Hotkeys for BvS Zombjas
// ==UserScript== // @name BvS Zombja Hotkeys // @namespace taltamir // @description Hotkeys for BvS Zombjas // @version 3 // @history 3 Removed searching from contextual action button. Tweaked hospital strategy (heal infection, then fight, then heal HP). Added special key for searching specifically (L). version by taltamir. // @history 2 Optimized strategy. added heal infection, heal HP, and search. Instead of keys surrounding G, use numpad and keys surrounding S (left and right handed options). switched include to match. rewrote almost all code. fixed bug where key detected press rather than relese despite notes saying otherwise. version by taltamir // @history 1.0 Initial version by Authority2 // @match // @match // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* Key notes: numpad 1 = 97 numpad 2 = 98 numpad 3 = 99 numpad 4 = 100 numpad 5 = 101 numpad 6 = 102 numpad 7 = 103 numpad 8 = 104 numpad 9 = 105 q = 81 w = 87 e = 69 a = 65 s = 83 d = 68 z = 90 x = 88 c = 67 */ function submit_form(form_name) { if (document.forms.namedItem(form_name)) { remove_listener(); //Remove keypress listener before page refresh location.assign('javascript:' + form_name + '.submit()'); } } function key_press(event) { if (document.forms.namedItem("theworldends")) //If player pin is available, take it no matter what was pressed { submit_form("theworldends"); } else if (event.keyCode==81 || event.keyCode==103) //keypress N7 or q = upleft. { submit_form("moveul"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==87 || event.keyCode==104) //keypress N8 or w = up. { submit_form("moveu"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==69 || event.keyCode==105) //keypress N9 or e = upright. { submit_form("moveur"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==65 || event.keyCode==100) //keypress N4 or a = left. { submit_form("movel"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==68 || event.keyCode==102) //keypress N6 or d = right. { submit_form("mover"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==90 || event.keyCode==97) //keypress N1 or z = downleft. { submit_form("movedl"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==88 || event.keyCode==98) //keypress N2 or x = down. { submit_form("moved"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==67 || event.keyCode==99) //keypress N3 or c = downright. { submit_form("movedr"); //move } else if (event.keyCode==83 || event.keyCode==101) //keypress N5 or s = middle aka actions. { action(); //action } else if (event.keyCode==76) //keypress L { submit_form("zsearch"); //Search } } function action() { if (document.forms.namedItem("zheal")) //Check if there is a Heal Infection button { submit_form("zheal"); //Heal Infection (self) } else if (document.forms.namedItem("thrillers")) //Check if there is an fight Thrillers button { submit_form("thrillers"); //Fight } else if (document.forms.namedItem("barglers")) //Check if there is an fight Barglers button { submit_form("barglers"); //Fight } else if (document.forms.namedItem("thumpers")) //Check if there is an fight Thumpers button { submit_form("thumpers"); //Fight } else if (document.forms.namedItem("noms")) //Check if there is an fight Noms button { submit_form("noms"); //Fight } else if (document.forms.namedItem("zfight")) //Check if there is an fight Zombjas button { submit_form("zfight"); //Fight } else if (document.forms.namedItem("zhpheal")) //Check if there is a Heal HP button { submit_form("zhpheal"); //Heal HP (self) } } var div=document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML="<font color=#FFFFFF face=Verdana><b>Zombjas Hotkeys</b> <br/> Use numpad or keys around S to move. <br/> Press numpad 5 or S key for actions in order: <br/> Heal Infection > Thriller > Bargler > Thumper > Nom > Zombja > Heal HP <br/> Press L to search </font>"; document.evaluate("//table[@width=910]/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td", document, null, XPathR###lt.ANY_TYPE, null ).iterateNext().appendChild(div); function remove_listener() { window.removeEventListener("keyup", key_press, false); // Removes the event listener, this is critically important to prevent "playing too fast" errors when spamming the button. } window.addEventListener("keyup", key_press, false); //When a key is released, run function key_press and provide it with keyID.