A userscript that allows you to indent & outdent blocks in the comment editor
- It only works on issue & gist comment pages.
- Click on the "Indent" button or the Tab key to add a set number of spaces to the left of the selected text.
- Click on the "Outdent" button or Shift+Tab to remove zero to the set number of spaces to the left of the selected text.
- If no text is selected, the set number of spaces is added or removed to the right of the cursor.
- Use the userscript addon to change the set number of spaces (see screenshot below). It is set to
spaces by default.

- The "Toggle monospaced font" can be added by installing the userscript; or, install the GitHub-Dark Script which adds multiple scripts & a dark theme.
- The default of two spaces are being added & removed in the above screenshot.
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