Adds panda and once links to HIT exports
// ==UserScript== // @name HIT Export Mod for HIT Catcher // @namespace // @version 1.0.4 // @description Adds panda and once links to HIT exports // @author Kadauchi // @icon // @include* // @include* // ==/UserScript== const extId = `iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf`; function addButtons (elem) { const key = elem.querySelector(`a[href^=""]`).getAttribute(`href`).match(/roupId=(.*)/)[1]; elem.insertAdjacentHTML( `afterbegin`, `<div> <button data-key="${key}" type="button" class="button primary HIT-Catcher-Panda">Panda</button> <button data-key="${key}" type="button" class="button primary HIT-Catcher-Once">Once</button> </div>` ); } function sendToHC (once, hitSetId) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extId, { type: `hitCatcherAddWatcher`, message: { nickname: null, once: once, sound: true, requesterName: null, requesterId: null, title: null, hitSetId: hitSetId, reward: null, assignmentDuration: null, hitRequirements: null, hitAutoAppDelay: null } }); } function nom (elem) { if (document.URL.match(`turkerhub`)) { const post = elem.closest(`li[id^="post-"]`); const postId =[0-9]+/)[0]; const quoted = elem.closest(`.quoteContainer`); const xfToken = document.querySelector(`input[name=_xfToken]`).value; if (quoted) { const post = quoted.previousElementSibling.querySelector(`.AttributionLink`).getAttribute(`href`).match(/[0-9]+/)[0]; $.post(`${post}/rate`, {rating: `15`, _xfToken: xfToken}); } else { $.post(`${postId}/rate`, {rating: `15`, _xfToken: xfToken}); } } } for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName(`cta###odeTable`)) { if (elem.querySelector(`a[href^=""]`)) addButtons(elem); } const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { for (let i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) { const added = mutation.addedNodes[i]; for (let elem of added.getElementsByClassName(`cta###odeTable`)) { if (elem.querySelector(`a[href^=""]`)) addButtons(elem); } } }); }); observer.observe(document.getElementById(`messageList`), {childList: true}); document.addEventListener(`click`, function (event) { const elem =; if (elem.matches(`.HIT-Catcher-Panda`)) { sendToHC(false, elem.dataset.key); nom(elem); } if (elem.matches(`.HIT-Catcher-Once`)) { sendToHC(true, elem.dataset.key); nom(elem); } });