Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
// ==UserScript== // @name Video Speed Buttons // @description Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo // @namespace bradenscode // @version 1.0.10 // @copyright 2017, Braden Best // @run-at document-end // @author Braden Best // @grant none // // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://* // ==/UserScript== // To add a new site: add a @match above, and modify loader_data.container_candidates near the bottom const CONTROLLER_VSB = 0; // normal controller (video speed buttons). Uses lots of loops to enforce speed const CONTROLLER_VSC = 1; // alternative controller (video speed controller). Keyboard-only, minimalistic, no loops const controller_type = CONTROLLER_VSB; // change this to use the experimental CONTROLLER_VSC, which is keyboard-only // and extremely minimalistic, but is also fast, lightweight on memory usage, // and doesn't use any loops. Try it out, see if it works better for you. // The controls are the same as VSB. + to increase the speed, - to decrease, // * to reset to 1. function video_speed_buttons(anchor, video_el){ if(!anchor || !video_el) return null; const COLOR_SELECTED = "#FF5500", COLOR_NORMAL = "grey", BUTTON_SIZE = "120%", DEFAULT_SPEED = 1.0, LABEL_TEXT = "Video Speed: ", ALLOW_EXTERNAL_ACCESS = false; const BUTTON_TEMPLATES = [ ["25%", 0.25], ["50%", 0.5], ["Normal", 1], ["1.5x", 1.5], ["2x", 2], ["3x", 3], ["4x", 4], ["8x", 8], ["16x", 16] ]; const buttons = { head: null, selected: null, last: null }; const keyboard_controls = [ ["-", "Speed Down", function(ev){ if(is_comment_box( return false; (buttons.selected || buttons.head) .getprev() .el .dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); }], ["+", "Speed Up", function(ev){ if(is_comment_box( return false; (buttons.selected || buttons.head) .getnext() .el .dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); }], ["*", "Reset Speed", function(ev){ let selbtn = buttons.head; let r###lt = null; if(is_comment_box( return false; while(selbtn !== null && r###lt === null) if(selbtn.speed === DEFAULT_SPEED) r###lt = selbtn; else selbtn =; if(r###lt === null) r###lt = buttons.head; r###lt.el.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); }], ["?", "Show Help", function(ev){ let infobox; if(is_comment_box( return false; (infobox = Infobox(container)) .log("Keyboard Controls (click to close)<br>"); keyboard_controls.forEach(function([key, description]){ infobox.log(` [${key}] ${description}<br>`); }); }] ]; const container = (function(){ let div = document.createElement("div"); let prev_node = null; div.className = "vsb-container"; = "1px solid #ccc"; = "10px"; = "10px"; div.appendChild(SpeedButtonLabel(LABEL_TEXT)); BUTTON_TEMPLATES.forEach(function(button){ let speedButton = SpeedButton(...button, div); if(buttons.head === null) buttons.head = speedButton; if(prev_node !== null){ speedButton.prev = prev_node; = speedButton; } prev_node = speedButton; if(speedButton.speed == DEFAULT_SPEED); }); return div; })(); function is_comment_box(el){ const candidate = [ ".comment-simplebox-text", "textarea" ].map(c => document.querySelector(c)) .find(el => el !== null); if(candidate === null){ logvsb("video_speed_buttons::is_comment_box", "no candidate for comment box. Assuming false."); return 0; } return el === candidate; } function Infobox(parent){ let el = document.createElement("pre"); = "1em monospace"; = "1px solid #ccc"; = "10px"; = "10px"; el.addEventListener("click", function(){ parent.removeChild(el); }); parent.appendChild(el); function log(msg){ el.innerHTML += msg; } return { el, log }; } let playbackRate_data = { rate: 1, video: null, }; function setPlaybackRate(el, rate){ if(el) { el.playbackRate = rate; playbackRate_data.rate = rate; = el; } else logvsb("video_speed_buttons::setPlaybackRate", "video element is null or undefined", 1); } function SpeedButtonLabel(text){ let el = document.createElement("span"); el.innerHTML = text; = "10px"; = "bold"; = BUTTON_SIZE; = COLOR_NORMAL; return el; } function SpeedButton(text, speed, parent){ let el = SpeedButtonLabel(text); let self; = "pointer"; el.addEventListener("click", function(){ setPlaybackRate(video_el, speed);; }); parent.appendChild(el); function select(){ if(buttons.last !== null) = COLOR_NORMAL; buttons.last = self; buttons.selected = self; = COLOR_SELECTED; } function getprev(){ if(self.prev === null) return self; return buttons.selected = self.prev; } function getnext(){ if( === null) return self; return buttons.selected =; } return self = { el, text, speed, prev: null, next: null, select, getprev, getnext }; } function kill(){ anchor.removeChild(container); document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", ev_keyboard); } function set_video_el(new_video_el){ video_el = new_video_el; } function ev_keyboard(ev){ let match = keyboard_controls.find(([key, unused, callback]) => key === ev.key); let callback = (match || {2: ()=>null})[2]; callback(ev); } setPlaybackRate(video_el, DEFAULT_SPEED); anchor.insertBefore(container, anchor.firstChild); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", ev_keyboard); return { controls: keyboard_controls, buttons, kill, SpeedButton, Infobox, setPlaybackRate, is_comment_box, set_video_el, playbackRate_data, ALLOW_EXTERNAL_ACCESS, }; } video_speed_buttons.from_query = function(anchor_q, video_q){ return video_speed_buttons( document.querySelector(anchor_q), document.querySelector(video_q)); } // Multi-purpose Loader (defaults to floating on top right) const loader_data = { container_candidates: [ // YouTube "div#above-the-fold", "", "div#container.ytd-video-primary-info-renderer", "div#watch-header", "div#watch7-headline", "div#watch-headline-title", // Vimeo ".clip_info-wrapper", ], css_div: [ "position: fixed", "top: 0", "right: 0", "zIndex: 100000", "background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)", "color: #eeeeee", "padding: 10px" ].map(rule => rule.split(/: */)), css_vsb_container: [ "borderBottom: none", "marginBottom: 0", "paddingBottom: 0", ].map(rule => rule.split(/: */)) }; function logvsb(where, msg, lvl = 0){ let logf = (["info", "error"])[lvl]; console[logf](`[vsb::${where}] ${msg}`); } function loader_loop(){ let vsbc = () => document.querySelector(".vsb-container"); let candidate; let default_candidate; let vsb_handle; if(vsbc() !== null) return; candidate = loader_data .container_candidates .map(candidate => document.querySelector(candidate)) .find(candidate => candidate !== null); default_candidate = (function(){ let el = document.createElement("div"); loader_data.css_div.forEach(function([name, value]){[name] = value; }); return el; }()); vsb_handle = video_speed_buttons(candidate || default_candidate, document.querySelector("video")); if(candidate === null){ logvsb("loader_loop", "no candidates for title section. Defaulting to top of page."); document.body.appendChild(default_candidate); loader_data.css_vsb_container.forEach(function([name, value]){ vsbc().style[name] = value; }); } // ugly hack to address vimeo automatically resetting the speed vsb_handle.enforcer_loop_iid = setInterval(function(){ let prdata = vsb_handle.playbackRate_data; if ( !== null) = prdata.rate; }, 500); if(vsb_handle.ALLOW_EXTERNAL_ACCESS) window.vsb = vsb_handle; } const vsc = { name: "Video Speed Controller", getvideo: _ => document.querySelector("video"), // Yep, it's really that simple. rates: [0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16], selrate: 2, ev_keydown: function(ev) { let change = 0; if (vsc.getvideo() === null) return true; if (ev.key === "+") change = +1; if (ev.key === "-") change = -1; if (ev.key === "*") change = -(vsc.selrate - 2); vsc.selrate = (vsc.rates.length + vsc.selrate + change) % vsc.rates.length; vsc.getvideo().playbackRate = vsc.rates[vsc.selrate]; console.log(`[${}] Speed set to ${vsc.rates[vsc.selrate]}`); } }; if (controller_type === CONTROLLER_VSB) { setInterval(function(){ if(document.readyState === "complete") setTimeout(loader_loop, 1000); }, 1000); // Blame YouTube for this } else if (controller_type === CONTROLLER_VSC) { document.body.addEventListener("keydown", vsc.ev_keydown); console.clear(); console.log(`[${}] loaded`); }