Download all pictures and/or videos for a certain tag.
// ==UserScript== // @name Andrew's Instagram Tag Downloader // @include*/ // @require // @grant none // @version 1.0 // @description Download all pictures and/or videos for a certain tag. // @namespace // ==/UserScript== /* * For jQuery Conflicts. */ this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); // Variables var retry = 0; var retries = 10; var igcollection = []; var pics = 0; var vids = 0; var mode; // Inject buttons into page $(document).ready(function() { $('header h1').append('<br /><input type="button" id="andrewiggendownload" value="Download All"> <input type="button" id="andrewigpicdownload" value="Download Photos Only"> <input type="button" id="andrewigviddownload" value="Download Videos Only"><style>.igprocessed { opacity: 0.5; }</style>'); $('#andrewiggendownload').click(function() { triggergendl('generic'); }); $('#andrewigpicdownload').click(function() { triggergendl('pic'); }); $('#andrewigviddownload').click(function() { triggergendl('vid'); }); }); jQuery.fn.simulateClick = function() { return this.each(function() { if('createEvent' in document) { var doc = this.ownerDocument, evt = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, doc.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } else {; } }); }; function triggergendl(m) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to continue?\r\nTIP: Disable "Ask where to save each file before downloading" in your browser\'s settings otherwise you\'ll be doing a lot of clicking. Feel free to click on "Cancel" and check your settings, and then click on the Download button again.')) { retry = 0; $('.igprocessed').removeClass('igprocessed'); mode = m; andrewhandler(); } } function andrewhandler() { if (retry < retries) { if (!$("main > article > div > div > div > a:not(.igprocessed)").length) { $loadmore = $('a').filter(function(index) { return $(this).text() === "Load more"; }); if ($loadmore.length) { $loadmore.simulateClick('click'); retry = 0; setTimeout(function() { andrewhandler(); }, 500); return; } scrollTo(0, 99999999); setTimeout(function() { andrewhandler(); }, 500); retry++; //console.log('Seems to be done. '+retry+'/'+retries); } else { retry = 0; $el = $("main > article > div > div > div > a:not(.igprocessed):first"); $igtype = $('span', $el).filter(function(index) { return $(this).text() === "Video"; }); var igtype = 'photo'; if ($igtype.length) igtype = 'video'; $el.addClass('igprocessed'); if (igtype == 'video') { if (mode != 'pic') { vids++; $el.simulateClick('click'); setTimeout(processVideo, 500); } else andrewhandler(); } else { if (mode != 'vid') { pics++; $igimg = $("img", $el); igcollection.push($igimg.attr('src')); } andrewhandler(); } } } else { if (confirm('Done! Are you ready to download '+igcollection.length+' file(s)? ('+pics+' pics | '+vids+' vids)')) downloadAll(); } } function processVideo() { igcollection.push($("video[src]").attr('src')); setTimeout(closeOverlay, 500); } function closeOverlay() { $('button:contains("Close")').simulateClick('click'); andrewhandler(); } function downloadAll() { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('download', null); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(link); for (var i = 0; i < igcollection.length; i++) { link.setAttribute('href', igcollection[i]);; } document.body.removeChild(link); }