A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments
// ==UserScript== // @name Bitbucket Collapse In Comment // @version 0.1.1 // @description A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace https://github.com/Mottie // @include https://bitbucket.org/* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @icon https://bitbucket.org/mottie/bitbucket-userscripts/raw/HEAD/images/bitbucket.svg // ==/UserScript== (() => { "use strict"; // hide code/quotes longer than this number of lines let minLines = GM_getValue("bbic-max-lines", 10), startCollapsed = GM_getValue("bbic-start-collapsed", true); // syntax highlight class name lookup table const syntaxClass = { basic: "HTML", cs: "C#", fsharp: "F#", gfm: "Markdown", jq: "JSONiq", shell: "Bash (shell)", tcl: "Glyph", tex: "LaTex" }; GM_addStyle(` .bbic-block.aui-button { border:#eee 1px solid; padding:2px 8px 2px 10px; border-radius:5px 5px 0 0; position:relative; top:1px; cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; display:block; width:100%; margin:5px 0 0 0; } .bbic-block + .codehilite { border-top:none; margin-top:0; } .bbic-block:after { content:"\u25bc "; float:right; } .bbic-block-closed.aui-button { border-radius:5px; margin-bottom:10px; } .bbic-block-closed:after { transform: rotate(90deg); } .bbic-block-closed + .codehilite, .bbic-block-closed + pre { display:none; } `); function makeToggle(name, lines) { /* full list of class names from (look at "tm_scope" value) https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml here are some example syntax highlighted class names: language-text-html-markdown-source-gfm-apib language-text-html-basic language-source-fortran-modern language-text-tex */ let n = (name || "").replace( /(language[-\s]|(source-)|(text-)|(html-)|(markdown-)|(-modern))/g, "" ); n = (syntaxClass[n] || n).toUpperCase().trim(); return `${n || "Block"} (${lines} lines)`; } function addToggles(event) { // issue comments if ($("#issue-main-content")) { let indx = 0; const block = document.createElement("a"), els = $$( event && event.type === "ajaxComplete" ? // only target preview containers on ajaxComplete event ".preview-container pre" : ".wiki-content pre" ), len = els.length; if (len) { // "aui-button-primary" = blue button styling block.className = `bbic-block aui-button aui-button-primary${ startCollapsed ? " bbic-block-closed" : "" }`; block.href = "#"; // loop with delay to allow user interaction const loop = () => { let el, wrap, node, syntaxClass, numberOfLines, // max number of DOM insertions per loop max = 0; while (max < 20 && indx < len) { if (indx >= len) { return; } el = els[indx]; if (el && !el.classList.contains("bbic-has-toggle")) { numberOfLines = el.innerHTML.split("\n").length; if (numberOfLines > minLines) { syntaxClass = ""; wrap = closest(".codehilite", el); if (wrap && wrap.classList.contains("codehilite")) { syntaxClass = (wrap.className || "").replace("codehilite", ""); } else { // no syntax highlighter defined (not wrapped) wrap = el; } node = block.cloneNode(); node.innerHTML = makeToggle(syntaxClass, numberOfLines); wrap.parentNode.insertBefore(node, wrap); el.classList.add("bbic-has-toggle"); if (startCollapsed) { el.display = "none"; } max++; } } indx++; } if (indx < len) { setTimeout(() => { loop(); }, 200); } }; loop(); } } } function addBindings() { document.addEventListener("click", event => { let els, indx, flag; const el = event.target; if (el && el.classList.contains("bbic-block")) { event.preventDefault(); // shift + click = toggle all blocks in a single comment // shift + ctrl + click = toggle all blocks on page if (event.shiftKey) { els = $$( ".bbic-block", event.ctrlKey ? "" : closest(".wiki-content", el) ); indx = els.length; flag = el.classList.contains("bbic-block-closed"); while (indx--) { els[indx].classList.toggle("bbic-block-closed", !flag); } } else { el.classList.toggle("bbic-block-closed"); } removeSelection(); } }); } function update() { let toggles = $$(".bbic-block"), indx = toggles.length; while (indx--) { toggles[indx].parentNode.removeChild(toggles[indx]); } toggles = $$(".bbic-has-toggle"); indx = toggles.length; while (indx--) { toggles[indx].classList.remove("bbic-has-toggle"); } addToggles(); } function $(selector, el) { return (el || document).querySelector(selector); } function $$(selector, el) { return Array.from((el || document).querySelectorAll(selector)); } function closest(selector, el) { while (el && el.nodeType === 1) { if (el.matches(selector)) { return el; } el = el.parentNode; } return null; } function removeSelection() { // remove text selection - https://stackoverflow.com/a/3171348/145346 const sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; if (sel) { if (sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } else if (sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } } } GM_registerMenuCommand("Set Bitbucket Collapse In Comment Max Lines", () => { let val = prompt("Minimum number of lines before adding a toggle:", minLines); val = parseInt(val, 10); if (val) { minLines = val; GM_setValue("bbic-max-lines", val); update(); } }); GM_registerMenuCommand("Set Bitbucket Collapse In Comment Initial State", () => { let val = prompt( "Start with blocks (c)ollapsed or (e)xpanded (first letter necessary):", startCollapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded" ); if (val) { val = /^c/.test(val || ""); startCollapsed = val; GM_setValue("bbic-start-collapsed", val); update(); } }); document.addEventListener("pjax:end", addToggles); // listen for ajax on preview (jQuery ajaxComplete) jQuery(document).on("ajaxComplete", addToggles); addBindings(); addToggles(); })();