Show full size + open original image.
// ==UserScript== // @name Pinterest Plus // @namespace // @description Show full size + open original image. // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @author TiLied // @version 0.7.02 // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @require // @grant GM.openInTab // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // ==/UserScript== class PinterestPlus { static FirstInstance; _Urls = new Array(); _BtnOn = false; _OldHash = ""; _Check = 0; static { this.FirstInstance = new PinterestPlus(); } constructor() { console.log("Pinterest Plus v" + + " initialization"); this._SetCSS(); this._FirstTime(); } _SetCSS() { globalThis.window.document.head.append("<!--Start of Pinterest Plus v" + + " CSS-->"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css'> button.ppTrue"+ "{"+ "border: 2px solid black!important;"+ "}</ style >"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css'> button.ppTrue"+ "{"+ "border: 2px solid black!important;"+ "}</style>"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css'> button.ppTrue"+ "{"+ "border: 2px solid black!important;"+ "}</style>"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css' >#myBtn"+ "{"+ "pointer-events: auto; !important;"+ "display: inherit; " + "align-items: center; "+ "box-sizing: border - box; "+ "color:#fff;"+ "font-size: 16px; "+ "font-weight: 700; "+ "letter-spacing: -.4px; "+ "margin-top: -4px; "+ "border-style: solid; "+ "border-width: 0px; "+ "background-color: #e60023;"+ "border-radius: 24px; "+ "padding: 10px 14px; "+ "will-change: transform; "+ "margin-left: 8px; "+ "}</style>"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css'>#myBtn:hover"+ "{"+ "background - color: #ad081b;"+ "}</ style >"); globalThis.window.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<style type='text/css'>#pp_divFullSize"+ "{"+ "z-index: 500; !important;"+ "justify-content: center;"+ "display: grid;"+ "}</ style >"); globalThis.window.document.head.append("<!--End of Pinterest Plus v" + + " CSS-->"); } async _FirstTime() { if (await this.HasValueGM("ppFullSize", false)) { this._BtnOn = await GM.getValue("ppFullSize"); } //Console log prefs with value console.log("*prefs:"); console.log("*-----*"); let vals = await GM.listValues(); for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { console.log("*" + vals[i] + ":" + await GM.getValue(vals[i])); } console.log("*-----*"); } Main() { if (!globalThis.window.document.location.pathname.startsWith("/pin/")) { this.UrlHandler(); return; } let buttonDiv = globalThis.window.document.createElement("div"); let buttonButton = globalThis.window.document.createElement("button"); let buttonText = globalThis.window.document.createTextNode("Full Size"); let parentDiv; let shareButtonParent = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("div[data-test-id='share-button']"); if (shareButtonParent != null) { parentDiv = shareButtonParent.parentElement; } else { parentDiv = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("div[data-test-id='closeupActionBar']>div>div," + "div[data-test-id='UnauthBestPinCardBodyContainer']>div>div>div," + "div.UnauthStoryPinCloseupBody__container>div>div," + "div[data-test-id='CloseupDetails']," + "div[data-test-id='CloseupMainPin']>div>div:last-child>div"); } if (parentDiv == null) { globalThis.console.error("parentDiv:", parentDiv); return; } buttonButton.appendChild(buttonText); buttonDiv.appendChild(buttonButton); = "myBtn"; parentDiv.appendChild(buttonDiv); // // let queryCloseup = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("div[data-test-id='CloseupMainPin'], div.reactCloseupScrollContainer"); if (queryCloseup == null) { globalThis.console.error("div[data-test-id='pin']:first, div.reactCloseupScrollContainer:", queryCloseup); return; } let div = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("#pp_divFullSize"); if (div == null) { div = globalThis.window.document.createElement("div"); = "pp_divFullSize"; queryCloseup.prepend(div); }"display", "none", ""); if (this._BtnOn) { buttonButton.classList.add("ppTrue");"display", "grid", ""); } this.Events(buttonButton); this.GetOrigRequest(buttonButton); this.UrlHandler(); } async GetOrigRequest(btn) { let time =; let re = new RegExp("\\/(\\d+)\\/|pin\\/([\\w\\-]+)\\/?"); let regU = re.exec(globalThis.window.document.location.href); let id = regU[1]; if (id == null) id = regU[2]; if (id == null) { globalThis.console.error("id is undefined"); globalThis.console.log("Trying without request."); this.GetOrigNoRequest(btn); return; } let myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("X-Pinterest-PWS-Handler", "www/pin/[id].js"); let init = {}; init.method = "GET"; init.headers = myHeaders; let urlRec = "https://" + + "/resource/PinResource/get/?source_url=%2Fpin%2F" + id + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A%22" + id + "%22%2C%22field_set_key%22%3A%22detailed%22%2C%22noCache%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&_=" + time; let res = await globalThis.window.fetch(urlRec, init); if (res.status != 200) { globalThis.console.error(`Request failed. Request: ${res}`); globalThis.console.log("Trying without request."); this.GetOrigNoRequest(btn); return; } let json = await res.json(); let r = await json; if (r["resource_response"]["status"] == "success") { console.log(r["resource_response"]["data"]); let pin = r["resource_response"]["data"]; if (pin["videos"] != null) { let k0 = Object.keys(pin["videos"]["video_list"])[0]; this._Urls[0] = pin["videos"]["video_list"][k0]["url"]; btn.setAttribute("title", "" + pin["videos"]["video_list"][k0]["width"] + "px x " + pin["videos"]["video_list"][k0]["height"] + "px"); return; } if (pin["story_pin_data"] != null) { let sp = pin["story_pin_data"]["pages"]; for (let i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) { if (this._Urls[0] == null) { this._Urls[0] = sp[i]["image"]["images"]["originals"]["url"]; continue; } this._Urls.push(sp[i]["blocks"]["0"]["image"]["images"]["originals"]["url"]); } return; } this._Urls[0] = pin["images"]["orig"]["url"]; btn.setAttribute("title", "" + pin["images"]["orig"]["width"] + "px x " + pin["images"]["orig"]["height"] + "px"); if (this._BtnOn) this.Show(this._Urls[0]); return; } else { globalThis.console.error(r); } } GetOrigNoRequest(btn) { let re = new RegExp("\\/\\d+x\\/"); let imgs = globalThis.window.document.querySelectorAll("img"); globalThis.console.log(imgs); if (imgs.length == 0) { globalThis.console.error("Query 'img' is null!"); return; } let img =imgs[0]; let scr = img.src; let match = re.exec(scr); if (match.length == 0) { globalThis.console.error(`No match. Url: ${scr}`); return; } scr = scr.replace(match[0], "/originals/"); if (this._Urls[0] == null) this._Urls.push(scr); else this._Urls[0] = scr; if (this._BtnOn) this.Show(this._Urls[0]); } Events(btn) { btn.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => { if (e.button == 2) { if (this._BtnOn) { GM.setValue("ppFullSize", false); btn.classList.remove("ppTrue"); this._BtnOn = false; } else { GM.setValue("ppFullSize", true); btn.classList.add("ppTrue"); this._BtnOn = true; } //console.log("right"); } if (e.button == 0) { this.Show(this._Urls[0]); let _div = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("#pp_divFullSize"); if ("display") == "none")"display", "grid", ""); else"display", "none", ""); //console.log("left"); } if (e.button == 1) { for (let i = 0; i < this._Urls.length; i++) { if (this._Urls[i] != null) GM.openInTab(this._Urls[i]); } //console.log("middle"); } e.preventDefault(); }, false); } Show(url) { let img = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("#pp_img"); if (img != null) { img.setAttribute("src", url); } else { img = globalThis.window.document.createElement("img"); = "pp_img"; img.setAttribute("src", url); let _div = globalThis.window.document.querySelector("#pp_divFullSize"); _div.prepend(img); } } //Handler for url UrlHandler() { this._OldHash = globalThis.window.location.pathname; let that = this; let detect = () => { if (that._OldHash != globalThis.window.location.pathname) { that._OldHash = globalThis.window.location.pathname; globalThis.window.setTimeout(() => { this.Main(); }, 1500); } }; this._Check = globalThis.window.setInterval(() => { detect(); }, 250); } //Start //async Methods/Functions GM_VALUE async HasValueGM(nameVal, optValue) { let vals = await GM.listValues(); if (vals.length == 0) { if (optValue != null) { GM.setValue(nameVal, optValue); return true; } else { return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] == nameVal) { return true; } } if (optValue != null) { GM.setValue(nameVal, optValue); return true; } else { return false; } } //async Methods/Functions GM_VALUE //End } window.onload = function () { setTimeout(() => { PinterestPlus.FirstInstance.Main(); }, 1250); };