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Web Search R###lt Domain Filter

Filter search r###lt based on domain names on web search of Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo. Some include search for news, books, etc. All exclude search for images and videos.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Web Search R###lt Domain Filter
// @namespace   WebSearchR###ltDomainFilter
// @version     1.0.7
// @license     GNU AGPLv3
// @author      jcunews
// @description Filter search r###lt based on domain names on web search of Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo. Some include search for news, books, etc. All exclude search for images and videos.
// @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/en/users/85671-jcunews
// @include     *://www.bing.com/search*
// @include     *://www.bing.com/news/search*
// @include     *://duckduckgo.com/*
// @include     *://www.google.*/search*
// @include     *://www.google.*.*/search*
// @include     *://search.yahoo.com/search*
// @include     *://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search*
// @include     *://*.search.yahoo.com/search*
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
(function(filter, rx, getItems, getHostName, itemSelector, itemLinkSelector, setupEditFilterLink, cssPatch, items, ele, i, j, excLink, link, createFilterLink, filterEditor, gg) {
filter = JSON.parse(localStorage.WebSearchR###ltDomainFilter || "[]");
rx = filter.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\.") ? (new RegExp(filter.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\."))) : null;
cssPatch = "";
excLink = document.createElement("DIV");
filterEditor = document.createElement("DIV");
gg = location.hostname.indexOf(".google.") > 0;
function trim(s) {
return s.replace(/^(\s+|\r+|\n+)|(\s+|\r+|\n+)$/g, "");
function updateFilter() {
localStorage.WebSearchR###ltDomainFilter = JSON.stringify(filter);
rx = filter.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\.");
rx = rx ? (new RegExp(filter.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\."))) : null;
function abortEvent(ev) {
if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
if (ev.stopImmediatePropagation) ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
function processItems(items, i, link, lnk, hn) {
if (getItems) {
items = getItems();
} else items = document.querySelectorAll(itemSelector);
for (i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
link = items[i].querySelector(itemLinkSelector);
if (!link) continue;
if (!link.parentNode.querySelector(".domainFilterLink")) {
lnk = excLink.cloneNode(true);
lnk.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
hn = getHostName(this.parentNode.querySelector("A"));
if (!confirm('Do you want to hide all search r###lt from below domain name?\n\n' + hn + '\n\nNote:\nSubdomain is not included.\ni.e. hiding "abc.com" will not hide "sub.abc.com" or vice versa.')) return;
}, true);
if (gg && ((lnk.offsetLeft + lnk.offsetWidth) >= link.parentNode.offsetWidth)) {
lnk.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:" + (((link.parentNode.offsetHeight - lnk.offsetHeight) / 2) >> 0) + "px;right:-" + lnk.offsetWidth + "px;margin-left:0";
link.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(lnk, link.parentNode);
if (rx) {
items[i].style.display = rx.test(getHostName(link)) ? "none" : "";
} else items[i].style.display = "";
if ((/www\.bing\.com\/search/).test(location.href)) {
itemSelector = "#b_r###lts .b_algo";
itemLinkSelector = "h2 > a";
createFilterLink = function() {
editFilterLink = document.createElement("A");
editFilterLink.style.marginLeft = "3ex";
return (window.b_tween || document.querySelector(".b_scopebar ul")).appendChild(editFilterLink);
cssPatch = '#b_r###lts{width:580px}';
} else
if ((/www\.bing\.com\/news\/search/).test(location.href)) {
itemSelector = "#algocore .newsitem";
itemLinkSelector = ".title";
createFilterLink = function(ele) {
editFilterLink = document.createElement("A");
editFilterLink.style.cssText = 'float:left;margin:.85em 0 0 3ex';
return document.querySelector(".nf .menu > ul").appendChild(editFilterLink);
cssPatch = '.search .newsitem .caption a.title{display:inline!important}';
} else
if ((/duckduckgo\.com/).test(location.hostname)) {
itemSelector = "#links .r###lt";
itemLinkSelector = ".r###lt__title > a";
createFilterLink = function(ele) {
ele = document.querySelector(".search-filters");
if (!ele || !ele.childElementCount) return;
editFilterLink = document.createElement("A");
return ele.appendChild(editFilterLink);
cssPatch = '#b_r###lts{width:580px}';
if (window.nrn) {
window._nrn = window.nrn;
window.nrn = function(res) {
res = window._nrn.apply(this, arguments);
return res;
} else
if ((/www\.google\./).test(location.hostname)) {
itemSelector = "#rso .g";
itemLinkSelector = "a";
createFilterLink = function() {
editFilterLink = document.createElement("A");
editFilterLink.style.marginLeft = "10ex";
return window["r###lt-stats"] ? window["r###lt-stats"].appendChild(editFilterLink) : null;
} else
if ((/search\.yahoo\.com/).test(location.hostname)) {
itemLinkSelector = ".title > a, h4 > a";
getItems = function() {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".searchCenterMiddle > li, .compArticleList > li")).filter(
function(v) {
return !(/\bsys_/).test(v.firstElementChild.className);
createFilterLink = function(ele) {
editFilterLink = document.createElement("A");
if (window["refiner-time"]) {
editFilterLink.style.cssText = 'margin-left:6ex';
return window["refiner-time"].appendChild(editFilterLink);
} else {
ele = document.querySelector("#sidebar .bd,#horizontal-bar .searchLeftTop");
if (ele.tagName === "OL") {
ele = ele.appendChild(document.createElement("LI"));
ele.style.cssText = "1em 0.9em 0.8em 0.9em";
return ele.appendChild(editFilterLink);
cssPatch = '.search .newsitem .caption a.title{display:inline!important}';
getHostName = function(link, a) {
a = unescape(link.href).match(/\/RU=(http.*?)\/R[A-Z]=/);
if (a) {
a = a[1].match(/\/\/(.*?)\//)[1];
} else a = link.hostname;
return a;
if (!(getItems || itemSelector)) return;
if (!getHostName) {
getHostName = function(link) {
return link.hostname;
filterEditor.id = "filterEditor";
filterEditor.innerHTML = `
.domainFilterLink{display:inline-block;margin-left:1ex;border-radius:4px;padding:0 .5ex;background-color:#d00;color:#fff;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer}
#domainFilterEditor textarea{margin-bottom:15px;width:100%;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;height:20em;min-height:5em;max-height:30em;box-sizing:border-box}
#domainFilterEditor div{padding:.3em 1ex;background-color:#000;color:#fff;font-weight:bold}
#domainFilterEditor table{width:100%;text-align:center}
#domainFilterEditor button{width:10ex}
<div id="domainFilterEditor">
<div>Edit Domain Filter</div>
<textarea id="domainFilterEditorEdit"></textarea>
<td><button id="domainFilterEditorOk">OK</button></td>
<td><button id="domainFilterEditorCancel">Cancel</button></td>
domainFilterEditorOk.addEventListener("click", function(ev, txt) {
txt = trim(domainFilterEditorEdit.value);
filter = txt.split("\n").reduce(function(prev, cur) {
cur = trim(cur);
if (cur) prev.push(cur);
return prev;
}, []);
domainFilterEditor.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "";
}, true);
domainFilterEditorCancel.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
domainFilterEditor.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "";
}, true);
excLink.textContent = "X";
excLink.title = "Exclude this domain name from search r###lt";
excLink.className = "domainFilterLink";
(function addEditFilterLink() {
if (editFilterLink = createFilterLink()) {
editFilterLink.textContent = "Edit Domain Filter";
editFilterLink.title = "Edit search r###lt domain filter";
editFilterLink.id = "domainFilterEditLink";
editFilterLink.addEventListener("click", function(ev, txt) {
txt = filter.join("\n");
domainFilterEditorEdit.value = txt + (txt ? "\n" : "");
domainFilterEditor.firstElementChild.innerHTML = `
}, true);
} else setTimeout(addEditFilterLink, 1000);