Handles your auditions for you (mostly)
A Script for BvS
BillyTV Agent
Handles your auditions for you (mostly)
Originally posted by Conster on UserScripts
WARNING: The script has been adapted to try to fix this error, but just in case it still occurs I am leaving this warning .... This script contains ".toString()", support for this handle has been dropped by FireFox as of FireFox v36, as such the BTV Agent window will not appear if you have FF v36+. If you use FireFox you should stay with v35 or use FireFox Portable v35 to use this script. Chrome apparently still works fine.
NOTE: When you paste your strategy into the BTV Agent you should make sure that each line does NOT contain a space, and be sure to hit the Enter key after each line for a new paragraph, otherwise you will receive an error such as "Please try again", etc.