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CS UI Widgets Information

Shows information about a CS UI Widgets authenticated session.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name       CS UI Widgets Information
// @namespace  mailto:[email protected]
// @version    0.3
// @description  Shows information about a CS UI Widgets authenticated session.
//               It makes a call to the CS REST API using the CS UI Widgets to find
//               out the name of the Personal Volume of the authenticated user which
//               usually includes the user name.  Before you execute it, authenticate
//               the CS UI Widgets on your page, otherwise you get the login dialog.
// @match      *://*/*
// @copyright  (c) 2013-2014 Ferdinand Prantl, OpenText GmbH
// ==/UserScript==
if (typeof csui !== "undefined") {
var modules = csui.require.defined("lib/jquery") &&
["lib/jquery", "util/connector", "model/volume"] ||
["csui/lib/jquery", "csui/util/connector", "csui/model/volume"];
csui.require(modules, function($, Connector, VolumeModel) {
// Declare the place with all CS UI Widgets information, the definition list
// with entries for every stored authenticated session and a progress indicator.
var place, list, progress;
// Adds information about a CS UI Widgets session identified by the CS
// REST API URL to the definition list
function addSessionInformation(url, last) {
// Create a connector object for the REST API URL; the supportPath
// will not be used in this scenario; just not leave it undefined
var connector = new Connector({
connection: { url: url, supportPath: "/img" }
// Declare an object referring to the personal volume of the current user
personalVolume = new VolumeModel(
{ type: 142 }, { connector: connector }
// Fetch the personal volume information; authentication will be performed
// on demand and if there is already an authenticated session in the session
// storage of the web browser, there will be no login prompt.
success: function() {
console.log("Personal volume on " + url + ":");
// Append a new entry to the definition list with the session information
// containing just the name of the personal volume for now; this name
// usually contains the user name and serves as a trick how to learn it
// until there is a REST API request available which provides information
// about the authenticated user.
$("<dt>").text("URL: " + url).appendTo(list);
$("<dd>").text("Personal Volume: " +
if (last) {
error: function(error) {
// Append the message to the definition list with the session information
$("<dt>").text("URL: " + url).appendTo(list);
if (last) {
// Divide the information from the page content above
// Encapsulate the CS UI Widgets information in a jQuery UI styled element
place = $("<div>", { "class": "ui-widget" }).appendTo(document.body);
$("<h3>").text("CS UI Widgets").appendTo(place);
// Add a button tu refresh the information displayed below
$("<button>").text("Refresh authentication information")
.click(function() {
// Declare the map of stored sessions and the array of CS REST API URLs
var sessions, urls;
// Clear previously displayed information in the definition list
// The base authentiactor object stores the session in the session storage
// as a string with a JSON object, where keyas are the CS REST API URLs
sessions = sessionStorage.getItem("csui/util/authenticator") ||
// Try older versions of the authenticastors too.
sessionStorage.getItem("util/authenticator") ||
if (sessions) {
// Parsing the stored string should never fail, but just in case
try {
sessions = JSON.parse(sessions);
} catch(error) {
console.log("Reading the stored authenticated session failed:");
// Get the REST API URLs and add en entry to the definition list for each one
urls = Object.keys(sessions);
urls.forEach(function(url, index) {
// Hide the progress indication when processing the last URL; it is not
// shown and hidden for every URLs, because they are processed in parallel.
addSessionInformation(url, index == urls.length - 1);
// If there was an error when parsing the stored sessions or no stored session
// have been found add an entry to the definition list with a message only
if (!urls) {
$("<dt>").text("Reading the stored authenticated session failed.").appendTo(list);
} else if (!urls.length) {
$("<dt>").text("No authenticated session has been found.").appendTo(list);
// Add a button to clear all stored authenticated CS UI Widgets sessions
$("<button>").text("Clear authenticated sessions")
.click(function() {
if (confirm("Do you really want to clear all authenticated CS UI Widgets sessions?\n" +
"New authentication will be performed on the next page load.")) {
// Clear the session storage of the base authenticator
if (sessionStorage.getItem("csui/util/authenticator")) {
// Deal with older versions of the authenticastors too.
if (sessionStorage.getItem("util/authenticator")) {
if (sessionStorage.getItem("util/otcsauthenticator")) {
// Clear the displated definition list
$("<dt>").text("Authenticated sessions have been cleared.").appendTo(list);
// You will usually want to reload the page to retry the authentication
if (confirm("All authenticated CS UI Widgets sessions have been cleared.\n" +
"New authentication will be performed on the next page load.\n\n" +
"Do you want to reaload this page now?")) {
// Add a button to store a new authenticated CS UI Widgets session
$("<button>").text("Add authenticated session")
.click(function() {
var url = prompt("When authenticating a CS UI Widgets session, you may see " +
"a login prompt if the automatic login has not been set up.\n\n" +
if (url) {
// Getting the information for a new CS REST API URL will trigger the authentication.
// Either there is SSO or other automated login or the login dialog will be shown.
addSessionInformation(url, true);
// Add the definition list to show the stored authenticated session information
list = $("<dl>", { "class": "ui-widget" }).appendTo(place);
// Put an initial message to the definition list on the first page load
$("<dt>").text("Authenticated session information has not been refreshed yet.")
// Add a work in progress indicating text; initially hidden
progress = $("<p>").hide().text("Working...").appendTo(place);