A simple script to automatically update the price of a resource to one minus the lowest offer when you create an offer. Only works for selling.
// ==UserScript== // @name Politics and War PPU Updater // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/60012 // @version 1.0.2 // @description A simple script to automatically update the price of a resource to one minus the lowest offer when you create an offer. Only works for selling. // @author Yosodog // @match https://politicsandwar.com/nation/trade/create/* // @grant none // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var apiKey = ""; // Insert your API key here. Script will not work without it // Check to see if API key is filled out. If not, just kill the script if (apiKey == "") { console.log("API Key missing. Edit the script and add your API Key"); throw "API Key missing."; } // Grab the which resource is selected in the dropdown function getSelectedResource() { return $("#resourceoption").val(); } // Call to the trade API to get the lowest selling price function updatePPU(resource) { $.getJSON( "https://politicsandwar.com/api/tradeprice/resource=" + resource + "&key=" + apiKey) .done(function(data) { updatePPUInput(data.lowestbuy.price); // We're not gonna handle bad requests. I don't care enough. }); } // Update the PPU number input with the lowest price minus one function updatePPUInput(ppu) { $("#priceper").val(ppu - 1); } // Update the PPU on load so it auto fills for Food updatePPU(getSelectedResource()); // Run the function everytime the dropdown is changed $("#resourceoption").change(function() { updatePPU(getSelectedResource()); }); })();