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Unclutter VB5

Cleans up forum, mainly by removing additional space and merging elements

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Unclutter VB5
// @namespace   RattleSN4K3/EpicGames
// @description Cleans up forum, mainly by removing additional space and merging elements
// @include     *//www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums
// @include     *//www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/*
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/1.7.2/moment.min.js
// @version     1
// @author      RattleSN4K3
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
var IsProcessed = false;
var IsStickyHidden = false;
// add events for DOM and page loaded
document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", DOM_ContentReady);
window.addEventListener ("load", pageFullyLoaded);
function DOM_ContentReady () {
// check for mutations due to last/first-page links updated via Javascript
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// Stop observing if needed:
$('.pagenav-container .js-pagenav-last-button, .pagenav-container .js-pagenav-first-button').each(function() {
observer.observe(this, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['href']});
function pageFullyLoaded () {
window.setTimeout(checkAjaxInNewWindow, 500);
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
dynamicProc(mutation.target, true);
// Stop observing if needed:
$('#topic-tab').each(function() {
observer.observe(this, {childList: true});
$('#thread-view-tab').each(function() {
observer.observe(this, {childList: true, subtree: true});
// observer for dialog
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(addnode) {
if ($(addnode).hasClass('ui-dialog-content') == true) {
// Stop observing if needed:
// start observing body for dynamically added dialogs
$('body').each(function() {
observer.observe(this, {childList: true});
function checkAjaxInNewWindow() {
var hasajaxcommand = false;
var urlparms = window.location.search.substr(1).split("&");
$.each(urlparms, function(index, item) {
if (item.startsWith("quote-") == true) {
hasajaxcommand = true;
var selector = '#'+item; //+' .b-post-control__label';
else if (item.startsWith("edit-") == true) {
hasajaxcommand = true;
var selector = '#'+item;
if (index == urlparms.length - 1) {
if (hasajaxcommand == true) {
history.replaceState( {} , '', GetThreadURL() );
// hide logo and sub-forums manually with pure-Javascript and CSS before pages loads
(document.head || document.documentElement).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',
#header { display: none!important; }
.subforum-list { display: none!important; }
div.votes-count { display: none!important; }
.b-module.default-widget.page-title-widget { min-height: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }
.b-module.default-widget.page-title-widget .widget-header .module-title { display: none!important; }
.button-cloak { color: inherit!important; }
.scrolltofixed-floating .floating-control { display: none!important; }
.scrolltofixed-floating.scrolltofixed-top.scrolltofixed .floating-control { display: inline-block!important; }
.scrolltofixed-floating.scrolltofixed-top .floating-control-sticky { display: inline-block!important; }
.videocontainer .restrain { width: 640px!important; }
.videocontainer .restrain { margin-right: 10px!important; }
function dynamicProc(root, ajaxloaded) {
ajaxloaded = ajaxloaded || false;
if (root === null) {
root = $(document);
if (ajaxloaded) {
if (!IsStickyHidden) {
IsStickyHidden = true;
$('head').prepend('<style id="stickyhidden">.sticky-list { display: none!important; }');
// hide sticky topics and add notice to re-show them
if (!$('.sticky-show').length && $('.sticky-list', root).length) {
var showdiv = $('<div class="conversation-status-message notice stick"><span></span></div>');
var showlink = $('<a href="#" />');
showlink.text('Sticky topics hidden (Click to show)');
showlink.click(function(event) {
IsStickyHidden = false;
$('span', showdiv).html(showlink);
// sub-forum list into main forum entry
$('.subforum-list', root).each(function(index_sub, subforum){
var mainforum = $(subforum).prev('tr');
var subforumul = $('<ul style="margin-top: 10px;" />');
$('tr td div', subforum).each(function(index_itm, subitm){
$(subitm).css('width', '-moz-fit-content');
subforumul.append($('<li style="display: inline; float: left; margin-left: 10px;" />').append(subitm));
$('.forum-info', mainforum).append(subforumul);
$('li.b-post-control.js-post-control__edit', root).each(function(index_edit, editli) {
// prevent adding additional controls link twice
if ($(editli).data('unclutter') == true) return;
$(editli).data('unclutter', true);
// add link to edit 'buttons'
var edita = $('<a class="editlink" nohref style="color: inherit!important;" href="'+GetThreadURL()+'?'+editli.id+'" onclick="return false;" />');
$('li.b-post-control__quote', root).each(function(index_quote, quoteli) {
// prevent adding additional controls link twice
if ($(quoteli).data('unclutter') == true) return;
$(quoteli).data('unclutter', true);
// adding multi-quote link
var multiquoteli = $(quoteli).clone();
$('span', $(multiquoteli)).off();
multiquoteli.attr('id', "multi" + multiquoteli.attr('id'));
$('.b-post-control__label', multiquoteli).html("Multi Quote");
$(multiquoteli).click(function() {
var editordivs = [];
$('.js-editor').each(function(index, elem) {
var editordiv = $(elem).parents('.b-content-entry');
$.each(editordivs, function( index, div ) {
// add link to quote 'buttons'
var quotea = $('<a class="quotelink" nohref style="color: inherit!important;" href="'+GetThreadURL()+'?'+quoteli.id+'" onclick="return false;" />');
// thread likes remove and add to previous element
$('.votes-count', root).each((i, elem) => {
$(elem).prev('div').attr('title', $(elem).text());
function mainProc()
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
// mutex
if (IsProcessed) return;
IsProcessed = true;
console.log("Unclutter VB5 loaded...");
var topbar = $('#channel-tabbar');
if (topbar === undefined || topbar === null || !topbar.length) {
console.error("Unclutter VB5: no top bar");
var subbar = $('#channel-subtabbar');
if (subbar === undefined || subbar === null || !subbar.length) {
console.error("Unclutter VB5: No sub bar");
var mainbar = $('#main-navbar');
var bread = $('#breadcrumbs');
// Move main-bar search into channel bar
$('#header > .toolbar > ul > li.search-container').css('margin', '0px');
$('#header > .toolbar > ul').detach().appendTo(topbar);
$('ul.secondary-nav', mainbar).addClass('channel-subtabbar-list');
$('ul.secondary-nav', mainbar).addClass('js-channel-subtabbar-list');
$('ul.secondary-nav', mainbar).detach().appendTo(subbar);
// add profile link
$('.notifications-container').before('<li class="welcomelink">Welcome, <a href="'+window.profileUrl+'">'+window.userName+'</a></li>');
// add profile options
$('.notifications-container').after('<li class="logoutlink"><a href="'+window.logoutUrl+'" onclick="return log_out(\'Are you sure you want to log out?\')">Log Out</a></li>');
$('.notifications-container').after('<li><a href="'+window.settingUrl+'">Settings</a></li>');
//$('#notifications').before('<li><a href="'+window.PROFILEURL+'">My Profile</a></li>');
// add register/login for guests
if (window.pageData === undefined || window.pageData.userid === undefined || window.pageData.userid == '0') {
var nouserlist = $('<ul></ul>')
if (window.signInLinks !== undefined && window.signInLinks.length > 0) {
var registerurl = window.signInLinks[0].href;
nouserlist.append('<li><a href="'+registerurl+'" rel="nofollow" class="notreg">Register</a></li>');
nouserlist.append('<li><a href="'+window.loginUrl+'" rel="nofollow" class="notreg">Sign in</a></li>');
// move post options ("see more", "goto post") into post controls bar
$('li.b-post').each(function(index_post, post) {
var postlinks = $('.post-links', post);
var postli = $('<li class="h-margin-top-m" />');
//$('ul.h-left', post)
//postlinks.detach().appendTo($('<li class="h-margin-top-m" />').append($('ul.h-left', post))) ;
$('ul.h-left', post).append(postli);
var threadbar = $('#thread-view-tab .conversation-toolbar');
if (threadbar !== null && threadbar.length) {
// check or create toolset
var toolset = null;
var toolsetcheck = $('ul.toolset-left', threadbar);
if (toolsetcheck.length) {
toolset = toolsetcheck.first();
} else if ($('ul.toolset-right', threadbar).length) {
var toolsetleft = $('ul.toolset-right', threadbar).clone().empty();
toolset = toolsetleft;
} else {
console.info("Unclutter VB5: What to do with toolset?");
if (toolset !== null) {
// move subscribe button in thread toolset section
$('.conversation-controls button').each(function(){
var libutton = $('<li></li>').append($(this));
// add thread into thread bar
var threadli = $('<li></li>');
var threaddiv = GetTitleDiv();// $('div.module-title').last();
var threada = $('<a href="'+GetThreadURL()+'"/>');
threada.css('color', 'inherit');
threada[0].style.setProperty('background-color', 'inherit', 'important');
$('h1', threaddiv).wrapInner(threada);
/*var threadli = $('<li></li>')
var threadtitle = $('.module-title h1.main-title').last().text();
//var threadlink = $('<a />')
//threadlink.attr('href', GetThreadURL());
var threadlink = $('<a href="'+GetThreadURL()+'"/>');
threadlink.css('color', 'inherit');
threadlink.css('background-color', 'inherit !important');
$('.module-title h1.main-title').last().wrapInner(threadlink);
$('.module-title h1.main-title').last().remove();
// add 'goto to top/bottom'
var gotobuttons = CreateGotoButtons();
$('.toolset-right', threadbar).prepend(gotobuttons);
var topicbar = $('#topic-tab .conversation-toolbar');
if (topicbar !== null && topicbar.length) {
// move subscribe button in topic toolset section
$('.channel-controls button').each(function(){
var libutton = $('<li></li>').append($(this));
$('ul', topicbar).first().append(libutton);
// move rss icon into breadcrumbs
var rssa = $('div.module-title a');
//$('<li class="vb-icon separator"></li>').appendTo(bread);
//$('<li class="crumb ellipsis"></li>').append(bread);
$('<li class="separator" />').appendTo(bread);
// move title into topic bar
var topiccontrols = $('ul', topicbar).first();
if (topiccontrols.length) {
var titleli = $('<li></li>');
var titlediv = $('div.module-title').last();
var titlea = $('<a href="'+GetTopicURL()+'"/>');
titlea.css('color', 'inherit');
titlea[0].style.setProperty('background-color', 'inherit', 'important');
$('h1', titlediv).wrapInner(titlea);
} else {
// remove remaining title
// add 'goto to top/bottom'
var gotobuttons = CreateGotoButtons();
$('.toolset-right', topicbar).prepend(gotobuttons);
// move page title into breadcrumbs if not in thread/topic view
var pagetitle = GetTitleDiv();
if (pagetitle !== null && pagetitle.length) {
pagetitle = pagetitle.first();
if (!bread.is(':empty')) {
$('<li class="vb-icon separator"></li>').appendTo(bread);
$('<li class="crumb ellipsis"></li>').append($('h1', pagetitle).html()).appendTo(bread);
} else {
$('.widget-content .b-button.b-button--secondary').after($('h1', pagetitle));
// adding last/first page to page controls
$('.pagenav-controls form').each(function(index_pagenav, pagenavform) {
var arrows = $('.horizontal-arrows', $(pagenavform));
var firstpagea = $('a[rel="prev"]', arrows).clone();
firstpagea.removeClass('arrow'); // prevent javascript code being added
firstpagea.attr('title', 'First Page');
firstpagea.attr('href', GetFirstPageURL(1));
firstpagea.attr('data-page', '1');
$('.vb-icon-arrow-left', firstpagea).clone().appendTo(firstpagea);
var lastpagea = $('a[rel="next"]', arrows).clone();
lastpagea.removeClass('arrow'); // prevent javascript code being added
lastpagea.attr('title', 'Last Page');
var lastpagenum = $('.pagetotal', $(pagenavform)).text();
lastpagea.attr('href', GetLastPageURL(lastpagenum));
lastpagea.attr('data-page', lastpagenum);
$('.vb-icon-arrow-right', lastpagea).clone().appendTo(lastpagea);
//}, 50);
firstpagea.add(lastpagea).click(function(event) {
var form = this.form || $(this).closest("form").get(0);
// abort href handling for ajax buttons
var element = $('.js-pagenum', form);
var events = $(element).data('events');
if (events && events['click'] != undefined) {
// easiest solution by manipulating page num box and trigger keypress
var num22 = $(this).attr('data-page');
$('.js-pagenum', form).val(num22);
var e = jQuery.Event('keypress');
e.which = 13; // # Some key code value
e.keyCode  = 13;
$('.js-pagenum', form).trigger(e);
var currentpage = $('.js-pagenum', $(pagenavform)).val();
var lastpage = $('.pagetotal', $(pagenavform)).text();
$('.pagebound', pagenavform).each(function(){
var reltag = $(this).attr('rel');
if (reltag == 'next') {
if (currentpage == lastpage && $(this).hasClass('h-disabled') == false)
else if (currentpage != lastpage && $(this).hasClass('h-disabled') == true)
} else if (reltag == 'prev') {
if (currentpage == 1 && $(this).hasClass('h-disabled') == false)
else if (currentpage != 1 && $(this).hasClass('h-disabled') == true)
}, 50);
// increase editor height
$('.cke_inner .cke_contents').each(function(index, editor) {
console.log("editor too small");
if ($(editor).height() < 100) {
$(editor).css('height', $(editor).height() + 'px');
// remove margin from thread bar
$('.widget-content').css('margin-top', '0px');
// remove header
// fixing line wrapping of links in sub-bar
$('li > a', subbar).css('display', 'inline');
// fixing widget offset
$('.b-module.canvas-widget').css('min-height', '0px');
//$('.b-module.canvas-widget').css('margin-bottom', '0px');
$('.b-module.canvas-widget').each(function(index, widget){
if (!$(widget).is(':visible') || $(widget).is(':hidden')) {
$(widget).css('margin-bottom', '0px');
} else {
$(widget).css('margin-bottom', 'auto');
function momentProc(root) {
if (root === null) {
root = $(document);
$('time', root)
.add('div.post-date:not(:has("*"))', root)
.add('span.post-date:not(:has("*"))', root)
.add('span.date:not(:has("*"))', root)
.add('span.time:not(:has("*"))', root)
.each(function(i, elem) {
var d = moment($(elem).html(), 'MM/DD/YYYY, hh:mm a Z', true);
if (d.isValid && $(elem).html().indexOf(',') >= 0) { // trying to prevent converting multiple times
var originaltext = $(elem).html();
originaltext += " (" + d.utc().fromNow() + ")";
$(elem).attr('title', originaltext);
$(elem).html(d.local().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"));
$('.profile-info-item:contains("Last Activity")', root).each(function(i, elem) {
var d = moment($(elem).html(), '[Last Activity:] MM/DD/YYYY, hh:mm a Z');
$(elem).html(d.local().format("[Last Activity:] YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"));
$('.profile-info-item:contains("Joined")', root).each(function(i, elem) {
var d = moment($(elem).html(), '[Joined:] MM/DD/YYYY Z');
$(elem).html(d.local().format("[Joined:] YYYY-MM-DD"));
function UpdatePaginationLinks(root) {
var parent = $(document);
if (root !== null) {
parent = root.parent;
var newlink = $(root).attr('href');
if ($(root).hasClass('js-pagenav-last-button') == true) {
$('a.unclutter-last-page', parent).attr('href', newlink);
if ($(root).hasClass('js-pagenav-first-button') == true) {
$('a.unclutter-first-page', parent).attr('href', newlink);
function GetTitleDiv() {
var returndiv = null;
$('.b-module.page-title-widget').each(function(index, div) {
if (!$(div).hasClass('announcement-widget')) {
if (returndiv === null) returndiv = $('.module-title', $(div));
return returndiv;
function GetTopicURL() {
var formref = $('.pagenav-controls > form');
return formref && formref.first().attr('action');
function GetThreadURL() {
var formref = $('.pagenav-controls > form');
return formref && formref.first().attr('action');
function CreateGotoButtons() {
var gotoli = $('<li />')
var gotobuttons = $('<div class="h-clearfix js-button" />')
.append('<a class="floating-control-sticky button-cloak" href="' + location.href + '#footer"><div class="label h-left">Bottom</div><div class="arrow vb-icon-wrapper h-left"><span class="vb-icon vb-icon-triangle-down-wide"></span></div></a>')
.append('<a class="floating-control button-cloak h-margin-left-m" href="' + location.href + '#topic-module-top"><div class="label h-left">Top</div><div class="arrow vb-icon-wrapper h-left"><span class="vb-icon vb-icon-triangle-up-wide"></span></div></a>')
return gotoli;
function GetFirstPageURL(pagenum) {
if (pagenum === null) pagenum = 1;
var pagelink = $('.pagenav-container a.js-pagenav-first-button').each(function(){
var pagelink = $(this);
if (pagelink.length && pagelink.attr('href') && pagelink.attr('href') != window.pageData.baseurl) {
return pagelink.attr('href');
return vBulletin.makePaginatedUrl(location.href, pagenum);
function GetLastPageURL(pagenum) {
if (pagenum === null) pagenum = 99;
var pagelink = $('.pagenav-container a.js-pagenav-last-button').each(function(){
var pagelink = $(this);
if (pagelink.length && pagelink.attr('href') && pagelink.attr('href') != window.pageData.baseurl) {
return pagelink.attr('href');
return vBulletin.makePaginatedUrl(location.href, pagenum);