Compute RP point earnings for villagers, among other things
A Script for BvS
Track RP point earnings for villagers
NOTE: This version DOES divide by 9 (optimized for use with Cold Hard Cash) as requested (Updated by Channel28)
Originally posted by SirDuck36 on UserScripts
BvS KageTools, presented by the ColbertNation!
KageTools parses BvS village and storehouse logs to award RP points to contributing villagers, according to a user defined policy.
Current Contributions Tracked:
Village Actions
Lazy Ninja
PH Wheel Resources
ROBO FIGHTO winnings
Z-Reward donations
Kaiju Favors
SNAKE OIL consumption
Contracts donated/milled
Spies set
Invasion resources
Raids performed
Bonus RP awarded by user
Escape -- Close any open script popups
Special Thanks to Ranatama, Fax, Tony6785, Kuwaii, and the Colbert Nation for inspiration and commissioning of this script. Thanks also to TheSpy and rveach for their many helpful code examples :-)