Mark snatched torrents.
// ==UserScript== // @name Gazelle Snatched // @description Mark snatched torrents. // @author Mordred // @match https://** // @match https://** // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_log // @version 1.4.1 // @date 2016-05-14 // @namespace // ==/UserScript== // TODO: full_update and fullUpdateStarted should be re-enabled as needed depending on version changes. Disabling due to lots of updates recently (function () { var GROUP_SNATCHED = 'font-style:italic; font-weight:bolder; text-decoration:underline;'; var T_SNATCHED = 'color: #E5B244 !important; text-decoration:line-through !important; display:inline; background:url( top right no-repeat; padding:0 18px 1px 0;'; var UPLOADED = 'color: #63b708 !important; text-decoration:line-through !important; display:inline; background:url( top right no-repeat; padding:0 18px 1px 0;'; var LEECHING = 'color: #F70000 !important; display:inline; background:url( top right no-repeat; padding:0 18px 1px 0;'; var SEEDING = 'font-style:italic; text-decoration:none !important;'; var BOOKMARKED = 'background:url( top right no-repeat; padding:0 18px 1px 0;'; // or use for red bookmark var HEADER_STYLE = '.sBoxTitle { color: white; } .sBoxTitle:visited { color: white; } .sboxTitleVersion { color: red; } .sboxTitleVersion:visited { color: red; }'; var AUTO_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 20; /* minutes */ var STATUS_BOX_YOFFSET = 20; /* pixels */ var global_updateFreq = GM_getLSValue('update_freq', AUTO_UPDATE_INTERVAL); var global_hideStatusBox = GM_getLSValue('box_hidden', 'false'); var global_SB_YOffset = GM_getLSValue('box_yoffset', STATUS_BOX_YOFFSET); /* Inject CSS style */ var style_groupsnatched = GM_getLSValue('style_groupsnatched',GROUP_SNATCHED); var style_tsnatched = GM_getLSValue('style_tsnatched',T_SNATCHED); var style_uploaded = GM_getLSValue('style_uploaded',UPLOADED); var style_leeching = GM_getLSValue('style_leeching',LEECHING); var style_seeding = GM_getLSValue('style_seeding',SEEDING); var style_bookmarked = GM_getLSValue('style_bookmarked',BOOKMARKED); var scriptVersion = GM_getLSValue('script_version','0.0.0'); GM_addStyle('.group_snatched { ' + style_groupsnatched + ' }'); GM_addStyle('.wcds_snatched { ' + style_tsnatched + ' }'); GM_addStyle('.wcds_uploaded { ' + style_uploaded + ' }'); GM_addStyle('.wcds_leeching { ' + style_leeching + ' }'); GM_addStyle('.wcds_seeding { ' + style_seeding + ' }'); GM_addStyle('.wcds_bookmark { ' + style_bookmarked + ' }'); GM_addStyle(HEADER_STYLE); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_menu { background-color: rgba(40,40,40,0.96); position: fixed; z-index: 500; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px !important; }") // GM_addStyle(".wcds_button { cursor: pointer; margin-left:12px; float:right; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #343536), color-stop(1, #a3a3a3) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #343536 5%, #a3a3a3 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#343536', endColorstr='#a3a3a3'); background-color:#343536; -webkit-border-radius:6px; border-radius:6px; border:1px solid #a1a1a1; display:inline-block; color:#a8a8a8; font-family:arial; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding:6px 24px; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #575757; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_button:hover { background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #a3a3a3), color-stop(1, #343536) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #a3a3a3 5%, #343536 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#a3a3a3', endColorstr='#343536'); background-color:#a3a3a3; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_button:active { position:relative; top:1px; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_sm_button { cursor: pointer; margin-right:5px; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #343536), color-stop(1, #a3a3a3) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #343536 5%, #a3a3a3 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#343536', endColorstr='#a3a3a3'); background-color:#343536; -webkit-border-radius:3px; border-radius:3px; border:1px solid #a1a1a1; display:inline-block; color:#a8a8a8; font-family:arial; font-size: 10px; font-weight:bold; padding:3px 6px; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #575757; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_sm_button:hover { background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #a3a3a3), color-stop(1, #343536) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #a3a3a3 5%, #343536 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#a3a3a3', endColorstr='#343536'); background-color:#a3a3a3; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_sm_button:active { position:relative; top:1px; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_subItem { margin: 0px 5px 0px 25px; }"); // GM_addStyle(".wcds_numeric { padding: 2px !important; font-size: 9pt !important; }") // GM_addStyle('.wcds_header { color:#ffffff !important; font-size: 11pt; }');//padding: 5px 0px; }'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_text { width: 68% !important; margin-right:10px; padding: 2px !important; font-size: 9pt !important; }'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_small_text { font-size: 10px; }'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_link { margin-left:3px; margin-right:3px; }'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_class { display: inline-block; width:93px; margin-left:25px; margin-bottom:9px; font-size:8pt;}'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_leftCol { width:50%; height:auto; display:table-cell; padding: 10px 0px 10px; }'); // GM_addStyle('.wcds_rightCol { width:auto; height:auto; display:table-cell; padding: 10px 0px 10px; }'); function log(text) { GM_log(text); } /* Throttled proxy */ function Proxy(url_base, delay) { var last_req = new Date(0); var queue = []; var processing = false; return { get: function(req) { var now = new Date(); queue.push(req); if (!processing) { /* Race condition: atomic test and set would be appropriate here, to ensure thread safety (is it a problem?) */ processing = true; var diff = last_req.getTime() + delay - now.getTime(); if (diff > 0) { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function() { that.process_queue(); }, diff); } else { this.process_queue(); } } }, process_queue: function() { var req = queue.shift(); this.do_request(req); processing = (queue.length > 0); if (processing) { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function() { that.process_queue(); }, delay); } }, do_request: function(req) { last_req = new Date(); var timer; var req_timed_out = false; /* We cannot abort a request, so we need keep track of whether it timed out */ /* Create timeout handler */ timer = window.setTimeout(function() { /* Race condition: what if the request returns successfully now? */ req_timed_out = true; if (req.error) req.error(null, 'Network timeout'); }, req.timeout || 20000); /* Do the actual request */ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: req.method || 'GET', url: url_base+req.url, headers: { /*'User-Agent': navigator.userAgent,*/ 'Accept': req.accept || 'text/xml' }, onload: function(response) { window.clearTimeout(timer); if (!req_timed_out) req.callback(response); }, onerror: function(response) { window.clearTimeout(timer); if (!req_timed_out && req.error) req.error(response, 'GM_xmlhttpRequest error'); } }); } }; } function cmpVersion(v1, v2) { if(v1===v2) return 0; var a1 = v1.toString().split("."); var a2 = v2.toString().split("."); for( var i = 0; i < a1.length && i < a2.length; i++ ) { var diff = parseInt(a1[i],10) - parseInt(a2[i],10); if( diff>0 ) { return 1; } else if( diff<0 ) { return -1; } } diff = a1.length - a2.length; return (diff>0) ? 1 : (diff<0) ? -1 : 0; } /* Simple rounding (extracted from jQuery Corner) */ jQuery.fn.rounding = function(radius) { radius = radius || "10px"; return this.each(function(i) { //log ("IsMoz = " + $.browser.mozilla + " Agent: '" + navigator.userAgent + "' Version:"+ $.browser.version); $(this).css('-webkit-border-radius', radius); $(this).css('border-radius', radius); }); }; /* Global status area - feel free to reuse in your own scripts :) Requires jQuery and the round extension above. */ function StatusBox(title) { /* Setup status area */ var status_area = $('#wcds_greasemonkey_status_area').eq(0); if (status_area.length == 0) { var statWidth = '20%'; if (window.innerWidth < 1340) statWidth = 268; status_area = $('<div id="wcds_greasemonkey_status_area"></div>').css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'margin': global_SB_YOffset.toString() + 'px 20px', 'width': statWidth, 'z-index': 499 }); var boxPos = GM_getLSValue("box_position", "top_right"); if (boxPos == "bottom_right") status_area.css({ 'bottom': '0', 'right': '0'}); else if (boxPos == "top_left") status_area.css({ 'top': '0', 'left': '0'}); else if (boxPos == "bottom_left") status_area.css({ 'bottom': '0', 'left': '0'}); else /* top_right */ status_area.css({ 'top': '0', 'right': '0'}); $('body').append(status_area); } /* Create box */ var box = $('<div id="status_content_area"></div>').hide(); box.css({ 'color': 'white', 'background-color': 'black', 'opacity': 0.5, 'margin': '0 0 10px 0', 'padding': '10px 10px 20px 10px'}).rounding(); // if (newVersion == CURRENT_VERSION) // box.append($('<div><a class="sBoxTitle" href='+SCRIPT_URL+' target="new">'+title+'</a></div>').css({'font-weight':'bold'})); // else // box.append($('<div><a class="sBoxTitle" href='+SCRIPT_URL+' target="new">'+title+' - <span class="sboxTitleVersion">Version '+newVersion+' available</span></a></div>').css({'font-weight':'bold'})); /* Create contents area */ var contents = $('<div></div>'); box.append(contents); var timer = null; var timeout = 0; var inhibit_fade = false; function set_visible(visible) { if (visible &&':hidden')) box.fadeIn(500); else if (!visible &&':visible')) box.fadeOut(500); } function clear_timer() { if (timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } } function set_timer() { if (!timer && timeout > 0) { timer = window.setTimeout(function() { clear_timer(); set_visible(false); }, timeout); } } function update_timer(t) { clear_timer(); timeout = t; if (!inhibit_fade) set_timer(); } function set_inhibit_fade(inhibit) { inhibit_fade = inhibit; if (!inhibit_fade) { set_timer(); } else clear_timer(); } /* Register event handlers */ box.mouseenter(function(event) { set_inhibit_fade(true); $(this).fadeTo(500, 0.8); }); box.mouseleave(function(event) { set_inhibit_fade(false); $(this).fadeTo(500, 0.5); }); { clear_timer(); $(this).unbind('mouseenter'); $(this).unbind('mouseleave'); set_visible(false); }); /* Append to global status area */ status_area.append(box); return { contents: function() { return contents; }, show: function(t) { if (global_hideStatusBox != 'true' || /apollo\.rip\/torrents\.php.type/.test(document.URL)) { t = t || 0; update_timer(t); set_visible(true); } }, hide: function() { clear_timer(); set_visible(false); } }; } function doOptionsMenu() { var options_menu = $('#wcds_options_menu').eq(0); if (options_menu.length == 0) { optHeight = 570; optWidth = 820; options_menu = $('<div id="wcds_options_menu" class="wcds_menu"></div>').css({ 'top': window.innerHeight, //'left': '50%', //'margin-left': -optWidth*.5, 'width': optWidth, 'height': optHeight }).hide().rounding(); css_div = $('<div></div>').css({ 'width': '95%', 'height':'auto','margin': '20px 20px 15px','color':'#ffffff'//,'overflow': 'hidden' }); refreshHeader = $('<h3 class="wcds_header">Update Frequency</h3>'); refreshInput = $('<input class="wcds_subItem wcds_numeric" type="text" name="interval" maxlength="3">Interval between updates in minutes (minimum of 10)<br>').css({'text-align':'right', 'width':'20px'}); columns_div = $('<div></div>').css({ 'width':'100%', 'margin-top':'-18px', 'display':'table'}); leftColumn = $('<div class="wcds_leftCol"></div>'); leftColumn.append(refreshHeader); leftColumn.append(refreshInput); hideHeader = $('<h3 class="wcds_header">Visibility</h3>'); check_box_hide = $('<input class="wcds_subItem" type="checkbox" name="visibility">Show the status box on all pages<br>'); explanation_div = $('<div class="wcds_small_text wcds_subItem">The status box will always appear on \'/torrents.php?type=...\' and whenever a script update is available.</div>'); leftColumn.append(hideHeader); leftColumn.append(check_box_hide); leftColumn.append(explanation_div); positionHeader = $('<h3 class="wcds_header">Status Box Position</h3>'); radio_button_tl = $('<input class="wcds_subItem" type="radio" name="location" id="top_left"/>Top Left<br>'); radio_button_tr = $('<input class="wcds_subItem" type="radio" name="location" id="top_right"/>Top Right<br>'); radio_button_bl = $('<input class="wcds_subItem" type="radio" name="location" id="bottom_left"/>Bottom Left<br>'); radio_button_br = $('<input class="wcds_subItem" type="radio" name="location" id="bottom_right"/>Bottom Right<br>'); rightColumn = $('<div class="wcds_rightCol"></div>'); rightColumn.append(positionHeader); rightColumn.append(radio_button_tl); rightColumn.append(radio_button_tr); rightColumn.append(radio_button_bl); rightColumn.append(radio_button_br); offsetHeader = $('<h3 class="wcds_header">Status Box Y-Offset</h3>'); offsetInput = $('<input class="wcds_subItem wcds_numeric" type="text" name="yOffset" maxlength="3">The offset in pixels from the top or bottom of the window<br>').css({'text-align':'right', 'width':'20px'}); rightColumn.append(offsetHeader); rightColumn.append(offsetInput); columns_div.append(leftColumn); columns_div.append(rightColumn); css_div.append(columns_div); full_div = $('<div></div>'); styleHeader = $('<h3 class="wcds_header">Link Style Settings</h3>'); full_div.append(styleHeader); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_gsnatched">Sample Group Snatched Torrent Link</a><br>'); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.group_snatched</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_gsnatched" value="'+ style_groupsnatched +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_gsnatched', 'input_gsnatched'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_gsnatched', GROUP_SNATCHED); $("input[id='input_gsnatched']").val(GROUP_SNATCHED); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_tsnatched">Sample Snatched Torrent Link</a><br>'); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.wcds_snatched</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_tsnatched" value="'+ style_tsnatched +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_tsnatched', 'input_tsnatched'); ApplyStyle('sample_seeding', 'input_tsnatched', 'input_seeding'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_tsnatched', T_SNATCHED); SetStyle('sample_seeding', T_SNATCHED + $("input[id='input_seeding']").val()); $("input[id='input_tsnatched']").val(T_SNATCHED); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_uploaded">Sample Uploaded Torrent Link</a><br>'); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.wcds_uploaded</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_uploaded" value="'+ style_uploaded +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_uploaded', 'input_uploaded'); ApplyStyle('sample_ul_seed', 'input_uploaded', 'input_seeding'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_uploaded', UPLOADED); SetStyle('sample_ul_seed', UPLOADED + $("input[id='input_seeding']").val()); $("input[id='input_uploaded']").val(UPLOADED); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); //sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_seeding">Sample Seeding Snatched Torrent Link</a><span> (.wcds_snatched style is also applied to this link)</span><br>'); //sampleTxt2 = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_ul_seed">Sample Seeding Uploaded Torrent Link</a><span> (.wcds_uploaded style is also applied to this link)</span><br>'); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span>Seeding links will <i>always</i> have either the .wcds_snatched style or the .wcds_uploaded style applied<br><span class="wcds_class"></span>to them, so .wcds_seeding is commonly used to override those base styles.</br>'); sampleTxt2 = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_seeding">Sample Seeding Snatched Torrent Link</a> <a href="#" id="sample_ul_seed">Sample Seeding Uploaded Torrent Link</a><br>'); // () { return false; }); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.wcds_seeding</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_seeding" value="'+ style_seeding +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_seeding', 'input_tsnatched', 'input_seeding'); ApplyStyle('sample_ul_seed', 'input_uploaded', 'input_seeding'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_seeding', $("input[id='input_tsnatched']").val() + SEEDING); $("input[id='input_seeding']").val(SEEDING); SetStyle('sample_ul_seed', $("input[id='input_uploaded']").val() + SEEDING); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(sampleTxt2); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_leeching">Sample Leeching Torrent Link</a><br>'); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.wcds_leeching</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_leeching" value="'+ style_leeching +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_leeching', 'input_leeching'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_leeching', LEECHING); $("input[id='input_leeching']").val(LEECHING); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); sampleText = $('<span class="wcds_class"></span><a href="#" id="sample_bookmarked">Sample Bookmarked Torrent Link</a><br>'); () { return false; }); snatchedInput = $('<span class="wcds_class">.wcds_bookmark</span><input class="wcds_text" type="text" id="input_bookmarked" value="'+ style_bookmarked +'">'); applyLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Test</span>'); () { ApplyStyle('sample_bookmarked', 'input_bookmarked'); return false; }); defaultLink = $('<span class="wcds_sm_button">Default</span>'); () { SetStyle('sample_bookmarked', BOOKMARKED); $("input[id='input_bookmarked']").val(BOOKMARKED); return false; }); full_div.append(sampleText); full_div.append(snatchedInput); full_div.append(applyLink); full_div.append(defaultLink); css_div.append(full_div); okay_button = $('<span id="js_ok_button" class="wcds_button">Submit</span>'); () { CommitOptions(); DisplaySlideMenu(false); }); cancel_button = $('<span id="js_close_button" class="wcds_button">Cancel</span>'); () { DisplaySlideMenu(false); }); button_div = $('<div></div>').css({ 'width': '95%', 'margin': '15px','overflow': 'hidden' }); options_menu.append(css_div); button_div.append(cancel_button); button_div.append(okay_button); options_menu.append(button_div); $('body').append(options_menu); } else { // we already created the div var boxPos = GM_getLSValue('box_position', 'top_right'); $("input[name='location'][id='" + boxPos + "']").attr('checked','checked'); if (global_hideStatusBox != 'true') $("input[name='visibility']").attr('checked','checked'); $("input[name='interval']").val(global_updateFreq); $("input[name='yOffset']").val(global_SB_YOffset); ApplyStyle('sample_gsnatched', 'input_gsnatched'); ApplyStyle('sample_tsnatched', 'input_tsnatched'); ApplyStyle('sample_uploaded', 'input_uploaded'); ApplyStyle('sample_leeching', 'input_leeching'); ApplyStyle('sample_seeding', 'input_tsnatched', 'input_seeding'); ApplyStyle('sample_ul_seed', 'input_uploaded', 'input_seeding'); ApplyStyle('sample_bookmarked', 'input_bookmarked'); } } function ApplyStyle(textControl, styleControl, styleControl2) { css_style = $("input[id='" + styleControl + "']").val(); if (styleControl2) css_style += $("input[id='" + styleControl2 + "']").val(); SetStyle(textControl, css_style); } function SetStyle(textControl, css_style) { $("a[id='" + textControl + "']").removeAttr('style'); $("a[id='" + textControl + "']").attr('style',css_style); } function CommitOptions() { var locRadio = $("input[name='location']:checked").attr('id'); if (locRadio.length != 0) GM_setLSValue('box_position',locRadio); var boxHide = $("input[name='visibility']:checked"); if (boxHide.length != 0) GM_deleteLSValue('box_hidden'); else { GM_setLSValue('box_hidden','true'); global_hideStatusBox = true; status.hide(); } var updateFreq = $("input[name='interval']").val(); if (jQuery.isNumeric(updateFreq)) { if (updateFreq != AUTO_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { if (updateFreq < 10) updateFreq = 10; GM_setLSValue('update_freq', updateFreq); } else GM_deleteLSValue('update_freq'); } var offset = $("input[name='yOffset']").val(); if (jQuery.isNumeric(offset) && offset >= 0) { if (offset != STATUS_BOX_YOFFSET) GM_setLSValue('box_yoffset', offset); else GM_deleteLSValue('box_yoffset'); } AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_gsnatched', GROUP_SNATCHED, 'style_groupsnatched', '.group_snatched'); AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_tsnatched', T_SNATCHED, 'style_tsnatched', '.wcds_snatched'); AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_uploaded', UPLOADED, 'style_uploaded', '.wcds_uploaded'); AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_leeching', LEECHING, 'style_leeching', '.wcds_leeching'); AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_seeding', SEEDING, 'style_seeding', '.wcds_seeding'); AddOrDeleteCustomStyle('input_bookmarked', BOOKMARKED, 'style_bookmarked', '.wcds_bookmark'); } function AddOrDeleteCustomStyle(inputName, def_css, storageVal, className) { css = jQuery.trim($("input[id='" + inputName + "']").val()); if (css == def_css) { // if the current css stripped of whitespace equals the default style, delete the custom style GM_deleteLSValue(storageVal); css = def_css; } else GM_setLSValue(storageVal, css); GM_addStyle(className + '{' + css + '}'); // updates the page without reloading (at least on chrome) } function DisplaySlideMenu(showMenu) { if (showMenu) { if (!slideMenuShowing) { slideMenuShowing = 1; $('#wcds_options_menu').show().animate({ top:'-=' + ($('#wcds_options_menu').innerHeight()-10) + 'px' }); } } else { slideMenuShowing = 0; $('#wcds_options_menu').animate({ top:'+=' + ($('#wcds_options_menu').innerHeight()-10) + 'px' }, function () { $('#wcds_options_menu').hide(); }); } } /*****************************/ /*** END OPTIONS PAGE CODE ***/ /*****************************/ /* Cache */ function Cache(name, def_value) { var cache; return { serialize: function() { GM_setLSValue(name, JSON.stringify(cache)); }, unserialize: function() { cache = jQuery.parseJSON(GM_getLSValue(name, 'false')); if (!cache) cache = jQuery.extend({}, def_value); /* clone */ return cache; }, clear: function() { cache = jQuery.extend({}, def_value); /* clone */ this.serialize(); } }; } function registerMenuCommand(oText, oFunc) { if(/firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) GM_registerMenuCommand(oText, oFunc); MenuCommandArray[MenuCommandArray.length] = [oText.replace(" Snatched: ",""),oFunc,oText.replace(" Snatched: ","").replace(" ","_")]; } /************************************/ /*** SCRIPT EXECUTION STARTS HERE ***/ /************************************/ /* Get base URL */ var whatcd_url_base = document.URL.match(/^(https:\/\/apollo\.rip|https:\/\/apollo\.rip)/)[1]; /* Create proxy */ var whatcd_proxy = Proxy(whatcd_url_base, 1000); /* Get user id of this user */ var whatcd_id = (function() { var m = $('#userinfo_username .username').eq(0).attr('href').match(/user\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) return m[1]; return null; })(); if (!whatcd_id) return; /* Exceptional condition: User ID not found */ /* Create status box */ // var server_version = GM_getLSValue("serverVersion", CURRENT_VERSION); var status = StatusBox(' Snatched'); var options = doOptionsMenu(); var slideMenuShowing = 0; /* Cache of snatched torrents */ var snatch_cache = Cache('snatch_cache', { groups: {}, torrents: {} }); var bookmark_cache = Cache('bookmark_cache', { groups: {} }); var MenuCommandArray = []; var hasPageGMloaded = false; /* Reset command */ registerMenuCommand(' Snatched: Reset Snatched', function() { snatch_cache.clear(); bookmark_cache.clear(); GM_setLSValue('last_update', '0'); GM_setLSValue('full_update','1'); GM_setLSValue('fullUpdateStarted','1'); location.reload(); }); /* Update w/o clear */ registerMenuCommand(' Snatched: Update', function() { GM_setLSValue('last_update', '0'); GM_setLSValue('full_update','1'); GM_setLSValue('force_all','1'); GM_setLSValue('fullUpdateStarted','1'); location.reload(); }); registerMenuCommand(' Snatched: Options', function() { DisplaySlideMenu(true); }); doGMMenu(); doOptionsMenu(); /* Scan torrent table in doc and mark links as type in cache */ function scan_torrent_page(doc, type) { //log(type); var torrent_table = $(doc).find('#content > .thin > table').eq(0); if (torrent_table.length == 0) return 0; var found = 0; /* Old version: {"groups":{"2417":{"name":"pg.lost - Yes I Am"}}, "torrents":{941290:{type:"snatched", seeding:true}}} */ /* New version: {"groups":{"2417":{"nm":"pg.lost - Yes I Am"}}, "torrents":{941290:{ty:"snatched", sd:1}}} // this was changed to save space */ var d = snatch_cache.unserialize(); torrent_table.find('div.group_info').each(function(i) { /* Find group and torrent ID */ var group_id; var torrent_id; var link = $(this).children('a:last').eq(0); var m = link.attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)&torrentid=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; torrent_id = m[2]; } else { /* I don't know if we can ever get here! */ log("Not sure how Snatched got here. Please notify MordredKLB with what you were doing"); m = link.attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; //link = $(this).children('td').eq(1).children('span').eq(0).children('a').eq(0); link = $(this).children('td').eq(1).find('span:first a:first').eq(0); m = link.attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?action=download&id=(\d+)/); if (m) torrent_id = m[1]; } if (!m) { status.contents().append('<div><span style="color: red;">Failed:</span> '+$(this).children('td').eq(1).text()+'</div>'); z(); //purposely error out } } /* Save in cache */ if (group_id && torrent_id) { // we are saving a type of "snatched" but when applying that class we have to apply it as "wcds_snatched" due to a having it's own .snatched style now if (!d.torrents[torrent_id] || (type != 'seeding' && d.torrents[torrent_id].ty != type && !(type!='uploaded' && d.torrents[torrent_id].ty=='uploaded')) || // we have issues if you've snatched a torrent you uploaded, so uploaded takes precendence (type == 'seeding' && !d.torrents[torrent_id].sd)) { var reg = $(this).text().match(/.*\s]\s+(.+)\s(\[\d{4}\])\s-/); if (!reg) reg = $(this).text().match(/.*\s]\s+(.+)\s-?/); var nm = jQuery.trim(reg[1]); //trying alternate method //log($(this).clone().children('span, div, strong').remove().end().text()); //var nm = jQuery.trim($(this).clone().children('span, div, strong').remove().end().text().match(/(.+)\s(\[|-)/)[1]); d.groups[group_id] = { nm: nm.replace(/"/g,"'") }; if (type == 'seeding') { /* Special case seeding */ if (d.torrents[torrent_id]) d.torrents[torrent_id].sd = 1; else d.torrents[torrent_id] = { ty: 'seeding', sd: 1 }; } else { if (d.torrents[torrent_id]) d.torrents[torrent_id].ty = type; else d.torrents[torrent_id] = { ty: type, sd: 0 }; } //log ("adding:" + nm + " with group_id="+group_id+", torrent_id="+torrent_id); found += 1; } } }); if (found == 0) return 0; snatch_cache.serialize(); return found; } function scan_bookmark_page(doc) { //log ('scanning bookmark page'); var torrent_table = $(doc).find('#torrent_table').eq(0); if (torrent_table.length == 0) return 0; var found = 0; bookmark_cache.clear(); // makes sense not to save bookmarks because they get added/removed a lot and it's just one page var b = bookmark_cache.unserialize(); torrent_table.find('').each(function(i) { /* Find group and torrent ID */ var group_id; var link = $(this).find('strong a:last').eq(0); var m = link.attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; b.groups[group_id] = 1; found++; } //log (found + ". group_id:" + group_id + " - " + link.text()); }); torrent_table.find('tr.torrent').each(function(i) { // single, non-music torrents show up not in a group /* Find group and torrent ID */ var group_id; var link = $(this).find('strong a:last').eq(0); var m = link.attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; b.groups[group_id] = 1; found++; } //log (found + ". group_id:" + group_id + " - " + link.text()); }); bookmark_cache.serialize(); return found; } /* Fetch and scan all pages of type, call callback when done */ function scan_all_torrent_pages(type, page_cb, finish_cb, forced_full) { var page = 1; var total = 0; var lastPage = 0; function request_url() { if (type == 'bookmark') return '/bookmarks.php?type=torrents'; else return '/torrents.php?type='+type+'&userid='+whatcd_id+'&page='+page; } function error_handler(response, reason) { status.contents().append('<div><span style="color: red;">Error:</span> Unable to fetch '+type+' page '+page+' ('+reason+')</div>');; finish_cb(total); } function page_handler(response) { if (response.status == 200) { //pageText = response.responseText.replace(/collageShow.*\);/g,";"); //log (pageText); var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = response.responseText; //.replace(/<head>[\s\S]*<\/head>/,"<head><\/head>"); page_cb(type, page); if (forced_full == 1) { lastPage = 1; $(doc).find('#content .linkbox').eq(0).find('a:last').each(function(i) { var pgVal = $(this).attr('href').match(/torrents\.php\?page=(\d+)&type/); lastPage = pgVal[1]; }); } if (type == 'bookmark') var found = scan_bookmark_page(doc); else var found = scan_torrent_page(doc, type); total += found; if ((found == 0 && forced_full == 0) || (forced_full == 1 && page >= lastPage) || (type == 'bookmark')) { finish_cb(type, total); return; } /* End of asynchronous chain */ page += 1; whatcd_proxy.get({ url: request_url(), callback: page_handler, error: error_handler }); } else { error_handler(response, 'HTTP '+response.status); } } whatcd_proxy.get({ url: request_url(), callback: page_handler, error: error_handler }); } function parse_json_api(type, page_cb, finish_cb) { function error_handler(response, reason) { status.contents().append('<div><span style="color: red;">Error:</span> Unable to fetch '+type+'s ('+reason+')</div>');; finish_cb(total); } // if the API gets expanded to other types, we won't hard code the URL here jQuery.getJSON('/ajax.php?action=bookmarks&type=torrents', function (data) { bookmark_cache.clear(); // we don't need to save the old bookmarks var b = bookmark_cache.unserialize(); jQuery.each(data.response.bookmarks, function (key,val) { b.groups[] = 1; //log("id:"+ + " - name:" +; }); finish_cb(type, data.response.bookmarks.length); bookmark_cache.serialize(); }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { error_handler("null",textStatus); }); } /* Mark all links to torrents that are snatched/uploaded/leeching/seeding/bookmarked */ function mark_snatched_links() { var d = snatch_cache.unserialize(); var b = bookmark_cache.unserialize(); /* Go through all links */ $('#content a').each(function(i) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href) { var group_id; var torrent_id; /* Find and mark links to snatched torrents */ var m = href.match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)&torrentid=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; torrent_id = m[2]; } else { m = href.match(/torrents\.php\?torrentid=(\d+)/); if (m) { torrent_id = m[1]; } else { m = href.match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) group_id = m[1]; } } /* Add classes */ if (group_id && d.groups[group_id] && (!torrent_id || !$(this).parent().parent().is('.group_torrent')) && !$(this).is('.post_id')) { $(this).addClass('group_snatched'); } if (group_id && b.groups[group_id] && !(/apollo\.rip\/bookmarks\.php/.test(document.URL)) && !(/apollo\.rip\/user\.php/.test(document.URL)) && (!torrent_id || !$(this).parent().parent().is('.group_torrent')) && !$(this).is('.post_id')) { $(this).addClass('wcds_bookmark'); } if (torrent_id && d.torrents[torrent_id]) { if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'snatched') $(this).addClass('wcds_snatched'); // we can't use .snatched anymore because what has now added it's own .snatched class else if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'uploaded') $(this).addClass('wcds_uploaded'); else if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'leeching') $(this).addClass('wcds_leeching'); if (d.torrents[torrent_id].sd) { if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty != 'uploaded') $(this).addClass('wcds_seeding wcds_snatched'); // we're really just marking seeding here, but you can't seed if you haven't snatched so adding that class as well else $(this).addClass('wcds_seeding'); } } /* Change text if text is url */ if (('/'+$(this).text()) == $(this).attr('href') && group_id && d.groups[group_id] && d.groups[group_id].nm) { $(this).text(d.groups[group_id].nm); } } }); /* Mark links on album page in torrent table */ if (/apollo\.rip\/torrents\.php/.test(document.URL)) { /* Parse search */ var search = {}; var search_list ='&'); for (var i = 0; i < search_list.length; i++) { var pair = search_list[i].split('='); search[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } if ( { /* Album page */ $('#content .torrent_table:first tr.group_torrent').each(function(i) { /* Find torrent id */ var torrent_id; $(this).find('td:first span:first a').each(function(i) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href) { var m = href.match(/torrents\.php\?torrentid=(\d+)/); if (m) { // the permalink automatically gets the style applied to it, so we need to remove it here and then manually add it to the text below torrent_id = m[1]; $(this).removeClass('group_snatched wcds_snatched wcds_uploaded wcds_leeching wcds_seeding'); return false; } } }); if (torrent_id && d.torrents[torrent_id]) { var link = $(this).find('td:first a:last'); if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'snatched') link.addClass('wcds_snatched'); // we can't use .snatched anymore because what has now added it's own .snatched class else if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'uploaded') link.addClass('wcds_uploaded'); else if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty == 'leeching') link.addClass('wcds_leeching'); if (d.torrents[torrent_id].sd) { if (d.torrents[torrent_id].ty != 'uploaded') link.addClass('wcds_seeding wcds_snatched'); // we're really just marking seeding here, but you can't seed if you haven't snatched so setting that class too else link.addClass('wcds_seeding'); } } }); } } /* Show bookmark link on bookmarked album page */ if (/apollo\.rip\/torrents\.php\?id/.test(document.URL)) { var albumName = $('#content > .thin > .header > h2 > span').eq(0); if (albumName) { var m = document.URL.match(/torrents\.php\?id=(\d+)/); if (m) { group_id = m[1]; if (b.groups[group_id]) albumName.addClass('wcds_bookmark'); } } /* show mark/unmark snatched on album page */ if ($("a.add_bookmark").length && !$("#mark_snatched").length) { if (d.groups[group_id]) mark_snatched = $('<a href="#" id="mark_snatched" class="brackets">Unmark Snatched</a>'); else mark_snatched = $('<a href="#" id="mark_snatched" class="brackets">Mark Snatched</a>'); mark_snatched.on("click", function () { if (d.groups[group_id]) { delete d.groups[group_id] mark_snatched.text("Mark Snatched"); } else { d.groups[group_id] = { nm: albumName.text().replace(/"/g,"'") }; mark_snatched.text("Unmark Snatched"); } snatch_cache.serialize(); }); mark_snatched.insertAfter(".add_bookmark"); spacing = $('<b> </b>'); // just used to add spacing spacing.insertAfter(".add_bookmark"); } } } /* Mark torrent as leeching when download link is clicked */ function mark_download_links() { $('#content').find('a').each(function(i) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href) { /* Find download links */ var m = href.match(/torrents\.php\?action=download&id=(\d+)/); if (m) { var torrent_id = m[1]; $(this).click(function(event) { var d = snatch_cache.unserialize(); d.torrents[torrent_id] = { ty: 'leeching', sd: 0 }; snatch_cache.serialize(); mark_snatched_links(); }); } } }); } function mark_bookmark_links() { $('#content').find('a').each(function(i) { var id = $(this).attr('id'); if (id) { /* Find download links */ var m = id.match(/bookmarklink_torrent_(\d+)/); if (m) { //log (m); var group_id = m[1]; $(this).click(function(event) { if (!/remove/i.test($(this).text()) && !/unbookmark/i.test($(this).text())) { var b = bookmark_cache.unserialize(); b.groups[group_id] = 1; bookmark_cache.serialize(); mark_snatched_links(); } else { var b = bookmark_cache.unserialize(); delete b.groups[group_id]; bookmark_cache.serialize(); $('#content').find('a.wcds_bookmark').each(function(i) { var href = $(this).attr('href'); torrentString = 'torrents.php?id='+group_id; if (href && href=='torrents.php?id='+group_id) { $(this).removeClass('wcds_bookmark'); } }); $('#content > .thin > .header > h2 > span').eq(0).removeClass('wcds_bookmark'); } }); } } }); } /* This function was hacked from a generic one and converted to jQuery to work better with Snatched. If you'd like to see that version it's here: */ function doGMMenu() { // jQuery Version if( !MenuCommandArray.length ) { return; } var mdiv = $('<div></div>'); $.each(MenuCommandArray, function(i, value) { if (i+1<MenuCommandArray.length) var mEntry = $('<span><a href="#" id="'+ MenuCommandArray[i][2] +'">' + MenuCommandArray[i][0] + '</a>\u00A0\u00A0|\u00A0\u00A0</span>'); else var mEntry = $('<a href="#" id="'+ MenuCommandArray[i][2] +'">' + MenuCommandArray[i][0] + '</a>'); () { MenuCommandArray[i][1](arguments[0]); var e = arguments[0]; e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); mdiv.append(mEntry); }); status.contents().append(mdiv); } /* Scan current page */ if (/apollo\.rip\/torrents\.php/.test(document.URL)) { /* Parse search */ var search = {}; var search_list ='&'); for (var i = 0; i < search_list.length; i++) { var pair = search_list[i].split('='); search[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } var full_update = GM_getLSValue('full_update','0'); if ((search.type == 'snatched' || search.type == 'uploaded' || search.type == 'seeding' || search.type == 'leeching') && search.userid == whatcd_id && full_update == 0) { var scan_status = $('<div>Scanning current page... <span></span></div>'); status.contents().append(scan_status);; /* Scan current page */ var found = scan_torrent_page(document, search.type); scan_status.children('span').text('Done ('+((found > 0) ? (found+' updates found') : 'no updates found')+')');; } } if (/apollo\.rip\/bookmarks\.php(?!.action=edit)/i.test(document.URL)) { var scan_status = $('<div>Scanning current page... <span></span></div>'); status.contents().append(scan_status);; bookmark_cache.clear(); var found = scan_bookmark_page(document); scan_status.children('span').text(((found > 0) ? (found+' bookmarks found') : 'no bookmarks found'));; } /* Mark links */ mark_download_links(); mark_bookmark_links(); mark_snatched_links(); /*******************************/ /*** AUTO-UPDATE STARTS HERE ***/ /*******************************/ var now = new Date(); var just_updated = 0; var last_update = parseInt(GM_getLSValue('last_update', '0')); var next_update = last_update + global_updateFreq*60*1000; var full_update = GM_getLSValue('full_update','0'); var forced_full = GM_getLSValue('force_all','0'); // if (scriptVersion != CURRENT_VERSION) { // log("Script was recently updated to " + CURRENT_VERSION); // // the script was recently updated // GM_setLSValue('script_version', CURRENT_VERSION); // //GM_deleteLSValue('snatch_cache'); // Had to reset this due to changes in the cache structure. Will remove in a version or two. // GM_deleteLSValue('serverVersion'); // we remove this just to make sure it will be properly retrieved in the future // GM_deleteLSValue('lastUpdateCheck'); // GM_deleteLSValue('last_update'); // just_updated = 1; // location.reload is called after we reach the end of this function so we don't want the script to continue executing before reloading first // location.reload(); // } if (full_update == 1 /*&& !(/apollo\.rip\/torrents\.php/.test(document.URL))*/) { GM_deleteLSValue('full_update'); GM_deleteLSValue('last_update'); GM_deleteLSValue('force_all'); next_update = 0; last_update = 0; } if (next_update < now.getTime() && just_updated!=1) { GM_setLSValue('last_update', now.getTime().toString()); var fullUpdateFinished = GM_getLSValue('fullUpdateStarted', '0'); var jobs = 5; var total_found = {}; /* Show auto update status */ last_update = 0; if (last_update == 0) { var update_status = { snatched: $('<div>Updating snatched: <span>Initializing...</span></div>'), uploaded: $('<div>Updating uploaded: <span>Initializing...</span></div>'), leeching: $('<div>Updating leeching: <span>Initializing...</span></div>'), seeding: $('<div>Updating seeding: <span>Initializing...</span></div>'), bookmark: $('<div>Updating bookmarks: <span>Initializing...</span></div>'), }; for (var type in update_status) status.contents().append(update_status[type]);; } function scan_page_handler(type, page) { if (last_update == 0) { update_status[type].children('span').text('Page '+page+'...');; } } function scan_finished_handler(type, found) { if (last_update == 0) { if (type != 'bookmark') update_status[type].children('span').text('Done ('+((found > 0) ? (found+' updates found') : 'no updates found')+')'); else update_status[type].children('span').text('Done ('+((found > 0) ? (found+' bookmarks found') : 'no bookmarks found')+')'); } jobs -= 1; total_found[type] = found; if (jobs == 0) { mark_snatched_links(); if (last_update == 0) { var total = []; for (var type in total_found) if (total_found[type] > 0) total.push(type+': '+total_found[type]); status.contents().append('<div>Auto update done</div>'); GM_deleteLSValue('fullUpdateStarted');; } } } /* Rescan all types of torrent lists */ if (fullUpdateFinished == 1) forced_full = 1; scan_all_torrent_pages('snatched', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler, forced_full); scan_all_torrent_pages('uploaded', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler, forced_full); scan_all_torrent_pages('leeching', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler, forced_full); scan_all_torrent_pages('seeding', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler, forced_full); //scan_all_torrent_pages('bookmark', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler, forced_full); parse_json_api('bookmark', scan_page_handler, scan_finished_handler); } /**********************************/ /*** SCRIPT EXECUTION ENDS HERE ***/ /**********************************/ /*** Functions for Chrome ***/ function quoteString(string){ if(string.match(_escapeable)) { return'"'+string.replace(_escapeable,function(a){ var c=_meta[a]; //log(c + " - " + string); // this was spitting out a bunch of logged stuff whenever there was a '\' in the torrent name if(typeof c==='string')return c; c=a.charCodeAt(); return'\\u00'+Math.floor(c/16).toString(16)+(c%16).toString(16);})+'"'; }return'"'+string+'"'; }; var _escapeable=/["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g; var _meta={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'}; function GM_getLSValue (key, defaultValue) { var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key); if (value == null) value = defaultValue; return value; } function GM_setLSValue(key, value) { window.localStorage.setItem( key, value ); } function GM_deleteLSValue(key) { window.localStorage.removeItem( key ); } function GM_addStyle(css) { $("<style type='text/css'>"+css+"</style>").appendTo('head'); } function GM_xmlhttpRequest(details) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { var responseState = { responseXML:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.responseXML : ''), responseText:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.responseText : ''), readyState:xmlhttp.readyState, responseHeaders:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.getAllResponseHeaders() : ''), status:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.status : 0), statusText:(xmlhttp.readyState==4 ? xmlhttp.statusText : '') } if (details["onreadystatechange"]) { details["onreadystatechange"](responseState); } if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { if (details["onload"] && xmlhttp.status>=200 && xmlhttp.status<300) { details["onload"](responseState); } if (details["onerror"] && (xmlhttp.status<200 || xmlhttp.status>=300)) { details["onerror"](responseState); } } } try { //cannot do cross domain, details.url); } catch(e) { if( details["onerror"] ) { //simulate a real error details["onerror"]({responseXML:'',responseText:'',readyState:4,responseHeaders:'',status:403,statusText:'Forbidden'}); } return; } if (details.headers) { for (var prop in details.headers) { xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(prop, details.headers[prop]); } } xmlhttp.send((typeof(!='undefined')?; } function GM_log(message) { console.log(message); } })();