redirects to
// ==UserScript== // @name uso-mirror // @namespace trespassersW // @description redirects to // @include * // @exclude http*://* // @version 1.1.11 // @created 2014-06-07 // @updated 2014-06-08 // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_none // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; var W = window; function _log(s){ //console.log(s); } function toObj(s) { var r = {}, c = s.split('&'), t; for(var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { t = c[i].split('='); r[decodeURIComponent(t[0])] = decodeURIComponent(t[1]); } return r; } function anchorMatch(a) { for(var k=0; a && k< 5; k++,a=a.parentNode) if(a.localName == 'a') return a; return null; } var re= /^(http)s?\:\/\/(.*?)\buserscripts\.org(\:8080)?\/(.*)/; function onDown(e) { var h,m, a = anchorMatch(; if(a && a.localName == "a"){ h=a.getAttribute("href"); if("google")>-1){ m=a.getAttribute("onmousedown"); if(m && m.indexOf("return") === 0) { // a.removeAttribute("onmousedown"); } if(h) { if(h.indexOf("http://") === 0) h = h.substr(h.indexOf("/", 7)); else if(h.indexOf("https://") === 0) h = h.substr(h.indexOf("/", 8)); if(h.indexOf("/url?") === 0) { _log('spoil '+h); h = toObj(h.substr(5)); a.setAttribute('href', decodeURIComponent(h.url || h.q)); } } } h=a.getAttribute("href"); if(!( h && (h=h.match(re)) && h.length==5 )) return; h = h[1]+"://"+h[4]; a.setAttribute('href', h); _log('USOmirror: '+a.href); } } W.addEventListener("mousedown", onDown, true); _log('uso-mirror'); })();