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StarRepublik Tools

Various enhancements and tools for StarRepublik

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// ==UserScript==
// @name            StarRepublik Tools
// @name:bg         StarRepublik Инструменти
// @name:ro         Unelte StarRepublik
// @description     Various enhancements and tools for StarRepublik
// @description:bg  Различни подобрения и инструменти за StarRepublik
// @description:ro  Diverse îmbunătățiri și unelte pentru StarRepublik
// @namespace       http://www.linuxmint.ro/
// @version         1.7.6
// @license         CC BY 4.0
// @author          Nicolae Crefelean
// @include         https://www.starrepublik.com/*
// @include         https://starrepublik.com/*
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==
if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined") {
$(function() {
// add custom styles
.append('#srtools { font-size: 13px; padding: 5px; background-color: #121925; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px }')
.append('#srtoolsopt { display: none }')
.append('.srtselect { height: 30px; background-color: #121925; color: #cecece; border: 1px solid #595959; border-radius: 2px; padding: 2px }');
var currentPage = document.location.pathname,
srtVersion = GM_info.script.version,
srtLetters = ['α', 'β', 'γ'],
srtEffectDelay = 150,
srtLocale = {
bg: {
name: 'Български',
medalsStr: 'Медали',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Изисквани Седмични турнирни точки',
baseDamage: 'Bаза щети',
battles: 'Битките',
move: 'Ход',
building: 'Cграда',
myLocation: 'Моето място',
encloseInFrame: 'Приложете в рамка',
open: 'Отворено',
close: 'Затвори',
total: 'Общо',
download: 'Изтегли',
csvMembersList: 'Списък с членовете CSV',
refreshStatistics: 'Обнови'
en: {
name: 'English',
medalStr: 'Medals',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Weekly tournament points required',
baseDamage: 'Base damage',
battles: 'Battles',
move: 'Move',
building: 'Building',
myLocation: 'My location',
encloseInFrame: 'Enclose in frame',
open: 'Open',
close: 'Close',
total: 'Total',
download: 'Download',
csvMembersList: 'CSV Members List',
refreshStatistics: 'Refresh'
es: {
name: 'Español',
medalStr: 'Medallas',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Puntos de torneo semanal necesaria',
baseDamage: 'Daño base',
battles: 'Batallas',
move: 'Moverse',
building: 'Edificio',
myLocation: 'Mi ubicación',
encloseInFrame: 'Encerrar en un marco',
open: 'Abrir',
close: 'Cerrar',
total: 'Total',
download: 'Descargar',
csvMembersList: 'Lista de Miembros CSV',
refreshStatistics: 'Recarga'
it: {
name: 'Italiano',
medalStr: 'Medaglie',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Punti Torneo Settimanale richiesti',
baseDamage: 'Danno base',
battles: 'Battaglie',
move: 'Spostati',
building: 'Costruzione',
myLocation: 'La tua posizione',
encloseInFrame: 'Incornicia',
open: 'Aperto',
close: 'Chiudi',
total: 'Total',
download: 'Scaricare',
csvMembersList: 'Lista utenti CSV',
refreshStatistics: 'Ricarica'
ro: {
name: 'Română',
medalStr: 'Medalii',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Puncte necesare în turneul săptămânal',
baseDamage: 'Daune de bază',
battles: 'Bătălii',
move: 'Mutare',
building: 'Clădire',
myLocation: 'Locația mea',
encloseInFrame: 'Încadrează în ramă',
open: 'Deschide',
close: 'Închide',
total: 'Total',
download: 'Descarcă',
csvMembersList: 'Lista de membri CSV',
refreshStatistics: 'Reîncarcă'
sr: {
name: 'Srpski',
medalStr: 'Medalje',
starshipPartsPointsStr: 'Delovi zvezdane krstarice',
baseDamage: 'Bazna steta',
battles: 'Bitke',
move: 'Predji na',
building: 'Zgrada',
myLocation: 'Moja lokacija',
encloseInFrame: 'Priložiti u okviru',
open: 'Otvoren',
close: 'Blizu',
total: 'Ukupno',
download: 'Preuzimanje',
csvMembersList: 'CSV Lista članova',
refreshStatistics: 'Obnovi'
defaultLang = getLocale(),
muMemberList = [],
csvData = [];
// adds the StarRepublik Tools settings box on the sidebar
if ($('.stardate').length > 0) {
$('.stardate').after('<div class="row-fluid" id="srtools"></div>');
.html('<div class="text-center">StarRepublik Tools v' + srtVersion + '</div>')
.append('<div class="text-center" role="button" id="srtoggle">&#9660; ' + getString('open') + ' &#9660;</div>')
.append('<div id="srtoolsopt"></div>');
$('#srtoolsopt').append('<select class="form-control srtselect"></select>');
$.each(srtLocale, function(i, v) {
$('.srtselect').append('<option value="' + i + '"' + (i === defaultLang ? ' selected' : '') + '>' + v.name + '</option>');
// Event handler for the StarRepublik Tools option box visibility toggler
$('#srtoggle').on('click', function() {
if ($('#srtoolsopt').is(':visible')) {
$('#srtoggle').html('&#9660; ' + getString('open') + ' &#9660;');
} else {
$('#srtoggle').html('&#9650; ' + getString('close') + ' &#9650;');
// Adds links to the Battles and the Change location pages.
$('.dropdown:eq(0) > .dropdown-menu')
.append('<li><a href="/change-location/">' + getString('move') + '</a></li>');
// Set the default language as English, or if the browser requests
// a language available in the script, it will choose it automatically.
// The language can also be changed by the user. Refresh required.
function setLocale(lang) {
if (localStorage.locale === undefined) {
var langList = navigator.languages,
language = 'en',
found = false;
for (let i=0; !found; i++) {
if (srtLocale[langList[i]] !== undefined) {
language = langList[i];
found = true;
localStorage.locale = language;
if (lang !== undefined && lang in srtLocale) {
localStorage.locale = lang;
// Returns the default locale and sets one if not available.
function getLocale() {
if (localStorage.locale === undefined) {
return localStorage.locale;
// Returns a string based on its identifier. Defaults to English if missing.
function getString(id) {
let lang = getLocale();
var str = srtLocale[lang][id] === undefined ? (srtLocale.en[id] === undefined ? id : srtLocale.en[id]) : srtLocale[lang][id];
return str;
// Event handler for the language switcher.
$('.srtselect').change(function() {
// Return the base damage.
function getBaseDamage(skill, rank) {
return Math.round(Math.pow(10 * skill * (1 + rank / 20), 0.8));
// Add the base damage data to the military wings on the user profile page.
function getBaseDamageStats() {
var d = {
skills: {
interceptor: $('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(1) .skill-value').text().trim(),
bomber: $('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(2) .skill-value').text().trim(),
fighter: $('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(3) .skill-value').text().trim()
rank: $('.military-rank:eq(0) .description img').attr('src').split('/').pop().split('_')[0]
baseDamage = {
interceptor: 0,
bomber: 0,
fighter: 0
baseDamage.interceptor = getBaseDamage(d.skills.interceptor, d.rank);
baseDamage.bomber = getBaseDamage(d.skills.bomber, d.rank);
baseDamage.fighter = getBaseDamage(d.skills.fighter, d.rank);
$('#baseI').html(getString('baseDamage') + ': ' + baseDamage.interceptor + '<br>+20% = ' + Math.round(baseDamage.interceptor * 1.2));
$('#baseB').html(getString('baseDamage') + ': ' + baseDamage.bomber + '<br>+20% = ' + Math.round(baseDamage.bomber * 1.2));
$('#baseF').html(getString('baseDamage') + ': ' + baseDamage.fighter + '<br>+20% = ' + Math.round(baseDamage.fighter * 1.2));
// Creates the HTML/CSS/JS foundation for the base damage tooltips in the user profile.
function addBaseDamageTooltips() {
.append('.skill-desc > .description { position: absolute; z-index: 10; margin-top: -153px; margin-left: -7px; width: 100%; background-color: #070d15; border: 1px solid #101924; padding: 10px; border-radius: 3px }');
$('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(1)').addClass('description-container skill-desc')
.append('<div style="display: none;" class="description"><div class="row-fluid" id="baseI"></div></div>');
$('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(2)').addClass('description-container skill-desc')
.append('<div style="display: none;" class="description"><div class="row-fluid" id="baseB"></div></div>');
$('.skills:eq(3) .skill:eq(3)').addClass('description-container skill-desc')
.append('<div style="display: none;" class="description"><div class="row-fluid" id="baseF"></div></div>');
$('.skills:eq(3) .skill').slice(1, 4).hover(function() {
// Displays the number of medals and total Credits earned (in the user profile).
function calcCredits() {
var rewards = {
hard_worker: 5,
expert: 5,
political_activist: 5,
congress_member: 10,
country_leader: 20,
prosperous_journalist: 2,
media_mogul: 5,
society_builder: 20,
weekly_runner: 100,
hunter: 5,
wing_commander: 2,
battle_hero: 5,
deft_shooter: 3,
ace: 10,
rebellion_hero: 10,
juggernaut: 20,
patriot: 5,
faithfull_ally: 5,
super_soldier: 5
medal_count = 0,
earned_credits = 0,
$('.medals-list li').each(function() {
medal_name = $(this).find('img').attr('src').split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
medal_counter = Number($(this).find('.medal-quantity').text().trim());
if (medal_name in rewards) {
earned_credits += rewards[medal_name] * medal_counter;
medal_count += medal_counter;
$('.achievements').last().append(' (' + medal_count + ': ' + earned_credits + ' Cr)');
// Code executed while viewing a user profile.
if (/^\/profile\/[0-9]+\/$/.test(currentPage)) {
// add percentages for all squadrons in the damage statistics
function addStatsRefresh() {
//            damageStatsUpdateLock = true;
var squadronPoints,
refreshButton = '<div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-2" id="refresh-statistics">' + getString('refreshStatistics') + '</div>';
if ($('#refresh-statistics').length === 0) {
$('style').append('#refresh-statistics { cursor: pointer }');
$('.battle-damage-statistics .header .attacker').attr('class',$('.battle-damage-statistics .header .attacker').attr('class').replace(/5/g, '4'));
$('.battle-damage-statistics .header .defender').attr('class',$('.battle-damage-statistics .header .defender').attr('class').replace(/5/g, '4'));
$('.battle-damage-statistics .header .close-statistics').before(refreshButton);
$('#refresh-statistics').on('click', function() {
//            damageStatsUpdateLock = false;
// Reset the medals data (on the battlefield).
function clearTopMedals() {
var medals = ['.defender-ds', '.attacker-ds', '.defender-bh', '.attacker-bh', '.defender-ace', '.attacker-ace'],
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
medal = medals[i];
$(medal + ' a').removeAttr('href');
$(medal + ' a img').removeAttr('src');
$(medal + ' div.username').text('');
$(medal + ' span.damage').text('');
$(medal + ' span.shoots').text('');
// Build and place the squadron switcher next to the stats Close button (on the battlefield).
function addSquadronSwitcher() {
if (!$('#sqadronSwitcher').length) {
var squads = [],
$('.medals-statistics-cnt .close-statistics').attr('class',$('.medals-statistics-cnt .close-statistics').attr('class').replace(/4/g, '1'));
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
sclass = 'squadSwitch' + ($('.medals-statistics').data('squadron') == i ? ' btn-primary' : '');
squads.push("<a role='button' class='btn " + sclass + "'>" + srtLetters[i - 1] + "</a>");
$('.medals-statistics-cnt .close-statistics').before("<div class='col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-3' id='sqadronSwitcher'>" + squads.join('') + "</div>");
// Event handler for clicking the squadron switcher buttons (on the battlefield).
$('.squadSwitch').on("click", function() {
var squad = srtLetters.indexOf($(this).text());
$('.squadSwitch:eq(' + squad + ')').addClass('btn-primary');
$('.medals-statistics').data('squadron', squad + 1).click();
// Retrieves the battle time
function getBattleTime() {
return Number($('script:contains("battleTimer")').text().split('\n')[2].replace(/\D/g,''));
// returns the battle ID from the battlefield
function getBattleId() {
return Number(currentPage.split("/")[3]);
// returns true|false if a battle exists, based on the ID
function changeButton(id, which) {
if (id !== Number(id)) {
return false;
method: "HEAD",
url: "/military/battle/" + id + "/",
complete: function(xhr) {
var prevBtn = "<a id='srtprevbat' role='button' class='btn btn-primary'>&lt;&lt;&lt;</a>",
nextBtn = "<a id='srtnextbat' role='button' class='btn btn-primary'>&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>",
battleExists = false;
battleExists = (xhr.status === 200);
switch (which) {
case 'prev': {
if (battleExists) {
$('#srtprevbat').attr('href', '/military/battle/' + id + '/');
} else {
$('#srtprevbat').attr('class', 'btn btn-secondary').text('---');
case 'next': {
if (battleExists) {
$('#srtnextbat').attr('href', '/military/battle/' + id + '/');
} else {
$('#srtnextbat').attr('class', 'btn btn-secondary').text('---');
// Code executed while viewing the battlefield
if (/^\/military\/battle\//.test(currentPage)) {
$('.battle-statistics').css('margin-top', '-35px');
var battleId,
srtPrevHolder = "<div class='col-xs-1' id='srtprevholder'></div>",
srtNextHolder = "<div class='col-xs-1 col-xs-offset-10' id='srtnextholder'></div>",
damageStatsUpdateLock = false;
$('.medals-statistics-cnt').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function(e) {
if (e.target.innerHTML.length > 1) {
$('.damage-statistics-cnt').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function(e) {
if (damageStatsUpdateLock === false && e.target.innerHTML.length > 1) {
$(".main-container .content").append("<div class='row'>" + srtPrevHolder + srtNextHolder + "</div>");
battleId = getBattleId();
changeButton(battleId - 1, 'prev');
changeButton(battleId + 1, 'next');
// Set the width of the statistics overlay to the same width as the battlefield.
$('.battle-statistics').css('width', '100%');
// Code executed while viewing the Society page of a country.
// Counts the number of sectors owned by a country and adds it to the section header.
if (/^\/country\/society\//.test(currentPage)) {
var sectors = $('.country-content ul:last li').length;
$('.country-content ul:last > div').append(' (' + sectors + ')');
// Code executed while viewing the Congress candidature proposal page.
if (/^\/politics\/congress-proposal\/$/.test(currentPage)) {
// Returns the country ID of the displayed country on the Congress candidature proposal page.
function getCountryFromCongressProposal() {
return $('.country-header div:eq(1) a').attr('href').split('/')[3];
// Calculates the number of candidates per sector and adds them in the sector selector.
function getCandidatesBySector() {
$.get('/politics/congress-candidates/' + getCountryFromCongressProposal() + '/', function(data) {
if ($(data).find('.bordered-list li').length > 0) {
var sectors = {},
$(data).find('.bordered-list li').each(function() {
sector = $(this).find('.sector').text().trim();
if (sector in sectors) {
sectors[sector] += 1;
} else {
sectors[sector] = 1;
$('#sector option').each(function() {
if (this.value !== '') {
let current = this.innerHTML;
this.innerHTML += " (" + (sectors[current] > 4 ? '!!! ' : '') + (current in sectors ? sectors[current] : 0) + "/5)";
// Code executed while viewing the storage.
if (/^\/storage\/$/.test(currentPage)) {
var minParts = Math.min(
// Returns the number of items by image name (in the storage).
function itemsCount(img) {
return Number($('.storage-list:eq(0) li img[src="/media/images/products/' + img + '.png"]').parent().next().text().trim()) || 0;
// Add the positive/negative sign to non-zero balances (for storage items).
function setBalance(num) {
return (num === 0 ? '' : (num > 0 ? '-' : '+')) + Math.abs(num).toString();
// Add the balance to each weapon type (in the storage).
function setWeaponBalance(cannons) {
var weaponMultiplier = {'q1': 10, 'q2': 8, 'q3': 6, 'q4': 4, 'q5': 2},
for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
quality = 'q' + i.toString();
balance = setBalance(cannons * weaponMultiplier[quality] - itemsCount('weapon_' + quality));
$('.item-creation-list li img[src="/media/images/products/weapon_' + quality + '.png"]').attr('alt', quality).parent().next().text(balance);
// Add the balance to each cannon part (in the storage).
function setCannonPartBalance(count) {
var cannonParts = {1: 'ammo', 2: 'stock', 3: 'chip'},
$('.item-creation-list:last .item-to-create .quantity').text(count).prev().find('img').attr('alt', 'cannons');
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
balance = setBalance(count - itemsCount('ion_' + cannonParts[i]));
$('.item-creation-list:last img[src="/media/images/products/ion_' + cannonParts[i] + '.png"]').attr('alt', cannonParts[i]).parent().next().text(balance);
// Adds the Starship parts requirements in the user storage.
function addStarshipPartsRequirements() {
var req = [1500, 2000, 2500, 2750, 5000],
reqText = getString('starshipPartsPointsStr');
$('.item-details').css('z-index', '1');
$('.storage-list:eq(1) li').each(function(i, v) {
$(v).find('.item-name').append('<div class="details">' + reqText + ': ' + req[i] + '</div>');
// Code executed while viewing the congress candidates page.
if (/^\/politics\/congress-candidates\//.test(currentPage)) {
// Build the congress candidates list in BB-code format.
function getCongressCandidatesList() {
if ($('.bordered-list li').length > 0) {
var congressCandidatesList = {},
$('.bordered-list li').each(function() {
cit = {};
cit.cname = $(this).find('.name').text().trim();
cit.curl = $(this).find('.name a').attr('href').trim();
cit.sector = '[b]' + $(this).find('.sector').text().trim() + '[/b]';
cit.pname = $(this).find('.party').text().trim();
cit.purl = $(this).find('.party a').attr('href').trim();
if (!(cit.sector in congressCandidatesList)) {
congressCandidatesList[cit.sector] = {};
cit.bbcit = '[url=https://www.starrepublik.com' + cit.curl + ']' + cit.cname + '[/url]';
cit.bbprt = '[url=https://www.starrepublik.com' + cit.purl + ']' + cit.pname + '[/url]';
congressCandidatesList[cit.sector][cit.bbcit] = cit.bbprt;
return congressCandidatesList;
// Build the congress candidates text area and populate it with data.
function buildCongressCandidatesArticle() {
var congressCandidatesArticle = '',
list = getCongressCandidatesList();
if (list) {
$.each(list, function(index, value) {
congressCandidatesArticle += "\n" + index + "\n";
$.each(value, function(idx, val) {
congressCandidatesArticle += idx + ' - ' + val + "\n";
congressCandidatesArticle = "[center]" + congressCandidatesArticle.trim() + "[/center]";
$('.party-content > .section-header.politics').append(' [<span id="toggleArticle" style="cursor: pointer">+</span>]');
$('.bordered-list').before("<div id='congressCandidatesArticle' class='col-md-12' style='display: none'><p><textarea class='form-control' style='resize: vertical'>" + congressCandidatesArticle + "</textarea></p></div>");
// Event handler for clicking the congress candidates list button.
$('#toggleArticle').click(function () {
if ($('#congressCandidatesArticle').css('display') === 'none') {
} else {
// Get the comment count for a given article id.
function getComments() {
$('.articles-list li').each(function() {
var article = $(this).find('.publication-date'),
link = $(this).find('.title a').attr('href'),
commimg = '<img src="/media/images/main/comments.png">',
$.get(link, function(data) {
comments = '&bull; ' + commimg + '  ' + $(data).find('.commentator').length;
$(article).append('<span class="artcomments">' + comments + '</span>');
// Add the comment count for the articles on the main page and the newspaper page.
if ($('.newspaper-content').length) {
.append('.artcomments { margin-left: 5px }')
.append('.artcomments img { height: 10px; margin-top: -2px }');
// Code executed while viewing an article - adds endorsement count and Credits amount, plus comment count.
if (/\/newspaper\/article\/[0-9]+/.test(currentPage)) {
$('style').append('.thumbnail { background-color: #20314f; display: table; border: 0 }');
$('.article .text').html($('.article .text').html().replace(/\[e\](.*?)\[\/e\]/gi, '<div class="thumbnail text-center">$1</div>'));
if ($('.endorsers').length) {
var blue = $('.endorsers .blue').length,
green = $('.endorsers .green').length,
red = $('.endorsers .red').length,
total = blue + green + red,
credits = blue * 1 + green * 0.5 + red * 0.25;
$('.endorsers').prev().append(' (' + total + ': ' + credits + ' Cr)');
if ($('.commentator').length) {
$('.comments-list div.social').append(' (' + $('.commentator').length + ')');
// Code executed while creating or editing an article.
if (/^\/newspaper\/(write|edit)-article\//.test(currentPage)) {
myBbcodeSettings.markupSet.push({ closeWith:'[/e]', key: 'E', name:getString('encloseInFrame'), openWith:'[e]'});
var srtbbselect = $('.markItUpHeader ul li').last().attr('class').split(/\s/)[1];
$('style').append('.bbcode .' + srtbbselect + ' a { background-image: url(); background-size: cover }');
// Code executed while viewing the rankings section
if (/\/rankings\/*/.test(currentPage)) {
$(".rankings-selector > a").each(function (i, e) { e.title = e.querySelector("div").textContent.trim(); });
// Code executed while viewing the weekly damage stats page
if (/\/rankings\/citizen-damage\/[0-9]+\/[1-3]\//.test(currentPage)) {
var damage_list = $('.rankings-list li div.value').text().split(/[\s]+/),
damage_totals = damage_list.slice(2, damage_list.length - 1).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + parseInt(b); }, 0);
$('.rankings-list').before('<div class="col-lg-11 col-md-11 col-sm-11 col-xs-11 text-right">' + getString('total') + ": " + damage_totals.toLocaleString() + '</li>');
// Code executed while viewing the alliance pages
if (/\/country\/alliance\/[0-9]+\//.test(currentPage)) {
var countries = $('.protection-agreement-list li').length;
$('.section-header.social:eq(1)').append(' (' + countries + ')');
// returns the ID of yur Military Unit
function getMuId() {
return currentPage.split('/').reverse()[1];
// builds the CSV Data for download
function buildCsvData() {
var output = "",
file = document.createElement('a');
$.each(muMemberList, function(i, v) {
if (typeof(v) !== "undefined") {
var arr = [];
arr.push('https://www.starrepublik.com/profile/' + String(i) + '/');
arr.push('"' + v + '"');
$.each(csvData, function(index, member) {
output += member.join("\t") + "\n";
file.href = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(output);
file.target = '_blank';
file.download = 'mu' + getMuId() + '.csv';
// builds the list of the Military Unit members
function buildList(page) {
var index = 1;
if (page === Number(page) && page !== index) {
index = page;
$.get('/military/members/' + getMuId() + '/' + index + '/', function(data) {
var muMembersPages = {
current: 1,
total: 1
$(data).find('.mu-content ul.bordered-list li').each(function(i, v) {
var muMemberProfileId,
if (i > 0) {
muMemberProfileId = $(v).find('.member a').attr('href').split('/').reverse()[1];
muMemberName = $(v).find('.member').text().trim();
muMemberList[muMemberProfileId] = muMemberName;
muMembersPages.current = Number($(data).find('.pagination .current').text().trim());
muMembersPages.total = Number($(data).find('.pagination a').last().prev().text().trim());
if (muMembersPages.current < muMembersPages.total) {
buildList(muMembersPages.current + 1);
} else {
// add the download link on the MU page
if (/\/military\/unit\/[0-9]+\//.test(currentPage)) {
$('.profile-header div:eq(1)').append(getString('download') + ': <a id="muMembersCsv" role="button">' + getString('csvMembersList') + '</a>');
$('#muMembersCsv').on('click', function() {
// Code executed on the Galaxy map page.
if (/^\/galaxy-map\/$/.test(currentPage)) {
$('style').append('.srtmapdef { border: 1px solid #1e81b1 !important; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #1e81b1 }');
$('.selectors-row img').each(function(i, e) {
let title = e.id.split(/-/)[0];
title = title[0].toUpperCase() + title.slice(1);
e.title = title;
$('.selectors-row img').click(function() {
$('.selectors-row img').removeClass('srtmapdef');
} else {
if (["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "css", "js"].indexOf(currentPage.split(".").pop().toLowerCase()) === -1) {
console.log("jQuery is not loaded, so the StarRepublik Tools were not loaded. If jQuery is supposed to be loaded, the game might have a (temporary) JavaScript/jQuery error, or other scripts/extensions are interfering with the game's own scripts.");