View Imgur media in a slideshow format
// ==UserScript== // @name slideshow // @namespace // @version 3 // @description View Imgur media in a slideshow format // @author Oscar Shaw // @grant none // @include https://*.reddit.*/r/* // @include* // @include* // @require // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /* "name": "library.js", "program": "Slideshow", "description": "" */ function say(str_input, tab_input = window) { tab_input.console.log(str_input); } say("Compiled"); function list(arrkvp_input, tab_input = window) { var str_output = ""; for (var i = 0; i < arrkvp_input.length; i++) { str_output += ( arrkvp_input[i][0] + ": \t\t" + arrkvp_input[i][1] + "\n" ); } say(str_output, tab_input); } function shout(str_input, tab_input = window) { tab_input.alert(str_input); } function tag(str_element, tab_input = window) { switch (str_element[0]) { case '.': return tab_input.document.getElementsByClassName(str_element.substring(1)); case '#': return tab_input.document.getElementById(str_element.substring(1)); default: return; } } function sayTab(str_body, str_title = "") {'pre')).innerHTML = (str_title != "" ? str_function + "\n\n" : "") + str_body; } function tryCatch(anon) { try { anon(); } catch(str_error) { say(str_error); } } function isDef(var_input) { return !(var_input == null || var_input == undefined || var_input == ""); } function func_xhr(obj_input) { say("func_xhr requesting " + obj_input.url_destination); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { try { var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch(str_error) { say("func_error\n\n" + str_error + "\n\n" + this.responseText); obj_input.func_error(str_error); } if (!isDef(json.status)) obj_input.func_success(json); if (json.status == 200) { say("func_success"); obj_input.func_success(json); } else { say("func_failure"); obj_input.func_failure(json.status); } };"GET", obj_input.url_destination, true); if (obj_input.str_headerKey != undefined && obj_input.str_headerValue != undefined) { xhr.setRequestHeader( obj_input.str_headerKey, obj_input.str_headerValue ); } xhr.send(); } function func_htmlUnescape(str_input) { return str_input .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, "'") .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/&/g, '&'); } /* "name": "parsers.js", "program": "Slideshow", "description": "" */ function func_imgurUrlToJson(url_input, func_callback, arrstr_endpoints = ["append", "album", "image"]) { const constr_imgurApiId = "b5abfbf0e29baf1"; var hash_source = url_input.substring(url_input.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); var anon_request = function(str_endpoint, func_next) { var obj_xhrInputs; switch(str_endpoint) { case "append": { obj_xhrInputs = { url_destination: url_input + ".json" } break; } case "album": { obj_xhrInputs = { url_destination: "" + hash_source , str_headerKey: "Authorization" , str_headerValue: "Client-ID " + constr_imgurApiId } break; } case "image": { obj_xhrInputs = { url_destination: "" + hash_source , str_headerKey: "Authorization" , str_headerValue: "Client-ID " + constr_imgurApiId } break; } default: break; } func_xhr({ url_destination: obj_xhrInputs.url_destination , func_success: function(json_response) { func_callback(json_response); } , func_error: func_next , func_failure: func_next , str_headerKey: obj_xhrInputs.str_headerKey , str_headerValue: obj_xhrInputs.str_headerValue }); }; var i = 0; anon_request(arrstr_endpoints[i], function() { if (isDef(arrstr_endpoints[i + 1])) { i++; anon_request(arrstr_endpoints[i], function() { if (isDef(arrstr_endpoints[i + 1])) { i++; anon_request(arrstr_endpoints[i]); } }); } }, function() { if (isDef(arrstr_endpoints[i + 1])) { i++; anon_request(arrstr_endpoints[i], function() { if (isDef(arrstr_endpoints[i + 1])) { i++; anon_request(arrstr_endpoints[i]); } }); } }); } function func_imgurJsonToSsdn(json_input) { say("func_imgur_jsonToSsdn"); var bool_isAppend ="image"); var node_inputHeader = bool_isAppend ? :; var node_imageArray = bool_isAppend ? :; var ssdn_output = { node_header: { str_title: (node_inputHeader.title === null) ? "" : node_inputHeader.title , str_description: (node_inputHeader.description === null) ? "" : node_inputHeader.description , str_poster: node_inputHeader.account_url , int_length: bool_isAppend ? node_inputHeader.num_images : node_inputHeader.images_count , int_views: node_inputHeader.views , int_points: node_inputHeader.points , int_ups: , int_downs: node_inputHeader.downs } , node_payload: [] }; var int_outputLength = ssdn_output.node_header.int_length; ssdn_output.node_header.int_length = (int_outputLength == null) ? 1 : int_outputLength; if (ssdn_output.node_header.int_length > 1) { // If album $.each(node_imageArray, function(i, node_image) { ssdn_output.node_payload.push({ str_title: (node_image.title === null) ? "" : node_image.title , str_description: (node_image.description === null) ? "" : node_image.description , url_direct: bool_isAppend ? "" + node_image.hash + node_image.ext : }); }); } else { // If image ssdn_output.node_payload.push({ str_title: undefined , str_description: undefined , url_direct: }); } say("func_imgur_jsonToSsdn payload completed"); return ssdn_output; } function class_redditParser(url_input, func_send) { function func_stringToUrlArray(str_input) { // say("func_stringToUrlArray"); var array_urls = []; if (isDef(str_input.match(/http(.*?)(?=["?])/g))) { $.each(str_input.match( /http(.*?)(?=["?])/g ), function(i, url) { array_urls.push(url); }); } // say("func_stringToUrlArray completed"); return array_urls; } function func_isUrlImageDirect(url_input) { return (url_input.indexOf(".jpg") != -1 || url_input.indexOf(".png") != -1 || url_input.indexOf(".gif") != -1); } function func_redditThreadHeaderToSsdnHeader(json_redditHeader) { return { node_header: { str_title: json_redditHeader.title } }; } function func_urlWithRedditContextToSsdnPayload(url, json_redditComment) { return { node_payload: [ { str_title: , str_description: func_htmlUnescape(json_redditComment.body_html) , int_points: json_redditComment.score , url_direct: url } ] }; } function func_main() { func_xhr({ url_destination: url_input + ".json", func_success: function(json_reddit) { { func_send( // Fabricate and send header func_redditThreadHeaderToSsdnHeader (json_reddit[0].data.children[0].data) ); } $.each(json_reddit[1].data.children, function(i, json_comment) { // Each comment if (!isDef( return; $.each(func_stringToUrlArray(, function(j, url) { if (func_isUrlImageDirect(url)) { // Direct { func_send( func_urlWithRedditContextToSsdnPayload (url, ); } } else if (url.indexOf("imgur") != -1) { // Indirect func_imgurUrlToJson(url, function(json_indirectUrlResponse) { $.each(, function(k, json_imgurImage) { ssdn_output = func_urlWithRedditContextToSsdnPayload(,; var node_image = ssdn_output.node_payload[0]; node_image.int_index = k + 1; node_image.int_length =; node_image.url_album = url; func_send(ssdn_output); }); }, ["album", "image"]); } }); // Next url in comment }); // Next comment }}); } func_main(); say("class_redditParser completed"); } /* "name": "slideshow.js", "program": "Slideshow", "description": "" */ function class_slideshow(tab) { const contab_home = tab; var css_head = ""; { // CSS { css_head += "\ <script type='text/javascript' src='\ ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js'></script>\ "; } { css_head += "<title></title><style>"; } { css_head += // #ctn_main, #ctn_image, "\ #ctn_main\ {\ top: 0px;\ right: 0px;\ height: " + contab_home.innerHeight + "px;\ width: " + contab_home.innerWidth + "px;\ position: absolute;\ }\ #ctn_image\ {\ height: " + contab_home.innerHeight + "px;\ width: 100%;\ }\ #act_image\ {\ display: block;\ height: " + contab_home.innerHeight + "px;\ width: 100%;\ position: absolute;\ background-position: center center;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ background-size: contain;\ z-index: 1;\ }\ "; } { css_head += // .grp_details "\ .grp_textBoxes\ {\ margin: 0px;\ text-align: center;\ }\ .grp_details\ {\ display: none;\ z-index: 1;\ }\ .grp_bold\ {\ font-weight: bold;\ }\ #ctn_header\ {\ width: 100%;\ }\ #act_header\ {\ box-sizing: border-box;\ padding-top: 0px;\ padding-bottom: 7px;\ padding-left: 45px;\ padding-right: 45px;\ }\ #ctn_footer\ {\ width: 100%;\ }\ #act_footer\ {\ box-sizing: border-box;\ padding-top: 10px;\ padding-bottom: 10px;\ padding-left: 45px;\ padding-right: 45px;\ bottom: 0px;\ width: 100%;\ }\ #p_imageNumbers\ {\ display: none;\ }\ ul\ {\ padding: 0px;\ margin: 0px;\ }\ ol\ {\ padding: 0px;\ margin: 0px;\ }\ p\ {\ padding: 0px;\ margin: 0px;\ }\ "; } { css_head += // .grp_navButtons "\ .grp_navButtons\ {\ top: 0px;\ display: none;\ line-height: " + contab_home.innerHeight + "px;\ height: 100%;\ margin: 0px;\ cursor: pointer;\ text-align: center;\ vertical-align: middle;\ position: absolute;\ z-index: 10;\ }\ #btn_prev\ {\ left: 0px;\ padding-left: 15px;\ padding-right: 15px;\ }\ #btn_next\ {\ padding-left: 15px;\ padding-right: 15px;\ right: 0px;\ }\ "; } { css_head += // css_head suffix "\ </style>\ "; } } var html_body = ""; { // HTML { html_body += // #ctn_main prefix "\ <div id = 'ctn_main'>\ "; } { html_body += // #ctn_header "\ <div class = 'grp_details' id = 'ctn_header'>\ <div id = 'act_header'>\ <h1 class = 'grp_textBoxes' id = 'h1_title'></h1>\ <p class = 'grp_textBoxes' id = 'p_subtitle'></p>\ </div>\ </div>\ "; } { html_body += // #ctn_image "\ <div class = 'grp_image' id = 'ctn_image'>\ <div class = 'grp_image' id = 'act_image'></div>\ </div>\ "; } { html_body += // #ctn_footer "\ <div class = 'grp_details' id = 'ctn_footer'>\ <div id = 'act_footer'>\ <p class = 'grp_textBoxes' id = 'p_desc'></p>\ <p class = 'grp_textBoxes grp_bold' id = 'p_imageNumbers'></p>\ </div>\ </div>\ "; } { html_body += // #ctn_main suffix, .grp_navButtons, "\ <div class = 'grp_navButtons' id = 'btn_prev'></div>\ <div class = 'grp_navButtons' id = 'btn_next'></div>\ </div>\ "; } } var ssdn_source = { node_header: {}, node_payload: [] }; var int_imageCurrent = 0; var bool_detailsDisplay = false; function func_detailsDisplay(bool_newDetailsDisplay = bool_detailsDisplay) { bool_detailsDisplay = bool_newDetailsDisplay; if (bool_detailsDisplay) { // Show var int_allocateHeightHeader = 0; var int_allocateHeightFooter = 0; { var bool_showHeader = isDef(tag("#h1_title", contab_home).textContent) || isDef(tag("#p_subtitle", contab_home).textContent) }; { var bool_showFooter = isDef(tag("#p_desc", contab_home).textContent) || tag("#p_imageNumbers", contab_home).style.display == "block" }; if (bool_showHeader) { tag("#ctn_header", contab_home).style.display = "block"; int_allocateHeightHeader = tag("#ctn_header", contab_home).clientHeight; } if (bool_showFooter) { tag("#ctn_footer", contab_home).style.display = "block"; int_allocateHeightFooter = tag("#act_footer", contab_home).clientHeight; } $.each(tag(".grp_image", contab_home), function(i, elmt) { = ( contab_home.innerHeight - int_allocateHeightHeader - int_allocateHeightFooter ).toString() + "px"; }); } else { // Hide $.each(tag(".grp_details", contab_home), function(i, elmt) { = "none"; }); $.each(tag(".grp_image", contab_home), function(i, elmt) { = contab_home.innerHeight.toString() + "px"; }); } say("func_detailsDisplay completed", contab_home); } function func_imageDisplay(int_newImageCurrent = int_imageCurrent) { // If reached end or beginning of album, stop if (!isDef(ssdn_source.node_payload[int_newImageCurrent])) { say("func_imageDisplay completed early with " + int_imageCurrent, contab_home); return; } int_imageCurrent = int_newImageCurrent; var node_image = ssdn_source.node_payload[int_imageCurrent]; { tag("#act_image", contab_home).style.backgroundImage = ( "url(" + ((!isDef(node_image.url_direct)) ? "" : node_image.url_direct) + ")" ); } { tag("#p_desc", contab_home).innerHTML = ( ( (!isDef(node_image.str_title)) ? "" : ( "<span class = 'grp_bold'>" + node_image.str_title + "</span> " ) ) + ( (!isDef(node_image.str_description)) ? "" : node_image.str_description ) ); } { tag("#p_imageNumbers", contab_home).innerHTML = ( (int_imageCurrent + 1).toString() + " / " + ( (!isDef(ssdn_source.node_header)) ? ssdn_source.node_payload.length : ( (!isDef(ssdn_source.node_header.int_length)) ? ssdn_source.node_payload.length : ssdn_source.node_header.int_length ) ).toString() ); } if (isDef(tag(".md", contab_home)[0])) { $.each(tag(".md", contab_home)[0].querySelectorAll('a'), function(i, elmt) { if (elmt.href.indexOf(node_image.url_direct) != -1 || elmt.href.indexOf(node_image.url_album) != -1) { var str_indexAndLength = ""; if (isDef(node_image.int_index) && isDef(node_image.int_length) && (node_image.int_length != 1)) { str_indexAndLength = " (" + node_image.int_index + " / " + node_image.int_length + ")"; } elmt.innerHTML = ( '<span class = "grp_bold">' + elmt.innerHTML + str_indexAndLength + '</span>' ); } }); } func_detailsDisplay(); } function func_headerUpdate() { var node = (!isDef(ssdn_source.node_header)) ? {} : ssdn_source.node_header; { (tag("#h1_title", contab_home)).textContent = (!isDef(node.str_title)) ? "" : node.str_title; } { (tag("#p_subtitle", contab_home)).innerHTML = ((!isDef(node.str_poster)) ? "" : "Posted by <span class = 'grp_bold'>\ <a href = '" + node.str_poster + "'>" + node.str_poster + "</a></span>" ) + ((isDef(node.str_poster) && (isDef(node.int_points) || isDef(node.int_views))) ? " with " : "") + ((!isDef(node.int_points)) ? "" : "<span class = 'grp_bold'>" + node.int_points + " point" + ((node.int_points > 1) ? "s" : "") + "</span>" ) + ((isDef(node.int_points) && isDef(node.int_views)) ? " and " : "") + ((!isDef(node.int_views)) ? "" : "<span class = 'grp_bold'>" + node.int_views + " view" + ((node.int_views > 1) ? "s" : "") + "</span>" ) } if (isDef(ssdn_source.node_header.str_title)) func_detailsDisplay(true); contab_home.document.title = ssdn_source.node_header.str_title; } function func_pageSetup() { // contab_home.document.head.innerHTML = css_head ; // contab_home.document.body.innerHTML = html_body ; // contab_home.document.title = "Slideshow"; $("html").html("<head></head><body></body>"); $("head").html(css_head); $("body").html(html_body); tag("#btn_prev", contab_home).textContent = "<" ; tag("#btn_next", contab_home).textContent = ">" ; say("func_pageSetup completed", contab_home); } function func_pageListeners() { say("func_pageListeners", contab_home); contab_home.document.addEventListener('keydown', function(key) { key.cancelBubble = true; key.stopImmediatePropagation(); switch(key.keyCode) { case 39: func_imageDisplay(int_imageCurrent + 1); break; case 37: func_imageDisplay(int_imageCurrent - 1); break; case 38: case 40: func_detailsDisplay(!bool_detailsDisplay); break; default: break; } return false; }, !contab_home.opera); contab_home.addEventListener("resize", function() { tag("#ctn_main", contab_home).style.width = contab_home.innerWidth + "px"; tag("#ctn_main", contab_home).style.height = contab_home.innerHeight + "px"; func_detailsDisplay(); $.each(tag(".grp_navButtons", contab_home), function(i, elmt) { = contab_home.innerHeight + "px"; }); }); tag("#btn_prev", contab_home).onmousedown = function() { func_imageDisplay(int_imageCurrent - 1); }; tag("#btn_next", contab_home).onmousedown = function() { func_imageDisplay(int_imageCurrent + 1); }; tag("#act_image", contab_home).onmousedown = function() { func_detailsDisplay(!bool_detailsDisplay); }; say("func_pageListeners completed", contab_home); } function func_main() { func_pageSetup(); func_pageListeners(); func_detailsDisplay(); say("class_slideshow.func_main completed", contab_home); } func_main(); this.meth_sourceAdd = function(ssdn_input) { try { if (isDef(ssdn_input.node_header)) { // Header ssdn_source.node_header = ssdn_input.node_header; func_headerUpdate(); } if (isDef(ssdn_input.node_payload)) { // If input payload exists $.each(ssdn_input.node_payload, function(i, node) { ssdn_source.node_payload.push(node); }); } if (ssdn_source.node_payload.length > 1) { // Update $("#p_imageNumbers").css("display", "block"); $(".grp_navButtons").css("display", "block"); $("#act_menuButton").css("display", "block"); $("#btn_next").text(">"); $("#btn_prev").text("<"); (tag("#p_imageNumbers", contab_home)).style.display = "block"; $.each(tag(".grp_navButtons", contab_home), function(i, elmt) { = "block"; }); } func_imageDisplay(); } catch(str_error) { say(str_error, contab_home); } }; } /* "name": "launcher.js", "program": "Slideshow", "description": "" */ function func_main(str_source) { window.stop(); var obj_slideshow = new class_slideshow(window); if (str_source == "imgur") { func_imgurUrlToJson(location.href, function(json_output) { var ssdn_input = func_imgurJsonToSsdn(json_output); obj_slideshow.meth_sourceAdd(ssdn_input); if (ssdn_input.node_header.int_length > ssdn_input.node_payload.length) { func_imgurUrlToJson(location.href, function(json_output) { var ssdn_append = func_imgurJsonToSsdn(json_output); ssdn_append.node_header = null; ssdn_append.node_payload.splice(0, ssdn_input.node_payload.length); obj_slideshow.meth_sourceAdd(ssdn_append); }, ["album"]); } }); } if (str_source == "reddit") { var obj_redditParser = new class_redditParser(location.href, function(ssdn_outputEntry) { obj_slideshow.meth_sourceAdd(ssdn_outputEntry); }); } say("func_main completed"); } function func_handler() { if (location.href.includes("")) func_main("imgur"); if (location.href.includes("")) { $(function() { var p_launch = document.createElement("p"); { p_launch.textContent = "slideshow"; p_launch.onclick = function() { func_main("reddit"); }; { p_launch.setAttribute( "style", "\ background: none !important; \ background-color: Transparent !important;\ padding: 0 !important;\ font: inherit;\ border: none !important;\ cursor: pointer;\ font-weight: bold;" ); } { = ( window .getComputedStyle(tag(".bylink comments may-blank")[0]) .color ); } } var ctn_launch = document.createElement("li"); { ctn_launch.appendChild(p_launch); } { tag(".flat-list buttons")[0].insertBefore( ctn_launch, tag(".flat-list buttons")[0].children[1] ); } }); } } func_handler();