckIcon = '<i class="form__checkbox__default fa fa-circle-o"></i><i class="form__checkbox__hover fa fa-circle"></i><i class="form__checkbox__selected fa fa-check-circle"></i>';
var $form__row = $('<div class="form__row"></div>');
var $form__heading = $('<div class="form__heading"></div>');
.append('<div class="form__heading__number">' + no + '.</div>')
.append('<div class="form__heading__text" title="This setting doesn\'t affect performance, only visual change."> Tags Style </div>');
var $form__row__indent = $('<div class="form__row__indent"></div>');
var $form__checkbox_1 = createCheckBox("form__checkbox", CheckIcon + "(Original) Full Text tags below game title", cbTagStyle == 1);
var $form__checkbox_2 = createCheckBox("form__checkbox", CheckIcon + "(Minimalist) One letter tags beside game title", cbTagStyle == 2);
$form__checkbox_1.attr("title", 'The tags will display "Trading Cards", "Bundled", etc. This option will increase page height.');
$form__checkbox_2.attr("title", 'The tags will just display first letter. "Trading Cards" becomes "T", "Bundled" becomes "B", etc.');
cbTagStyle = 1;
GM_setValue("cbTagStyle", 1);
cbTagStyle = 2;
GM_setValue("cbTagStyle", 2);
function initTagOnOffSetting()
var no = $(".form__heading").length + 1;
var CheckIcon = '<i class="form__checkbox__default fa fa-circle-o"></i><i class="form__checkbox__hover fa fa-circle"></i><i class="form__checkbox__selected fa fa-check-circle"></i>';
var $form__row = $('<div class="form__row"></div>');
var $form__heading = $('<div class="form__heading"></div>');
.append('<div class="form__heading__number">' + no + '.</div>')
.append('<div class="form__heading__text" title="If you have performance issues, try disable tags you don\'t need"> Enable/Disable Tags </div>');
var $form__checkbox_1 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pBundle.text, cbBundled);
var $form__checkbox_2 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pCard.text, cbCards);
var $form__checkbox_3 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pAchievement.text, cbAchievement);
var $form__checkbox_4 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pHidden.text, cbHidden);
var $form__checkbox_5 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pWishlist.text, cbWishlist);
var $form__checkbox_6 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pLinux.text, cbLinux);
var $form__checkbox_7 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pMac.text, cbMac);
var $form__checkbox_8 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pEarly.text, cbEarly);
var $form__checkbox_9 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pOwned.text, cbOwned);
var $form__checkbox10 = createCheckBox("my__checkbox", CheckIcon + pIgnored.text, cbIgnored);
var $form__checkbox11 = $('<div class="my__checkbox is-disabled">' + CheckIcon + 'Not-Bundled</div>');
if(cbBundled == 2)
if(cbBundled == 1){
cbBundled = 0;
if(cbTagStyle == 1)
else if(cbTagStyle == 2)
cbBundled = 1;
GM_setValue("cbBundled", cbBundled);
if(cbBundled == 2){
cbBundled = 0;
if(cbTagStyle == 1)
else if(cbTagStyle == 2)
cbBundled = 2;
GM_setValue("cbBundled", cbBundled);
$form__checkbox_2.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_2, "cbCards");});
$form__checkbox_3.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_3, "cbAchievement");});
$form__checkbox_4.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_4, "cbHidden");});
$form__checkbox_5.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_5, "cbWishlist");});
$form__checkbox_6.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_6, "cbLinux");});
$form__checkbox_7.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_7, "cbMac");});
$form__checkbox_8.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_8, "cbEarly");});
$form__checkbox_9.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox_9, "cbOwned");});
$form__checkbox10.click(function(){toggleCBTags($form__checkbox10, "cbIgnored");});
var $form__row__indent = $('<div class="form__row__indent"></div>');
function createCheckBox(_class, _html, cbValue)
var $cb = $('<div class="' + _class + '">' + _html + '</div>');
return $cb;
function toggleCBTags(cbElems, cbName)
var cbValue;
if(cbName == "cbCards")
cbValue = cbCards = !cbCards;
else if(cbName == "cbAchievement")
cbValue = cbAchievement = !cbAchievement;
else if(cbName == "cbBundled")
cbValue = cbBundled = !cbBundled;
else if(cbName == "cbHidden")
cbValue = cbHidden = !cbHidden;
else if(cbName == "cbWishlist")
cbValue = cbWishlist = !cbWishlist;
else if(cbName == "cbLinux")
cbValue = cbLinux = !cbLinux;
else if(cbName == "cbMac")
cbValue = cbMac = !cbMac;
else if(cbName == "cbEarly")
cbValue = cbEarly = !cbEarly;
else if(cbName == "cbOwned")
cbValue = cbOwned = !cbOwned;
else if(cbName == "cbIgnored")
cbValue = cbIgnored = !cbIgnored;
GM_setValue(cbName, cbValue);
function changeCBColor()
var colorCBDisabled = $(".form__checkbox.is-disabled").css("color");
var colorCBSelected = $(".form__checkbox.is-selected").css("color");
$(".my__checkbox.is-disabled").css("color", colorCBDisabled);
$(".my__checkbox.is-selected").css("color", colorCBSelected);
function initRowColorPicker(name, tag)
var $row = $('<div class="row"></div');
var $cp1 = $('<input type="text" class="colorpicker" id="' + name + '-1"/>');
var $cp2 = $('<input type="text" class="colorpicker" id="' + name + '-2"/>');
.append('<div class="markdown"><a class="default_' + name + '">Default</a></div>')
.append('<div class="preview-tags"><a class="tags ' + tag.class + '" style="display: inline-block;" title="'+tag.text+'">' + tag.text + '</a></div>');
initColorpicker($cp1, GM_getValue(name+"-1", tag.color1), tag.class, "background-color", name+"-1");
initColorpicker($cp2, GM_getValue(name+"-2", tag.color2), tag.class, "color", name+"-2");
$row.find("a").click(function(){clickDefaultColor(name, tag);});
return $row;
function initTagColorSetting()
var no = $(".form__heading").length + 1;
var $form__row = $('<div class="form__row"></div>');
var $form__heading = $('<div class="form__heading"></div>');
.append('<div class="form__heading__number">' + no + '.</div>')
.append('<div class="form__heading__text" title="This setting doesn\'t affect performance, only visual change.">Customize tags color</div>');
var $form__row__indent = $('<div class="form__row__indent"></div>');
.append(initRowColorPicker("bundle", pBundle))
.append(initRowColorPicker("card", pCard))
.append(initRowColorPicker("achievement", pAchievement))
.append(initRowColorPicker("wishlist", pWishlist))
.append(initRowColorPicker("hidden", pHidden))
.append(initRowColorPicker("linux", pLinux))
.append(initRowColorPicker("mac", pMac))
.append(initRowColorPicker("early", pEarly))
.append(initRowColorPicker("owned", pOwned))
.append(initRowColorPicker("ignored", pIgnored));
if(cbBundled == 2)
if(cbTagStyle == 2) // change tags if minimalist selected
function initColorpicker($cp, currentColor, tag, property, GMsetValue)
showInput: true, // show color code and lets user input color code
showInitial: true, //show previous color to compare with new color
showPalette: true,
showSelectionPalette: true,
preferredFormat: "hex", //display hex code
localStorageKey: "spectrum.sggametags",
maxSelectionSize: 8,
palette: [
[pBundle.color1, pCard.color1, pAchievement.color1, pWishlist.color1, pHidden.color1, pLinux.color1, pMac.color1, pEarly.color1, pOwned.color1, pIgnored.color1],
move: function(color){
$("."+tag).css(property, color.toHexString());
change: function(color){
$("."+tag).css(property, color.toHexString());
hide: function(color){
GM_setValue(GMsetValue, color.toHexString());
function clickDefaultColor(name, tagprop)
GM_setValue(name+"-1", tagprop.color1);
GM_setValue(name+"-2", tagprop.color2);
$("."+tagprop.class).css("background-color", tagprop.color1).css("color", tagprop.color2);
$("#"+name+"-1").spectrum("set", tagprop.color1);
$("#"+name+"-2").spectrum("set", tagprop.color2);
function toggleMinimalist(minimalist = true)
$("."+pBundle.class).text(minimalist ? pBundle.min : pBundle.text);
$("."+pCard.class).text(minimalist ? pCard.min : pCard.text);
$("."+pAchievement.class).text(minimalist ? pAchievement.min : pAchievement.text);
$("."+pWishlist.class).text(minimalist ? pWishlist.min : pWishlist.text);
$("."+pLinux.class).text(minimalist ? pLinux.min : pLinux.text);
$("."+pMac.class).text(minimalist ? pMac.min : pMac.text);
$("."+pEarly.class).text(minimalist ? pEarly.min : pEarly.text);
$("."+pHidden.class).text(minimalist ? pHidden.min : pHidden.text);
$("."+pOwned.class).text(minimalist ? pOwned.min : pOwned.text);
$("."+pIgnored.class).text(minimalist ? pIgnored.min : pIgnored.text);
if(cbBundled == 2)
$("."+pBundle.class).text(minimalist ? pBundle.min2 : pBundle.text2);
// ==================================================================================================
function AddShortcutToSettingPage()
var shortcut = '\
<a class="nav__row" href="/sg-game-tags"> \
<i class="icon-yellow fa fa-fw fa-tag"></i> \
<div class="nav__row__summary"> \
<p class="nav__row__summary__name">SG Game Tags Setting</p> \
<p class="nav__row__summary__description">Open SG Game Tags setting page</span>.</p> \
</div> \
var $dropdown = $(".nav__right-container a[href='/account']").parent().find(".nav__absolute-dropdown .nav__row");
$($dropdown[2]).before(shortcut); // just before logout button