Wait for something. Silently reloads the page every X seconds until some condition is met
// ==UserScript== // @name Wait for it // @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/128187 // @description Wait for something. Silently reloads the page every X seconds until some condition is met // @version 1.02 // @include * // ==/UserScript== GM_registerMenuCommand('Wait for something...', function(){ var search = prompt('Wait for what?\n'+ 'Can be some literal text in the page, a regular expression, CSS selector or XPath query\n'+ 'Leave blank to wait for any change', localStorage['wfi_wfw'] || ''); if(search === null) return; var html = null; try{ var re = new RegExp(search, 'i'); } catch(e){ re = null; } function check(doc){ if(!search){ if(doc == document) return false; var d = doc.documentElement.innerHTML; if(!html) html = d; return html != d; } //CSS try{ if(doc.querySelector(search)) return true; } catch(e){} //XPath try{ var res = doc.evaluate(search, doc, null, XPathR###lt.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); if(res.singleNodeValue) return true; } catch(e){} //RegExp if(re && re.test(doc.documentElement.textContent)) return true; //text return doc.documentElement.textContent.indexOf(search) > -1; } if(check(document)){ alert('"'+search+'" is already there, nothing to wait for...'); return; } var secs = prompt('Check every how many seconds?', localStorage['wfi_secs'] || 30)*1; if(!secs) return; localStorage['wfi_wfw'] = search; localStorage['wfi_secs'] = secs; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = 'Waiting for '+(search ? '"'+search+'"' : 'anything')+' every '+secs+' seconds... Last checked at <span id="wfi_last"/>'; div.style.position = 'fixed'; div.style.top = '0'; div.style.left = '0'; div.style.backgroundColor = '#ffc'; document.body.appendChild(div); var last = document.getElementById('wfi_last'); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); function load(){ document.body.removeChild(div); if(check(document)){ alert((search ? '"'+search+'"' : 'somehing')+' found in '+document.title); } else{ document.body.appendChild(div); xhr.open('GET', document.location.href, true); xhr.send(); last.innerHTML = new Date(); } } var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){ doc.documentElement.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; if(check(doc)){ alert((search ? '"'+search+'"' : 'somehing')+' found in '+document.title); document.location.reload(); } else setTimeout(load, secs*1000); } }; load(); });