Load the pwnyBar settings in any page. https://github.com/webdev23/ponyFilters
Add css3 filters to any page. Style and keep settings.
Dynamic css filtering combo bar for users and webmasters.
Save changes in a cookie if needed.
To use just include in the bottom of your html file. The bar will ponytself.
Demo: https://ponyhacks.com/open/dev/ponyFilters/
Direct use in console like so:
var target = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], inj = document.createElement('script'); inj.src= 'https://ponyhacks.com/open/cdn/pwnyfilter.js'; target.appendChild(inj);
Or with this bookmarklet, to quick add css filtering on a page:
For power users who needs per site personals css filters customisation.
Drop ponyFilters.user.js in Firefox with greasmonkey installed, or in the extension tab of chromium.
As soon as settings had been saved by pressing the lock symbol, they will emerge back