// ==UserScript== // @name rBlock // @author nonoroazoro // @description 移除一些网站用于数据统计的链接跳转,加快网站访问速度。 // @description:en Removes redirects of web sites. // @homepageURL https://github.com/nonoroazoro/firefox/tree/master/greasemonkey/rBlock // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/20568-rblock // @grant none // @version 1.3.8 // @run-at document-end // @include /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?google\./ // @include /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?zhihu\./ // @include https://forum.gamer.com.tw/* // ==/UserScript== const rBlock = { _blockers: [], start() { this.init(); for (const blocker of this._blockers) { blocker.start(); } }, init() { this._blockers = []; const _host = window.location.host; // 1. google if (/^(.+\.)?google\./.test(_host)) { this._blockers.push({ start() { // 1. for static pages. // when google instant predictions is disabled, // this blocker will only be called once. this._block(); // 2. for dynamic pages. // when google instant predictions is enabled, // this blocker will be call whenever the current page is updated. _observe(this._block); }, // block redirects of google _block() { // 1. general let elems = document.querySelectorAll(`a[href*="url="]`); revealURL(elems, /.*url=(http[^&]+)/i); // 2. images elems = document.querySelectorAll(`a[jsaction][href]:not([href="javascript:void(0)"]):not(.rg_l)`); _removeAttributes(elems, "jsaction"); // 3. all/videos/news/apps elems = document.querySelectorAll(`a[onmousedown^="return rwt("]`); _removeAttributes(elems, "onmousedown"); // 4. cached links elems = document.querySelectorAll(`a[href^="http://webcache.googleusercontent."], a[href^="https://webcache.googleusercontent."]`); const targets = document.querySelectorAll(`a.rblock-cached-link`); if (elems.length !== targets.length * 2) { // prevent duplication let menuLink; let cacheLink; for (const elem of elems) { elem.style.display = "inline"; menuLink = elem.closest("div.action-menu.ab_ctl"); cacheLink = document.createElement("a"); cacheLink.setAttribute("href", elem.getAttribute("href").replace(/^http:/, "https:")); cacheLink.setAttribute("class", "rblock-cached-link"); cacheLink.target = "_blank"; cacheLink.innerText = " Cached "; menuLink.parentNode.insertBefore(cacheLink, menuLink); } } } }); } // 2. zhihu if (/^(.+\.)?zhihu\./.test(_host)) { this._blockers.push({ start() { this._block(); _observe(this._block); }, _block() { // 1. general revealURL( document.querySelectorAll(`a[href*="?target="]`), /.*target=(http[^&]+)/i ); // 2. open in new tab for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll(`a.internal`)) { _openInNewTab(elem); } } }); } // 3. 巴哈姆特 if (_host === "forum.gamer.com.tw") { this._blockers.push({ start() { this._block(); _observe(this._block); }, _block() { // 1. general revealURL( document.querySelectorAll(`a[href*="?url="]`), /.*url=(http.+)/i ); } }); } } }; function _observe(p_callback) { if (typeof p_callback === "function" && document.body) { (new window.MutationObserver(debounce(p_callback))).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } } function _removeAttributes(p_elements, p_attributes) { if (p_elements && typeof p_attributes === "string") { const attributes = p_attributes.split(/\W+/) || []; for (const elem of p_elements) { for (const attr of attributes) { elem.removeAttribute(attr); } } } } /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ function _removeListeners(p_element, p_events) { if (p_element && typeof p_events === "string") { const events = p_events.split(/\W+/) || []; for (const event of events) { p_element.removeEventListener(event, _preventDefaultAction, true); p_element.addEventListener(event, _preventDefaultAction, true); } } } function _preventDefaultAction(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function revealURL(p_elems, p_regex) { if (p_elems && p_regex) { let groups; for (const elem of p_elems) { // reveal url & open in new tab groups = decodeURIComponent(elem.getAttribute("href")).match(p_regex); if (groups && groups[1]) { elem.setAttribute("href", groups[1]); _openInNewTab(elem); } } } } function _openInNewTab(p_elem) { if (p_elem) { p_elem.target = "_blank"; } } function debounce(p_callback, p_delay = 500) { let timer = null; return function _inner(...args) { const context = this; window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(() => { p_callback.apply(context, args); }, p_delay); }; } function throttle(p_callback, p_threshhold = 500, p_scope) { let last; let timer; return function _inner(...args) { const now = +new Date(); const context = p_scope || this; if (last && now < last + p_threshhold) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(() => { last = now; p_callback.apply(context, args); }, p_threshhold); } else { last = now; p_callback.apply(context, args); } }; } rBlock.start();