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novelupdates Cover Preview

Previews covers in novelupdates.com when hovering over hyperlinks that lead to novelupdates seriepages and a few external pages.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.5.0 2020-11-17 Refactoring + optional details (Displaying Ratings/Status/Genre and Tags of serie page)
  • v1.4.7 2020-11-16 fixed user readinglist popup. (Wait for change before processing links)
  • v1.4.6 2020-11-15 added function to display popup for links inside public readinglists (https://www.novelupdates.com/user/*)
  • v1.4.5 2020-11-15 refactoring; show a popup for all links to seriepages
  • v1.4.4 2020-11-13 fixed activePopup detection; await my promise to finish parseSeriePage to continue processing and refreshing popup
  • v1.4.3.1 2020-11-13 exchange replaceAll with replace to make it work with older browser versions
  • v1.4.3 2020-11-12 refactoring + added notification when image could not be loaded (to stop loading animation)
  • v1.4.2 2020-11-11 Added GM_listValues to remove old data if version different.
  • v1.4.1 2020-11-11 -deactivate debug logs
  • v1.4.0 2020-11-11 rewrite: popup position, new spinner animation
  • v1.3.5 2020-11-05 bugfix: popup position - individual serie page
  • v1.3.4 2020-11-05 since native ajax call is not working because of cors, exchanged call with GM_xmlhttpRequest; Removed Jquery dependency
  • v1.3.3 2019-02-24 ".messageContent a" moved to SELECTOR2 type (same vertical position as link instead of top position of table cell)
  • v1.3.2 2019-02-24 added // @inject-into content //Chrome seems to need that to work crosssite
  • v1.3.1 2019-02-24 Included forum metas https://forum.novelupdates.com/*, http://forum.novelupdates.com/* and added ".messageContent a" to SELECTOR1 to preview forum links
  • v1.3 2017-01-20 Added getting of every imageurl of each coverpage, but left preloading of ressources out to reduce request count.
  • v1.2.6 2017-01-19 Blocked loading of all resources of individual serie pages. Only load cover image; consolidated into one variable - IMAGELINKCONTAINERS
  • v1.2.4 2017-01-15 refactored cleaned up code; removed warnings for tampermonkey; cached a few jquery selectors;
  • v1.2.2 2017-01-15 exchanged if( link.match(IMAGEBLOCKERARRAY[i]) ) with if( link.match(IMAGEBLOCKERARRAY[i]) ) -> no need for prefixed http:// in imageblocker urls
  • v1.2 2017-01-14 imageblock can have multiple image urls seperated by a comma
  • v1.0 2017-01-14 Added Imageblock; Refactoring; Made it possible to adapt to other sites by changing setting variables (For example https://greasyfork.org/scripts/26513-mangaupdates-cover-preview)
  • v0.6 2017-01-12 increased MaxCacheAge to 24 hours; changed Recommendations popup to right side of wrapper border; changed popup resizing to min 400px height and width autosize; beginning to reduce code smells
  • v0.5.8 2017-01-12 chrome fix: added $(window).blur() for alt tab behaviour
  • v0.5.6 2017-01-12 forgot to change maxCacheAge back from shorter test time to normal one hour value.
  • v0.5.4 2017-01-12 added $(document).mouseleave and narrowed one selector down to (.wpb_wrapper > a)
  • v0.5.2 2017-01-12 No more delayed loaded popup change of previous hover. Popup only gets refreshed when currentTitelHover == suppressedNativTitle
  • v0.5 2017-01-11
  • v0.5 2017-01-11 updated with newer jquery (3.1.1); Refactored code and added comments what each part is doing;
  • v0.4 2017-01-11

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