A Toradorable skin changer supporting multiple animations and variable image display times, Minimizes chat lag by using a custom skin updating function, and Adds in auto/instant-respawn. Includes a UI. To use, press "C" in game to cycle between different animations.
A Toradorable skin changer supporting multiple animations and variable image display times
Minimizes chat lag by using a custom skin updating function.
Adds in auto/instant-respawn.
To use, press "C" in game to cycle between different animations.
1st press turns animation on,
2nd press turns it off and selects the next animation,
3rd press turns the animation on and so on.
Animation being used is displayed on the right sidebar. You can also use the sidebar to change the Animation.
To change your name/server press escape as normal.
For more Toradorable Skin changer compatible animations, look at the following users scripts for libraries labled "Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer":