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Andrew's Facebook Cleaner

Purge and/or Hide all your activity on Facebook to date.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name			Andrew's Facebook Cleaner
// @include			https://www.facebook.com/*/allactivity*
// @require			http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js
// @grant			none
// @version			1.4.1
// @description		Purge and/or Hide all your activity on Facebook to date.
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/36399
// ==/UserScript==
* For jQuery Conflicts.
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
// Variables
var currentmode = 'unlike';
var fbname = document.title;
var inited = false;
var firstrun = false;
var retry = 0;
var retries = 10;
var activityheight = 0;
var mindays = 0;
var now = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
// Inject buttons into page
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#pagelet_main_column_personal div [class="_2o3t fixed_elem"] div[class="clearfix uiHeaderTop"]').append('<h3>Andrew\'s Facebook Cleaner</h3><input type="button" id="andrewfbdelete" value="Purge">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="andrewfbhide" value="Hide"> &nbsp; Limit to activity older than <input id="andrewfbmin" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="7" style="width: 30px"> days (0 = all)<br />Note: if purging <em>and</em> hiding, purge before hiding.<style>.fbprocessed_generic { background-color: #9AFF9A; }</style>');
jQuery.fn.simulateClick = function() {
return this.each(function() {
if('createEvent' in document) {
var doc = this.ownerDocument,
evt = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, doc.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
} else {
function triggerpurge() {
if (confirm('Are you absolutely sure you wish to continue? All likes, posts, photos, videos, mentions, tags - EVER - will be removed if you continue. All your friendships/relationships will remain intact. A popup message will appear when done. Please avoid touching this page once it has started working.')) {
inited = false;
firstrun = false;
retry = 0;
mindays = 60 * 60 * 24 * parseInt($('#andrewfbmin').val());
function triggerhide() {
if (confirm('Are you absolutely sure you wish to continue? Everything (posts and activities) - EVER - will be hidden if you continue. A popup messsage will appear when done. Please avoid touching this page once it has started working.')) {
inited = false;
firstrun = false;
retry = 0;
mindays = 60 * 60 * 24 * parseInt($('#andrewfbmin').val());
// Behold: the master function.
function andrewhandler(mode) {
if (!inited) {
activityheight = 0;
console.log('> Activate all years and months...');
// Tickle all the years and months to make sure all activity data are loaded
$("div#rightColContent ul.fbTimelineLogScrubber li a").each(function() {
inited = true;
var checkFinish = setInterval(function() {
// Kind of primitive, but check the height of the activity log box every 5 seconds. If it remains the same after 5 seconds, we assume all data has finished loading.
if ($("#fbTimelineLogBody").height() != activityheight) {
activityheight = $("#fbTimelineLogBody").height();
} else {
console.log('> Finished loading all data! Proceeding to '+mode+' activities...');
}, 5000);
} else {
if (!firstrun) {
scrollTo(0, 0);
firstrun = true;
if (retry < retries) {
if (!$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_"+mode+")").length) {
if ($("#fbTimelineLogBody a.uiMorePagerPrimary").length) {
$("#fbTimelineLogBody a.uiMorePagerPrimary").each(function() {
retry = 0;
console.log($("#fbTimelineLogBody a.uiMorePagerPrimary").length+" More Activity Links Exist");
setTimeout(function() { andrewhandler(mode); }, 500);
setTimeout(function() { andrewhandler(mode); }, 500);
console.log('Seems to be done. '+retry+'/'+retries);
} else {
retry = 0;
delpost = false;
if (mindays == 0) delpost = true;
else {
posttime = $("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_"+mode+"):first a._39g5").text();
posttime = Date.parse(posttime.replace(/[ap]m$/i, '')); // Date() does not like am/pm; don't worry about hours/minutes, just that the event took place on the day
then = Math.round(new Date(posttime).getTime() / 1000);
if ((now - then) > mindays) {
delpost = true;
} else {
// activity is still a padawan, so let's let it live... until next time, *mwahaha*
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_"+mode+"):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_'+mode);
if (delpost) {
if (mode == 'hide') hideiconclick();
else if (mode == 'purge') {
contents = $("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_"+mode+"):first").text();
if (contents.indexOf(fbname+' likes an article.') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' took a photo ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' was with ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' was at ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' was in ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' took a video ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' shared ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' updated his status') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' updated her status') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' updated their status') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' commented on ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' wrote on ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(' to your Timeline.') != -1 || contents.indexOf(' to '+fbname+'\'s Timeline.') != -1 || contents.indexOf(' to '+fbname+'\'s timeline.') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' added a new photo') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' was untagged in ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' posted in ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' posted something via ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' replied to ') != -1 ) {
currentmode = 'delete';
} else if (contents.indexOf(fbname+' likes ') != -1 || contents.indexOf(fbname+' reacted to ') != -1) {
currentmode = 'unlike';
} else if (contents.indexOf(fbname+' voted on ') != -1) {
currentmode = 'unvote';
} else if (contents.indexOf(fbname+' was mentioned in a ') != -1) {
currentmode = 'mention';
} else if (contents.indexOf(fbname+' was tagged ') != -1) {
currentmode = 'tag';
} else {
//console.log('> Not a relevant activity, skipping.');
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_"+mode+"):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_'+mode);
} else {
alert('Done! Please rinse and repeat (click the '+mode+' button again) just to make sure.');
function hideiconclick() {
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_hide):first div.uiPopover i").click();
console.log($("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_hide):first").text());
setTimeout(hideclickhandler, 500);
function hideclickhandler() {
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").length && $("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").text() != 'Hidden from timeline' && !$("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Unmark as Spam')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Hidden from timeline')")[0].click();
console.log('> Hid post from timeline.');
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_hide):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_hide');
} else if ($("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").length && $("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").text() == 'Hidden from timeline' && $("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Unmark as Spam')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Unmark as Spam')")[0].click();
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_hide):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_hide');
console.log('> Unmarking as spam.');
setTimeout(hidecloseoverlay, 2000);
} else if ($("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").length && $("div.uiLayer:visible li._54ni._54nd").text() != 'Hidden from timeline' && $("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Unmark as Spam')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('Hidden from timeline')")[0].click();
console.log('> Hid post from timeline, and unmarking it as spam.');
} else {
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_hide):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_hide');
console.log('> Post not hidable or already processed. Continuing.');
function hidecloseoverlay() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerCancel")[0].click();
setTimeout(hidehandler, 1000);
function purgeiconclick() {
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_purge):first div.uiPopover i").click();
setTimeout(purgeselect, 500);
function purgeselect() {
if (currentmode == 'delete') word = 'Delete';
else if (currentmode == 'unvote') word = 'Unvote';
else if (currentmode == 'unlike') word = 'Unlike';
else word = 'Report/Remove Tag';
$("#fbTimelineLogBody div._5shk:not(.fbprocessed_purge):first").addClass('fbprocessed_generic fbprocessed_purge');
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('"+word+"')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible span._54nh:contains('"+word+"')").click();
if (currentmode == 'delete') setTimeout(purgeconfirm, 500);
else if (currentmode == 'unlike') purgeproceed();
else if (currentmode == 'unvote') purgeproceed();
else setTimeout(confirmremovetag, 500);
} else {
console.log('> No available options found, skipping.');
/* Handle Deletion */
function purgeconfirm() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible button.layerConfirm").click();
setTimeout(purgeproceed, 5000);
/* Handle Activity Progression */
function purgeproceed() {
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerCancel").length) $("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerCancel")[0].click();
console.log('> Proceeding to next...');
/* Handle Tag Removal */
function confirmremovetag() {
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible:contains('I'm in this photo and I don't like it')").length) $("div.uiLayer:visible input[name='answer']:eq(1)").click();
else $("div.uiLayer:visible input[name='answer']:eq(0)").click();
$("div.uiLayer:visible button.layerConfirm").click();
if (currentmode == 'tag') setTimeout(removetagreason, 2000);
else if (currentmode == 'mention') setTimeout(removementionreason, 2000);
function removetagreason() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible input[name='answer']:eq(4)").click();
$("div.uiLayer:visible button.layerConfirm").click();
setTimeout(confirmremovetagreason, 2000);
function removementionreason() {
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible:contains('Why don't you like this photo?')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible input[name='answer']:eq(4)").click();
$("div.uiLayer:visible button.layerConfirm").click();
setTimeout(confirmremovetagreason, 2000);
} else {
function setotherreason() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible div.uiLayer:visible input[name='answer']:eq(5)").click();
$("div.uiLayer:visible button.layerConfirm").click();
setTimeout(confirmremovetagreason, 2000);
function confirmremovetagreason() {
if ($("div.uiLayer:visible a._16gh:contains('Remove Tag')").length) {
$("div.uiLayer:visible a._16gh:contains('Remove Tag')")[0].click();
setTimeout(confirmtagdel, 2000);
} else {
$("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerCancel")[0].click();
console.log('> No available options found, skipping.');
function confirmtagdel() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible button._4jy1").click();
setTimeout(closeoverlay, 5000);
function closeoverlay() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerButton")[0].click();
setTimeout(cancelrating, 2500);
setTimeout(purgeproceed, 5000);
function cancelrating() {
$("div.uiLayer:visible a.layerCancel")[0].click();