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NYT Single-Page Format v1.3

Rewrites New York Times links to ask for single page format. v1.3 imported from userscripts.org. Derived from bodosom.net version.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name	NYT Single-Page Format v1.3
// @version	1.3
// @namespace	http://www.greasyfork.org
// @description	Rewrites New York Times links to ask for single page format.  v1.3 imported from userscripts.org.  Derived from bodosom.net version.
// @include	http://*.nytimes.com/*
// @include	http://*nytimes.com/*
// @include	*nytimes.com*
// ==/UserScript==
var xpath = "//a[contains(@href,'.html')]";
var res = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathR###lt.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var i, link;
for (i = 0; link = res.snapshotItem(i); i++)
var add;
if (link.href.search(/javascript/) >= 0)
//do nothing
else if (link.href.search(/index/) >= 0)
//do nothing
else if (link.href.search(/pagewanted=print/) >= 0)
//do nothing
else if (link.href.search(/\?/) >= 0)
add = '&';
link.href = link.href + add + 'pagewanted=all';
add = '?';
link.href = link.href + add + 'pagewanted=all';