Blurring a title which marked as spoiler in reddit, just like in fallout subreddit.
// ==UserScript== // @name Blur Title Reddit // @namespace // @description Blurring a title which marked as spoiler in reddit, just like in fallout subreddit. // @include https://** // @include http://** // @exclude https://**/comments/* // @exclude http://**/comments/* // @author TiLied // @version 0.8.00 // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @require // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // ==/UserScript== class BlurTitleReddit { constructor() { console.log("Blur Title Reddit v" + + " initialization"); this.Debug = false; this.btr_pTitle = false; this.asterisk = true; this.Scroll = 1; this._FirstTime(); this._SetCSS(); } _SetCSS() { document.head.append("<!--Start of Blur Title Reddit v" + + " CSS-->"); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">bdi.btr_title:hover \ { \ color:inherit!important; \ background:transparent!important; \ text-decoration:none!important; \ text-shadow:0 0.1px 0 #dcddce \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">bdi.btr_title { \ color:rgba(255,60,231,0) !important; \ text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em black; \ padding: 0 2px; \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">bdi.btr_trans \ { \ transition: all 0.5s ease; \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">.btr_closeButton\ { \ cursor: pointer; \ text-align: center; \ font-size: 11px; \ float:right; \ margin-top:0px; \ border:1px solid #AAA; \ width:16px; \ height:16px; \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">.btr_closeButton:hover \ { \ border:1px solid #999; \ background-color: #ddd; \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">.title \ { \ overflow: visible !important; \ }</style>`); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style type="text/css">"div.btr_opt { \ position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; border: 0; z-index: 500;\ }</style>`); document.head.append("<!--End of Blur Title Reddit v" + + " CSS-->"); } async _FirstTime() { if (this.HasValueGM("btr_GMTitle", false)) { this.btr_pTitle = await GM.getValue("btr_GMTitle"); } if (this.HasValueGM("btr_asterisk", true)) { this.asterisk = await GM.getValue("btr_asterisk"); } //Console log prefs with value console.log("*prefs:"); console.log("*-----*"); let vals = await GM.listValues(); //Find out that var in for block is not local... Seriously js? for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { console.log("*" + vals[i] + ":" + await GM.getValue(vals[i])); } console.log("*-----*"); } Main() { window.onscroll = function (ev) { if (window.pageYOffset >= window.innerHeight * btr.Scroll) { btr.Core(); btr.Scroll += 1; } }; this.Core(); //Set UI of settings //TODO UI! //this.OptionsUI(); } Core() { let _titlesDivQ = document.querySelectorAll("div.spoiler"); let _titlesDiv = []; if (_titlesDivQ.length == 0) { function _IsSpoiler(_el) { let _spans = _el.querySelectorAll("span"); if (btr.Debug) console.log(_el.querySelectorAll("span")); for (let i = 0; i <= _spans.length; i++) { if (i == _spans.length) return false; if (_spans[i].textContent == 'spoiler') return true; } } let _titles = document.querySelectorAll(".Post"); for (let i = 0; i < _titles.length; i++) { if (_IsSpoiler(_titles[i])) { _titlesDiv.push(_titles[i]); } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < _titlesDivQ.length; i++) { _titlesDiv.push(_titlesDivQ[i]); } } if (_titlesDiv != this.titlesDiv) { if (this.Debug) console.log(_titlesDiv); this.titlesDiv = _titlesDiv; for (let i = 0; i < _titlesDiv.length; i++) { if (_titlesDiv[i].querySelectorAll(".btr_title").length > 0) continue; let _title = _titlesDiv[i].querySelectorAll("h3, a.title"); if (this.Debug) console.log(_title); if (this.btr_pTitle == true) { let lengthOfIndexes = 0; this.ChangeString(_title[0].textContent.length, _title[0].textContent, _title[0], lengthOfIndexes); } else if (this.asterisk == true) { let lengthOfIndexes = this.GetAllIndexes(_title[0].textContent, "[", "(").length; lengthOfIndexes += this.GetAllIndexes(_title[0].textContent, "*", "even").length; this.ChangeString(_title[0].textContent.length, _title[0].textContent, _title[0], lengthOfIndexes); } else { let lengthOfIndexes = this.GetAllIndexes(_title[0].textContent, "[", "(").length; this.ChangeString(_title[0].textContent.length, _title[0].textContent, _title[0], lengthOfIndexes); } } } } ChangeString(l, sArr, tTitle, amountL) { const stringStartbdi = '<bdi class = "btr_main btr_title btr_trans">', stringEndbdi = '</bdi>'; let amount = amountL; let string = ""; if (amount > 3) amount = 1; let arrBeg = this.GetAllIndexes(sArr, "[", "("); let arrEnd = this.GetAllIndexes(sArr, "]", ")"); if (this.asterisk === true) { arrBeg = arrBeg.concat(this.GetAllIndexes(sArr, "*", "even")); arrEnd = arrEnd.concat(this.GetAllIndexes(sArr, "*", "odd")); } arrBeg.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); arrEnd.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); if (amount === 0) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } if (amount === 1) { if (this.Debug) { console.log("*words in brackets :", sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1)); } //IF WHOLE TITLE IN BRACKETS if (arrBeg[0] <= 2 && arrEnd[0] >= l - 2) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } if (arrBeg[0] <= 2) { string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else if (arrEnd[0] >= l - 2) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } } if (amount === 2) { let s = ''; for (let a = 0; a < arrBeg.length; a++) { s += sArr.substring(arrBeg[a], arrEnd[a] + 1) + ' '; } if (this.Debug) { console.log("*words in brackets :", s); } //IF TITLE HAS ONE BRACKET WITHOUT CLOSING ONE if (arrBeg.length !== arrEnd.length) { ChangeString(l, sArr, tTitle, 1); return; } //IF WHOLE TITLE IN BRACKETS, NOT WORKING CORRECTLY TODO! if ((arrBeg[0] <= 2 && arrEnd[0] >= l - 2) || (arrBeg[1] <= 2 && arrEnd[1] >= l - 2)) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } if (arrBeg[0] <= 2) { if (arrEnd[0] + 4 > arrBeg[1]) { string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else if (arrEnd[1] >= l - 2) { string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else { string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } } else if (arrEnd[1] >= l - 2) { if (arrBeg[1] - 4 < arrEnd[0]) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else if (arrBeg[0] <= 2) { string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } } else { if (arrEnd[0] + 3 >= arrBeg[1]) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } else { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } } } //Three groups of brackets //example sentence: "[spoiler0]_text1_[spoiler1]_text2_[spoiler2]" if (amount === 3) { let s = ''; for (let a = 0; a < arrBeg.length; a++) { s += sArr.substring(arrBeg[a], arrEnd[a] + 1) + ' '; } if (this.Debug) { console.log("*words in brackets :", s); } //IF TITLE HAS ONE BRACKET WITHOUT CLOSING ONE if (arrBeg.length !== arrEnd.length) { ChangeString(l, sArr, tTitle, 1); return; } //IF WHOLE TITLE IN BRACKETS, NOT WORKING CORRECTLY TODO! if ((arrBeg[0] <= 2 && arrEnd[0] >= l - 2) || (arrBeg[1] <= 2 && arrEnd[1] >= l - 2) || (arrBeg[2] <= 2 && arrEnd[2] >= l - 2)) { string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case one:"[spoiler0]..." if (arrBeg[0] <= 2) { //case one:one:"[spoiler0][spoiler1]..." if (arrEnd[0] + 4 > arrBeg[1]) { //case one:one:one:"[spoiler0][spoiler1][spoiler2]_text" if (arrEnd[1] + 4 > arrBeg[2]) { //"[spoiler0][spoiler1][spoiler2]<blur>text</blur>" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[2] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[2] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; //case one:one:two:"[spoiler0][spoiler1]_text_[spoiler2]" } else if (arrEnd[2] >= l - 2) { //"[spoiler0][spoiler1]<blur>text</blur>[spoiler2]" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; //case one:one:three:"[spoiler0][spoiler1]_text1_[spoiler2]_text2" } else { //"[spoiler0][spoiler1]<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler2]<blur>text2</blur>" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], arrEnd[2] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[2] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case one:two:"[spoiler0]...[spoiler2]" //"[spoiler0]...[spoiler1]":NEVER HAPPEND } else if (arrEnd[2] >= l - 2) { //case one:two:one:"[spoiler0]_text_[spoiler1][spoiler2]" if (arrEnd[1] + 4 > arrBeg[2]) { //"[spoiler0]<blur>text</blur>[spoiler1][spoiler2]" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case one:two:two:"[spoiler0]_text1_[spoiler1]_text2_[spoiler2]" else { //"[spoiler0]<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler1]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler2]" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case one:three:"[spoiler0]_text1_[spoiler1]_text2_[spoiler2]_text3" } else { //"[spoiler0]<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler1]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler2]<blur>text3</blur>" string = sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], arrEnd[2] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[2] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case two:"...[spoiler2]" } else if (arrEnd[2] >= l - 2) { //case two:one:"...[spoiler1][spoiler2]" if (arrEnd[1] + 4 > arrBeg[2]) { //case two:one:one:"text_[spoiler0][spoiler1][spoiler2]" if (arrEnd[0] + 4 > arrBeg[1]) { //"<blur>text</blur>[spoiler0][spoiler1][spoiler2]" string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; //case two:one:one:"text1_[spoiler0]_text2_[spoiler1][spoiler2]" //"[spoiler0]_text_[spoiler1][spoiler2]":NEVER HAPPEND } else { //"<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler0]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler1][spoiler2]" string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case two:two:"text1_[spoiler0][spoiler1]_text2_[spoiler2]" } else if (arrEnd[0] + 4 > arrBeg[1]) { //"<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler0][spoiler1]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler2]" string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[2] + 1, l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; //case two:two:"text1_[spoiler0]_text2_[spoiler1]_text3_[spoiler2]" } else { //"<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler0]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler1]<blur>text3</blur>[spoiler2]" string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], l); if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } //case three:"text1_[spoiler0]_text2_[spoiler1]_text3_[spoiler2]_text4" //DO I NEED ALL CASES??? TODO! } else { //"<blur>text1</blur>[spoiler0]<blur>text2</blur>[spoiler1]<blur>text3</blur>[spoiler2]<blur>text4</blur>" string = stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(0, arrBeg[0]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[0], arrEnd[0] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[0] + 1, arrBeg[1]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[1], arrEnd[1] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[1] + 1, arrBeg[2]) + ' ' + stringEndbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrBeg[2], arrEnd[2] + 1) + ' ' + stringStartbdi + ' ' + sArr.substring(arrEnd[2] + 1, l) + ' ' + stringEndbdi; if (this.Debug) {; } tTitle.innerHTML = string; return; } } } //second value can be "even" or "odd" GetAllIndexes(arr, val1, val2) { let indexes = [], temp = [], x, i; switch (val2) { case "even": for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) if (arr[x] === val1) temp.push(x); for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { if (this.IsEven(i)) { indexes.push(temp[i]); } } break; case "odd": for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) if (arr[x] === val1) temp.push(x); for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { if (!this.IsEven(i)) { indexes.push(temp[i]); } } break; default: for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) if (arr[x] === val1 || arr[x] === val2) indexes.push(x); break; } return indexes; } IsEven(n) { return n === parseFloat(n) ? !(n % 2) : void 0; } OptionsUI() { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div id=btrSettings class='side jAyrXr'><div class=spaser ><div class=sidecontentbox><span class=btr_closeButton>×</span> \ <div class=title><h1>Settings of Blur Title Reddit` + + `</h1></div>\ <ul class=content><li> \ <form> \ <br> \ <p>Bluring option:</p>\ <input type=radio name=title id=btr_showTitle >Show brackets</input><br> \ <input type=radio name=title id=btr_hideTitle >Hide brackets</input><br><br> \ <input type=checkbox name=asterisk id=asterisk >Show what between asterisks like brackets</input><br><br> \ <input type=checkbox name=debug id=debug >Debug</input><br> \ </form> <br> \ <button id=btr_hide class=hauwm>Hide Settings</button></li></ul></div></div></div>`); //SET UI SETTINGS document.getElementById("debug").setAttribute("checked", this.Debug); document.getElementById("asterisk").setAttribute("checked", this.asterisk); if (this.btr_pTitle === true) { document.getElementById("btr_hideTitle").setAttribute("checked", true); } else { document.getElementById("btr_showTitle").setAttribute("checked", true); } document.getElementById("btrSettings").style.display = "none"; //CHANGE SETTINGS BY INTERACT WITH UI document.getElementById("debug").addEventListener("click", async (e) => { if (btr.Debug === true) { GM.setValue("btr_debug", false); btr.Debug = await GM.getValue("btr_debug"); } else { GM.setValue("btr_debug", true); btr.Debug = await GM.getValue("btr_debug"); } confirm("Settings has been changed."); if (btr.Debug) { console.log('debug: ' + await GM.getValue("btr_debug") + ' and debug: ' + btr.Debug); } }); document.getElementById("asterisk").addEventListener("click", async (e) => { if (btr.asterisk === true) { GM.setValue("btr_asterisk", false); btr.asterisk = await GM.getValue("btr_asterisk"); } else { GM.setValue("btr_asterisk", true); btr.asterisk = await GM.getValue("btr_asterisk"); } confirm("Settings has been changed."); if (btr.Debug) { console.log('btr_asterisk: ' + await GM.getValue("btr_asterisk") + ' and asterisk: ' + btr.asterisk); } }); /* TODO! document.getElementById("#btr_showTitle").onclick((e) => { GM.setValue("btr_GMTitle", false); btr_pTitle = await GM.getValue("btr_GMTitle"); ReplaceOriginalTitles(); MyFunction(); alert("Settings has been changed. Now brackets showing."); if (debug) { console.log('btr_GMTitle: ' + await GM.getValue("btr_GMTitle") + ' and btr_pTitle: ' + btr_pTitle); } }); $("#btr_hideTitle").change(async function () { GM.setValue("btr_GMTitle", true); btr_pTitle = await GM.getValue("btr_GMTitle"); ReplaceOriginalTitles(); MyFunction(); alert("Settings has been changed. Now brackets hiding."); if (debug) { console.log('btr_GMTitle: ' + await GM.getValue("btr_GMTitle") + ' and btr_pTitle: ' + btr_pTitle); } }); */ //TODO ??? //$(".side").append("<div class=spacer><div class=sidecontentbox><div class=title><h1>BLUR TITLE REDDIT</h1></div><ul class=content><li><button id=btr_show >Show settings</button></li></ul></div></div>"); //console.log(currentLocation.pathname); //if (currentLocation.pathname === "/r/Steam") //{ // $(".debuginfo").after("<p><a id=btr_show style={float=right;}>show settings blur title reddit</a></p>"); //} else { //$(".side").append("<div class=spacer><div class=account-activity-box><p><a id=btr_show >show settings blur title reddit</a></p></div></div>"); //} document.querySelector("div[data-testid='subreddit-sidebar'], div.side").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div class=spacer><div class=account-activity-box style=cursor:pointer;><p><a id=btr_show >show settings for blur title reddit</a></p></div></div>`); document.getElementById("btr_hide").addEventListener("click", (e) => { document.getElementById("btrSettings").style.display = "none"; }); document.querySelector(".btr_closeButton").addEventListener("click", (e) => { document.getElementById("btrSettings").style.display = "none"; }); document.getElementById("btr_show").addEventListener("click", (e) => { document.getElementById("btrSettings").style.display = "block"; if (!document.getElementById("btrSettings").classList.contains("btr_opt")) document.getElementById("btrSettings").className += " btr_opt"; }); } //Start //async Methods/Functions GM_VALUE async HasValueGM(nameVal, optValue) { let vals = await GM.listValues(); if (vals.length === 0) { if (optValue !== undefined) { GM.setValue(nameVal, optValue); return true; } else { return false; } } if (typeof nameVal !== "string") { return alert("name of value: '" + nameVal + "' are not string"); } for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] === nameVal) { return true; } } if (optValue !== undefined) { GM.setValue(nameVal, optValue); return true; } else { return false; } } async DeleteValuesGM(nameVal) { let vals = await GM.listValues(); if (vals.length === 0 || typeof nameVal !== "string") { return; } switch (nameVal) { case "all": for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] !== "adm") { GM.deleteValue(vals[i]); } } break; case "old": for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] === "debug" || vals[i] === "debugA") { GM.deleteValue(vals[i]); } } break; default: for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] === nameVal) { GM.deleteValue(nameVal); } } break; } } async UpdateGM(what) { var gmVal; switch (what) { case "options": gmVal = JSON.stringify(options.values); GM.setValue("pp_options", gmVal); break; default: alert("class:Options.UpdateGM(" + what + "). default switch"); break; } } //async Methods/Functions GM_VALUE //End } let btr; window.onload = function () { btr = new BlurTitleReddit(); setTimeout(() => { btr.Main(); console.log(btr); }, 1000); };