Hide FIGHTO tournaments when you already have the part or when you lack Kaiju status.
// ==UserScript== // @name BvS FIGHTO Hider // @namespace BvS // @version 5 // @history 5 undo last version, the message is identical whether you have TB2.0 or whether you have another TB unbanked. by taltamir // @history 4 hides FKF if you already have Tiny Bee 2.0. by taltamir // @history 3 hides FKF Qualifier if you already have the pass. by taltamir // @history 2 fixed script not working, cleaned up code, added hiding when blocked by having a non part item (flux capacitor) or when blocked by mr roboto bloodline. by taltamir // @history 1.0 initial version. by Daniel Karlsson // @description Hide FIGHTO tournaments when you already have the part or when you lack Kaiju status. // @match http://www.animecubed.com/billy/bvs/villagerobofighto.html // @match http://animecubed.com/billy/bvs/villagerobofighto.html // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function main() { var tourneyTable = document.evaluate("//table[@class='robotourney']/tbody/tr/td[8]", document, null, XPathR###lt.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); // Check td[8] of all table rows var td; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { td = tourneyTable.snapshotItem(i); if (/have part/i.test(td.innerHTML) || /Have Item/i.test(td.innerHTML) || /Has Bloodline/i.test(td.innerHTML) || /not kaiju/i.test(td.innerHTML) || /Have Pass/i.test(td.innerHTML)) { td.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(td.parentNode); } } } main();