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MyAnimeList.net: All My Friend's Entries

Add the "All My Friend's Entries" box from the stats page in anime or manga details.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name            MyAnimeList.net: All My Friend's Entries
// @version         0.1.2
// @description	    Add the "All My Friend's Entries" box from the stats page in anime or manga details.
// @include         https://myanimelist.net/anime*
// @include         https://myanimelist.net/manga*
// @namespace       https://greasyfork.org/users/134346
// ==/UserScript==
(function() { if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') $ = unsafeWindow.$;
var pos = $('h2:contains(Reviews)');
if (!pos.length) return;
var curlink = window.location.toString();
var statslink = '';
if (curlink.lastIndexOf('?') != -1) {statslink = curlink.substring(0, curlink.lastIndexOf('?')) + '/stats';}
else {statslink = curlink + '/stats';}
$.get(statslink, function (data) {
var link = $('a[name=members]', $(data).children());
if (!link) return;
var next = link.nextAll();
if (next.length == 1)
pos.before($('<div style="margin:10px 0"/>').append('No users found with this Anime/Manga in their list.')).before('<br/>');