show notifications for every message on (still very experimental)
// ==UserScript== // @name notification // @namespace Notifications // @require // @include *://* // @exclude https://*/manifests/appCacheManifestHandler.ashx* // @version 2 // @grant none // @description show notifications for every message on (still very experimental) // ==/UserScript== (function () { window.last_baloons_count = 0; setInterval(function () { if ((conversation = anyNewEvents()) !== null) { showNotification("im",conversation); } }, 1000); function anyNewEvents () { var baloons_count = $('._1t_p').get().length; console.log('ballons_count',baloons_count); if (baloons_count != last_baloons_count) { last_baloons_count = baloons_count; console.log('New phrase!'); last_conversation = $('._1t_p').last(); conversation = extractMetadata(last_conversation); last_conversation_phrases = $(last_conversation).find('._3oh-'); phrases = $(last_conversation_phrases).text(); return conversation; } else { return null; } } function extractMetadata(baloon) { console.log('baloon',baloon); img = $(baloon).find('img'); icon_url = img.attr('src'); sender = img.attr('alt'); if (sender == undefined) { gif_on_baloon = icon_url; } message = $(baloon).find('._3058._ui9._hh7._s1-._52mr').text(); obj = {sender: sender, icon_url: icon_url, message: message, gif: gif_on_baloon }; console.log('extracted info from baloon',obj); return obj; } function showNotification (type,conversation) { console.log('phrase',conversation); if (Notification.permission === 'granted') { createNotification(type,conversation); } else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { if (permission === 'granted') { createNotification(type,conversation); } }); } } function createNotification (type,conversation) { var options = {}, text; switch (type) { case 'email': text = 'You have got a new email!'; options.icon = ''; break; case 'im': text = 'You have got a new IM!'; options.icon = ''; break; case 'calendar': text = 'Calendar event reminder!'; options.icon = ''; break; default: text = 'Some system event!'; options.icon = ''; break; } if (conversation.gif) { options.icon = conversation.gif; } else { options.icon = conversation.icon_url; } options.title = conversation.sender; options.body = conversation.message; text = options.title; console.log('Notification', text, options); return new Notification(text, options); } })();