Adds direct download links to the pages on https://torrentz2.*. It uses the magnet URI scheme to provide a user friendly, faster way to access your favorite torrents.
// ==UserScript==// @name Torrentz2 (dot) eu magnet link// @namespace Torrentz2// @description Adds direct download links to the pages on https://torrentz2.*. It uses the magnet URI scheme to provide a user friendly, faster way to access your favorite torrents.// @match*// @match*// @match https://torrentzwealmisr.onion/*// @include https://torrentz.*// @include https://torrentz2.*// @grant GM_addStyle// @license CC-BY-SA-3.0; @license BSD-3-Clause; @contributionURL @supportURL @version 1.1.5// ==/UserScript==/*## Changelog- v1.1.4- Fix dn to tr so trackers actually get added- v1.1.3- Forgot to replace ':' with '%3A'- Forgot to replace '/' with '%2F'- v1.1.2- Updated @updateURL- Updated @downloadURL- v1.1.1- Updated @updateURL- Updated @downloadURL- v1.1.0- Removed all predefined trackers.- Now only using the listed trackers listed for the individual torrent- v1.0.15- Added http tracker: Added http tracker: Added http tracker: Added http tracker: v1.0.14.3- Changed updateURL and downloadURL BACK to after fixing TOS compliance- v1.0.14.2- Added dual license BSD-3-Clause to be compliant with OpenUserJS TOS v1.0.14.1- Changed updateURL and downloadURL to raw link to script- v1.0.14- Added tracker: v1.0.13- Added tracker: Added tracker: Added tracker: Added tracker: v1.0.12- Fix: zer0day changed to .to top-domain- v1.0.11- Do not use pow7 tracker anymore- Removed http protocol mathcing of urls. Now only https url matching- v1.0.10- Fix: Changed class ".download" to ".downlinks"- v1.0.9 (2017-04-20)- New UserScript Attribute: contributionURL- New UserScript Attribute: supportURL- Changed the match and inlcude UserScript attributes to use http(s) instead of wildcards- v1.0.8 (2017-04-18)- Added '' to array() 'needleTrackers'-in-a-'haystackTrackers'- Added '' to array() 'needleTrackers'-in-a-'haystackTrackers'- v1.0.7.1 (2017-01-15)- Added '' to array() 'needleTrackers'-in-a-'haystackTrackers'- v1.0.7 (2017-01-15)- Changed '@grant none' to '@grant GM_addStyle'.- Changed style '#magnetlinkurlid' to load with function 'GM_addStyle()' instead of more nativejavascript. Because of Chrome throwing errors related to style-src not set parameter.- v1.0.6.3 (2016-09-22)- Added mirror sites and torrentzwealmisr.onion.- v1.0.6.2 (2016-08-28)- Modified url regex pattern matching to enable the script to run on proxy sites.- Added the inlcude lines *://torrentz.- vand *://torrentz*.- vto script properties.- v1.0.6.1 (2016-08-20)- Added tracker and moved to comments section for non-used trackers- v1.0.6 (2016-08-17)- updated matching domains to the new player called and all affiliated domains and mirror sites removed to the site suffering a slash back.- v1.0.5 (2012-11-15)- update for new domain ( and changing the default trackers (openbittorrent, publicbt, v1.0.4 (2011-01-01)- update for new domain ( v1.0.3 (2009-12-30)- fixed some more problems with ''.- adding three default trackers to any magnet link.- v1.0.2 (2009-12-30)- now both '' and '' arecorrectly treated.- v1.0.1 (2009-12-05)- small bugfix (incompatibility with certain customcss styles).- v1.0.0 (2009-11-17)- initial release.*/var url;url = null;if ((url = location.href.match(/torrentz(2)?(\.([a-z0-9]+))?\.([a-z]{2,8})\/([a-f0-9]{40})/))){if (url !== null){var hash, trackers_a, trackers, title, magnet, head, style, body;hash = url[5];// get all the listed trackers for the particular torrent.trackers_a = document.querySelectorAll( '.trackers > dl > dt' );trackers = null;for (var i=0;i<trackers_a.length;++i) {trackers += '&tr=' + trackers_a[i].innerHTML.replace(/:/g,'%3A').replace(/\//g,'%2F');}// read titletitle = encodeURIComponent( document.querySelector( '.downurls > h2 > span' ).innerHTML.replace('"','') ).replace('%26amp%3B','and');if (title.length == 40 && title.match(/[0-9a-z]+/i) && title == hash){var tpb, bitsno;tpb = document.querySelector('.downlinks a[href^=""] .n');bitsno = document.querySelector('.downlinks a[href^=""] .n');if(tpb !== null){//if the title is equal to the hash, go for the title from TPB.title = encodeURIComponent(tpb.innerHTML);}else if (bitsno !== null){title = encodeURIComponent(bitsno.innerHTML);}}else if (title === ''||null||undefined){//if the title is still not valied, go for the one from = encodeURIComponent(document.querySelector('.downlinks a[href^=""] .n').innerHTML);}else if (title === ''||null||undefined){//if the title is (unlikely still) not valid, just resign and set the magnet title to 'unknown torrent'.title = 'unknown torrent';}// add key-definition to title-valuetitle = '&dn=' + title;// generate the magnet linkmagnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:"+hash+title+trackers;// add downloadlinkhead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];if (!head){return;}GM_addStyle("#magnetlinkurlid { border:1px #4995FF solid; z-index:10000; -moz-border-radius:3px; background:#AACDFF; padding:4px 10px; display:block; position:fixed; right:10px; top:10px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:18px;");body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];if (!body){return;}style = document.createElement('div'); = 'magnetlinkurlid';style.innerHTML = '<a href="'+magnet+'">Download</a>';body.appendChild(style);}}