Quest hotkeys for BvS
// ==UserScript== // @name BvS Quest Hotkeys // @namespace BvS // @description Quest hotkeys for BvS // @version 4 // @history 4 clicking d also starts the quest "forest of death" // @history 3 clicking d also starts the quests "Very Tragic Story", "Stalkergirl", "Checkmate", "junk II", "junk III", "junk IV" // @history 2 added claiming your snow rewards, streamlined code, clicking c when out of stamina should no longer reload page // @history 1.7 fixed watching your show (watching your shows is now quest44 not quest43) // @history 1.6 button press will start "watching your shows" if available. // @history 1.5 on rolling quests, will reattempt with same jutsu choice if available. // @history 1.4 will not reload page if out of stamina // @history 1.3 solved problem where clicking d on the quest main page reloaded it. More efficient code. press d to start and skip chunin exam. // @history 1.2 script termination to prevent performance degredation, and to prevent accidental reloading of quests page mid quest (if clicking d too fast). // @history 1.1 Added updateURL // @history 1.0 Initial version // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // ==/UserScript== function submit_form(form_name) { if (document.forms.namedItem(form_name)) { remove_listener(); //Remove keypress listener before page refresh location.assign('javascript:' + form_name + '.submit()'); } } function remove_listener() { window.removeEventListener("keyup", key_press, false); // Removes the event listener, this is critically important to prevent "playing too fast" errors when spamming the button. } function key_press(event) { if (event.keyCode==68) //keypress d { if(0<"Not Enough Stamina")) //Check for out of stamina, to avoid reloading on quest fail. Must come before checking for "attack", since out of stamina hide from user but does not disable attack key. { remove_listener(); //Remove key listener } else if(document.forms.namedItem("goquest2")) //Check for quest fail, to avoid reloading on quest fail { remove_listener(); //Remove key listener } else if(document.forms.namedItem("attack")) //checks for a button named "Attack" { submit_form("attack"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("goquestgo")) //Check for reattempt rolling quest with same jutsu { submit_form("goquestgo"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("goquest")) //Check for going to next step in quest is available. { submit_form("goquest"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("questcontinue")) //Check for Continue Quest (when you left the quest menu and came back) { submit_form("questcontinue"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest44")) //Check if the "Watching your shows" quest is available. { submit_form("quest44"); //Start Daily shows quest } else if(document.forms.namedItem("questchu1")) //Check if the chunin exam is available. { submit_form("questchu1"); //Start Chunin Exam quest } else if(document.forms.namedItem("skipchu")) //Check for skip chunin exam button { submit_form("skipchu"); //Skip Chunin Exam } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest85")) //Check for "forest of death" { submit_form("quest85"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest17")) //Check for "World Shoveling Association" to collect snow winning { submit_form("quest17"); //start "World Shoveling Association" quest } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest125")) //Check for "Very Tragic Story" quest { submit_form("quest125"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest159")) //Check for "Stalkergirl" quest { submit_form("quest159"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest165")) //Check for "Checkmate" quest { submit_form("quest165"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest94")) //Check for "Junk II" quest { submit_form("quest94"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest145")) //Check for "Junk III" quest { submit_form("quest145"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("quest87")) //Check for "Junk IV" quest { submit_form("quest87"); } else if(document.forms.namedItem("questhide")) //Check for the quest hide interface to indicate that the current page is the main quest window, to prevent reloading it { remove_listener(); //Remove key listener } else { remove_listener(); //Remove key listener submit_form("minim4"); //Return to Quests menu if quest completed } } else if (event.keyCode==67) //keypress c { submit_form("chakra"); //Charge chakra } } window.addEventListener("keyup", key_press, false);