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xkcd Tweaks

Some tweaks to xkcd.com and what-if.xkcd.com

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// ==UserScript==
// @name          xkcd Tweaks
// @description   Some tweaks to xkcd.com and what-if.xkcd.com
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"{{It's commonly known that too much perspective can be a downer.}}",
'{{They are six-legged spiders}}',
"{{I don't want to talk about it}}",
'{{No more, no less}}',
'{{Love and circuit analysis, hand in hand at last.}}',
'{{Medium: Pencil on paper}}',
'{[title text: A tribute to Buttercup Festival.}}',
"{{It's science!}}",
"{{alt: I always wanted to impress them with how well I could hear, didn't you? Also, this sets " +
"the record for number of awkward-pause panels in one strip (previously held by Achewood)]]",
"{{Your IDE's color may vary.}}",
"alt-text: And she's gonna feel like a jerk when she realizes it was actually Under Pressure.",
"{{In fact, draw all your rotational matrices sideways.  Your professors will love it!  And then they'll go home and shrink.}}",
"{{I hear once you've worked there 256 days, they teach you the secret of levitation.}}",
'{Title text: Nonrewritable tape?}',
'{{rollover text: Wait, forgot to escape a space. Wheeeeee[taptaptap]eeeeee.}}',
'{{alt text: Also, I hear the 4th root of (9^2 + 19^2\n22) is pi.',
"[[Comic alt text: Later we'll dress up like Big Oil thugs and jump Ralph Nader.]]",
'alt text: The MythBusters are even more sinister.',
"{{It's like they say, you gotta fight fire with clich\u00c3\u00a9s.}}",
'{[title text: A tribute to Buttercup Festival.}}',
"[[Alt text: If you're interested in the subject, Lawrence Lessig's 'Free Culture' is pretty good]]",
"{{Mouseover text:  James suggested this, and I'd have to agree.  It'd be much worse.}}"
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