PTT Imgur Fix

一個用於 PTT Web 版的 userscript。
在 2017/3/17 後,由於 imgur 封鎖來自 的 referer,站方改用 imgur 所提供的 embed.js 做圖片嵌入。但是嵌入後的圖片是縮圖,對於 PC 使用者反而不如原始嵌入來得方便。
- Disable embed script and use native img tag.
- Embed imgur gifv links to display gif.
- Embed imgur album (
- Add ":orig" to embeded twitter image with fallbacks.
- Remove embeded youtube video.
- Customize Youtube player parameters. See
Referer 導致的圖片讀取錯誤
雖然此腳本有使用 referrerPolicy 來嘗試解決 referer 的問題,但這不適用以下兩種情況︰
- 舊版瀏覽器不支援 referrerPolicy,包括 Firefox<50, Chrome<52, Edge<79。
- 在 上,由於瀏覽器會重用舊的連線,referrerPolicy 並不會生效。
安裝一個可以移除 referer 的擴充套件(例如 Referer Control)並檔掉從 出去的 referer。
0.9.5 (Jan 19, 2025)
- Fix: remove default contents under the link in
0.9.4 (Jan 15, 2025)
- Fix: use
during loading.
0.9.3 (Jan 14, 2025)
- Add: support .svg, .avif, .webp.
0.9.2 (Jan 12, 2025)
- Fix: error when lazyload is disabled.
0.9.1 (Jan 11, 2025)
- Fix: multiple links in one line.
0.9.0 (Jan 11, 2025)
- Add: support
- Add: embed video.
- Fix: twitter image retry.
0.8.4 (May 16, 2024)
- Fix: stop retrying twitter images after loaded.
- Fix: don't remove width/height until the image is loaded.
0.8.3 (Dec 15, 2023)
- Fix: set maxWidth and maxHeight for video and iframe.
0.8.2 (Dec 13, 2023)
- Add: make max width and height configurable.
- Fix: don't freeze image size after loading.
0.8.1 (Nov 23, 2023)
- Fix: remove max width and height.
- Fix: unable to display witter webp images.
0.8.0 (Apr 30, 2023)
- Change: mute autoplay videos.
- Change: match youtube URLs without
0.7.6 (Jan 2, 2023)
- Fix: detect youtube live URL.
- Fix: support imgur gifv extension.
0.7.5 (Nov 23, 2022)
- Fix: don't pollute history on Chrome when iframe is loaded (#23)
0.7.4 (Jun 25, 2022)
- Fix: image flickering on waterfox.
- Fix: support timestamp in youtube embed.
0.7.3 (Nov 5, 2021)
= Add: support youtube shorts.
0.7.2 (Oct 30, 2021)
- Enhance: rewrite lazy loader.
0.7.1 (Oct 24, 2021)
- Fix: video overflow in mobile devices.
0.7.0 (Aug 18, 2021)
- Fix: fallback to large images in twitter.
- Fix: match URL with query.
- Fix: failed to load imgur album.
- Change: replace GM_config with GM_webextPref. You will loose the current setting. Support Greasemonkey 4.11.
0.6.1 (May 30, 2021)
- Fix: failed to load jpeg images.
0.6.0 (Aug 14, 2020)
- Fix: unable to load some galleries.
- Fix: sometimes it is unable to load twitter images.
- Breaking: imgur media are loaded according to file extension. the script will load video if the extension is
- Add: option to load imgur GIF as video.
0.5.1 (Aug 7, 2019)
- Add: support twitter mobile.
0.5.0 (Mar 21, 2019)
- Breaking: add lazy load option.
0.4.3 (Nov 24, 2018)
- Fix: failed to load images in Chrome.
0.4.2 (Apr 13, 2018)
- Add: youtube player parameters option.
0.4.1 (Nov 26, 2017)
- Use
for normal images. Some sites (e.g. restricted referrer from ptt.
0.4.0 (Sep 20, 2017)
- Add embed imgur album option.
0.3.1 (Jun 22, 2017)
0.3.0 (Apr 1, 2017)
- Fix: sometimes richcontent is not inserted in push content.
- Fix: twitter pattern.
- Fix: is not matched.
- Refactor, the original richcontent is always removed.
- Add embedYoutube option.
- 加入精華區 URL.
0.2.1 (Mar 30, 2017)
0.2.0 (Mar 30, 2017)
- "gallery" is not a valid imgur id.
- Add twitter image, expand to
- Remove original .richcontent element.
0.1.1 (Mar 19, 2017)
0.1.0 (Mar 19, 2017)