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IndieGala: Auto-enter Giveaways

Automatically enters IndieGala Giveaways

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A script to automatically enter Giveaways on IndieGala


Install Tampermonkey and then click here.


Edit the script to change the options-Object

  • skipOwnedGames {Boolean} - whether or not to skip giveaways of owned games. Requires steamApiKey and steamUserId if set to true. Added in 2.1.0.
  • skipDLCs {Boolean/String} - whether or not to skip giveaways of DLCs. You can also set it to "missing_basegame" to only skip DLCs of which you don't own the basegame. This option "missing_basegame" however requires you to set steamApiKey and steamUserId. Added in 2.2.0.
  • maxParticipants {Integer} - set it to a value greater than 0 if you don't want to auto-enter giveaways that already have at least maxParticipants participants
  • maxPrice {Integer} - set it to a value greater than 0 if you don't want to auto-enter giveaways that are more expensive than maxPrince points. Added in 2.2.0.
  • minLevel {Integer} - set it to a value greater than 0 if you don't want to auto-enter giveaways that are below that level. Added in 2.5.0.
  • gameBlacklist {Array<String/RegExp>} - add names of games to this array if you don't want to auto-enter specific games (e.g. DLCs IndieGala doesn't recognized as owned or DLCs of games you don't own)
  • onlyEnterGuaranteed {Boolean} - whether or not to only auto-enter guaranteed giveaways
  • userBlacklist {Array<String/RegExp>} - add names of users to this array if you don't want to auto-enter their giveaways
  • skipSubGiveaways {Boolean} - whether or not to auto-enter giveaways that are linked to subs. Those games are usually not recognized correctly as owned. Added in 1.1.1.
  • interceptAlert {Boolean} - whether or not to intercept (and ignore) alerts. Added in 1.1.4.
  • waitOnEnd {Number} - when reaching the last giveaway page the script will wait waitOnEnd minutes before it will navigate to the first page and r###me its work. Added in 1.1.4.
  • delay {Number} - define how many seconds the script will wait between entering giveaways. Added in 2.3.0.
  • debug {Boolean} - set to true if you want to see log output of this script in the console
  • steamApiKey {String} - your personal Steam API key. You can generate one here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey. Don't share the key with anyone. Added in 2.1.0.
  • steamUserId {String} - your Steam Id 64. You can see determine yours by using this tool: https://profile.tf Added in 2.1.0.
  • extraTickets {Integer} - how many tickets to buy in extra odds giveaways. Set to 0 to not enter extra odds giveaways at all. Added in 2.4.0.

If there is an update, backup the options first. It will be overwritten otherwise.


I don't take any responsibility for damage caused by this software. Use this software at your own risk.