A userscript that makes some lists & markdown tables sortable
// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Sort Content // @version 3.1.4 // @description A userscript that makes some lists & markdown tables sortable // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace https://github.com/Mottie // @match https://github.com/* // @match https://gist.github.com/* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM.addStyle // @grant GM_addStyle // @require https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js?updated=20180103 // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tinysort/3.2.5/tinysort.min.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28721-mutations/code/mutations.js?version=1108163 // @icon https://github.githubassets.com/pinned-octocat.svg // @supportURL https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/issues // ==/UserScript== /* global GM tinysort */ (() => { "use strict"; /** Example pages: * Tables (Readme & wikis) - https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts * Repo files table - https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts (sort content, message or age) * Activity - https://github.com (recent & all) * Sidebar - https://github.com/ (Repositories & Your teams) * Pinned repos (user & org)- https://github.com/(:user|:org) * Org Repos - https://github.com/:org * Org people - https://github.com/orgs/:org/people * Org outside collaborators (own orgs) - https://github.com/orgs/:org/outside-collaborators * Org teams - https://github.com/orgs/:org/teams & https://github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/teams * Org team repos - https://github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/repositories * Org team members - https://github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/members * Org projects - https://github.com/:org/projects * User repos - https://github.com/:user?tab=repositories * User stars - https://github.com/:user?tab=stars * watching - https://github.com/watching * User subscriptions - https://github.com/notifications/subscriptions * Repo stargazers - https://github.com/:user/:repo/stargazers * Repo watchers - https://github.com/:user/:repo/watchers */ /** * sortables[entry].setup - exec on userscript init (optional); * param = window.location * sortables[entry].check - exec on doc.body click; return truthy/falsy or * header element (passed to the sort); * param = (event.target, window.location) * sortables[entry].sort - exec if check returns true or a header element; * param = (el) - the element returned by check or original click target * sortables[entry].css - specific css as an array of selectors, applied to * the entry elements; "unsorted", "ascending" (optional), * "descending" (optional), "tweaks" (optional) */ const sortables = { // markdown tables "tables": { check: el => el.nodeName === "TH" && el.matches(".markdown-body table thead th"), sort: el => initSortTable(el), css: { unsorted: [ ".markdown-body table thead th", ".markdown-body table.csv-data thead th" ], tweaks: [ `body .markdown-body table thead th { text-align: left; background-position: 3px center !important; }` ] } }, // repo files "repo-files": { check: el => el.classList.contains("ghsc-header-cell"), // init after a short delay to allow rendering of file list setup: () => setTimeout(() => addRepoFileHeader(), 1e3), sort: el => initSortFiles(el), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-header-cell" ], tweaks: [ `body .ghsc-header-cell { text-align: left; background-position: 3px center !important; }` ] } }, // github.com (all activity list) "all-activity": { check: el => $("#dashboard") && el.classList.contains("js-all-activity-header"), sort: el => { const list = $$("div[data-repository-hovercards-enabled]:not(.js-details-container) > div"); const wrap = list.parentElement; initSortList( el, list, { selector: "relative-time", attr: "datetime" } ); // Move "More" button to bottom setTimeout(() => { movePaginate(wrap); }); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".js-all-activity-header" ], extras: [ "div[data-repository-hovercards-enabled] div:empty { display: none; }" ] } }, // github.com (recent activity list) "recent-activity": { check: el => $("#dashboard") && el.matches(".news > h2:not(.js-all-activity-header)"), sort: el => { initSortList( el, $$(".js-recent-activity-container ul li"), { selector: "relative-time", attr: "datetime" } ); // Not sure why, but sorting shows all recent activity; so, hide the // "Show more" button $(".js-show-more-recent-items").classList.add("d-none"); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".news h2:not(.js-all-activity-header)" ] } }, // github.com (sidebar repos & teams) "sidebar": { check: el => $(".dashboard-sidebar") && el.matches(".dashboard-sidebar h2"), sort: el => initSortList( el, $$(".list-style-none li", el.closest(".js-repos-container")), { selector: "a" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".dashboard-sidebar h2" ], tweaks: [ `.dashboard-sidebar h2.pt-3 { background-position: left bottom !important; }` ] } }, // github.com/(:user|:org) (pinned repos) "pinned": { check: el => el.matches(".js-pinned-items-reorder-container h2"), sort: el => initSortList( el, // org li, own repos li $$(".js-pinned-items-reorder-list li, #choose-pinned-repositories ~ ol li"), { selector: "a.text-bold" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".js-pinned-items-reorder-container h2" ] } }, // github.com/:org "org-repos": { setup: () => { const form = $("form[data-autosearch-r###lts-container='org-repositories']"); if (form) { form.parentElement.classList.add("ghsc-org-repos-header"); } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-org-repos-header"), sort: el => initSortList( el, $$(".org-repos li"), { selector: "a[itemprop*='name']" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-org-repos-header" ], tweaks: [ `form[data-autosearch-r###lts-container='org-repositories'] { cursor: default; }` ] } }, // github.com/orgs/:org/people // github.com/orgs/:org/outside-collaborators // github.com/orgs/:org/teams // github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/teams // github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/repositories "org-people+teams": { check: el => el.matches(".org-toolbar"), sort: el => { const lists = [ "#org-members-table li", "#org-outside-collaborators li", "#org-teams li", // for :org/teams & :org/teams/:team/teams "#org-team-repositories li" ].join(","); // Using a[id] returns a (possibly) truncated full name instead of // the GitHub handle initSortList(el, $$(lists), { selector: "a[id], a.f4" }); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".org-toolbar" ] } }, // github.com/orgs/:org/teams/:team/members "team-members": { // no ".org-toolbar" on this page :( setup: () => { const form = $("form[data-autosearch-r###lts-container='team-members']"); if (form) { form.parentElement.classList.add("ghsc-team-members-header"); } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-team-members-header"), sort: el => initSortList(el, $$("#team-members li")), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-team-members-header" ] } }, // github.com/orgs/:org/projects "org-projects": { setup: () => { const form = $("form[action$='/projects']"); if (form) { form.parentElement.classList.add("ghsc-project-header"); } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-project-header"), sort: el => initSortList( el, $$("#projects-r###lts > div"), { selector: "h4 a" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-project-header" ] } }, // github.com/:user?tab=repositories "user-repos": { setup: () => { const form = $("form[data-autosearch-r###lts-container='user-repositories-list']"); if (form) { form.parentElement.classList.add("ghsc-repos-header"); } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-repos-header"), sort: el => initSortList( el, $$("#user-repositories-list li"), { selector: "a[itemprop*='name']" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-repos-header" ], tweaks: [ `form[data-autosearch-r###lts-container='user-repositories-list'] { cursor: default; }` ] } }, // github.com/:user?tab=stars "user-stars": { setup: () => { const form = $("form[action$='?tab=stars']"); if (form) { // filter form is wrapped in a details/summary const details = form.closest("details"); if (details) { details.parentElement.classList.add("ghsc-stars-header"); details.parentElement.title = "Sort list by repo name"; } } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-stars-header"), sort: el => { const wrap = el.parentElement; const list = $$(".d-block", wrap); list.forEach(elm => { const a = $("h3 a", elm); a.dataset.text = a.textContent.split("/")[1]; }); initSortList(el, list, { selector: "h3 a", attr: "data-text" }); movePaginate(wrap); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-stars-header" ], tweaks: [ `.ghsc-stars-header { background-position: left top !important; }` ] } }, // github.com/:user?tab=follow(ers|ing) "user-tab-follow": { setup: loc => { if (loc.search.includes("tab=follow")) { const tab = $("nav.UnderlineNav-body"); if (tab) { tab.classList.add("ghsc-follow-nav"); } } }, check: (el, loc) => loc.search.indexOf("tab=follow") > -1 && el.matches(".ghsc-follow-nav"), sort: el => { initSortList( el, $$(".position-relative .d-table"), { selector: ".col-9 .link-gray" } // GitHub user name ); movePaginate(wrap); }, css: { unsorted: [ "nav.ghsc-follow-nav" ] } }, // github.com/watching (watching table only) "user-watch": { setup: loc => { if (loc.href.indexOf("/watching") > -1) { const header = $(".tabnav"); header.classList.add("ghsc-watching-header"); header.title = "Sort list by repo name"; } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-watching-header"), sort: el => { const list = $$(".standalone.repo-list li"); list.forEach(elm => { const link = $("a", elm); link.dataset.sort = link.title.split("/")[1]; }); initSortList(el, list, { selector: "a", attr: "data-sort" }); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-watching-header" ] } }, // github.com/notifications/subscriptions "user-subscriptions": { setup: loc => { if (loc.href.indexOf("/subscriptions") > -1) { const header = $(".tabnav"); header.classList.add("ghsc-subs-header"); header.title = "Sort list by repo name plus issue title"; } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-subs-header"), sort: el => { const list = $$("li.notification-thread-subscription"); initSortList(el, list, { selector: ".flex-auto" }); }, css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-subs-header" ] } }, // github.com/(:user|:org)/:repo/(stargazers|watchers) "repo-stars-or-watchers": { setup: loc => { if ( loc.href.indexOf("/stargazers") > -1 || loc.href.indexOf("/watchers") > -1 ) { $("#repos > h2").classList.add("ghsc-gazer-header"); } }, check: el => el.matches(".ghsc-gazer-header"), sort: el => initSortList( el, $$(".follow-list-item"), { selector: ".follow-list-name" } ), css: { unsorted: [ ".ghsc-gazer-header" ] } } }; const sorts = ["asc", "desc"]; const icons = { unsorted: color => `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="${color}"> <path d="M15 8H1l7-8zm0 1H1l7 7z" opacity=".2"/> </svg>`, ascending: color => `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="${color}"> <path d="M15 8H1l7-8z"/> <path d="M15 9H1l7 7z" opacity=".2"/> </svg>`, descending: color => `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="${color}"> <path d="M15 8H1l7-8z" opacity=".2"/> <path d="M15 9H1l7 7z"/> </svg>` }; function getIcon(type, color) { return "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(icons[type](color)); } function needDarkTheme() { // color will be "rgb(#, #, #)" or "rgba(#, #, #, #)" let color = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor; const rgb = (color || "") .replace(/\s/g, "") .match(/^rgba?\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/i); if (rgb) { // remove "rgb.." part from match & parse const colors = rgb.slice(1).map(Number); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/15794784/145346 const brightest = Math.max(...colors); // return true if we have a dark background return brightest < 128; } // fallback to bright background return false; } function getDirection(el) { return (el.getAttribute("aria-sort") || "").includes(sorts[0]) ? sorts[1] : sorts[0]; } function setDirection(els, currentElm, dir) { els.forEach(elm => { // aria-sort uses "ascending", "descending" or "none" const cellDir = currentElm === elm ? `${dir}ending` : "none"; elm.setAttribute("aria-sort", cellDir); }); } function initSortTable(el) { removeSelection(); const dir = getDirection(el); const table = el.closest("table"); const options = { order: dir, natural: true, selector: `td:nth-child(${el.cellIndex + 1})` }; tinysort($$("tbody tr", table), options); setDirection($$("th", table), el, dir); } function addRepoFileHeader() { const $header = $("#files"); // h2#files is a sibling of the grid wrapper const $target = $header && $("div[role='grid'] .sr-only", $header.parentElement); if ($header && $target) { $target.className = "Box-row Box-row--focus-gray py-2 d-flex position-relative js-navigation-item ghsc-header"; $target.innerHTML = ` <div role="gridcell" class="mr-3 flex-shrink-0" style="width: 16px;"></div> <div role="columnheader" aria-sort="none" data-index="2" class="flex-auto min-width-0 col-md-2 mr-3 ghsc-header-cell"> Content </div> <div role="columnheader" aria-sort="none" data-index="3" class="flex-auto min-width-0 d-none d-md-block col-5 mr-3 ghsc-header-cell"> Message </div> <div role="columnheader" aria-sort="none" data-index="4" class="text-gray-light ghsc-age ghsc-header-cell" style="width:100px;"> Age </div> `; } } function initSortFiles(el) { removeSelection(); const dir = getDirection(el); const grid = el.closest("[role='grid']"); const options = { order: dir, natural: true, selector: `div:nth-child(${el.dataset.index})` }; if (el.classList.contains("ghsc-age")) { // sort repo age column using ISO 8601 datetime format options.selector += " [datetime]"; options.attr = "datetime"; } // check for parent directory link; don't sort it const parentDir = $("a[title*='parent dir']", grid); if (parentDir) { parentDir.closest("div[role='row']").classList.add("ghsc-header"); } tinysort($$(".Box-row:not(.ghsc-header)", grid), options); setDirection($$(".ghsc-header-cell", grid), el, dir); } function initSortList(header, list, opts = {}) { if (list) { removeSelection(); const dir = getDirection(header); const options = { order: dir, natural: true, place: "first", // Fixes nested ajax of main feed ...opts }; tinysort(list, options); setDirection([header], header, dir); } } function getCss(type) { return Object.keys(sortables).reduce((acc, block) => { const css = sortables[block].css || {}; const selectors = css[type]; if (selectors) { acc.push(...selectors); } else if (type !== "unsorted" && type !== "tweaks") { const useUnsorted = css.unsorted || []; if (useUnsorted.length) { // if "ascending" or "descending" isn't defined, then append // that class to the unsorted value acc.push( `${useUnsorted.join(`[aria-sort='${type}'],`)}[aria-sort='${type}']` ); } } return acc; }, []).join(type === "tweaks" ? "" : ","); } // The paginate block is a sibling along with the items in the list... // it needs to be moved to the end function movePaginate(wrapper) { const pager = wrapper && $(".paginate-container, .ajax-pagination-form", wrapper); if (pager) { wrapper.append(pager); } } function $(str, el) { return (el || document).querySelector(str); } function $$(str, el) { return [...(el || document).querySelectorAll(str)]; } function removeSelection() { // remove text selection - http://stackoverflow.com/a/3171348/145346 const sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; if (sel) { if (sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } else if (sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } } } function update() { Object.keys(sortables).forEach(item => { if (sortables[item].setup) { sortables[item].setup(window.location); } }); } function init() { const color = needDarkTheme() ? "#ddd" : "#222"; GM.addStyle(` /* Added table header */ tr.ghsc-header th, tr.ghsc-header td { border-bottom: #eee 1px solid; padding: 2px 2px 2px 10px; } /* sort icons */ ${getCss("unsorted")} { cursor: pointer; padding-left: 22px !important; background-image: url(${getIcon("unsorted", color)}) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-position: left center !important; } ${getCss("ascending")} { background-image: url(${getIcon("ascending", color)}) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } ${getCss("descending")} { background-image: url(${getIcon("descending", color)}) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } /* specific tweaks */ ${getCss("tweaks")}` ); document.body.addEventListener("click", event => { const target = event.target; if (target && target.nodeType === 1) { Object.keys(sortables).some(item => { const el = sortables[item].check(target, window.location); if (el) { sortables[item].sort(el instanceof HTMLElement ? el : target); event.preventDefault(); return true; } return false; }); } }); update(); } document.addEventListener("ghmo:container", () => update()); init(); })();